PowerChat: *** Entered Fresh Air Lounge on 11/7/98 at 01:44 PM ***
OnlineHost: IRONHEAD19 has entered the room.
Log Count: There were 2 member(s) in Fresh Air Lounge at 01:45 PM
OnlineHost: IRONHEAD19 has left the room.
OnlineHost: IRONHEAD19 has entered the room.
OnlineHost: IRONHEAD19 has left the room.
OnlineHost: IRONHEAD19 has entered the room.
OnlineHost: IRONHEAD19 has left the room.
OnlineHost: IRONHEAD19 has entered the room.
OnlineHost: IRONHEAD19 has left the room.
OnlineHost: IRONHEAD19 has entered the room.
OnlineHost: IRONHEAD19 has left the room.
OnlineHost: Beast4520 has entered the room.
B5CL Drows: Hi there Beast4520. C’mon in and join us….
Beast4520: doh…..excellent…
OnlineHost: BOMBA129 has entered the room.
OnlineHost: BOMBA129 has left the room.
Beast4520: us…is that a deity or royal pronoun
B5CL Drows: ! day until the next Babylon 5 Movie’s out.
Beast4520: yup.
B5CL Drows: Beast, call it wishful thinking. 🙂
OnlineHost: IRONHEAD19 has entered the room.
OnlineHost: IRONHEAD19 has left the room.
Beast4520: 27:10 minutes
Beast4520: tick tick tick tick tick
OnlineHost: Wren19 has entered the room.
OnlineHost: Wren19 has left the room.
B5CL Drows: The adds make this look much better then Thirdspace
B5CL Drows: Welcome to the Fresh Air Lounge Wren19, the most bizarre room this side
B5CL Drows: of Earth Dome!
Beast4520: Do I have to go to the Cafe if I want Spoo?
OnlineHost: IRONHEAD19 has entered the room.
OnlineHost: IRONHEAD19 has left the room.
OnlineHost: IRONHEAD19 has entered the room.
OnlineHost: IRONHEAD19 has left the room.
B5CL Drows: You can stick around if you like, I’m hoping more show up in a few minutes.
Beast4520: use a distress signal….
Beast4520: if you send it, they will come….
OnlineHost: Beast4520 has left the room.
OnlineHost: BOMBA129 has entered the room.
B5CL Drows: Hiya BOMBA129, have you seen the new updates to our AOL site?
OnlineHost: Feaz777 has entered the room.
OnlineHost: Feaz777 has left the room.
OnlineHost: BOMBA129 has left the room.
OnlineHost: Feaz777 has entered the room.
B5CL Drows: Feaz777, welcome to the latest installment of “As the Station Rotates” that
B5CL Drows: ongoing soap opera staring all of us, the B5 fans!!!! 🙂
OnlineHost: Feaz777 has left the room.
OnlineHost: Feaz777 has entered the room.
OnlineHost: Feaz777 has left the room.
OnlineHost: Natoth 469 has entered the room.
Natoth 469: mmm quiet
B5CL Drows: Hey, Natoth 469, have you seen the
B5CL Drows: Babylon 5 CD-ROM reference guide yet? It’s not bad.
Natoth 469: nope not yet
OnlineHost: CECJT has entered the room.
OnlineHost: Feaz777 has entered the room.
B5CL Drows: Hey CECJT, Feaz777, nice to see you
CECJT: hi drows
B5CL Drows: today.
Feaz777: what do you wnat drows
OnlineHost: Spires05 has entered the room.
OnlineHost: Feaz777 has left the room.
OnlineHost: Cubini has entered the room.
Cubini: Heeeello
Log Count: There were 5 member(s) in Fresh Air Lounge at 02:00 PM
B5CL Drows: Spires05, Cubini, welcome to the latest installment of “As the Station
B5CL Drows: Rotates” that ongoing soap opera staring all of us, the B5 fans!!!! 🙂
Natoth 469: {{{spires}}}] {{{cub}}}}
Spires05: Natoth! {{{Natoth}}}}
OnlineHost: W8N 4 Y2K has entered the room.
CECJT: Drows please dont leave us you help us out a lot and help to keep the board clean
Cubini: {{{{{ Natoth}}}}}
OnlineHost: W8N 4 Y2K has left the room.
B5CL Drows: Greetings W8N 4 Y2K, have you checked for the recent updates to the AOL
B5CL Drows: Babylon 5 site?
Cubini: Hey Drows
Cubini: So………………….
Cubini: :::crickets chirp:::
Natoth 469: nice to see some familiar names about
B5CL Drows: CECJT, All good things must come to an end, to qoute another sci fi show.
B5CL Drows: Cubini, looking forward to watching River of Souls tomorrow?
CECJT: But WHY you
Cubini: Sure
OnlineHost: NGHTSBR has entered the room.
OnlineHost: NGHTSBR has left the room.
Cubini: {S mk
B5CL Drows: Cubini, from what I’ve seen, the effects in this look better then the one’s on ThirdSpace.
B5CL Drows: Hi NGHTSBR, keep an eye out for Sierra’s Babylon 5 computer game later
B5CL Drows: this year.
Cubini: Woohoo!
Cubini: um…. uh oh…. BBl
OnlineHost: Cubini has left the room.
OnlineHost: Kayble2819 has entered the room.
Kayble2819: Hello Room
B5CL Drows: Congrats Kayble2819, you’ve found one of the friendliest rooms on AOL, the
B5CL Drows: Fresh Air Lounge.
CECJT: :::: cries over Drows:::
Spires05: Hi Kayble
B5CL Drows: There’s a lot of excellent hosts here, Cec, I know, I helped train several of them.
Kayble2819: Hi Spires
OnlineHost: Natoth 469 has left the room.
CECJT: But you are the BEST!!!!! 😉
B5CL Drows: 29 hours, 56 minuts till River of Souls, not that I’m counting. 🙂
Kayble2819: i can’t wait Drows
OnlineHost: GODSIVAR has entered the room.
B5CL Drows: Besides Martin Sheen being in it, the effects look pretty excellent from
B5CL Drows: GODSIVAR, how are you today!
B5CL Drows: what I saw in the adds
CECJT: Drows are you excited with this new movie
OnlineHost: Feaz777 has entered the room.
B5CL Drows: CECJT, of course, happy and a bit sad, too.
CECJT: why
Feaz777: ::kicks sivar in the nuts
Feaz777: hahahaha
OnlineHost: Feaz777 has left the room.
B5CL Drows: That only leaves 1 more movie after this and only 3 eps left for Babylon 5.
B5CL Drows: Greetings Feaz777, have you read the
B5CL Drows: message boards lately?
CECJT: will TNT keep running B5 series or just Movies
B5CL Drows: Crusade does start sometime early next year, but it’s not supposed to be
B5CL Drows: much like Babylon 5, and I’ve kind of gotten used to having the show
B5CL Drows: on tv, you know?
B5CL Drows: I’m hoping B5 ends up like Star Trek, in reruns for a long time to come.
Kayble2819: Me too
B5CL Drows: CECJT, and, thank you for the nice comments.
B5CL Drows: 🙂
B5CL Drows: It seems the longer B5’s on, even in reruns, the more people it draws in
B5CL Drows: to watch, which is a good thing. Especially if there’s any chance at all
B5CL Drows: for a thearter movie down the road.
CECJT: Drows @-<-<-<-
B5CL Drows: And, in my humble opinion, I think that B5’s better then the original
CECJT: But i like it on tv for i can watch it whenwver i want
B5CL Drows: Star Trek, so it should only become more popular as time goes by.
CECJT: true
B5CL Drows: CECJT, well, I’m hoping TNT keeps it where it is, the same time.
B5CL Drows: You know, one way of helping to keep it there would be to write/EMail
B5CL Drows: TNT to show support for keeping the reruns on.
OnlineHost: Feaz777 has entered the room.
CECJT: yes i hate it when the channels keeps moring around and you cant find the show
Feaz777: ::beats up siver:::
Feaz777: hahahaha
OnlineHost: Feaz777 has left the room.
CECJT: what is their address
B5CL Drows: CECJT, there’s a link at the TNT web site to contact them. Have you seen it?
OnlineHost: GODSIVAR has left the room.
B5CL Drows: The Turner Network Television (TNT) website for Babylon 5, the Television
B5CL Drows: show is on the web at: http://tnt.turner.com/babylon5/
B5CL Drows: Check at the top of the web page
OnlineHost: GODSIVAR has entered the room.
CECJT: thank you
B5CL Drows: Hey GODSIVAR, have you seen the Warner Bros. store link at the main B5
B5CL Drows: Screen? Check in the text box, lower left and scroll down to the bottom.
Log Count: There were 5 member(s) in Fresh Air Lounge at 02:15 PM
CECJT: dorws do you mean on the main board to this place
OnlineHost: NGHTSBR has entered the room.
CECJT: Godaivar please quit screaming
B5CL Drows: CECJT, no, if you check at the TNT web site for Babylon 5, you’ll see
B5CL Drows: an email link on the opening page of the web site
NGHTSBR: Hey everyone
B5CL Drows: NGHTSBR, the Ask JMS folder is back on the B5 Message Boards.
CECJT: I will check it out when i leave
NGHTSBR: hi drows, do we have any surprises today?!
B5CL Drows: NGHTSBR, none planned, sorry to say. We never know when someone will pop in around here.
CECJT: Drows are you going stop in every now and then
OnlineHost: BOMBA129 has entered the room.
B5CL Drows: CECJT, yes, I’m planning on that.
OnlineHost: BOMBA129 has left the room.
B5CL Drows: GODSIVAR, what was what for?
CECJT: so Tyger and I can still pick on you???
CECJT: hehehehe
OnlineHost: NGHTSBR has left the room.
B5CL Drows: GODSIVAR, it was a reminder of other areas for Babylon 5, that’s all.
B5CL Drows: The Warners Bros store is a place online you can look for Babylon 5 merchandies
B5CL Drows: B5 hats, t-shirts, that sort of thing.
CECJT: Drows Can I still PICK on you will Tygers help
OnlineHost: BOUNTY 109 has entered the room.
OnlineHost: BOUNTY 109 has left the room.
B5CL Drows: CECJT, have I ever told you guys to “knock it off” yet? 🙂
CECJT: NOT yet 😉
Spires05: Hey Sivar, calm down.
B5CL Drows: Reminds me, I have the David Eagle chat seperated out of yesterday’s
B5CL Drows: caht, so I’ll be sending it out sometime later today.
CECJT: What name are you going to go by??
B5CL Drows: GODSIVAR, no, I used to use NetScape Communicator to publish web pages.
B5CL Drows: CECJT, I’m keeping B5Sinclair for chatting.
OnlineHost: Destroy227 has entered the room.
Destroy227: god sivar
CECJT: Ok that way I will KNOW whom I am picking on HAHAHA
B5CL Drows: Good Evening, Destroy227 and Welcome to the Fresh Air Lounge! Help
B5CL Drows: yourself to drinks \_/ \_/ \_/ and snacks (::) (::) (:
Destroy227: i hear you are a new recruit to the GPSL
B5CL Drows: GODSIVAR, have you tried checking the Help files for AOL Press?
B5CL Drows: there’s one with the program I think and if you Check at Keyword: My
B5CL Drows: Place, I think there’s more help available there.
OnlineHost: Europa1967 has entered the room.
Destroy227: ok i will be instructing you whne you have the time, now if you could
Europa1967: Howdy everyone
B5CL Drows: Congrats Europa1967, you’ve found one of the friendliest rooms on AOL, the
B5CL Drows: Fresh Air Lounge.
Europa1967: Thanks!
CECJT: Europa and one of the saddisr right now
B5CL Drows: Europa, have you been keeping up with the movies on TNT for Babylon 5?
Destroy227: did evan(shadowlight) give you the rules?
Europa1967: Yes I have B5
OnlineHost: DiSrUpTing has entered the room.
B5CL Drows: Europa1967, good, just wanted to make sure you remembered River of Souls on tomorrow.
Europa1967: Oh yes, can’t wait.
B5CL Drows: DiSrUpTing have you seen the Conventions listing at TNT’s web site? Check
B5CL Drows: under Reports and scroll down.
Destroy227: yes i will link you
OnlineHost: Destroy227 has left the room.
OnlineHost: GODSIVAR has left the room.
B5CL Drows: Thne effects look pretty sharp, from what they’ve shown in the previews.
CECJT: Drows if i want to E-Mail you which addess do I use??
Europa1967: Uh, computer probs. Gotta go. I’ll be back soon
Europa1967: Ta ta
B5CL Drows: And getting Martin Sheed to star is a nice coup for the show.
OnlineHost: Europa1967 has left the room.
B5CL Drows: CECJT, depends, anything “official” still goes here for now, but I will be
B5CL Drows: using B5Sinclair as my screen name online
CECJT: I like Sheeds movies for he makes it seem so real
CECJT: thanks
OnlineHost: BOUNTY 109 has entered the room.
B5CL Drows: It’s nice to see you BOUNTY 109, feel free to join in the discussion.
Kayble2819: gotta go everyone. Bye.
B5CL Drows: Kay, have a good weekend
OnlineHost: BOUNTY 109 has left the room.
CECJT: Bye Kay
Log Count: There were 5 member(s) in Fresh Air Lounge at 02:30 PM
OnlineHost: Kayble2819 has left the room.
CECJT: Drows did I tell you about the concert we went to last night
B5CL Drows: CECJT, I’m hoping that Sheen’s appearance means the show is
B5CL Drows: becoming more “main stream”, and much more popular.
B5CL Drows: CECJT, no, you didn’t. Who’d you see?
CECJT: Neil Diamond
B5CL Drows: Great, did he do “Coming to America”?
CECJT: I have been trying for about 15 yrs and he did a gerat job. Yes with flags and all
OnlineHost: Duke Jon 1 has entered the room.
OnlineHost: Melanaea has entered the room.
Melanaea: Hello
B5CL Drows: Neil Daimond’s always been a great singer, “The Jazz Singer” was a pretty good movie.
B5CL Drows: Hello, Duke Jon 1, Melanaea, updated
B5CL Drows: and printable schedules of the show air times can be found at TNT’s web
B5CL Drows: site.
Duke Jon 1: bows
Melanaea: Did I hear the name Neil Diamond ?
Melanaea: ::does a wolf whistle::
Melanaea: I just LOVE that voice !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
CECJT: He sang some new songs but also the oldies
B5CL Drows: CEC went to a Neil Diamond concert last night
OnlineHost: Duke Jon 1 has left the room.
CECJT: IT WAS FANTASTC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
B5CL Drows: Were they selling CD’s at the concert? I usually look for those.
Melanaea: My mom and godmother and I are going to see him on December 4th
CECJT: Yes of his world tour
B5CL Drows: Last concert I saw was Dan Seals.
Melanaea: Last one I saw was Garth Brooks
CECJT: I didnt have enough money for that BUT I did get a t-shirt
B5CL Drows: Mel, I hear he puts on quite a show.
B5CL Drows: CEC, cd’s aren’t cheap, unless you have a store locally that sells them at a “discount”.
CECJT: Drows all the real good players have great concerts and they love playing with the audiance
CECJT: Sorry but I am CHEAPER
Melanaea: He does.
B5CL Drows: That always makes a concert better, when they try to include the audience in the show
Melanaea: They even had a huge beachball goin accross the audience.
B5CL Drows: Garth reminds me more of a Rock and Roll type from what I’ve seen of his concerts on TV.
CECJT: I went to several concerts at Mich St U ( volunteerd and got free passes)
B5CL Drows: CEC, that’s definately a way to cut down on the cost of a concert. Or a
B5CL Drows: convention for that matter.
OnlineHost: PHAEDRE15 has entered the room.
CECJT: MSU had summer concerts 10 days of them and it WAS real good
B5CL Drows: We saved you a place, PHAEDRE15.
CECJT: definetly
PHAEDRE15: thanks drows, LTNS
B5CL Drows: Phae, LTNC how are you?
PHAEDRE15: ]gmta
OnlineHost: DiSrUpTing has left the room.
B5CL Drows: Phae, DMTA as well.
PHAEDRE15: bigger than life and twice as uglu as usual
B5CL Drows: I’m doing pretty good, thanks.
B5CL Drows: Phae, so, about the usual, eh? LOL
OnlineHost: Melanaea has left the room.
OnlineHost: ZeppelinB9 has entered the room.
PHAEDRE15: i pride myself on having that DM too…….but you knew that
ZeppelinB9: Hello everybody
B5CL Drows: Phae, you going to catch the movie tomorrow?
B5CL Drows: Hiya ZeppelinB9, have you seen the new updates to our AOL site?
PHAEDRE15: which movie d?
CECJT: Drows do you know of any Conventions in the Grand Rapids area now and just after the new yea
ZeppelinB9: No, haven’t been on in awhile
B5CL Drows: River of Souls.
PHAEDRE15: i gyess so
ZeppelinB9: River of souls looks real interesting.
B5CL Drows: CEC, none that I know of, but you can check at TNT’s and Lurker’s
B5CL Drows: Guide for convention information.
OnlineHost: ZeppelinB9 has left the room.
PHAEDRE15: not many of us old crew left drows…..i miss them
CECJT: please and EMail my with info
B5CL Drows: Or, maybe the new Babylon 5 magazine
OnlineHost: Mike011701 has entered the room.
Mike011701: ::walks in::
CECJT: what magazine??
B5CL Drows: Mike011701, how are you today!
Mike011701: ::finds a seat::
Mike011701: Ummm… its debatible
Mike011701: Just awhile ago, everyone was trying to kill me!
B5CL Drows: CEC, there’s a Babylon 5 fan magazine that used to be put out only in
B5CL Drows: the UK, that’s not available in the US as well.
PHAEDRE15: who is everyone mike?
Mike011701: Then I used a couple of pulse gerndades!
Mike011701: I blew this very room up about an hour ago!
PHAEDRE15: i HATE pulse gerndades!!
CECJT: Is it coming here
Mike011701: I like them!
Mike011701: they’re fun to ::toss, catch::
Mike011701: ::toss, catch::
PHAEDRE15: now grenades…….that’s different
B5CL Drows: CEC, it’s supposed to be available now in the US, for the last couple of months.
Mike011701: typo big deal!!!
Log Count: There were 5 member(s) in Fresh Air Lounge at 02:45 PM
OnlineHost: B5BRIAN has entered the room.
Mike011701: ::toss, catch::
CECJT: at ANY store ??
Mike011701: ::toss, catch::
B5CL Drows: B5BRIAN, how are you today!
Mike011701: ::toss, spike!!:: BOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!
B5CL Drows: CEC, I’m not sure how many stores are carrying it, the local’s here
B5CL Drows: dont’ seem to konw about it.
B5BRIAN: Hi a little deheydrated but ok.
Mike011701: CRATERS ROCK!
B5CL Drows: And now a word from my sponsor, “Spelling is irrevelant”, Misspeller of Borg.
OnlineHost: Mike011701 has left the room.
CECJT: hahahaha
PHAEDRE15: lol drows
OnlineHost: PHAEDRE15 has left the room.
CECJT: Drows you cant hide behind you LOVE today
CECJT: we will get you
B5BRIAN: Resistance is Futile?
B5CL Drows: B5BRIAN, well, that wouldn’t be a problem in this area, you need
B5CL Drows: webbed feet in the Pacific Northwest lately.
B5CL Drows: Actually, Dictionaries are futile around here. ROFL
CECJT: brb
B5BRIAN: I know how to swim, but not in a swamp, lol.
B5CL Drows: Well, it’s looking almost like a game of water polo down in Oregon for the Husky game today.
B5BRIAN: Too bad, I think you will live without it
CECJT: bak
B5CL Drows: welcome back CEC.
OnlineHost: RSn3326015 has entered the room.
B5CL Drows: Hey, RSn3326015, have you seen the
B5CL Drows: Babylon 5 CD-ROM reference guide yet? It’s not bad.
B5BRIAN: If its that wet there then synchonized swimming might be the main event, lol.
CECJT: Sorry but I have to go or I will NEVER get this laundry done
OnlineHost: RSn3326015 has left the room.
CECJT: Drows what to help
B5CL Drows: Well, both teams are used to playing in wet weather, so it’s going pretty well.
B5CL Drows: CEC, I have enough waiting here for when I get offline, thank you. 😉
CECJT: @-<-<-<-< to Drows
B5CL Drows: CEC, have a good weekend, and enjoy the movie.
B5CL Drows: Thank you…
CECJT: I will
CECJT: will you be on tomorrow
B5BRIAN: Oh, I can’t wait for “River of Souls” the promos looks great.
OnlineHost: Wren19 has entered the room.
B5CL Drows: CEC, I might, but tomorrow’s one of my “days off” from the hosting Gig.
B5CL Drows: Greetings Wren19, tonight’s specialties are Flarn a la Sheridan, Spoo a la
B5CL Drows: Vir, and Bagna Cauda a la Garibaldi.
OnlineHost: CECJT has left the room.
B5CL Drows: They do look pretty good Brian, espceially Martin Sheen as the Soul Hunter
OnlineHost: Wren19 has left the room.
B5BRIAN: Yes, I wonder if he is the good guy, it was hard to tell
B5CL Drows: Well, on Babylon 5, the term “good guy” is pretty hard to define.
B5BRIAN: Lol, soooo true
OnlineHost: Mike011701 has entered the room.
B5CL Drows: The Soul Hunter’s aren’t exactly the most popular race around, they’re
B5CL Drows: even less popular the the Pak’ma’ra.
Mike011701: craterville
Mike011701: brb
B5CL Drows: Welcome back Mike011701
B5BRIAN: I guess we will learn a lot more about the soulhunters in this movie than we did before.
Mike011701: my laptop just died
B5CL Drows: I’m betting that’s one of the points of the movie. And it looks like we’ll
B5BRIAN: Kick it Mike, that might help,lol.
B5CL Drows: learn more about the way the deal with the souls they collect and store
B5CL Drows: as wel.
B5CL Drows: Battery run out of juice?
Mike011701: yup
OnlineHost: HoneyB87 has entered the room.
Mike011701: I run it down every week
HoneyB87: ::walks in:: hi!!!
Mike011701: alo
B5CL Drows: We saved you a place, HoneyB87.
Spires05: Godd bye all.
Mike011701: Pick a spot to sit on the crater
B5CL Drows: Have a nice weekend, Spires
OnlineHost: Spires05 has left the room.
B5BRIAN: {S begins
HoneyB87: thanks for saving the spot!!!!!!!!!1
Mike011701: Pulse Gernades can be fun!
B5BRIAN: {S ppg
Mike011701: my comp is being mean.
Mike011701: {S WELCOME
HoneyB87: {S bester
B5BRIAN: Then juice it up Mike
HoneyB87: {S Bester
HoneyB87: {S corps
OnlineHost: TravJPP has entered the room.
B5BRIAN: I don’t have that one Honey
Mike011701: I’m my tower
B5CL Drows: HoneyB, what else would you expect from the “friendliest chat room on AOL”?
B5BRIAN: Or the other one
HoneyB87: its now working for me!!!!!}
Mike011701: brb
TravJPP: hi all
HoneyB87: I know i have it!
Log Count: There were 5 member(s) in Fresh Air Lounge at 03:00 PM
HoneyB87: OOPS!
B5CL Drows: Hi there TravJPP. C’mon in and join us….
Mike011701: {S BOB}
HoneyB87: we reinstalled Windows after a major crash, and now nothings on iot
Mike011701: looks at my A:\ drive for unknown sounds
Mike011701: retarted piece of crap!!!
B5CL Drows: HoneyB, I have 2 hard drives, kept the old one when I installed the 5.9
B5CL Drows: Gig, so I have a place to keep my files backed up.
B5BRIAN: Tough work getting resituated, Honey. I understand.
OnlineHost: SandyV4752 has entered the room.
Mike011701: (must custom make a pulse gernade that fits in the disk drive!!!)
TravJPP: Mike does the BOB wav say:
Mike011701: nothing
B5CL Drows: SandyV4752 have you seen the Conventions listing at TNT’s web site?
B5CL Drows: Check under Reports and scroll down.
Mike011701: I was proving my point
SandyV4752: Hi Drows!
HoneyB87: I have to go! and i just got here!i!i!i!i!i!i! Is that fair?¿?¿?¿?¿?¿?
B5BRIAN: Maybe, but bye Honey
OnlineHost: Mike011701 has left the room.
OnlineHost: Mike011701 has entered the room.
SandyV4752: Anything out my way in Cons Drows?
OnlineHost: Mike011701 has left the room.
B5CL Drows: HoneyB, it happens, have a good weekend.
HoneyB87: bye
SandyV4752: Bye HoneyB
B5CL Drows: Sandy, and that would be where again?
HoneyB87: bye!
OnlineHost: HoneyB87 has left the room.
SandyV4752: Portland
B5CL Drows: Sandy, I’m not sure what the upcoming Con schedule is. I was going to
B5CL Drows: check it out at Lurker
B5CL Drows: ‘s or TNT later today.
B5CL Drows: Sandy, that’s right! You watching the OR/WA game today?
SandyV4752: Oh ok. I can check, I thought maybe you knew.
SandyV4752: Nah, I like the NFL.
B5CL Drows: Sandy, last con I heard about was VORCon down in CA
SandyV4752: Me too.
B5CL Drows: I’m hoping for some NorthWest cons coming up early next year.
SandyV4752: Drows, do you happen to know if Sinclair got my email?
SandyV4752: You and me both!
B5BRIAN: Maybe we need a place dedicated to B5 like Star Trek in Vegas
B5CL Drows: Sandy, I haven’t checked that name yet, but I can see it has mail pending
B5CL Drows: Brian, I’d like that, but I’m betting it would end up somewhere in So California.
SandyV4752: Now that would be nice Brian.
SandyV4752: Got that right Drows
B5CL Drows: There was that Babylon 5 traveling Road Show thing they had going,
B5CL Drows: maybe a bit later down the line, B5 will have enough support for
B5BRIAN: I been wanting to go to Vegas for this, but not to gamble. B5 would be more fun.
B5CL Drows: something like that ST setup in Vegas.
SandyV4752: Oh ok Drows. I got a little wordy in it,lol
OnlineHost: Trepoe has entered the room.
B5CL Drows: That’s ok, I’ll check the mail there later.
SandyV4752: My son and daughter in law went to it last year.
B5CL Drows: Hi Trepoe, did you know that Down Below has added season 5 wavs to its
B5CL Drows: web site?
B5BRIAN: Did they like it?
SandyV4752: No biggie Drows
SandyV4752: They loved it Brian!
B5CL Drows: You know, it’s hard to imagine, but it’s taken Star Trek 30 years or so
B5CL Drows: to get to the point where it’s this popular, I’m hoping that Babylon 5
Trepoe: hi all
B5CL Drows: doesn’t take quite so long.
SandyV4752: Oh I agree Drows.
B5BRIAN: Me, too
B5CL Drows: Sandy, I was running a bit late today, as you can tell. But I’ll check
B5CL Drows: my mail after my chat’s over.
SandyV4752: It’s ok Drows. I’m in no rush.
B5BRIAN: B5 has caught on fast, I don’t see why not.
B5CL Drows: Sandy, I’m betting it will happen for B5 sooner. The fact that they
B5CL Drows: snagged Martin Sheen for River of Souls shows me that we’re doing
B5CL Drows: pretty good.
SandyV4752: Good point Drows.
B5CL Drows: Brian, well, B5’s had some pretty good people involved, in the acting,
B5CL Drows: writing, and directing departments. Some of them who learned their
B5CL Drows: stuff doing Trek even
B5BRIAN: Well, they did get Majel Barrett Rodenberry, too.
Trepoe: and walter
B5CL Drows: If ST had had someone in David Eagle’s caliber, things might have been different.
SandyV4752: And they had Michael York in a non-speaking role in either ITB or The Gathering,can’t rememb
SandyV4752: er which one.
B5CL Drows: Brian, Majel’s always great. And seeing the changes between Checkov
B5CL Drows: and Bester just shows that Walter’s potential was never tapped by Star
B5CL Drows: Trek.
SandyV4752: Oh I agree Drows.
B5CL Drows: Sandy, and a speaking role, he played King Arthur.
SandyV4752: Oh I didn’t catch that one,sheesh!
B5BRIAN: He thought he was King Arthur.
B5CL Drows: And when you compare the differences between Admiral Tomalok and
B5CL Drows: G’Kar, Andreas Katsulas had a lot of potential there as well.
SandyV4752: Don’t forget The Fugitive too Drows.
B5CL Drows: Not to mention Pat Tallman going from Stunt work on ST: DS9 to an acting role on B5.
B5CL Drows: Sandy, he was good in that remake. I really enjoyed it.
SandyV4752: Oh so did I.
B5BRIAN: Who are the warrior species in this universe? I know part of the Mimbari are warriors.
SandyV4752: I saw Peter on an old re-run of Matlock too.
B5CL Drows: Of course Harrison Ford and Tommy Lee Jones really made that movie
Log Count: There were 5 member(s) in Fresh Air Lounge at 03:15 PM
SandyV4752: Absolutely Drows.
B5CL Drows: Brian, Narn more then the Minbari.
OnlineHost: Mike011701 has entered the room.
Mike011701: alo
SandyV4752: The Centauri did their share too.
B5CL Drows: WB Mike.
SandyV4752: Hello Mike.
Mike011701: Tried to use the web and got booted!
B5BRIAN: True, but they were not evolved as warriors, they started out as peace loving race.
B5CL Drows: Sandy, yes, but they’re more “imperial” then simply warlike.
SandyV4752: Good point.
B5CL Drows: The Centauri only wage wars to gather in more territory, the Narn,
B5CL Drows: though, seem to just love a good fight, whether they have a chance of
B5CL Drows: winning or not.
SandyV4752: Although,we don’t know what they were really like before the Narns conquered them either.
B5CL Drows: And the Minbari are simply “psychotic” when they wage war.
SandyV4752: LOL!!
B5CL Drows: You piss off the Minbari, they wipe you out, that simple.
SandyV4752: Well said Drows,lol
Mike011701: That was a holy war. Reg wars would be different
B5CL Drows: Mike011701, I’m not sure the Minbari have ever waged anything but
B5CL Drows: “holy wars”, to tell you the truth.
B5BRIAN: What is the saying, “B5 is under our protection if you value you lives leave this place”
Mike011701: lol
SandyV4752: Even the Narns left the Minbari alone.
Mike011701: I’ll IM it to you
OnlineHost: Trepoe has left the room.
Mike011701: wait, that’s a different one
Mike011701: never mind
SandyV4752: Delenn said “be somewhere else”.
B5CL Drows: “Only one Human has ever beaten a Minbari fleet, he is behind em, you
B5CL Drows: are before me, if you value your lives, be somewhere else.”
OnlineHost: Panch29190 has entered the room.
B5CL Drows: em=me
OnlineHost: TravJPP has left the room.
OnlineHost: Panch29190 has left the room.
SandyV4752: That’s the one Drows.
B5CL Drows: Greetings Panch29190, have you checked for the recent updates to the AOL
B5CL Drows: Babylon 5 site?
B5BRIAN: I stand corrected
B5CL Drows: Delenn’s definately showed a backbone of solid steel when she’s angry.
B5BRIAN: It was a real good line, Delenn had in that scene
B5CL Drows: I think she would have pulled that line if she had only one ship.
SandyV4752: Oh I loved it when she got ticked at G’kar in The Gathering.
B5BRIAN: I think you are right Drows
B5CL Drows: Brian, kind of like Ivanova’s “Hand of God” speach in season 4.
OnlineHost: Mike011701 has left the room.
SandyV4752: I was thinking of that one too Drows.
B5CL Drows: Who am I? I am Susan Ivanova, commander, daughter of Andrei and Sophie
B5CL Drows: Ivanov. I am the right hand of vengeance, and the boot that is going to kick
B5CL Drows: your sorry ass all the way back to Earth, sweetheart! I am death incarnate,
B5CL Drows: and the last living thing that you will ever see! God sent me!!!
B5BRIAN: “I will listen to Ivanova” Ivanova is God”
B5BRIAN: lol
SandyV4752: I used to have that on a wav.
B5CL Drows: I think I do somewhere.
B5BRIAN: If you find it send it to me, please
B5CL Drows: It takes a while to wade through 585 wavs.
B5BRIAN: I lesten to it on the Babylon Guide babcom room
SandyV4752: Drows, you know David asked about our fav eps last night.
OnlineHost: Firecat443 has entered the room.
SandyV4752: And I forgot about the Long Night of Londo
SandyV4752: Molari.
Firecat443: hi drows
Firecat443: ltnc
Firecat443: {S eclipse
SandyV4752: Hi cat.
B5CL Drows: Sandy, that was a good ep too.
B5CL Drows: Hiya Firecat443, have you seen the “Guide” section of TNT? It has
B5CL Drows: information about the Babylon 5 episodes.
OnlineHost: PBojorquez has entered the room.
Firecat443: ah
SandyV4752: He directed that one too.
Firecat443: well they have a BOOK out bout it too
OnlineHost: PBojorquez has left the room.
Firecat443: lol
Firecat443: BEAT that one
OnlineHost: PBojorquez has entered the room.
PBojorquez: hello all
Firecat443: brb
OnlineHost: Firecat443 has left the room.
OnlineHost: Firecat443 has entered the room.
Firecat443: bak
B5CL Drows: PBojorquez, Firecat443, the air date for the next new episode is November
B5CL Drows: 5th for “Objects in Motion”.
Firecat443: and no need to RE great me
SandyV4752: wb caat
Firecat443: lol
SandyV4752: oops cat
PBojorquez: thanks drows
Firecat443: well really im not into b5 ne more
B5CL Drows: I still like the dichotomy in “And the rock cried out, No hiding place…”
B5CL Drows: using the hymn as a back ground to the attack on Lord Rifa.
B5BRIAN: That was weird
SandyV4752: But a good one Brian.
B5CL Drows: November 11th, that is.
Firecat443: well gotta go
OnlineHost: Firecat443 has left the room.
PBojorquez: by firecat
B5BRIAN: It was good, but I thought the hymn did not fit the scene
SandyV4752: Whew,you had me wondering Drows,lol
PBojorquez: i missed that episode:( tnt’s sound went out in my area
B5CL Drows: Sandy, I hate typos.
SandyV4752: Perfectionist.hehehe
B5BRIAN: Who isn’t one, but we are human
SandyV4752: Sorry Brian,Drows and I have been friends a long time and I love to kid him.lol
PBojorquez: so….. im glad b5’s episodes are becoming more exciting. i love what lytas doing
B5CL Drows: PBojorquez, Lyta’s no longer “the universe’s door mat” for sure
B5BRIAN: Gooo right ahead and pick on him
Log Count: There were 4 member(s) in Fresh Air Lounge at 03:30 PM
B5CL Drows: Sandy, yeah, it has been quite a while now
PBojorquez: lol yeppers drows thats great i loved how she took controll of every one in last weeks episo
SandyV4752: Yep,sure has Drows.
B5BRIAN: Sorry, I opened up the door, Drows.
B5CL Drows: PB, everyone except Sheridan.
PBojorquez: i know i also liked that part
PBojorquez: i dont like captain lockley at all. i dont no she doesnt seem to fit in
SandyV4752: I have a hunch there will be a showdown between them.
B5CL Drows: Seems havea Vorlon as a mental hitchhiker for several months and
B5CL Drows: being revived by *the* First One, makes you a bit more then human
PBojorquez: sandy, that would be so cool. id like to see that:) i just hope i can scrounge up enough to
B5CL Drows: havea=having a
B5BRIAN: Lyta, going to flip or something. You know she will be the cause of the Telepath war.
PBojorquez: keep ,yself in cable until that happens
B5CL Drows: Brian, it looks to me like it’s going on offscreen right now.
OnlineHost: Mike011701 has entered the room.
Mike011701: alo
SandyV4752: I agree Drows.
PBojorquez: wait……….Sandy…………… oh sandy hi long time no see
B5BRIAN: How so Drows?
B5CL Drows: The bombings of Psi Corps facilities, that they tied to Lyta this week, for one.
SandyV4752: Hi PB!
OnlineHost: Mike011701 has left the room.
PBojorquez: how have you been?
OnlineHost: B5Delenn1 has entered the room.
SandyV4752: Doing great PB.
B5Delenn1: {{{{{{Drows}}}}}}
PBojorquez: good. its weird i didnt see you in here for a few months
B5CL Drows: And now, with Lyta having Garibaldi fund the Resistance on Earth,
B5CL Drows: things will only get worse.
B5CL Drows: B5Delenn1, you found the Fresh Air Lounge, where everyone’s welcome,
B5CL Drows: even Psi Cops.
PBojorquez: i kjnow i was suprised garibaldi did that
OnlineHost: STARCMD464 has entered the room.
SandyV4752: They could almost make another season out of that alone.
B5CL Drows: But, I think that they only way we’ll really see the Telepath War, is in
B5CL Drows: the “Birth of the Psi Corps” books.
STARCMD464: hello
B5BRIAN: Garibali, I don’t think he really likes the idea of teamming up in this scheme
B5CL Drows: Hello STARCMD464, Babylon 5 is now showing Monday thru Friday at 6 PM
B5CL Drows: Eastern and Pacific time.
SandyV4752: But, he doesn’t have much choice if he wants to be rid of the block.
STARCMD464: must be nice
B5CL Drows: PB, Brian, I think Garibaldi would do almost anything to get rid of that
B5CL Drows: Block Bester used on him. Imagine his shock the next time they meet
B5CL Drows: after that.
B5BRIAN: Yes, but I think Mr. G will eventually back put.
SandyV4752: Oh no doubt Drows. Wow!
B5BRIAN: Opps, out
STARCMD464: did Chrome dome ever get his shot at Bester
PBojorquez: lol yeay thats going to be great drows. i am going to love seeing bester squirm
B5CL Drows: PB, I believe he’ll do more then just squirm, if their last meeting’s any indication.
B5BRIAN: Bester deserves it and it will be glorious
PBojorquez: what happened during the last encounter drows. i missed alost all of season 5
B5CL Drows: Star, yes and no. Bester left a telepathic block in his mind that won’t
B5CL Drows: allow him to hurt Bester directly.
SandyV4752: Drows,is that what David was talking about last night?
STARCMD464: rats
B5BRIAN: Why do you think Mr. G started drinking again
B5CL Drows: PB, he actually ambushed Bester in his quarters and had a PPG aimed
B5CL Drows: at his head, but couldn’t pull the trigger because of the mental block.
STARCMD464: in a word Bester
B5CL Drows: Sandy, it could be, I’ll have to go over the log later.
PBojorquez: wow thats is cool. dang it i wish i saw that episode
B5BRIAN: Bester got the best of Mr. G. and he hated it.
SandyV4752: He said he directed the one where the two of them went at it.
B5CL Drows: I think it’s tied to Bester’s “Asimov Block”, but I think there’s more
B5CL Drows: then just that involved.
B5CL Drows: I think it has something to do with Garibaldi’s personality, as well.
B5CL Drows: He’s a control freak, and he doesn’t have that much control over his
B5CL Drows: personal universe anymore, like he did as Head of Security.
SandyV4752: I agree.
PBojorquez: wow so true
B5BRIAN: Yes, Lockley definately pointed that out in the last ep
PBojorquez: well i have to skee daddle peoples i hope to chat later. by by
B5CL Drows: When you add in the Asimov Block, and the changes everything’s gone
B5CL Drows: through, plus being so far away from Lise, it all added up to a crash.
PBojorquez: :::::::::waves:::::::::;;;;;
SandyV4752: Bye PB. Nice to see you again.
B5CL Drows: PB, have a good weekend.
PBojorquez: same here sandy
PBojorquez: thanks drowsa you too
B5BRIAN: {S jumpgate
OnlineHost: PBojorquez has left the room.
B5BRIAN: Will they kill of Lise next week, you think?
B5BRIAN: opps kill off
B5CL Drows: When you think about it, look at what all happened on “his watch”,
B5CL Drows: Santiago is assassinated, he’s shot in the back by a trusted aide, he
B5CL Drows: gets stabbed, he “turns against” Sheridan because of Bester, and the
B5CL Drows: the Telepath situation going out of control, that’s a lot to deal with.
SandyV4752: From the previews,it looked that way to me.
B5CL Drows: Brian, it looked like she was hit in the upper arm, to me. We’ll have to
B5CL Drows: wait and see next week.
B5BRIAN: He can’t lose it all, he deserves better
B5CL Drows: Sandy, remember how the previews made it look like Garibaldi was going to be killed?
SandyV4752: Yes,but he was bent over Lise holding her.
B5BRIAN: He has suffered enough, no?
OnlineHost: STARCMD464 has left the room.
Log Count: There were 4 member(s) in Fresh Air Lounge at 03:45 PM
B5CL Drows: Brian, that depends on who’s writing the episodes, actually.
B5CL Drows: And what his final fate on the show will be.
B5BRIAN: {S begins
OnlineHost: Firecat443 has entered the room.
OnlineHost: Firecat443 has left the room.
B5Delenn1: party is dying fast
B5CL Drows: There’s a chance that he’s not meant to survive in the long run on
B5CL Drows: Babylon 5. Especially judging from the way his character has been
B5CL Drows: treated up to nwo.
SandyV4752: I agree.
B5BRIAN: Too bad these are the last eps, the stories are getting good.
B5CL Drows: Sandy, well, the Ducks won, 27 to 15.
OnlineHost: Firecat443 has entered the room.
SandyV4752: Yippeee!! Go Ducks!!
Firecat443: {S eclipse
B5CL Drows: Brian, JMS did promise that the last eps would pick up speed.
OnlineHost: Babs5Capt has entered the room.
B5CL Drows: He followed through nicely
Firecat443: hi capt
Firecat443: long time no chat
Babs5Capt: Hi Fire
B5BRIAN: Yes they are but does it have to end?
Babs5Capt: How are ya?
Firecat443: good
Firecat443: and you
Firecat443: {S ispy
B5CL Drows: Hello, Babs5Capt, updated and
B5CL Drows: printable schedules of the show air times can be found at TNT’s web site.3 y
B5CL Drows: Opps, the Huskies just recovered a fumble on the Oregon 3 yard line
Firecat443: i have not been watching b5 latly
Firecat443: im just forgetting to watch it
Babs5Capt: fine
Firecat443: not on purpose
Firecat443: tho
B5CL Drows: Brian, actyally, it was meant to from the very first.
Babs5Capt: What’ sTNT web site address?
Firecat443: {S dragon
B5BRIAN: You missed some good eps Cat
Firecat443: i know
Firecat443: but i DO know that river of soles is comming up
Babs5Capt: tomorrow
B5CL Drows: I hate to see it happen too, this show has been one of the best every for Sci Fi on TV.
Firecat443: i gotta play ONE last quick wav
Firecat443: {S eclipse
B5CL Drows: The Turner Network Television (TNT) website for Babylon 5, the Television
B5CL Drows: show is on the web at: http://tnt.turner.com/babylon5/
Babs5Capt: thanks
B5CL Drows: Babs5Capt, no worries.
Firecat443: well i got to go now
OnlineHost: Firecat443 has left the room.
B5CL Drows: Have a good weekend Firecat.
OnlineHost: GODSIVAR has entered the room.
GODSIVAR: i w2annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnna die
GODSIVAR: die i wanna die
B5CL Drows: Greetinng GODSIVAR, and welcome to the Fresh Air Lounge.
GODSIVAR: i want 2 die
B5BRIAN: Forgive me, so die
OnlineHost: GODSIVAR has left the room.
B5CL Drows: GODSIVAR, you know, dwelling on the problem won’t make it any easier.
B5BRIAN: I can’t be that bad
B5BRIAN: Oh well
B5CL Drows: Brian, he’s saying his brother is on drugs, he took off from the family,
B5CL Drows: and that he is only 13.
B5BRIAN: lol
B5CL Drows: The brother is supposed to be 20 or so.
OnlineHost: Babs5Capt has left the room.
B5CL Drows: If true, it’s a really sad situation, but there’s not much we can do about it.
B5BRIAN: Does he have a brain or is it fried, lol
SandyV4752: A 13 year old on Prozac makes me suspicous Drows.
B5CL Drows: Sandy, anytime someone comes in with a similar story, I’m ambivilant
B5CL Drows: about it. It might be true, or it might not.
SandyV4752: I agree Drows.
B5CL Drows: Brian, I’ve given him a phone numbers’ where he can find help, but he
B5CL Drows: says he’s seeing someone IRL.
OnlineHost: Cubini has entered the room.
B5BRIAN: I hope if he is in trouble that he is doing just that. Its ok to ask for help
Cubini: hey hey hey
B5CL Drows: That’s really all anyone can do, try to get them to call someone who’s
B5CL Drows: qualified to help, if they don’t, they don’t.
B5CL Drows: Hiya Cubini, have you seen the “Guide” section of TNT? It has information
B5CL Drows: about the Babylon 5 episodes.
B5CL Drows: Public Service Announcement and 5 Minute Warning
B5CL Drows: Heads up Folks ! Don’t be fooled ! Only *official* B5 chat hosts can use
B5CL Drows: “B5CL” in the beginning of their Screen Name. This is the only official Staff
B5CL Drows: for the Eclipse Cafe and Fresh Air Lounge.
SandyV4752: Leaving Drows?
Cubini: :::claps:::
OnlineHost: Mike011701 has entered the room.
OnlineHost: BRoksgrl40 has entered the room.
Mike011701: alo
SandyV4752: Hello Mike.
B5BRIAN: B5CL means Sandy can pick on them if she wants, too lol
B5CL Drows: Sandy, yes, I stayed over an hour on my scheduled chat because I was late signing on.
B5CL Drows: Hey Mike011701, BRoksgrl40, welcome to the room!
Mike011701: geez just get here, and I have to go, bye!
SandyV4752: Oh crum Drows.
Mike011701: {S GOODBYE}
B5CL Drows: Oh, rats, I missed Mortal Kombat. ::sighs::
OnlineHost: Mike011701 has left the room.
BRoksgrl40: oy, finally I find some of the regulars…
B5Delenn1: drows..how long are you in here for??
Cubini: its okay Drows
B5CL Drows: Sandy, I’m back on Monday for the EFC chat.
BRoksgrl40: thank goodness…
Cubini: Drows where do you live?
SandyV4752: Oh good! What time Drows?
B5CL Drows: Delenn, it’s supposed to be 4-6 PM ET, but I was late today.
B5CL Drows: Sandy, 9 PM ET in this very room.
BRoksgrl40: :: walks back to her cave ::
B5Delenn1: ahhhh
Cubini: Drows you live un the USA?
B5CL Drows: Cubini, let’s just say, I’m close enough to be a University of Washington football fan. 🙂
SandyV4752: Ok,I’ll try to make it in. I don’t get home until 6:15pst.
Cubini: And you missed mortal kombat? isnt it on 8:00?
Cubini: {S mk
OnlineHost: DOOM 2069 has entered the room.
B5CL Drows: I’m in Washington State. It’s on Fox here at 6 PM ET.
B5CL Drows: DOOM 2069, welcome to the Fresh Air Lounge, the strangest place in
B5CL Drows: known space!
OnlineHost: FlyHubble has entered the room.
Cubini: oh
FlyHubble: evening folks
Cubini: its on Tnt too right?
B5CL Drows: Greetings FlyHubble, the TNT site has a B5 in Print review by Sandra
SandyV4752: Hello Fly.
B5CL Drows: Bruckner available on it’s main screen.
OnlineHost: DOOM 2069 has left the room.
Cubini: {S carryon
Log Count: There were 7 member(s) in Fresh Air Lounge at 04:00 PM
OnlineHost: BRoksgrl40 has left the room.
SandyV4752: Well done Drows!!
B5CL Drows: Cubini, Mortal Kombat is on TNT’s on Monday night at 11 PM.
B5CL Drows: Sandy, I’ve been using that one for a while now, since I first found out
B5CL Drows: she was doing the reviews.
SandyV4752: She is soooo nice Drows.
B5CL Drows: And I do read them.
Cubini: <—— confused BRB
OnlineHost: Cubini has left the room.
B5CL Drows: Well, that’s all for me today in uniform…..catch you all on Monday evening.
B5CL Drows: Well, time for me to leave, you’re all
OnlineHost: CReed52759 has entered the room.
B5CL Drows: welcome to stay and enjoy the Fresh Air Lounge. If you need assistance,
B5CL Drows: please feel free to use KEYWORD: I Need Help or KEYWORD: Notify
B5CL Drows: AOL to report violations. Bye for now!! 😉
SandyV4752: See ya later Drows!!
B5Delenn1: the movie is on TNT tonight at 8pm est
B5CL Drows: Have a great one and Remember, River of Souls, tomorrow!!!!!!!!!
B5Delenn1: {{{{{{{{drows}}}}}}}}}
B5BRIAN: Later Drows
B5CL Drows: .mov3
B5CL Drows: River of Souls is about a group of Soul
B5CL Drows: Hunters come to the station demanding the return of something that was
B5CL Drows: stolen from them. Set to air on November 8th, 1998.