Eclipse cafe – 12/11/1998

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PowerChat: *** Entered Eclipse Cafe on 12/11/98 at 07:58 PM ***
B5CL Seuss: Greetings fellow Babylon5 Fans I am B5CL Seuss (you can just call me
B5 Merlen: Hi Seussy….
PaxBwithU: Hello Suess.
B5CL Seuss: Seuss) and I will be your host for the next hour.
Mlewzder: Hola Seuss
B5CL Seuss: I bid you welcome to the Eclipse Cafe 12/11/98 07:58 PM cst
B5CL Seuss: Tonights topic: discussion of tonights episode ” ”
K2845: Hey! My head is broken!
PaxBwithU: ::sips rum::
Shadow8649: :::bangs head on keyboard:::
K2845: Nope. False alarm – it’s the headband…….
Shadow8649: lakjf;lkjnwrofgqih;2o3h;loaiwg
B5CL Seuss: Tonights Topic: Open Chat, TNT in it’s ultimate wisdom has decided not to
B5CL Seuss: show an episode today.
Melanaea: There was no episodes tonight
PaxBwithU: Alright, I’ll see you all later, have a nice night.
Melanaea: We are coming up with Bab5 carols
Shadow8649: I was sorely disappointed.
K2845: Night Pax.
Nitegrl24: : watches Zader’s Hanson corpes floating around ::
B5 Merlen: They decided “The best show ever made” would be better to show, Seussy
B5CL Seuss: Eolithic welcome to the Eclipse Cafe. Be sure to catch the
B5CL Seuss: Babylon5 TV movie “A Call to Arms” airing on TNT in 1999!
B5CL Seuss: PaxBwithU, nighters
RoseRebel: hello
Melanaea: “Shadows got run over by a whitestar::
Mlewzder: hehe. they are on a 10 min orbit..hehe
B5CL Seuss: Hi PlkyDuckie!
K2845: Hey! It’s a chat leader!
B5CL Seuss: Hiya RoseRebel,
K2845: Who knew??
RoseRebel: ML….darling…how are you??
RoseRebel: {{{{{{{Seuss}}}}}}
PlkyDuckie: Hiya Seuss and please call me Duckie
Mlewzder: {{{{{{rose}}}}}}} doing well mlady
RoseRebel: your mother says hello
K2845: Now we’re being led by cat in the hat?
Melanaea: {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{Everyone}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}
B5CL Seuss: Duckie, got it
PlkyDuckie: Thanks 🙂
Melanaea: HUGFEST 98 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
PlkyDuckie: Kwaack-kwaack
Duke Jon 1: whitestars are’nt that big,for a fighting ship
RoseRebel: Seuss..your non says hello
RoseRebel: mom
B5CL Seuss: RoseRebel, say hi back for me
Melanaea: got to go all
PlkyDuckie: I just got my stuff for the Kosh club today
K2845: Nite Mela
B5CL Seuss: Duckie, Kosh club?
B5 Merlen: What kind of stuff….. encounter suit?
Nitegrl24: :: wishes she had something to do :
B5 Merlen: one of those floating screens?
PlkyDuckie: Yeah, it’s a fan club for Kosh. Just check out
RoseRebel: hello Merlen
PlkyDuckie: Hey Merlen
Shadow8649: Kosh dot what?
B5CL Seuss: Merlen, I have one of those on my christmas list
Mlewzder: ::works on xmas kilt::
B5 Merlen: How about “My mother went to the Vorlon homeworld and all I got was this lousy t-shirt”
Nitegrl24: well, :: in porky pig voice :: that’s all folks.. g2g
Mlewzder: see ya {{nite}}
B5CL Seuss: bye Nitegrl,
Mlewzder: Tell lassie I said hello
Nitegrl24: (( zader ))
Nitegrl24: :: smiles :: gotcha
PlkyDuckie: I got an photo, door sign, book mark, certificate, and membership card all autographed
Shadow8649: Well, I gotta leave. BBL. Nite, all!
PlkyDuckie: NIght s
PlkyDuckie: Shadow
B5CL Seuss: Duckie, signed by who?
RoseRebel: {S gotmail} Seuss
PlkyDuckie: Jeffrey Wilerth
B5CL Seuss: Welcome Mike…food and drink on the right, have a seat and discuss our
B5CL Seuss: favorite show!
Mike011701: BOOJI LIVES
Mlewzder: So Mr.Suess did you enjoy Grinch special last night?
B5CL Seuss: Hi Whoohoo!
Whoohoo85: hiya
Mike011701: hello whoohoo
B5 Merlen: Boojie lives? quick, get a bucket!
B5CL Seuss: Mlewzder, loved it
Duke Jon 1: <–saw elvis,we was shopping in k-mart
Whoohoo85: hey there mike
Mike011701: YES MARCUS, THE BUCKET FAST!!!!!!!!
Mlewzder: Kewl. 🙂 was nice seing Phil hartman.
PlkyDuckie: Hiya (kwaack-kwaack) Viper
B5CL Seuss: Greetings VIPER, Shadow, welcome to the Eclipse Cafe, we do not take
B5CL Seuss: checks but we do take Centauri Ducats.
Mike011701: ALL HAIL BOOJI!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mlewzder: ::walks over to window to watch orbit passing of hanson corpses::
Mike011701: (where’d he go???)
VIPER394: we have always been here Duckie, seuss
Duke Jon 1: <—shall return,i must go to washington,to help out with the impeachment
PlkyDuckie: s
B5CL Seuss: Mike, I am thrilled that Booji lives, now please unlock the caps
PlkyDuckie: Sorry I didn’t see you when I first came it
Mike011701: ::becomes angered with Marcus’s lack of efficientcy::
PlkyDuckie: brb
B5 Merlen: ML….. you do realize that the corpses would get pulled in to the side of the station….
B5CL Seuss: wb Duckie,
Mlewzder: merlen…its a fantasy for my amusement….lol
Mike011701: (Marcus?! Get in there, NOW!)
PlkyDuckie: Thanks
Mike011701: (What???? You can’t find the bucket????)
PlkyDuckie: bbl
B5CL Seuss: Welcome Youthbytes to the Eclipse Cafe, now serving the latest on B5 and all
B5CL Seuss: your favorite characters.
VIPER394: brb
FlyHubble: good evening
B5CL Seuss: Hi FlyHubble, VIPER!
Mike011701: Excuse me, I have to go kill….er….ummm…..oh forget it!
FlyHubble: can’t stay long
B5CL Seuss: Hi Spenscott!
Spenscott: hi
FlyHubble: so what’s the discussion on tonight?
Whoohoo85: bye room, idyath
B5CL Seuss: Tonights Topic: Open Chat, TNT in it’s ultimate wisdom has decided not to
B5CL Seuss: show an episode today.
B5 Merlen: B5 CHristmas carols
Mlewzder: Seuss…ROFL
B5CL Seuss: Merlen, we did that last night
B5 Merlen: It’s christmas time….
Whoohoo85: IDYATH
FlyHubble: Hark the harold vorlons sing…
B5CL Seuss: oh no not again…:::groans::::
Mlewzder: hark the hairy vorlons sing… heh heh
RoseRebel: see ya later
B5 Merlen: I could recite ‘Twas the night before christmas (B5 Version)
B5CL Seuss: Welcome Dragoniize to the Eclipse Cafe, enjoy the chat and the atmosphere
Mlewzder: {{{{{{dragon}}}}}} {S smooch
B5 Merlen: WB Delenn
B5CL Seuss: Welcome B5Delenn to the Eclipse Cafe, enjoy the chat and the atmosphere
Mlewzder: wb {{{delenn}}}}
B5Delenn1: {{{{{{Room}}}}}}
Dragoniize: {{{{{{ML}}}}}}}{S drgnkiss
B5Delenn1: {{{{{{{{MLMLMLMLMLMLMLMLMLMLML}}}}}}}}
Dragoniize: {{{{{{Seuss}}}}}}
Mlewzder: ::blushes crimson::
B5CL Seuss: {{{{Mom))))
Dragoniize: ::::sits with ML:::: hiya hon!
B5Delenn1: {{{{{{{Seuss}}}}}}
Mlewzder: hiya sweetie
B5Delenn1: hmmmm……..where should i sit???
Mlewzder: ::shows dragon the xmas kilt he is working on.
FlyHubble: hum, i’m trying to think of more christmas carols
Dragoniize: With us D!
Mlewzder: ::taps other side right here hone
FlyHubble: know how ya get stuck on one and can’t think of anymore?
Dragoniize: ::::examines kilt:::: nice fabric
B5Delenn1: :::::walks over and sits on other side of ML:::::
B5 Merlen: Well, let’s see…… “Londo, the red nosed Centauri”
Dragoniize: Hiya Merlen!
B5 Merlen: “Koshy, The Vorlon”
B5 Merlen: Hi Dragon
B5 Merlen: “Vorlons we have heard on high”
B5CL Seuss: Welcome LORDZIBA…food and drink on the right, have a seat and discuss our
B5CL Seuss: favorite show!e
Dragoniize: Are we naming B5 carols?
B5 Merlen: “The Little Drazi Boy”
Mlewzder: ::sits back:: and puts kilt away for now.
VIPER394: so any one here a Honour Harrington Fan?
B5CL Seuss: LOL Merlen, that was a good one
B5 Merlen: I’m running through my list….
B5CL Seuss: VIPER, great books!
B5 Merlen: “Spoo Christmas”
Dragoniize: LOL
B5 Merlen: “I saw Susan Kissing Marcus Cole”
Mlewzder: ::shivers at the word spoo::
B5 Merlen: “Valen got run over by a Whitestar”
FlyHubble: cute!
VIPER394: You read “In enemy hands yet Seusse?
B5CL Seuss: VIPER, nope was it good
B5 Merlen: “God rest ye merry Pak’ma’ra”
FlyHubble: well, i should take my leave
Dragoniize: 3 bald men?
B5CL Seuss: Welcome Prince to Eclipse Cafe, join us in a discussion of our favorite
B5CL Seuss: episodes.
Mlewzder: ::points to severally beat up fridge:: hope nobody wanted to keep anything cool.
FlyHubble: I guess I’ll be around tomorrow
Mlewzder: see ya {S fly
Prince416: Hey Seuss, everybody
B5CL Seuss: Hi Fearthis!
VIPER394: the Peeps captured Dame Harrington
Fearthis87: 11/m here
B5CL Seuss: Fearthis87, Please look at our profiles for that information.
Dragoniize: Hello Youth!
Fearthis87: who the heck are you?
B5 Merlen: Eleven males there? do you take turns on the keyboard?
B5CL Seuss: Fearthis, I am the Host for this room
IPX Ranger: Greetings Fellow B5 Fans
B5CL Seuss: Welcome IPX Ranger…food and drink on the right, have a seat and discuss our
Mlewzder: He is the great and mighty seuss! ::grovels on floor..we are not worthy not worthy::
B5CL Seuss: favorite show!
B5CL Seuss: Mlewzder, LOL
IPX Ranger: Thank You B5CL Seuss
Dragoniize: Hello IPX
IPX Ranger: Hello Dragonize
B5CL Seuss: Greetings FAITHFARM, welcome to the Eclipse Cafe, we do not take checks
B5CL Seuss: but we do take Centauri Ducats.
Fearthis87: yeah rite seuss
Prince416: Gotta run chat with ya later
Mlewzder: FaithFarm? got to say that is an orginal SN
B5CL Seuss: bye Prince, drop in again soon
B5CL Seuss: Welcome, JRiggs, to the Eclipse Cafe. Safe haven for weary travellers.
B5Delenn1: {{{{{JR}}}
JRiggs3812: HoHoHo folks
Mlewzder: Hola JR
FAITHFARM: seuss whats up?
Mlewzder: <–no hoho
Dragoniize: Hiya JR
JRiggs3812: hey {{{{Delenn}}} bows
B5CL Seuss: FAITHFARM, not much here
JRiggs3812: hey Dragon
Dragoniize: ML, why no Ho?
B5CL Seuss: wb Duckie
B5 Merlen: WB {S duck}ie
Mlewzder: like twinkies better…hehe
PlkyDuckie: Hi again Seuss and Merlen
Dragoniize: LOL
B5CL Seuss: Welcome B5 Whinny, LORDZIBA,come in and talk about the most talked
B5CL Seuss: about show in the universe.
Mlewzder: {{{{{{whinny}}}}}}} {S smooch
Dragoniize: {{{{{{Whinny}}}}}}}}
Dragoniize: {{{{{Ziba}}}}}
B5CL Seuss: Welcome PsiKosh…food and drink on the right, have a seat and discuss our
B5CL Seuss: favorite show!
B5Delenn1: {{{{{Whinny}}}}}
B5 Whinny: {{{{{{ML, Dragon, Delenn, Seuss}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}
Mlewzder: Faith loser?
LORDZIBA: thanks, Dragoniize
Dragoniize: Who is a loser?
FAITHFARM: ha ha j/k
B5 Whinny: {{{{{{JR}}}}}}}]
Mlewzder: ::ruffles kilt..I am no loser thank you::
B5 Whinny: I see te kiddies are still up.
FAITHFARM: nanny nanny nanny
B5CL Seuss: Welcome, XwwKINGwwX, to the Eclipse Cafe. Safe haven for weary travellers.
JRiggs3812: hello whinny
Dragoniize: Whinny, yep
PlkyDuckie: Hi Jr
B5 Whinny: Hiya Duckie!
PlkyDuckie: Hiya Whinny
JRiggs3812: hello Duckie
PlkyDuckie: 🙂
IPX Ranger: Hey what does everyone think of my screen name and profile
B5 Whinny: Dragon the crosses we must bare. LOL
IPX Ranger: ?
XwwKINGwwX: hi all
Dragoniize: {S Cat
B5 Whinny: Hi King.
Mlewzder: {S flynow
Dragoniize: We could cook em
FAITHFARM: tengo anos tienes
B5 Whinny: Dragon too tough and stringy. LOL
B5CL Seuss: Welcome OR to Eclipse Cafe, join us in a discussion of our favorite
Dragoniize: IPX, I will go look at it
B5CL Seuss: episodes.
Mlewzder: ::Rubs hanson tooth necklace::
B5CL Seuss: IPX Ranger, good SN nice quote
IPX Ranger: Thanks Dragoniize
XwwKINGwwX: its narn b5 attribute
FAITHFARM: 123456789
IPX Ranger: Thank You B5CL Seuss
Mlewzder: ::looks at ol iggyfier::
Dragoniize: IPX, not bad!
B5 Whinny: Nice Ranger.
B5CL Seuss: Remember, you can ignore any member whose chat you don’t want to see by
B5CL Seuss: double-clicking their name in the roster box, then click “Ignore”. 08:25 PM cst
XwwKINGwwX: hi all its narn b5z am at my friends house
IPX Ranger: Thanks You Dragoniize
Dragoniize: Hello Narn
PlkyDuckie: Hello Narn
IPX Ranger: Well, I must be going all, take care and my the Great Maker be with you all
B5CL Seuss: Welcome FALCON to Eclipse Cafe, join us in a discussion of our favorite
B5CL Seuss: episodes.
XwwKINGwwX: hi lord
B5 Whinny: Narn i would have recognized you anywhere.
IPX Ranger: may instead of may
IPX Ranger: may instead of my I mean
B5 Whinny: {{{{{{Falcom}}}}}}}}
B5 Whinny: n I mean
Dragoniize: IPX, have a good one
IPX Ranger: Thank You Dragoniize, take care
B5CL Seuss: see ya IPX Ranger,
B5CL Seuss: Welcome LORDZIBA to the Eclipse Cafe, now serving the latest on B5 and all
B5 Whinny: Bye Ranger.
B5CL Seuss: your favorite characters.
IPX Ranger: Bye B5CL Seuss
IPX Ranger: Bye B5 Whinny
B5CL Seuss: Welcome OR, TurtleREP,come in and talk about the most talked about show
Dragoniize: @}—->——-§{ZIBA}§——-<—-{@
B5CL Seuss: in the universe.
FAITHFARM: does anybody have a ®©™ : Þ
B5CL Seuss: wb XwwKINGwwX,
LORDZIBA: so, what did i miss?
LORDZIBA: anything new?
Dragoniize: Has anyone gone to see Star Trek today?
B5 Whinny: Ziba 4 Narns and a Pakmarah. LOL
Mlewzder: {S flynow
B5CL Seuss: Welcome, Tux, to the Eclipse Cafe. Safe haven for weary travellers.
B5 Whinny: Not yet Dragon, got the flu here.
Dragoniize: {{{{{{{Tux}}}}}}}
B5CL Seuss: LORDZIBA, you missed merlen singing B5 Xmas carols
LORDZIBA: oh Winny, really
B5 Whinny: {{{{{{Tux}}}}}}}
PlkyDuckie: Not today Dragon, maybe next week. I’ve got my kids this weekend
Dragoniize: Whinny, bummer!
B5CL Seuss: Tux!!!
Tux17: (((((((((((((Dragon, Merlen, Delenn, Seuss))))))))
JRiggs3812: got to go, need to go see Star Trek movie, until next time
LORDZIBA: oh, that’s terrible!!
Mlewzder: Hola Tux
B5CL Seuss: TurtleREP, FALCON welcome to the Eclipse Cafe. Be sure to catch the
B5CL Seuss: Babylon5 TV movie “A Call to Arms” airing on TNT in 1999!
Dragoniize: Duckie, I am waiting for school to be out and take
Dragoniize: them
Mlewzder: {S flynow
LORDZIBA: today is first day?
FALCON 882: Hello all!
Dragoniize: {{{{{{{{Falcon}}}}}}}
B5CL Seuss: JLL welcome to the Eclipse Cafe. Be sure to catch the
B5CL Seuss: Babylon5 TV movie “A Call to Arms” airing on TNT in 1999!
LORDZIBA: of Isurection?
Dragoniize: Ziba, yes
Mlewzder: Hola Fal
FALCON 882: {{{{{{{{Dragon}}}}}}}}}}
FALCON 882: Hi Ml!
LORDZIBA: haha and i miss it!!
B5 Merlen: I didn’t sing….. I just listed them…… It’ll take me a couple more days for me to have
JLL9987: cccvvvvvvvvvcccccccccvvvvvvvvvcccccccvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv
B5 Merlen: the words made up
Tux17: S
B5Delenn1: {{{{{{Tux}}}}}}
Mlewzder: ::mans iggyfier::
B5CL Seuss: JLL9987 Please keep the cat away from the keyboard.
B5 Whinny: {S asnert
Dragoniize: LOL Seuss
Mlewzder: ::does an intricate iggyfier dance::
Dragoniize: ML, is like the chicken dance? {S chicken
B5CL Seuss: OR welcome to the Eclipse Cafe. Be sure to catch the
B5CL Seuss: Babylon5 TV movie “A Call to Arms” airing on TNT in 1999!
B5 Whinny: Seuss i have a special wav for you. LOL
Mlewzder: ::dances::
B5CL Seuss: B5 Whinny, you do? send it on
B5 Merlen: {S chickill
B5 Whinny: K I use it for obtrusive people. LOL
Dragoniize: Merlen, would you send that to me?
LORDZIBA: B5CL Seuss, did TNT miss show today?
Tux17: Okay, I’m back to English
Mlewzder: {S rsdevil
B5 Merlen: Sure….
B5CL Seuss: LORDZIBA, they did not air one today
Mlewzder: {S nasty
Dragoniize: Thanks
PlkyDuckie: Well as Lorena Bobbit once said, “I’ve gotta cut this one short!” Night all
Mlewzder: {S getovrit
PlkyDuckie: If you like kosh check out
Mlewzder: {S darlin2
Tux17: Grrrrr this girl is making me mad!!
B5CL Seuss: Thanks B5 Whinny,
B5 Whinny: Ziba no B5 on fridays in December.
Dragoniize: It seems like they keep Fridays B5-lesss
Dragoniize: Whin,,,GMTA
B5Delenn1: ::::::::blushing:::::::
Mlewzder: {S crazyonu
B5 Whinny:
Mlewzder: ::chuckles::
B5 Whinny: ML I forgot I had that!
Mlewzder: LOL
B5CL Seuss: Magic00dog welcome to the Eclipse Cafe. Be sure to catch the
B5CL Seuss: Babylon5 TV movie “A Call to Arms” airing on TNT in 1999!
LORDZIBA: ok, thanks got to run
B5 Whinny: {{{{{{Gmmas}}}}}}}}}
B5CL Seuss: Welcome Gmmas…food and drink on the right, have a seat and discuss our
B5CL Seuss: favorite show!
Dragoniize: Bye Ziba
Gmmas: {{{{{{{Whinny}}}}}}}}}}
Dragoniize: {{{{Gmmas}}}}}
Gmmas: {{{{{{{Dragoniize}}}}}}}}}}
Mlewzder: Hola Gmas
Gmmas: Hi Seuss
B5 Whinny: Programming on Fridays is very sad.
Gmmas: Hi Mlewzder
Mlewzder: akk..+ a m.
Mlewzder: Grrr..Tux..did you bring Typo demons?
Gmmas: Whinny: you mean the lack of B5 on Fri?
Tux17: La dee da….
Dragoniize: Whinny, I like Brimstone
Mlewzder: ::throws Tux a box of markers::
Gmmas: There’s Homicide at 10 est
B5 Whinny: Gmmas i mean the lack of anything viable.
Tux17: Nope. They followed me. Not my fault
B5CL Seuss: Welcome Soulblade…food and drink on the right, have a seat and discuss our
B5CL Seuss: favorite show!
Gmmas: Dragon: i watched the first few of Brimstone, but it was very repetetive
B5 Whinny: Gmmas all I am seeing is impeachment junk.
B5CL Seuss: Greetings Minnie, welcome to the Eclipse Cafe, we do not take checks but we
B5CL Seuss: do take Centauri Ducats.
B5CL Seuss: Mlewzder, just dont overfeed him
Magic00dog: not ii
Dragoniize: Gmmas, I like the Devil, heis pretty funny
Gmmas: Whinny: true……they do love to hear themselves speak
Gmmas: Dragon: the Devil is my favorite character on that show too
B5 Whinny: Gmmas kind of like small children only more dangerous.
FALCON 882: Anyone here ever try to make a map in an E-mail? It ain’t easy!
B5CL Seuss: lol FALCON,
Dragoniize: Gmmas, mine too
Mlewzder: ::walks to window and watches Hanson corpses orbiting station..::
B5 Whinny: LOL Falc, thanks for warning me.
B5CL Seuss: yes I have tried!!
B5CL Seuss: Welcome, Kirantha, to the Eclipse Cafe. Safe haven for weary travellers.
B5 Whinny: Hi {{{{{Kira}}}}}}
Dragoniize: {{{{{{S Kirantha}}}}}
Gmmas: Hi Kira
FALCON 882: I had to make directions for a friend, using only dashes, and capital “I”s.
Mlewzder: ::grabs maint bot and starts ramming young hanson corpse::
VIPER394: How abought Votoms?
FAITHFARM: ŸVWc××ó00,ÌÈ Î®®®®™“ÆÅŒÕ= -±
B5CL Seuss: Welcome Magic00dog…food and drink on the right, have a seat and discuss
B5CL Seuss: our favorite show!
Mlewzder: {{{{{Kira}}}}} {S smooch
Kirantha: {S kirantha
B5 Whinny: Faith is your Mommy around?
Kirantha: {{{{{{{{{{Whinny, Dragon, Gmmas}}}}}
B5CL Seuss: FAITHFARM, typing so others can understand you is a much better way to
Mlewzder: ::does iggy war dance.::
B5CL Seuss: chat
Dragoniize: LOL Whinny]
Kirantha: {{{{{{{{{ML}}}}}}}}}}{S hidarlin
Gmmas: So why doesn’t TNT have B5 on Fridays now? I’m beginning to hate ER
Kirantha: {{{{Seuss}}}}
B5CL Seuss: Remember, you can ignore any member whose chat you don’t want to see by
B5CL Seuss: double-clicking their name in the roster box, then click “Ignore”. 08:37 PM cst
B5CL Seuss: Welcome Slntwolf,come in and talk about the most talked about show in the
B5CL Seuss: universe.
Slntwolf: Thanks
B5 Whinny: Gmmas overdose of ER Christmas shows for some strange reason.
Kirantha: Greetings Merlen
B5 Whinny: {{{{{{{Tapy}}}}}
Dragoniize: {{{{{{{Tap}}}}}}}
B5CL Seuss: Greetings TAPESTRY, welcome to the Eclipse Cafe, we do not take checks
B5CL Seuss: but we do take Centauri Ducats.
TAPESTRY6: hiya Whinny 🙂
Mlewzder: Hola Tap
Kirantha: ::::waves at Tap:::::
Gmmas: Whinny: bother, i prefer B5
TAPESTRY6: ::waves to Dragon::
Slntwolf: Hello Tap
B5CL Seuss: Tap!!!!!
Gmmas: {{{{{{Tap}}}}}}
TAPESTRY6: como esta Mlewzder
Mlewzder: ::bumps Hanson corpses back into orbit::..
Mlewzder: Doing well hone.
TAPESTRY6: ::bows to SlntWolf:: {S wolfhowl
B5 Whinny: Me too Gmmas and I too am beginning to really hate ER.
TAPESTRY6: hiya Gmmas 😉
B5 Merlen: Hi Kira
TAPESTRY6: Seuss what IS a ducat?
Kirantha: ::::waves wing at Tap creating breeze:::::
TAPESTRY6: I mean is it a coin or like what?
B5 Merlen: A centauri Coin
Gmmas: “the best show on television…” arrrrgh
TAPESTRY6: ::waves to Kira::: foofs her hair::
Mlewzder: ::Ruffles kilt..and gets up.:: See yall later. 🙂 {S imamchamp
B5CL Seuss: Tap, it is the centauri base currancy
Dragoniize: ER once a week is enough for me
Kirantha: Bye ML
TAPESTRY6: a Duck is a currency?
B5 Whinny: Gmmas i am over that garbage also!
Mlewzder: er..{S iamchamp
B5 Whinny: {{{{{{Ced}}}}}}
B5CL Seuss: Welcome Cedarga…food and drink on the right, have a seat and discuss our
B5CL Seuss: favorite show!
Gmmas: {{{{{{Cedarga}}}}}}}
Mlewzder: ::walks out casually.::
B5 Merlen: Gmmas….. how about when they say, “The best show ever made”
Cedarga: (((((Whinny)))))
TAPESTRY6: Hey Cedarga how you be?
Kirantha: {{{{{{{{{Ced}}}}}}}}}}}{S kirantha
B5 Whinny: Hey Tap, I found eggnog candy!!!
Dragoniize: Hello {{{{Ced}}}}
B5 Merlen: Hi Ced?
TAPESTRY6: Oh Cool Whinny buy out the store?
Cedarga: ((((((Gerry))))))
Gmmas: Merlen: arrrrrrrrggggghhhhhhh! too much! i know
B5 Whinny: Yeppers!
B5CL Seuss: B5 Whinny, yummy!
Cedarga: (((((((((({S Kirantha})))))))
VIPER394: hey Cedarga how you doing?
Cedarga: (((((((((dragon))))))
B5 Whinny: Seuss Tap got me hooked on the stuff. LOL
B5CL Seuss: Welcome JColben to Eclipse Cafe, join us in a discussion of our favorite
B5CL Seuss: episodes.t
Cedarga: Yes Merlen?
Cedarga: ((((((((Tap))))))
JColben: HI
Cedarga: Hey, Viper, howya been?
Kirantha: Whinny, just don’t eat those chocolate mint candy
Kirantha: canes.
TAPESTRY6: Figures..yes..I sent out addicting candy::foofsdahair::
B5 Merlen: You don’t show up on my Buddy hacket list
Cedarga: Ah, am blocking the world…
JColben: I B B
B5 Whinny: No Kira just eggnog creams.
Cedarga: Sorry…
B5CL Seuss: Kirantha, I like them
Gmmas: Merlen: are you counting down to Call to Arms?
TAPESTRY6: ewwwwwwwwww mint!!
FAITHFARM: ((((((((tap))))))))))yourself
Dragoniize: Chocolate mint candy canes….. YUM
Kirantha: Seuss, me too, but I think that is what made me sick
Kirantha: Thursday.
TAPESTRY6: Hello Faith how ya be?
B5 Whinny: Whinny does not like mint!
Cedarga: Better?
Slntwolf: Tapestry, Duckie says kwaack-kwaack
Cedarga: Gerry!!!!! don’t encourage the wizard!!!!
B5 Merlen: As soon as I get a definate date……. I’ve had a couple people say JMS posted March
B5CL Seuss: B5 Whinny, no mints? ack!
TAPESTRY6: quack back to daDuky 😉
Slntwolf: okay
Kirantha: Whinney, we know how those corns are….just like
Kirantha: sugary stuff.
FALCON 882: I heard someone talking in the third person…..
Gmmas: Merlen: supposedly someone at TNT said still Jan for the movie….
FALCON 882: Hey Tom!!
B5 Merlen: Hi Tommy
B5CL Seuss: Welcome SoylentTom…food and drink on the right, have a seat and discuss
B5CL Seuss: our favorite show!
SoylentTom: So many chickens…so little time
Kirantha: Hi Tom
B5 Whinny: {{{{{{{Tom}}}}}}}}}
Dragoniize: {{{{{TOM}}}} !!
SoylentTom: Hi Friends…LTNS
FAITHFARM: ha ha ha ha ha ha
TAPESTRY6: One can always talk in the 3rd person, if one wants too, Falcon <G>
B5CL Seuss: Tom ltns!!!!
B5 Merlen: Gmmas….think of the source
Cedarga: (((((((Tom))))))))
Gmmas: Ced: but i think there’ll be a Technomage in it! a wizard!
SoylentTom: {{{{{Whinny}}}}}}}}}} {{{{{{Dragon}}}}}}}{{{{{Ali}}}}}}}}
B5 Whinny: {S wizards
Cedarga: Gerry, so I’ve heard. I’m looking forward to it.
FALCON 882: Tap, I do it a fair amount I can’t really talk.
Gmmas: Merlen: now i’m going to get depressed; i was counting on Jan
SoylentTom: Hi Tom!
B5CL Seuss: Greetings Kincainjp, welcome to the Eclipse Cafe, we do not take checks but
B5CL Seuss: we do take Centauri Ducats.
TAPESTRY6: Wizards are quick to anger ::shudders:::
B5 Merlen: “A Call to Arms” has Galen’s first appearance….
FAITHFARM: hheelloo Tapestry6
Cedarga: He sounds like one of my favorite characters in the Flinx novels,
B5CL Seuss: Crusades will star: Gary Cole,Tracy Scoggins,Daniel Dae Kim,David A.
Cedarga: but I’m sure he’s much more serious than Maybeso
B5CL Seuss: Brooks,Marjean Holden,Carrie Dobro and Peter Woodward.
TAPESTRY6: Ah Gmmas have faith still could be January
Kirantha: Tap, remember us dragons!
B5CL Seuss: Welcome, JLL, to the Eclipse Cafe. Safe haven for weary travellers.
TAPESTRY6: well I deal with wizards much too often Kira
B5CL Seuss: Peter Woodward will be the Technomage
Tux17: (((((((((((((((Tap, Ced, Kira))))))))))))))))
Gmmas: Tap: thank you! i’m still hoping!
Tux17: ::emerges from IM land::
Kirantha: {{{{{{{Tux}}}}}}}}}
Cedarga: (((((((Tux))))))
TAPESTRY6: Hiya Tux ::passes the crayons:::
B5 Merlen: Don’t rule out the January date….. I’ve got a couple inquiries I’m waiting for an answer
TAPESTRY6: Gmmas faith mangages
B5CL Seuss: Greetings Raven, welcome to the Eclipse Cafe, we do not take checks but we
Kirantha: Tap, you are all lucky you just deal with kind
B5CL Seuss: do take Centauri Ducats.
Kirantha: hearted dragons.
B5 Whinny: Quite right Tap.
Gmmas: Merlen: if you get an answer; please let us know
TAPESTRY6: er manages..don’t give up the ship and all that stuff
Cedarga: Ah, yes, dragons… :::looks for vacant bar stool::::
Gmmas: Tap:
B5 Merlen: besides…. The fan club still says January 3rd
TAPESTRY6: ::winks at Gmmas::
Raven11027: <nods> and alot of them I have
B5 Merlen: and they updated it to show the June 2nd start for Crusade
FALCON 882: Merlen, is the fan club reliable?
Kirantha: Ced….I thought ya love us
TAPESTRY6: ::kicks back with a cup of hot Minbaritea:::
Tux17: IGG…too many IM’s. bbl!!!!
FAITHFARM: Ÿo sup (whats up)
B5 Merlen: I trust the fan club more than I trust TNT
Cedarga: I do, Kira… but I like to live, too <G>
Gmmas: Merlen: i still wonder if that will change; now that NBA may be out
FALCON 882: Well, fan club must know what its talking about.
TAPESTRY6: I got a funny about NBA today 😉
Gmmas: “Trust TNT; TNT is family”
Cedarga: Only one day till my son is home and only five days till I see BBVD…
B5 Whinny: Oh btw Tap I don’t think I will sponsor a Bball player. ROFL
B5 Merlen: TNT is mother, TNT is father. Trust TNT
FALCON TNT is mother, TNT is father?
Gmmas: BBVD?
B5CL Seuss: TNT is mother TNT is father
B5CL Seuss: FALCON, gmta
Cedarga: ….I don’t want to be crushed by a swishing dragon tail…
Gmmas: Repeat again!
FALCON 882: Seuss, indeed they do!
Cedarga: FALC!!!!
Dragoniize: TRUST, TNT???? LOL
FALCON 882: Hi Ced!!!!!
Gmmas: lol
Kirantha: Ced….we wouldn’t do that.
B5 Merlen: NBA…. Narn Basketball Association
SoylentTom: BBVD=Big Bad VooDoo Daddy
B5CL Seuss: {S snpypi~1}
TAPESTRY6: BBVD !! ack..not underwear again!
Kirantha: :::dances::::
Cedarga: Big Bad Voodoo Daddy, Gerry {S DDD
TAPESTRY6: sent you the funny Gmmas
Cedarga: ::::jumps on barstool::::
Gmmas: Ced: ok! got it
Gmmas: Tap: thank you again!
B5 Oh cute Kira.
TAPESTRY6: Yeah Merlen they do look like narns
Cedarga: Actually, DDD is Brian Setzer. Me bad.
TAPESTRY6: no prob Gmmas, enjoy 😉
B5 Whinny: brb
B5CL Seuss: B5 Whinny, like it? I made that one
SoylentTom: Just wanted to stay in touch. Maybe I’ll catch you all later.
FALCON 882: Swing looks fun, I just wish I could dance like that…
Cedarga: LOL Tap, don’t make me say it!!!
Gmmas: bye for now, Tom
TAPESTRY6: bye Tom..take care
Dragoniize: {S chickill
SoylentTom: I’ve been out of town…now I am home. I should be by more often later.
FALCON 882: Bye Tom!
Cedarga: Falc, it’s easy!
SoylentTom: buh-bye!
TAPESTRY6: ah say what, Cedarga?
Cedarga: ((((((((Tom)))))))
Kirantha: Ack! I have 2 waves playing at the same time!!!
FALCON 882: Besides, at the moment I only have one person I could really dance it with, and that
FALCON 882: won’t be happening any time soon.
Gmmas: Kira: didn’t know that was possible
TAPESTRY6: Sorry Faith I don’t IM with strangers
B5 Merlen: {S helogkar
B5CL Seuss: Welcome Gr8 1Gkar,come in and talk about the most talked about show in the
B5CL Seuss: universe.
Gmmas: Hi Gkar
Cedarga: Well, if those boys were any older…. Actually, I’ve discovered
Cedarga: they are at least a decade older than they look….
Dragoniize: {{{{{{{Gkar}}}}}}}
B5 Merlen: {S darnnarn
TAPESTRY6: uh oh Cedarga does that mean?
Gmmas: Ced: lol
B5CL Seuss: Hiya Gkar
Gr8 1Gkar: I made it back, But guess what
Kirantha: Gmmas, I didn’t either…..I was playing chicken and
Gr8 1Gkar: They wiped my HD AGAIN
Kirantha: Dragon played chickill and they were both going.
Dragoniize: What Gkar?
B5 Merlen: You have to go again?
Cedarga: DONT call and warn em Tap!
Gr8 1Gkar: It is unbelivable
Gmmas: Kira: amazing
Dragoniize: Kira, 2 at once…. hmmmmm
TAPESTRY6: oh gee whiz Cedarga ::sad face::
Kirantha: {S confused
B5CL Seuss: Gr8 1Gkar, how many times is that now?
FALCON 882: Oh, he, he, anyone here a fan of Tron?
Gr8 1Gkar: Seuss 3 I think
Dragoniize: Oh Gkar, that sucks
Gmmas: Falcon: never saw it
B5CL Seuss: that bites
Dragoniize: Falcon, I saw it
Gr8 1Gkar: I’m am losing track
Kirantha: Gkar, how does this happen?
Cedarga: G’Kar, what is going on?
Gr8 1Gkar: They try to up load some thing
Kirantha: Gkar, who are they?
FALCON 882: Oh, well, someone at my school recreated part of it as a game in C basic.
TAPESTRY6: {S thunder6
Gr8 1Gkar: And then they try to take it out and freeze things up
Cedarga: Oh! Tap! I made some new cards….
Gr8 1Gkar: Husband and Son
TAPESTRY6: {S thunder5
Gmmas: gotta go plan a bday party; bye all; Remember B5!
TAPESTRY6: New cards Cedarga?
B5CL Seuss: Welcome, Sting, to the Eclipse Cafe. Safe haven for weary travellers.
TAPESTRY6: byebye Gmams
Cedarga: They have the same basic Ced info on the front…
Kirantha: Gkar, I would definitly eat them. {S drgneat
B5CL Seuss: bye Gmmas,
Cedarga: On the back they have a picture of lightening
Kirantha: Bye Gmmas
TAPESTRY6: Lightening ? :;perks::
Gr8 1Gkar: So did you all hear that Walter is going to be in at least one ep of Crusades??
TAPESTRY6: {S thunder4
Dragoniize: Bye Gmmas
Gr8 1Gkar: How cool is that
Kirantha: Gkar, yes.
Gr8 1Gkar: ?
Cedarga: And “Think of me as a brief electromagnetic anomaly (Morden)” on the back
TAPESTRY6: {S thunder8
TAPESTRY6: {S thunder7
Dragoniize: Gkar, yes
Cedarga: I like em
TAPESTRY6: Sounds kewl Cedarga
FAITHFARM: yo tap i am gonna send you an instant message ok?
Gr8 1Gkar: I saw the NEW Star Trek movie
B5 Merlen: I was here when Walter came in the room and announced it…. {S neener
Sting31: {S big-gun
Gr8 1Gkar: And I LOVED it
Kirantha: I gotta go let the muttfaces out. See ya all.
TAPESTRY6: I don’t talk to strangers, Faith
FALCON 882: Gkar, that good?
TAPESTRY6: unless its in the chat room
Cedarga: G’Kar, don’t tell! My son is coming home and we’ll get to see it together…
Gr8 1Gkar: Well I can’t tell you when I heard
B5CL Seuss: Gr8 1Gkar, I hope to see it later tonight
FAITHFARM: tttttttaaaaaaaappppppppppp
Gr8 1Gkar: But I did hear
B5 Whinny: bak
Dragoniize: Gkar, I am hoping to see it next week
Cedarga: But does she really shave him in the bath tub?
Dragoniize: WB Whinny
Cedarga: Gads, do I really want to know?
B5 Whinny: Thanks1
TAPESTRY6: Cedarga you come up with the strangest stuff!
Gr8 1Gkar: CED I wont tell. But it’s GREAT
Dragoniize: ::::covering my ears:::::
Cedarga: LOLOL
Gr8 1Gkar: A movie has to be pretty bad for me not to like it
Cedarga: Tap, I have these strange people who like spoilers sending me mail…
Gr8 1Gkar: But this one was Good
B5CL Seuss: Welcome, Wolf, to the Eclipse Cafe. Safe haven for weary travellers.
TAPESTRY6: I saw an ad for “you’ve got mail’ today
B5CL Seuss: Remember, you can ignore any member whose chat you don’t want to see by
B5CL Seuss: double-clicking their name in the roster box, then click “Ignore”. 08:54 PM cst
Wolf3685: ::Rubs eys::
Gr8 1Gkar: Seuss I love iggy
tap i am Travis. whats your name?
TAPESTRY6: tired Wolf?
Wolf3685: Can’t stay long its already 10:00pm here
Gr8 1Gkar: As a matter of fact I have REdownload that Iggy wav
B5 Whinny: Taps name is TAP
Dragoniize: or Tapestry
B5 Whinny: Hi Wolf! LTNS
Gr8 1Gkar: Wolf only 7 here
TAPESTRY6: yeppers
TAPESTRY6: {S thunder2
Wolf3685: Quiet you!!!
FALCON 882: Some people just don’t know when to give up….yeesh.
Wolf3685: Hi Whinn
Gr8 1Gkar: My Gkar wav {S InMyUniv
B5CL Seuss: FAITHFARM, sometimes she is the “foofinator”
Wolf3685: ::Falls alseep::
TAPESTRY6: its called focus, Falcon ::grins::
B5CL Seuss: 5 Min warning….
TAPESTRY6: only on special occasions, Seuss
TAPESTRY6: ::listens to bell:::
FALCON 882: I suppose you can call it that… :::lopsided grin:::
B5CL Seuss: *** REMEMBER ***
B5CL Seuss: No legitimate AOL representative will EVER ask for your password or credit
B5CL Seuss: information. If anyone does ask you, report it immediately at
B5CL Seuss: keyword:NOTIFY AOL. 08:55 PM cst 12/11/98
FALCON 882: :::wanders over to the bar…grabs a stool:::
Dragoniize: Seuss, it is that time again… bummer
B5CL Seuss: *** REMEMBER ***
TAPESTRY6: well I was tryin to be nice Falcon <g>
Wolf3685: Well I just stopped by to say hi
Wolf3685: Now bye from me
B5CL Seuss: Welcome CZei, SandyV…food and drink on the right, have a seat and discuss
Dragoniize: Hiya Sandy!!
TAPESTRY6: bye Wolf
B5CL Seuss: our favorite show!
TAPESTRY6: Hiya Sandy
FAITHFARM: tap are you there
B5 Whinny: Bye Wolf.
Gr8 1Gkar: Bye WOLF
B5CL Seuss: Dragoniize, yea dont you hate it when that happens?
Wolf3685: {S Goodbye} all
FALCON 882: Ohh, but whats the fun of that tap?
SandyV4752: Hi ya Poof lady!
Wolf3685: {S Buddyout
Dragoniize: Yea…. {S mrgrinch
TAPESTRY6: well Falcon cause {S Iam
Gr8 1Gkar: Hey thats one of the FEW that I do have
SandyV4752: Oops,foof lady,LOL
Dragoniize: Gkar, which?
B5 Whinny: I love the Grinch.
FALCON 882: Yeah, golden rule, and all that…
TAPESTRY6: try Falcon…I do
Gr8 1Gkar: Dragon the AOL wav
Gr8 1Gkar: {S Goodbye
Dragoniize: Whinny, I want a Horton Hears a WHo something
B5 Whinny: {S Grinch
B5CL Seuss: Hi TygerEyez!
Dragoniize: {{{{{{{{{{{{{S Tyger}}}}}}}}}}}}}
TAPESTRY6: ya wonder who that guy is..and does he ever say goodbye that way, huh?
FALCON 882: I know, I do too…I’m just sarcastic at times.
B5 Merlen: Golden rule….. the one with the gold makes the rules
B5 Whinny: {{{{{{{{{{{Tyger}}}}}}}}}
SandyV4752: Hi Whinny!!
Gr8 1Gkar: OK, Well I am off to collect wavs from Down below
TAPESTRY6: Hiya Tyger {S panther}
TygerEyez1: {{{{{{{{Ya’ll}}}}}}}}}}}}}
B5 Whinny: Hi Sandy!
B5CL Seuss: Tap, rofl!
Dragoniize: Bye Gkar!
FALCON 882: Well all…I’m out of here. Later!!
B5CL Seuss: Welcome B5Cyber to the Eclipse Cafe, now serving the latest on B5 and all
B5CL Seuss: your favorite characters.
Gr8 1Gkar: Bye Dragon
B5 Whinny: Dragon *Whos* are so cute!
Dragoniize: Bye Falcon
TAPESTRY6: Well don’tcha…Seuss?
B5CL Seuss: see ya GKar
TAPESTRY6: byebye Falcon
Dragoniize: Yes, hey Seuss you have any Whos wavs?
TAPESTRY6: nice macro Seuss
B5 Whinny: See ya Gkar.
TAPESTRY6: like in Horton hears a???
Dragoniize: Tap, yes
SandyV4752: I agree with Tap Seuss
B5CL Seuss: Greetings B5Cyber, welcome to the Eclipse Cafe, we do not take checks but
B5CL Seuss: we do take Centauri Ducats.
B5CL Seuss: Dragoniize, some
TAPESTRY6: who would do them, Dragoniize?
TAPESTRY6: if anyone can find them, Seuss can <g>
B5Cyber: how many ducats
Seuss, would you send me some? please
B5CL Seuss: {S whosing}
B5Cyber: ZZZZ
TAPESTRY6: is that like ZZClone?
B5Cyber: ZZzZZ
Dragoniize: ZZ Tops
TAPESTRY6: Boxtops?
B5 Whinny: {S lagrange
B5CL Seuss: I will send you some Dragoniize
B5Cyber: z
TygerEyez1: me too Seuss
B5 Merlen: Well, I’m going to get some air
Dragoniize: Thank you very much {S Drgnkiss
Dragoniize: Bye Merlen
SandyV4752: Oh I thought Cyber was bored,lol
B5 Whinny: Merlen is there no air in here?
B5Cyber: YOL
B5CL Seuss: Welcome DOOM…food and drink on the right, have a seat and discuss our
B5CL Seuss: favorite show!
B5Cyber: z
B5CL Seuss: Well folks it is that time again, Time to leave you all till it is time to return.
B5CL Seuss: I will return at the same Bab time same Bab channel <G>
B5CL Seuss: . 12/11/98 09:00 PM
Dragoniize: Bye Seuss!!!!
B5Cyber: zzzzzzzzz
SandyV4752: Nite Seuss!!
B5Cyber: Z
B5 Whinny: Nite Nite {{{{{{{{Seuss}}}}}}}
B5Cyber: ?
TAPESTRY6: going to poof too..nights all ::waves:: {S tap}

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