Fresh Air Lounge – 10/29/1998

B5CL Tap: Hey Cedarga :0
B5CL Drows: Or, “The Grand High FoofMeisteress of AOL”, as she’s
affectionately known.
B5CL Tap: hello Merlen …
Wheelpack: yes dear…..long time indeed
Cedarga: LOL Drows!
B5CL Tap: Drows.your so kind ::swats you out the door::
B5CL Tap: {S jawawhip
Dukhat3: sorry man , geeze , how many times do i have to say it ???
OnlineHost: Dukhat3 has left the room.
B5CL Tap: forever..Wheel..::hugs::
Cedarga: ::::backs away from cranky Tap:::::
B5CL Drows: Well, everyone, I’ll leave you all in the very capable hands of
B5CL Tap, treat
B5CL Drows: them at least as nicely as you would me. {S evilaugh}
B5 Merlen: whoa… you smacked the wrong person out of the room Tap
TygerEyez1: {{{{{{{{{{{{{{[Foofa}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}
Wheelpack: I just love everyone stealing my wav…..
B5CL Tap: ::flashing eyes:: just watch your step Cedarga ::foofs::
B5CL Drows: Nite everyone, thanks for the great chat.
TygerEyez1: Nite, Drows.
B5 Merlen: you nailed Dukhat
B5CL Tap: which one Wheel?
Wheelpack: {S jawawhip}
B5CL Tap: Drows they are nice to you? what a suprise!
B5CL Drows: They’re all yours, Tap, hope you brought the whip and chair.
LOL, nite all.
B5CL Tap: was that yours?? wow!
B5 Merlen: so no one else can use that wav, Wheel?
OnlineHost: OneKosh has entered the room.
OnlineHost: B5CL Drows has left the room.
B5CL Tap: always Drows :::gets out mop and bucket:::
OnlineHost: Linda50824 has entered the room.
B5CL Tap: Oh sorry..wrong closet!! ack!
Wheelpack: I didn’t say that…
OnlineHost: Butterflyu has entered the room.
TygerEyez1: Grr, my sounds work, and then they stop working…what gives?
Cedarga: Egads, Tap, you don’t have that darn chair, do you?
B5CL Tap: Wheel is very everyone, huh?
Butterflyu: ;]
B5CL Tap: hiya Tyger 😉
OnlineHost: B5 Lome has entered the room.
OneKosh: hey everyone
B5CL Tap: Welcome OneKosh and Linda and Lome to the Fresh Air..
Cedarga: (((((((Lome))))))) Hey girl!
Wheelpack: I just find it…funny
B5 Lome: evenng all
B5CL Tap: Its prolly the #1 wav around here, Wheel
B5 Merlen: The term “stealing” kinda sticks in my mind
TygerEyez1: {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{Lome}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}
B5CL Tap: but then your a First One ::bows:: passes the Minbari tea
B5 Lome: {{{{{Ced}}}}}
B5 Merlen: uses is one thing….. stealing is another
OnlineHost: OneKosh has left the room.
OnlineHost: Bichonlori has entered the room.
B5CL Tap: Merlen never mess with the First Ones.
B5CL Tap: Hiya Lori
Bichonlori: hi tap
B5CL Tap: :::@@@@@@@@@@cinnamon rolls are HOT!
Cedarga: Merlen, I keep trying to sneak over to his puter and move it to
Cedarga: mine, but it persists in staying over there!
Bichonlori: hi ced
Cedarga: What am I doing wrong?
Wheelpack: here’s a Cafe trivia question for ya…what’s jawawhip’s other
Cedarga: HIyas, Lori
B5CL Tap: ::cleans cafe:::;Drows sure left a mess.
B5CL Tap: You renamed it Wheel?
B5 Merlen: If that were true, then The Vorlons and shadows wouldn’t have
taken over control from the
B5CL Tap: :::foofs wisp of hair:::
B5 Merlen: race that Lorien was from
Cedarga: Tap?
Cedarga: You twins?
Cedarga: Or you really cleaning the lounge?
B5CL Tap: Yeah know how Ranger gets..clean..clean..clean]
Cedarga: Elecwhip or something, wheel?
Wheelpack: Ced, nope
TygerEyez1: yeah, Tap, he’s such a neat freak.
B5CL Tap: I mean he needs…the Lounge perfect all the time.
Cedarga: Tap, yep, you poor slaves to aol… <G>
B5CL Tap: Wheel…is it like R2D2?
OnlineHost: Kutva has entered the room.
B5CL Tap: Yes..we are :;strikes dramatic pose:: and Range will beat of us!
OnlineHost: Kutva has left the room.
B5CL Tap: ::eyes wide;: don’t want a whippin’!
Wheelpack: nope Tap….and Rangr a neat freak? ROFL
B5 Lome: beat you???
OnlineHost: FigSlayer has entered the room.
B5CL Tap: hmm dunno Wheel…
TygerEyez1: ::winks at Wheel::
FigSlayer: Well I need some cheering up so I came here
B5CL Tap: Well he is in the Cafe..Wheel ..he sort of lets the Lounge go.
FigSlayer: oh god no
B5 Merlen: Howdy Figgy
Lysandir: If you have more than one Starfury on blocks in yer front yard
space dock,
B5CL Tap: Ranger is very ..well..ah exacting.that’s all.
Cedarga: Fig, so we could talk about Fall? ::::sniffle::::
Lysandir: you might be a space-neck.
Wheelpack: there orginal name was cattails
FigSlayer: I just came from wizard world
B5CL Tap: fall? I like the word autumn..Fall sounds like someone could get
TygerEyez1: That’s quite enough, Lys. ::grins::
OnlineHost: Msb nutsy has entered the room.
Lysandir: I like that one.
B5CL Tap: Ack! Wheel ..but ..but R2D2 ..he didn’t…ah..wel
Msb nutsy: Hey
Lysandir: Space-neck!
Msb nutsy: is this a warez room
Cedarga: Ah, now where would wheel find a wav of cattails? nine of them?
Msb nutsy: someone gave me this adress
B5CL Tap: :::::::dancing :::::::
FigSlayer: and got the enjoyment of listening to a bunch of read necks
cussing eachothere out
Msb nutsy: for programs
Msb nutsy: hello ?
FigSlayer: But anyway
B5 Merlen: The autumn of Centauri Prime just doesn’t have the same ring
OnlineHost: Set permagag to 1 for ‘Msb nutsy’, duration 5 min
FigSlayer: What are we going to be for Halloween
OnlineHost: Villi202 has entered the room.
Butterflyu: im a ngr
OnlineHost: Lysandir has left the room.
B5CL Tap: Welcome Villi to the Fresh Air Lounge {S air
Wheelpack: ngr?
Linda50824: yes u blind pack?
B5CL Tap: your from Nigeria?
Butterflyu: ngr!
Butterflyu: !~@#
Butterflyu: ya
Butterflyu: nigeria
Butterflyu: im a nigeria
Villi202: hmmm
FigSlayer: Any wav you guys got I’ll take please send me something
B5CL Tap: oh really Wheel…so what wav you gonna trade for it/
Wheelpack: and does that matter?
FigSlayer: if you don’t mind
OnlineHost: Msb nutsy has left the room.
OnlineHost: Msb nutsy has entered the room.
B5CL Tap: I mean I just dont’ give them away ::foofs::
Wheelpack: B5CL, name one
Linda50824: WHATS A B%CL???
FigSlayer: I do
B5CL Tap: hmm I dunno..Wheel…I only got 200
OnlineHost: Butterflyu has left the room.
B5CL Tap: B5Community Leader, Linda…chat host.
FigSlayer: Tap me too me too
Cedarga: Linda, put a quarter in the B% jar…
Villi202: CHAT HOST
OnlineHost: Laustin42 has entered the room.
Villi202: YOUTR HIOST?
Cedarga: (we gonna party soon)
B5CL Tap: whatcha got..Wheel?
Wheelpack: B5CL, I have a few mor than that
B5CL Tap: we are Cedarga?
Linda50824: YA PARTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!111
OnlineHost: Msb nutsy has left the room.
Linda50824: LETS DRINK SOME DAMN BEER~!!!!!!1
B5CL Tap: well of course I know you do Wheel…::thinking::
OnlineHost: Msb nutsy has entered the room.
OnlineHost: Butterflyu has entered the room.
Cedarga: Linda, most beer doesn’t have a soul
Villi202: WHO CARES
B5CL Tap: Linda.lets take the caps lock off instead, okay 😉
Cedarga: Therefore can’t be damned
Linda50824: BEER IS COOL
Butterflyu: CAPS
B5 Merlen: ::::checks sign to see if he’s in the Fresh Air Lounge or the
Fresh SNERT Lounge
Linda50824: I LOVE CAPS
Butterflyu: I LOVE CAPS
Cedarga: <~~~~~~hates beer
B5 Merlen: ::::
B5CL Tap: ::tapping foot::
Linda50824: SNERT?
Butterflyu: OFF
OnlineHost: Set permagag to 1 for ‘Butterflyu’, duration 5 min
FigSlayer: Anyone with the time send me some wavs and anyone with anything
else send it to me I’m kind
B5CL Tap: some how the lounge has been invaded..slightly ::foofs::
FigSlayer: of new here
B5CL Tap: what kind you want Fig?
B5 Merlen: The captain has turned off the caps light… feel free to type in
small case letters
Cedarga: ::::puts pennies in the BPS jar:::::
B5CL Tap: thanks Merlen
FigSlayer: anything
Linda50824: hmmm
Wheelpack: excuse me folks….see ya :::forms Jumpgate:::{S dumpgate}
FigSlayer: funny if possible
B5CL Tap: bye Wheel 🙁
B5 Merlen: and remember, your keyboard can be used as a floatation device
OnlineHost: Wheelpack has left the room.
FigSlayer: {s?
Cedarga: FigSlayer, I have a wavlist going again… but they are zips.
OnlineHost: Msb nutsy has left the room.
Linda50824: CYA WHEEL FAG!
B5CL Tap: Merlen ..mine never floats ;(
FigSlayer: what does {S mean?
Linda50824: ahhh HE LEFT
Villi202: {S means STFU
Cedarga: Send me an e-mail and I’ll put you on it
B5CL Tap: Linda that wasnt’ nice you have to sit in the corner for 5
Linda50824: corner?
OnlineHost: Set permagag to 1 for ‘Linda50824’, duration 5 min
B5CL Tap: yeppers..
B5CL Tap: we are nice to others in this room ..all the time!
FigSlayer: iggy
B5CL Tap: Good move, Fig.
FigSlayer: iggy linda iggy linda
B5 Lome: {{{{room hug}}}}} later all
B5CL Tap: bye Lome
B5 Merlen: Later Lome
OnlineHost: B5 Lome has left the room.
FigSlayer: Bye lome
B5CL Tap: geesch how was this room discovered? its usually so nice.
FigSlayer: Fig is nice to all
OnlineHost: B5CL Rangr has entered the room.
B5CL Tap: so what kind of wavs you want Fig?
OnlineHost: Msb nutsy has entered the room.
OnlineHost: WarChyId has entered the room.
B5CL Tap: Well hello Ranger dearest *kotc
B5CL Tap: ::bows to Ranger::
OnlineHost: WarChyId has left the room.
B5CL Rangr: Hi ya Tap
TygerEyez1: Hiya Ranger!
Laustin42: Good morning Rangr…hehehe
B5CL Tap: ::smiles:::
FigSlayer: Thank you For the wav whoever sent it
B5CL Rangr: Hi ya Tyger
B5CL Tap: Morning>>Laustin you in England?
B5Delenn1: {{{Rangr}}}
Cedarga: (((((((((Ranger))))))))))
Laustin42: :::welcome Fig:::
FigSlayer: And i’ll take anything Babylon 5
Cedarga: :::::runs and sweeps bodies into closet::::::
B5CL Rangr: Hi ya Ced
OnlineHost: Butterflyu has left the room.
B5CL Tap: Fig..that is a loooooooong list..::thinking::
OnlineHost: B5 Merlen has left the room.
FigSlayer: Anything
Laustin42: No Tap…just a 3rd shift person…
B5CL Tap: Cedarga I was sweeping thank you very much ::foofs::
OnlineHost: B5 Merlen has entered the room.
B5CL Tap: Oh okay Laustin 🙂
B5CL Tap: anyone in the cafe, Merlen?
Cedarga: ::::whispers, Tyg… mop that blood over there::::
B5CL Tap: Blood??
B5CL Rangr: hi ya Laustin42
B5CL Tap: what is with caps tonight?
TygerEyez1: :::runs over to mop up the blood left from the last barfight:::
FigSlayer: I’m gonna be a 90’s Vampire for haloween
OnlineHost: MLama1 has entered the room.
B5CL Tap: I like the Calisto type..kindof pretty
B5 Merlen: Actually, Tap, I was doing a reset
B5CL Rangr: Tyger?
Laustin42: Hi there Rangr
OnlineHost: B5Delenn1 has left the room.
B5CL Tap: Welcome MLama tothe Fresh Air
TygerEyez1: Wasn’t me, I promise. :::crosses heart:::
MLama1: hi all
B5CL Tap: So how did we like the Fall of Centauri Prime last night?
FigSlayer: hello Mlama1
OnlineHost: Msb nutsy has left the room.
MLama1: thought it was great
TygerEyez1: Ranger, I’ve been a good girl.
B5CL Tap: sure?
Cedarga: *sigh*
OnlineHost: Linda50824 has left the room.
OnlineHost: Linda50824 has entered the room.
Laustin42: Grim…Good, but grim…
B5CL Tap: Hey Tyger that is MY line ::eyes flashing :: {S thunder
Cedarga: I was gonna be a witch, but Polki says no one will be able to tell
the difference
B5 Merlen: Fall is such an ugly word…. how about “The Autumn of Centauri
FigSlayer: It was a season 5 episode and they’re not good since end of
shadow war
B5CL Tap: Oh my Cedarga!
TygerEyez1: Tonight I have been, Foofa.
B5CL Tap: I would rather be an angel :::{S Iam}
Cedarga: ACK!
B5CL Rangr: TygerEyez1, and you think I beleive that?
Cedarga: She’s still sleeping!
Cedarga: BRB
TygerEyez1: Frankly my dear…..
B5CL Tap: Didn’t like Fig?
TygerEyez1: (fill in the blanks)
FigSlayer: Like what
OnlineHost: CBJanney has entered the room.
OnlineHost: Datenite has entered the room.
B5CL Tap: oh my Tyger!! ::blinks big brown eyes::
B5CL Tap: Welcome CB & Datenite to the Fresh Air
OnlineHost: AAROGERS1 has left the room.
TygerEyez1: {S tygrgigl
B5 Merlen: Fig…. that is so like what was said at the begining of the
B5 Merlen: Babylon 5 series….. People said that, since Star Trek has
B5 Merlen: already covered the area known as the future, Babylon 5 will
B5 Merlen: not be as good
FigSlayer: But it was
Cedarga: shoot, I wonder if she can wake up, get dressed, drive a half an
Cedarga: hour away and punch in all within fifteen minutes?
Datenite: babylon 5
TygerEyez1: B5 is as good, only in a totally different way.
FigSlayer: The best sci-fi series ever
B5CL Tap: But the future can weave different tapestries, Merlen
Datenite: is that the stupid tv show
Villi202: HEY YOU
B5CL Tap: Datenite…can you tell me how you found this room?
FigSlayer: iggy Datenite
B5 Merlen: Excuse you, Date…. did you say Babylon 5 was a stupid tv show
FigSlayer: Iggy dantinite
B5 Merlen: ?
CBJanney: datenite
CBJanney: you fag
FigSlayer: He bad talked B5
CBJanney: b5 owns
CBJanney: ~!
B5CL Tap: what is with the iggy’s tonight?
FigSlayer: Iggy B5cl tap
B5CL Tap: Sorry CB …5 minutes in the corner for you..
CBJanney: take datenites chat away
FigSlayer: Just kidding Tap can stay
Cedarga: Sure makes the room go slow, doesn’t it?
Villi202: B5 is the HITSHAY Y0
CBJanney: ddd
OnlineHost: Unknown =Q command.
CBJanney: aww
CBJanney: im in the corner
OnlineHost: Set permagag to 1 for ‘CBJanney’, duration 5 min
Datenite: i said its stupid
Datenite: are you blind?
Villi202: WHAT
B5CL Tap: ::tapping foot:::
Datenite: STUPID
B5 Merlen: > Villi202, UPPERCASE is normally used for adding
B5 Merlen: EMPHASIS!
B5CL Rangr: Villi202, please we don’t talk like that in here
B5 Merlen: > Otherwise it’s considered SHOUTING (and is harder to read)!
FigSlayer: iggy Dantinite iggy dantinite
Datenite: X:
FigSlayer: he bad talked B5 he did a bad bad thing
Villi202: you want to die you ignorant bastard?
B5 Merlen: Yes, even you can iggy. Just move to pointer to the name of
B5 Merlen: the person you want to ignore. Double click on their name.
B5 Merlen: then click on the *Ignore Member* box. Bingo, the sound of
Datenite: shaddup
B5 Merlen: silence.{S iggyis
B5CL Tap: Datenite Vulgarity is against Terms of Service, Stop now and go to
Keyword: TOS.
Laustin42: {ouch}
OnlineHost: Set permagag to 1 for ‘Datenite’, duration 20 min
Villi202: YA U VUGLAR SOB~
FigSlayer: alright thats it Datenite will be reported
OnlineHost: VR azucar has entered the room.
B5 Merlen: People…. if you iggy, then you won’t have to read what they say
B5 Merlen: it’s as easy as that
Cedarga: Hmmmm, Knuc’s been here all night in spirit <G>
B5 Merlen: what is scrolling…. it’s not over 4 lines
FigSlayer: Datenite has been reported
FigSlayer: ::::::sticks out tongue:::::::::
OnlineHost: Msb nutsy has entered the room.
MLama1: way to go Fig
OnlineHost: Linda50824 has left the room.
Laustin42: Then Capitalize with the caps lock…
FigSlayer: woo whoooo
Laustin42: LOL…It works…
FigSlayer: yippie fig do good fig do good!!!!!
Cedarga: Merlen, it’s different for us and CLs…
B5CL Rangr: Datenite, Vulgar Language is a violation of AOL’s Terms of
Service. As a
B5CL Rangr: result, your ability to send chat has been suspended for the
next 45
B5CL Rangr: minutes. Please review them at Keyword: TOS. 10/29/98 10:24 PM
Cedarga: CLs get a greak
OnlineHost: Linda50824 has entered the room.
B5 Merlen: CLs can go over 4 lines…..
B5 Merlen: that is correct
Cedarga: {S applaus}
Villi202: YOU ARE NT A CL
B5 Merlen: 4 lines is max
OnlineHost: Set permagag to 1 for ‘Villi202’, duration 5 min
Cedarga: um, I mean break…
FigSlayer: YYYYeeeeaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
TygerEyez1: Nice going Ranger.
Msb nutsy: .·°º•èurø-spàm¹·² •dùlçè­n­hèx•º°·.
Msb nutsy: .·°º•løg­ìn ùsèr •msb nutsy•º°·.
B5CL Tap: So tell me didn’t like last night’s show?
FigSlayer: 45 minutes that’s it?????
OnlineHost: Set permagag to 1 for ‘Msb nutsy’, duration 10 min
B5CL Rangr: TygerEyez1, sorry..I got locked up
OnlineHost: Datenite has left the room.
FigSlayer: It was a season 5 episode good but no shadow war
FigSlayer: best tv ever
Linda50824: dd
Linda50824: d
Linda50824: dd
Linda50824: d
B5 Merlen: well, I guess Datenite didn’t like being gagged
Linda50824: FINALLY
B5CL Tap: Well true, Fig..I loved the Shadow war ..too much fun 🙂
OnlineHost: Set permagag to 1 for ‘Linda50824′, duration 10 min
Laustin42: I must depart…Duty calls.
OnlineHost: Msb nutsy has left the room.
B5CL Tap: niters Laustin
B5 Merlen: ta ta, Laustin
Cedarga: Ranger, does it gag an SN or an account?
FigSlayer: Bye laustin
Laustin42: Bye all..
OnlineHost: Laustin42 has left the room.
TygerEyez1: Ranger, later is better than never.
B5CL Rangr: Ced, sorry…I can’t discuss that
B5CL Tap: But Fig ..Shadow war was unique..
Cedarga: Yeah, the minute I hit Enter I thought, Ced, you idiot!
B5CL Tap: on the other hand..this is a closure, to the whole show.
FigSlayer: Yeah and nothing can top it from season 2 through 4 it ruled
better than anything
B5CL Tap: that was jms’s point of have a beginning , middle and
B5CL Tap: I liked 1-4 and half …:-)
FigSlayer: I don’t want it to end but then the new series will come with out
B5CL Tap: after Garibaldi got kidnapped it got so sad ;(
OnlineHost: Bichonlori has left the room.
B5 Merlen: there’s not that much more to get tied up over the next 3
FigSlayer: yeah
B5 Merlen: episodes…. garabaldi and his problem… the telepath delemma
OnlineHost: GrouchIlIl has entered the room.
FigSlayer: I’m at the episode right after chrysalis
FigSlayer: on tnt
B5 Merlen: hmmm…. finding a race to fill the opening in the advisory
B5CL Tap: Welcome Grouchllll to the Fresh Air
MLama1: what new series Fig?
Cedarga: I’m really disappointed there isn’t time for the teep war…
FigSlayer: I forget the name Tap?????? you know?
B5CL Tap: Well maybe they will cover that in a TV movie, Cedarga
VR azucar: Psi’s sister has everything on tape. And edited.
FigSlayer: that would rock
B5CL Tap: Ack! Fig..I dont’ do titles.. you remember Ranger?
FigSlayer: Me too
B5CL Tap: I got my Babylon5 book..let me check it out.
FigSlayer: Alright fine ranger what name of new Babylon 5 spin off series
after season 5
FigSlayer: in January
B5CL Tap: Crusades..Fig?
VR azucar: Crusaders.
FigSlayer: Yeah thats it
B5 Merlen: Hmmm…. Is Linda50824 gagged also…. I haven’t seen her say
FigSlayer: she’s still in the corner
B5CL Tap: Babylon5..the Crusades
GrouchIlIl: whats cl mean
B5CL Tap: starts in January
Cedarga: I’m looking forward to Crusades
B5 Merlen: Chat Leader
B5CL Tap: community leader, Grouch
GrouchIlIl: ok
FigSlayer: yeah I just forgot the title
GrouchIlIl: thanks
OnlineHost: Linda50824 has left the room.
B5 Merlen: community leader…..
GrouchIlIl: lol
B5 Merlen: sounds better
B5CL Tap: Actually it my case, Classy Lady ::foofs::
Cedarga: Is Maggie (the actor who does the ISN reporter) gonna be an
Cedarga: ISN reporter in Crusades or will she play another role?
B5CL Tap: ::grins;: huh Ranger/
FigSlayer: brb back must use second greatest invention
OnlineHost: Bubblez068 has entered the room.
FigSlayer: the best is the tv
TygerEyez1: oh, puleeeeze, Foofa.
FigSlayer: hehe
B5CL Tap: 2nd greatest?
FigSlayer: brb
Cedarga: ::::chokes:::: Um, yes, Tap, that’s exactly what it means
B5CL Tap: Hey Tyger, I like it 😉
OnlineHost: CBJanney has left the room.
B5CL Tap: Welcome Bubble to the Fresh Air
Bubblez068: I WAS LINDA
Bubblez068: YOU GAGGED ME!
OnlineHost: GrouchIlIl has left the room.
Bubblez068: Lyta ..I took 17 classes so far..and I have only been a CL for 1
year and 3 month ::foofs:::
Bubblez068: !!!
B5CL Tap: but of course in Ranger’s case..what would it mean?
OnlineHost: Quimby007 has entered the room.
OnlineHost: GrouchIlIl has entered the room.
MLama1: what will Crusades be about Tap?
OnlineHost: Noja11 has entered the room.
Bubblez068: No Bright Ideas since September 4th!! this is incredible!!
Noja11: as
B5CL Tap: Well let me see..ML..its about the Drakh…
Noja11: AS
Noja11: as
Noja11: qwe
Noja11: qwe
Noja11: 123
Noja11: qwer
Noja11: ewr
Noja11: qwe
Noja11: q3w
Noja11: 123
Noja11: wer
Cedarga: Tap, everything I think of is TOSable…
Noja11: wer
Noja11: qwe
Noja11: 123
Quimby007: d
Quimby007: d
Quimby007: sa
Quimby007: d
Quimby007: a
Quimby007: s
Quimby007: h
Noja11: ~!@
Noja11: ~!@
Noja11: $#@
Noja11: ~!@
Quimby007: ROFL
OnlineHost: Noja11 has left the room.
Bubblez068: No Bright Ideas since September 4th!! this is incredible!!
OnlineHost: Noja11 has entered the room.
Noja11: ~!@
Noja11: $#@
Noja11: ~!@
Noja11: !@#
Noja11: ~!@
Noja11: !@#
Noja11: ~!@
Noja11: ~#!
Noja11: ~!@
Noja11: !#@
Noja11: ~!@
Quimby007: !~
Noja11: ~#
Quimby007: !~
Noja11: !@#
Quimby007: ~!
Noja11: ~!@
Noja11: !#@
Quimby007: ~!
Noja11: ~!@
Quimby007: !~@
Noja11: !$#@
Noja11: ~!@
OnlineHost: King Yema has entered the room.
Quimby007: ~!@#
OnlineHost: Set permagag to 1 for ‘Noja11’, duration 30 min
Quimby007: ~!#
Quimby007: !~
Quimby007: !
Quimby007: ~
Quimby007: !
Quimby007: ut oh
OnlineHost: quirnby007 not found to gag
Bubblez068: No Bright Ideas since September 4th!! this is incredible!!
Quimby007: aol://2719:3-1217-Fresh%20Air%20Lounge
OnlineHost: Eazi1 has entered the room.
OnlineHost: Eazi1 has left the room.
OnlineHost: Eazi1 has entered the room.
OnlineHost: Eazi1 has left the room.
OnlineHost: Eazi1 has entered the room.
OnlineHost: quirnby007 not found to gag
Quimby007: there ya go noja
B5CL Rangr: Noja11, Scrolling is a violation of AOL’s Terms of Service. As
a result,
B5CL Rangr: your ability to send chat has been suspended for the next 45
B5CL Rangr: Please review them at Keyword: TOS. 10/29/98 10:34 PM
B5 Merlen: Now, see there…. that is known as scrolling… what I do isn’t
OnlineHost: Set permagag to 1 for ‘Bubblez068’, duration 5 min
B5 Merlen: considered scrolling the last time I check
OnlineHost: King Yema has left the room.
OnlineHost: King Yema has entered the room.
B5 Merlen: ed
Quimby007: sfad
Cedarga: Yes, Merlen, you’re a good wizard, Merlen, Nice Merlen!
OnlineHost: Noja11 has left the room.
Cedarga: LOL
OnlineHost: Noja11 has entered the room.
OnlineHost: B5Delenn1 has entered the room.
OnlineHost: B5Delenn1 has left the room.
B5 Merlen: darn finger jumped……. that’ll teach me to try and type as
fast as Tap does
Cedarga: ((((((((delenn)))))))
B5CL Tap: you okay Merlen?
Quimby007: merlen are you a cl?
B5 Merlen: hi Delenn
B5 Merlen: bye delenn
OnlineHost: Eazi1 has left the room.
B5CL Tap: sorry guys..its like the day of the snerts..Huh?
OnlineHost: B5Delenn1 has entered the room.
Quimby007: snerts?
OnlineHost: Bubblez068 has left the room.
B5 Merlen: I don’t scroll, Quimby so it’s an unimportant question
B5CL Tap: true, Merlen
Quimby007: um
OnlineHost: Linda50824 has entered the room.
Quimby007: i asked you a question
FigSlayer: Alright what did I miss
B5CL Rangr: sorry gang I was writting Email
B5CL Tap: Anyway..I haven’t seen thenew who yet.
Quimby007: you wont answer?
OnlineHost: Noja11 has left the room.
OnlineHost: Linda50824 has left the room.
B5CL Tap: yeah I will have to write a few things tonight too, Ranger :
Cedarga: Are CLs allowed to have correspndence, Ranger?
TygerEyez1: {{{{{{{{{{{{{Delenn}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}
B5CL Tap: occaionally..Cedarga
Cedarga: (((((((((Delenn))))))))
B5Delenn1: {{{{{tyger}}}}}
OnlineHost: Patal29 has entered the room.
B5Delenn1: {{{{{{{ced}}}}}}}
MLama1: bye all
Patal29: FUCK CL’s ROFL
Patal29: FUCK CL’s ROFL
Patal29: FUCK CL’s ROFL
Patal29: FUCK CL’s ROFL
Patal29: FUCK CL’s ROFL
Patal29: FUCK CL’s ROFL
Patal29: FUCK CL’s ROFL
Patal29: FUCK CL’s ROFL
Patal29: FUCK CL’s ROFL
Patal29: FUCK CL’s ROFL
Patal29: FUCK CL’s ROFL
Patal29: FUCK CL’s ROFL
Patal29: FUCK CL’s ROFL
OnlineHost: Set permagag to 1 for ‘Patal29’, duration 30 min
OnlineHost: MLama1 has left the room.
B5 Merlen: CLs are allowed a limited life…. makes me wonder if one of the
B5 Merlen: qualifications is to accept a Keeper like Londo did last night
Quimby007: CL’s: IM A NIGGER
Quimby007: CL’s: IM A NIGGER
Quimby007: CL’s: IM A NIGGER
Quimby007: CL’s: IM A NIGGER
FigSlayer: Alright that’s got to be more than 45 minutes
Quimby007: CL’s: IM A NIGGER
Quimby007: CL’s: IM A NIGGER
Quimby007: CL’s: IM A NIGGER
Quimby007: CL’s: IM A NIGGER
Quimby007: CL’s: IM A NIGGER
Quimby007: CL’s: IM A NIGGER
Quimby007: CL’s: IM A NIGGER
Quimby007: CL’s: IM A NIGGER
Quimby007: CL’s: IM A NIGGER
Quimby007: CL’s: IM A NIGGER
OnlineHost: Set permagag to 1 for ‘Quimby007’, duration 30 min
OnlineHost: Patal29 has left the room.
B5 Merlen: Well, fig…. you know the routine like I do
B5CL Tap: You know some days it really gets interesting
FigSlayer: Who wants to report them this time
B5CL Tap: Routein..
B5 Merlen: take iggy in hand and engage
OnlineHost: Patal29 has entered the room.
B5CL Tap: don’t worry fig..its covered.
FigSlayer: ae
B5 Merlen: makes their scrolling stop real fast
Cedarga: Merlen, no iggy is as bad as a keeper…
OnlineHost: King Yema has left the room.
B5CL Rangr: Patal29, Vulgar Language is a violation of AOL’s Terms of
Service. As a
B5CL Tap: LOL Cedarga
B5CL Rangr: result, your ability to send chat has been suspended for the
next 45
B5CL Rangr: minutes. Please review them at Keyword: TOS. 10/29/98 10:38 PM
OnlineHost: GrouchIlIl has left the room.
OnlineHost: Quimby007 has left the room.
B5CL Tap: So exactly opened the door?
FigSlayer: 7:38 pm
OnlineHost: Villi202 has left the room.
OnlineHost: Patal29 has left the room.
FigSlayer: But thanks Tap
OnlineHost: RAQUI1976 has entered the room.
FigSlayer: i mean Ranger
OnlineHost: Set permagag to 1 for ‘RAQUI1976′, duration 10 min
VR azucar: Tap what happend that these people seem upset with you?
FigSlayer: If you startt you may loose this one too
B5CL Rangr: Quimby007, Chat Room Disruption is a violation of AOL’s Terms of
B5CL Rangr: Service. As a result, your ability to send chat has been
suspended for
B5CL Rangr: the next 45 minutes. Please review them at Keyword: TOS.
B5 Merlen: I think it’s a matter of the National Snerts Society of America
B5CL Rangr: 10:40 PM
B5 Merlen: has a list they put out for which rooms to go to for the week
B5CL Tap: Got me VR..sounds like a Drakh attack huh?
TygerEyez1: they keep coming, I’ll keep iggying.
FigSlayer: on east coast
TygerEyez1: Merlen, good one. LOL.
B5CL Tap: LOL Merlen..I believe you!
VR azucar: for sure.
FigSlayer: we’re freak magnets tonight
OnlineHost: GrouchIlIl has entered the room.
B5CL Tap: Well happens about twice a year..maybe cause Halloween is
OnlineHost: RAQUI1976 has left the room.
B5CL Tap: Hope you dont’ wear out the button Tyger 😉
FigSlayer: I’m a Vampire for school tommorow got fake teeth
OnlineHost: DTozzo 69 has entered the room.
B5CL Tap: Ack Fig!
B5CL Tap: Shades of Buffy 🙂
DTozzo 69: helly is this the gay chat room
DTozzo 69: rofl
DTozzo 69: ?
FigSlayer: have to put denture cream on them
VR azucar: Wait till the really crazy people come out.
OnlineHost: Set permagag to 1 for ‘DTozzo 69’, duration 10 min
B5 Merlen: They pick rooms that should be relatively full due to new shows
B5 Merlen: airing or such and set up times for the herd to gather and then
B5 Merlen: to run in
B5CL Tap: Denture cream?
B5CL Tap: you are kidding, Merlen?
B5CL Tap: Talk about no life!
B5 Merlen: I’m making it up but I wouldn’t be surprised if it turned out to
be true
FigSlayer: To hold the teeth on my Vampire teeth for hALOWEEN
Cedarga: Merlen, please don’t give them idears…
FigSlayer: probably is
B5CL Tap: Merlen you might be right on the centauri duckets ::foofs::
B5 Merlen: LOL
OnlineHost: BGIRL025 has entered the room.
B5CL Tap: Geesch Fig
B5CL Tap: Still..have to review that tape.
FigSlayer: what?
BGIRL025: b5cl zath= tarutter and mstrgrinch= b5cl seuss
GrouchIlIl: b5cl zath= tarutter and mstrgrinch= b5cl seuss
BGIRL025: b5cl zath= tarutter and mstrgrinch= b5cl seuss
GrouchIlIl: b5cl zath= tarutter and mstrgrinch= b5cl seuss
BGIRL025: b5cl zath= tarutter and mstrgrinch= b5cl seuss
GrouchIlIl: b5cl zath= tarutter and mstrgrinch= b5cl seuss
BGIRL025: b5cl zath= tarutter and mstrgrinch= b5cl seuss
GrouchIlIl: b5cl zath= tarutter and mstrgrinch= b5cl seuss
BGIRL025: b5cl zath= tarutter and mstrgrinch= b5cl seuss
GrouchIlIl: b5cl zath= tarutter and mstrgrinch= b5cl seuss
BGIRL025: b5cl zath= tarutter and mstrgrinch= b5cl seuss
GrouchIlIl: b5cl zath= tarutter and mstrgrinch= b5cl seuss
GrouchIlIl: b5cl zath= tarutter and mstrgrinch= b5cl seuss
BGIRL025: b5cl zath= tarutter and mstrgrinch= b5cl seuss
GrouchIlIl: b5cl zath= tarutter and mstrgrinch= b5cl seuss
BGIRL025: b5cl zath= tarutter and mstrgrinch= b5cl seuss
BGIRL025: b5cl zath= tarutter and mstrgrinch= b5cl seuss
GrouchIlIl: b5cl zath= tarutter and mstrgrinch= b5cl seuss
BGIRL025: b5cl zath= tarutter and mstrgrinch= b5cl seuss
GrouchIlIl: b5cl zath= tarutter and mstrgrinch= b5cl seuss
BGIRL025: b5cl zath= tarutter and mstrgrinch= b5cl seuss
GrouchIlIl: b5cl zath= tarutter and mstrgrinch= b5cl seuss
BGIRL025: b5cl zath= tarutter and mstrgrinch= b5cl seuss
GrouchIlIl: b5cl zath= tarutter and mstrgrinch= b5cl seuss
GrouchIlIl: b5cl zath= tarutter and mstrgrinch= b5cl seuss
BGIRL025: b5cl zath= tarutter and mstrgrinch= b5cl seuss
OnlineHost: grouchllll not found to gag
BGIRL025: b5cl zath= tarutter and mstrgrinch= b5cl seuss
GrouchIlIl: b5cl zath= tarutter and mstrgrinch= b5cl seuss
B5 Merlen: idears, Ced? have you been hanging around me too much?
BGIRL025: b5cl zath= tarutter and mstrgrinch= b5cl seuss
GrouchIlIl: b5cl zath= tarutter and mstrgrinch= b5cl seuss
BGIRL025: b5cl zath= tarutter and mstrgrinch= b5cl seuss
GrouchIlIl: b5cl zath= tarutter and mstrgrinch= b5cl seuss
GrouchIlIl: b5cl zath= tarutter and mstrgrinch= b5cl seuss
BGIRL025: b5cl zath= tarutter and mstrgrinch= b5cl seuss
BGIRL025: b5cl zath= tarutter and mstrgrinch= b5cl seuss
GrouchIlIl: b5cl zath= tarutter and mstrgrinch= b5cl seuss
BGIRL025: b5cl zath= tarutter and mstrgrinch= b5cl seuss
GrouchIlIl: b5cl zath= tarutter and mstrgrinch= b5cl seuss
GrouchIlIl: b5cl zath= tarutter and mstrgrinch= b5cl seuss
BGIRL025: b5cl zath= tarutter and mstrgrinch= b5cl seuss
BGIRL025: b5cl zath= tarutter and mstrgrinch= b5cl seuss
GrouchIlIl: b5cl zath= tarutter and mstrgrinch= b5cl seuss
BGIRL025: b5cl zath= tarutter and mstrgrinch= b5cl seuss
GrouchIlIl: b5cl zath= tarutter and mstrgrinch= b5cl seuss
BGIRL025: b5cl zath= tarutter and mstrgrinch= b5cl seuss
GrouchIlIl: b5cl zath= tarutter and mstrgrinch= b5cl seuss
BGIRL025: b5cl zath= tarutter and mstrgrinch= b5cl seuss
GrouchIlIl: b5cl zath= tarutter and mstrgrinch= b5cl seuss
GrouchIlIl: b5cl zath= tarutter and mstrgrinch= b5cl seuss
BGIRL025: b5cl zath= tarutter and mstrgrinch= b5cl seuss
BGIRL025: b5cl zath= tarutter and mstrgrinch= b5cl seuss
GrouchIlIl: b5cl zath= tarutter and mstrgrinch= b5cl seuss
BGIRL025: b5cl zath= tarutter and mstrgrinch= b5cl seuss
GrouchIlIl: b5cl zath= tarutter and mstrgrinch= b5cl seuss
BGIRL025: b5cl zath= tarutter and mstrgrinch= b5cl seuss
GrouchIlIl: b5cl zath= tarutter and mstrgrinch= b5cl seuss
BGIRL025: b5cl zath= tarutter and mstrgrinch= b5cl seuss
GrouchIlIl: b5cl zath= tarutter and mstrgrinch= b5cl seuss
BGIRL025: b5cl zath= tarutter and mstrgrinch= b5cl seuss
GrouchIlIl: b5cl zath= tarutter and mstrgrinch= b5cl seuss
BGIRL025: b5cl zath= tarutter and mstrgrinch= b5cl seuss
GrouchIlIl: b5cl zath= tarutter and mstrgrinch= b5cl seuss
BGIRL025: b5cl zath= tarutter and mstrgrinch= b5cl seuss
GrouchIlIl: b5cl zath= tarutter and mstrgrinch= b5cl seuss
BGIRL025: b5cl zath= tarutter and mstrgrinch= b5cl seuss
GrouchIlIl: b5cl zath= tarutter and mstrgrinch= b5cl seuss
BGIRL025: b5cl zath= tarutter and mstrgrinch= b5cl seuss
GrouchIlIl: b5cl zath= tarutter and mstrgrinch= b5cl seuss
BGIRL025: b5cl zath= tarutter and mstrgrinch= b5cl seuss
GrouchIlIl: b5cl zath= tarutter and mstrgrinch= b5cl seuss
BGIRL025: b5cl zath= tarutter and mstrgrinch= b5cl seuss
GrouchIlIl: b5cl zath= tarutter and mstrgrinch= b5cl seuss
BGIRL025: b5cl zath= tarutter and mstrgrinch= b5cl seuss
GrouchIlIl: b5cl zath= tarutter and mstrgrinch= b5cl seuss
OnlineHost: Set permagag to 1 for ‘BGIRL025’, duration 60 min
GrouchIlIl: b5cl zath= tarutter and mstrgrinch= b5cl seuss
GrouchIlIl: b5cl zath= tarutter and mstrgrinch= b5cl seuss
GrouchIlIl: b5cl zath= tarutter and mstrgrinch= b5cl seuss
GrouchIlIl: b5cl zath= tarutter and mstrgrinch= b5cl seuss
GrouchIlIl: b5cl zath= tarutter and mstrgrinch= b5cl seuss
GrouchIlIl: b5cl zath= tarutter and mstrgrinch= b5cl seuss
GrouchIlIl: b5cl zath= tarutter and mstrgrinch= b5cl seuss
GrouchIlIl: b5cl zath= tarutter and mstrgrinch= b5cl seuss
GrouchIlIl: b5cl zath= tarutter and mstrgrinch= b5cl seuss
GrouchIlIl: b5cl zath= tarutter and mstrgrinch= b5cl seuss
GrouchIlIl: b5cl zath= tarutter and mstrgrinch= b5cl seuss
GrouchIlIl: b5cl zath= tarutter and mstrgrinch= b5cl seuss
GrouchIlIl: b5cl zath= tarutter and mstrgrinch= b5cl seuss
GrouchIlIl: b5cl zath= tarutter and mstrgrinch= b5cl seuss
GrouchIlIl: b5cl zath= tarutter and mstrgrinch= b5cl seuss
GrouchIlIl: b5cl zath= tarutter and mstrgrinch= b5cl seuss
GrouchIlIl: b5cl zath= tarutter and mstrgrinch= b5cl seuss
GrouchIlIl: b5cl zath= tarutter and mstrgrinch= b5cl seuss
GrouchIlIl: b5cl zath= tarutter and mstrgrinch= b5cl seuss
GrouchIlIl: b5cl zath= tarutter and mstrgrinch= b5cl seuss
OnlineHost: Unknown =Q command.
FigSlayer: Un neccassary scrolling also illeagle
GrouchIlIl: b5cl zath= tarutter and mstrgrinch= b5cl seuss
GrouchIlIl: b5cl zath= tarutter and mstrgrinch= b5cl seuss
GrouchIlIl: b5cl zath= tarutter and mstrgrinch= b5cl seuss
GrouchIlIl: b5cl zath= tarutter and mstrgrinch= b5cl seuss
GrouchIlIl: b5cl zath= tarutter and mstrgrinch= b5cl seuss
GrouchIlIl: b5cl zath= tarutter and mstrgrinch= b5cl seuss
GrouchIlIl: b5cl zath= tarutter and mstrgrinch= b5cl seuss
GrouchIlIl: b5cl zath= tarutter and mstrgrinch= b5cl seuss
GrouchIlIl: b5cl zath= tarutter and mstrgrinch= b5cl seuss
GrouchIlIl: b5cl zath= tarutter and mstrgrinch= b5cl seuss
GrouchIlIl: b5cl zath= tarutter and mstrgrinch= b5cl seuss
FigSlayer: iggy these freaks
GrouchIlIl: b5cl zath= tarutter and mstrgrinch= b5cl seuss
GrouchIlIl: b5cl zath= tarutter and mstrgrinch= b5cl seuss
GrouchIlIl: b5cl zath= tarutter and mstrgrinch= b5cl seuss
GrouchIlIl: b5cl zath= tarutter and mstrgrinch= b5cl seuss
GrouchIlIl: b5cl zath= tarutter and mstrgrinch= b5cl seuss
OnlineHost: Usage: =qpermagag screen_name duration
GrouchIlIl: b5cl zath= tarutter and mstrgrinch= b5cl seuss
GrouchIlIl: b5cl zath= tarutter and mstrgrinch= b5cl seuss
FigSlayer: iggy
GrouchIlIl: b5cl zath= tarutter and mstrgrinch= b5cl seuss
FigSlayer: iggy
FigSlayer: iggy
GrouchIlIl: b5cl zath= tarutter and mstrgrinch= b5cl seuss
GrouchIlIl: b5cl zath= tarutter and mstrgrinch= b5cl seuss
GrouchIlIl: b5cl zath= tarutter and mstrgrinch= b5cl seuss
FigSlayer: iggy
GrouchIlIl: b5cl zath= tarutter and mstrgrinch= b5cl seuss
GrouchIlIl: b5cl zath= tarutter and mstrgrinch= b5cl seuss
GrouchIlIl: b5cl zath= tarutter and mstrgrinch= b5cl seuss
FigSlayer: iggy
GrouchIlIl: b5cl zath= tarutter and mstrgrinch= b5cl seuss
GrouchIlIl: b5cl zath= tarutter and mstrgrinch= b5cl seuss
GrouchIlIl: b5cl zath= tarutter and mstrgrinch= b5cl seuss
GrouchIlIl: b5cl zath= tarutter and mstrgrinch= b5cl seuss
GrouchIlIl: b5cl zath= tarutter and mstrgrinch= b5cl seuss
OnlineHost: grouchiiii not found to gag
FigSlayer: iggying now
FigSlayer: some one report them please
OnlineHost: grouchllll not found to gag
OnlineHost: Linda50824 has entered the room.
B5CL Rangr: GrouchIlIl, Scrolling is a violation of AOL’s Terms of Service.
As a result,
B5CL Tap: We are..Fig..honest
B5CL Rangr: your ability to send chat has been suspended for the next 45
B5CL Rangr: Please review them at Keyword: TOS. 10/29/98 10:45 PM
B5 Merlen: I figure Ranger’s all over that
OnlineHost: Set permagag to 1 for ‘Linda50824’, duration 5 min
FigSlayer: Yeah
B5 Merlen: Ranger is the man
FigSlayer: To many weirdos today
B5CL Tap: Yeah he is ..Merlen
B5CL Tap: Its GOT to be Halloween, Fig
B5 Merlen: He’s got lots of gags and isn’t afraid to use them
OnlineHost: Villi202 has entered the room.
VR azucar: Are you getting a workout tonight Ranger?
B5CL Tap: He makes them 😉
B5CL Rangr: VR azucar, seems so
TygerEyez1: is it full moon and no one told me?
B5CL Tap: ::checks outside:: I think so Tyger..but I thought it was only one
VR azucar: I feel sorry for your poor fingers.
OnlineHost: GrouchIlIl has left the room.
FigSlayer: Yeah I guess
B5CL Tap: Yeah VR ..but the Ranger has the PT ‘s ::grins::
B5 Merlen: Well, my powertools has earned it’s worth again
OnlineHost: Cedarga has left the room.
Villi202: Subj: zzzzzzz Date: 98-07-10 21:02:47 EST From: B5CL Tap
Is Troy asleep again?
Villi202: Subj: zzzzzzz Date: 98-07-10 21:02:47 EST From: B5CL Tap
Is Troy asleep again?
Villi202: Subj: zzzzzzz Date: 98-07-10 21:02:47 EST From: B5CL Tap
Is Troy asleep again?
Villi202: Subj: zzzzzzz Date: 98-07-10 21:02:47 EST From: B5CL Tap
Is Troy asleep again?
OnlineHost: DTozzo 69 has left the room.
OnlineHost: Set permagag to 1 for ‘Villi202’, duration 30 min
FigSlayer: are we starting this junk agin
OnlineHost: SolarrBoy has entered the room.
SolarrBoy: Hello
SolarrBoy: ?
OnlineHost: B5CL Rangr has left the room.
SolarrBoy: what kind of room is this ?
B5 Merlen: Remember…. Iggy is your friend…. trust the iggy…..
OnlineHost: Set permagag to 1 for ‘SolarrBoy’, duration 10 min
FigSlayer: iggy
FigSlayer: iggy!!!!!!!!
B5CL Tap: Yepers…Merlen
OnlineHost: Villi202 has left the room.
B5 Merlen: This is a chat room for the discussion of the Television show
Babylon 5
OnlineHost: Bubblez068 has entered the room.
OnlineHost: BGIRL025 has left the room.
FigSlayer: i reported Bgirl
Bubblez068: Subj: zzzzzzz Date: 98-07-10 21:02:47 EST From: B5CL Tap
Is Troy asleep again?
B5CL Tap: its like we just keep rolling along..but if its get bad guys..go
to a private room..after I
Bubblez068: Subj: zzzzzzz Date: 98-07-10 21:02:47 EST From: B5CL Tap
Is Troy asleep again?
FigSlayer: she sent Ims to me that were bad worded
FigSlayer: it funny
OnlineHost: Usage: =qpermagag screen_name duration
OnlineHost: SolarrBoy has left the room.
Bubblez068: Did you like getting your account TOSed TAP?
OnlineHost: Set permagag to 1 for ‘Bubblez068’, duration 10 min
B5 Merlen: Bubblez, is there a problem
FigSlayer: what did tap do
FigSlayer: he a good guy
FigSlayer: you bad
FigSlayer: very bad
B5CL Tap: Fig..they like to harass people..its an occupational hazard
OnlineHost: SolarrBoy has entered the room.
FigSlayer: bubbllez is a bad bad person
B5 Merlen: iggy and be done with it, Figgy
B5 Merlen: it’s not worth the effort of typing
B5CL Tap: Just a person with no life, Fig
VR azucar: Sounds like some one was not taught any maners.
FigSlayer: should real people go to private room and forget these trouble
OnlineHost: SolarrBoy has left the room.
FigSlayer: aaah
OnlineHost: BKIM483 has entered the room.
B5CL Tap: Well I will be going in 10 Fig…up to you guys.
FigSlayer: your shift end at 11
B5Delenn1: Bubblez…..gofind another room to play in
OnlineHost: Linda50824 has left the room.
BKIM483: B5CL Tap, Discussion of Illegal Activities is a Violation Of the
Terms of Service
BKIM483: Please Stop NOW and Use Keyword: TOS to Review These Terms!
B5CL Tap: Yeppers..
BKIM483: another osw
OnlineHost: Set permagag to 1 for ‘BKIM483’, duration 10 min
FigSlayer: another one
OnlineHost: BLORIEN5 has entered the room.
B5CL Tap: and BK Impersonation is against Terms of Service, stop now and go
to Keyword: TOS
B5CL Tap: Hiya Lorien ::hugs;: how you be?
B5CL Tap: Did you like the show last night?
OnlineHost: LORDZIBA has entered the room.
B5CL Tap: Welcome Aboad Ziba to the Fresh Air
BLORIEN5: (((((((Tap)))))))))
B5CL Tap: How you been Lorien..?
B5 Merlen: Hi Ziba…. hope you brought your iggy with you…. it’s getting
B5 Merlen: that time of the year
LORDZIBA: ]so, what’s new?
OnlineHost: BKIM483 has left the room.
BLORIEN5: I am fine thank you Tap and how about you?
B5CL Tap: B5 mostly , Ziba 😉
FigSlayer: yeah I just opend a new bag
FigSlayer: opened
B5CL Tap: Oh doing incredible as usual..Lorein ::foofs::
TygerEyez1: {S foof

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