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PowerChat: *** Entered Eclipse Cafe on 12/4/98 at 07:59 PM ***
B5CL Seuss: Greetings Duke Jon, have you checked out http://www.midwinter.com/lurk/The Lurker’s Guide yet? they have
B5CL Seuss: a lot of good information. www.midwinter.com/lurk/
B5CL Seuss: Greetings Shadow11x, welcome to the Eclipse Cafe, we do not take checks
B5CL Seuss: but we do take Centauri Ducats.
Duke Jon 1: i think the ppl are next door aint they?
B5CL Seuss: Greetings Cedarga, have you checked out http://www.midwinter.com/lurk/The Lurker’s Guide yet? they have a
Duke Jon 1: re hi ced
B5CL Seuss: lot of good information. www.midwinter.com/lurk/
Cedarga: (((((((((Seuss)))))))) {S smooch
B5CL Seuss: Welcome AngelMpath,come in and talk about the most talked about show in
B5CL Seuss: the universe.
B5CL Seuss: I was wondering if anyone was going to show up
Cedarga: ((((((Angel)))))) ((((((Jon))))))
B5CL Seuss: @}—->——-§{Cedarga}§——-<—-{@
Cedarga: Seuss, didn’t know you were gonna be here!
AngelMpath: [{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{!!!! Cedarga, Seuss, Duke !!!!}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}]
AngelMpath: me either, haven’t been able to find a chat schedule
B5CL Seuss: I am here Mon-Sat 8-9 CST
Cedarga: Seuss, are they posting it at the WB site again?
B5CL Seuss: Cedarga, you got me
B5CL Seuss: Greetings Rubrduky, check out the aol://4344:691.intmain.6173651.549851899 EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEWS! you can
B5CL Seuss: download Real Audio content and see and hear your favorite stars.
Cedarga: Hey, Duck
B5CL Seuss: KW:Babylon5
B5CL Seuss: Ducky !!!
AngelMpath: [[[[ {{{{ Rubrduky }}}}} ]]]]] <——— Passionate Grope
Rubrduky1: hello all ced
Rubrduky1: angel my love
B5CL Seuss: Greetings Mikster, have you seen the aol://5863:126/mB:172154Babylon 5 Message Center lately?
B5CL Seuss: Welcome Mikster to Eclipse Cafe, have you seen the new content added?
B5CL Seuss: check out aol://4344:691.castlist.6175895.593113574 Babylon 5 Cast & Crew on the welcome screen. KW:B5
AngelMpath: {S elvira4}
B5CL Seuss: We have plenty of fresh cofee and Minbari tea, Durbin help yourself!
B5CL Seuss: Welcome Mikster to the Eclipse Cafe, now serving the latest on B5 and all
B5CL Seuss: your favorite characters.
B5CL Seuss: elvira?
B5CL Seuss: check out Keyword: aol://4344:691.babylon5.6160970.497479657 Babylon 5
AngelMpath: Duky {S missdyou
Rubrduky1: miss u 2 love {S lovingu
Cedarga: ::::whacks Seuss’ macro machine::::: Who trained you? Ranger?
B5CL Seuss: LOL how did you guess Cedarga, ?
Cedarga: Um, gee, Seuss, dunno, lucky guess, it seems…
Rubrduky1: see ya all
Cedarga: You haven’t seen a stray monkeyboy running around here have ya/
B5CL Seuss: can you believe TNT played 2 eps of ER and no B5 today?
Cedarga: Seuss, it was planned! Said so on the TNT calendar!
Cedarga: (which I looked at AFTER the fact)
AngelMpath: bbl roomies, Seuss, I’ll send, it’s an Elvira greeting
B5CL Seuss: well they should have emailed me personally
Cedarga: Yes, Seuss, and you could have started a mailing list…
B5CL Seuss: once i get a clue i will start one
Cedarga: ::::waggles eyebrows:::: {S Muhahaha} finally got rid of em!!!!
B5CL Seuss: Welcome Myn Donos…food and drink on the right, have a seat and discuss our
Cedarga: Hiya Myn
Myn Donos1: Hey CED!!!!
B5CL Seuss: Welcome Myn Donos…food and drink on the right, have a seat and
B5CL Seuss: discuss our favorite show!
Myn Donos1: ø• materia fader • monk-e-god
Myn Donos1: ø• loaded • myn donos1
B5CL Seuss: Welcome AmbDelenB to Eclipse Cafe, join us in a discussion of our favorite
B5CL Seuss: episodes.
AmbDelenB5: HI Max
Cedarga: Hiya Delen
Myn Donos1: Okay I have my colors
Myn Donos1: Yeah
AmbDelenB5: Hi Cedarga
B5CL Seuss: you have several of them I see Myn Donos,
Cedarga: Ttogre! Hi!
B5CL Seuss: We have plenty of fresh cofee and Minbari tea, Ttogrehram help yourself!
AmbDelenB5: Oh Max had to go he said to tell all bye…….
Ttogrehram: Seuss, where are wockets found?
B5CL Seuss: wockets?
Ttogrehram: Yeah, where are they?
Cedarga: Not sprockets?
B5CL Seuss: I do not know what a wocket is
Cedarga: Or pockets?
Cedarga: Or lockets?
B5CL Seuss: Welcome Lineal,come in and talk about the most talked about
B5CL Seuss: show in the universe.
Ttogrehram: A wocket is found in Pockets! don’t you know your Seuss, Seuss?
Cedarga: Oh, dear, Ttogre…
B5CL Seuss: nope Ttogrehram, I know Stars on Thars and Horton the elephent
B5CL Seuss: but not the wockets
AmbDelenB5: yummy ….green eggs and ham……..
Lineal: Why doesn’t the episode guide have any information about season 5?
B5CL Seuss: {S greenegs}
AmbDelenB5: hey, anyone know of a cool Star wars chat???
B5CL Seuss: nope AmbDelenB, but if you find it let me know
AmbDelenB5: I want to test my knowledge on the OLD movies…haha
AmbDelenB5: I will Seuss……
B5CL Seuss: AmbDelenB, hmm Old movies?? I remember seeing them when they were new
B5CL Seuss: everyone looking forward to Crusades?
B5CL Seuss: We have plenty of fresh cofee and Minbari tea, Ttogrehram help yourself!
Cedarga: Seuss, I’m having a hard time working up enthusiasm for Crusades
B5CL Seuss: you are?
B5CL Seuss: show!
B5CL Seuss: Hiya JLL,
B5CL Seuss: bye Jll
B5CL Seuss: Greetings Genintnht, have you checked out The Lurker’s Guide yet? they have
B5CL Seuss: a lot of good information. www.midwinter.com/lurk/
Genintnht: hey, what are ya’ll up to?
Genintnht: yep, been there
Genintnht: anyone alive in here?
B5CL Seuss: Welcome TygerEyez…food and drink on the right, have a seat and
B5CL Seuss: discuss our favorite show!
B5CL Seuss: !!!!
TygerEyez1: {{{{{Seuss}}}}}}
Cedarga: ((((((tyg)))))))
TygerEyez1: {{{{{{{{{Ced}}}}}}}}}} ::::rings bell::::
B5CL Seuss: it is a little empty huh Genintnht, ?
Cedarga: Thank you dear!
Genintnht: yeah, a little empty
Genintnht: so what did you think of the last ep?
Genintnht: I was a bit disappointed
B5CL Seuss: I thought it was great, but it left a lot of loose ends
Genintnht: i agree with that
Genintnht: i wanted them to tell about lyta
Cedarga: Gen, but it was filmed in the fourth season…
B5CL Seuss: Welcome Ravenxr to the Eclipse Cafe.
Genintnht: i know, i just wanted more info!!
Ravenxr: Hi ya’ll
Genintnht: i hope the movie will wrap some of it up
B5CL Seuss: I wanted to know more about Lyta too
Ravenxr: There is a b5 movie?
B5CL Seuss: Welcome Nicko…food and drink on the right, have a seat and discuss our
B5CL Seuss: favorite show!
Nicko56: hello
Ravenxr: When?
Genintnht: when is the next movie coming out? Jan?
Nicko56: {S jump1
Nicko56: i dont like how the end of the last B5 happened
B5CL Seuss: Genintnht, looks like June now
Ravenxr: The TV show just got off the air over here.
Ravenxr: Over a year now.
B5CL Seuss: Greetings Q1l4k, Ravenxr, Bichonlori, have you seen the aol://5863:126/mB:172154Babylon 5 Message
B5CL Seuss: Center lately?
Bichonlori: hi suess
Nicko56: they blow up B5 they killed john which i kown that that was going to happen but
Genintnht: That’s a long time away
B5CL Seuss: Genintnht, too long for me
Genintnht: yeah!
Cedarga: Nicko, but is he dead? Or evolved?
Genintnht: do you think they will discuss sheridan more in upcoming shows?
Nicko56: both
Nicko56: past the rim
Nicko56: put still alive i guess
Nicko56: put=but
Bichonlori: hey suess someone asked who you are
Genintnht: i really wanted the last ep to explain the drach on centuari
B5CL Seuss: Cedarga, I think neither just moved on
B5CL Seuss: I am me Bichonlori,
Nicko56: yes that would have been good
Nicko56: brb
Bichonlori: i know that, but the former b5clkosh asked me who you are
Genintnht: i wanted it to tell what happened – is vir infected?
Bichonlori: heheheh
B5CL Seuss: wb Nicko
Nicko56: well nicko has to go bye{S jump2
B5CL Seuss: Welcome Sbtier, Hotboy…food and drink on the right, have a seat and discuss
Hotboy9544: xcv.adfng.adfg
B5CL Seuss: our favorite show!
Hotboy9544: whats is it
Bichonlori: cool suess is cool
B5CL Seuss: I would like to think Vir could not be corrupted by the keepers
B5CL Seuss: Hotboy, what is what?
Cedarga: Seuss, they were serving wine… I don’t think so
Genintnht: i didn’t think so, but they should have explained it
B5CL Seuss: maybe Crusades will explain the Drakh better
Genintnht: i heard that won’t start until summer either
B5CL Seuss: last I heard was June 99 they wanna straighten the NBA mess first
Cedarga: Gen, I’ve heard that too, buat it was tied to the NBA…
Genintnht: oh well..
TygerEyez1: Seuss, you think that will ever get straightened out?
B5CL Seuss: the NBA mess? prolly not
Cedarga: well, good friends, I”m going to pop offline to see if that silly boy
Cedarga: of mine CALLED after he said he’d meet me online…
Cedarga: …never grow up and have kids…
Cedarga: <G>
B5CL Seuss: Welcome Dragoniize, looking for your favorite B5 sounds? try http://b5.sdvc.uwyo.edu/bab5/Down Below
B5CL Seuss: Sound Archive for Babylon 5. http://www.b5.sdvc.uwyo.edu/bab5/
TygerEyez1: Am I allowed to say that I don’t really care if the NBA straightens anything out?
B5CL Seuss: Cedarga, I prefer never to grow up <G>
Dragoniize: Hi ALl
TygerEyez1: Seuss, with a call sign like you have, you never will.
B5CL Seuss: Tyger, ony if I am allowed to agree with you
Dragoniize: Hi ALL rather
TygerEyez1: Done!
B5CL Seuss: Hi Dragoniize,
TygerEyez1: {{{{{{{{{{{{Dragon}}}}}}}}}}}}}
Dragoniize: {{{{{{{Tyger, Seuss, Lori}}}}}}}}
Dragoniize: Hello Gen
Genintnht: hey!
B5CL Seuss: Greetings FlyHubble, AmbKosh, have you seen the aol://5863:126/mB:172154Babylon 5 Message
B5CL Seuss: Center lately?
TygerEyez1: So Dragon, did you like that mail I sent you this morning?
AmbKosh715: hello
Dragoniize: Gee tyger,,,,, lets see…… YES!!!!!
Dragoniize: Hello AmbKosh
TygerEyez1: Wasn’t that just the greatest stuff?
B5CL Seuss: Mail?? I didnt get mail
TygerEyez1: You want????
Dragoniize: Tyger, you are one sick puppy
Dragoniize: Seuss, beware!!!
Genintnht: sorry guys, gotta go. Talk to you later!
TygerEyez1: Not that mail…the OTHER mail.
Dragoniize: OH, that,,,,, LOL!
TygerEyez1: Gosh Dragon, get me in trouble, will ya?
Dragoniize: Still, that was sick too…::::ducks::::
FlyHubble: ah, hello there room
B5CL Seuss: trouble is my fav hobby
FlyHubble: how’s everything going?
Dragoniize: Hello Fly
FlyHubble: I finally got to see the end pics from SiL, so I’m excited
TygerEyez1: I thought it was rather cute, Dragon.
AmbKosh715: brb
B5CL Seuss: Welcome, Star, to the Eclipse Cafe. Safe haven for weary
TygerEyez1: So, Seuss, you want the mail or not?
B5CL Seuss: travellers.
Dragoniize: Well, now you know I did too…
B5CL Seuss: Tyger, send it
Star31149: Thanks
B5CL Seuss: Welcome HHBogart to Eclipse Cafe, have you seen the new content added?
TygerEyez1: okey-doke….done and done.
B5CL Seuss: check out aol://4344:691.castlist.6175895.593113574 Babylon 5 Cast & Crew on the welcome screen. KW:B5
Dragoniize: Silver sent some SiL wavs, very nice!!!
AmbKosh715: back
FlyHubble: really Dragon? awesome
HHBogart: Hi everyone What are we talking about tonight???
TygerEyez1: Seuss, {S gotmail
Dragoniize: Yeah, Suess whats the topic?
B5CL Seuss: HHBogart, the usual trying to stave off rerum maddness
B5CL Seuss: reron
B5CL Seuss: rerun, drn typodemons
HHBogart: When does the new series start????
Dragoniize: i like rerum, on the ice!
AmbKosh715: brb
B5CL Seuss: lol Dragoniize,
B5CL Seuss: Welcome JohnJT to the Eclipse Cafe, enjoy the chat and the atmosphere
B5CL Seuss: HHBogart, looks like Jun now
HHBogart: What is the name of it
Dragoniize: Crusades
B5CL Seuss: Welcome PUREVIL4U to Eclipse Cafe, have you seen the new content added?
B5CL Seuss: check out Babylon 5 Cast & Crew on the welcome screen. KW:B5
HHBogart: Who is going to be there?
B5CL Seuss: added? check out aol://4344:691.castlist.6175895.593113574 Babylon 5 Cast & Crew on the welcome screen. KW:B5
JohnJT3: If anyone wants to join my B5 club press 4567654
AmbKosh715: back
JohnJT3: or IM me
B5CL Seuss: HHBogart, the lead-in is callled Call to Arms
HHBogart: Movie???
B5CL Seuss: JohnJT, we to not poll in this room please read the rules
B5CL Seuss: HHBogart, yup a tv movie
HHBogart: Scoggins still with us
Dragoniize: WB Kosh
PUREVIL4U: do u think that now that the tv show is over they’ll make movies
B5CL Seuss: the series will be called Crusades
PUREVIL4U: but on the big screen
HHBogart: After Sheridan or what is the time line?
HHBogart: It was good to see Ivanava again
B5CL Seuss: Crusades will be set in the future
B5CL Seuss: I am not sure how far though
Dragoniize: i thought it was 5 years from objects in motion
HHBogart: I began going to school and didnt get home in time and I missed most of this last season.
B5CL Seuss: I missed OIM my VCR goofed
Dragoniize: bummer!!!!!!
AmbKosh715: A View from the Gallery (a.k.a. the Mac and Bo show) will Wensday
B5CL Seuss: I got to see the first half though, I will catch it in reruns
HHBogart: How can I catch up Im a new computer owner and would like to read the scripts from last
GODSIVAR: hiya suess
HHBogart: season
B5CL Seuss: Welcome GODSIVAR to the Eclipse Cafe.
GODSIVAR: {s welcome
GODSIVAR: {S stsucks
B5CL Seuss: Welcome EsperTeep to the Eclipse Cafe, now serving the latest on B5 and all
B5CL Seuss: your favorite characters.
EsperTeep: hi
HHBogart: hi
B5CL Seuss: wb GODSIVAR,
GODSIVAR: PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
HHBogart: brb
B5CL Seuss: GODSIVAR, you want a coat?
GODSIVAR: its a drink ill make it
EsperTeep: serving the lates ON the characters, not serving the latest characters lol
GODSIVAR: ::::::goes behind bar:::::
B5CL Seuss: Greetings BEZROP, have you checked out http://www.midwinter.com/lurk/The Lurker’s Guide yet? they have
B5CL Seuss: a lot of good information. www.midwinter.com/lurk/
BEZROP: no not yet thanks
GODSIVAR: :::::;throws everything in 1 cup::::: this is a garibaldi
AmbKosh715: also you can check www.tnt.turner.com/Babylon5
EsperTeep: special coffee????
GODSIVAR: no a drink
GODSIVAR: it has everything
GODSIVAR: :::::sips it ::::
GODSIVAR: ahhhhhh sop good
EsperTeep: ::::bleck! What’s in this stuff?:::::::: cyberfood… j/k
B5CL Seuss: lol EsperTeep,
AmbKosh715: does it have any alcohol it it Godsivar?
B5CL Seuss: Welcome VgnScorp to Eclipse Cafe, have you seen the new content added?
B5CL Seuss: check out aol://4344:691.castlist.6175895.593113574 Babylon 5 Cast & Crew on the welcome screen. KW:B5
TygerEyez1: {{{{{{{{{{Scorp}}}}}}}}}}}}}
VgnScorp: {{{{{{{Tyger}}}}}}}}}}
B5CL Seuss: Welcome Nitro to the Eclipse Cafe, now serving the latest on B5 and all your
B5CL Seuss: favorite characters.
EsperTeep: That’s a strange pic of Sheridan, Lochley and Delenn.
B5CL Seuss: Welcome to the Eclipse Cafe SSmith, have you checked out the member
VgnScorp: Just got AOL4.0 loaded….can afford the PT’s now!
B5CL Seuss: photo album ? Look for it on the main screen KEYWORD: aol://4344:691.babylon5.6160970.497479657 Babylon 5
B5CL Seuss: VgnScorp, I love my PT’s
Dragoniize: VgnScorp, you will love them!
EsperTeep: It’s like Sheridan and his wives.
VgnScorp: bbl….need to check this version out….
EsperTeep: what’s a PT?
AmbKosh715: Godsivar does “the Garaboldi” have any alcohol in it?
SSmith1940: Hello, checking to see if I recognize any names here
VgnScorp: Seuss this is my 3rd version of PT’s…can’t live without ’em!
TygerEyez1: I’d love my PT’S if I could run them.
GODSIVAR: no!!!!!!!!!!!
Dragoniize: Power Tools, an addon program for AOL
do they have it for mac?
GODSIVAR: its a garibaldi now the ivonova well try it here
VgnScorp: Tyger, am waiting on my registration number…so I’m a bit limited right now.
GODSIVAR: :::passes cup::::
Dragoniize: Esper, I dont know go to Keyword: BPS
VgnScorp: See you good people later…need to play with this version.
B5CL Seuss: EsperTeep, nope none foe Macs yet
TygerEyez1: I can’t rum them until I update my system.
B5CL Seuss: Welcome Kirantha,come in and talk about the most talked about show in the
EsperTeep: bleck
Dragoniize: {{{{Kira}}}}}
AmbKosh715: BBL
B5CL Seuss: universe.orkin
TygerEyez1: run, even
VgnScorp: {S jump3}
Kirantha: {{{Seuss}}}
Kirantha: {{{{Dragon
TygerEyez1: {{{{{{{{{{{{Kira}}}}}}}}}}} {S tigrkiss
Dragoniize: rum is on everyones mind tonight
B5CL Seuss:
Kirantha: {{{{{{{{{{{{{{}}}}}}}}}}}}
B5CL Seuss: Welcome Gmmas, looking for your favorite B5 sounds? try http://b5.sdvc.uwyo.edu/bab5/Down Below Sound
B5CL Seuss: Archive for Babylon 5. http://www.b5.sdvc.uwyo.edu/bab5/
Gmmas: Hi Seuss
Dragoniize: Kira, now yours I saw!
Kirantha: Hi Gmmas
Kirantha: Dragon?
Gmmas: Hi Kira! Hi Dragoniize!
Dragoniize: The tiger bmp
Dragoniize: {{{Gmmas}}}
Ah..you don’t have the one Seuss did?
Dragoniize: Nope
B5CL Seuss: Greetings RMKWK, welcome to the Eclipse Cafe, we do not take checks but
B5CL Seuss: we do take Centauri Ducats.
B5CL Seuss: can you send it Kirantha, ?
Kirantha: I’ll send it to ya
B5CL Seuss: Welcome AmbKosh, EsperTeep, have you taken a Virtual tour of our favorite
B5CL Seuss: station?
B5CL Seuss: check out Keyword: aol://4344:691.babylon5.6160970.497479657 Babylon 5
Dragoniize: Thanks!
Gmmas: brb
Kirantha: Dragon, do you have AOL 4.0?
B5CL Seuss: 5 Min warning……
Dragoniize: Yes
B5CL Seuss: *** REMEMBER ***
Kirantha: k
B5CL Seuss: No legitimate AOL representative will EVER ask for your password or credit
B5CL Seuss: Welcome, Tltxman, to the Eclipse Cafe. Safe haven for weary travellers.
B5CL Seuss: PMcst 12/4/98
EsperTeep: 5 min warning for what? The staton blows up?
Tltxman: yo
B5CL Seuss: nope my shift ends in 5 Min
EsperTeep: ah
TygerEyez1: Seuss, is Tap hosting tonight?
B5CL Seuss: I will have to leave you then EsperTeep,
EsperTeep: And then the station blows up.
B5CL Seuss: Tyger, nope
TygerEyez1: ok, thanks.
Kirantha: Dragon, there ya go. I sent my wav too. In case you didn’t have it.
GODSIVAR: sh i could be a merchant
TygerEyez1: Nost is later though…right?
Dragoniize: Thanks Kira
Kirantha: Dragon, you’re welcome
B5CL Seuss: Tyger, I dont know
Dragoniize: Tyger, she sais she was, when I saw her last night
EsperTeep: I suppose everyone else is doing fonts…
TygerEyez1: I’m sooooooo tired of this cold.
Kirantha: Tyger, why you cold?
B5CL Seuss: We have plenty of fresh cofee and Minbari tea, Dive N dwn help yourself!
Tltxman: bye
B5CL Seuss: yea it was 73 here today Brrrr Tyger <G>
Dive N dwn: Thats
EsperTeep: lol Seuss
TygerEyez1: Kira, I’ve been battling a cold, Kira.
Dive N dwn: Thanks.
B5CL Seuss: Hiya Dive N dwn,
Kirantha: Seuss???? It was 70 here today!!!!!
EsperTeep: It’s just cold here.
TygerEyez1: Same here, Seuss…..it does NOT feel a bit like Christmas here.
Kirantha: Tyger, yuk. I got over mine.
Dive N dwn: Hi how are ya doing…
Kirantha: Hi Dive
TygerEyez1: I wish I could get over mine.
Dive N dwn: Hi Kirantha
Kirantha: Tyger, took me weeks.
TygerEyez1: Oh wonderful. That’s all I needed to know.
Kirantha: Sorry dear. It was mostly the cough.
I have a question. Does anyone here actually read fanfic word by word?
EsperTeep: Or do you just skim?
B5CL Seuss: EsperTeep, not I
TygerEyez1: I don’t have that yet? My cold is in my head right now.
Dragoniize: Esper, yes when I read it
Kirantha: Esper, not me.
TygerEyez1: Esper, depends on what type of fanfic it is.
EsperTeep: I skim.
EsperTeep: B5 I mean
Kirantha: I don’t read <G>
B5CL Seuss: well folks it is that time again
B5CL Seuss: *** REMEMBER ***
B5CL Seuss: No legitimate AOL representative will EVER ask for your password or credit
Dragoniize: Bye {{Seuss}}
Kirantha: Bye {{{{{{Seuss}}}}}}
B5CL Seuss: information. If anyone does ask you, report it at keyword:NOTIFY AOL. 09:00
B5CL Seuss: PMcst 12/4/98
TygerEyez1: Dragon, I know you read fanfic word for word.
B5CL Seuss: