GODSIVAR: pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Kayble2819: no, thanks Godsivar
GODSIVAR: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
B5CL Lyta: Godsivar, sorry. Doesn’t seem like anyone is interested.
GODSIVAR: jiz ak darn (in another word)
TARutter: Godsivar.. please stop IMming every member in the chat room
GODSIVAR: shut up fool
B5CL Lyta: Godsivar, please don’t talk like that to people.
GODSIVAR: ghetto superstar’
TARutter: Godsivar, hooked on phonics worked for you, eh? Perhaps you might
find people to join your
GODSIVAR: i have freedom of speech and its not a swear word
TARutter: RPG elsewhere. ๐
B5CL Lyta: Godsivar, we all need to get along so everyone has a good time.
GODSIVAR: i dont care hes beeing a busta
B5CL Lyta: Folks, to ignore chat you’d rather not see, double click on
B5CL Lyta: a person’s name in the PEOPLE list, then click the ignore
B5CL Lyta: button. Poof!! They will disappear.
GODSIVAR: heyyyyyyyyyyyy thats gay
B5CL Mikey: Anyone attending a “Sleeping In Light” viewing party? I can’t
find one anywhere in TN ;(
TARutter: ::looks at time:: yep, school’
TARutter: s out.
B5CL Lyta: Babylon, they been showing you all the reruns?
OnlineHost: JLL9987 has entered the room.
B5CL Lyta: JLL, Happy to see you! Have a seat and enjoy your time
B5CL Lyta: in the Cafe! 11/17/98 04:13 PM
Bablyon v: :sigh: yeay, we got the old version of the gathering last week
JLL9987: hi
TARutter: I ordered a bunch of season 5 eps from Amazon and they’ve been
shipped already! ๐
Bablyon v: I really want to see the uncut version!
B5CL Mikey: Was it really that much different than the re-edited version?
B5CL Mikey: Its been sooo long
B5CL Lyta: Troy, great.
B5CL Mikey: Coolies, TARutter, wish I could afford em ;D
OnlineHost: MstrGrinch has entered the room.
B5CL Lyta: Greetings MstrGrinch! Welcome to the most far out place
B5CL Lyta: in the galaxy! 11/17/98 04:14 PM
MstrGrinch: {P MrGrinch} Greetings and salutations.
TARutter: Yeah, and since im an associate, I get a kickback too. woo hoo! ;>
B5CL Lyta: Anyone for some \ )))))))))) / Chips and [^^^^^] Dip?
Bablyon v: or spoo?
B5CL Lyta: Hey Grinchie!!
Kayble2819: spoo? what is spoo?
GODSIVAR: no women
B5CL Mikey: mmmhmmmm…rub it in why don’tcha? <g>
B5CL Lyta: Babylon, I’m human…serve human food. ๐
B5CL Mikey: Hey Grinch! =D
MstrGrinch: Hiya Lyta, Troy, Mikey,
B5CL Lyta: Troy, no fair!!!
Bablyon v: point taken lyta!
OnlineHost: DOOM 2069 has entered the room.
B5CL Lyta: DOOM, Happy to see you! Have a seat and enjoy your
B5CL Lyta: time in the Cafe! 11/17/98 04:15 PM
B5CL Lyta: @@@@@@@ <—-Cookies & Milk—-> |_| |_| |_| |_|
B5CL Mikey: Ohhhohohh, double chocolate chip cookies? <g>
OnlineHost: B5Delenn1 has entered the room.
B5CL Lyta: Greetings B5Delenn! Welcome to the most far out place
B5CL Lyta: in the galaxy! 11/17/98 04:16 PM
B5CL Mikey: Hey mums! ๐
B5CL Lyta: Mikey, any kind of cookies you want….but my specialty is
chocolate/butterscotch cookies
B5Delenn1: hello Mikey, darlin
B5CL Lyta: :::waves at Delenn::::
B5CL Mikey: Ohhohoh, now I gotta to to the store, Lyta <g>
B5CL Lyta: LOL
B5CL Mikey: I need chocolate ๐
MstrGrinch: hiya Mom, ๐
B5CL Lyta: Has everyone managed to see River of Souls yet?
B5Delenn1: hello Lyta
MstrGrinch: I saw ROS ๐
B5Delenn1: {{{{{{{{{grichie}}}}}}}
B5CL Mikey: I think so, Lyta. I liked it, actually have it on tape ๐
Bablyon v: not yet, the reviews look good though
Kayble2819: i have seen river of souls
B5CL Mikey: Friend of mine doesn’t have cable, hadda record it for her
OnlineHost: AngelMpath has entered the room.
B5CL Lyta: I recorded it anyway.
B5CL Lyta: AngelMpath, Happy to see you! Have a seat and enjoy
B5CL Lyta: your time in the Cafe! 11/17/98 04:18 PM
B5CL Lyta: How ya doing Angel?
AngelMpath: Hey roomies, what’s up?
AngelMpath: oh goodie, screen lag already
Bablyon v: heh
B5CL Lyta: M&M’s (m)(m)(m)(m)(m) for Everyone
TARutter: mmmmm
TARutter: Hey Grinch
TARutter: Didnt see you sneak in. ;>
B5CL Lyta: Mikey, there’s some chocolate
Bablyon v: pot 00000000 (pot eight 0’s?)
B5CL Mikey: Ohhhh!! <drools>
B5Delenn1: Troy, darlin……sorry, i did not see you
TARutter: Hey Delennperson
B5CL Lyta: Babylon? You cookin supper?
TARutter: ;>
Bablyon v: :0)
MstrGrinch: Hiya AngelMpath,
Bablyon v: allmost!
B5CL Lyta: Babylon…soon for me.
AngelMpath: Hey Grinchy {S atoast
Bablyon v: i’ll put the kettle on
B5Delenn1: Hey all….Iceman says hi
B5CL Lyta: Delenn, where’s he been?
AngelMpath: which one Delenn, I know several
B5Delenn1: he is doing ok.,…..he has been trying to take care of his foot
B5Delenn1: B5CLIce, Angel
AngelMpath: whoever it is give him an angelhug from me
OnlineHost: Artistspen has entered the room.
AngelMpath: oh that one
B5CL Lyta: Delenn, oh..that Ice. I talked at him the other day.
B5CL Lyta: Artistspen, Happy to see you! Have a seat and enjoy your
B5CL Lyta: time in the Cafe! 11/17/98 04:22 PM
Artistspen: ok.
B5CL Mikey: Troy, you’re being too quiet..which means that mischevious
macavity in you is planning
B5CL Mikey: something <g>
AngelMpath: Lyta, how are the macros coming?
Artistspen: Any one wanna roll???
Bablyon v: ohh.. please!
B5CL Lyta: Don’t have rolls, I have:
B5CL Lyta: ลลลลลลลลล <———Bear Claws (for your sweet
B5CL Lyta: tooth)
AngelMpath: Mikey, it’s pretty scary when Troy is quiet
B5CL Mikey: Agreed, Angel, LOL!
B5CL Lyta: Angel, they are coming along.
AngelMpath: wonder if he’s sleeping? {S thunder
TARutter: ::urp::
AngelMpath: thought so
TARutter: Sorry
B5CL Lyta: Troy!!! Get any on yourself!
MstrGrinch: ack had the volume way too loud!!
TARutter: I was checking out the pretty blue screens when you enter the
message boards
B5CL Mikey: LOL, Grinch!
B5CL Lyta: Troy, you are easily fascinated…aren’t you?
B5CL Mikey: ROFL!! ๐ก
Artistspen: Hay Guys,Wanna here a story about a BLERB! ?
TARutter: Lyta.. its a perty cloud blue color.
AngelMpath: sorry Grinch
B5CL Lyta: Troy, LOL
TARutter: So nice and inviting
B5CL Mikey: Thought clouds were white? <ducks>
B5CL Lyta: Artists, a what?
TARutter: Whoever did the last one was bad!!!
AngelMpath: Troy, my entire control panel settings are that color
B5CL Lyta: PT 8.2 lets you put wallpaper on your aol screen.
AngelMpath: good point Mikey
Bablyon v: I suppose its a matter of perspective really!
Artistspen: One day,there in the river lies a BLERB! Its really tiny but the
more people it eats the-
MstrGrinch: I like the new 8.2 look
B5CL Lyta: Grinch, me too.
TARutter: :;squirts Mikey with Stef’s gun::
B5CL Lyta: Troy, LOL!
Artistspen: Bigger it gets.
TARutter: hyperlinks are cool
B5CL Mikey: LOL! How’d you get that??
Artistspen: ANd finaly it BURPS and BLOWS UP!!! THE END!
B5CL Lyta: Troy, I’m gonna tell Stef!!!
TARutter: 0:o)
TARutter: “You’re not the only one who carried a Vorlon.”
B5CL Mikey: mmmhmmm ๐
B5CL Lyta: .โนโขโบยฟโนโขโบ ———–<~~~ rolling eyes ~~~>———–โนโขโบยฟโนโขโบ
B5CL Lyta: ::::::::::: Aiming Super Soaker 2000 ::::::::::::::
B5CL Lyta: ฦ== ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ < TARutter’,’,’
Kayble2819: gotta go bye
OnlineHost: Artistspen rolled 15 999-sided dice: 532 538 16 504 631 273 270
234 304 709 247 20 315 635 15
B5CL Lyta: Bye Kay!!
Bablyon v: bye
B5CL Lyta: Artist, please do not roll dice
TARutter: dice dice baby
Bablyon v: anyone for monoply?
Artistspen: uhhhhhhhhhhhhh…….
B5CL Mikey: TAR, how’s the Moffats? <g>
Artistspen: mee!
MstrGrinch: Moffats?
B5CL Lyta: Moffats?
TARutter: Mikey… going to be here next month. ๐
B5CL Mikey: You two have never heard of the Moffats? <g>
Bablyon v: Moffats?
Artistspen: wheres Spires?
B5CL Mikey: Coolies, Troy! ;D
B5CL Lyta: Artist, don’t know
TARutter: CD released here in Feb! ๐
Artistspen: Ive got to go bye
TARutter: I have an ad in today’s Hollywood Reporter in fact. ;>
OnlineHost: MajSicnarf has entered the room.
B5CL Lyta: MajSicnarf, Happy to see you! Have a seat and enjoy your
MajSicnarf: hi everyone
B5CL Lyta: time in the Cafe! 11/17/98 04:32 PM
Bablyon v: saw him in fresh air earlier artist
MstrGrinch: for Moffats?
TARutter: For all my clients. ;>
B5CL Mikey: I think it’d be difficult for me to get a copy of “Hollywood
Reporter” out here, TARutter ๐
B5CL Lyta: Maj, how ya doing?
B5CL Lyta: What is a Moffat????
TARutter: BTW… its two t’s. hmpg
TARutter: take a peek (Keyword to: http://www.themoffatts.com) ;>
B5CL Mikey: Oh, pardon my imperfections and inadequacies ;A)
TARutter: heheheheh
B5CL Mikey: ;D
OnlineHost: B5Fanatic9 has entered the room.
Bablyon v: are there many b5 out – takes going round?
B5CL Lyta: Greetings B5Fanatic! Welcome to the most far out place
B5CL Lyta: in the galaxy! 11/17/98 04:34 PM
OnlineHost: Mike011701 has entered the room.
B5CL Lyta: Mike, Happy to see you! Have a seat and enjoy your time
B5CL Lyta: in the Cafe! 11/17/98 04:34 PM
TARutter: far out d()()D
MstrGrinch: they look like Hanson :::shudders::::
B5CL Lyta: Babylon, I’d like to see some
TARutter: Grinch! No!
TARutter: ::thwaps Grinch then squirts him::
OnlineHost: AARogers2 has entered the room.
TARutter: ;>
B5CL Lyta: AARogers, Happy to see you! Have a seat and enjoy your
B5CL Lyta: time in the Cafe! 11/17/98 04:35 PM
Bablyon v: I got send three once, but i cant find any more :0(
B5CL Lyta: ย ~(:::)8> ~(:::)8> ~(:::)8> <– Rat Chocolate Chip
B5CL Lyta: Cookies
B5CL Lyta: ย (If ya hold the tails, ya wont get chocolate on yer hands!)
Bablyon v: or sent even!
B5CL Mikey: LOL! You got thwapped, I only got squirted! <g>
TARutter: How dare you mention the H word. ;>
TARutter: In the B5 chat room even! JMS would be very angry! ;>
MstrGrinch: I got thwapped and squirted!
B5CL Lyta: Children! Behave!
TARutter: ::pout::
B5CL Mikey: Awwwww, shucks! LOL
OnlineHost: Maeve v2 has entered the room.
Bablyon v: :0)
B5CL Lyta: Greetings Maeve v! Welcome to the most far out place in
B5CL Lyta: the galaxy! 11/17/98 04:37 PM
Maeve v2: Hey all
B5CL Lyta: Maeve, how ya doing?
Maeve v2: Just got new contacts… taking them for a spin
B5CL Lyta: Maeve, great!! I’m thinking about getting contacts.
Bablyon v: low mileage?
Maeve v2: You doing well, Lyta?
MstrGrinch: I will stuck with glasses
B5CL Lyta: Maeve, pretty good. When I can keep the boys behaving. ๐
Maeve v2: Yeap, Bab, right out of the bottle <G>
Bablyon v: nice to meet you all. time for tea. byyyeeeeee
B5CL Lyta: Bye Bablyon!!!
Maeve v2: Bye
Bablyon v: or bed, for that matter!
B5CL Mikey: Seeya Bablyon! ;D
B5CL Lyta: [::] [::] [::] [::] [::] [::] [::] ~~~~~~~=ยยยยล
B5CL Lyta: Does anyone want crackers and cheese?
TARutter: can I have a little whine too
TARutter: (not from YOU Mikey)
TARutter: ;>
B5CL Lyta: ::whine, whine, whine::::
Maeve v2: LoL Tar
B5CL Mikey: LOL!
B5CL Mikey: Wha’d I do?? <g>
B5CL Lyta: I don’t got no alceehal
Maeve v2: It’s so nice to be able to see, but the headaches are a pain
B5CL Lyta: Maeve, why the headaches?
B5CL Mikey: Uhm, keyboards don’t liek coffee, do they? ๐
B5CL Lyta: Mikey, um…………NO
Maeve v2: New presription as well, so my eyes are adjusting
B5CL Lyta: Ah…that will do it.
TARutter: that blue is awesome
TARutter: ;>
B5CL Mikey: LOL, TAR!!
OnlineHost: DVader1985 has entered the room.
B5CL Lyta: Psst……..Mikey……..
B5CL Lyta: DVader, Happy to see you! Have a seat and enjoy your
B5CL Lyta: time in the Cafe! 11/17/98 04:41 PM
OnlineHost: StarEnsign has entered the room.
DVader1985: Thanks
B5CL Lyta: Greetings StarEnsign! Welcome to the most far out place
B5CL Lyta: in the galaxy! 11/17/98 04:41 PM
Maeve v2: Mikey, unless you got a PC jr with a dishwasher safe keyboard…
No, they don’t
B5CL Lyta: Should we paint Troy’s room blue?
DVader1985: Anyone here play the Babylon 5 CCG?
StarEnsign: Thank you Lyta. And greetings to all.
OnlineHost: Trekkie102 has entered the room.
TARutter: heheheh
B5CL Lyta: DVader, not me.
TARutter: Oh this hurts.
B5CL Lyta: Trekkie, Happy to see you! Have a seat and enjoy your
B5CL Lyta: time in the Cafe! 11/17/98 04:42 PM
Trekkie102: hey all
B5CL Mikey: DVader, I don’t, but there’s a board in the Message Center
dedicated to the B5 CCG
TARutter: I was waiting for someone in a meeting so we could go to lunch..
turns out they had lunch
Maeve v2: Hi Trekkie
OnlineHost: Telepath84 has entered the room.
B5CL Lyta: Star, how ya doing?
TARutter: in the conference room.
TARutter: Grrrrrr
Trekkie102: thanks, i will as always
B5CL Lyta: Telepath, Happy to see you! Have a seat and enjoy your
B5CL Lyta: time in the Cafe! 11/17/98 04:42 PM
OnlineHost: Kcjsenst has entered the room.
StarEnsign: Pretty good Lyta.
Telepath84: HI! ltns, peeps!
B5CL Mikey: Utoh, TAR ๐
B5CL Lyta: Greetings Kcjsenst! Welcome to the most far out place in
B5CL Lyta: the galaxy! 11/17/98 04:42 PM
B5CL Mikey: No dinner for you? ๐
B5CL Lyta: Troy, I’m getting ready to go cook supper….
TARutter: Im going lunch now! Bye. LOL
Kcjsenst: hi
Telepath84: just hadda say that. ๐
B5CL Lyta: Bye Troy
Maeve v2: Byr Tar
StarEnsign: Anyone take a step outside last night to see the meteor shower?
B5CL Mikey: LOL, Troy! Seeya next time! ๐
MstrGrinch: bye Troy,
B5CL Lyta: Telepath, why you so excited?
B5CL Mikey: StarEnsign, too cloudy and foggy here :()
Maeve v2: Star, we were clouded in
Trekkie102: *thank you* know I have that song inmy head!!!!
Telepath84: We won cavalcade championships.
Trekkie102: ๐
MstrGrinch: same here Mikey,
B5CL Lyta: Star, the sun is shining
B5CL Lyta: Telepath, what is that.
Telepath84: My astronemy class is meeting at 4:30 tomorrow morning to watch
the Leonids.
OnlineHost: Jkingabcd has entered the room.
StarEnsign: Sorry to hear that Mikey and Maeve.
Telepath84: we were gonna meet thismorning, but it was cloudy.
B5CL Lyta: I hope the clouds stay away
Telepath84: Marching band competition.
B5CL Lyta: Greetings Jkingabcd! Welcome to the most far out place
B5CL Lyta: in the galaxy! 11/17/98 04:43 PM
Jkingabcd: wuz up people
Kcjsenst: bye
DVader1985: Down here it’s foggy.
Maeve v2: I hope to see it tonight
B5CL Lyta: Telepath!!! Congratulations!!!!!!!!
Telepath84: first time since 1976 that the Marching Colonials won cavalcade
StarEnsign: Agreed Lyta. I am hoping to see a good show tonight at 2:00 am.
B5CL Lyta: [/][/][/][/][/][/][/][/][/] cokes for everyone!
Jkingabcd: I said wuz up people
Maeve v2: Gratz, Telepath!
B5CL Lyta: Jking, how ya doing?
Telepath84: it was awesome!
StarEnsign: What about a marching band comp?
Maeve v2: Hi Jk
Jkingabcd: good how bout you
B5CL Lyta: Jking, doing great.
Telepath84: whatta you mean what about it, we WON!!
Trekkie102: i hope the cloud go away. it’s raining right now
B5CL Mikey: When is the optimum viewing night?
StarEnsign: What size class is your band?
Jkingabcd: this chat is to boring c ya
B5CL Lyta: Mikey, I was told tonight and tomorrow nite.
StarEnsign: 2:00-5:00 Mikey.
B5CL Mikey: Ahh, coolies! I wanna take pictures! ๐
Maeve v2: I better go, my eyes are yelling at me ๐ Be seeing you
Telepath84: Independance.
B5CL Lyta: Bye Maeve
B5CL Mikey: Maeve, come back soon!
Trekkie102: pics of what?
B5CL Mikey: Trekkie, the meteor shower
Trekkie102: ah yes. that’s to night
Telepath84: it had better clear up or i’m gonna be pissed.
B5CL Lyta: Ok, later Telepath
B5CL Lyta: Oh, sorry. misread that.
Telepath84: um..
B5CL Lyta: I think I need those contacts Maeve has.
B5CL Mikey: LOL, Lyta
B5CL Mikey: I just want colored contacts
DVader1985: Who else is taping the last episode of B5 in 8 days?
Trekkie102: annoying typos, so sorry
B5CL Mikey: Don’t need any prescription in them ๐
B5CL Mikey: DVader, I think just about everyone will ๐
StarEnsign: Telepath, did you ever say what size your marching band is?
B5CL Lyta: Mikey, without my glasses I’m blind in one eye and can’t see from
the other.
Telepath84: we tape them all.
StarEnsign: Lol Lyta.
Telepath84: Yep, Independance.
B5CL Mikey: Utoh Lyta! <g>
OnlineHost: Trekkie102 has entered the room.
StarEnsign: What kinda class is that?
B5CL Lyta: Telepath, I’ve taped them all too
B5CL Lyta: Trekkie, Happy to see you! Have a seat and enjoy your
B5CL Lyta: time in the Cafe! 11/17/98 04:49 PM
OnlineHost: Spunky7152 has entered the room.
StarEnsign: Where do you live?
B5CL Lyta: Spunky, Happy to see you! Have a seat and enjoy your
B5CL Lyta: time in the Cafe! 11/17/98 04:49 PM
DVader1985: I like Sheridan the most as commander…
Trekkie102: i’m back
B5CL Mikey: Spunnnkyyyyyyy! ๐
B5CL Lyta: Hey Spunky!!!!!!!!
Spunky7152: {{{{{{{{{{{{Mikey}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}!!! ๐ sweetie {S smooch
Spunky7152: Hey CL Lyta!!!!!!
B5CL Mikey: I did, too, DVader, don’t particularly care for President
B5CL Lyta: DVader, me too. I don’t care for Lochley.
Spunky7152: got you training for this one too, eh?
B5CL Mikey: {{{{{{{{{{{{{spunky}}}}}}}}}}}}}
Telepath84: It’s a cavalcade class..
B5CL Lyta: Spunky, they are slave drivers. ๐
Telepath84: PA.
Trekkie102: i like marcus
B5CL Mikey: LOL! We’s not!!
Spunky7152: LOL, Ms. Lyta.. you DID ask for it {S rofl
Telepath84: check out www.angelfire.com/pa/cavalcade
B5CL Mikey: Now Lyta, you know I love ya more’n my luggage! ๐
OnlineHost: BarieSweet has entered the room.
B5CL Lyta: Spunky, I know. Just a glutton for punishment I guess.
B5CL Lyta: BarieSweet, Happy to see you! Have a seat and enjoy
B5CL Lyta: your time in the Cafe! 11/17/98 04:51 PM
StarEnsign: So do you not have an “A” class, like A,
B5CL Lyta: Mikey, glad to hear that….I think.
StarEnsign: AA, AAA, AAAA, AAAAA?
B5CL Mikey: LOL! Its a “Steel Magnolias” quote
Spunky7152: Hmmmm, Mikey…… more than your luggage?
B5CL Lyta: Star, that is how they classed the bands in my area.
DVader1985: They should never have made Sheridan Prez.
Spunky7152: I wouldn’t go there, if I were you, CL Lyta.
B5CL Mikey: Spunky, “Steel Magnolias”!!! Doesn’t anyone remember that? ๐
DVader1985: And I’d like to know what happened to Sinclair after he became a
B5CL Lyta: Mikey, didn’t see it.
B5CL Mikey: Me, too, Lyta, Star.
Spunky7152: Mikey, never saw it ๐
B5CL Mikey: My old High School was AA
OnlineHost: IVYSPICY1 has entered the room.
B5CL Mikey: Awww, Spunky!! You must! That movie is simply a *must*
B5CL Lyta: IVYSPICY, Happy to see you! Have a seat and enjoy your
Spunky7152: DVader.. you’ll just have to wait.
B5CL Lyta: time in the Cafe! 11/17/98 04:52 PM
Spunky7152: ::makes a mental note to see Steel Magnolias::
B5CL Lyta: Ack, what’s the title of book 9?
Telepath84: um..
StarEnsign: We were barely AAA when I was Drum Major my senior year.
Spunky7152: CL Lyta.. in the city of shadows.
AARogers2: Mikey, I remember Steel Magnolias, just not the quote
Telepath84: I’ve never heard of those classes…
B5CL Lyta: Was book 9 the one that was about Marcus and Sinclair…..
OnlineHost: Mike011701 has entered the room.
B5CL Lyta: Greetings Mike! Welcome to the most far out place in the
B5CL Lyta: galaxy! 11/17/98 04:53 PM
Telepath84: the three cavalcade classes are Independance, American, and
Spunky7152: Lyta.. Yes!!! and a damned fine bood it is, too.
OnlineHost: Whoohoo85 has entered the room.
Telepath84: Independance is the smallest.
B5CL Lyta: Whoohoo, Happy to see you! Have a seat and enjoy your
B5CL Lyta: time in the Cafe! 11/17/98 04:53 PM
Spunky7152: Mostly about Sinclair… and answers a lot of questions.
Whoohoo85: hi mike <sncker>
Mike011701: more of those messed up, redundent greetings
Trekkie102: hello again Whoohoo
OnlineHost: Usages2 has entered the room.
DVader1985: Anyone here play the Babylon 5 CCG?
B5CL Lyta: Greetings Usages! Welcome to the most far out place in
B5CL Lyta: the galaxy! 11/17/98 04:53 PM
Spunky7152: bood? gad, Spunky {S typosex
Whoohoo85: I know you trekkie?
Usages2: hi everyone
Mike011701: you do now
Trekkie102: i……..thought so
B5CL Lyta: DVader, read book 9 “City of Shadows” Discusses Sinclair being a
Ranger and beyond.
OnlineHost: Silver2282 has entered the room.
StarEnsign: Do you have an approx. of how many people in your band?
Excluding pit and auxiliary.
B5CL Lyta: Silver, Happy to see you! Have a seat and enjoy your time
B5CL Lyta: in the Cafe! 11/17/98 04:54 PM
Whoohoo85: oh ok than … Whaz up with ya’ man’
Silver2282: **nods a greeting**
Telepath84: 68, i think.
Whoohoo85: lets just blow it up now…
B5CL Lyta: Mike, of course. ๐
Usages2: ok everyone..one of the biggest fans is here with me today..has
every show taped twice.
B5CL Mikey: Mike, yes, thats the job of a host ๐
Spunky7152: Mikey… are you glad to have more company… civilized, that is?
Spunky7152: ::snickers::
B5CL Mikey: Of course, Spunky! Always! ๐
Telepath84: there’s 28 in our wind section, we have a big pit..
Whoohoo85: its to full mike
StarEnsign: Hmm…I think that might actually be a AA in the system I am used
OnlineHost: BarieSweet has entered the room.
B5CL Lyta: Greetings BarieSweet! Welcome to the most far out place
B5CL Lyta: in the galaxy! 11/17/98 04:55 PM
DVader1985: Sorry…I didn’t catch anyone’s answer about the B5 CCG?
Telepath84: okay..
BarieSweet: hello
StarEnsign: But, wait, pit doesn’t count…
Telepath84: we’re group 2A in USSBA..
B5CL Mikey: DVader, check the message boards ๐ Under B5 Merchandise
B5CL Lyta: DVader, no
B5CL Lyta: Barie, how are you?
Spunky7152: CL Lyta… are you training in all the various slots?
BarieSweet: I’m fine
B5CL Lyta: Spunky? Slots?
OnlineHost: KAGALLERY has entered the room.
Whoohoo85: gotta go!
Spunky7152: time slots for online duty…
B5CL Lyta: KAGALLERY, Happy to see you! Have a seat and enjoy
B5CL Lyta: your time in the Cafe! 11/17/98 04:56 PM
B5CL Lyta: Spunky, I just wanted to co-host with Mikey.
StarEnsign: Our’s floats from size to size. We were AA at our VBODA State
Telepath84: ah….
B5CL Lyta: He’s so sweet ๐
Spunky7152: ah…. he’s a cutie, isn’t he?? {{{Mickey}}}
B5CL Mikey: Awwwww!!! Shucks!! <blushes>
Telepath84: i gotta go do my homework.. so i can get sleep and be at school
at 4 am…
Spunky7152: Mikey, even.
B5CL Mikey: Lyta is doin an Excellent job! ๐
Telepath84: {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{Everyone}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}} bye!
Spunky7152: Of course she is, was there ever any doubt???
B5CL Lyta: Telepath, later
B5CL Lyta: Mikey!!! Thanks!! {S smooch
B5CL Mikey: Not at all, Spunky ๐ I mean, she did survive the wheel of fire,
after all ๐
Silver2282: g/g all
Spunky7152: gad… wheel of fire??? I’m not sure I want to know.
B5CL Lyta: Silver, bye
Silver2282: **nods and wanls away**
Spunky7152: Wasn’t that the name of a book???
B5CL Mikey: LOL, Spunky!! You prolly don’t ๐
Silver2282: walks
Spunky7152: by Robert Jordon?
B5CL Lyta: Spunky, one of them
B5CL Mikey: Spunky, what book?
IVYSPICY1: gtg c-ya all later
MstrGrinch: that was wheel of time Spunky,
StarEnsign: I got to use the potty. Lyta, may I be excused for a few
B5CL Lyta: Grinch, Ack! I forgot.
Spunky7152: Thanks, Lyta… I’m not losing my mind.. least wise not
completely ๐
B5CL Lyta: Star, yes you may.
MstrGrinch: BTW his latest Path of Daggers is now out ๐
StarEnsign: Thank you.
StarEnsign: BRB.
B5CL Lyta: Grinch, I want it!!!!
Spunky7152: {{{{{{{{{{{{Grinchie}}}}}}}}}}}}
Spunky7152: ::flutters wings::
MstrGrinch: it was good ๐
B5CL Lyta: Book club hasn’t had it yet. ::pouts::
Spunky7152: Path of Daggers is out now??? hard back or paper back, Grinchie?
B5CL Mikey: Lyta, I’m sure you can find it at Amazon, or Barnes&Noble
Spunky7152: Not at B&N… I checked.
MstrGrinch: Hardcover only
Spunky7152: not here in No. VA.
MstrGrinch: well folks see you later {P jumpgate}
Spunky7152: byeeee. Mr. Grinch.
Spunky7152: Tiime for me to flitter on outta here too!
B5CL Lyta: I have seen it at the bookstore, but I can get it from
B5CL Lyta: the Science Fiction Book Club for about $12 instead
B5CL Lyta: of $30.
OnlineHost: Katelaa has entered the room.
B5CL Mikey: Really, Spunky?
Spunky7152: Mikey {S smooch
B5CL Lyta: Bye Spunky
B5CL Lyta: Greetings Katelaa! Welcome to the most far out place in
B5CL Lyta: the galaxy! 11/17/98 05:01 PM
B5CL Mikey: Awww, shucks! Come back and see me soon, Spunky! ๐
Katelaa: Hey ya’ll whatzzz up ? hey
Spunky7152: Mikey.. you know I will, doll!!! or at least try to!
B5CL Lyta: Kate, how ya doing?
Spunky7152: Lyta… take care… ๐
Spunky7152: {S pixydust
B5CL Lyta: Well folks, I gotta run….you’ve all been great!
Trekkie102: pixie sticks are bad for breakfast i found out
OnlineHost: B5CL Seuss has entered the room.
Katelaa: I’m so fine thanx
B5CL Mikey: Lyta, been great! Come back soon! ๐
B5CL Lyta: Greetings B5CL Seuss! Welcome to the most far out
B5CL Mikey: Heya Seuss! ๐
B5CL Lyta: place in the galaxy! 11/17/98 05:02
AARogers2: later Lyta
B5CL Lyta: Thanks Mikey.
B5CL Seuss: Greeings fellow 5ers ๐
B5CL Lyta: Later folks.!
B5CL Seuss: I dont do windows though <G>
B5CL Lyta: Seuss, me neither ๐
B5CL Mikey: Ah, shucks! Well, I know *I’M* not gettin stuck with the windows
Katelaa: well IM me k? ya’ll I need to chat to people
B5CL Seuss: well you signed for the room didnt you?
StarEnsign: I’m back.
Trekkie102: BYE ALL!!
B5CL Seuss: so Mikey whats the {S topic}?
B5CL Mikey: Yeah, but you’re the new kid on the block…I done my share of
windows way back when, LOL
B5CL Mikey: Seuss, don’t think we have one, any suggestions? ๐
StarEnsign: Um…
B5CL Mikey: Care to speculate on “Objects At Rest” which airs tomorrow night?
StarEnsign: Uhh…
B5CL Seuss: is ROS still a spoiler?
AARogers2: Mikey, Seuss, {S marriedu
OnlineHost: QueepQuap has entered the room.
B5CL Seuss: Welcome, QueepQuap, to the Eclipse Cafe. Safe haven for weary
StarEnsign: I don’t want to hear about new eps, but ROS is fine with me.
QueepQuap: good evening everyone
Katelaa: ya but I like chatting to people in IM’s see?
OnlineHost: CloudStr55 has entered the room.
B5CL Seuss: Welcome CloudStr to the Eclipse Cafe.
StarEnsign: Hi Quap.
StarEnsign: Greetings Cloud.
B5CL Seuss: well what does everyone think of Martin Sheen as Soul Hunter?
CloudStr55: ::takles out pistol::
StarEnsign: An interesting choice.
BarieSweet: not bad
QueepQuap: he was decent
CloudStr55: ::shoots the emperor ofcentauri in the head and kills him::
CloudStr55: yay im the new emperor
CloudStr55: lalalalalalala
B5CL Mikey: I just didn’t much care for the idea of a “good” soulhunter ๐
StarEnsign: I think his portrayal of the Soul Hunters adds a element that
they aren’t quite barbaric
B5CL Seuss: CloudStr, please save the sims for a private room
StarEnsign: like they seemed in the series’ second show.
StarEnsign: Well, all Soul Hunters are good.
B5CL Mikey: StarEnsign, not barbaric, just malicious, and arrogant ๐
B5CL Seuss: arrogant I think that fits well
B5CL Mikey: Naw, I’d much rather fade into nothign than to live forever in a
glass bubble.
B5CL Seuss: they were just doing what they felt had to be done
StarEnsign: I got a barbaric feeling from the ep “Soul Hunter,” that is why
it is not an episode I
StarEnsign: particularly like.
B5CL Mikey: ‘Not giving peopl ea CHOICE is what makes them bad.
BarieSweet: your right Mikey
StarEnsign: Aren’t all in B5 arogant at times.
StarEnsign: We’ve seen the Vorlons and Shadows as arogant.
B5CL Mikey: Yeah, even WE are arrogant at times ๐
BarieSweet: I’d rather go on to nothing than live forever without a body
StarEnsign: As well as Humans and Minbari.
B5CL Mikey: B5 proves that arrogance gets worse with age ๐
OnlineHost: Wren19 has entered the room.
B5CL Seuss: Welcome Wren to the Eclipse Cafe.
StarEnsign: True Mikey.
B5CL Seuss: BarieSweet, the vorlons cope well wiyhout a corporial form
B5CL Mikey: AHhh, I’d love to be without a body, but not stuck in some
bubble, ya know?
StarEnsign: As “Deconstruction of Falling Stars” shows Humans will do well
with a noncorporial form too.
BarieSweet: I’d be so bored though
StarEnsign: Anyone notice that when the Human turned into “light” it was of
the same pattern
B5CL Mikey: Did you all catch the correlation of “The Fall Of Centauri Prime”
and “Deconstruction
BarieSweet: just sitting around not being able to touch or feel or anything
StarEnsign: as that of Lorien?
B5CL Mikey: Of Falling Stars”?
DVader1985: Who actually likes Lockley as commander of B5?
B5CL Seuss: notice the similarities of the two encounter suits StarEnsign, ?
DVader1985: I don’t
B5CL Mikey: Not many, DVader ๐
StarEnsign: I like the Human suit better.
OnlineHost: GODSIVAR has entered the room.
B5CL Seuss: Welcome GODSIVAR to the Eclipse Cafe.
StarEnsign: I am growing to like Lockley.
StarEnsign: Especially after ROS.
QueepQuap: i didn’t like her in the begining, but she’s gotten better
OnlineHost: BarieSweet has entered the room.
B5CL Seuss: Greetings BarieSweet, welcome to the Eclipse Cafe, we do not take
B5CL Seuss: but we do take Centauri Dukats.
B5CL Mikey: She totally lost what little respect I had for her when she
punched LYta
OnlineHost: BarieSweet has entered the room.
B5CL Seuss: she is a very different type of commander
B5CL Seuss: Welcome BarieSweet to the Eclipse Cafe.
StarEnsign: I didn’t see that one Mikey.
B5CL Mikey: She’s an arrogant twit, Seuss ;D
StarEnsign: What ep was it?
B5CL Mikey: StarEnsign, “Objects In Motion”
B5CL Seuss: ouch a little harsh dontcha think?
B5CL Mikey: No, wait
B5CL Mikey: ‘It was before that
B5CL Mikey: I think? LOL
StarEnsign: Why’d she do it?
B5CL Mikey: Naw, Seuss
OnlineHost: JDRodewald has entered the room.
B5CL Seuss: Welcome JDRodewald to the Eclipse Cafe.
B5CL Mikey: Cuz Lyta had taken control of everyone in the room cept Sheridan
StarEnsign: Good evening JD.
B5CL Mikey: Was that in “Objects In Motion”?
B5CL Mikey: It was, wasn’t it?
OnlineHost: DVader1985 has entered the room.
StarEnsign: I really missed what sounds like a good ep.
B5CL Seuss: We have plenty of fresh cofee and Minbari tea, DVader help
B5CL Mikey: Or “The Fall Of Centauri Prime”?
B5CL Seuss: the “new Lyta” is scary
B5CL Mikey: It was good, StarEnsign ๐
B5CL Mikey: I LOVE the new Lyta. Look at what they’ve put her through, Seuss
JDRodewald: what new lytas what have yall seen that i havenot
B5CL Mikey: I think its about time she tells them, “Enough!”
DVader1985: The new Lyta is a P15
B5CL Mikey: DVader, the new Lyta is off the scale
DVader1985: More powerful than Bester
B5CL Seuss: yes she has been through alot but, the changes….
StarEnsign: They actually tested her?
B5CL Mikey: There’s no listing for her
JDRodewald: ::whistles in astonament::
DVader1985: I thought she was a P15
B5CL Seuss: I dont think she CAN be tested
QueepQuap: she used to be a P5
B5CL Mikey: Lyta was revcealed to be a “Telepathic doomsday weapon”
DVader1985: Think about it, Talia was only a P5!
B5CL Mikey: No way, Seuss!
B5CL Mikey: She’s totally off the scale
QueepQuap: she’s more like a P50 right about now
B5CL Mikey: Lyta WAS a P5 before the Vorlons
StarEnsign: Yeah I guess she would be off the scale. The highest thing
Humans have encounterd
B5CL Seuss: scary thought all that power rests in one mind
JDRodewald: I know what the p stands for
StarEnsign: was a P12 (that they could label)
B5CL Mikey: Seuss, she could probably destroy more than an entire minbari
fleet could ๐
DVader1985: Talia Winters was only a P5…
QueepQuap: i miss talia
StarEnsign: If they thought that nothing was above it, they couldn’t classify
B5CL Mikey: I’d love to see Lyta “evolve” before the show ended ๐
QueepQuap: i liked talia more than lyta
DVader1985: Talia rocked
StarEnsign: I liked Talia.
B5CL Seuss: that was before she got tweaked though DVader,
DVader1985: It seemed like Talia gave Garibaldi more spunk
JDRodewald: The P stands Psyco
JDRodewald: So guess what i am a P15
StarEnsign: I find it kool that the actress of Talia and the actor of
Garibaldi are married.
B5CL Seuss: now she is a paperweight on besters desk
B5CL Mikey: Talia gave Ivanova more spunk!
QueepQuap: the elevator thing was pure genius between talia and garabaldi
B5CL Mikey: ROFL! That was awful, I’m sorry ๐
OnlineHost: AngelMpath has entered the room.
StarEnsign: I didn’t know that before I read a book.
B5CL Seuss: Welcome AngelMpath to the Eclipse Cafe.
StarEnsign: Agreed Quap.
AngelMpath: Hey Seuss, how goes it?
DVader1985: Ivanova had a P1 rating
DVader1985: It’s true.
QueepQuap: not even a P1
DVader1985: I rounded ๐
StarEnsign: Yeah, not even a p1.
B5CL Mikey: Ivanova was latent
DVader1985: I want to know WHY Garibaldi is bald!
B5CL Seuss: AngelMpath, goes fine, we are running a special on green spoo and
ham today <G>
B5CL Mikey: LOL
B5CL Mikey: I don’t wanna see WHITE spoo, let alone GREEN
AngelMpath: Seuss, I skip the spoo thanks
B5CL Seuss: well it has benn aged for a while….
StarEnsign: Awsome that Narns like fresh spoo.
AngelMpath: Mikey, that makes two of us
GODSIVAR: Awsome that Narns like fresh spoo.
GODSIVAR: Mikey, that makes two of us
GODSIVAR: well it has benn aged for a while….
OnlineHost: Raiden437 has entered the room.
AngelMpath: looks like some learned how to copy and paste
StarEnsign: Why did Godsivar copy our statements?
B5CL Seuss: We have plenty of fresh cofee and Minbari tea, Raiden help
AngelMpath: someone
StarEnsign: Hee hee Angel.
DVader1985: I hate the Shadows!
B5CL Seuss: Remember, you can ignore any member whose chat you don’t want to
see by
B5CL Seuss: double-clicking their name in the roster box, then click “Ignore”
B5CL Seuss: 04:19 PM
AngelMpath: Star, he needs to get a life
OnlineHost: Bearcub456 has entered the room.
Bearcub456: hi
OnlineHost: Zaxxon3000 has entered the room.
B5CL Seuss: We have plenty of fresh cofee and Minbari tea, Bearcub help
StarEnsign: Ha.
B5CL Seuss: Greetings Zaxxon, welcome to the Eclipse Cafe, we do not take
checks but we
B5CL Seuss: Greetings Zaxxon, welcome to the Eclipse Cafe, we do not take
checks but we
B5CL Seuss: do take Centauri Dukats.
StarEnsign: {S welcome} To all newcomers.
Bearcub456: i hate this tea
Zaxxon3000: Tut! Tut! Tut! using preset Welcome’s again Seuss!!!
StarEnsign: Nothing wrong with presets.
B5CL Seuss: welcome Zaxxon,
StarEnsign: I kinda like ’em.
Zaxxon3000: Thanx
B5CL Seuss: Zaxxon, feel free to E-Mail me suggestions on new ones
Zaxxon3000: LOL!
Zaxxon3000: I might just do That!!
QueepQuap: i’ll be going now, bye everyone
B5CL Seuss: bye QueepQuap,
StarEnsign: Good day Quap.
Zaxxon3000: Darn!!! BRB.
OnlineHost: AngelMpath has entered the room.
OnlineHost: GODSIVAR has entered the room.
B5CL Mikey: I can’t wait to see Ivanova in “Sleeping In Light”
StarEnsign: Any of you into drum corps?
B5CL Seuss: We have plenty of fresh cofee and Minbari tea, AngelMpath,
B5CL Seuss: We have plenty of fresh cofee and Minbari tea, AngelMpath,
B5CL Seuss: GODSIVAR help yourself!
B5CL Mikey: Thats the ONLY reason I’m looking forward to it ๐
StarEnsign: Don’t get me started on Ivanova.
B5CL Seuss: I am wondering why Sheridan is wearing a uniform in the trailer
OnlineHost: ChinCherry has entered the room.
B5CL Seuss: Welcome, ChinCherry, to the Eclipse Cafe. Safe haven for weary
AngelMpath: bac, bad modem
StarEnsign: After all, she is god! {S b5mantra}
AngelMpath: ::::whacks modem with wet noodle:::
B5CL Mikey: StarEnsign, YES!!
B5CL Seuss: a wet noodle? hope you are wearing gloves {S thunder}
OnlineHost: ILCRBB has entered the room.
B5CL Seuss: Greetings ILCRBB, welcome to the Eclipse Cafe, we do not take
checks but
B5CL Seuss: we do take Centauri Dukats.
StarEnsign: Um, no. Ivanova is, she says so.
B5CL Seuss: DVader, I think that it has been established Ivanova is god and
JMS is the great maker ๐
B5CL Mikey: LOL
B5CL Mikey: JMS is Lorien, Ivanova is the Vorlons
B5CL Seuss: and the editor is the shadows?
StarEnsign: Lol Seuss.
B5CL Mikey: Thereya go! <g>
GODSIVAR: what the lhel does <G> mean
GODSIVAR: {S b5them5
StarEnsign: grin?
B5CL Seuss: GODSIVAR, <G> means Grin
GODSIVAR: ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
StarEnsign: Ok, I feel the need to power up the iggy cannon.
GODSIVAR: dam my self
OnlineHost: Enemie2000 has entered the room.
GODSIVAR: i am evil incarnite
B5CL Seuss: Welcome, Enemie, to the Eclipse Cafe. Safe haven for weary
Enemie2000: what?
Enemie2000: ahhhhhhhhhhhh
B5CL Mikey: GODSIVAR, thats nice, just watch the language, ok? ๐
GODSIVAR: i am evil
B5CL Seuss: GODSIVAR, would you like a list to help with chat shorthand?
StarEnsign: Iggy cannon fired, direct hit!
OnlineHost: Kayble2819 has entered the room.
B5CL Seuss: We have plenty of fresh cofee and Minbari tea, Kayble help
Kayble2819: hello
Kayble2819: thanks
GODSIVAR: yes suees
StarEnsign: I would Seuss.
GODSIVAR: i want it
GODSIVAR: pleasessssssssssssssss
StarEnsign: Greetings Kayble.
Kayble2819: is there a topic?
StarEnsign: Nope.
Kayble2819: Hi StarEnsign
B5CL Seuss: GODSIVAR, StarEnsign, you have mail
OnlineHost: TARutter has entered the room.
TARutter: mauauauaha
B5CL Seuss: Greetings TARutter, welcome to the Eclipse Cafe, we do not take
checks but
B5CL Seuss: we do take Centauri Dukats.
TARutter: Duckats?
B5CL Mikey: Ohdear, he’s back! Hide! LOL
TARutter: Tomato?
B5CL Seuss: Kayble, just a general episode discussion
Kayble2819: ok thanks
TARutter: I thin kI scare Godsivar off. ;>
Kayble2819: any particular episode?
B5CL Seuss: LOL Troy,
B5CL Mikey: Shame on you TARutter ๐
StarEnsign: Thanks Seuss.
B5CL Seuss: Kayble, ROS and speculating on SIL
Kayble2819: ok
StarEnsign: What’s tonight’s ep?
TARutter: That blue is awesome on that message board screen thing. ;>
TARutter: perty
B5CL Mikey: Star, tomorrow night, “Objects At Rest” not sure about tonight
B5CL Mikey: ROFL, TARutter!! Are you generally that easily amused?
B5CL Seuss: not sur either
TARutter: Mikey.. generally. ;>
B5CL Mikey: LOL
OnlineHost: Sk8bord la has entered the room.
B5CL Seuss: Troy, you can change the message bords too?
B5CL Seuss: We have plenty of fresh cofee and Minbari tea, Sk8bord la help
B5CL Seuss: yourself!
OnlineHost: GODSIVAR has entered the room.
B5CL Seuss: Welcome, GODSIVAR, to the Eclipse Cafe. Safe haven for weary
B5CL Seuss: travellers.
GODSIVAR: im bak
TARutter: I was at lunch and the NDEI effects people came in and sat at the
table next to us. Heh
B5CL Seuss: welcome back GODSIVAR,
GODSIVAR: >^..^<
B5CL Mikey: Coolies! <g>
OnlineHost: DVader1985 has entered the room.
B5CL Seuss: We have plenty of fresh cofee and Minbari tea, DVader help
B5CL Seuss: they show you anything good Troy, ?
TARutter: ya.. a french fry
TARutter: ;>
B5CL Seuss: Troy, you need to stop hanging around the vorlons, you are
sounding way too much like one.
TARutter: yes
B5CL Mikey: He’s always been like that
TARutter: And I have always been here
B5CL Mikey: The 3+ years I’ve known him, he’s always been like that, LOL
B5CL Mikey: Never could get a “secret” outta him ๐
TARutter: No More Secrets
TARutter: Setec Astronomy ;>
B5CL Mikey: Say whut?
TARutter: Never saw the movie Sneakers? ;>
B5CL Mikey: LOL..nope
TARutter: Well.. there ya go. ;>
B5CL Seuss: me either
Kayble2819: I haven’t seen the movie sneakers
B5CL Mikey: You talkin bout shoes? ๐
B5CL Seuss: I see the Nike commercials that count?
B5CL Mikey: LOL
Kayble2819: gotta go bye
B5CL Mikey: I’ve never even heard of Sneakers..must have been before my time
B5CL Seuss: bye Kayble,
B5CL Seuss: Troy, you seem to have scared most of the guests aeay
B5CL Mikey: I think its dinnertime, Seuss ๐
TARutter: I have that effect on people
B5CL Seuss: GODSIVAR, have you seen ROS?
TARutter: Why do you think the First Ones went beyond the rim.
B5CL Mikey: Awww, Troy! You know I loveya more’n my luggage! ;D
OnlineHost: GODSIVAR has entered the room.
B5CL Seuss: Troy, is that like why did the chicken cross the road?
OnlineHost: StarEnsign has entered the room.
B5CL Seuss: We have plenty of fresh cofee and Minbari tea, GODSIVAR,
StarEnsign help
B5CL Seuss: yourself!
TARutter: ::click whirrrrr:: yes.
StarEnsign: I’m back. Had an illegal error.
B5CL Seuss: wb StarEnsign,
StarEnsign: Thanks.
B5CL Mikey: That doesn’t sound very healthy, StarEnsign ๐
B5CL Seuss: have you ever had a legal error?
TARutter: call the police
StarEnsign: Lol to all 3 of you jesters.
TARutter: those illegal operations cost a lot of malpractice. ;>
B5CL Mikey: 28 hours and 17 minutes!
TARutter: until?
StarEnsign: ‘Til what?
B5CL Mikey: “Objects At Rest”!
TARutter: Oh
B5CL Seuss: the last OAR
TARutter: They tend to stay that way until acted upon by a force
StarEnsign: Whoohoo.
B5CL Mikey: Well, I personally think Objects At Rest should have aired before
Objects In Motion
StarEnsign: Or as Lennier would say, “Whoohoo?”
B5CL Mikey: But, who am I to argue with the great maker? ๐
TARutter: Yeah.. let me do the arguing. ;>
B5CL Mikey: LOL…you’re welcome to it ๐
B5CL Seuss: have at it Troy,
TARutter: He’s used to it by now.
TARutter: ;>
OnlineHost: ICEMAN2449 has entered the room.
B5CL Seuss: Welcome ICEMAN to the Eclipse Cafe.
B5CL Mikey: LOL! I’d imagine so ๐ How’s his outlook on “Crusades”?
B5CL Mikey: Heyyya {{{{{{{{ICEMAN}}}}}}}}}!
ICEMAN2449: {{{{{Mikey}}}} {{{{{Seuss}}}}
B5CL Mikey: And Troy, don’t gimme no Vorlonesque response ;D
TARutter: Crusade is looking up!
TARutter: ;>
B5CL Seuss: Vorlonesque?!? I like it!
B5CL Mikey: LOL
B5CL Mikey: I wanna see Lyta!! I can’t believe G’kar, Lyta, and MrG are gone
B5CL Mikey: Next week, Sheridan and Delenn ๐
TARutter: Hehehehehhehehe
B5CL Mikey: Tomorrow night actually
B5CL Seuss: the station will seem empty without them
TARutter: mums the word on Lyta. <G>
B5CL Mikey: Ohbutnoitisnot! LOL!
StarEnsign: “Just as I have raised you and stepped aside, so too must you now
do the same.”
StarEnsign: ((not a direct quote mind you.))
StarEnsign: It’s time for a new set of people to carry the tradition of B5.
B5CL Seuss: works for me StarEnsign,
B5CL Mikey: StarEnsign, I don’t think much will be carried after “Sleeping In
Light” <g>
StarEnsign: I’m refering to Crusade.
B5CL Mikey: I’m speculating, and its ntohign but speculation, not even a
rumor, that B5 will go BOOM! ๐
OnlineHost: LordZiba3 has entered the room.
B5CL Seuss: Welcome LordZiba to the Eclipse Cafe.
StarEnsign: Lady Marella((was that her name?)) saw it go boom in a vision.
OnlineHost: Hypospray1 has entered the room.
OnlineHost: TERANIX has entered the room.
B5CL Seuss: Welcome Hypospray, TERANIX to the Eclipse Cafe.
StarEnsign: Welcome everyone who just came in.
OnlineHost: Raiden437 has entered the room.
TARutter: We are dreamers, shapers, singers, and makers. We study the
mysteries of laser and
B5CL Seuss: Hiya Raiden, Welcome to the Eclipse Cafe.
TARutter: circuit and crystal and scanner, holographic demons and invocations
and equations
B5CL Seuss: StarEnsign, some one did say “it will end in fire” didnt they?
StarEnsign: I think if B5 goes and does a motion picture they should focus on
StarEnsign: Kosh said that.
B5CL Mikey: I like that, Troy, where’d it come from?
TARutter: Geometry of Shadows.
TARutter: ;>
StarEnsign: So much open to them if they explore the Technomages, it’s
B5CL Mikey: Kosh said such an elaborate quote? ๐
StarEnsign: No that was a Technomage who said that.
B5CL Mikey: I’m impressed
B5CL Seuss: Mikey, the technomages said that
StarEnsign: Kosh said, “It will end in Fire”
B5CL Mikey: Ah, ok, that makes more sense ;D
StarEnsign: Actually all Kosh said was, “In fire.”
B5CL Mikey: Kosh irked me, LOL
StarEnsign: Kosh looked like a walking shower curtain.
TARutter: sounds painful
B5CL Mikey: Ya jus wanted to shake that encounter suit and say SPIT IT OUT
B5CL Seuss: lol StarEnsign,
TARutter: You remember the Karate Kid.. the costume Ralph Macchio wore.. that
was Kosh
StarEnsign: That is where I got the image.
B5CL Seuss: I see the resembalance Troy,
OnlineHost: B5Dragn1 has entered the room.
B5CL Seuss: Greetings B5Dragn, welcome to the Eclipse Cafe, we do not take
checks but
B5CL Seuss: we do take Centauri Dukats.
StarEnsign: Greetings Dragn.
B5CL Seuss: @}—->——-ยง{B5Dragn1}ยง——-<—-{@
B5CL Mikey: {{{{{{{{{Auntie Dragn}}}}}}}}}
ICEMAN2449: {{{{{{{Dragn}}}}}}
B5Dragn1: Sheesh…..getting here was no fun…….AOL…Grrrrrrr
StarEnsign: 6 minutes ’til B5.
StarEnsign: Well 5 now.
B5CL Mikey: I got 4 til ;D
B5CL Seuss: B5Dragn, have you tried Keyword:System response ?
B5Dragn1: {{{{{{{{icey}}}}}}}{{{{{{{{Mikey}}}}}}}{{{{{{{Seuss}}}}}}} {s
drgnkiss } to all
B5Dragn1: Yeah….system NON-response is what happens
B5Dragn1: How is everyone tonight?
B5CL Mikey: You can’t even get to Keyword: SYSTEM RESPONSE? You poor thing!
B5CL Seuss: just wonderful here
B5CL Mikey: Dragn, finer’n frog hair split 3 ways! ;D How’s you?
StarEnsign: Pretty good.
B5Dragn1: {{{{{{{Troy}}}}}}}}{S drgnkiss} didn’t see you when I first came
in…..are you lurking?
TARutter: yep
TARutter: ;>
B5CL Mikey: He’s acting like Kosh tonight ๐
B5CL Seuss: Mikey, now that is not the image I want before I eat
B5Dragn1: Same here Mikey…….Did everyone see that fantastic light show
last night?
StarEnsign: Well I’m gonna go watch B5.
B5CL Mikey: No buttons to play with I guess, LOL
ICEMAN2449: Frog hairs?
B5CL Mikey: Sorry, Seuss! ROFL
B5CL Seuss: B5Dragn, too cloudy here
OnlineHost: CCase3 has entered the room.
B5CL Mikey: It wsa cloudy, and foggy here ๐
B5CL Seuss: Hiya CCase, Welcome to the Eclipse Cafe.
StarEnsign: Good evening to all. If you are out for the meteor shower,
enjoy! ๐
CCase3: hello all
B5Dragn1: LOL Seuss….get used to it…standard response in the south to
that ?………
B5Dragn1: Saw some glorius metors last night…looking forward to more
B5CL Seuss: <~6 years in the south still not used to it
B5CL Mikey: LOL!
B5CL Mikey: Hey, I can’t help it, I was born and raised here, what do you
expect? ๐
B5Dragn1: LOL Seuss…I told you and told you you have to stay..not go back
“up there”
OnlineHost: Culone has entered the room.
B5Dragn1: Me to Mikey….Georgia Peach…….
B5CL Seuss: We have plenty of fresh cofee and Minbari tea, Culone help
B5CL Seuss: but I wanna go back “up there”
B5Dragn1: No you don’t seuss……you just think you do
B5CL Mikey: Yankee!! LOL
B5Dragn1: Icey….how’s the foot?
Culone: anyone wanna chat press 411
B5CL Seuss: Culone, we dont poll here thanks
B5Dragn1: Mikey..be nice…he is a member of that society that started the
recent unpleasentness
TARutter: ::urp::
B5CL Mikey: I’m always nice, Dragn ๐
B5Dragn1: Troy is lurking around the food….LOL
ICEMAN2449: Find out on Thursday about everything Dragn! Should be good
reports all around.
OnlineHost: B5ZEN has entered the room.
B5CL Seuss: Welcome, B5ZEN, to the Eclipse Cafe. Safe haven for weary
B5CL Seuss: travellers.
B5Dragn1: Good deal Icey…I am glad
B5Dragn1: Did you find you password icey?
TARutter: I have always been here
ICEMAN2449: Yep! ๐
B5ZEN: hi! what’s new?
B5CL Seuss: well folks it is that time again
B5CL Mikey: Dragn, kitty cat is asleep on the waterbed again…shoudl I?
TARutter: time to shave the cat?
B5CL Mikey: ๐
B5CL Seuss: {P warning} *** REMEMBER *** {P warning}
B5CL Seuss: No legitimate AOL representative will EVER ask for your password
or credit
B5CL Seuss: information. If anyone does ask you, report it at keyword:NOTIFY
B5CL Seuss: 11/17/98 05:02 PM
ICEMAN2449: {S applause
B5ZEN: :::::claps:::::::
B5Dragn1: Icey…send that wav please……
B5CL Mikey: I’m gonna head out with Seuss, folks, gotta make sure those
windows are spotless! ๐
B5CL Seuss: lol Mikey,
B5Dragn1: Mikey…Tap shined the whole place sunday…stay a while
ICEMAN2449: After I squish my drives tonight Dragn! ๐
B5ZEN: what is this hello —-goodbye?
B5Dragn1: Thanks Ice…{s smooch
B5CL Mikey: I’ll be back tomorrow, Dragn! At 3PM EST!
B5Dragn1: LOL….so much for begging……..
B5Dragn1: I’ll be here Mikey
B5CL Mikey: Hope to see you all then! {S egyptbls}