Fresh Air Lounge – 10/20/1998

PowerChat: *** Entered Fresh Air Lounge on 10/20/98 at 05:52 PM ***
OnlineHost: Sheridnfan has entered the room.
B5CL Drows: Afternoon
Sheridnfan: Hi Drows. Pretty quiet tonight.
B5CL Drows: So far, but there’ll be more along in a few.
Sheridnfan: I see. I can just happily munch my baked potato then.
OnlineHost: Sayren FE has entered the room.
B5CL Drows: Greetings Sayren FE, pull up a chair…
B5CL Drows: Sheri, since I missed on Sat, I was going to do some trivia tonight.
OnlineHost: Dark Jawa1 has entered the room.
Sheridnfan: Oh I love trivia. That’s a fine idea.
B5CL Drows: Hey Dark Jawa1, welcome to the room!
Sayren FE: Hello!
Dark Jawa1: hello
B5CL Drows: I’m up to the final of the Season Trivia chats, for Season 4.
OnlineHost: Sheridnfan has left the room.
OnlineHost: Sheridnfan has entered the room.
OnlineHost: CCase3 has entered the room.
CCase3: hello hello all
Sheridnfan: Hiya CCase.
B5CL Drows: Good evening CCase3, welcome to the
B5CL Drows: Fresh Air Lounge.
OnlineHost: Hghlndr62 has entered the room.
OnlineHost: KNIGHTW5 has entered the room.
KNIGHTW5: hey yo
Dark Jawa1: hey
OnlineHost: B5 Merlen has entered the room.
KNIGHTW5: drows:when was season 3 trivia?
OnlineHost: Dark Jawa1 has left the room.
B5CL Drows: Hello Hghlndr62, KNIGHTW5, B5 Merlen, glad you could join us today.
OnlineHost: Dark Jawa1 has entered the room.
OnlineHost: Hghlndr62 has left the room.
B5 Merlen: Hello fellow sufferers of rerun fever
B5CL Drows: KNIGHTW5, weekend before last.
OnlineHost: Dark Jawa1 has left the room.
KNIGHTW5: o well
OnlineHost: KNIGHTW5 has left the room.
Sheridnfan: Season 4 trivia…my favorite season!
OnlineHost: Gr8 1Gkar has entered the room.
CCase3: Hey guys I have just had a scarry thought What if Jerry Lews Had the power of the Force?
B5 Merlen: {S darnnarn
Gr8 1Gkar: SHER, ever find out what happened??
Sheridnfan: When Sheridan was kicking ass and eating Flarn and he was all out of Flarn.
B5CL Drows: CC, wouldn’t that be the power of the farse?
B5CL Drows: Hello Gr8 1Gkar, Babylon 5 is now showing Monday thru Friday at 6 PM
B5CL Drows: Eastern and Pacific time.
B5 Merlen: Who is jerry lews?
Sheridnfan: Yes, yes I did find out.
CCase3: good call Drows
Sheridnfan: It was apparently terrible. I will IM you.
Gr8 1Gkar: What what
B5 Merlen: OH Lewis….. silly me
Gr8 1Gkar: OK
Log Count: There were 6 member(s) in Fresh Air Lounge at 06:00 PM
CCase3: Lewis sorry
B5CL Drows: Either that or the Swartz.
CCase3: I see your’ swartz is as big as Mine
OnlineHost: Dark Jawa1 has entered the room.
B5 Merlen: Don’t you hate it when your swartz gets twisted
OnlineHost: Lespresto has entered the room.
CCase3: LOL
B5CL Drows: Space Balls was an interesting farse of the SW universe.
B5CL Drows: Hello, Dark Jawa1, Lespresto, updated
B5CL Drows: and printable schedules of the show air times can be found at TNT’s web
B5CL Drows: site.
CCase3: it was GREAT
B5 Merlen: They tossed in a couple farses of other Sci Fi
CCase3: star trek
Lespresto: Hi Everyone!
Sayren FE: I havn’t seen Space Balls in Ages!!
Dark Jawa1: i havent seen it period
B5 Merlen: Transformers, Planet of the Apes,
OnlineHost: BunzoA has entered the room.
B5CL Drows: It’s right up there with Spaced Invaders. LOL
BunzoA: hi
OnlineHost: Lespresto has left the room.
OnlineHost: CCase3 has left the room.
B5CL Drows: Hey BunzoA, welcome to the room!
BunzoA: thanks
Sayren FE: Oh, you should Jawa, it’s a blast. Really dumb, but funny.
OnlineHost: BunzoA has left the room.
OnlineHost: BunzoA has entered the room.
Dark Jawa1: ok
OnlineHost: BunzoA has left the room.
B5CL Drows: Everyone’s heard of the new movie coming out “You’ve Got Mail”?
Sayren FE: Yeah, looks good.
B5 Merlen: um, no
B5CL Drows: Merlen, It’s based on a couple who meet using AOL’s Chat rooms and Email.
Sayren FE: Saw my first preview for it while watching Practical Magic this weekend.
B5CL Drows: Sort of a “Sleepless on AOL” deal. LOL
OnlineHost: BunzoA has entered the room.
OnlineHost: STARCMD464 has entered the room.
B5CL Drows: BunzoA, STARCMD464, TNT has another movie due out this year, have you
B5CL Drows: heard?
OnlineHost: BOMBA129 has entered the room.
STARCMD464: Hello
OnlineHost: BOMBA129 has left the room.
B5 Merlen: oh, lord, what happens? guy gets a computer virus from an online mistress?
OnlineHost: BOMBA129 has entered the room.
B5CL Drows: Merlen, no, the meet through the chat rooms, and then meet in person.
STARCMD464: ksdl;kekja’hknvsdihkvipjfopuvc’j;oufj;sdfaihj cgpigvfk’vc’ipjkdfs’iphwp’ihjzih’sdfgajk’lasdf
B5CL Drows: Wonderful to see you today, BOMBA129.
OnlineHost: OttoLimits has entered the room.
B5CL Drows: No, Bomba, this is a Sim Free Zone, sorry.
B5 Merlen: Star….. your cat needs to take typing lessons if it’s going to come in this room
OnlineHost: BunzoA has left the room.
B5CL Drows: Hi OttoLimits, Sierra’s making a computer game for Babylon 5 due out later
B5CL Drows: this year, watch for it in the fall.
STARCMD464: got that tequila talkin again
OnlineHost: BunzoA has entered the room.
OttoLimits: hi everyone i have a b5 query…
OnlineHost: Alex777A has entered the room.
Alex777A: Ave all.
OnlineHost: BunzoA has left the room.
Sayren FE: Hi Alex!
B5 Merlen: okay…. ask away, Limits
Sheridnfan: What is your query, Otto.
B5CL Drows: Good news Alex777A, only 8 days and counting till the new episodes.
OttoLimits: is the fall of centauri prime airing tomorrow>
Sheridnfan: Nope.
OnlineHost: CCase3 has entered the room.
OnlineHost: StarTrekCC has entered the room.
Alex777A: Yes! That is indeed good news.
Sheridnfan: Oct 28th
B5CL Drows: OttoLimits, it’s showing on the 28th.
B5 Merlen: nope…. next wednesday
Alex777A: Ave, StarTrekCC.
Alex777A: Ave, CCase3.
OttoLimits: is it an error on my TV Guide?
B5 Merlen: Hello SnertTrekCC
B5CL Drows: That’s next week
CCase3: so who all likes Mortal Kombat Conquest
B5 Merlen: I guess so, OTTO
StarTrekCC: Hi Snerterlen!
Sheridnfan: Your t.v. guide is a week ahead.
STARCMD464: STCc whats up
OttoLimits: whew
B5CL Drows: CCase3, StarTrekCC, TNT has another movie due out this year, have you
B5CL Drows: heard?
StarTrekCC: Alex!!!!!!!!!!!
Sheridnfan: I see I will have to be SnertFan today…
StarTrekCC: {{{{{{{{{{SheridanFan}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}
OttoLimits: thank you very much
CCase3: Bomaba Like Beastie Boy’s
StarTrekCC: Drows!!!!!!!
Sheridnfan: Hiya STCC
StarTrekCC: CCase!!!!!!!!!
B5 Merlen: hmmm…. that just doesn’t float off the tongue like SnertTrekCC does
StarTrekCC: Gkar!!!!!!
B5CL Drows: OttoLimits, If you’re worried, you can check the TNT Schedule at their
B5CL Drows: B5 site, but I’m sure it’s the 28th
CCase3: yello all
StarTrekCC: STAR!!!!!!
StarTrekCC: Snertlen!
Gr8 1Gkar: DROWS!!!!
CCase3: UHH nana
B5 Merlen: That’s better……. sorta
Gr8 1Gkar: Sorry IM land
OttoLimits: i did, thanks, i just needed some human confrimation
StarTrekCC: ::watches last Mercy Point before it goes on “hiatus”::
OnlineHost: OttoLimits has left the room.
B5CL Drows: OttoLimits, as far as I know, it’s still the 28th, not tomorrow.
B5 Merlen: Um, Bomba, you might want to back away from your microphone, you’re coming in WAY TO LOUD
CCase3: uuugh no the canceld it
CCase3: they sorry
OnlineHost: STARCMD464 has left the room.
StarTrekCC: CCase, as I stated before, I like Mercy Point, and will miss it…when it gone.
B5 Merlen: It’s on a Hiatus for a couple centuries, that’s all CC…. then it’ll come back as a history
B5 Merlen: show
Alex777A: Yes…I, too, heard Cancelled for Mercy Point…not hiatus.
B5CL Drows: STCC, maybe it will come back as a midseason replacement, happened before.
StarTrekCC: Snertlen!!!! Grrrrrrrrr….{S thwap}
Gr8 1Gkar: I didn’t like Mercy point.
OnlineHost: CCase3 has left the room.
Gr8 1Gkar: But I really like “7 Days”
StarTrekCC: Well, Mercy Point could be a good show, it just needs some retuning…other shows
OnlineHost: P21Corps has entered the room.
P21Corps: hello
B5CL Drows: STCC, it does need some work, yes.
B5CL Drows: P21Corps, TNT has another movie due out this year, have you heard?
P21Corps: hi drows
Alex777A: No new show gets a chance anymore…if it isn’t an instant hit…forget it.
B5CL Drows: Ok, everyone set for some trivia questions?
StarTrekCC: has had less than “stellar” first few episodes, but have been great.
B5 Merlen: River of Souls…. scheduled to air Nov. 8th
Alex777A: Ave, P21Corps.
StarTrekCC: {{{{{{{{{P21}}}}}}}}}}}}}}
Gr8 1Gkar: And “Earth Final Conflict” Is excellent this season
B5 Merlen: Sure, hit me with your best shot, Drows
P21Corps: hi alex
Sheridnfan: Fire away, Drows.
P21Corps: hi {{{stcc}}}
B5CL Drows: Gkar, getting better each episode.
OnlineHost: Dark Jawa1 has left the room.
OnlineHost: Ttogrehram has entered the room.
OnlineHost: TygerEyez1 has entered the room.
Alex777A: Oh, no…I’m not much good at b5 trivia oddly enough.
B5CL Drows: Today is Babylon 5 Trivia, for Season 3. I will send a question to the room,
B5CL Drows: then give everyone who wants to answer 30 seconds to type in their
B5CL Drows: response. When the time is up, I will say «­ – —[ HIT ENTER NOW ]—
B5CL Drows: – ­» , you will have 15 seconds to send your answer to the room.
B5CL Drows: Good luck and I hope you enjoy the game.
P21Corps: hi ttog
Alex777A: Ave, Ttogrehram and TygerEyez1.
B5CL Drows: Hello Ttogrehram, TygerEyez1, have you seen the Crusades Announcement
B5CL Drows: at TNT’s web site?
Gr8 1Gkar: I think so DROWS. But I will miss Boone.
StarTrekCC: Ttogre!!!!!!!!!!
Gr8 1Gkar: I like him
B5CL Drows: ****************************Question Incoming*********************************
B5CL Drows: Question 1: In “The Hour of the Wolf” who does Vir find waiting in his
B5CL Drows: quarters after delivering an intelligence report to Ivanova?
StarTrekCC: {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{Tygerrrrrr}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}
TygerEyez1: Hey Alex.
Sayren FE: Any good web sites for Earth Final Conflict so I can catch up?
TygerEyez1: {{{{{{{{{{{{{CC}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}
B5CL Drows:
B5CL Drows: «­ – —[ HIT ENTER NOW ]— – ­»
Sheridnfan: morden
Sayren FE: Morden
Ttogrehram: Where is the rat that sent me that disgusting E-mail?
OnlineHost: Gooner6969 has entered the room.
Sayren FE: thanks Drows.
B5CL Drows: Answer 1: Mr. Morden, played by Ed Wasser.
StarTrekCC: Morden?(doesn’t seem right)
B5CL Drows: Hey Gooner6969, the web site for Voice of the Resistance is at :
B5CL Drows: if you’re interested.
B5CL Drows: STCC, he was in the “crispy critter” mode at the time.
B5 Merlen: Morden? He was on centauri Prime with Londo!
Sheridnfan: That convention ended Sunday, Drows…
Gr8 1Gkar: See you had all later. PTA meeting
Gr8 1Gkar: TTFN
Gooner6969: BABYLON 5 RULES!!!!!
Gooner6969: .·´¨`·..·´¨`·..·´¨`·..·´¨`·.
B5CL Drows: Ack, it did. Hmmm.
Gooner6969: `·..·´¨`·. Progee’s `·.
Gooner6969: .·´ Lagger .·´
Gr8 1Gkar: I have to {S GetOut
Gooner6969: `·..·´`·..·´`·.__.·´
OnlineHost: Gr8 1Gkar has left the room.
Gooner6969: sorry forgot that was loaded
P21Corps: who knows who Mr. K’s son played on “Growing Pains”?
OnlineHost: BunzoA has entered the room.
OnlineHost: BunzoA has left the room.
OnlineHost: Dark Jawa1 has entered the room.
B5CL Drows: ****************************Question Incoming*********************************
Alex777A: Ave, Dark Jawa1.
Sheridnfan: Yes, Drows, I’m sure you will be hearing alot about VOR….in the days to come.
B5CL Drows: Question 2: When Zack discover’s G’Kar in Chief Garibaldi’s quarters, he
B5CL Drows: tells G’Kar that Daffy Duck is the “household” god of what?
P21Corps: he played Boner
Log Count: There were 12 member(s) in Fresh Air Lounge at 06:15 PM
B5CL Drows: «­ – —[ HIT ENTER NOW ]— – ­»
Sayren FE: Fustration!
B5 Merlen: A. insanity
StarTrekCC: Fustration
B5 Merlen: nertz… it is frustration
OnlineHost: AngelMpath has entered the room.
B5CL Drows: Answer 2: Frustration.
Gooner6969: Frustration
B5CL Drows: Hot and chilled Jhala is by the bar, AngelMpath help yourself.
Gooner6969: doh late
P21Corps: hi angel
Alex777A: Interesting…two people with the same spelling problem.
B5CL Drows: Sheri, I hear there were a lot of no shows at Vorcon.
AngelMpath: Hi Roomies
StarTrekCC: Well, also BTW, did you know that G’kar was wearing Garabaldi’s hat…in the episode
StarTrekCC: {{{{{{{{{{Angel}}}}}}}}}
P21Corps: tracy didn’t show
B5CL Drows: The hat was a nice touch. LOL
Sheridnfan: No, there were alot of celebs at VOR. Only Tracy Scoggins and Damian London
Sheridnfan: were no shows.
P21Corps: neither did the guy who played the regent
Sheridnfan: Who did you hear didn’t show?
B5CL Drows: And Mira was a no show, yes?
Alex777A: No, I heard Mira was there.
Sheridnfan: She was there, preggers and all.
StarTrekCC: BTW, you know Lieutenant Tom Paris(ST:Voyager), also has a fasination of the 20th century
Sheridnfan: 7 months to be exact.
B5 Merlen: I heard she did show and she looked great!
Sheridnfan: And she did look great.
B5CL Drows: Mira did go? Cool. Who did Julie look?
B5 Merlen: for being so pregnant
B5CL Drows: Who=how
StarTrekCC: Alex, maybe it was Xeroxing…::Gives Alex a Xerox::
Alex777A: Well, pregnancy must be giving her that vaunted “glow”.
P21Corps: mira’s signuture was the only one i didn’t get
Sheridnfan: Ahhh…Julie…well she was there.
Alex777A: Sort of like being radioactive. 😉
Ttogrehram: Where does Carla….. oh, B5Delenn1 live? I want to send her a paper flame!
B5 Merlen: that’s a shame, P21
OnlineHost: KMGray3 has entered the room.
B5CL Drows: ****************************Question Incoming*********************************
B5CL Drows: Question 3: In “What Ever Happened to Mr Garilbaldi, what two terms does
B5CL Drows: Lorien use to describe being “stuck between moments” to Capt Sheridan?
B5CL Drows: Wonderful to see you today, KMGray3.
KMGray3: Greetings all
StarTrekCC: {{{{{{KMG}}}}}}}}
P21Corps: hi kmg
Alex777A: Ave. KMGray3.
KMGray3: {{{{{{{{{Drowsy}}}}}}}}}}}
KMGray3: {{{{{{{{{{{{STCC}}}}}}}}}}}}
KMGray3: Hey P21!
KMGray3: Hiya Alex
B5CL Drows: «­ – —[ HIT ENTER NOW ]— – ­»
Sheridnfan: Between tick and tock
B5 Merlen: A. Tick…. Tock…. Tick you’re alive…. Tock, your dead
OnlineHost: PBojorquez has entered the room.
Alex777A: Tick….you’re alive…tock…well, it was a good life…but a short one.
Alex777A: Ave, PBojorquez.
B5CL Drows: Answer 3: He says “..lost in the infinite possibilities between tick and tock.”
Sheridnfan: HeyP21, did you go to all three days at VOR?
PBojorquez: hiya alex
KMGray3: Hey Sherfan, Ttog, {{{{Angel, Merl, }}}}}}
OnlineHost: PBojorquez has left the room.
Sheridnfan: Hiya KMG
P21Corps: yes i did
B5CL Drows: Good answers.
TygerEyez1: {{{{{{{{{{Gray}}}}}}}}}}}
KMGray3: {{{{{{{Tyger}}}}}}
B5CL Drows: Greetings PBojorquez, pull up a chair…
AngelMpath: [{{{{{{{{{{ KM!! }}}}}}}}}}}]
KMGray3: {{{{{{{{{{{{any one I missed}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}} 🙂
Sheridnfan: When did you get Bruce’s autograph? Friday or Saturday?
B5 Merlen: I had to get at least one right…. to hold my honor
B5CL Drows: Sheri, Did CC show up?
Sayren FE: Hi Tyger.
Sheridnfan: Yes, CC was there.
B5CL Drows: Great, how about Andrea?
Sheridnfan: Noooo…..
P21Corps: i was lucky to get all the autographs i got the first day
B5 Merlen: I hear her and Bruce were joking around like old times
TygerEyez1: Hiya Ren.
Sheridnfan: Rats. If you had gotten it on Saturday, you would have seen me.
B5 Merlen: Claudia and bruce, that is
B5CL Drows: I didn’t really think she would, just wanted to check. Hey, did anyone
B5CL Drows: give the Brit a pale for his head?
OnlineHost: Dark Jawa1 has left the room.
P21Corps: mr. K ran around the crowd of ppl waiting in line to get autographs
B5 Merlen: LOL
B5CL Drows: Pail, even.
B5 Merlen: Walter is like that….. cuts into the monotony of the lines
B5CL Drows: ok, another question.
OnlineHost: Gooner6969 has left the room.
Sheridnfan: Well Bryan was pretty incognito. There weren’t any name tags.
B5CL Drows: ****************************Question Incoming*********************************
B5CL Drows: Question 4: In “The Summoning”, what does Ivanova and Marcus Cole find
B5CL Drows: in sector 70x10x53?
B5CL Drows: «­ – —[ HIT ENTER NOW ]— – ­»
Sheridnfan: The Vorlon Planet Killer
B5 Merlen: A. a unicorn?…. no, I’d say the Vorlon Fleet
StarTrekCC: A Vorlon Fleet Hiding in Hyperspace
B5CL Drows: Answer 4: A massive Vorlon fleet.
B5CL Drows: Merlen, you remembered Ivanova’s joke from the ep, nice one. LOL
StarTrekCC: Did you know that Marcus said that this space was folded artifically
P21Corps: i read 5 chapters of mr.k’s book when i was on the plane….i could have read more but i was
StarTrekCC: by the Vorlons…and then he said that they would never had found it, if it
P21Corps: very tired
B5CL Drows: P21Corps, how is his book?
Sheridnfan: Where did you fly in from, P21?
B5 Merlen: the only reason the detected it is cause the White stars are partially based on Vorlon Tech
B5CL Drows: ****************************Question Incoming*********************************
B5CL Drows: Question 5: In “Falling Towards Apotheosis”, the being who destroy’s the
B5CL Drows: New Kosh is composed of what three people?
P21Corps: the book is good
StarTrekCC: was not for the sensor looking made of Vorlon tech.
P21Corps: i live in fl
Ttogrehram: Bye all.
OnlineHost: Ttogrehram has left the room.
Alex777A: Brrrrrrrrrr….I’m freezing…or my nerves are going…one of the two.
B5CL Drows: That is 3 being, now.
B5CL Drows: «­ – —[ HIT ENTER NOW ]— – ­»
P21Corps: nerves…always is
Sheridnfan: Lorien, Kosh, Sheridan
B5 Merlen: A. Lorien, Sheridan, and Kosh
KMGray3: A: Kosh, Sheridan, Lorien
Sayren FE: Sheridan, Kosh, and Lorien
Alex777A: Ditto….ask a hard one.
StarTrekCC: A Little of Lorien’s esscence, a little of Kosh’s esscense, and Kosh I esscence
Sheridnfan: Ahh Florida.
B5CL Drows: Answer 5: The last of Kosh, part of Sheridan, and part of Lorien.
OnlineHost: MstrGrinch has entered the room.
OnlineHost: B5CL Rangr has entered the room.
P21Corps: i have a new nick name for jeffery
MstrGrinch: {P MrGrinch} Greetings and salutations.
B5 Merlen: Hi ranger
KMGray3: Hi Grinch
Sheridnfan: Ok, what’s that?
B5CL Drows: Excellent, see I told ya these weren’t that hard.
StarTrekCC: Scrollangr!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!{S Ranger}
Alex777A: Ave, Rangr and MstrGrinch.
B5CL Drows: Join us in chatting about our favorite
B5CL Drows: show, MstrGrinch, B5CL Rangr.
StarTrekCC: {S Ranger1}
KMGray3: Hi {{{{Ranger}}}}
P21Corps: Luggage boy
TygerEyez1: Drows, so you say.
Sheridnfan: Hee hee heee…that’s a good one P21.
TygerEyez1: {{{{{{{{{Grinchie}}}}}}}}}}
Sheridnfan: Did you see the auction on Saturday at the con?
P21Corps: i watched him unload his car
B5CL Drows: Evening B5CL Rangr. Want to take a shot at some “easy” Trivia?
B5CL Rangr: :::Bows with respect to room:::::
MstrGrinch: • ·· ···÷•¤···÷•¤|[B5CL Drows, B5CL Rangr, KMGray, B5 Merlen, StarTrekCC,
MstrGrinch: TygerEyez]|¤•÷····¤•÷···· ··
B5 Merlen: Hi Grinchy
B5CL Rangr: B5CL Drows, sure, whatya got?
B5CL Drows: ****************************Question Incoming*********************************
B5CL Drows: Question 6: In “The Long Night” who does Sheridan sacrifice to lure the
B5CL Drows: Vorlons into a trap and show the League of Non Aligned Worlds he’s willing
P21Corps: i didn’t reallize who he was when i was watching him
B5CL Drows: to suffer loses of his own
TygerEyez1: Hey Ranger.
OnlineHost: CMS254 has entered the room.
B5CL Drows: Today is Babylon 5 Trivia, for Season 3. I will send a question to the room,
B5CL Drows: then give everyone who wants to answer 30 seconds to type in their
B5CL Drows: response. When the time is up, I will say «­ – —[ HIT ENTER NOW ]—
B5CL Drows: – ­» , you will have 15 seconds to send your answer to the room.
B5CL Drows: Good luck and I hope you enjoy the game.
Sheridnfan: Ranger Errickson
OnlineHost: BOMBA129 has left the room.
Sayren FE: Ranger Ericsson
B5CL Drows: That’s season 4, sorry.
B5CL Drows: «­ – —[ HIT ENTER NOW ]— – ­»
Sheridnfan: Oh RATS I thought that was The Hit Enter Now.
B5 Merlen: A. One of the whitestars
KMGray3: A: Captain Ericson and his white star
Sheridnfan: Ranger Errickson
OnlineHost: RAYW7676 has entered the room.
Sheridnfan: Again…
B5CL Drows: Answer 6: Ranger Ericsson, played by Bryan Cranston.
Sayren FE: same here
B5CL Drows: Hey CMS254, RAYW7676, welcome to the room!
OnlineHost: B5Delenn1 has entered the room.
Sheridnfan: Do we have to get the actor too?
B5CL Drows: It’s ok, I figued you guys were anxious.
B5 Merlen: You said what, you didn’t say whom
B5CL Rangr: Hmmm…Ercson was lost to the Shadows
KMGray3: Hi Delenn
B5CL Drows: B5Delenn1, I hope you’ve had your shots, there’s another outbreak of “Rerun
B5CL Drows: Fever” expected to last until October 28th.
B5Delenn1: hi KM
B5Delenn1: {{Drows}}
Alex777A: Ave, B5Delenn1 and everybody else I missed.
B5CL Drows: Rangr, was it the Shadows?
B5Delenn1: Ave Alex
B5CL Rangr: yes
B5CL Drows: I’ll double check that. Thanks.
B5 Merlen: scratch that…. misread
B5 Merlen: You did say who
StarTrekCC: {{{{{{{{{Delenn}}}}}}}}}}
TygerEyez1: {{{{{{{{{{Delenn}}}}}}}}}}}
StarTrekCC: Scrollangr, how are you today?
P21Corps: i wont get the fever because i had a dose of VOR
B5CL Drows: Sheri, no, actor’s optional. I just give it as a reminder, more or less.
B5Delenn1: {{rangr}}
B5CL Rangr: I was perplexed by the question
B5Delenn1: {{{STCC}}}
B5Delenn1: {{{{{{Tyger}}}}}}}
B5CL Drows: ****************************Question Incoming*********************************
B5CL Drows: Question 6: In “The Long Night” who does Sheridan sacrifice to lure the
B5CL Drows: Vorlons into a trap and show the League of Non Aligned Worlds he’s willing
Sheridnfan: I had a dose of VOR to tie me over, but
B5CL Drows: to suffer loses of his own
B5CL Rangr: and I don’t recall a VORLON sacrifice
Alex777A: I think I missed something here.
Sheridnfan: I think that was the last question.
KMGray3: it was
B5CL Drows: Ack. Wrong question, sorry.
B5CL Drows: ****************************Question Incoming*********************************
StarTrekCC: A whitestar ship, headed by Anla’shok ?
B5CL Drows: Question 7: In “Into the Fire”, what does Sheridan say as he detonates the
B5CL Drows: mines to begin the battle?
OnlineHost: RAYW7676 has left the room.
B5CL Drows: i’ll go ahead and give out points to all since I got the question wrong.
B5CL Rangr: Ercison was used to *intice* the Shadows to show up where the Vorlon would be
B5CL Drows: «­ – —[ HIT ENTER NOW ]— – ­»
Sheridnfan: Good Morning Gentlemen, this is your wake up call.
B5 Merlen: A. Morning gentleman… this is your wakeup call….. BOOOM
KMGray3: A:Good monring, Gentlemen. This is your wake up call.
Alex777A: That’s entice.
StarTrekCC: Good Morning, Gentlemen, This is your wake up call..{S wakeup}
Sheridnfan: I think I have that wav somewhere too.
KMGray3: lol Merl…
B5CL Rangr: This is your wake up call!
B5CL Drows: Answer 7: Sheridan says “Gentleman, this is your wake up call.”
B5CL Drows: Excellent!
Sheridnfan: No he says, Good Morning…
Alex777A: Good thing I didn’t have the headset on.
B5CL Drows: Sheri, it counts. 🙂
Sheridnfan: Which is really quite strange since they aren’t exactly gentlemen…
P21Corps: jeff conaway was the only one i saw leave in a limmo
StarTrekCC: Did you know during this episode, that this was quoted by Sheridan to be the beginning of
Sheridnfan: Bruce had a driver too.
B5CL Drows: P21Corps, leave it to Jeff to travel in style.
StarTrekCC: the Third Age of mankind.
KMGray3: details! details! Sher
B5CL Drows: ****************************Question Incoming*********************************
B5CL Drows: Question 8: In “Epiphanies”, after receiving what appears to be a garbled
B5CL Drows: message, what does Mr Garibaldi do?
P21Corps: i have micheal ohare’s wife’s email address
B5CL Drows: «­ – —[ HIT ENTER NOW ]— – ­»
B5 Merlen: A. QUIT
StarTrekCC: Erase the message, then contact Captain Sheridan to Resign his commission
Log Count: There were 14 member(s) in Fresh Air Lounge at 06:30 PM
Sheridnfan: I didn’t know Michael O’Hare had a wife.
Sayren FE: quits
B5CL Drows: Answer 8: He resigns as Chief of Security on Babylon 5.
B5 Merlen: whoops…. caps were locked
P21Corps: he does
B5CL Drows: P21Corps, send it if you can?
B5CL Rangr: a bit vague
Sheridnfan: Really. Wow. The last time I saw him at a con he didn’t but it was a few years
Sheridnfan: ago.
B5CL Drows: To me, I mean. Ok, P21?
P21Corps: she looks young enough to be his daughter
StarTrekCC: what Scrollangr.?
P21Corps: ok
B5CL Rangr: SnertTrek, the question
Alex777A: Ah….is she a trophy wife?
Sheridnfan: Wow…I didn’t think Mr. O’Hare was looking all that well, to be honest.
OnlineHost: GoldZMG9mm has entered the room.
B5 Merlen: I would have called it a kalidascope message
StarTrekCC: Scrollangr, well, what was vague about it?
Sheridnfan: He looked like he had gained a little <lot> of weight.
B5CL Drows: Hiya GoldZMG9mm. let me know if you
B5CL Drows: need a link to one of the Babylon 5 sites with updated information about the
B5CL Drows: show.
Alex777A: Ave, GoldZMG9mm.
B5CL Rangr: SnertTrek, no clues
GoldZMG9mm: hello All
B5CL Drows: Clues? These aren’t easy enough without clues?
StarTrekCC: Scrollangr, {S thwap}
B5CL Drows: 🙂
B5CL Rangr: SnertTrek, he got 3 messages like that
KMGray3: heh
TygerEyez1: :::rolls eyes:::
Alex777A: Er…I seem to have missed the question.
B5CL Drows: ****************************Question Incoming*********************************
B5CL Drows: Question 9: In “Epiphanies”, when Zack “Look, I am getting the hell out of
B5CL Drows: here, before anyone else walks through there. With my luck, it would be
B5CL Drows: the second coming and I am still three commandments behind on penance.”
B5CL Drows: who comes through customs next?
StarTrekCC: Scrollangr, nope he only got one, in which he resigns…and anyway Drows gave the epsiode
StarTrekCC: TITLE:-0
Alex777A: The Elvis impsersonators….lol
B5CL Drows: That one detailed enough?
B5CL Rangr: Elvis
CMS254: Elvisi
B5CL Drows: «­ – —[ HIT ENTER NOW ]— – ­»
Sheridnfan: Elvis Impersonators
B5 Merlen: A. a pack of Elvis impersonators
Sayren FE: elvis impersonators
KMGray3: The Elvii
MstrGrinch: A: Elvis i
Alex777A: No, no…that’s “Elvii”.
OnlineHost: B5Delenn1 has left the room.
StarTrekCC: Elvis Impressinators, BTW, Scrollangr after the hit enter thing
StarTrekCC: {S thwap}, Scrollangr
B5CL Drows: Answer 9: Three figures who look like Elvis.
B5CL Rangr: SnertTrek, {S 44mag}
B5CL Drows: I do think it would be the “3 Elvii”, but i’m not sure. LOL
KMGray3: heh
OnlineHost: Dragoniize has entered the room.
B5CL Drows: ****************************Question Incoming*********************************
B5CL Drows: Question 10: In the “Illusion of Truth”, what does Sheridan tell Franklin is
P21Corps: hi dragon
B5CL Drows: “…far worse then Shadows…”?
TygerEyez1: {{{{{{{Dragon}}}}}}}
Alex777A: Ave, Dragoniize.
Dragoniize: {{{{{{Tyger}}}}}
B5CL Drows: Hey, Dragoniize, have you seen the
B5CL Drows: Babylon 5 CD-ROM reference guide yet? It’s not bad.
B5CL Rangr: Reporersas
Dragoniize: P21, LTNS
OnlineHost: GoldZMG9mm has left the room.
B5CL Rangr: reporters
B5CL Drows: «­ – —[ HIT ENTER NOW ]— – ­»
Sheridnfan: reporters
B5 Merlen: A. Reporters
Dragoniize: Hey Alex
Sayren FE: reporters
KMGray3: A: Reporters
Sheridnfan: brb….
StarTrekCC: A:A propaganda machine feeding lies, Reporters
OnlineHost: MstrGrinch has left the room.
B5CL Drows: Answer 10: Reporters.
B5CL Rangr: reporters
P21Corps: now i have three different psicorps pins
B5 Merlen: Ranger…. not to tick you off, but if you aren’t going to follow the rules, don’t play
KMGray3: CC-isnt that the same thing 🙂
B5CL Drows: You’ll get the credit Ranger.
Alex777A: Argh! Muscle spasms to the max……OUCH!
B5CL Rangr: <weg>
B5CL Drows: ****************************Question Incoming*********************************
B5CL Drows: Question 11: In “Atonement”, who gets to show off his “excellent singing skills?
Alex777A: Nobody if you ask me.
B5CL Drows: This one should be real easy. {S model}
KMGray3: too easy
Sayren FE: Alex!
B5CL Rangr: Marcus
B5CL Drows: «­ – —[ HIT ENTER NOW ]— – ­»
CMS254: G’kar
Dragoniize: Marcus
Sayren FE: Marcus!
B5 Merlen: A. Marcus
P21Corps: marcus
StarTrekCC: Anla’Shok Marcus Cole
B5 Merlen: {S singblp
B5CL Drows: Answer 11: Marcus Cole, played by Jason Carter.
Sheridnfan: ok back now…
KMGray3: not dignifying question w/ answer
OnlineHost: SHADOW5492 has entered the room.
B5CL Drows: It was in qoutes, KM. LOL
Sayren FE: Oh come on! He wasnt’ THAT bad!!!
KMGray3: ROFL…well…ok
TygerEyez1: you mean quotes?
StarTrekCC: Scrollangr, After the “Hit Enter” thingie! can’t you read.
Dragoniize: Marcus is never BAD!!!
B5CL Rangr: Sayren FE, yes he was
B5CL Drows: ****************************Question Incoming*********************************
B5CL Drows: Question 11: In “Atonement”, who gets to show off his “excellent singing skills?
Alex777A: I’ve only seen one singer on B5 so far…and they hired because she was a singer.
B5CL Drows: Remember SHADOW5492, Babylon 5 is moving it’s Monday showing to
SHADOW5492: my entrance
B5CL Drows: Midnight Eastern/Pacific, after the premier of Mortal Kombat: The Series.n
B5CL Rangr: we saw that one Drows
B5CL Drows: Lets just say, Stephen wasn’t the only one screaming.
B5CL Drows: ****************************Question Incoming*********************************
B5CL Drows: Question 12: In “Racing Mars” who says “Woo Hoo” to Sheridan in the
B5CL Drows: elevator after he and Delenn are “officially “engaged?
P21Corps: while reading mr.k’s book i have discovered he is just as psychodic as me
OnlineHost: SHADOW5492 has left the room.
B5 Merlen: LOL
Alex777A: Oh, please…I like Marcus as much as the next person…but, I’ve had voice lessons and even
B5CL Drows: Darn {S typo}S
Dragoniize: Mortal Combat is a series?????
Alex777A: I don’t sing in public.
Alex777A: {S woohoo
StarTrekCC: G
B5CL Drows: «­ – —[ HIT ENTER NOW ]— – ­»
Sheridnfan: Lennier…GAWD that’s easy.
B5 Merlen: A. Lennier {S woohoo
KMGray3: A: Lennier
B5CL Rangr: Lennier!
Sayren FE: Lennier
Alex777A: {S woohoo2
P21Corps: {S p21~1
B5CL Drows: Dragoniize, yes, it’s a series.
StarTrekCC: Lennier…or Anla’Shok Lennier now
B5CL Drows: Answer 12: Lennier, played by Billy Mummy.
Dragoniize: Drows, that is very sad
Sheridnfan: Only one M
StarTrekCC: ::looks over to Scrollangr::
OnlineHost: Jenb5931 has entered the room.
Dragoniize: Mu-my, not mum-my
OnlineHost: ARK321 has entered the room.
B5CL Drows: Sheri, have to give my sponsor some credit.
Alex777A: That’s Bill Mumy.
B5CL Drows: Hello, Jenb5931, ARK321, updated and
B5CL Drows: printable schedules of the show air times can be found at TNT’s web site.
B5CL Rangr: SnertTrek, {S pieces}
KMGray3: brb afk
TygerEyez1: hehehe
B5CL Drows: “Spelling is irrevelant”, Misspeller of Borg.
Alex777A: Ave, Jenb5931 and ARK321.
P21Corps: billmum
B5CL Drows: ****************************Question Incoming*********************************
ARK321: HI
B5CL Drows: Question 13: In “Lines of Communication” which race does Delenn and
B5CL Drows: Lennier discover when responding to a Pak’ma’ra distress call?
OnlineHost: SUZY52 has entered the room.
SUZY52: know you would be here
Dragoniize: {{{{{Suzy}}}}}}
B5CL Drows: SUZY52, did you know that TNT has the opening credits for all 5 seasons
B5CL Drows: available to download at their web site? Check in the Archives.
SUZY52: cool
Alex777A: Ave, SUZY52…LTNS.
StarTrekCC: Scrollangr, or your term…”Sepingll si fro eidtor::
B5CL Drows: «­ – —[ HIT ENTER NOW ]— – ­»
Sheridnfan: Drahk
B5 Merlen: A. Drakh
P21Corps: hi suzy
SUZY52: alex, you saw me last night
Sayren FE: drakh
B5CL Rangr: Drakh
StarTrekCC: A:Drakh
SUZY52: hi p21
Jenb5931: Drakth

B5CL Drows: Answer 13: The Drahk, Shadow Dark Servants.
B5CL Rangr: SnertTrek
Alex777A: Er…oh..sorry…brain damage has set in, I’m afraid.
B5CL Drows: Sheri,
B5CL Drows: ****************************Question Incoming*********************************
OnlineHost: Jenb5931 has left the room.
B5CL Drows: Question 14: In “Lines of Communication”, why did Forell agree to work with
B5CL Drows: the Drahk?
SUZY52: not far behind you alex
StarTrekCC: The Drakh, did you know were servants of the shadows, who evaculated Za’had’um
Alex777A: 😉
OnlineHost: Jenb5931 has entered the room.
OnlineHost: CMS254 has left the room.
Alex777A: WB, Jenb5931.
B5CL Drows: «­ – —[ HIT ENTER NOW ]— – ­»
Sheridnfan: Promises of cold beer and loose women.
P21Corps: =Þ {S p21~1
B5 Merlen: A. Cause the Warrior caste were kicking the other castes out of the cities
StarTrekCC: A:To restore the balance of the caste system.
B5CL Rangr: To protect the borders
B5CL Drows: Answer 14: He wanted to have allies against the Warrior Caste during the
B5CL Drows: Minbari civil war.
B5CL Drows: Hiya Jenb5931, the Iced Jhala is on the bar.
SUZY52: not anymore ark
Sheridnfan: No, I do not watch B5 everynight anymore.
SUZY52: have most of them taped now except the last 5 eps
SUZY52: of s5
B5CL Drows: I have the reruns taped, so I usually watch Hercules while doing my chats.
Sheridnfan: Not until season 1 ends, then I might catch it if it’s on.
B5 Merlen: Monday through friday… but not every day
Sayren FE: I still watch it if I’m home.
B5CL Drows: ****************************Question Incoming*********************************
B5CL Drows: Question 15: In “During “Conflicts of Interest”, what does Sheridan send
B5CL Drows: Zack to get back from Garibaldi?
Alex777A: I was caught up…but one of my tapes has mysteriously disappeared.
B5CL Drows: 3 itmes.
P21Corps: ark, you should never ask that “Q” here
SUZY52: a his gun and badge
SUZY52: or his comm link
B5CL Drows: «­ – —[ HIT ENTER NOW ]— – ­»
Sheridnfan: His link, id card, and PPG
B5 Merlen: A. his sidearm. His link. and his identacard
B5CL Rangr: His bagde/gun and link
Alex777A: PPG, ID, and comlink.
StarTrekCC: Phased Plasma Gun, and Security Badge, Identicard
B5 Merlen: both sidearms
Sayren FE: His weapon and link, and intenicard
B5CL Drows: Answer 15: His Identicard, his link, and his PPG.
Dragoniize: His brain
B5CL Drows: Dragoniize, that Bester got. >:-)
Dragoniize: LOL
B5CL Drows: ****************************Question Incoming*********************************
B5CL Drows: Question 16: What Army of Light broadcast begins during “Conflicts of Interest”?
SUZY52: sorry didnt know we had to wait for you to say hit enter now
Alex777A: Yeah…Asimoved…a fate worse than death for Garibaldi.
P21Corps: mr.k’s son played Boner on “Growing Pains”
Dragoniize: Or maybe his hair
B5CL Drows: «­ – —[ HIT ENTER NOW ]— – ­»
Sheridnfan: Voice of the Resistance – boy am I tired of that name now
B5 Merlen: A. Voice of the Resistance
StarTrekCC: A:Voice of Resistance, which is funny is the same name for the big B5 convention that
B5CL Rangr: Voice of the Resistance
Sayren FE: Voice of the Resistance
Jenb5931: how many questions are there?
StarTrekCC: happened last weekend.
B5CL Drows: Answer 16: Ivanova’s “Voice of the Resistance” broadcasts.
SUZY52: heard about that stcc
B5CL Drows: Jenb, 30, but I don’t think I’ll get them all tonight, so I’ll finish another night.
Jenb5931: VOR
Dragoniize: STCC, did you go?
B5CL Rangr: Drows…is this the warm up period?
Sheridnfan: <—–went to VOR.
Alex777A: brb afk
StarTrekCC: Dragon, nope…
SUZY52: <—wish i was there
Jenb5931: hmm…puter’s slow
B5CL Drows: Rangr, the bar isn’t that high, for now, this is my first try.
P21Corps: VOR wasn’t as good as it was suspose to be
SUZY52: gman ark
Jenb5931: very slow…
Dragoniize: I was, but got sick instead
B5CL Drows: If I continue it, they’ll get harder.
B5CL Rangr: B5CL Drows, thanks <wink>
Sheridnfan: Yeah, Suzy, there are better conventions out there.
B5CL Rangr: ARK321, please no caps
Sheridnfan: I could have been better, and should have been better.
B5CL Drows: ****************************Question Incoming*********************************
B5CL Drows: Question 17: In “Rumors, Bargains and Lies”, why does Sheridan send 3
B5CL Drows: White Stars to sector 83x9x12?
SUZY52: hope the one in chicago is great when i go there next month
ARK321: ok
B5 Merlen: I thought VorCon was a twist on the name Vorlon like in agamemcon
OnlineHost: CMS254 has entered the room.
Log Count: There were 16 member(s) in Fresh Air Lounge at 06:45 PM
B5CL Rangr: To blow up rocks ( marciuses words)
B5CL Drows: «­ – —[ HIT ENTER NOW ]— – ­»
B5 Merlen: A. to blow up some asteroids
Sheridnfan: No, it’s short for Voice of the Resistance. AgamemCon is a more clever name.
Sheridnfan: 🙂
Sayren FE: To blow up asteroids
B5CL Drows: Answer 17: To shoot some asteroids in a effort to convice the League of
B5CL Drows: Non-Aligned worlds to agree to his latest plan.
StarTrekCC: Blow up astriods
B5 Merlen: Ranger….. you know, it’s not nice to mess with other peoples trivia
OnlineHost: DocPoncho has entered the room.
SUZY52: hi doc
B5CL Drows: Good evening CMS254, DocPoncho,
B5CL Drows: welcome to the Fresh Air Lounge.
Jenb5931: to confuse the alien ambassadors into thinking that there was a invisible enemy
B5CL Drows: ****************************Question Incoming*********************************
B5CL Drows: Question 18: During “Rumors, Bargains and Lies”, who prevents the
B5CL Drows: Religious Cast from poisoning the air supply in Neroon and Delenn’s ship?
B5CL Rangr: B5 Merlen, sorry
SUZY52: A) lennier
B5CL Drows: «­ – —[ HIT ENTER NOW ]— – ­»
Sheridnfan: Lennier, again….wow isn’t he a hero!
B5 Merlen: A. Lennier…. for Delenn, not for the religious caste
Dragoniize: Lennier
B5CL Rangr: Lennier
Sayren FE: Lennier
Alex777A: Ow! Ow! Ow! Sorry….back again.
StarTrekCC: A:Lennier, or Anla’Shok Lennier
B5CL Drows: Answer 18: Lennier, again played by Billy Mummy.
Jenb5931: Lennier
Sheridnfan: Here we go again…
SUZY52: drows, that mumi
B5CL Drows: ****************************Question Incoming*********************************
B5CL Drows: Question 19: In “Moments of Transition”, refugees from Sector’s 600 thru
Dragoniize: Drows, you need to change that
B5CL Drows: 800 are being taken in by which two colonies?
Sayren FE: Are you going to live Alex?
OnlineHost: MstrGrinch has entered the room.
SUZY52: hi mr g
MstrGrinch: {P MrGrinch} Greetings and salutations.
Dragoniize: Hi Mr G
B5CL Drows: B5CL Drows, I will change it for the future.
Alex777A: Oh…I’ll live….but I won’t enjoy it. 🙁
SUZY52: {S smegoff
SUZY52: my sounds still not working
B5CL Drows: «­ – —[ HIT ENTER NOW ]— – ­»
OnlineHost: CMS254 has left the room.
B5CL Drows: MstrGrinch, welcome to the Fresh Air Lounge, one of the Official AOL
B5CL Drows: Babylon 5 chat rooms.
OnlineHost: B5Delenn1 has entered the room.
B5 Merlen: Looks like a stumper that time, drows
SUZY52: hi d1
Alex777A: Wb, B5Delenn1.
TygerEyez1: wb Grinchie.
B5CL Drows: Answer 19: Beta Iridani and the MacArthur midrange colony.
TygerEyez1: wb Delenn
Dragoniize: {{{{{{{{{{Delenn}}}}}}}}}
Jenb5931: effects from loading are slowing down the puter systems…
B5CL Drows: Had to toss in a hard one, didn’t I?
B5Delenn1: yeah…yeah….hi
SUZY52: {S island
B5CL Drows: B5Delenn1, welcome to the Fresh Air Lounge, the strangest place in known
B5CL Drows: space!
B5CL Drows: ****************************Question Incoming*********************************
B5CL Drows: Question 20: In “Moments of Transition”, who has the line “I was born
B5CL Drows: Warrior Caste, but I see now… The calling of my heart… is Religious! The
B5CL Drows: war is over! Listen to her! Listen!”?
Dragoniize: {S missdelenn
B5CL Rangr: Drows you got me on that one..I had Inidri
B5Delenn1: {S dammitjanet
Alex777A: I feel like Chekov.
B5CL Drows: «­ – —[ HIT ENTER NOW ]— – ­»
Jenb5931: hyperspac…
StarTrekCC: A:Neroon of the StarRider Clan
Sayren FE: Neroon
B5CL Rangr: Neroon
B5 Merlen: A. Neroon just before he died in the starfire wheel after saving Delenn from frying
Jenb5931: thirdspace…
Dragoniize: {S toast
MstrGrinch: neroon
B5CL Drows: Answer 20: Neroon, played by John Vickery.
Jenb5931: Nerroon
Dragoniize: Alex, what’s wrong?
StarTrekCC: Did you know Nerroon had a interesting history, he almost killed Sinclair.
Alex777A: Delenn1…what was that wav?
B5CL Drows: ****************************Question Incoming*********************************
B5CL Drows: Question 21: What was the overall name for 3? (Season 1 was called
B5CL Drows: “Signs and Portents”)?
KMGray3: bak
OnlineHost: CMS254 has entered the room.
KMGray3: Greeting to those who entered while I was away
B5Delenn1: Rocky Horror Pic Show
Alex777A: Oh, well…life is beating me to death, Dragoniize…nothing much.
B5CL Drows: «­ – —[ HIT ENTER NOW ]— – ­»
B5 Merlen: A. Point of no return
StarTrekCC: “Point of No Return”
Sayren FE: Poin of no return
Dragoniize: {S bummer} Alex
OnlineHost: PM454 has entered the room.
B5CL Rangr: Point of No Return
Sayren FE: That would be Point
B5CL Drows: Answer 21: “No Surrender, No Retreat”
Sheridnfan: I thought we were doing 4th season trivia.
StarTrekCC: Drows!
Alex777A: I had the misfortune to contract a “syndrome”. You never want to get a syndrome.
Sheridnfan: You have the wrong season up there.
DocPoncho: that was 4!
B5CL Drows: Hey CMS254, PM454, welcome to the room!
B5 Merlen: it does say season3 drows
OnlineHost: ARK321 has left the room.
B5CL Drows: Ok, ok, you got it right. ::sighs;: I had another of a series of typo’s.
B5 Merlen: season three was point of no return
B5CL Drows: Good catch, by the way. 🙂
Dragoniize: Drows is having a bad night
TygerEyez1: sponsor?
StarTrekCC: Yeah, Drows is under alittle presure…::looks to Scrollangr::
SUZY52: :::just watching and listening::::
B5CL Drows: A21 Point of no Return is correct.
StarTrekCC: Scrollangr, {S thwap}
OnlineHost: Jwgonzo has entered the room.
Alex777A: Creature watching, SUZY?
KMGray3: heh
Alex777A: Ave, Jwgonzo.
B5CL Rangr: STCC, what did I do now?
B5CL Drows: Never right and spell check trivia after being up for too many hours.
B5CL Rangr: I’m here only to play the game
B5CL Drows: Jwgonzo, c’mon in and try the Spoo, it’s fresh.
SUZY52: nope, just me and this comp are the lonely ones here at myhouse
Jwgonzo: thanks….
TygerEyez1: write, you mean?
KMGray3: heh
Dragoniize: LOL< Tyger
B5CL Drows: Tyger, well, that too.
StarTrekCC: ::looks at Scrollangr…::if you say so, Rangr.
B5CL Drows: Ok, one more then I’ll finish up tomorrow or Thursday.
TygerEyez1: never try to spell check with an English major in the room either. LOL.
Alex777A: Ah…that’s usually the way with me…I’m afraid I have no friends IRL.
SUZY52: not good when it comes to b5 trivia
B5CL Drows: ****************************Question Incoming*********************************
B5CL Drows: Bonus Question 1: During Garibaldi’s interrogation, a figure is seen wearing
B5CL Drows: what uniform?
DocPoncho: psi corps?
Dragoniize: Alex, you must have at least 1!!!!!
SUZY52: i only have 3 friends in my area. but a whole lot more in here
B5CL Drows: «­ – —[ HIT ENTER NOW ]— – ­»
Sheridnfan: Psi Corp? This is a bonus question?
B5 Merlen: A. Psi Corps
MstrGrinch: Psi corps
P21Corps: Psi Cop
B5CL Rangr: PSI Corp….duh! <weg>
Sayren FE: Psi cops
Jenb5931: psi corp
StarTrekCC: Psi Corps
B5CL Drows: Bonus Answer 1: A Psi Cop uniform..
SUZY52: kill psi corp!!!!!!!!!!!!
B5 Merlen: just after they knocked him out with morph gas
Alex777A: I see no one, Dragoniize. ::sigh:: It’s why I come in here so often.
B5CL Rangr: Bonus: Who played the PSI COP Bester spoke to?
B5CL Drows: Sheri, Bonus because it was a Psi Cop, not just a Psi Corps uniform.
Dragoniize: {{{{{Alex}}}}}
P21Corps: the corps must live! all hail the corps
Jwgonzo: Harlan Ellison
Sayren FE: Drows, make it Thursday? Can’t be here tomorrow.
CMS254: Harlan
B5CL Drows: Thursday’s fine for me.
B5 Merlen: in which episode, Ranger, he’s talked to many
Jenb5931: i wonder why they call it morph gas
B5CL Rangr: *********HIT ENTER NOW******
Alex777A: Thanx, Dragoniize…I’ve met many fine and friendly people here.
Sayren FE: Thanks!
TygerEyez1: Later ya’ll.
OnlineHost: TygerEyez1 has left the room.
SUZY52: bye tyger
OnlineHost: Sisamen has entered the room.
KMGray3: Later Tyger
Alex777A: Ave, Sisamen.
B5CL Drows: John Copeland?
B5CL Rangr: Anser Harlan Ellison
Sisamen: hey folks
B5CL Drows: It was harlan, I didn’t know that.
SUZY52: sorry didnt see the question
B5 Merlen: Your question is too vague, Ranger, since you didn’t specify an episode
B5CL Rangr: Yes Drows
Alex777A: I keep missing the questions.
KMGray3: Later all, got another chat to get to :::waves tp room::: See ya!
B5CL Drows: Sisamen have you seen the Conventions listing at TNT’s web site? Check
B5CL Drows: under Reports and scroll down.
Sheridnfan: Wow there is a commercial for CHiPs 99!
SUZY52: bye gray
OnlineHost: KMGray3 has left the room.
OnlineHost: Cedarga has entered the room.
SUZY52: sw that before sheri
SUZY52: hi ced
Sisamen: cool thanks
P21Corps: hi {{{ced}}}
B5CL Drows: Sheri, I saw that today as well, they have new Beemers.
MstrGrinch: CHiPs 99?
B5 Merlen: Hi Ced…. you just missed trivia
Cedarga: Suzy!!!! Hiha!
B5CL Rangr: B5 Merlen, kiss an Iceburg
StarTrekCC: {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{CEDARIE!!!!!}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}
Alex777A: Ave, Cedarga.
Sheridnfan: And they think the California Highway Patrol has suddenly switched to BMW motorcycles?
B5CL Drows: Hiya Cedarga, the Iced Jhala is on the bar.
Cedarga: (((((Psi))))))
Cedarga: (((((Stcc)))))))
OnlineHost: WhtStar47 has entered the room.
StarTrekCC: Bad Scrollangr!!!!!, {S jawawhip}
MstrGrinch: @}—->——-§{Cedarga}§——-<—-{@
Alex777A: Ave, WhtStar47.
B5 Merlen: Tsk Tsk, Ranger, can’t take the heat get out of the kitchen
Cedarga: Merlen, like I would remember anything anyway!
SUZY52: ced, to let you know cpt jan is alive and well
StarTrekCC: MrG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
OnlineHost: B5Delenn1 has left the room.
Cedarga: Hey, alex
B5CL Drows: Greetings WhtStar47, pull up a chair…
Dragoniize: Gotta go, bye all {S dragonfly
Cedarga: Hot Jhala, drows! HOT!
P21Corps: bye dragon
OnlineHost: Dragoniize has left the room.
SUZY52: bye dragon
WhtStar47: ::jumps out of hyperspace::
Cedarga: ((((((Grinchy)))))))
B5CL Drows: Now, peeps, let’s play nice, or Tap may have to “foof ya” when she gets here. LOL
Alex777A: Oops…not fast enough.
Sheridnfan: OH look it’s the Ninja Motorcycle episode!
Sheridnfan: I love that bike!
Jenb5931: next Q?
B5 Merlen: They weren’t that bad…. and with Spoileranger spilling out the answers ahead of time
Alex777A: By the way…Timegod888 is here with me.
OnlineHost: Sspants has entered the room.
OnlineHost: B5CL Tap has entered the room.
OnlineHost: GoldZMG9mm has entered the room.
B5 Merlen: Hi Tap
B5CL Drows: B5CL Tap’s in the House!!!
P21Corps: hi tap
OnlineHost: StarTrekCC has left the room.
Cedarga: LOL Ranger, you were, um, too fast?
Sheridnfan: A 1992 Ninja ZX 1100 on Babylon 5 in the year 2258. Makes perfect sense.
B5CL Drows: Well met, Sspants, GoldZMG9mm the foods fresh, the people are fresher.
B5CL Drows: 😉
Alex777A: Ave, B5CL Tap.
WhtStar47: Anybody here play the B5 card game.
Cedarga: ((((((((Ranger)))))
WhtStar47: ?
B5CL Tap: Hiya Drows ::hugs::
Cedarga: (((((((Tap))))))))
MstrGrinch: • ·· ···÷•¤···÷•¤|[B5CL Tap]|¤•÷····¤•÷···· ··
B5CL Tap: hiya P21..
Sspants: : passes out coffee and doughnuts::
B5CL Drows: I’ll give the rest of the questions on Thursday, and then tally up the points.
B5CL Rangr: B5 Merlen, I added a question to the previous question….it wasn’t out of left field
B5CL Tap: Hey Alex
Sspants: yo quiero jugo
OnlineHost: PM454 has left the room.
Sisamen: Whtstar47, yep i play
B5CL Tap: Left Field? you playin ‘baseball..Ranger ??
Sspants: y tu 47/
B5CL Tap: ::foofs::
B5CL Drows: Rangr, I assumed you were playing on the same question, and it was a good one.
B5CL Rangr: yes and the Yankees are winning
OnlineHost: Jenb5931 has left the room.
B5CL Drows: Please, do not mention Basebal, I’m still annoyed.
B5 Merlen: It wasn’t specific…. Drows’ questions all had a episode listed
B5CL Drows: 🙂
WhtStar47: me gusta los churros!
Sspants: alo 47?
OnlineHost: Jenb5931 has entered the room.
WhtStar47: Y el cafe…
OnlineHost: RustySwan has entered the room.
B5CL Rangr: thank you Drows….
SUZY52: hi rusty
GoldZMG9mm: this place is a whole lot more crowded then the Eclipse Cafe
WhtStar47: con leche
B5 Merlen: Hi Rusty
Cedarga: Hiya Rusty!
RustySwan: Hello
B5CL Drows: Hiya Jenb5931, RustySwan, the Iced Jhala is on the bar.
B5CL Tap: ::pouts;: I don’t have to be reminded ::foofs::
SUZY52: gold, last night everyone was in there
B5 Merlen: we got the three best CLs here right now…. no wonder it’s croweded Gold
B5CL Drows: Well, everyone, I’ll leave you all in the very capable hands of B5CL Tap,
B5CL Drows: treat her at least as nicely as you would me. >:-)
Alex777A: Ave, RustySwan.
B5CL Drows: ::flips Tap the link::
RustySwan: Hello, Alex
SUZY52: dontyou like nost, drows? shes okay too
Sspants: yo tengo jugo de narajana a las 10:00
B5CL Rangr: Night Drows
Cedarga: Drows, everyone is much nicer to tap <G>
DocPoncho: bye drows
WhtStar47: Te gusta B5?
Sspants: hoy
P21Corps: bye all…cya later…
SUZY52: bye drows
OnlineHost: RustySwan has left the room.
B5CL Drows: I hope everyone has a nice evening, see you all tomorrow.
WhtStar47: ::LOL::
Alex777A: Cya, Drows.
B5CL Tap: :::pulls out some cinnamon rolls:: catches link..niters, Drows
SUZY52: bye p21
WhtStar47: Sspants!

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