B5CL Mikey: Heya folks!
SandyV4752: Hi Mikey!
CLONEa1: londo knows that it was the drak that framed the centari and go
ththe allince pissed
CLONEa1: but the rest of centri prime does not know that
CLONEa1: mikey what do you do any wat
CLONEa1: way
SandyV4752: Mikey, is Drows still a CL?
B5CL Mikey: Yes, Sandy, he sure is :o)
CLONEa1: cl?:???????//
B5CL Mikey: CLONE, what do I do?
B5CL Mikey: I’m the room host 😉
SandyV4752: Oh goooood!
CLONEa1: ok give us a topik to talk about
CLONEa1: by the way i do not shut up
B5CL Mikey: How’s about TONIGHT?! 😉
B5CL Mikey: CLONE, you’re fine! 😉
CLONEa1: i want to see that and i will seee it to
SandyV4752: I’ve been off line for several months Mikey,please tell Drows Hi
for me.
B5CL Mikey: Sandy, yes ma’am, gotta love that Drows!
B5CL Mikey: I certainly will 😉
OnlineHost: Gr8 1Gkar has entered the room.
CLONEa1: i am also watchint the new ep of voyager if anyone is intrestied
SandyV4752: Thank you 🙂
B5CL Mikey: Heya Gr8!
Gr8 1Gkar: Hi ya Mikey
B5CL Mikey: CLONE, I haven’t watched Voyager in a long time
B5CL Mikey: Gr8, how are you today? =)
SandyV4752: Hi Gkar!
Gr8 1Gkar: CLONE It has been better this season
OnlineHost: GODSIVAR has entered the room.
CLONEa1: o
GODSIVAR: mikey how ya doing
CLONEa1: what has
B5CL Mikey: GODSIVAR, welcome to the Cafe!
CLONEa1: voyager or b5
Gr8 1Gkar: Voyager
B5CL Mikey: I’m great, thanks for asking!
Gr8 1Gkar: And DS(
Gr8 1Gkar: 9
OnlineHost: CatmanK20 has entered the room.
CLONEa1: i think that they are bothe better
GODSIVAR: i hate humans
B5CL Mikey: CatmanK, how are you today? 😉
CatmanK20: Hello everybody
SandyV4752: Hi Catman
CatmanK20: rhymes with snappy!
B5CL Mikey: WooHoo, Catman!! ;D
Gr8 1Gkar: I agree Clone
CLONEa1: testing font
Gr8 1Gkar: Both
GODSIVAR: hahahahaahhahahahahhahah
CLONEa1: hello
GODSIVAR: im a shadow
CatmanK20: well. Rhymes with snappy..i’m not actually snappy
Gr8 1Gkar: {S Woohoo
CatmanK20: Im a former Shadow ally
CLONEa1: is this font good
GODSIVAR: cat im gonna peee my pants if you dont stop
Gr8 1Gkar: {S Shadow
SandyV4752: Wow, Gr8 I forgot I had the Woohoo wav,lol
CatmanK20: ::sits quietly:::
Gr8 1Gkar: Clone it looks like the Regular font
OnlineHost: G QUON34 has entered the room.
Gr8 1Gkar: Sandy isn’t that fun
B5CL Mikey: G QUON, chat is great, welcome!
CLONEa1: i wthink i will go withthis
Gr8 1Gkar: Hi ya G Quan
SandyV4752: Sure is Gr8
Gr8 1Gkar: o
G QUON34: hi
CLONEa1: and this color
CatmanK20: ::looks ar Gr8::: OH!! I get it!!!!! GREAT one G’kar!!! LOL
Gr8 1Gkar: Very good Cat, its taken many Much longer
OnlineHost: GODSIVAR has entered the room.
SandyV4752: LOL
CLONEa1: lets talk about b5
Gr8 1Gkar: Clone thas a good color
B5CL Mikey: CLONE, whatcha gotta say? 😉
CatmanK20: ::wipes tears from eyes:: oh, thats a good one.
OnlineHost: GODSIVAR has entered the room.
Gr8 1Gkar: B5, wow, Really sad , The last ep was
B5CL Mikey: Gr8, Delenn disappointed me, greatly
CLONEa1: i dont have to say any hting but i would like to talk about b5 or
read about it not the cat
CatmanK20: I cannot wait until Babylon5 Crusades
OnlineHost: SIVARHUNTA has entered the room.
Gr8 1Gkar: Cat, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings
B5CL Mikey: SICARHUNTA., glad you could make it!
B5CL Mikey: Catman, Crusades has been delayed
CatmanK20: whats wrong with Cats??
SandyV4752: In what way Mikey?
B5CL Mikey: Sandy, TNT wants to premiere another series first
CatmanK20: It has??? noooooooooo!!! I was looking forward to that
B5CL Mikey: So it looks like Crusade won’t be starting til February/March 🙁
Gr8 1Gkar: Not very much Mikey. It’s still supossed to be on in Jan still
B5CL Mikey: Oh? Latest I heard it could be as late as March
B5CL Mikey: hmmm
Gr8 1Gkar: O really Feb, I hadn’t heard that yet
SandyV4752: I heard that too Gr8
CLONEa1: what seeries are the airing first
SandyV4752: in January that is.
CatmanK20: who hurt my feelings?
B5CL Mikey: CLONE, I can’t remember what its called
Gr8 1Gkar: You had a Tear in your eye CAT, Y?
B5CL Mikey: Gr8, I’ll check and see if I can get anything mroe concrete
CLONEa1: k give me 5min and i will find out
CatmanK20: cause I was lauhging
CatmanK20: laughing
Gr8 1Gkar: O, OK. thats good
SandyV4752: Mikey,the Scifi Channel plugged Crusade for starting in January.
CatmanK20: well, seeyall, and next time..I hope i’m not sick!
OnlineHost: CTDST has entered the room.
Gr8 1Gkar: Hi ya CT
SandyV4752: mmmmm,did Cat swallow a furball? heheheh
B5CL Mikey: CTDST, welcome to the Cafe!
Gr8 1Gkar: Sandy, is that nice.. {S teehee
SandyV4752: Gr8 where did you get my teehee wav?
CLONEa1: never mind i am to lasy to look
Gr8 1Gkar: I don’t know, It’s been arounf a LONG time
Gr8 1Gkar: I don’t even know if they are the same
SandyV4752: I know it has,I gave it to some people several months ago.
B5CL Mikey: I never see anyone use {S cat9tail} anymore 😉
Gr8 1Gkar: {S Timewarp} I don’t even have this one, But if I type it in, You
get to hear it if you
OnlineHost: G QUON34 has entered the room.
Gr8 1Gkar: have it
B5CL Mikey: Sandy….SandyVHsometing?
SandyV4752: Sorry,I don’t have that one
Gr8 1Gkar: {S Drop
SandyV4752: You got it Mikey 🙂
B5CL Mikey: AHHH!! =) Ok, I know you now!
B5CL Mikey: <~ Lennier1!
SandyV4752: OH!!!!!
CLONEa1: houdini a mesmerizing true story sunday, december 6 at 8pm is what
they might be airuing
Gr8 1Gkar: Sandy it is from Rocky Horror Show
Gr8 1Gkar: {S Timewarp
OnlineHost: P21Corps has entered the room.
B5CL Mikey: P21Corps, glad you could join us!
P21Corps: hello
B5CL Mikey: How are ya today? 😉
Gr8 1Gkar: {S Welcome} P21
P21Corps: hi mikey
P21Corps: good
SandyV4752: Mikey,great to see you as a CL!!
OnlineHost: SIVARHUNTA has entered the room.
P21Corps: hi {{{gkar}}}
B5CL Mikey: Thank you, Sandy!! Great to see you back!! =)
Gr8 1Gkar: {{{P21}}}
B5CL Mikey: You’ve been away a LONG time!
Gr8 1Gkar: How goes it ??
B5CL Mikey: I’ve been a CL almost a year now
Gr8 1Gkar: {S Clapping
P21Corps: good
SandyV4752: Thank you 🙂
B5CL Mikey: SandyVanH? Ugh, I can’t remember 🙁
B5CL Mikey: But I do remember the SIMs 😉
Gr8 1Gkar: {S Goodbye} All
P21Corps: bye gkar
OnlineHost: SUBZERO482 has entered the room.
SandyV4752: You have the name right Mikey 🙂
B5CL Mikey: 6 hours, and 38 minutes for us east coasters!
SUBZERO482: hi
B5CL Mikey: SUBZERO, welcoem to the Cafe!
B5CL Mikey: Ah, ok, Sandy ;D
P21Corps: puter slow
B5CL Mikey: Thats not good, P21
P21Corps: d/ling
B5CL Mikey: Ah
SandyV4752: Mikey, has Nostrodia been around?
P21Corps: it’s slow to begin with it’s only a 133mhz P.O.S
B5CL Mikey: Sandy, try B5CL Nost ;D
SandyV4752: Really??? Wow,that’s Great!!
SUBZERO482: the narns should of used mass drivers on centari prime
SandyV4752: I knew she was thinking about it. I’m glad she did it.
B5CL Mikey: Yup, finally pushed and shoved her into it, LOL
SandyV4752: Well, I’m glad you did. LOL
B5CL Mikey: Me, too…wuvs her to death, I do! ;D
B5CL Mikey: She does late night chats!
P21Corps: i want to be a cl
SandyV4752: How late?
B5CL Mikey: P21, fill out the ap, see what happens 😉
B5CL Mikey: Sandy 11PM or midnight I think, let em IM you the Cafe schedule
P21Corps: already did they wanted to interview me and then they never replied
B5CL Mikey: How long ago, P21? 😉
P21Corps: 2 months ago–i think
P21Corps: or more
B5CL Mikey: Ahhh
B5CL Mikey: hmmmm.
SandyV4752: Ok,thanks Mikey
B5CL Mikey: Sandy, my pleasure!
SandyV4752: Drows isn’t on it though 🙁
OnlineHost: SUBZERO482 has entered the room.
B5CL Mikey: P21, I’m not sure, maybe you could talk to some of the forum
OnlineHost: DWebs10407 has entered the room.
B5CL Mikey: SUBZERO, welcome back
B5CL Mikey: !Glad you could make it, DWebs!
DWebs10407: HI everyone, what’s up?
DWebs10407: HI Mikey, thank’s.
B5CL Mikey: Sandy, he’s still around, though. he’s been on leave
P21Corps: hi dw
SandyV4752: Hi DWebs
DWebs10407: HI P21.
DWebs10407: HI Sandy.
DWebs10407: So, everyone all set for tonight?
SandyV4752: Oh ok. The times on the schedule,are they Eastern time?
SandyV4752: I am DW
B5CL Mikey: DW, 6 hours 32 minites for East Coasters
B5CL Mikey: Yeah, Sandy, thats ET on the schedule
DWebs10407: Oh ok Sandy, cool.
DWebs10407: Oh cool, MIkey.
P21Corps: i’m ready….i have my VCR ready too
DWebs10407: I’m hoping I get to see it.
DWebs10407: We are supose to get a really bad strome here tonight.
OnlineHost: ChamanQ has entered the room.
SandyV4752: Oh bummer DW.
B5CL Mikey: Why wouldn’t you, DW?
DWebs10407: And when the weather’s really bad, the satelite goes out.
P21Corps: poor Dragon6535 doesn’t have cable so i’m recording it for him
ChamanQ: hi
DWebs10407: Thank’s Sandy.
B5CL Mikey: ChamanQ, welcome to babylon 5’s Eclipse Cafe!
SandyV4752: Mikey,you need a macro,lol
DWebs10407: Maybe i’ll get luckey, and it wont go out.
ChamanQ: hello b5cl
DWebs10407: Oh I did finially get last week’s, taped.
SandyV4752: I’ll keep my fingers crossed for you DW.
P21Corps: speak of the devil and he comes online
DWebs10407: thank’s Sandy.
B5CL Mikey: Heya Chaman 😉
B5CL Mikey: Sandy, I don’t use Macros <g>
DWebs10407: I read the spoiler’s, and i’m not going to say anthing except,
you all are-
SandyV4752: Mikey, has Centurian1 been around lately?
OnlineHost: SUBZERO482 has entered the room.
DWebs10407: going to really like tonight’s ep.
B5CL Mikey: He’s still around, Sandy, but I haven’t personally seen him
B5CL Mikey: Oh yeah, DW 😉
DWebs10407: Thank’s MIkey. 🙂
SandyV4752: I saw Natoth earlier on here today.
B5CL Mikey: Uh huh 😉
P21Corps: i know micheal ohare’s wife’s email address
SandyV4752: She said she has a children’s book coming out soon.
B5CL Mikey: Everyone is writing children’s books now, aren
B5CL Mikey: ren’t they? <g>
DWebs10407: Agreed, they are.
B5CL Mikey: Bruce and Melissa are, I knwo
ChamanQ: It’s been a long time since my last visit to Eclipse Cafe
SandyV4752: Seems like it <g>
B5CL Mikey: I seen them on Regis and Cathy Lee, I think
P21Corps: i spilled my coke on myself at VOR when i met JCB
B5CL Mikey: Chaman, glad you decided to come back!
DWebs10407: Oh cool, I saw BB on that show.
SandyV4752: She’s very nice P21.
ChamanQ: I was waiting for the last episode of B5
P21Corps: and then i tried to say to much at one time…so the rest of the
time i didn’t talk to any
SandyV4752: LOL!!
B5CL Mikey: Chaman, Thats November 25th, but why are you waiting til the last
P21Corps: more b5 cast
DWebs10407: Not much longer.
ChamanQ: I mean the last episode starting with The Fall Of Century Pime
P21Corps: ARGH! at home i type great in business class i’m terrible at it
P21Corps: well i type great compared to at school
SandyV4752: I saw a rather unfavorable review of River of Souls at the Scifi
Channel web site.
DWebs10407: Oh I throw in that tape that I used last week, and I started it
at 11 and it worked.
ChamanQ: That was here in Montreal last night
DWebs10407: It taped.
B5CL Mikey: Ahhh, Chaman, that was a great one
B5CL Mikey: Ack, Sandy! Why?
ChamanQ: I know
SandyV4752: I don’t know,they thought there wasn’t enough action I guess.
ChamanQ: The dramatic was very strong intis one
B5CL Mikey: Delenn disappointed me soooo much
B5CL Mikey: Ah, Sandy, well, geez, yanno 😉
P21Corps: ACK! I hate typo demons!:::sprays typo repellant:::
DWebs10407: She kind of upset me in Inbetween the Darkness and the Light ep,
last year.
SandyV4752: You got that right Mikey. They just have no taste,LOL!!!
B5CL Mikey: DW, refresh my memeory
P21Corps: JCB is online
B5CL Mikey: LOL, Sandy, albeit!
DWebs10407: Ok Mikey, remeber when Iv go hurt.
B5CL Mikey: Methinks she’s an addict, P21 😉
DWebs10407: And they where all in the room, and poor Marcus started crying?
P21Corps: she just went offline
B5CL Mikey: Ya, I trhink so 😉
B5CL Mikey: think, too 😉
P21Corps: i used to be addicated
B5CL Mikey: addicted isn’t nessecarily bad <g>
DWebs10407: Ok, well then she noticed and then looked at Sheirdan like what
do I do, and she didn’t do –
DWebs10407: anything.
B5CL Mikey: Delenn is strange
B5CL Mikey: None of the characters are the same now as they were 5 years ago
DWebs10407: Agreed, she is.
P21Corps: i’ll bbl–i gotta go fight with my web page
DWebs10407: Agreed, Mikey big time.
B5CL Mikey: Lennier would probably be the closest to unchanged
DWebs10407: They have all changed.
ChamanQ: the caracters as in there own way grow up
B5CL Mikey: Yeah, they have
SandyV4752: Very true Chaman.
B5CL Mikey: I kinda feel sorry for Londo
DWebs10407: Agreed.
DWebs10407: Yeah me too.
ChamanQ: this is a way of life that JMS as respect
ChamanQ: Londo as made a choice Long Ago
DWebs10407: I hope we get to see a couple of the b5 people on and off, on
SandyV4752: That he did Chaman.
ChamanQ: At the firs season I should say
B5CL Mikey: I’d say you will occasionally, DW
DWebs10407: Oh ok, cool thank’s Mikey.
DWebs10407: I hope we get to see Mr. G, from time to time.
SandyV4752: I seem to remember JMS saying something about guest shots.
B5CL Mikey: Few of them will do guest appearances occasionally
DWebs10407: Oh neat, I didn’t know that.
CLONEa1: hello
SandyV4752: Hi
DWebs10407: HI clone.
ChamanQ: Unfortunate that me and my friend Taz will not be able to see
CLONEa1: y did every one suddenly shush
OnlineHost: Fion 314 has entered the room.
B5CL Mikey: Awww, Chaman, why not?
Fion 314: ::sneaks in::
ChamanQ: Not on cable here
B5CL Mikey: Heyyya Fion! Glad you could make it! <g>
DWebs10407: Oh no.
DWebs10407: Hi Fion.
Fion 314: Heya Mikey
Fion 314: Hi Webs
DWebs10407: Hi.
B5CL Mikey: Ehh, whatcher doin? 😉
ChamanQ: Appears to be Great!!
Fion 314: Uhm, makin sure yer not gettin into trouble..
B5CL Mikey: LOL! Me?? Getting in trouble? Why, I never! ;D
Fion 314: ::rolls her eyes::
DWebs10407: No comment.
B5CL Mikey: ROFL, DWebs!!
B5CL Mikey: You all are just wrong! LOL
DWebs10407: Lol.
Fion 314: You gotta topic or are you just playin around? <poke>
DWebs10407: Just kidding MIkey.
B5CL Mikey: Fion, we’re just talking about the evolution of the characters
over the past 5 years
Fion 314: We’re fine.
CLONEa1: stop talking about pokem this is a b5 room,
DWebs10407: Sheirdan’s changed too.
B5CL Mikey: Yupyup! Finefinefine!
B5CL Mikey: pokem?
Fion 314: ahh, that’s an extremely big topic…pokem? is that like a country
B5CL Mikey: And CLONE, we talk about whatever comes up 😉
CLONEa1: some one sad peka an d that is from a stupid japennse anima show
CLONEa1: what ever
B5CL Mikey: I woudln’t have a clue, CLONE 😉
ChamanQ: “Crusade” apears to be a “Voyager” without their usual stupid
DWebs10407: Oh I asked for B5 action figures for my b-day, I hope I get them.
B5CL Mikey: LOL, Chaman
CLONEa1: sheriden has developed alot
ChamanQ: lol
B5CL Mikey: WOoHoo, DWebs! Good luck!
CLONEa1: but i think g’kar has the most
DWebs10407: Agreed Clone.
B5CL Mikey: I don’t like Sheridan now
CLONEa1: he used to be full of hate
DWebs10407: Thank’s Mikey.
B5CL Mikey: He changed after Z’Ha’Dum
CLONEa1: and now he is opend mminded
Fion 314: sheridan has developed, but I’d have to agree with Mikey
B5CL Mikey: I can’t believe G’kar forgave Londo. I near died
B5CL Mikey: Yeah, Fion, he’s just not right
CLONEa1: by the y i was talking about g”kar in case of any confusion
Fion 314: I can, they have a special relationship, always have…just took
B5CL Mikey: Oh, and that Ms Delenn thang, we won’t go there
Fion 314: Ms Delenn? <grin> you talkin about Lennier?
ChamanQ: The job to be president is differrent of being a military leader
B5CL Mikey: Yeah, I’m talkin bout what she done to him 😉
CLONEa1: lennier “i love you” delann “i times of trouble some peopple say
things they don nto mean”
DWebs10407: I read that JMS said that the show’s more like the Lord of the
B5CL Mikey: He’s colder
B5CL Mikey: CLONE, I know!! Here poor ole Lennier was pouring his heart out,
thinking it would be the
DWebs10407: But I kind of see it’s alittle more like camelot.
ChamanQ: that’s what Sheridan as found
B5CL Mikey: last words he ever says, and she responds with, “I know”
Fion 314: he’s more into himself, but then I suppose I would be too if I’d
gone through what sheridan
Fion 314: has
Fion 314: <hugs Mikey> surely they won’t leave it there?
B5CL Mikey: Yeah, Fion, they did leave it there 😉
B5CL Mikey: Delenn told him he didn’t mean it when he said it
Fion 314: you gonna find a way to tape that for me? hmm?
ChamanQ: In a sense Sheridan is no different of Napoleon good for conquest
B5CL Mikey: When I can catch it on rerun again, gonna do my best
B5CL Mikey: I gotta find a tape to record tonight, too
CLONEa1: sheriden thinks he hs divine right
ChamanQ: bad to manage what it is conquired
B5CL Mikey: Sheridan don’t got squat 😉
Fion 314: Sheridan needs to retire an have some kids
B5CL Mikey: He isn’t god…although he thinks he is
DWebs10407: Rember the fight him and Mr. G had last year.
OnlineHost: Gbpw31 has entered the room.
Fion 314: yeah
ChamanQ: I disagree B5cl he Know’S about imself remenber when He walk with
DWebs10407: I thought they where really going to get into it, alot worse.
B5CL Mikey: Yeah, well, I just think he’s full of himself 😉
ChamanQ: just after he was back from Za’adoom
Fion 314: I imagine it’s hard to stay the same when you’ve come back from the
impossible and everyone
Fion 314: knows about it
B5CL Mikey: I never did like Lorien, and I still don’t 😉
DWebs10407: Something about Lorien buged me.
B5CL Mikey: Fion, even his very looks changed after Z’Ha’Dum
OnlineHost: GODSIVAR has entered the room.
B5CL Mikey: Agreed, DWebs!
DWebs10407: Thank’s MIkey.
B5CL Mikey: GODSIVAR, welcome back! 😉
ChamanQ: that women sit on the floor with a look at Sheridan
OnlineHost: PUNKPEANUT has entered the room.
DWebs10407: Hi God.
Fion 314: yep, well…part of him was gone…what part I wonder?
DWebs10407: I think part of him did die at Zha Dum.
ChamanQ: almost as if he was God Garibaldi did’n like it
GODSIVAR: hi hi hi hi hi
Fion 314: you gotta remember though, Garibaldi never did like authority <g>
DWebs10407: Agreed, and Bester was messing with him at the time.
OnlineHost: GODSIVAR has entered the room.
OnlineHost: PUNKPEANUT has entered the room.
Fion 314: yep
DWebs10407: thank’s.
OnlineHost: Kayble2819 has entered the room.
B5CL Mikey: PUNKPEANUT, welcome to the Cafe!
ChamanQ: Never like but use to respect it …Not with that new Sheridan
OnlineHost: Trekkie102 has entered the room.
B5CL Mikey: Heya Trekkie, Kayble! 😉
DWebs10407: Hi trekkie.
Kayble2819: Hello
DWebs10407: HI all that just came in.
Fion 314: hi evvybody
B5CL Mikey: LOL, Fion
Fion 314: Mikey, stop me! I’m talkin in GS-speak!
Trekkie102: hey all!!
B5CL Mikey: Honey, this isn’t GemStone, LOL
Fion 314: ::hides::
B5CL Mikey: Trekkie, howaya today??
B5CL Mikey: 😉
ChamanQ: hi Fion
Trekkie102: I’m haven’t had much sugar.
Trekkie102: Jolan tru
B5CL Mikey: LOL, Trekkie
Trekkie102: so I can atually think clearly <g>
Trekkie102: j/k
Fion 314: okies, I gotta run…Leah’s bein messy and I’ve got a class to do
B5CL Mikey: 6 hours for East Coasters!
Trekkie102: I could when I had sugar
Fion 314: ::hugs everybody::
B5CL Mikey: Fion, come back and see us soon! =)
DWebs10407: Bye Fion.
Trekkie102: Hey Fion 🙂
ChamanQ: Bye Fion8+)
Trekkie102: bye Fion
Kayble2819: bye Fion
Trekkie102: Sugar. Such a blessed thing
Trekkie102: brb, gonna go get some candy corn
B5CL Mikey: LOL…I been eatin sugar and raspberry cool ade mix, dry =D
DWebs10407: I had to go to my yearly, about three week’s ago, not fun.
OnlineHost: Morden99 has entered the room.
Morden99: Hello
ChamanQ: Must go now … I’ll be back Later
DWebs10407: HI Morden/
ChamanQ: Bye to all
Kayble2819: hi Morden
B5CL Mikey: Chaman, come back soon! 😉
DWebs10407: Bye Chaman.
Kayble2819: bye chaman
B5CL Mikey: Heya Morden, thanks for joining us!
OnlineHost: Starman700 has entered the room.
ChamanQ: Sure
B5CL Mikey: Starman, welcome to Babylon 5’s Eclipse Cafe!
Starman700: yo mikey
DWebs10407: Hi Star.
Starman700: hiya stacy
Kayble2819: Hi Starman
Trekkie102: back. w/ the cadny corn <eg>
DWebs10407: HI Star.
Starman700: hi kay
B5CL Mikey: LOL, Trekkie!
OnlineHost: Saheab has entered the room.
Starman700: see i remembered your name:)
Trekkie102: hi mordy 🙂
Starman700: good memory
B5CL Mikey: Saheab, chat is great! Pull up a chair and join us!~
Morden99: hi Trekkie
B5CL Mikey: I can’t wait!! Under 6 hours!!
Trekkie102: it woulda gone bad……
Saheab: Ok I will.
Trekkie102: 🙂
OnlineHost: LIV2556 has entered the room.
B5CL Mikey: Heya LIV!
DWebs10407: HI Liv.
Saheab: Thats right B5 is on tonight. I almost forgot.
B5CL Mikey: You bet it is! =)
Trekkie102: by the end of the week, I’ll be sick of candy corn
Morden99: So, why’d you go back here Trekkie
DWebs10407: I have my tape all set up.
Starman700: no b5 here yet only on satellite
B5CL Mikey: Lyta is gonna show her stuff tonight 😉
Trekkie102: Mikey’s here
B5CL Mikey: Utoh, Starman 🙁
Morden99: good reason
B5CL Mikey: Awww, gersh! <g>
Trekkie102: and, the ST was getting a bit outta hand
Starman700: i want to see fall of centauri prime:(
DWebs10407: And everyone’s going to be claping tonight.
B5CL Mikey: Starman, it wasg reat 🙁
OnlineHost: JGood27610 has entered the room.
Starman700: was it?
B5CL Mikey: YES, Starman 😉
B5CL Mikey: JGood, welcome to the Cafe!
DWebs10407: Last week’s was really good.
Starman700: well hopefully we should get to see it soon
Starman700: now uve seen it
JGood27610: Hey, about “Wheel of Fire” tonight; is that a rerun?
Trekkie102: yes
Trekkie102: i think so
Morden99: Thats not wheely good then
Trekkie102: but don’t ask me. I specialize inTrek, nit B5
Saheab: Wheel of Fire?
OnlineHost: EvolGye has entered the room.
B5CL Mikey: Yeah, JGood 😉
Saheab: B5 ep?
B5CL Mikey: EvolGye, welcome to the Cafe!
Starman700: wheel of fires new
OnlineHost: GODSIVAR has entered the room.
Trekkie102: hence my s/n, but I’m getting good at B5
B5CL Mikey: Takes time, Trekkie 😉
Starman700: in uk anyway
DWebs10407: I’m not going to say anything, but alot happens in tonight’s ep.
B5CL Mikey: I been watching B5 since the very beginning
Saheab: Thats what I thought, Starman
B5CL Mikey: And November 25th is gonan be very bittersweet
DWebs10407: I started in season 2.
DWebs10407: Yep, agreed Mikey.
Kayble2819: me too mikey
PUNKPEANUT: o.k. im back
JGood27610: The title sounded familiar, but the synopsis seemed new
Trekkie102: i know mikey, but you’d think that after this long, I’d know it
Starman700: i have every ep on tape up to atonemont
B5CL Mikey: I remember the pilot, it just freaked me out
Morden99: Yup, “Wheel of Fire” is definately new.
DWebs10407: Oh atonmet was a good one, especially the end. 🙂
Saheab: B5, They say that Cruasade will be good.
Trekkie102: what happens onthe 25?
Starman700: yep i liked it
B5CL Mikey: Wheel Of Fire is new? Are you sure? 😉
GODSIVAR: mikey an intro
JGood27610: I think so
Trekkie102: no, i think I’ve seenit
B5CL Mikey: Trekkie, the 25 is when “Sleeping In Light” airs
Kayble2819: does anyone know when Crusade starts?
Saheab: 25th is the end of B5.
Morden99: Yup, I’ve never see it. Must be new
DWebs10407: Yeah Wheel is new.
Trekkie102: that one!!
B5CL Mikey: Tonight at 10pm is when the new ep airs
JGood27610: okay, thanks everyone
DWebs10407: Did I tell you all what ealse is on the 25th, I think I did?
Saheab: In early January. Kay.
B5CL Mikey: I thought “Wheel Of Fire” was the Neroon/Delenn ep. hmm <shrugs>
Trekkie102: i swear I’m gonna cry while watching it
DWebs10407: Welcome Jg.
Kayble2819: thanks Saheab
Trekkie102: so do I
B5CL Mikey: Well, thats not settled yet, Saheab
Saheab: No prob.
Trekkie102: Mikey, I thought it was that one…..
Starman700: no its not
B5CL Mikey: It WAS slated to air in January 99, but TNT decided they wanted
to premiere anotehr series
B5CL Mikey: first
Saheab: Well it will be some time in Jan. 99
DWebs10407: No their’s two more after tonight.
B5CL Mikey: It *could* be as late as February/March
Starman700: is it true there are production problems on crusade?
Starman700: and its stopped filming?
Saheab: Don’t forget, River of Souls sunday 8:00.
B5CL Mikey: Starman, not that I know of..the delay isn’t over production.
Starman700: thats the story in uk anyway
OnlineHost: Kris aps has entered the room.
B5CL Mikey: Kris aps, welcome to the Cafe!
DWebs10407: I could be wrong, but I heard it was because they got more money.
Saheab: Production problems, yes. I don’t know if they stoped shoting.
Kayble2819: thanks for reminding me saheab
DWebs10407: And needed some time to build more set’s.
OnlineHost: StarEnsign has entered the room.
Kris aps: ::7’2″ Klingon General walks in puffing fine cuban cigar::
B5CL Mikey: StarEnsign, welcome top the Cafe!
Starman700: oh right mikey
Kris aps: Qapla B5cl
B5CL Mikey: Uhm, Kris, that could be very unhealthy, LOL
DWebs10407: Hi everyone, that just came in.
Starman700: ta stacy
OnlineHost: Jaegermann has entered the room.
Kris aps: Yes i can be……….::laughs::
B5CL Mikey: Jaegermann, chat is great! Thanks for stopping by!
DWebs10407: I’m sorry what Star?
OnlineHost: JGriffProd has entered the room.
Kris aps: ::unslings bat’leth and sits at table::
B5CL Mikey: JGriffProd, welcome to the Cafe!
DWebs10407: HI Jg.
Jaegermann: Hi Mikey, I just stoppeed in to say Hi
Starman700: you said about the money
JGriffProd: Xa?
B5CL Mikey: Glad you did, Jaeger!
Kris aps: ::motions to barkeep:: bloodwine with warnog chaser
DWebs10407: Oh sorry Star, they got more momey from what I heard.
Starman700: call me andy
DWebs10407: Ok Andy.
Kris aps: ::exhales cigar smoke and looks around room?::
OnlineHost: Gkar of B5 has entered the room.
Starman700: )
Trekkie102: u can call me Alison
B5CL Mikey: Gkar, glad you could make it! 😉
Saheab: They are having truble with Crusade, because The WB dosn’t think it
will be very popular.
Kris aps: ::grabs bloodwine and gulps it::
Trekkie102: Q’alpa
DWebs10407: HI Gkar.
Kris aps: ::tosses empty glass::
B5CL Mikey: Andy and Allison! <g> They’re the local morning show radio DJs
here 😉
Kris aps: Barkeep another !!
Saheab: They’er wrong, of couse.
Starman700: lol
DWebs10407: lol.
Trekkie102: lol
Kris aps: ::notices comrade::…….Qapla trekkie
Trekkie102: Sir, there is no barkeep here today, Just a host
Kris aps: ::gulps bloodwine::
Kris aps: ::exhales cigar smoke::
B5CL Mikey: :::gives the uniform a
Trekkie102: but, i have some nearby. if you would like
B5CL Mikey: “Picard” tug:::
B5CL Mikey: ;D
Kris aps: Anyone here brave enought o join a Klingon special operations
Saheab: Bye all, I’ll be back.
Kayble2819: bye saheab
Kris aps: We have 88 members currently
DWebs10407: No thank’s Kris.
B5CL Mikey: Saheab, later! 😉
Trekkie102: I’m in that, right?
Kris aps: many posts still available
Trekkie102: i’m one of those 88, or is this a differnt one?
Kris aps: we also have a fed special ops division
Kayble2819: brb afk
Kris aps: same one trekkie……you should have recieved the mail out
DWebs10407: Oh I have some Star War’s movie new’s, if anyone is interested.
Kris aps: KSOC (Keyword to:
Kris aps: Please anyone visit if interested
B5CL Mikey: Sure, DW, why not? 😉
Kris aps: i am Sa’ Rognar
DWebs10407: Ok thank’s Mikey.
PUNKPEANUT: B5CL Mikey met me at this room at 3:13. in this
room is that O.K,?
Trekkie102: I believe I did, how ling ago was it sent?
DWebs10407: Well get this, I was reading Cinescape and it said that someone
close to I think Lucas.
Trekkie102: *long
Starman700: yes tell me stacy
B5CL Mikey: PUNKPEANUT, its past 3:13 here 😉
DWebs10407: Said that their is going to be a totally of 9 movies.
Kris aps: two days ago
Trekkie102: -noone said Vulcans were good speller
Starman700: 9?
Trekkie102: s
DWebs10407: So their will be 6 more after the one’s their working on now. 🙂
DWebs10407: Yep, 9.
Trekkie102: or typers
Kayble2819: back
Starman700: [[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[room]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]
cya stacy xxxx
DWebs10407: Bye Star.
DWebs10407: Cool, no?
Kris aps: ::gets up::….Qapla’ All
Kris aps: Exits
Trekkie102: Bte Sir!
Kayble2819: 6 more what Dwebs?
DWebs10407: Bye Kris.
Trekkie102: *bye
Kris aps: Bye
PUNKPEANUT: well it eyt here then what tim? B5CL Mikey
DWebs10407: 6 more movies after the one’s their working on now.
DWebs10407: I’m guessing their going to do them on the Thrawn book’s, and the
Jedi Accademy one’s.
Kayble2819: star wars movies DWebs?
DWebs10407: Yes movies Kayble.
Kayble2819: ok thanks
DWebs10407: Ok welcome.
B5CL Mikey: PUNKPEANUT, its 4:19 EST
B5CL Mikey: Everyone gonna go see Star Trek 9: Insurrection?
DWebs10407: Yep.
Kayble2819: yes
B5CL Mikey: 12-11-98, right? 😉
DWebs10407: Yep Mikey.
DWebs10407: Ack, right sorry.
B5CL Mikey: First Contact came out November 18, 1997, didn’t it?
DWebs10407: Yep, I rember that because my aunt took me out to see it for my
b-day last year.
PUNKPEANUT: is it nit or day?
DWebs10407: Ack, sorry that year.
B5CL Mikey: I bet there’s not many movies series that have 10 or more on the
big screen 😉
B5CL Mikey: DWebs, I remember it because I waited sooo long 😉
DWebs10407: Agreed Mikey.
B5CL Mikey: I LOVED TNG. I grew up with TNG
DWebs10407: Oh cool MIkey, me too. 😉
DWebs10407: 🙂
B5CL Mikey: And yes, I’ll admit, I cried during “All Good Things”
DWebs10407: I wasn’t that old when TNG started.
OnlineHost: Morden99 has entered the room.
Morden99: hello
DWebs10407: Me too.
OnlineHost: AJAXRanger has entered the room.
OnlineHost: Natoth 469 has entered the room.
B5CL Mikey: When Picard sat down at the table and said, “I should have done
this a long time ago”
OnlineHost: SGBaby1305 has entered the room.
B5CL Mikey: UGH! <g>
DWebs10407: Oh I like that too, that was cool.
B5CL Mikey: Heya Natoth, AJAX, SGB!
SGBaby1305: Hey Mikey!
B5CL Mikey: Welcome back, Morden! 😉
Kayble2819: I have to go now. Bye everyone.
DWebs10407: Wb Morden/
DWebs10407: Bye Kay.
DWebs10407: I grew up on TNG too.
Morden99: Sorry about that, AOL here went Kaput
DWebs10407: TNG was good.
OnlineHost: LWinter222 has entered the room.
B5CL Mikey: Utoh, Morden <g>
B5CL Mikey: LWinter, chat is great, glad you could join us!
LWinter222: thanx, hi room!
DWebs10407: I like the ep’s, with Spot.
B5CL Mikey: LOL…I thought it was interesting
B5CL Mikey: That an android would want a cat 😉
DWebs10407: Lol, me too.
SGBaby1305: It’s cold here in Kentucky (Yup AJAX I moved here!)
DWebs10407: Me too.
AJAXRanger: Do you know how many spots they went through?
AJAXRanger: You moved to kentucky? what for?
DWebs10407: Oh one of the funnyest one’s, was when Riker was feeding the cat.
B5CL Mikey: SGBaby, we’re
DWebs10407: And when Data had to give the cat to worf.
B5CL Mikey: “neighbors” then ;D
B5CL Mikey: LOL, yeah, DW
LWinter222: the poem data wrote
DWebs10407: Lol, thank’s Mikey.
DWebs10407: Oh I think I rember some of it.
SGBaby1305: I had to get away from Canada.
AJAXRanger: Wish i could get away from here
OnlineHost: Zambize has entered the room.
B5CL Mikey: Zambize, welcome to Babylon 5’s Eclipse Cafe!
Zambize: thanks
DWebs10407: HI Zamize.
SGBaby1305: Mickey, where in KY do you live?
Zambize: so whats up today
B5CL Mikey: SGB, I live in TN 😉
OnlineHost: B5Silver 1 has entered the room.
B5CL Mikey: Zambize, not a lot, we were just briefly reminiscing Star Trek:
The Next Genration
Morden99: Back in the good ol’ days
B5CL Mikey: B5Silver, welcome to the Cafe!
B5CL Mikey: Yeah, Morden, I miss TNG 😉
DWebs10407: Hi Sliver.
Morden99: me too
AJAXRanger: You mean it isn`t on in america anymore???
Zambize: Webs where in fl
SGBaby1305: Oh. I live in Pewee Valley.
B5Silver 1: hello all
B5CL Mikey: DWebs, you caught “Earth: Final Conflict” yet? 😉
DWebs10407: The last movie was pretty good.
OnlineHost: SUBZERO482 has entered the room.
B5CL Mikey: AJAX, in sayndication, yes
DWebs10407: I got some of it Mikey, i’m going to try it this weekend.
OnlineHost: SUBZERO482 has entered the room.
B5CL Mikey: SIBZERO, welcome back!
B5CL Mikey: Coolies, DW!
AJAXRanger: Don`t scare me like that
B5CL Mikey: SUBZERO even
SGBaby1305: It is pornunced Pee Wee
DWebs10407: Thank’s Mikey, have you tryed Cupid yet?
B5CL Mikey: Can’t seem to find it, DWebs 😉
DWebs10407: I saw where they where saying about Boon.
B5CL Mikey: <sobs> I miss Boon already
DWebs10407: Oh no Mikey, it’s on Saturday night.
DWebs10407: Oh sorry Mikey.
DWebs10407: 🙁
B5Silver 1: bye for now
SGBaby1305: People think it’s funny because it has “Pee” in it. It’s where
the Pewee bird comes from.
DWebs10407: Oh I think it’s on ABC?
B5CL Mikey: Silver, come back soon!
SGBaby1305: Or is it the Pewee Chicken???
LWinter222: what’s a pewee bird?
DWebs10407: Mikey I think Cupid’s on ABC.
SGBaby1305: It’s a bird, LWinter222.
B5CL Mikey: Ahh, ok
DWebs10407: Oh ok Mikey.
SGBaby1305: It’s a very pretty bird, infact.
LWinter222: uhh..what kind of bird?
LWinter222: land/water?
DWebs10407: Anyone watch Ally?
SGBaby1305: Aly McBeal???
DWebs10407: Yep Sg.
SGBaby1305: I do
DWebs10407: It was so funny last week.
DWebs10407: Oh cool.
DWebs10407: That poor frog.
SGBaby1305: I have her CD
DWebs10407: Oh cool.
SGBaby1305: Well yall, it’s time for me to go.
DWebs10407: Ok bye Sg.
DWebs10407: I should be going too.
Morden99: Bye bye SG
DWebs10407: Bye all, waves.
B5CL Mikey: SGBaby, come back soon!
B5CL Mikey: Ya leavin, too, DWebs?
SGBaby1305: Bye, Mikey, AJAX, and all my good friends.
DWebs10407: Yes Mikey, I need go.
DWebs10407: Bye.
B5CL Mikey: Ok, see you next week, DWebs! 😉
DWebs10407: I need to do some stuff.
DWebs10407: Oh ok, bye Mikey.
DWebs10407: See yeah next week.
DWebs10407: Bye all, waves.
Morden99: BYe DWebs
DWebs10407: Bye Morden.
OnlineHost: RICANROMAN has entered the room.
B5CL Mikey: RICANROMAN< welcome to the Cafe!
B5CL Mikey: Pull up a chair and join us 😉
B5CL Mikey: 5 1/2 hours til new B5!~
OnlineHost: FlyHubble has entered the room.
RICANROMAN: thanks mikey
FlyHubble: afternoon all
Morden99: hi Fly
B5CL Mikey: Hey there FlyHubble! 😉
B5CL Mikey: How’s everyone today?
B5CL Mikey: Ready for Lyta’s encore?
FlyHubble: I’ve got the VCR all set, hopefully
FlyHubble: better double check it
OnlineHost: Ramirez798 has entered the room.
B5CL Mikey: Ramire, welcome to the Cafe!
B5CL Mikey: Fly, good idea <g>
B5CL Mikey: Its gonna be GOOD! =)
B5CL Mikey: So I hear
FlyHubble: have you ever sat down before a B5 episode and said “man, that was
a horrible episode?”
FlyHubble: aren’t they pretty much all good?
B5CL Mikey: Fly, I’ve never seen an ep I didn’t like, honestly
B5CL Mikey: Can’t think of a single one
Morden99: Can’t say that I have Fly
B5CL Mikey: “The Gathering” confused me, but I liked it
OnlineHost: SUBZERO482 has entered the room.
FlyHubble: I still haven’t seen all of The Gathering or ItB
B5CL Mikey: But I’ve been waiting a LONG time to see what Lyta can really do
B5CL Mikey: Fly, they were obth great
B5CL Mikey: Once you know whats going on that is, LOL
B5CL Mikey: I Loved the scene where Delenn used the rings on G’kar
OnlineHost: G QUON34 has entered the room.
Morden99: Thats marrage for you Mikey
B5CL Mikey: Welcome back, G QUON!
Morden99: *marriage
B5CL Mikey: LOL, Morden…Marriage?!
B5CL Mikey: Me?? LOL
Morden99: god I can’t spell
FlyHubble: me either Morden. spelling is vastly overrated
Morden99: mindless drivel is much better
B5CL Mikey: Eh, no worries 😉
Morden99: one question?
B5CL Mikey: Shoot
Morden99: Why is Dyslexia so hard to spell?
FlyHubble: same reason abbrevaition is such a long word
B5CL Mikey: LOL….uh, cuz it wouldn’t matter if you were dyslexic?
FlyHubble: and there is no other word for thesarus
B5CL Mikey: And why is abbreviation such a long word? 😉
B5CL Mikey: Why do we park on driveways and drive on parkways?
Morden99: Why is logic so confusing?
B5CL Mikey: The list goes on and on 😉
FlyHubble: because we speak one of Earth’s most pshchotic languages
B5CL Mikey: Probably the most 😉
Morden99: what. You mean its crap.
OnlineHost: SkekSil has entered the room.
B5CL Mikey: SkekSil, welcome ot the Cafe!
OnlineHost: Dark Twee has entered the room.
B5CL Mikey: Hey there Dark Twee! Glad you could make it!
Morden99: Well what do you expect, its is a Welsh, German, Nordic, Roman,
Greek mix
FlyHubble: Isn’t River of Souls airing soon? I’ve been out of the loop for a
OnlineHost: Kincainjp has entered the room.
B5CL Mikey: Don’t forget Latin 😉
Morden99: that is Roman
B5CL Mikey: FlyHubble, November 8th, 8PM EST!
FlyHubble: sheesh, 4 days? wow that snuck up on me
B5CL Mikey: You betcha, Fly! <g>
G QUON34: hi kin
FlyHubble: I set my VCR when I saw the commercial during Fall of Centuari
FlyHubble: so at least it would have been recorded
FlyHubble: but there’s nothing like seeing it live hte first time
B5CL Mikey: <g>
B5CL Mikey: “The Fall Of Centauri Prime” disappointed me 🙁
FlyHubble: do we have a definite date for Crusade yet?
B5CL Mikey: The Delenn scene did
B5CL Mikey: It was a great ep, but Delenn really elt me down
Kincainjp: {S efc1
B5CL Mikey: FlyHubble, was supposed to be January
B5CL Mikey: But that might change
B5CL Mikey: It could be as late as February or March
OnlineHost: G QUON34 has entered the room.
B5CL Mikey: TNT decided to premiere amother series first
B5CL Mikey: G QUON, welcome back!
FlyHubble: well I probably won’t have time to be addicted to Crusade in
january so later might be bette
B5CL Mikey: I’m being rather skeptical about Crusade
Morden99: Do not woe, for atleast thou dost not speaketh like this
B5CL Mikey: One of those “Wait and see” things
B5CL Mikey: I hate to be pessimistic, but I’d also hate to be disappointed
B5CL Mikey: I’m definately gonna give it a shot 😉
FlyHubble: I agree Mikey
FlyHubble: I actually think there’s something to having B5 end totally after
5 years
FlyHubble: it’s an emotional thing to know that no, nothing else will come
FlyHubble: at least not for years and years
B5CL Mikey: Possibly, Fly 😉 JMS wanted it that way <sobs>
B5CL Mikey: “Sleeping In Light
B5CL Mikey: ” is gonna be hard to watch
FlyHubble: I know but I’m looking forward to it
B5CL Mikey: And, for the record, it airs November 25th 😉
B5CL Mikey: Itll be bittersweet, Fly 🙁
FlyHubble: I wonder what my roommate would think if she walked in and found
me crying in front of the T
FlyHubble: TV
B5CL Mikey: LOL, Fly, it will probably happen
FlyHubble: I may have to tape it and watch when she’s gone to class
OnlineHost: GODSIVAR has entered the room.
OnlineHost: Rangr Java has entered the room.
B5CL Mikey: Rangr Java, glad you could make it!
B5CL Mikey: And welcome back, GODSIVAR!
Rangr Java: thanks
B5CL Mikey: My pleasure, Rangr!
OnlineHost: UsiB5Gajic has entered the room.
OnlineHost: DCSR35 has entered the room.
B5CL Mikey: DCSR, welcome to Babylon 5’s Eclipse Cafe!
B5CL Mikey: UsiB5, glad you could make it!
UsiB5Gajic: thanks
B5CL Mikey: My pleasure! 😉 How are you all today?
OnlineHost: Spunky7152 has entered the room.
GODSIVAR: i am sick
B5CL Mikey: Hey there {{{{{{{{{{{Spunky}}}}}}}}}}}}}}
B5CL Mikey: Ya barely caught me today! 😉
Spunky7152: {{{{{{{{{{{{[[Mickey}}}}}}}}}}}
Spunky7152: I know, dahlin!!! been chained to the desk {S cussin
B5CL Mikey: Utoh <g.
B5CL Mikey: Hey, Spunky, they hiring wherever you work? LOL
OnlineHost: MBSL11 has entered the room.
Spunky7152: LOL, sorry, love… hiring freeze til January.
B5CL Mikey: MBSL, chat is great, thanks for coming!
B5CL Mikey: You’re ok, Spunky
Spunky7152: 🙂
Spunky7152: how’s the chat been today, dear?
FlyHubble: well, I guess I should get back to my studies now. Maybe I’ll
drop in later in the week
B5CL Mikey: Been pretty good, Spunky! 😉 Little slow
B5CL Mikey: FlyHubble, come back and see us soon! 😉
Spunky7152: ::kicks AOL:: MOVE IT!!!
B5CL Mikey: LOL
Rangr Java: i haven’t been here in a very long time!
Spunky7152: So I gathered.. even over a T1 line.
Spunky7152: Hi/Bye Fly!
B5CL Mikey: I noticed, Java! Glad you decided to visit again 😉
B5CL Mikey: Welp, folks, its time for me to head on outta here!
Spunky7152: Mikey… what’s the name of the show, this evening?
B5CL Mikey: Spunky, dahlin, come earlier next time! 😉
B5CL Mikey: Uhm, Spunky, you know, I’m not positive
B5CL Mikey: ”
Spunky7152: Mikey.. wont be here next week… traveling.. CA
UsiB5Gajic: hat jemand lust sich mit mir zu unterhalten ?
B5CL Mikey: Someone said,. “Wheel of Fire” but I thought that was the
Neroon/Delenn up
B5CL Mikey: ep even
Spunky7152: so you wont see my shining wings around…
B5CL Mikey: Spunky, ah, shucks, I’ll missya!
Spunky7152: {{{{{{{{{{Mikey}}}}}}}}}}}}
Rangr Java: don’t have a puter now… ¦ (
B5CL Mikey: {{{{{{{{{{{{{{Spunky}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}} Be good! 😉
Morden99: its called “The Wheel of Fire”
B5CL Mikey: Aww, Java, I’m sorry 🙁
Spunky7152: Well, time for me to scoot. too….. I’ll see ya on the flip
Spunky7152: Me, good???? ROFL!
B5CL Mikey: Yupyup! 😉
B5CL Mikey: Laters all!
OnlineHost: MBSL11 has left the room.
OnlineHost: B5Fanatic9 has left the room.
OnlineHost: MBSL11 has entered the room.
OnlineHost: B5Fanatic9 has entered the room.
OnlineHost: MBSL11 has left the room.
B5Dragn1: Back……want some superglue?????
DEFIANT64: Drive – by egging
OnlineHost: Agent ACW has left the room.
B5CL Tap: Ack..MrGrinch was sure if I upgraded it would be better.
OnlineHost: ROXIE4KEN has entered the room.
Zaxxon3000: Sounds painful!
B5Dragn1: Tappie…..AOL is bad tonight…been booted three times so
far…knock wood…….
B5CL Tap: ah no thanks Dragn…
B5CL Tap: well I did 4 in 2 minutes..is that a record ::refoofs::
B5Dragn1: Upgrade your PT’s too Tap?
OnlineHost: Kunia has entered the room.
OnlineHost: Kunia has left the room.
B5Dragn1: {S foof
Zaxxon3000: More like he needs some magnetic space-boots!
B5CL Tap: no got PT’s 🙁
OnlineHost: B5Fanatic9 has left the room.
B5CL Tap: StevenWarp has magnetic spaceboots, Zaxxon, ask him for a pair 🙂
B5Dragn1: I upgraded my pt’s…..stopped a lot of it
OnlineHost: ROXIE4KEN has left the room.
OnlineHost: Omega 1020 has entered the room.
Zaxxon3000: lol, maybe i will……….maybe i will!!! 😉
OnlineHost: Omega 1020 has left the room.
B5CL Tap: well I never had PT’s..just Ranger and Drows had them before.
B5CL Tap: then Stef and Nost..
B5Dragn1: I like mine…auto logging and IM control
B5CL Tap: yeah and 30 bucks
B5Dragn1: LOL..yeah that too
B5CL Tap: or is that Centauri Duckets?
Zaxxon3000: LOL
B5CL Tap: So how you like the last show?
B5CL Tap: I saw the River of Souls promos..they were awesome!
OnlineHost: Chaos2003 has entered the room.
B5Dragn1: nope…..10 ducketts….3/1 ratio
OnlineHost: Chaos2003 has left the room.
Zaxxon3000: lol
OnlineHost: JBer340385 has entered the room.
B5Dragn1: Loved the show…..can’t wait for river……
B5CL Tap: okay..Dragn if you say so..::writes formula down::
JBer340385: hello
B5Dragn1: Well…that’s what Drows said…….
B5CL Tap: I have it on tape just need to settle down for 40 minutes 🙂
OnlineHost: DocPoncho has entered the room.
B5CL Tap: Hiya JB how are you this evening?
OnlineHost: DocPoncho has left the room.
B5Dragn1: LOL…me too…watched it several times already
OnlineHost: DocPoncho has entered the room.
JBer340385: pretty good
B5Dragn1: Hey JB….{S drgnkiss
B5CL Tap: well gee Dragn..Drows ought to know 😉
B5Dragn1: {P smiley
JBer340385: what do you mean
B5CL Tap: I mean he has been around long enough to calculate stuff like
B5Dragn1: Yup…..Drows is plenty smart
B5CL Tap: Now..the question is..how many characters will be left standing at
the end of the series?
B5CL Tap: I am betting on the number 7
B5Dragn1: Not many according to the spoilers I have read
JBer340385: so what is every body talking about
B5CL Tap: JMIceman went for 3…he is really pesstimistic 😉
DocPoncho: thats what im wondering
Zaxxon3000: Who’s getting bumped off the series?
B5Dragn1: 4 is the number I am betting on
B5CL Tap: Babylon5 >JBer…its a science fiction show on TNT
OnlineHost: Mechanic52 has entered the room.
B5CL Tap: Gee Dragn your pesstimistic too?
JBer340385: i watch it all the time
B5CL Tap: Welcome Mechanic..to the Eclipse Cafe
JBer340385: love it
B5Dragn1: Mr. G, Ivanova, Dr F, and Vir
B5CL Tap: @@@@@@@@cinnamon rolls are HOT!
OnlineHost: Mechanic52 has left the room.
B5CL Tap: Dragn..what about Deleen?
OnlineHost: TazgaI2966 has entered the room.
B5CL Tap: and Lochsley..
B5Dragn1: ::::takes a roll::::::: Missed those while I was gone…..
B5CL Tap: and Zack…
Zaxxon3000: I know that seridan is supposed to leave beyond the rim with the
rest of the 1st ones!
TazgaI2966: 12/f here
B5CL Tap: You were gone forever, Dragon..was studying hard huh?
B5Dragn1: Lochley doesn’t count…going to Crusade….and yes…forgot about
Delenn..so 5 left
JBer340385: hello everybody age/sex
B5Dragn1: JB….that’s a no-no
DocPoncho: wrong room
OnlineHost: StarTrekCC has entered the room.
Zaxxon3000: too old / and no thanx!
B5Dragn1: {S penalty
B5CL Tap: Sorry JBer people rarely give out that information..unless they
put it in their profile.
OnlineHost: B5Delenn1 has entered the room.
B5CL Tap: hiya CC..
JBer340385: sorry did not know
StarTrekCC: {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{S Tap}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}
JBer340385: still new at this
B5Dragn1: {{{{{{{{{{{{STCC}}}}}}}{{{{{{{{{{Delenn}}}}}}}}}{{{{{{{Doc}}}}}}}
StarTrekCC: Tappie!!!!!!!
B5CL Tap: We talk to everyone despite age differences..tis the show that
counts 🙂
B5Delenn1: hello ALL
StarTrekCC: {{{{{{{{{{{Dragn}}}}}}}}}}}
B5CL Tap: ::bows to Delenn::: just talking about that character, Delenn 🙂
Zaxxon3000: Howdy!
StarTrekCC: {{{{{{{Delenn}}}}}]]]]]]]]
StarTrekCC: Hey JBer!
B5CL Tap: ;::passes Minbari tea to all the patrons::
B5Dragn1: STCC……miss this….{S drgnkiss}?
JBer340385: that is very true smart person i like that
Zaxxon3000: lol
B5Delenn1: {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{Dragn}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}
B5Delenn1: \{{{{{{{{{{{{{STCC}}}}}}}}}}}}}}
B5Dragn1: How about this one STCC…{S slobkiss
B5CL Tap: Such enthusiasm 🙂
B5Delenn1: see Tap. ya talk abou tme and i appear
DocPoncho: Delenn, LTNS
B5CL Tap: ewwwwwwwwwww..::passes around the papertowels:::
B5CL Tap: yeah you did , Delenn eerie ::spooky music::
B5Dragn1: Of course Delenn…..you know when you are being talked
B5CL Tap: Heck StevenWarp just showed up online I wonder if he got his
magnetic boots on LOL
B5Dragn1: Come on Tap…I haven’t seen him in over a week…he needs that
JBer340385: ?were do i go to play doom on line
Zaxxon3000: gotta go. See ya all!!!
OnlineHost: TazgaI2966 has left the room.
B5CL Tap: what is with talking about someone they show up? ::scratches
B5CL Tap: needs?
B5Dragn1: Bye Zax…send those wavs later
Zaxxon3000: No prob…
B5Delenn1: what can i say……it irritates Tyger when i read her mind
OnlineHost: Zaxxon3000 has left the room.
B5CL Tap: I am not sure JB..you try Keyword: Games?
B5Dragn1: Yup…..have to keep him in Dragon slobber…..ROFL
B5CL Tap: yeah that would Delenn..didn’t know you were a teep 🙂
JBer340385: no not yet
OnlineHost: Gukamaka has entered the room.
B5CL Tap: tons of them over there..maybe Doom
B5CL Tap: I know they lowered the prices on the games.
OnlineHost: StevenWarp has entered the room.
JBer340385: i just want to play games online
B5CL Tap: Hey Steven just talkin’ about you 😉
B5Delenn1: there is alot that you all do not know about me<G>
StevenWarp: CC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
B5CL Tap: Try Keyword: Boxerjam for free ones, JB
B5Dragn1: Speaking of Tyger….is she coming tonight Delenn??
OnlineHost: Gukamaka has left the room.
StevenWarp: {{{{{{{{{{Tappiekins}}}}}}}}}}, good things I hope
B5CL Tap: but Keyword Games should get you to all of them
B5CL Tap: Yeah about your magnetic boots 😉
JBer340385: thank you B5CL
B5CL Tap: Zaxxon wanted to borrow them 🙂
B5CL Tap: tis my job JB ::grins::
StevenWarp: What about my magnetic boots?
B5Delenn1: she snould be here soon
B5Dragn1: Tappie is the one who needs them….been in and out so much made
me dizzy
B5CL Tap: I think he was getting punted alot..he mentioned magnetic boots, I
thought of you ::tickles:
StarTrekCC: Steven!!!!!!!!
OnlineHost: Kunia has entered the room.
B5CL Tap: Heck I was getting dizzy!! :::refoofshair::
StarTrekCC: Tappie, do you still play Federation?
OnlineHost: Anlashok36 has entered the room.
OnlineHost: Kunia has left the room.
B5CL Tap: Yeppers CC..made Baroness 3 weeks ago
B5Dragn1: LOL….{s foof
B5CL Tap: Welcome Anlashok to the Eclipse Cafe
OnlineHost: Lyta 2000 has entered the room.
StarTrekCC: Tappie, is still free to play?
Anlashok36: ::shuttle docks and she disembarks::
B5CL Tap: @@@@@@@@Lyta welcome aboard.. the cinnamon rolls are HOT!
B5CL Tap: nope CC.. its like 12 dollars for 20 hours
Anlashok36: ::she heads directly to the Cafe, trying to avoid being seen::
B5Dragn1: Tap…..what about next weeks program…..any hints on it?
B5CL Tap: which I know is not that great..people are playing Empire now,
that is free.
StarTrekCC: ack, Tappie, I wished AOL hadn’t had run it to the web, then I
would have been able to play
B5Dragn1: Sorry Anlashok….{S drgnkiss}
StarTrekCC: it free.
B5Dragn1: You were seen
B5CL Tap: I haven’t seen anything Dragn..they sure are keeping a tight wrap
on stuff.
StevenWarp: CC, I feel the same way about GemStone
B5CL Tap: yeah I know CC..
Anlashok36: ::she tip toes in and sits down quietly at a table not trying to
attract any attention::
OnlineHost: DocPoncho has left the room.
B5CL Tap: But I am building a TransMatt..and that takes a lot of work
B5Dragn1: Yeah…..true…..RL is in that one
StarTrekCC: Tappie, I know awhile ago, you told me about empire, but you
weren’t able to find a good
StarTrekCC: link to it…
B5CL Tap: But groats I dont’ have to worry about anymore
StarTrekCC: do you have a link to it now?
Anlashok36: hi lyta::waves::
OnlineHost: JBer340385 has left the room.
B5CL Tap: Let me give you a name of a friend CC..he plays it all the
time..will email you.
StevenWarp: I had a Level 8 Ranger when AOL chased GemStone to the web and
you had to start paying for
StevenWarp: it
B5CL Tap: how much was it Steven?
Anlashok36: what are you guys talking about
B5Dragn1: {:>( Bummer Steven
StevenWarp: I don’t know
StarTrekCC: Tappie, will it empire always be free?
StarTrekCC: do you know?
Anlashok36: {S JUMPGATE
Anlashok36: {S BLEEP2
Lyta 2000: Hey Hey, anyone here Cavelos Sf’s chat yesterday?
B5CL Tap: I dunno CC..but right now it is.
Anlashok36: Darn, my sounds aren’t working
B5Dragn1: Anybody seen Grinchy lately??
B5CL Tap: Yeppers, Dragn saw him about an hour ago.
StevenWarp: <~~So Happy abou the NBA Lockout. NO BASKETBALL!!!!!
B5Dragn1: Anlashok…I heard it
B5CL Tap: LOL Steven
B5Dragn1: How is he Tap?
B5CL Tap: maybe it will be all year!
Anlashok36: well i didn’t, it bugs me, i have heard them all day
StevenWarp: I can only Pray
B5CL Tap: He is doing well, Dragn, no hurricane got him
B5Dragn1: ROFL Steven…..wish it could have happened sooner…..
StarTrekCC: Steven, how have you been?
StevenWarp: Good CC, you?
B5Dragn1: Anla….try reloading the room
StarTrekCC: Fine, Steven.
Anlashok36: hmmmm
OnlineHost: Anlashok36 has left the room.
B5Dragn1: Good…worried about him
B5CL Tap: Reloading a whole room, that sounds like work!
OnlineHost: P21Corps has entered the room.
StevenWarp: I gotta run, later guys
B5Dragn1: LOL Tap……..you know what I mean
B5CL Tap: naw he is fine, never touched him, heck he grilled Hurricane
P21Corps: hello
B5Dragn1: Bye Steven…..
B5CL Tap: bye Steven ::waves::
OnlineHost: StevenWarp has left the room.
B5CL Tap: Hiya P21 welcome Aboard Babylon5 station
B5Dragn1: {{{{{{{{{P21}}}}}}}}}{S drgnkiss
B5Dragn1: How was your trip????
P21Corps: hi {{{dragn}}}}
P21Corps: good
B5CL Tap: hmm I wonder if this is better.
OnlineHost: Lyta 2000 has left the room.
B5CL Tap: maybe this?
B5CL Tap: I hate so many choices, drive me nutty..
B5Dragn1: That’s good Tap……..
OnlineHost: FALCON 882 has entered the room.
FALCON 882: Hello all!
B5CL Tap: Welcome Falcon to the Eclipse Cafe!
StarTrekCC: FALCON!!!!
B5Dragn1: But you could loose the italics
P21Corps: hi falcon
B5CL Tap: ack!!
B5Dragn1: {{{{{{{{{Falcon}}}}}}}}}}{S drgnkiss
OnlineHost: DEFIANT64 has left the room.
B5CL Tap: How’s this?
OnlineHost: Anlashok36 has entered the room.
OnlineHost: Enemie2000 has entered the room.
FALCON 882: {{{{{{{{{{{{{Dragn}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}
Enemie2000: hello
B5CL Tap: its Calisto ..in Blue 😉
B5Dragn1: Liked the other better…bigger
Anlashok36: ::walks in::
FALCON 882: Hi! How’d Halloween go for all of you?
OnlineHost: B5Delenn1 has left the room.
Anlashok36: {S BLEEP2
Enemie2000: fine
B5Dragn1: Hard to read when it’s small
Enemie2000: no
Anlashok36: {S JUMPGATE
B5CL Tap: Hmm how about this?
P21Corps: good
B5Dragn1: Hear that Anlashok?
B5CL Tap: too much blue around here ::foofs::
Anlashok36: They don’t work, maybe i need to reload them
B5Dragn1: Perfect Tap….and your color too
OnlineHost: StarTrekCC has left the room.
OnlineHost: Enemie2000 has left the room.
B5Dragn1: Anlashok…try going to start and windows explorer
B5Dragn1: and play one from there…sometimes that works
B5CL Tap: Yes,purple/fuschia are my colors.
FALCON 882: Hmm, I must be alone in this holiday, oh well.
P21Corps: i now have three different psi corps pins
B5CL Tap: which Falcon, Thanksgiving?
OnlineHost: Soulblade3 has entered the room.
B5Dragn1: Poor falcon…:::pats Falcon:::::::
B5CL Tap: naw..you always got us online.
P21Corps: and a small ef pin
FALCON 882: No, Halloween. Last night.
Anlashok36: well they worked in the Spacefleet academy rooms
Anlashok36: all day they worked
B5Dragn1: Alright P21…..who did you get to see?
B5CL Tap: that was spooky..
Anlashok36: and this was on AOL
FALCON 882: I had…fun…to say the least.
B5Dragn1: Falcon….I dressed as a dragon to hand out candy
B5CL Tap: Dark Genesis the PsiCorp book is getting raves, people say its the
best B5 book ever
Soulblade3: who watches Pokemon?
B5CL Tap: those pins however are expensive!
FALCON 882: Oh, I bet that was neat. Scare any kids?
B5Dragn1: Read it….it was GREAT!!
P21Corps: i got everyone’s autograph…oh except for mira’s
OnlineHost: Enemie2000 has entered the room.
OnlineHost: Enlashock1 has entered the room.
Enemie2000: Hello
B5CL Tap: All I know Soul is that Pokemon Nintendo-wise is constantly sold
Enemie2000: again
B5Dragn1: Yup……little ones a had to remove mask for or they wouldn’t
come up steps
B5CL Tap: i knwo a couple of kids that want it
OnlineHost: Enlashock1 has left the room.
OnlineHost: Enlashock1 has entered the room.
B5CL Tap: Hiya Enemie..welcome aboard.
Enemie2000: uhuh…
Enemie2000: pink.. nice
B5CL Tap: @@@@@@@@@@cinnamon rolls are HOT! ..Enlashock..
B5CL Tap: not pink..I will show you pink
B5Dragn1: Lucky you P21……….{:>)
FALCON 882: I bet that was fun.
Enemie2000: you guys are always soo werid
P21Corps: i had a suit on and a psi corps pin and took around my little
sister and cousins
FALCON 882: The house I was at got about…oh, 3 groups of tricker treaters.
P21Corps: last night
B5Dragn1: LOL P21….that is great
Enemie2000: wow 3!
B5CL Tap: well gee thanks Enemie 🙂
OnlineHost: Chaos2003 has entered the room.
B5Dragn1: Falcon…lots of little ones in my area
P21Corps: i’ll have to put a pic of me in the suit online
OnlineHost: OtalicusL6 has entered the room.
B5CL Tap: Welcome Chaos to the Eclipse Cafe
OnlineHost: Paradox367 has entered the room.
Enemie2000: it wassen’t ment to be a compliment
B5Dragn1: Send me one P21
OnlineHost: Paradox367 has left the room.
P21Corps: argh! i’m d/ling so my puter is slow
FALCON 882: I think my area was mostly teenagers, and they must have been at
OnlineHost: Paradox367 has entered the room.
B5CL Tap: well it is to us, Enemie
P21Corps: ok
Anlashok36: how are you guys tonight
B5CL Tap: Yeah P21 it gets like that
OnlineHost: Enemie2000 has left the room.
Paradox367: hi all you happy people
B5CL Tap: Welcome Paradox to the Eclipse
Anlashok36: have you killed any Shadows or their servants
Paradox367: 🙂
B5CL Tap: @@@@@@@@@cinnamon rolls are HOT!
B5Dragn1: Hey Paradox….how are you tonight?
OnlineHost: Enlashock1 has left the room.
B5CL Tap: hmm pink icing..yummy!
OnlineHost: Enlashock1 has entered the room.
OnlineHost: OtalicusL6 has left the room.
B5Dragn1: LOL Tappie……
B5CL Tap: but much too bright
Paradox367: got the boot while ago lol
P21Corps: what ever floats your boat
OnlineHost: Enlashock1 has left the room.
B5Dragn1: That is good too Tap….purple…..neat
B5CL Tap: ::licks icing off the cinnamon roll:::::
Paradox367: and net all tied up
B5CL Tap: well its darker…still not fond of 4.0
B5Dragn1: Paradox…..been there done that 3 times tonight
B5CL Tap: but its what I had at the time, Dragn
FALCON 882: I havn’t gotten AOL 4 yet, is it worth it?
Anlashok36: Oh it is falcon, it is
P21Corps: yeah
Paradox367: had to get new phone #s
B5CL Tap: its Sunday Paradox…its normal for it to have a lot of traffic.
B5Dragn1: Yup Falcon..it is
OnlineHost: FigSlayer has entered the room.
B5CL Tap: Hiya FigSlayer, Welcome aboard Babylon5
P21Corps: hi figslayer
FALCON 882: Hmmm….I probably should DL it then….
OnlineHost: Chaos2003 has left the room.
OnlineHost: Chaos2003 has entered the room.
FigSlayer: hey tap
Anlashok36: We live for the One, We die for the one…
B5CL Tap: The upgrade to 4.0 is available at Keyword :Upgrade
B5Dragn1: Yup….takes a while though
B5CL Tap: its been upgraded 3 times since the rollout
Anlashok36: or you can order it from aol, they will send you a CD
P21Corps: i have to get another power supply for my friends puter
B5CL Tap: I guess they are tweaking all the time.
P21Corps: so he can come online again
FALCON 882: I’m still leary of switching…kinda comfortable on 3.0.
B5Dragn1: Guess I need to go get my 4.0 upgraded then huh Tap?
B5CL Tap: I like 3.0 too..Falcon..
B5CL Tap: To find out what version you have go to Help
FigSlayer: hello Chaos
FigSlayer: brb
B5CL Tap: about American Online and press Cntr-R
P21Corps: i like my 4.0 better than 3.0
Chaos2003: Fig
B5Dragn1: Falcon…got 4.0…….then powertools…love both
B5CL Tap: that is the version the newest one is .226A
FALCON 882: I’ll probably see about it later….dunno if I want to switch.
B5CL Tap: I still have my 3.0 floppy disk
Chaos2003: FAL, long time no read
Paradox367: dam ims what a pain
FALCON 882: Oh, hey Chaos!
FigSlayer: {S 1moment
OnlineHost: Soulblade3 has left the room.
B5CL Tap: Paradox you can block them..use Privacy Practices
Anlashok36: {S JUMPGATE
P21Corps: {S suprbtch
B5CL Tap: under Set Up on your buddy list
OnlineHost: Anlashok36 has left the room.
OnlineHost: Paradox367 has left the room.
OnlineHost: FigSlayer has left the room.
B5CL Tap: you can block all, or select who want to talk to..
P21Corps: {S sprbtch
B5CL Tap: sounds like an Ivanova wav, P21 ::grins::
P21Corps: {S referral
OnlineHost: B5Dragn1 has left the room.
P21Corps: no it’s a south park wav
B5CL Tap: someone had some good wavs the other day…but my darn zippy is
all full ::sad face::
B5CL Tap: ::sighs:: and I dont trust my hard drive yet.
Chaos2003: ???Does any 1 know if River of Souls will replay sometime after
the 8th????
FALCON 882: :::cries for not having TNT:::
B5CL Tap: not sure Chaos..if you got cable it should be listed.
OnlineHost: EJ2005 has entered the room.
OnlineHost: EJ2005 has left the room.
B5CL Tap: Falcon I dont’ either..I ask people with cable to tape for me.
Chaos2003: FAL, sorry I mentioned it
B5CL Tap: Give them a blank tape ..
P21Corps: {S sprbtch
B5CL Tap: otherwise I wouldn’t see it either.
FALCON 882: Naw, don’t worry about it. I don’t watch TV anyway.
B5CL Tap: well I like old movies and Nintendo 🙂
B5CL Tap: so the TV has a purpose around here.
Chaos2003: A B5 fan who does’nt watch tv!!
B5CL Tap: besides being a plant holder
B5CL Tap: heck you go to the spoiler site, you can read about all the shows.
FALCON 882: Well, I don’t have TNT…everything else sucks….so I watch
tapes from time to time.
P21Corps: {S referral
B5CL Tap: gives you a different perspective
Chaos2003: Tap: that’s not the same and u know it
B5CL Tap: well Chaos better than nothing
B5CL Tap: its like reading a novel
OnlineHost: SGBaby1305 has entered the room.
P21Corps: {S rabbits
B5CL Tap: Still reading book 9..
SGBaby1305: hello all
OnlineHost: B5 jgDalek has entered the room.
B5 jgDalek: hiya
B5CL Tap: Welcoem SGBaby and Dalek {S dalek
P21Corps: {S rabbits
B5CL Tap: @@@@@@@cinnnamon rolls are HOT!
B5 jgDalek: {{{{{{{{{Tap}}}}}}}}
B5CL Tap: Chaos you see those promos..hope there is lots of action in River
of Souls next Sunday.
Chaos2003: Then put them down
P21Corps: {S 1poop
B5 jgDalek: mmmmmmm hot buns, thanks TAP
SGBaby1305: Why eat cinnamon rolls when u got pizza?
B5CL Tap: ::::::passes Minbari tea:::::::::
P21Corps: brb….afk
SGBaby1305: i got pizza
FALCON 882: Mmmm…..food…..
OnlineHost: FigSlayer has entered the room.
B5CL Tap: %> hmm pizza is harder to type, SG
B5CL Tap: WB Fig
FigSlayer: Back
FALCON 882: Hmmm, I”m actually rather hungry, so I’m oughta here. Later
B5CL Tap: bye Falcon ::waves::
FigSlayer: bye Falcon
FigSlayer: I show up everyone bails
Chaos2003: Tap no promos yet, almost missed the new eps too, had my dates
B5 jgDalek: River of Souls where Martin finds Charlie’s little black book???
Chaos2003: g
B5CL Tap: I am still here Fig..here @@ have a cinnamon roll.
OnlineHost: FALCON 882 has left the room.
B5CL Tap: Charlie’s?
FigSlayer: hey Tap, what’s the best vid from keyword B5
B5 jgDalek: The Sheen’s Tap?????
OnlineHost: SeanKC6QHM has entered the room.
SGBaby1305: ()> heres the pizza
B5CL Tap: I like the Garibaldi one Fig 🙂
SeanKC6QHM: Guten Tag, and how y’all doing tonight?
FigSlayer: at least your fav
Chaos2003: Sean, howdo
B5CL Tap: I hope not Dalek..yuck!
B5CL Tap: Hey Sean LTNS !
FigSlayer: which one the death of sparky?
P21Corps: :::makes some puff pastries:::Any one want one?
SeanKC6QHM: Tap, agreed, too long, upgraded HD and mother board
P21Corps: they are good
B5CL Tap: How is mother..board?
SGBaby1305: <Gulps down the sugar… Mmmm all 100 lbs of sugar
B5CL Tap: Ack SG..you sound like Tux 17!
FigSlayer: afk brb
SeanKC6QHM: Hardy har har Tap, 😉
B5CL Tap: and Sean where the heck is father board?
SeanKC6QHM: Tap {S Jawawhip} Ouch, I hit myself
SGBaby1305: :::Finds 5000 more lbs of sugar and gulps it down::::::
OnlineHost: JDLapin has entered the room.
B5CL Tap: LOL Sean
P21Corps: i need a father board;)
B5CL Tap: Ack SG your on a sugar high!
B5CL Tap: Welcome JD to the Eclipse Cafe 😉
Chaos2003: Later all
B5CL Tap: So peoplez how many do you think will be left standing at the end
of B5?
OnlineHost: Chaos2003 has left the room.
P21Corps: mmmm….
B5CL Tap: numbers are varying 😉
SeanKC6QHM: Tap, well, probably who ever has legs will be left standing
SGBaby1305: ::::Gulps down all the sugar left in the world
SGBaby1305: ::::::::::
B5CL Tap: yeah Sean I am betting on 8
B5CL Tap: but I am very optimistic
FigSlayer: Back again
B5CL Tap: wb Figslayer
B5CL Tap: we know some for sure, but the others are iffy
FigSlayer: Just got CoS Gkar
SeanKC6QHM: Tap, BTW Check this out
B5 jgDalek: something tells me Lyta wont be standing
FigSlayer: any new ambushs since my last visit
B5CL Tap: yeah..not one of the 8 on my list
P21Corps: has walter been in here at all since hornet6924 ran him off?
OnlineHost: B5enzillza has entered the room.
B5CL Tap: dunno P21.never paid attention
B5enzillza: greetings
P21Corps: ok
B5CL Tap: Hiya B5enzillza welcome aboard Babylon5
FigSlayer: Hes nice gave me his screen name at VOR now can never find time
to IM me
B5CL Tap: well what about Gkar..and Londo..?
FigSlayer: 🙁
SGBaby1305: Have yall ever heard of Marriot School Sevices
B5enzillza: no
SGBaby1305: ??????
B5CL Tap: nope SG what do they do?
B5enzillza: that b5 ep kicked ass!
FigSlayer: they both die at each others throats
P21Corps: who, fig?
SGBaby1305: Has anyone even seen the Marriot Hotel
SeanKC6QHM: Tap, I think Londo won’t be there, he’ll have a minor….
growth… to worry about
FigSlayer: Walter Koenig
B5CL Tap: Good B5enzillza glad you enjoyed it 🙂
P21Corps: he is nice
OnlineHost: B5 jgDalek has left the room.
OnlineHost: B5 jgDalek has entered the room.
SGBaby1305: Welll, My dad is the boss of the company
P21Corps: you should of asked someone in the cafe they would have given it
too you
B5 jgDalek: oops, hit wrong key
B5CL Tap: WB Dalek 🙂
OnlineHost: PBojorquez has entered the room.
B5enzillza: now next week’s looks decent!!!! lyta goes nuts!
B5CL Tap: Welcome PB to the Eclipse Cafe
B5CL Tap: LOL B5enzillza
PBojorquez: thanks tap:)
B5CL Tap: sounds loverly ::foofs::
SGBaby1305: I see with my little eye a ROBBBER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
B5CL Tap: @@@@@@@cinnamon rolls are HOT!
OnlineHost: B5Delenn1 has entered the room.
B5CL Tap: wb Delenn..
B5enzillza: greetings
OnlineHost: PBojorquez has left the room.
SeanKC6QHM: Heya Delenn!
B5 jgDalek: {{{{{Delenn}}}}}} hiya
B5enzillza: {S GREETING}
SGBaby1305: |____|===[}
B5CL Tap: ::::passes Minbari tea to Delenn::::
B5Delenn1: hey Sean!!!!!!!!
B5Delenn1: {{{dalek}}}
B5CL Tap: Sean has returned to the fold in time for the new shows 🙂
SGBaby1305: ——[} SPLAT
B5Delenn1: thank you, Tap
B5enzillza: tap delenn prefers just a bit of honey in her tea
SeanKC6QHM: Delenn, learned a new trick, (sort of) AOL 4.0 is amazing, ain’t
B5Delenn1: LOL….it is, Sean
B5 jgDalek: {s meanw
B5CL Tap: okay B5enzillza ::passes over the honey::
SeanKC6QHM: Had it before, but the blasted thing wouldn’t work
OnlineHost: B5Delenn1 has left the room.
B5CL Tap: Remember to upgrade, Sean..
B5enzillza: i guess she didn’t want her honey?
B5CL Tap: the 4.0 has been tweaked at least 3 times
OnlineHost: JDLapin has left the room.
B5enzillza: lol
SeanKC6QHM: Tap, yah, yah, yah
OnlineHost: JDLapin has entered the room.
B5 jgDalek: Delenn gets booted alot, she will be back
SGBaby1305: 3.0 is too slow
B5CL Tap: check Help…to About America Online..press Cntr-R for version you
B5CL Tap: well Sean..I had to do it.
B5CL Tap: ::sniff::
OnlineHost: JDLapin has left the room.
B5CL Tap: ::{S crickets}
B5 jgDalek: {S busstop
SGBaby1305: they should have a 5.0 that would only take 2 sec to connect
B5CL Tap: What version is that Dalek?
OnlineHost: B5Delenn1 has entered the room.
B5 jgDalek: version?
B5CL Tap: WB Delenn
B5 jgDalek: wb Delenn
B5Delenn1: {S BOOTED
B5CL Tap: there were a couple of versions, Dalek
B5CL Tap: ::passes punt pillow to Delenn:::
B5Delenn1: {s DELENN
B5 jgDalek: of {S busstop}???
B5enzillza: tap delenn likes her pillow fluffy
B5CL Tap: is it a song, Dalek?
B5Delenn1: thank you , Tap
B5 jgDalek: Bus Stop by The Hollies
B5CL Tap: All the cafe pillows are fluffy, B5enzillza
B5enzillza: oh my bad lol
SGBaby1305: do yall have school tomorrow? i dont
OnlineHost: Dragoniize has entered the room.
OnlineHost: Omega 1020 has entered the room.
B5enzillza: ::::looks at sgbaby ::::
OnlineHost: Omega 1020 has left the room.
OnlineHost: WOLF4303 has entered the room.
B5CL Tap: how come SG?
FigSlayer: to many B5’s
B5Delenn1: {{{{{Dragon}}}}}
B5enzillza: :::::pulls out ppg::::
B5 jgDalek: {{{{{{Dragon}}}}}}
B5CL Tap: yeah its a little crowded.
Dragoniize: {{{Delenn}}}
WOLF4303: quik question .. .When does River of Souls come on
Dragoniize: {{{{Dalek}}}}
FigSlayer: :::::::Extends Pike::::::::::
B5CL Tap: November 8th at 8pm ET/PT
B5 jgDalek: next Sunday I think
SeanKC6QHM: BAK, Banana bread anyone, homemade
B5enzillza: it comes on sunday nov. 8 at 8 on tnt
FigSlayer: If theres gonna be a fight you should have told me
WOLF4303: damn. .thought it was this sunday. . .
B5CL Tap: thanks Sean…grabs a piece
B5CL Tap: hehehe
Dragoniize: Hi Tap
B5CL Tap: Hiya Dragoniize how you be?
B5Delenn1: who is tending bar tonight??
FigSlayer: river of Souls is the 8th of october
WOLF4303: Thanks. . .Tap and Enzillza
B5 jgDalek: {S chapel
Dragoniize: Doing OK!
B5CL Tap: ::looks over at counter;: well in my chat its a no-host bar,
FigSlayer: ::::::::::Sits at bar and pores tequila:::::::::::::::::::
OnlineHost: WOLF4303 has left the room.
B5Delenn1: ok…Tap…..
FigSlayer: ::::::Sips Tequila:::::::::: aaaaahhhhhh
B5CL Tap: everyone is old enough to pour their own ::foofs::
B5Delenn1: Just wanting to know if there is any sparkling grape juice here
B5CL Tap: Always Delenn help yourself
B5 jgDalek: :::pours Sprakling Grape Juice for Delenn,, here ya go::::
B5Delenn1: thank you, love this stuff better than the real thing
SGBaby1305: yall i hate to say this, but i gtg
OnlineHost: SGBaby1305 has left the room.
B5enzillza: be seeing you
B5Delenn1: thank you, Dalek
B5 jgDalek: sure thing Delenn
SeanKC6QHM: So, what I miss?
B5CL Tap: I love virtual bars, perpetually stocked.
Dragoniize: Just came in to say hi……BBL!!!!!
OnlineHost: Dragoniize has left the room.
B5Delenn1: {S rogue1
OnlineHost: P21Corps has left the room.
FigSlayer: any news on souls I should Know about
B5CL Tap: I saw the promos, Fig..they were very well done
B5Delenn1: {S kissgirl
B5enzillza: i have a question tap
B5CL Tap: sure B5enzillza what is?
B5 jgDalek: {S girls1
B5CL Tap: i miss my wavs ::pouts::
FigSlayer: How can I play chat room sounds
FigSlayer: where they go?
B5CL Tap: just do the symbol { with a capitol S
B5enzillza: ok i think in one of the promeos for river of souls i saw a
scene with lockly in sexy leathe
B5CL Tap: {S jawawhip
B5enzillza: r
OnlineHost: B5CL Rangr has entered the room.
B5CL Tap: LOL B5enzillza yeppers.
FigSlayer: nothing happens
B5CL Tap: Hiya Ranger ::hugs::
B5 jgDalek: Hiyo Ranger
B5Delenn1: {{{{{{{{{{{{{Rangr}}}}}}}}}}}
FigSlayer: {s Greetings
B5enzillza: is it true or am i just imangining it?
B5CL Tap: you got an wavs loaded Fig? how about this one {S drop
SeanKC6QHM: B5entil, the Lyta look, eh?
FigSlayer: see nothing
B5CL Rangr: Howdy everyone
B5CL Tap: nope B5…its in the script 🙂
OnlineHost: Cedarga has entered the room.
FigSlayer: wow
FigSlayer: nifty
B5CL Tap: Hiya Cedarga 🙂
FigSlayer: brb
B5CL Tap: but they have to be in your AOL file, Fig
B5enzillza: WOWO
SeanKC6QHM: Ceddy!!!!
Cedarga: (((((Tap)))))))))))
B5CL Tap: yeah Garibaldi’s jaw drops bigtime 😉
B5 jgDalek: {{{{{{{{{{{Ali}}}}}}}}}}}}
Cedarga: (((((((sean))))))