Eclipse Cafe – 10/18/1998

B5CL Tap: well as long as your nice, Tran
Morden99: The problem is every one wants you to justify them eh Tran?
LtTranUFOS: yep
KE2209: who is the anouncer
GoldZMG9mm: justify what
LtTranUFOS: b5cl is
Morden99: The rules
OnlineHost: PHAEDRE15 has entered the room.
B5CL Tap: Ack didn’t have the cafe in favorites yet.
LtTranUFOS: is u really watch b5 KE
B5CL Tap: Welcome Phae to the Eclipse Cafe
OnlineHost: PlkyDuckie has entered the room.
PHAEDRE15: {S foof
B5CL Tap: Hiya Duckie welcome Aboard Babylon5
PlkyDuckie: Hiya Tap
LtTranUFOS: so Tap Whats everyones fav ship in earthforce?
B5CL Tap: Do we have favorite ships?
GoldZMG9mm: didnt we just do that!
KE2209: Dawson’s creek rules
LtTranUFOS: change everyones to yours
B5CL Tap: I know the White Stars, and the Starfuries..hmm
PHAEDRE15: not me…..vorlon cruisers
LtTranUFOS: i mean whats your fav ship in earthforce tap
Morden99: Where you from KE2209
KE2209: NY
LtTranUFOS: sorry i dont see what im typing
B5CL Tap: Vorlon cruisers remind me of something from Voyage to the Bottom
of the Sea ๐Ÿ˜‰
KE2209: and why might you ask
LtTranUFOS: Sea quest reminds me of vorlon ship.
Morden99: Just because
PHAEDRE15: your wierd tap……i like that in a host
OnlineHost: StefniLyn has entered the room.
B5CL Tap: Oh thanks Phae ::foofsdahair::
PlkyDuckie: She’s not wierd , she’s gifted.
B5CL Tap: Hiya ya doing?
PHAEDRE15: hi stef
B5CL Tap: Gee Plky…
KE2209: like am i the only girl here
PHAEDRE15: how’s the baby?
StefniLyn: Pretty good. Took a nice Nape
StefniLyn: Nap
B5CL Tap: I am a girl ::foofs::
LtTranUFOS: B5Cl Stef where?
StefniLyn: teehee
StefniLyn: Still Kicking Phae.
OnlineHost: Callista1 has entered the room.
B5CL Tap: hehehe turn yet?
B5CL Tap: Welcome Callista to the Eclipse Cafe
Callista1: Would somebody talk to me?
StefniLyn: Where what Tran?
GoldZMG9mm: Anyone miss Kosh?
LtTranUFOS: <—gots b5 cd running
B5CL Tap: that is what the chat room is for, Callista
Callista1: the entire internet is boring
B5CL Tap: Yes, Gold I miss Kosh ::sad face::
StefniLyn: Nope its still on its side
Callista1: tonight anyway
LtTranUFOS: i said where B5Cl stef?
B5CL Tap: Depends on what your looking for..Callist
LtTranUFOS: are u him/her
Morden99: We all miss Kosh
KE2209: hello
B5CL Tap: hmm Tran you aren’t looking very hard.
Callista1: Kosh was cool
LtTranUFOS: ahhh didnt reconize the SN
OnlineHost: PHAEDRE15 has left the room.
B5CL Tap: {S allkosh
PlkyDuckie: bbl
OnlineHost: PlkyDuckie has left the room.
StefniLyn: Tran I am me.
B5CL Tap: and me is me too ๐Ÿ˜‰
KE2209: I LOVE DAWSON’S CREEK!!!!!!!!!!
B5CL Tap: Gee Stef we got the same name
StefniLyn: But you will always be you
OnlineHost: WatcherAGM has entered the room.
OnlineHost: WatcherAGM has left the room.
B5CL Tap: KE Dawsons’s Creek does have a chat room
StefniLyn: Well great hosts are alike
OnlineHost: Lax678 has entered the room.
OnlineHost: LtTranUFOS has left the room.
B5CL Tap: I am you only to you
B5CL Tap: hmm I am getting confused ::scratching head::
B5CL Tap: Welcome Lax to the Eclipse Cafe
GoldZMG9mm: “If you go to Zu’ha’Dum you will die”
OnlineHost: Lax678 has left the room.
StefniLyn: :::hands a map to Tap::::here these help
B5CL Tap: thanks STef ๐Ÿ™‚
Morden99: No but its annoying
OnlineHost: Jakebook has entered the room.
StefniLyn: No you just get ignored
B5CL Tap: well its hard on some people to read, KE
OnlineHost: DANIEL W57 has entered the room.
OnlineHost: VIR FAN has entered the room.
B5CL Tap: Welcome Jake & Daniel to the Eclipse Cafe
VIR FAN: HI everyone
B5CL Tap: Hiya Virfan welcome aboard Babylon5 the cinnamon rolls are HOT!
Callista1: hi
Jakebook: hi
VIR FAN: Topic?
Morden99: Was it something I said
Callista1: that’s a dumb reason
KE2209: DUH
GoldZMG9mm: Where we try to talk about B5
OnlineHost: Raiden437 has entered the room.
DANIEL W57: hi Tap
Jakebook: vir stinks
Raiden437: hi
GoldZMG9mm: Try being the key word
VIR FAN: NO TV books comics?
B5CL Tap: Welcome Raiden to the Eclipse Cafe
GoldZMG9mm: Hi again Raiden!
B5CL Tap: jake we try to be nice in the cafe, all the time
VIR FAN: or is it open to any related things
Callista1: how do you get a song out of your head
B5CL Tap: Well B5 is on tv and has comics ๐Ÿ˜‰
OnlineHost: SHADOW5492 has entered the room.
StefniLyn: :::grumbles about Powertools for a bit:::
VIR FAN: KE Morden is cool
Jakebook: hey, shadow
GoldZMG9mm: Ain’t Ani’t Ani’t
Morden99: Thanks Vir fan
B5CL Tap: what s wrong Stef
GoldZMG9mm: Morden is cool!
OnlineHost: Pica B5 has entered the room.
B5CL Tap: Hiya Shadow welcome to Babylon5
B5CL Tap: Hiya Pica..LTNS
OnlineHost: Callista1 has left the room.
OnlineHost: Callista1 has entered the room.
StefniLyn: brb
Pica B5: Hiya Tap
B5CL Tap: @@@@@@@@@@@@cinnamon rolls are HOT!
VIR FAN: waves at Morden
OnlineHost: StefniLyn has left the room.
B5CL Tap: Stef has PT trouble..
OnlineHost: KE2209 has left the room.
Morden99: I hate that wave Vir fan
Pica B5: Sounds like a personal problem
Jakebook: hey, vir fan u like vir
VIR FAN: Tap are you ok?
B5CL Tap: Whatcha been up to Pica?
DANIEL W57: zzzzzzzzzzz
B5CL Tap: compared to what Vir?
VIR FAN: Jake yes/no
Pica B5: Selling Starlight, Doing PTA stuff, being a mom..
GoldZMG9mm: sleepy Daniel
B5CL Tap: Ah the Mom bit no wonder you haven’t been arond ๐Ÿ™‚
GoldZMG9mm: ?
DANIEL W57: yes
Raiden437: has anny one seen rampage116 today??
Pica B5: Just read Mira is Pregnant..
OnlineHost: Callista1 has left the room.
VIR FAN: Do any of you live in L.A.
OnlineHost: StefniLyn has entered the room.
Jakebook: hey, vir fan my real name is jeremy
Morden99: Oww look Ke left. Shwame.
B5CL Tap: WB Stef
B5CL Tap: Where you read that Pica?
Pica B5: I wasn’t planning to go to the Cape for the Shuttle launch, but I
also read
OnlineHost: KE2209 has entered the room.
StefniLyn: La la la……here we go a downloading a downloading a
Pica B5: Bruce and JD are going, so maybe..
B5CL Tap: you being nice ๐Ÿ™‚
Pica B5: Tap, got a VOR report
StefniLyn: Thanks Tap
Morden99: <grins evily>
B5CL Tap: cool Pica.
Pica B5: I will forward it to you.
OnlineHost: Tux17 has entered the room.
Jakebook: how do u people make your words colored
Tux17: Hello
DANIEL W57: ha
OnlineHost: WatcherAGM has entered the room.
Tux17: (((((((Tappie))))))
Jakebook: hey, tux
B5CL Tap: Hiya Tux ..welcometo the Cafe
Morden99: Hi Tux
B5CL Tap: Need some crayons?
VIR FAN: Is anyone here going to a group viewing of Sleeping in the light
OnlineHost: WatcherAGM has left the room.
Tux17: Nope….not now
StefniLyn: Jake book you just need to change the font and the color at the
bottom of your screen if you
StefniLyn: have aol4.0
GoldZMG9mm: If your on AOL4 click on the blue A
Tux17: Not “the” light, just Sleeping In Light
GoldZMG9mm: Then chose your color
DANIEL W57: when is it ? ๐Ÿ™‚
StefniLyn: I like pink
GoldZMG9mm: 30303
OnlineHost: KE2209 has left the room.
Tux17: Oh, IGG, sorry, dad wants the phone
VIR FAN: TUX typo half asleep
Pica B5: Tap, sent it to your regular name
Jakebook: who’s u people ‘s favorite charecter
OnlineHost: SHADOW5492 has left the room.
Jakebook: on b5
B5CL Tap: Sleeping in Light? the day before Thanksgiving
Tux17: Vir-What??
Tux17: Oh….ok
StefniLyn: well I need to get out of a chat room in order to d/l this TTFN
Tux17: Bye all!!!
OnlineHost: StefniLyn has left the room.
B5CL Tap: bye Stef
OnlineHost: Tux17 has left the room.
B5CL Tap: bye Tux
DANIEL W57: thanks Tap ๐Ÿ™‚
Morden99: bye stef
Pica B5: Just got done reading Dark Genesis, good book !
Jakebook: hello
B5CL Tap: people come and go so quickly here.
GoldZMG9mm: Bruce Boxleightner
B5CL Tap: I just finished book5 Pica..I am abit behind in my reading ๐Ÿ™‚
DANIEL W57: zzzzzzzzzzzz
Morden99: If you have to ask Jakebook
GoldZMG9mm: still sleepy Dan?
B5CL Tap: How was VOR ..Pica? did all of them show up?
DANIEL W57: yes
Pica B5: Interesting stuff in DG..
B5CL Tap: Dan that is fine for slingo but not here.
B5CL Tap: DG?
Pica B5: Dark Genesis
B5CL Tap: ah okay..just curious if all the stars did show up
Pica B5: From the VOR report I got, yes, all showed, xcpt Tracy
GoldZMG9mm: brb
B5CL Tap: what happened to her?
Pica B5: But all the majors were there
Pica B5: dont’ know
Morden99: Was she missed
B5CL Tap: and Mira was showing her pregnancy
B5CL Tap: LOL Morden
Pica B5: Apparently
Pica B5: “Bruce kept telling her to sit down”
OnlineHost: GoldZMG9mm has left the room.
Jakebook: hello this is a b5 chat room let’s chat about b5
B5CL Tap: I wonder if she will call the kid David ๐Ÿ˜‰
Pica B5: Does she have any children already ?
B5CL Tap: We are Jake..VOR had all the B5 stars
Jakebook: no
B5CL Tap: I dunno Pica..nothing in her bio said
B5CL Tap: checking around
VIR FAN: TAP thanks for the e-mail will you come to the viewing
Pica B5: Said Jerry was happily unemployed, and fishing
B5CL Tap: I can’t Vir..I live a bit to ofar
VIR FAN: HOw far is to far
Pica B5: Bruce and Melissa were going to do a”Touched by an Angel”
B5CL Tap: oh really? that is a nice show saw it a couple of times
DANIEL W57: far out
B5CL Tap: oh abou 700 miles or so
Morden99: Is that all Tap
B5CL Tap: and the day before Thanksgiving I don’t travel anywhere.
VIR FAN: thats far
DANIEL W57: i hear you
B5CL Tap: I mean you only travel if you REALLY have to!
OnlineHost: Jakebook has left the room.
OnlineHost: Paradox367 has entered the room.
B5CL Tap: I think its the busiest time of the year for traveling.
B5CL Tap: Anything else, Pica?
VIR FAN: B5 is worth the trip
Paradox367: hi room
Morden99: Hi Paradox
B5CL Tap: Welcome Paradox to the Eclipse Cafe on Babylon5 station
Paradox367: thanks
B5CL Tap: Did you go Pica..or just read a con report?
Morden99: Wow, I’m now on the bottom of the list
OnlineHost: Cedarga has entered the room.
B5CL Tap: well make it alphabetical, Morden
Paradox367: just got done watching b5 tape
B5CL Tap: Welcome Cedarga to the Eclipse Cafe
Morden99: No. I like ti down here
Cedarga: ((((((((Pica)))))))) Hey girl!
Cedarga: Hiyas Tap
Pica B5: Tap, no, just got a report
B5CL Tap: @@@@@@@@cinnamon rolls are HOT!
Pica B5: Hi Cedar
Pica B5: Just re-reading it now..
Morden99: Give us a roll Tap
DANIEL W57: be back later guys bye zzzz ๐Ÿ™‚
B5CL Tap: I wonder how much time was spend with each star..
Pica B5: Peter did 3 eps of Sliders
VIR FAN: Morden i am always on the bottom if you alphabeties
Cedarga: Really?
B5CL Tap: ————-@ here ya go Morden
OnlineHost: GoldZMG9mm has entered the room.
B5CL Tap: WB Gold
Cedarga: Jurasik?
Cedarga: I heard Eagle was talking with the sliders people
GoldZMG9mm: I’m Back…….
B5CL Tap: Eagle said he was going to direct a Slider up in Canada
Morden99: Vir just wait till VlidistV gets here
Cedarga: No, Tap, that was the Disney thing that they decided to postpone.
OnlineHost: DANIEL W57 has left the room.
Pica B5: Peter also did a 3rd Rock and an LA doctors
VIR FAN: Jerry o’connel is leaving Sliders
B5CL Tap: I talked to him a couple of weeks ago, was goin to do something
for Disney too.
Morden99: Tron 2?
B5CL Tap: Well it was both Cedarga..he was combining it he said, then Disney
Cedarga: Pica, he’d be great on 3rd Rock.
Morden99: ๐Ÿ™‚
Cedarga: Really?
Pica B5: Wayne (Alexander I assume) did the season opener of Xfiles
Cedarga: He didn’t mention that.
B5CL Tap: Wasn’t that the show,Jason was on?
Cedarga: Yes, Tap. {S ohmyfan}
Cedarga: Hmm, don’t have that one loaded either.
B5CL Tap: easy Cedarga :::turns the fan on for Cedarga::
Cedarga: Pica, think he was a monster? (Wayne?)
B5CL Tap: LOL Ced
Cedarga: Tap, don’t worry. I like my men unfrozen, thank you!
B5CL Tap: well I guess, Cedarga ๐Ÿ˜‰
Morden99: Wonder if it is coincedence that Bruce B and Peter J were both in
Pica B5: Says, Wayne interrogates Scully and Muldaur
Paradox367: well of too the net be back lator bye all
B5CL Tap: Prolly Morden, B5 was a glint in jms’s eyes at the time ๐Ÿ˜‰
OnlineHost: Paradox367 has left the room.
Morden99: Just seems odd
Cedarga: Hmmm, maybe he’s a Hoover type ?
B5CL Tap: well its a small acting world, Morden
B5CL Tap: Hoover? or Eureka?
Raiden437: well bye people
OnlineHost: Raiden437 has left the room.
Morden99: Wouldn’t know Tap
Cedarga: Eureka? Not sure I catch the reference
B5CL Tap: ::vacuums cafe carpet::
Pica B5: Jason is about to start a movie called The Red Door,
B5CL Tap: Well I think teh cafe vacuum is a Eurkea not a Hoover, Cedarga ๐Ÿ˜‰
Pica B5: with Kiefer Sutherland and Rod Steiger
Cedarga: Ah, finally I catch it, Tap.
GoldZMG9mm: bye Raiden
Cedarga: Good thing you are in uniform. I only thwap male CLs in uniform
Cedarga: (yes, it’s discriminatory, but I can’t help myself)
B5CL Tap: cool, Pica
Cedarga: I’d like to see him do something else, Pica
Pica B5: Cedar, check your mail, see if you got a full report
B5CL Tap: Oh good Cedarga..anyway it would mess my hair! :;foofs::
OnlineHost: StarTrekCC has entered the room.
B5CL Tap: Glad to know they are all working then, Pica ๐Ÿ™‚
Morden99: Oh no, not your hair
Pica B5: Hi Star !
B5CL Tap: how about Zack?
StarTrekCC: {{{{{{{{{{{{{{Tappie}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}
B5CL Tap: Hiya CC welcome Aboard Babylon5
StarTrekCC: {{{{{{{{{{{{PICA!!! LTNS}}}}}}}}}}}}
Cedarga: Thank you dear!
StarTrekCC: {{{{{{{{{{{{{{CEDARIE}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}
Cedarga: (((((((((Stcc)))))))))
Pica B5: Something about Jeff making a Christian CD
B5CL Tap: interesting..and Pat?
Pica B5: no mention of Pat
B5CL Tap: not there?
StarTrekCC: Tappie, TAR is updating the forum again! yeah!
Pica B5: Some stuff about Julie C.Brown
Cedarga: Did you see Jeffrey Willerth? He said he was on his way there one
B5CL Tap: yeppers CC
Pica B5: WHAT ?
OnlineHost: VIR FAN has left the room.
OnlineHost: TeranMirS has entered the room.
B5CL Tap: Welcome Teran to the Eclipse Cafe
Pica B5: Troy is Back ?
TeranMirS: Hello Mr.Morden
B5CL Tap: Yes Pica..been back for a couple of months, didn’t you know?
Cedarga: Pica, yup, but he lurks away from the cafe most times.
Morden99: Hello Teran
Pica B5: oh, but to have the forum up to date , that’s great
TeranMirS: how is every1??
Morden99: good
B5CL Tap: we got new pix, in the Image Center
Pica B5: Ced, finished the book
B5CL Tap: Beings and far
TeranMirS: that’s great!
TeranMirS: brb
Pica B5: It was good !
OnlineHost: TeranMirS has left the room.
StarTrekCC: Tappie, and I think TAR is updating the Episode Guide too…
Cedarga: Which book, Pica?
Pica B5: Dark Genesis
B5CL Tap: I know Ranger and Drows loved the book likened it to 7 & 9
Cedarga: Oh, yeah.
Cedarga: Interesting parallels there, huh?
B5CL Tap: yeppers CC
StarTrekCC: Tappie, do you know if it going to be a whole forum renovation
Pica B5: Very Interesting, especially the Natasha Alexander part
Cedarga: Tap, one of the few tv-related books I’ve finished reading without
a struggle.
Cedarga: Yeah, for some reason that blindsided me.
Cedarga: I’m usually sharper than that while reading…
B5CL Tap: Book 4 was a REAL struggle, Cedarga
B5CL Tap: I loved 5 though
Pica B5: Tap, 7 & 9 are great
B5CL Tap: Like I said CC dunno..its Troy’s ballgame
StarTrekCC: I heard 7 and 9 are the best of the first 9 of the books…
B5CL Tap: I am starting 6 right now, Pica
StarTrekCC: I have only 9 at home myself
Cedarga: I never finished 7
Pica B5: Skip to Dark Genesis, it is not in the B5 timeline
B5CL Tap: I figure I need to read them all, just to be current.
OnlineHost: VIR FAN has entered the room.
GoldZMG9mm: You must really love the B5 books
Pica B5: won’t ruin anything for you
Morden99: I just started 7
Cedarga: Which one is The Shadow Within? The author is going on a
Cedarga: book tour, mostly on the east coast.
Morden99: Book 7
B5CL Tap: Isnt’ that 7?
OnlineHost: VIR FAN has left the room.
Pica B5: The Shadow Within made me mad…I thought it had more to do with
Pica B5: The “shadows”
B5CL Tap: My friend re-bought it yesterday, borrowed it and then lost it ;-(
B5CL Tap: no shadows?
Morden99: ow poor Tap
GoldZMG9mm: Their aren’t even a dozen of them yet you spend twice as long
on them as the show!
Cedarga: All in one day, Tap?
B5CL Tap: she owed me big time!
Pica B5: Wait, maybe I am thinking of another one.
B5CL Tap: she went on a trip to Houston, Cedarga
Pica B5: The Wisper of your name or something
OnlineHost: Jakebook has entered the room.
Cedarga: On purpose, Tap?
OnlineHost: B5Fanatic9 has entered the room.
B5CL Tap: #5 is the Whisper of your Name..
Cedarga: <G>
GoldZMG9mm: Hello Jake…….
B5CL Tap: twas the Garibaldi one, I liked
Pica B5: Ok, that’s the one I didnt’ like
StarTrekCC: I only read book #9, it the only one “canon”
Cedarga: I was in Texas once… don’t have to do that again…
B5CL Tap: WB Jake
Jakebook: hey,tap i’m back
B5CL Tap: LOL Cedarga
Morden99: The one with the green worm pica
Jakebook: hi
B5CL Tap: well I am not a purist like you CC::tickles::
Cedarga: :::slaps self:::: sorry
StarTrekCC: Cedarie, Texas is NOT bad…Tygerrrr…wouldn’t be as forgiving
if she was in
B5CL Tap: ewwwwww green worms
OnlineHost: B5Fanatic9 has left the room.
StarTrekCC: the room .
Morden99: lol
Pica B5: JMS said that the conflicts between book 9 and “In the Beginning”
B5CL Tap: ::looks at buddy list:: I dont’ think she is on Cedarga..your safe

Pica B5: should be deferred to Book 9
Cedarga: STCC, honest, the only part of TX I saw was the panhandle. Blame
GoldZMG9mm: there isn’t anything funny
B5CL Tap: so that makes it non-canon?
Cedarga: Tap, Ced is usually safe
Pica B5: No, 9 is canon, ITB novel , isn’t
OnlineHost: TygerEyez1 has entered the room.
Cedarga: LOL
B5CL Tap: I thought Florida has the panhandle..
StarTrekCC: Tygerrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!
Cedarga: She sneaked in
B5CL Tap: oope Hiya Tyger :::grins::
Cedarga: STCC, you call for reinforcements?
B5CL Tap: Ah okay Pica
Jakebook: hello
B5CL Tap: gotcha!
TygerEyez1: {{{{{{{{{{{{{Ya’ll}}}}}}}}}}}}}
Cedarga: ((((((((Tyg)))))))) I wasn’t saying bad things about TX, honest!
StarTrekCC: No, Snertdarga, I didn’t call for reinforcements…
B5CL Tap: oh geesch…LOL
B5CL Tap: oh sure CC ..that is what YOU say!
Cedarga: STCC {S thwap}
TygerEyez1: :::Looks at Ced:: Uh-huh….spill it.
Cedarga: Hey! Who shortened this whip?
StarTrekCC: Cedarie, {S jawawhip}
B5CL Tap: Spill!! we can’t spill Ranger will be here soon, I need to
keep the Cafe tidy!
OnlineHost: Trianna2 has entered the room.
Trianna2: Hello everyone!
Morden99: Not good at cleaning Tap?
OnlineHost: Fett216200 has entered the room.
Cedarga: Hi Trianna
TygerEyez1: Foofaraw, LOL.
B5CL Tap: Weclome Trianna & Fett to the Eclipse Cafe
Trianna2: I just got back from the vor convention. It ruled!!!!!!!!
GoldZMG9mm: the babylon progect was our last best hope for peace, It
failed!!! But in 2260 it became…
OnlineHost: Sspants has entered the room.
B5CL Tap: :::::gets out vacuum cleaner again:: sighs::
Pica B5: i just bought new Timothy Zahn Star Wars, Spector of the Past,
anyone read it ?
OnlineHost: Sspants has left the room.
OnlineHost: Fett216200 has left the room.
B5CL Tap: What info did you learn Trianna?
Cedarga: Morden, the vacuum cleaners interfere with the communications
OnlineHost: Sspants has entered the room.
GoldZMG9mm: Our last best hope for Victory!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Morden99: In the year of the Shadow war Gold
Cedarga: Didn’t know it was out, Pica, but I saw him in Madison.
Trianna2: Not a whole lot…but the guy who plays sebastion is in the season
premier of the x-files
Cedarga: When I asked for his autograph, he looked surprised.
Pica B5: I guess it’s been out for a while, I got it in paperback
GoldZMG9mm: The year of the shodow war then But they said that on 2260
B5CL Tap: Did the Xfiles have their premeire all ready?
TygerEyez1: not until next month, Foofaraw.
Trianna2: No. They have it in Nov
B5CL Tap: so who sent out the VOR con report, Pica? gkar?
Cedarga: Oh, well, I buy some of the Star Wars books for future
Cedarga: son-in-law… Don’t read them though.
GoldZMG9mm: Premeire ? When ?
Pica B5: Trianna, how did Mira look?
Trianna2: 4th I think
B5CL Tap: Ah so we can all watch Wayne ๐Ÿ˜‰
Trianna2: Very pregnant!
B5CL Tap: Very huh? 8months or so?
Pica B5: And how did Jason look?
Trianna2: She was beautiful.
B5CL Tap: So is this David?
Trianna2: He was cool
OnlineHost: HUN1134 has entered the room.
B5CL Tap: Jason seems to do a good show at cons ๐Ÿ˜‰
B5CL Tap: huh Cedarga?
B5CL Tap: Welcome HUN to the Eclipse Cafe
Trianna2: Him and Richard Biggs auctioned off dinner with them for $900
Pica B5: Was JMS there ?
Pica B5: WHOA
B5CL Tap: 900????????
B5CL Tap: WoW
Sspants: ZMG, do you like OO7
Cedarga: Tap?
Pica B5: Who paid it ?
Trianna2: He did 3 cartwheels in a row when it ended on stage
B5CL Tap: who shelled out THAT much?
Cedarga: <~~~~is confused
Pica B5: anyone we know ?
Cedarga: Who did cartwheels?
Trianna2: Yea JMS was there. Ithink. I did not get his autograph though
GoldZMG9mm: how ’bout Claudia she there?
B5CL Tap: not sure, Trianna?
Pica B5: Tri, why not ?
Trianna2: Some weird girl and her mother did
B5CL Tap: HUN about a convention this weekend
GoldZMG9mm: SSpants YES! {s James Bond theme!
Trianna2: Claudia was funny too
B5CL Tap: weird girl?
Sspants: :: WALKS OUT OF ROOM::
Cedarga: Claudia is always funny
B5CL Tap: hmm Bill Mumy was there?
Trianna2: I do not know her name
HUN1134: {S DROP
Cedarga: Hi Hun, please talk in upper- and lower-case letters, huh?
OnlineHost: Sspants has left the room.
Trianna2: Yea Bill Mumy was there. I got his autograph
OnlineHost: Sspants has entered the room.
OnlineHost: Set permagag to 1 for ‘HUN1134′, duration 5 min
OnlineHost: Sspants has left the room.
Pica B5: Tri, why didn’t you get JMS’ auto ?
Trianna2: Practically everyone was there
B5CL Tap: HUN we dont’ do boring wavs in the Cafe, only the B5 good ones ๐Ÿ™‚
GoldZMG9mm: Cool trianna2
Trianna2: I did not know where to go
Pica B5: ah
OnlineHost: HUN1134 has left the room.
B5CL Tap: Was it hard to see eveyrone , Trianna?
B5CL Tap: was it a stage thing?
Trianna2: Claudia told a practical joke that was played on her
Trianna2: I had to wait in line for 5 hours on friday
OnlineHost: Beast1238 has entered the room.
B5CL Tap: oh my gosh!
OnlineHost: AWRogers24 has entered the room.
Pica B5: Any news on Crusade ?
Trianna2: Yea. The actors got up on stage and talked when they wern’t
B5CL Tap: 5 hours for what on Friday?
GoldZMG9mm: Not beast 1238 I’m scared…..
B5CL Tap: to get in?
Trianna2: I To get autographs
B5CL Tap: Hiya AWRogers welcome aboard Babylon5
GoldZMG9mm: kidding as always..
Trianna2: Stephen Furst charhed 10 dollars for autographs
Cedarga: Pica, I hear they start shooting again tomorrow. Fast 3 weeks…
Pica B5: Any news on Crusade ? Was Gary Cole There ?
B5CL Tap: How many people were there for 5 hours of signing?
Pica B5: But the $ goes to Charity
Trianna2: Jeff Conaway charged 5 dollars per autograph
Cedarga: Trianna, he gives the money to the Diabetes Association…
OnlineHost: Beast1238 has left the room.
Pica B5: Was Pat Tallman there ?
B5CL Tap: true but still 10 bucks?
Trianna2: CC charged as well.$5 . But hers went to the cancer foundation
Trianna2: Yea Pat Tallman was there
B5CL Tap: well that is far
Pica B5: I paid 5 to Steven at MegaCon
OnlineHost: AWRogers24 has left the room.
Trianna2: There was at least 2000 people there
OnlineHost: AWish51 has entered the room.
B5CL Tap: 2000 not a bad showing
OnlineHost: AWish51 has left the room.
Trianna2: The line moved so slow
Pica B5: But got Robin’
Cedarga: Trianna, that’s quite a lot fewer than I thought would be there…
B5CL Tap: Welcome AWish to the Eclipse Cafe
Pica B5: for free
Trianna2: I think that is how many anyway…
Cedarga: Pica, I paid for Robin’s
OnlineHost: BGAMB1 has entered the room.
OnlineHost: C14Engr has entered the room.
GoldZMG9mm: 2000 I would have hoped for at least 2258 people
BGAMB1: Howdy all
C14Engr: you pretty handy Tap
Trianna2: (lol)
Cedarga: ROFLMAO, Gold
B5CL Tap: Welcome BG and C14 to teh Eclipse Cafe
Pica B5: I guess he started charging, MegaCon was his 1st con
B5CL Tap: who moi, C14? why?
OnlineHost: BRoksgrl40 has entered the room.
B5CL Tap: gee Gold you are so exacting ๐Ÿ™‚
Trianna2: Tallman helped Sebastion auction off stuff for charity
C14Engr: yep, instead of going through all those B5 pages to get in here all
have to do is locate yo
C14Engr: u
B5CL Tap: Welcome BR to the Eclipse Cafe
Pica B5: Did Pat say what she is up to ?
B5CL Tap: LOL C14 well I try to do my best.
Cedarga: She’s cool, isn’t she Trianna?
GoldZMG9mm: exacting?
B5CL Tap: 2258..
Trianna2: A Babylon 5 jacket (unsigned) went for $950
B5CL Tap: ACk!
Trianna2: Yea Tallman rules!
Pica B5: wow
BRoksgrl40: :: puts in BSB cd :: who do you think this is?
OnlineHost: Werrf has entered the room.
Cedarga: Trianna, that’s a lot of gold for a jacket!
BGAMB1: Tallman can’t act, though
StarTrekCC: I wonder how much they are selling the B5 bible, if they are
selling it…
Werrf: Nonsense.
C14Engr: Who is Tallman?
Cedarga: (((((((Werrf))))))))
Trianna2: I know it is alot for a jacket!
Cedarga: c14, Lyta
StarTrekCC: Werrf!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
B5CL Tap: WElcoem Werff to the Eclipse Cafe
Werrf: If you mean Pat ‘Lyta’ Tallman, yes, she can act.
Trianna2: It is ridiculous!
Werrf: Hi, guys.
C14Engr: oh
Cedarga: And I disagree, BGamb
TygerEyez1: Hey Werrf
C14Engr: she not terrible
Pica B5: I know someone who has a jacket signed by everyone
OnlineHost: BRoksgrl40 has left the room.
Morden99: Pat Tallman is a damed good actor.
GoldZMG9mm: tap: It was suposed to be funny you know Haha?
Trianna2: Who?
BGAMB1: She’s horrible…..she overacts
StarTrekCC: Tappie, strange hello, maybe I should try it, <WEG>, WElcoem
B5CL Tap: okay Gold. just kidding
Pica B5: Just a friend ๐Ÿ™‚
Werrf: A bad actor couldn’t have got away with that ‘I am gonna sue
somebody!’ scene.
B5CL Tap: okay CC pick on me ::pouts::
StarTrekCC: ::puts thwap shields up ready for a thwap::
Pica B5: and she will be buried in that jacket
GoldZMG9mm: I know that I just like giveing people a hard time
Trianna2: I have everyone autograph except Tallmans and Koeings
Jakebook: u like goldeneye the 64 game
Cedarga: Pica, or *for* it?
StarTrekCC: Tappie, your much better than Scrollangr…::Gives Tappie a
Macro-Free Certification::
BGAMB1: Werrf….thats the type of scene I’m talking about…that was so bad
B5CL Tap: I think if you buy his book Trianna and send it to him ..he will
autograph it.
GoldZMG9mm: Jake: I most sertainly Do!
Cedarga: Trianna, that’s pretty cool.
Trianna2: I might do that…
B5CL Tap: why thank you CC. ::foofs::
GoldZMG9mm: It probably the best game on the N64
Werrf: Well, everyone’s entitled to their opinion, I guess, no matter how
inaccurate it is.
Pica B5: I gotta run. see ya soon folks
TygerEyez1: CC, LOL.
Jakebook: cool ,u like zelda 64
Cedarga: Thanks for the mail, Pica!
Werrf: That was one of my favourite scenes, but if you don’t like
it…::Shrugs:: Okay.
Trianna2: I got them all to sign a poster and if I had an individual picture
I got them to sign that
Pica B5: Welcome
OnlineHost: Pica B5 has left the room.
BGAMB1: Werf….You mean you thought that wasn’t overdone at all?
GoldZMG9mm: hasnt been relised yet
Cedarga: Werrf, I must have seven different wavs of that scene…
Cedarga: You are not the only one.
Werrf: Yes, it was overdone, but it was overdone in the right way.
Jakebook: what u seen
StarTrekCC: {S wakeup1}
Werrf: It wasn’t meant to be what someone would actually say, it was meant
to make people laug
OnlineHost: C14Engr has left the room.
OnlineHost: C14Engr has entered the room.
Cedarga: Awake! I’m awake! I was only resting my eyese!
Trianna2: CC said once when she was in a serious scene in C+C and someone
put the Enterprise going ove
StarTrekCC: {S upshaft}
B5CL Tap: LOL Cedarga
Trianna2: over the blue screen
GoldZMG9mm: Yep but this does’nt have anything to do with B5
Cedarga: Trianna, you can see that on one of the blooper reels
C14Engr: You want to know who is a bad actor?! It is that lady with the
accent in C&C!!!!!
B5CL Tap: Of course it does GoldZ..
Jakebook: so
GoldZMG9mm: how jake?
Trianna2: I know! She sucks!!!
B5CL Tap: B5 related is either the show or the cons
C14Engr: she always gets one line scripts, and she blows them
Werrf: C14, she doesn’t act, so she can’t be bad.
Trianna2: Good point…
C14Engr: i know she cant act!
StarTrekCC: Cedarie, I like the blooper reels of the Major Ryan saying
General Hague is on DS9
C14Engr: what do you mean she doesnt act?
Cedarga: Yeah, that was funny.
B5CL Tap: Ack CC..he was a long way from home!
Werrf: Well, STCC, he WAS on DS9, wasn’t he?
TygerEyez1: CC, I saw that blooper, too. LOL.
Morden99: Gotta go guys bye
B5CL Tap: bye Morden
Werrf: Toodle Pip, Morden.
StarTrekCC: Werff, it was a blooper.
StarTrekCC: {S upshaft}
OnlineHost: Morden99 has left the room.
GoldZMG9mm: goodbey Mr Morden
C14Engr: When did they show bloopers?
OnlineHost: Kilrah4Eva has entered the room.
Werrf: I’m sure it was, but he was on DS9.
Kilrah4Eva: S}b5them5
Werrf: The reason he wasn’t in Severed Dreams was that he chose DS9 over B5,
so JMS killed him
B5CL Tap: Welcoem Kilrah to the Eclipse Cafe
OnlineHost: Kilrah4Eva has left the room.
StarTrekCC: Werrf, that was what the blooper…Major Ryan was spose to say,
he was “killed”, but instead
Cedarga: C14, you have to see them at a convention. But they have
Cedarga: shown some of them on Bloopers…
StarTrekCC: he said he was DS9
Trianna2: Jerry Doyle said that when they were doing the last scene in
GROPOS where they check to see
OnlineHost: Kilrah4Eva has entered the room.
OnlineHost: Kilrah4Eva has left the room.
C14Engr: Oh
Werrf: Not sure if that’s a blooper or a deliberate mistake.
C14Engr: lol
StarTrekCC: I remember in the SEason Guide it talked about, Peter David’s
wife gave JMS a
Trianna2: who has died and Dodgers name sows up, he leaned over to Leo and
said “I should have f**ked
Trianna2: her”
OnlineHost: Kilrah4Eva has entered the room.
Werrf: …a Bab-bear-lon 5 teddy bear.
OnlineHost: Millerman9 has entered the room.
Jakebook: gotta go
Trianna2: He swore so much at the con
Werrf: And he spaced it in ‘And there all the honour lies’, I think.
StarTrekCC: bear with the initials JS, and JMS didn’t like it and wrote the
B5CL Tap: Welcome Kilrah to the Eclipse Cafe
OnlineHost: Trianna2 has left the room.
StarTrekCC: into the episode, and spaced it.
Millerman9: ::Walks in::
Jakebook: by
OnlineHost: Jakebook has left the room.
GoldZMG9mm: I think I’ll go explore THE RIME Bey bey all!
Cedarga: STCC, I saw Peter David’s wife in madison, and I still wish I’d
Cedarga: had a teddy bear with me <G>
Werrf: The Rime?
Kilrah4Eva: {S b5them5
B5CL Tap: Welcome Millerman to the Eclipse Cafe
OnlineHost: GoldZMG9mm has left the room.
StarTrekCC: It also talked about how Peter David wrote the bear into his
show, and made a race called
Millerman9: thanks
C14Engr: Hiya Miller
Cedarga: They used it in Space Cases, too
B5CL Tap: Ranger is due in 2 minuts and counting
B5CL Tap: ::checks clock::
OnlineHost: Millerman9 has left the room.
Cedarga: Tap, we boring you?
StarTrekCC: the Sckynsic(Space Race_ talking about JMS
Cedarga: <G>
C14Engr: Space Cases is the lousiest excuse for a show i have seen
Werrf: See you guys later.
B5CL Tap: Nope just warning you, CedargaLOL
StarTrekCC: Nah, we don’t bore the Tappie, do we?
Cedarga: Tap?
B5CL Tap: hmm more like 2 seconds
Cedarga: Why is everybody warning me?
OnlineHost: B5 Merlen has entered the room.
Cedarga: I’m a good person?
B5CL Tap: Hiya Merlen
Cedarga: (((((((Merlen))))))
OnlineHost: B5CL Rangr has entered the room.
B5CL Tap: LOL Cedarga. aww gee whiz!
OnlineHost: Werrf has left the room.
B5 Merlen: Hello odd friends.
TygerEyez1: Hiya Merlen.
B5CL Tap: hIya Ranger ::hugs::::
Cedarga: ((((((((Ranger)))))))
B5 Merlen: Hello Spoileranger
C14Engr: lol
B5CL Tap: ::hides vacuum cleaner, broom and dust pan::::
B5CL Rangr: Howdy everyone!
TygerEyez1: Howdy Ranger.
B5CL Tap: ::refoofs::
Kilrah4Eva: {S KILLSIX
StarTrekCC: CedargaLOL, a new fragrence by Ralph Lauren
StarTrekCC: ๐Ÿ™‚
StarTrekCC: Scrollangr!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
B5CL Rangr: Hey Snert…did you post a new question yet?
B5 Merlen: Hey! There’s SnertTrekCC
B5CL Rangr: Hey SnertLen!
B5CL Tap: They have been good..Ranger..honest!! ::blinks innocent big brown eyes:::
StarTrekCC: Scrollangr, nope, not yet, but I will do it tonight, before I go offline.
B5 Merlen: You going to post a new question soon?
OnlineHost: BGAMB1 has left the room.
OnlineHost: Sam1144 has entered the room.

B5CL Tap: Welcome Sam to the Eclipse cafe
B5 Merlen: uh huh…. that’s what they all say
Sam1144: greetings all
B5CL Tap: but..but..Merlen we were
B5CL Rangr: Bad SnertTrek, very bad SnertTrek!
StarTrekCC: ::points to IMs::Scrollangr……::taps foot::
OnlineHost: MstrGrinch has entered the room.
B5CL Tap: See the cafe is all shiny clean ๐Ÿ™‚
MstrGrinch: Greetings and salutations.
B5 Merlen: I was refering to SnertTrek
B5CL Tap: Hiya MrG welcome aboard Babylon5
Cedarga: ((((((Grinchy)))))
TygerEyez1: {{{{{{{{{{{Grinchie}}}}}}}}}}}}}}
MstrGrinch: @}—->——-ยง{B5CL Tap, Cedarga, TygerEyez}ยง——-<—-{@
B5CL Tap: ::puts teapot on link and gives to Ranger:: Here you go babe, have fun ::grins::
StarTrekCC: ::Gives Tappie a Certificate of Cleaness in teh Cafe::
OnlineHost: B5CL Tap has left the room.
B5CL Rangr: Hey Grinchie!
StarTrekCC: MrG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Cedarga: ::::flattens lump of dirt under carpet::::
MstrGrinch: โ€ข ยทยท ยทยทยทรทโ€ขยคยทยทยทรทโ€ขยค|[B5CL Rangr, StarTrekCC]|ยคโ€ขรทยทยทยทยทยคโ€ขรทยทยทยทยท ยทยท
B5CL Rangr: Thanks Tap you sweet thing!
StarTrekCC: ::looks at NoIMsangr…::So, Macroangr, how was your week.
MstrGrinch: Tap you look good in purple
B5CL Rangr: Boy not to many people tonight!
OnlineHost: LORDZIBA has entered the room.
OnlineHost: B5CL Tap has entered the room.
OnlineHost: LORDZIBA has left the room.
OnlineHost: LORDZIBA has entered the room.
B5CL Rangr: WB Tap
B5 Merlen: ::::::chokes on dust cloud that puffed up when Ced flattend the lump of dirt::::::
Cedarga: wb Tap
B5CL Tap: Well darn I poofed..did my dime run out?
B5CL Rangr: Hi LORDZIBA, B5CL Tap, to find out who’s Hosting when, go the NEWLY
B5CL Rangr: REDONE Eclipse Schedule Screen!
B5CL Tap: ::checks telephone changer:::
B5CL Rangr: B5CL Tap, about 3 mins ago
StarTrekCC: {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{Tappie}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}} {S tap}
B5CL Tap: Came back to say goodnight ::hugstoall:::
Cedarga: That’s the problem, Tap, you need a quarter with the dime nowadays…
B5CL Tap: niters ::waves:::
B5CL Tap: {S tap
TygerEyez1: Nite Foofaraw
B5CL Rangr: Good night Sweetie
StarTrekCC: {{{{{{{{{Niters Foofaraw}}}}}}}}}}}}}}
Cedarga: ::::waves:::: bye Tap!
OnlineHost: B5CL Tap has left the room.
MstrGrinch: nighters Tap
B5CL Rangr: Has everyone been combing the site for new downloads?
OnlineHost: LORDZIBA has left the room.
Cedarga: Yeppers, Ranger. Cool pix.
StarTrekCC: Scrollangr, how was your week…::does in Seven of Nine mode::Discuss the change in the
B5 Merlen: I looked but there didn’t seem to be anything I wanted
StarTrekCC: forum?
OnlineHost: Kilrah4Eva has left the room.
StarTrekCC: Why do you host for one day a week?
B5CL Rangr: I haven’t had the time, but I will! <weg>
Cedarga: I picked up the bester/garibaldi/lyta one to take to work
StarTrekCC: ::keeps babbling::
B5 Merlen: Funny, I thought that was how you always are, STCC
B5CL Rangr: SnertTrek, please I’ve had enough of 7 of 9 tonight thank you very much
OnlineHost: Kirantha has entered the room.
B5CL Rangr: Hey Kirantha pull up a chair and stay a while. {S comfychr}
Kirantha: Hey!!! {s kirantha
TygerEyez1: {{{{{{{{{{{{Kira}}}}}}}}}}}}
Cedarga: {S Kirantha
B5 Merlen: Greetings Kira…. I have a special batch of G’kar cider waiting for you
Kirantha: {{{{{{{{{{{[Tyger}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}{P tyger
Kirantha: Hi Ced!!!!
StarTrekCC: New Scrollangr Action Figure, with gaging action, and with optional Macros attachment.
Kirantha: Merlen, how kind of thou. I feel so honored.
StarTrekCC: {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{S Kirantha}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}
TygerEyez1: Hey Ranger!!!! Guess what I’m going to do tonight???
B5CL Rangr: SnertTrek, you forgot the {S jawawhip} feature!
Kirantha: {{{{{{{{{{{{{{STCC}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}{s red_red_
OnlineHost: Sam1144 has left the room.
Cedarga: Ranger, I thought you had to pay extra for that?
Kirantha: {{{{{{{{{{{Ranger}}}}}}}}}}}}}}
B5CL Rangr: TygerEyez1, I wouldn’t go there on a bet! <wink>
TygerEyez1: and it has to do with food.
StarTrekCC: Scrollangr, I also forgetting the {S thwap}ing action
Kirantha: Hey Grinchie
B5CL Rangr: SnertTrek, that’s the cheaper version
OnlineHost: Sam1144 has entered the room.
TygerEyez1: If you were nice to me, I would send some of them to you too.
MstrGrinch: HIya {P Kirantha}
StarTrekCC: Scollangr, {S thwap}
OnlineHost: LordZiba3 has entered the room.
B5CL Rangr: Hi Sam1144, LordZiba3, to find out who’s Hosting when, go the NEWLY
B5CL Rangr: REDONE Eclipse Schedule Screen!ur
OnlineHost: AutumLoves has entered the room.
B5CL Rangr: TygerEyez1, OH!!!! ok….I wasn’t sure!
StarTrekCC: ::Gives Tygerrr, and Merlen some popcorn for the Scrollangr and SnertTrek show::
B5CL Rangr: AutumLoves Welcome to the chat….What’s the topic?….I have no clue
B5CL Rangr: either…<weg>
TygerEyez1: A dirty mind is a terrible thing to waste, Ranger.
AutumLoves: Hello room
B5 Merlen: So, are we going to do Bablibs or talk about action figures with kung fu grip
Kirantha: Popcorn? Who has popcorn and didn’t offer me any???
B5CL Rangr: TygerEyez1, YOU’ve been talking with Mom toooooo much!
StarTrekCC: Scrollangr, how was your week, have you had a scrolling week?
OnlineHost: Archfalcon has entered the room.
TygerEyez1: ROFL.
B5CL Rangr: SnertTrek, busy as usual
Cedarga: Well, good friends, now that I know Polki is safe (she drove to
Cedarga: TN today) I shall be off…
Cedarga: …and offline….
OnlineHost: LordZiba3 has left the room.
OnlineHost: LordZiba3 has entered the room.
Cedarga: Bye!
B5CL Rangr: Howdy Archfalcon! Crusades is coming! Gary Cole playes Capt Matthew
B5 Merlen: So soon Ced?
B5CL Rangr: Gideon, is that kewl or what?
OnlineHost: Cedarga has left the room.
StarTrekCC: Bye, {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{Cedarie}}}}}}}}}}}}}
B5 Merlen: guess so
B5CL Rangr: bye Ced
Kirantha: Bye Ced!!
StarTrekCC: Scrollangr, well, that good..
Archfalcon: Hello
OnlineHost: AutumLoves has left the room.
B5CL Rangr: SnertTrek, how basic math going?
StarTrekCC: Scrollangr, {S jawawhip}
B5CL Rangr: LOL!
OnlineHost: CajunDancr has entered the room.
B5CL Rangr: Hey CD’s here! {S alabama}
B5CL Rangr: Welcome to the room CajunDancr, Crusades will have new characters. Do
B5CL Rangr: you know who plays Dureena Nafeel?
StarTrekCC: Scrollangr, how is the class “how to be busy doing nothing” going?
CajunDancr: evening, all…
StarTrekCC: {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{Cajun}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}} ::gives Cajun some Cajun Creole::
OnlineHost: C14Engr has left the room.
B5CL Rangr: SnertTrek, Oh is that you major this year? <wink>
B5 Merlen: Ranger must be in the honors classes for that, he knows so much
LordZiba3: hey I just seen it, nothing exciting
CajunDancr: interesting looking crowd tonight
Kirantha: {{{{{{{{{Cajun}}}}}}}}}}}}LTNS
StarTrekCC: Scrollangr, nope, but I think your major is boringology
B5 Merlen: Seems to be pick on each other night, Cajun
MstrGrinch: CAJUN!!!!!!!!!!! ltns!!!
CajunDancr: hey, Kirantha…. indeed!
LordZiba3: brb
MstrGrinch: @}—->——-ยง{CajunDancr}ยง——-<—-{@
OnlineHost: LordZiba3 has left the room.
B5CL Rangr: Naw, mine was Party 101
OnlineHost: Archfalcon has left the room.
CajunDancr: gee, it’s so much more colorful in here these days… a:-)
TygerEyez1: Ranger, now why doesn’t that surprise me?
StarTrekCC: Scrollangr, so is that why you didn’t do well in school
B5CL Rangr: TygerEyez1, LOL
StarTrekCC: partying is a no no, Scrollangr
B5 Merlen: He’s acing all the classes in Party 101
TygerEyez1: of course, I was a model student.
B5CL Rangr: SnertTrek, in fact I did, I got bored
B5CL Rangr: TygerEyez1, still posing ,wink>
CajunDancr: Merlen…I begin to see what you meant.
Kirantha: Cajun, don’t ya love it
B5 Merlen: You went to modeling school, Tyger?
TygerEyez1: hehehehe….
Kirantha: Tyger’s a model?
TygerEyez1: not me. I meant I was the perfect student.
CajunDancr: I do, Kir….saves me all the trouble of picking out colors for everybody on my end.
StarTrekCC: Oh, course you also majored in Scrollology..
StarTrekCC: Scrollangr:-)
Kirantha: I know. It sure helps
TygerEyez1: in high school, that is….when I got to college, that was a different story.
Log Count: There were 8 member(s) in Eclipse Cafe at 08:15 PM
StarTrekCC: Tygerrrr..don’t feel bad, just look at Scrollangr and his “Partying 101”
B5 Merlen: I like my black and white screen….. keeps my computer from going crazy….
OnlineHost: Ttogrehram has entered the room.
B5CL Rangr: SnertTrek, well, you in that course Snerts R us? right?
CajunDancr: hello there, Tto…
Ttogrehram: Cajun!!!!!!!
B5CL Rangr: Hey Ttogrehram Season 5 is on Wed nights @ 10:00pm!
B5 Merlen: Hi Ttogre
MstrGrinch: lol Ranger,
StarTrekCC: Scrollangr, nope, but have you been to Snertalmart?
TygerEyez1: CC, Ranger is my inspiration
Kirantha: Hi Ya Tto
OnlineHost: Sam1144 has left the room.
StarTrekCC: Ttogre!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
B5 Merlen: So, not to be a spoiled sport, but how about we do some Bablibs instead of slinging mud….
CajunDancr: what is this? Smurfmania….is everything Snerted tonight?
TygerEyez1: “How to succeed without trying really hard”
B5 Merlen: newbies might get the wrong impression about the room
Ttogrehram: Kira, STCC, KMerl!!!!!!!
B5CL Rangr: B5 Merlen, oh you’re no fun!
Ttogrehram: Everone!!!!
StarTrekCC: Cajun, it just the Scrollangr and SnertTrekCC show:-)
CajunDancr: newbies?? where??? where????
CajunDancr: LOL
OnlineHost: Duke Jon 1 has entered the room.
TygerEyez1: yes it is…..just sit back and enjoy the show.
Kirantha: Not a single newbie here at the moment
StarTrekCC: Jon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Duke Jon 1: bows to all in room
Kirantha: Hey Jon
B5CL Rangr: :::looks at room list:::: nope no newbies in here!
B5 Merlen: Cajun…. are you alergic to bees….. newbees that is
B5CL Rangr: Hey Duke Jon 1, welcome! Have you been to the Babylon 5 Emporium?
Kirantha: ::::waves to Jon::::
CajunDancr: how did THIS happen, I wanna know? ๐Ÿ™‚
B5 Merlen: Hi Duke
StarTrekCC: Cajun, how did what happen?
CajunDancr: Merlen…no allergies here…except ragweed.
CajunDancr: STCC…how did it happen that there’s no newbies here.
Kirantha: <—lots of allergies here.
Duke Jon 1: <—-is happy about the new pics in the B5 download thingi
B5 Merlen: You just seem to jump when I said newbees
OnlineHost: FlyHubble has entered the room.
Ttogrehram: Whatever happened to the good old day when I was unique?
B5CL Rangr: CajunDancr, you mix a Snert with a Rangr and you get the RED/Gren show
Kirantha: Be careful of the sneezing dragon.
B5 Merlen: LOL
Kirantha: Howdy Fly!
StarTrekCC: Cajun, it all AnnoyingCL Scrollangr’s fault
B5CL Rangr: Good evening FlyHubble, glad to see ya…..where ya been? 10/18/98
B5CL Rangr: 08:18 PM est
CajunDancr: Red/gren?? is that Red/Green? or maybe you meant Green/Purple??? {S purple1}
Kirantha: Aaaachooooo {S drgnflme
MstrGrinch: ยจยจหœยฐ*ยบยคโ€ขยทFlyHubbleยทโ€ขยคยบ*ยฐหœยจยจ
Duke Jon 1: snert? remembers the king of snerts charger 35
B5 Merlen: YIKES
B5CL Rangr: SnertTrek, yeah, when in doubt blame Rangr
Ttogrehram: Sneezing Wyrms? oh my……
B5 Merlen: ::::dives out of range of Kiras flame:::::::
B5CL Rangr: CajunDancr, RedGreen show
TygerEyez1: Ranger….exactly. When in doubt, blame Ranger.
Kirantha: <g>
StarTrekCC: Yes, Exactly, Scrollangr, I going to blame you for rain soon
CajunDancr: Jon….I’ll see your charger35 and Raise you a TrekWar
B5CL Rangr: SnertTrek, {S thunder1}
Kirantha: Hey, is gambling allowed?
Ttogrehram: :::::::::Hand’s Kira a flame blanket for a tissue::::::::::
B5CL Rangr: CajunDancr, ROFL!
Kirantha: Tto, how sweet.
CajunDancr: making book yes…rolling dice….no
MstrGrinch: rofl!
CajunDancr: ;->
StarTrekCC: Cajun me and Scrollangr, aren’t that bad as Charger..
B5CL Rangr: I’ll see you TrekWar and raise you a Viper
Duke Jon 1: <—new saw trekwar im i missing wonderful snertyness =)
CajunDancr: STCC….dunno charger….but he can’t hold a candle to TrekWar and Viper
Duke Jon 1: new=never
Kirantha: brb
B5 Merlen: How about a new one…… I’ll bet a Hornet
Ttogrehram: I’ll see your Viper and raise you a Highlander.
CajunDancr: Rangr…I’ll see your Viper and raise you an OC….oh never mind. ;-P
Duke Jon 1: yup i remember viper he/she was a weenie
StarTrekCC: Jon, Tekwar has Shat***, can you say anything else?
B5CL Rangr: ACK!!!!!! No not the Highlander!
Ttogrehram: LOL
B5 Merlen: Whoa….. a new game…… Snert poker
Duke Jon 1: shatner was coo lin tj hooker though =)
B5CL Rangr: Hornet was just dense is all
Duke Jon 1: heh
CajunDancr: Merlen…hey….it beats running newbies outta the room.
TygerEyez1: Highlander as in McLeod…or Highlander as in Amanda?
StarTrekCC: Scrollangr, what the worst snert you have ever encounter(and it can’t be me, since I not
StarTrekCC: normally a snert)
MstrGrinch: The “Raven” is for the birds…
B5CL Rangr: SnertTrek, no comment
B5 Merlen: you’re not, STCC?
Ttogrehram: Tyger, sorry a bit dense…….I was just feeling left out.
B5 Merlen: ๐Ÿ˜‰
TygerEyez1: stupid, isn’t it, Grinchie?
StarTrekCC: Merlen, Grrrrrrrr….::about to hit the thwap button::
Kirantha: bak
StarTrekCC: {S lytagrrr}
CajunDancr: once upon a time….the whole room was fulla snerts…good snerts….who didn’t give a
CajunDancr: fig for TOS and hosts (there weren’t any CLs then) and all they did was party in
CajunDancr: here and have a good time. :::Sigh:::
TygerEyez1: Ttog, don’t apologize. I wasn’t paying attention either.
B5 Merlen: thwap all you want, STCC, i got the best shield there is…. no chat room sounds
Duke Jon 1: someone called me a snert one time cuz of my evil Janet reno assault spells.
Kirantha: Cajun, do you want to go back to that time?
CajunDancr: Kir….I’d go back there in a minute if I could take everyone I liked back there with me.
OnlineHost: VoSH111 has entered the room.
OnlineHost: FlyHubble has left the room.
B5CL Rangr: Good evening VoSH111, glad to see ya…..where ya been? 10/18/98
B5CL Rangr: 08:23 PM est
CajunDancr: ’cause I was one of them….
B5CL Rangr: CajunDancr, and it was a blessed time before the CL’s and the powers
B5CL Rangr: that be to raise Holy Hell in the cafe. Holy be the hot tubs and
B5CL Rangr: swimming pool of old
Ttogrehram: :::::::lights the furnace:::::::::
B5 Merlen: ::::starts singing like Cher…. badly::::::: If I could turn back time
StarTrekCC: Cajun, well you are a firstone, you have always been here..{S koshhere}
StarTrekCC: ROFL, Merlen!
CajunDancr: and the sofa of blessed memory….and the bar where the Archbishop served up
CajunDancr: concoctions fit for knights…yea…even gods.
StarTrekCC: AFK, eatting dinner….:-)
Kirantha: ::::raises eyeridges:::
Ttogrehram: Cajun, my love, may you never change.
StarTrekCC: I going to log off, see you later.
B5 Merlen: rut roh! Cajuns gone bardic
CajunDancr: where Rvnwolf hung out in the rafters….and MarcusB5 read us poetry.
Kirantha: Bye STCC
StarTrekCC: I will return…{S koshhere}
OnlineHost: McCola2 has entered the room.
TygerEyez1: Later CC
CajunDancr: and on Friday nights….we had the Nightwatch.
B5CL Rangr: And the showers scenes and Hail the the Holy Burner of the Cafe! Anf
Kirantha: Well, I for one still like to curl up by the fireplace, with a roaring fire.
Ttogrehram: Cajun, your making me cry……
B5CL Rangr: now thou can’t get insurance for fire
OnlineHost: McCola2 has left the room.
OnlineHost: StarTrekCC has left the room.
B5CL Rangr: Hey…McCola2 I cleared the room of all Shadows and it’s safe to come in
B5CL Rangr: now
MstrGrinch: bye STCC
B5 Merlen: roaring fire…. is that the pet name for your signifigant other, Kira
Ttogrehram: Rangr, eh hem
CajunDancr: it’s been two years since that blessed time….and it still resonates in memory. ::Sigh::
Duke Jon 1: (in Morden voice) what do you want.
CajunDancr: sorry, Tto.
Kirantha: Merlen, L…..O….L…..
B5CL Rangr: Ttogrehram, those were the blessed times
OnlineHost: SHADOW5492 has entered the room.
B5CL Rangr: CajunDancr, hey remember GlithCalis?
Ttogrehram: I seem to think we are suffering from selective memory………
CajunDancr: yep…
TygerEyez1: I really wish I could have been here.
OnlineHost: Durbin12 has entered the room.
Kirantha: I remember Glith…..he sure has changed.
Duke Jon 1: if you go to z’ha’dum you will get investigated by ken starr.
B5CL Rangr: Hey…SHADOW5492, Durbin12 I cleared the room of all Shadows and it’s
B5CL Rangr: safe to come in now :)ddy
CajunDancr: oh for the days before unlimited access…
B5CL Rangr: his is still on my buddy list! and he is still around
CajunDancr: he is?? wow…
B5 Merlen: {S shadow
Kirantha: Ranger, I know. I’ve seen him a time or two. He won’t have a thing to do with me
Kirantha: Totally into SIM groups
Duke Jon 1: <~~~~has a cold =(
B5CL Rangr: Kirantha, I’ve chatted with him in IM’s a few times
Ttogrehram: Cajun, I suppose I am not too much of an impression maker.
CajunDancr: Tto…why do you say that?
Durbin12: {S SHADOW
OnlineHost: Durbin12 has left the room.
SHADOW5492: {S hsadow
SHADOW5492: {S shadow
OnlineHost: Kmszewzup has entered the room.
OnlineHost: CLamm31167 has entered the room.
Ttogrehram: Well, I suppose I am not original.
B5CL Rangr: I see there was some Irony to that last macro ::::stiffles chuckles::::
OnlineHost: CLamm31167 has left the room.
OnlineHost: TARutter has entered the room.
CajunDancr: original how? original to what?
Kmszewzup: hola
B5CL Rangr: Hail & Well met Kmszewzup, CLamm31167 ! Make sure you pay
Duke Jon 1: <~~~~~drops pin
B5CL Rangr: attention to the Zocalo scene in
B5CL Rangr: ** Sleeping in the Light ** it’s filled with lots of folks from Babylon5!
Kmszewzup: hello
B5CL Rangr: Hey TAR!
B5 Merlen: Yes you are, Ttogre…. you’re original
Kmszewzup: b%
Kmszewzup: b5
TARutter: wakka wakka
Kmszewzup: b5
Kmszewzup: b5
Kmszewzup: b5
OnlineHost: Durbin12 has entered the room.
Kirantha: Hey Tar!!!
Kmszewzup: b5
CajunDancr: {S wonk}
Kmszewzup: b5
Log Count: There were 13 member(s) in Eclipse Cafe at 08:30 PM
Ttogrehram: Well, to the room.
Kmszewzup: b5
OnlineHost: Durbin12 has left the room.
Kmszewzup: b5
SHADOW5492: ky6le ge6t out of here
Kmszewzup: b 5
TARutter: Hey CD!
CajunDancr: hellooooo, Troy!
B5CL Rangr: folks we have the Pun master of B5
SHADOW5492: kyle get out
Kmszewzup: no
SHADOW5492: now
MstrGrinch: Hiya Troy!
SHADOW5492: now
B5CL Rangr: Hiya Durbin12 Great news! This area is being updated!
TARutter: Hey Grinchmeister
Kmszewzup: mike i won’t
SHADOW5492: ill beat you up tommorroww if you dont
CajunDancr: hmmmm…..{S snertcop}
SHADOW5492: {S battle
B5 Merlen: rut roh!…. we got the fastest pun in the west and someone who I guess likes B5
Ttogrehram: Bye bye, all It is getting Snert-arific.
TARutter: Who would that be
Duke Jon 1: <~~~~~~walks up to Bar and orders Earther Beer (bass ale)
CajunDancr: bye, Tto
B5CL Rangr: Kmszewzup, Scrolling is a violation of AOL’s Terms of Service. As a
OnlineHost: Ttogrehram has left the room.
B5CL Rangr: result, your ability to send chat has been suspended for the next 5
B5CL Rangr: minutes. Please review them at Keyword: TOS. 10/18/98 08:31 PM
Kmszewzup: {S HOGANNWO.wav
Kirantha: Bye Tto
TygerEyez1: Did I hear that the king of the puns is in the house???
SHADOW5492: go ranger
Kirantha: Tyger, yes you did
Kmszewzup: {S WOLFPAC
TARutter: I thought they only served Zima on B5
B5CL Rangr: TygerEyez1, you’ll have to ask him <weg>
TygerEyez1: LOL.
OnlineHost: Set permagag to 1 for ‘Kmszewzup’, duration 5 min
OnlineHost: Kmszewzup has left the room.
B5 Merlen: No, they serve all races on Babylon 5… not just the Zima
Duke Jon 1: zima=hellish vile beverage.
OnlineHost: Kmszewzup has entered the room.
CajunDancr: Jon…I TOTALLY agree…..putrid swill
TARutter: Ranger, is it true Aaron Spelling is going to co-produce the rest of the first season of
TARutter: Crusade?
SHADOW5492: {s B5THEM4
B5CL Rangr: Welcome to the room Kmszewzup, Crusades will have new characters.
B5CL Rangr: Do you know who plays Dureena Nafeel?y
B5 Merlen: if he is, does that mean JMS will need to get a Spelling checker
B5CL Rangr: please Troy I’m trying to host…..I don’t need to run to the bath room to up chuck!
TARutter: LOL
Duke Jon 1: zima tastes like sprite with noe suger {yuck}
B5CL Rangr: anyone for Bablibs?
OnlineHost: MstrGrinch has left the room.
Kirantha: Ranger, If you are going to upchuck, please make it to the bathroom
B5 Merlen: sure, I’m ready, ranger
B5CL Rangr: bye Grinch
CajunDancr: {S itbegins}
B5CL Rangr: Sheridan to G’Kar: There are still 2 things we don’t have… An Oath of
B5CL Rangr: office and………
CajunDancr: a good five cents cigar!
Duke Jon 1: sure im gamr for some bablibs
Kirantha: and an intern for you to fool around with.
B5CL Rangr: A: and the answer to who really killed JR
Duke Jon 1: gamr=game
OnlineHost: CECJT has entered the room.
VoSH111: declaration of principles
Duke Jon 1: the CIA? =)
TARutter: A: 6 year arc
B5 Merlen: A. enough Kleenex for all the fans when Sleeping in Light airs
OnlineHost: Alex777A has entered the room.
Kirantha: Hey CEC
Alex777A: Ave all.
B5CL Rangr: Good evening CECJT, Alex777A, glad to see ya…..where ya been?
B5CL Rangr: 10/18/98 08:34 PM est
Kirantha: Hi Alex
B5CL Rangr: G’Kar to Sheridan : The words and I will be locked in ………..
Duke Jon 1: oh im sorry i thought you said who killed JFK =)
OnlineHost: Kmszewzup has left the room.
Kirantha: the closet
CajunDancr: Mortal Kombat, level Five
B5 Merlen: A. the bathroom
TygerEyez1: Hiya Alex.
B5CL Rangr: A: Troys closet trying to figure a good pun for Londo!
B5 Merlen: don’t you hate it when G’kar pouts
B5 Merlen: Londo IS a good pun
Kirantha: I love Gkar
CECJT: Ranger i have been at a place you dont know about WORK haha
TARutter: Ranger.. Londo the Lost?
CECJT: <<<<<<TYGER>>>>>>
CajunDancr: ohhh…Ranger KNOWS about work….that’s for SURE
B5CL Rangr: CECJT, you right! Cuz I go to play week days <wink>
B5 Merlen: he knows how to aviod it at least
Kirantha: Ranger? Work? Yeah right
B5CL Rangr: TARutter, needs some work
CajunDancr: hey…at least I think he works….I know I’ve seen him carrying tools, anyway. ๐Ÿ˜‰
B5CL Rangr: Lochely to Franklin: Meaning he was killed else where and dumped……….
TARutter: Ive been working all weekend thank you very much!
Alex777A: Work? Work? What is work?
CECJT: Ranger we all know that you are just a party animal
OnlineHost: SHADOW5492 has left the room.
B5 Merlen: A. in the methane bathrooms where the smell wouldn’t be noticed
Duke Jon 1: ok im back
CajunDancr: A. all over the tables in the War Room.
CajunDancr: in pieces.
TARutter: A: like yesterday’s garbage?
B5CL Rangr: A: under Elisons desk. So that’s where he gets all his good ideas from!
OnlineHost: SHADOW5492 has entered the room.
Alex777A: Ave, SHADOW5492.
TARutter: Its scary under there
Duke Jon 1: brb afk taw.
B5CL Rangr: Welcome SHADOW5492, TNT has moved B5 to a new time, care to
B5CL Rangr: complain? Go to,y b
Alex777A: WB.
B5CL Rangr: Excuse me folks! Work is a 4 letter word and maybe a violation of TOS! <wink>
TARutter: Must be that new TOS
TygerEyez1: Ranger, ROFL.
CajunDancr: you’re right, Ranger…it oughta be typed thus: W**K
VoSH111: like yesterdays lunch
B5 Merlen: Shadow…. you might want to back away from your mike… you’re coming in way too loud
OnlineHost: Duke Jon 1 has left the room.
CECJT: Tyger you know that Ranger just likes sitting around and talking
B5CL Rangr: CajunDancr, ummm that’s masked hystaria! please
Alex777A: What was that about a new time? What time?
B5CL Rangr: Bryon to Lochely: My friends and I are telepaths and in need of…….
CajunDancr: Troy…yes it’s that new improved TOS….cleans whiter, leaves brighter colors.
SHADOW5492: ok
TARutter: A: a date
TARutter: A: a haircut
CECJT: A a brain
CajunDancr: A. a really good Chinese Restaurant.
TygerEyez1: A: a good time.
VoSH111: an asprian
B5 Merlen: A. singing lessons.
B5CL Rangr: A: 2 goats and a jug of wine…..have you seen MrG lately?
Alex777A: And that’s Byron not Bryon.
TARutter: A: somebody to protect the kid here since he will obviously get shot per JMS’
TARutter: no cute kids or robots decree
CajunDancr: LOL, Troy!!! bingo!
B5CL Rangr: Alex777A, so I can’t I spell!
TARutter: CD.. heh
CECJT: whats new
B5 Merlen: Not Rangers jokes
B5CL Rangr: Lochely to Franklin: Dr. we are having an emergency meeting in …..
B5 Merlen: ๐Ÿ˜‰
OnlineHost: Smile72749 has entered the room.
TARutter: A: the mess hall. Bring your spoon
B5 Merlen: A. the methane bathrooms. No one will be listening to us in there.
CECJT: A the airlock
Kirantha: Gotta go. Later all
OnlineHost: Kirantha has left the room.
B5CL Rangr: A: Babylon 6 but don’t tell anyone
B5CL Rangr: Welcome Smile72749, Have a seat and join the chat
TARutter: Later Krantha
Alex777A: Cya, Kirantha.
B5 Merlen: Later Kira
B5CL Rangr: Kirantha, see ya
CECJT: bye kirantha
CajunDancr: A. the cargo bays….the Baskin-Robbins just arrived.
TARutter: bring your spoon
TARutter: LOL
B5CL Rangr: Sheridan to group: Now I’m supposed to lead this alliance, for my money
B5CL Rangr: that means………
TygerEyez1: Later, Kira.
B5 Merlen: A. my Saturday’s are shot
TARutter: A: you should follow in BACK of me
CajunDancr: Everybody does Whatever Delenn Wants.
B5CL Rangr: Smile72749, please we don’t do that in here
OnlineHost: SHADOW5492 has left the room.
TygerEyez1: A: not a darned thing.
B5 Merlen: Sorry, this isn’t a fishing chat room… please don’t troll
TARutter: A: I get to be Johnny Cage
B5CL Rangr: A: listening to the new Willie Nelson CD
OnlineHost: Smile72749 has left the room.
VoSH111: i get a pay raise
OnlineHost: Telepath84 has entered the room.
CajunDancr: man…trolling is even more obnoxious in full color.
TARutter: Ranger.. dont you mean The gambler? ;>
Telepath84: Yo
OnlineHost: Destroy227 has entered the room.
B5CL Rangr: Hi Telepath84, welcome to room! Have you joined the Babylon5 Fan Club?
B5CL Rangr: If not, goto
VoSH111: a: im giving myself a raise
B5CL Rangr: TARutter, nope…Willie Nelson really did come out with a new albumn
OnlineHost: Destroy227 has left the room.
TARutter: Rangr.. I meant since Bruce was in The Gambler movies.. oh never mind
TARutter: Hmph
Alex777A: Ave, Telepath84.
OnlineHost: SHADOW5492 has entered the room.
OnlineHost: SHADOW5492 has left the room.
OnlineHost: SHADOW5492 has entered the room.
SHADOW5492: teeeep
TARutter: watch that door Shadow
OnlineHost: Sayren FE has entered the room.
OnlineHost: MstrGrinch has entered the room.
B5CL Rangr: Hey SHADOW5492, Sayren FE pull up a chair and stay a while. {S
B5CL Rangr: comfychr}
OnlineHost: SHADOW5492 has left the room.
Alex777A: Ave, Sayren FE.
OnlineHost: SHADOW5492 has entered the room.
MstrGrinch: Greetings and salutations.
Alex777A: Ave, MstrGrinch.
B5CL Rangr: B5 Season 1 theme: It was the dawn of the 3rd age of mankind, 10 years after…….
SHADOW5492: i have the disease
Sayren FE: Hi Alex,
B5CL Rangr: Hey SHADOW5492 Season 5 is on Wed nights @ 10:00pm!
B5 Merlen: A. Shatner got his toupee
SHADOW5492: the earth minbari war
TARutter: A: Tron
Log Count: There were 12 member(s) in Eclipse Cafe at 08:45 PM
B5 Merlen: oops… invoked the S word
CECJT: Merlin learned to ues the toilet
CajunDancr: A. Tori Spelling took her braces off.
B5CL Rangr: A: AOL was oline….2 years after the unlimited plan
TARutter: A: Paramount passed on the show
Alex777A: Everywhere Rangr…or are we west coasters being inconvenienced again?
TARutter: um
TARutter: :;taps mic::
B5CL Rangr: Alex777A, I doubt it
OnlineHost: VoSH111 has left the room.
CECJT: Tyger what you up to
Alex777A: ::sigh::
CajunDancr: Hmmmm…say Troy….how is it that your smileys get to be pictures and mine just look
CajunDancr: like this? ๐Ÿ™‚
B5CL Rangr: Sinclair to Delenn: I assure we are doing everything we ……
B5 Merlen: A. can’t avoid.
OnlineHost: SHADOW5492 has left the room.
B5CL Rangr: A to make sure Troy doesn’t use Puns in the cafe
TARutter: A: can.. except the hokey pokey. Londo: Hokey Pokey? Thats what its all about
CajunDancr: A. can to increase Valen’s descendants? ๐Ÿ˜‰
TygerEyez1: No good, CEC….that’s for sure.
CECJT: A can to educate TYGER
TygerEyez1: CEC, {S thwap
CECJT: my other is gone for 2 weeks
B5 Merlen: A. know CEC can’t do. That’s just about everything
Alex777A: One kid doesn’t seem like that much of an increase.
B5CL Rangr: Mayan to Mr G: I create and perfrom……
TARutter: a:
TARutter: Nawwwwww wont go there
MstrGrinch: CajunDancr, dont put a nose on the smiley
B5 Merlen: It starts with one kid…. then that kid has kids… next thing you know… we have a world
B5 Merlen: of Valen decendents
CajunDancr: ah….lemme try that, Mstr…
CajunDancr: cooler, thanks
OnlineHost: CCase3 has entered the room.
OnlineHost: SHADOW5492 has entered the room.
B5CL Rangr: A: random acts of deletion on the B5 site :::says JMS:::
OnlineHost: CCase3 has left the room.
CECJT: Merlin how DO we have kids???
B5CL Rangr: Good evening CCase3, SHADOW5492, glad to see ya…..where ya been?
B5CL Rangr: 10/18/98 08:49 PM est
SHADOW5492: anyone wanna know what happens in the last episode
Alex777A: Well, my personal line is dying out.
B5 Merlen: A. for the Barnum and Baley Galaxy Circus
CajunDancr: oh my….so much for Shadow…. {S shadow} Hi, Iggy!
Alex777A: Ave, CCase3.
B5 Merlen: A. I don’t have kids. they aren’t my type
OnlineHost: CReed52759 has entered the room.
OnlineHost: Qksilver35 has entered the room.
CECJT: Hey Iam a decendent of Barnum
OnlineHost: Telepath84 has left the room.
SHADOW5492: im joking
OnlineHost: Qksilver35 has left the room.
B5CL Rangr: Hey CReed52759, Qksilver35! Can you beleive that someone on Excalibur
B5CL Rangr: will be working for Interplanetary Expeditions?
Alex777A: Ave, CReed52759.
Sayren FE: bbl
OnlineHost: Sayren FE has left the room.
B5CL Rangr: Malcom to Ivanova: There was a time when we would talk all evening,
B5CL Rangr: unless of course…….
CReed52759: Hello all…..
B5 Merlen: Well, Spoileranger has a macro to tell us the last episode, Shadow
Alex777A: Why not?
OnlineHost: StarTrekCC has entered the room.
B5 Merlen: A. we wanted to have a GOOD conversation
B5 Merlen: WB SnetTrek
B5CL Rangr: A: Jerry Springer was on…I just love those fights
StarTrekCC: Scrollangr!!
Alex777A: Ave, StarTrekCC.
CECJT: Ranger you b….
B5CL Rangr: StarTrekCC Welcome to the chat….What’s the topic?….I have no clue
StarTrekCC: Alex!!!!!!!
B5CL Rangr: either…<weg>
CajunDancr: A. there was something GOOD on INS
B5CL Rangr: WB SnertTrek
StarTrekCC: Scrollangr!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yeah, you do have no clue:-)
OnlineHost: CReed52759 has left the room.
Alex777A: Still alive…even if only barely.
B5CL Rangr: SnertTrek, right! I have facts!
StarTrekCC: TAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ::looks at the forum being updated::Good job:-)
StarTrekCC: MrG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
OnlineHost: SHADOW5492 has left the room.
StarTrekCC: {{{{{{{{{{{{{Cajun}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}
B5CL Rangr: Londo to Vir: Do you know how much trouble your little love birds have……
StarTrekCC: {{{{{{{{{{{{Tygerrrrrrrr}}}}}}}}}}}}}}
TygerEyez1: {{{{{{CC}}}}}}} wb, Darlin’
B5 Merlen: A. caused by doing THAT in the Fresh Air Lounge
StarTrekCC: Merlen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
MstrGrinch: โ€ข ยทยท ยทยทยทรทโ€ขยคยทยทยทรทโ€ขยค|[StarTrekCC]|ยคโ€ขรทยทยทยทยทยคโ€ขรทยทยทยทยท ยทยท
CajunDancr: A. making a nest in the low-gravity sections of the station?
StarTrekCC: A:caused, Scrollangr has tried to find you for 3 day.
B5CL Rangr: A: Caused in WB’s main office? Have you seen the coping machine?
B5CL Rangr: and what’s in the OUT bin? Hmm?
OnlineHost: KE2209 has entered the room.
Alex777A: I’ve got a snert list now.
TygerEyez1: A: multiplied in the last 2 hours…oh wait, never mind, those are tribbles.
StarTrekCC: Alex, hmmmmm…what?
KE2209: hello everyone
CECJT: A at breakfast making that mess on the food
B5CL Rangr: Hi KE2209, to find out who’s Hosting when, go the NEWLY REDONE
B5CL Rangr: Eclipse Schedule Screen!
B5 Merlen: A. caused by posing for this months issue of Hustler.
Alex777A: I’m keeping track of snerts who personally bother me.
TygerEyez1: Merlen, ROFL.
B5CL Rangr: B5 Merlen, ut hum
TygerEyez1: brb
KE2209: press 1 if you r a guy
StarTrekCC: Whom…Alex, I wouldn’t be on that list….would I?
B5CL Rangr: KE2209, please no polling
KE2209: soory
B5 Merlen: I didn’t say what for…. could have been an interview on Centauri customs
KE2209: sorry
OnlineHost: Lectarsh has entered the room.
Alex777A: My buddy, StarTrekCC? How could you think such a thing of me. ::wink::
KE2209: will i get kicked off
CajunDancr: Hmmm….if you are a guy…..CAN you only press one? Hmmmm?
Alex777A: Ave, Lectarsh.
OnlineHost: JAC0904 has entered the room.
StarTrekCC: KE2209, no problem, just enjoy the chat:-)
TARutter: BRB
B5CL Rangr: Hey Lectarsh, JAC0904….Have you checked out the New Trivia Boards?
OnlineHost: TARutter has left the room.
Lectarsh: hey
StarTrekCC: Hey Lectarsh!
B5CL Rangr: KE2209, in here it’s not a matter of who’s here or sex..we all hae a good time
JAC0904: no
Lectarsh: hey startrek
B5 Merlen: Some more than others, Ranger
MstrGrinch: now now CajunDancr,
Alex777A: Ave, JAC0904 and KE2209.
StarTrekCC: JAC0904!!
JAC0904: what???
KE2209: well its kind of nice to know who you r u talking to does everyone agree
StarTrekCC: Scrollangr, you have to change those Macros, people are actually taking them seriously
OnlineHost: IkilldKosh has entered the room.
CajunDancr: MstrG….I can never leave a good opening untouched.
StarTrekCC: JAC, just saying hi.
OnlineHost: JAC0904 has left the room.
Alex777A: Ave, IkilldKosh.
B5CL Rangr: {{{{{{{{{ IkilldKosh }}}}}}} Glad to see ya! Don’t forget, you can buy the
B5CL Rangr: Earthforce Source i
MstrGrinch: Instead of asking everyone’s age and sex, try to find out WHO people are
B5CL Rangr: book at Babylon5 Emporium!n
MstrGrinch: instead — it can be a LOT more interesting!
IkilldKosh: Eve, room.
B5CL Rangr: KE2209, we all have profiles for that type of nfo
B5 Merlen: Um, Cajun, I think that’s more information than we needed
StarTrekCC: KE2209, that is why profiles are on, so you can look at the bio of a person.
CECJT: Ranger I dont
TygerEyez1: bak
CajunDancr: LOL, Merlen…I knew Someone would realize I’d made a Big mistake there.
B5CL Rangr: Morden to Lennier: Sorry, it doesn’t work that way.
B5CL Rangr: Now that you’ve raised a ghost, you have to……
MstrGrinch: wb Tyger,
Alex777A: Hmmm…must tweak my profile a bit.
CajunDancr: A. lower the blinds.
Lectarsh: cloak>no52ge<lectarsh)eclipse cafe
B5 Merlen: A. explain the facts of Death to him
KE2209: some people do not fill them out. it dosen’t hurt to ask. and its not like there are alot of
IkilldKosh: A: give it cookies and milk
Lectarsh: this is just a precauision
B5CL Rangr: A: shop, feed, cloth, clean up after it
OnlineHost: MstrGrinch has left the room.
OnlineHost: JLatva has entered the room.
CECJT: A sleep with it
IkilldKosh: ha
OnlineHost: JLatva has left the room.
OnlineHost: JLatva has entered the room.
B5CL Rangr: Hi JLatva, to find out who’s Hosting when, go the NEWLY REDONE
B5CL Rangr: Eclipse Schedule Screen!
KE2209: people
Alex777A: WB, JLatva.
KE2209: is it b5
CajunDancr: KE….most of us prefer to get to know people of all ages…slowly….over time…not with
CajunDancr: a one shot Identity poll. Then we Really know who we’re talking to.
B5CL Rangr: Sheridan to Mr G: Do the Rangers have any idea who’s responsible for…….
JLatva: Evening all…
StarTrekCC: KE2209, yep, this is the B5 chatroom, you found the right place:-0
OnlineHost: Gmmas has entered the room.
CajunDancr: A. that MESS in the Docking Bay? I’m sure as hell not gonna clean it up!
Alex777A: Ave, Gmmas.
IkilldKosh: A: All the partying next door.
CajunDancr: helloooo, Gmmas!
Gmmas: {{{{{{Cajun}}}}}}}
B5 Merlen: A. putting whoppy cushons on all the seats in the conference room
Gmmas: Hi Alex
B5CL Rangr: {{{{{GGGMMMMMAASSSSS}}}}}}
B5CL Rangr: Hey Gmmas Season 5 is on Wed nights @ 10:00pm!
OnlineHost: Lectarsh has left the room.
KE2209: well will it kill you.
CECJT: Gmmas
Gmmas: {{{{{{{Raaaaaaangerrrrrrrrrrrr)
Gmmas: }}}}}
CajunDancr: nope…it’s just not done here, is all.
Alex777A: Will what kill who?
Gmmas: Hi CECJT!
CECJT: Gmmas CE is gone for 2 weeks
IkilldKosh: will sausages kill preston
Alex777A: I like being anonymous…even my picture is no longer online.
CajunDancr: Who Killed Cock Robin? Who Framed Roger Rabbit? Who Shot JR?
Gmmas: Well then, Hi CJ !
CajunDancr: and for TEN Points….Who Killed Kosh?
B5 Merlen: um….. Meeeeeeeester Morrrrrdannnnnnnnn
KE2209: can i just take one more poll b5 that dose not have
Gmmas: Good one Cajun
Log Count: There were 11 member(s) in Eclipse Cafe at 09:00 PM
KE2209: to do with identity
KE2209: ?
Alex777A: Ah……..but which Kosh…Kosh Classic or Kosh Vader?
B5 Merlen: Polling is a no no
CajunDancr: Ikilld…I knew I get you on that one… ๐Ÿ™‚ how you been?
KE2209: will i get kicked off if i do
B5CL Rangr: {S 101_ki~1}
IkilldKosh: I’ve been lurkish
StarTrekCC: KE2209, polling is a no no, rules like this keep the room clean…
CajunDancr: I see that….I’ve been knocking around a bit myself.
IkilldKosh: wait…is that a word?
JLatva: bye
CECJT: Ranger anymore JOKES
Gmmas: Hi STCC!!!!!
OnlineHost: JLatva has left the room.
KE2209: how will it make it get dirty
CajunDancr: IKilld…I think it is now.
B5 Merlen: SURE it does, STCC
StarTrekCC: it like a city keeping a park clean, by enacting ordiances..
B5CL Rangr: KE2209, please don’t polling isn’t allowed
B5 Merlen: not a good example, STCC
B5CL Rangr: Byron to Teeps: Yesterday something happened that will change the lives of…..
StarTrekCC: KE2209, it just a expression, it just makes the room go more smoothly.
B5 Merlen: have you seen some of those “clean parks”
IkilldKosh: So, anyways, as long as you’re abbreivating my name, try three letters instead of six.
Alex777A: Anything you want to know will be in profiles if the person wants you to know it.
CajunDancr: A. everyone who watches South Park
IkilldKosh: A: all housewifes in America. The newest dish washing soap came out.
StarTrekCC: A:Scrollangr, he getting his haircut.
CECJT: A Evertone will become TEPPS
OnlineHost: B5Dragn1 has entered the room.
TygerEyez1: Oh My God….they killed Kenny!
Gmmas: Hi Dragn
CajunDancr: okie dokie, Iki
Alex777A: Ave, BtDragn1.
B5CL Rangr: A: Bill Clinton and Monica….2 words…video tape!
B5Dragn1: Greetings All
IkilldKosh: right
StarTrekCC: {{{{{{{{{{Dragn1}}}}}}}}}}}}}}
TygerEyez1: {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{Dragn-MOM}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}
B5 Merlen: Greetings to the Great B5Dragon
B5Dragn1: {{{{{{{{Tyger-daughter}}}}}}}}}}}
B5CL Rangr: Hey B5Dragn1 pull up a chair and stay a while. {S comfychr}
KE2209: so if i ask a person induvidauly will that be considered polling
B5 Merlen: You can ask in IMs KE
CECJT: Hey Dragn
B5Dragn1: Thanks Rangr… feet are killing me….
StarTrekCC: Bad, Scrollangr…{S thwap}
StarTrekCC: KE2009, ask via IM…if it to one person:-)
CajunDancr: :::sigh::: oh for the good old days before Unlimited Access…
B5CL Rangr: KE2209, you may in IM, but not the room in general
Alex777A: If you ask through IM’s nobody else will know.
OnlineHost: Stargaze97 has entered the room.
B5Dragn1: {{{{{{{{Gmmas}}}}}}}}}}
OnlineHost: Duke Jon 1 has entered the room.
IkilldKosh: well, ya see, there’s alway the handy ignore button
B5 Merlen: Ranger…. are those Lounge Chairs
B5Dragn1: {{{{{{{{{cajun}}}}}}}} How you be?
B5CL Rangr: Hail and Well met Stargaze97, Duke Jon 1…Welcome to the Cafe, B5CL
B5CL Rangr: Staff is supplying free J’hala tonight
B5CL Rangr: B5 Merlen, why yes
OnlineHost: IkilldKosh has left the room.
CajunDancr: Dragn….I be fine….you be fine, too? ๐Ÿ™‚
Alex777A: Ave, Stargaze97 and Buke Jon 1.
Duke Jon 1: is back
B5Dragn1: Greetings Mi’Lord….how are you this evening?
StarTrekCC: Jon!!!!!!!!!
Stargaze97: hi all
B5CL Rangr: Jano to Londo: He has been found walking the palace late at night, they say
B5CL Rangr: that he………
Gmmas: Hi Jon
B5 Merlen: fits…. this is the Lounge after all…..
KE2209: everyone does it in other rooms. isn’t this suppose to be a cool room
StarTrekCC: Alex, Buke Jon 1?
B5Dragn1: Yup….dreading some tests but otherwise fine…….
Duke Jon 1: bows to all present in room.
B5 Merlen: A. keeps yelling “WHERE’S THE BEEF”
TygerEyez1: A: he is muttering incessantly about Ranger’s macros
B5Dragn1: A: Sucks his thumb
CajunDancr: A. paces the floor mumbling “Lewinsky….Starr….Lewinsky…Starr…Hilary”
StarTrekCC: KE2209, I consider this to be a “cool” room, but we have different rules here, and if you
CECJT: Tyger that offer still stands
Alex777A: Oops…so much or spelling…::whacks at spelling demons breeding in keyboard::
Gmmas: A.chatted too long online
B5CL Rangr: A: likes to watch a show called * Bay Watch* eeeeewwwwwwww
TygerEyez1: which one?
KE2209: i sould leave because if i talk to people it will be considered polloing.
CECJT: working for me
B5CL Rangr: KE2209, that isn’t true
StarTrekCC: KE2209, not general chit chat..
Duke Jon 1: Damnit Jim in a doctor not a white house intern.
Gmmas: Jon: lol
KE2209: that means no one can ask any ? bye bye
TygerEyez1: Sooooo sorry, but no can do.
StarTrekCC: KE2209, yes you can ask a question? Like if you wanted to ask why Kosh was killed you could
CECJT: dont you like spoiled brats???
StarTrekCC: do that.
Alex777A: I talk to people all the time without polling.
B5CL Rangr: KE2209, just not age/sex/location/anything that involves personal info
Alex777A: Doesn’t take much talent.
KE2209: nope sorry you said that was polling. and we want to keep r room clean.
B5Dragn1: LOL Alex….how are you?
KE2209: i would not want to break your tight rules
B5CL Rangr: Sheridan to Zack: It’s the worst thing you can do to someone Zak, threaten to……..
Alex777A: Oh, still alive…but it hasn’t got much going for it. ๐Ÿ˜‰
CajunDancr: A. cut off their supply of Zima!
B5Dragn1: You sound like me Alex…that IS bad…..LOL
StarTrekCC: KE2209, what do you like in B5?
Gmmas: A. change who sits in the Captains chair
CECJT: MR G after a drinking spell
Alex777A: Tight rules? Here? Not that I’ve noticed.
B5CL Rangr: A: show him pix’s of Janet Reno…..
B5 Merlen: *sigh* why must people twist what is said to make it sound like we’re morons
B5Dragn1: A: Make them listen to Rangr’s macros
B5 Merlen: A. take away their Babylon 5 Tapes
Stargaze97: nooo
KE2209: you think i like it. how do i know if he is a male i can’t pole.
Alex777A: Eek!
CECJT: A Give Mr G a drink
StarTrekCC: A:cut off Scrollangr’s coffee account
OnlineHost: B5Dragn1 has left the room.
KE2209: poll i mean
CajunDancr: KE….ever hear of IMs?
OnlineHost: BOMBA129 has entered the room.
Alex777A: Ask him in IM’s if your just dying to know.
Stargaze97: for real
KE2209: last time i i med an anouncer. they won’t im back
B5CL Rangr: Hello BOMBA129, you can get you new Babylon5 1999 calendar @
B5CL Rangr: calendar.html
OnlineHost: B5Delenn1 has entered the room.
B5CL Rangr: G’Kar to Londo: She was my Aide, Molari. And my……
TygerEyez1: {{{{{{{{{{{{Delenn}}}}}}}}}}}
B5 Merlen: A. stunt double.
CajunDancr: well I tell ya….all this tension and confusion….time to dance! {S snpydnce}
StarTrekCC: KE2209, well use a profiles, or if he/she has no profiles, ask via IM.
B5Delenn1: {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{Tyger}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}
OnlineHost: JAC0904 has entered the room.
Alex777A: If they don’t answer you could probably conclude they don’t want you to know.
B5CL Rangr: {{{{{{{{{ B5Delenn1, JAC0904 }}}}}}} Glad to see ya! Don’t forget, you can
B5CL Rangr: buy the Earthforce Source
B5CL Rangr: book at Babylon5 Emporium!
Gmmas: A. press secretary
KE2209: im not dying to know about him all i asked how old everyone is
StarTrekCC: {{{{{{{{Delenn}}}}}}}}
OnlineHost: JAC0904 has left the room.
B5 Merlen: And if they have IMs shut off, then don’t wonder no more
B5CL Rangr: A: my only contact for the Snpydnce
B5Delenn1: {{{{{{{STCC}}}}}}}
OnlineHost: BOMBA129 has left the room.
OnlineHost: KE2209 has left the room.
TygerEyez1: Ranger, ROFL.
OnlineHost: BOMBA129 has entered the room.
B5Delenn1: A; three goats and jug of wine
StarTrekCC: KE2209, what is your favorite…oh well, we tried.
B5CL Rangr: Hey BOMBA129 ! Glad to see ya! Come on in and join me for a Jovian
B5CL Rangr: Sunspotin
TygerEyez1: oh God, are we on that one again?
B5CL Rangr: funny KE doesn’t have a profile…imagine that
Alex777A: Ave, BOMBA129.
B5CL Rangr: Londo to G’Kar: And for my next trick, I’ll………….
CECJT: A Think
B5Delenn1: he is standing over my shoulder telling me what to type
StarTrekCC: A:Make the People Connection more like the Eclipse Cafe
B5 Merlen: Gee, color me surprised, Ranger :::::voice dripping with sarcasm::::::
Gmmas: A. give B5 the 7 pm slot again
CajunDancr: A. balance Vir on the head of a pin while whistling “Zooty, Zooty, Zoot!”
B5CL Rangr: A: make milk come out my nose while eating spoo
TygerEyez1: I should have realized.
Alex777A: What is this new mania questioning thing going on?
TygerEyez1: A: make Sheridn stop using that stupid answer.
B5Delenn1: A: Pull a rabbit out of my pants for you
CajunDancr: mania?? what mania?
StarTrekCC: Well, we tried to civilize KE2209, but I guess (she) doesn’t listen.
OnlineHost: BOMBA129 has left the room.
CajunDancr: ohhh…did KE leave, finally…. Whew!
CECJT: Good one Tyger
B5CL Rangr: Woman to Londo: Ah..Emperor Cartia also played this game with…..
B5 Merlen: A. me. “you put your right hand in, you put your right hand out…”
StarTrekCC: A:Scrollangr, she Cartia and Scrollangr are brothers..believe it or not.
CECJT: A his pinky
TygerEyez1: A: the entire corp of the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders.
B5Delenn1: A: three goats and a jug of wine
CajunDancr: A. three Minbari and a bottle of Bourbon.
B5 Merlen: A. Three spoo and a jug of hot Jhala
CECJT: Ranger what did you expect
StarTrekCC: ::CC is lagging…*Beep*::
B5CL Rangr: A: you put the right foot in and you take the right foot out….
CajunDancr: {S jump2lft}
B5 Merlen: Ranger…. that’s what I said
B5Delenn1: waiting for Bessie to get done eating so we can have her birthday cake
StarTrekCC: Scrollangr, that a Xerox of another answer.
B5CL Rangr: B5 Merlen, GMTA
OnlineHost: Vaylenn has entered the room.
Gmmas: Has anyone heard any reactions to VOR yet?
B5CL Rangr: and I said foot not hand
Alex777A: Ave, Vaylenn.
TygerEyez1: I wouldn’t quite use the term Great though.
Vaylenn: hello, all
B5CL Rangr: Hey Vaylenn, welcome! Have you been to the Babylon 5 Emporium?
B5CL Rangr: Franklin to Sheridan: I’m looking for MrG…I figured he’s never very far from….
OnlineHost: Sharon262 has entered the room.
Gmmas: Hi Vaylenn
CECJT: no Gmmas
Alex777A: Yeah…I’ve heard about possible litigation.
OnlineHost: KE2209 has entered the room.
B5 Merlen: How did you get that knife so sharp to split hairs like that
Vaylenn: yes
B5CL Rangr: Welcome Sharon262, KE2209, Have a seat and join the chat
OnlineHost: MCRaybon has entered the room.
StarTrekCC: WB, KE2209
Gmmas: Alex: how so?
CajunDancr: Litigation over VOR???
OnlineHost: Stargaze97 has left the room.
KE2209: what star
Sharon262: {{{{{{{Ranger}}}}}}}}
Alex777A: Interminably long lines for people who paid the premium prices.
B5CL Rangr: Welcome MCRaybon, TNT has moved B5 to a new time, care to
B5CL Rangr: complain? Go to,
B5CL Rangr: Ouch! CD
StarTrekCC: KE, I just said welcome back
KE2209: star, why did you say that
OnlineHost: Lespresto has entered the room.
B5 Merlen: A. his three spoo and bottle of Jack Daniels
B5CL Rangr: {{{{{{Sharon262}}}}}
Log Count: There were 15 member(s) in Eclipse Cafe at 09:15 PM
KE2209: oh thanks
CajunDancr: oh man….that’d be worth a suit, Alex
Gmmas: {{{{{Lespresto}}}}}
CECJT: A a bottle and Strange looking people
B5CL Rangr: Hail and Well met Lespresto…Welcome to the Cafe, B5CL Staff is
B5CL Rangr: supplying free J’hala tonight
TygerEyez1: Hiya Les.
B5Delenn1: he said it to welcome you back into the room, KE
StarTrekCC: KE, so what parts do you like of Babylon 5?
StarTrekCC: Lespit!!!!!!!
Alex777A: Yeah…if I put up $200 I’d want to get what I paid for.
Lespresto: {{{{{{{{Gmmas}}}}}}}
KE2209: b5, i know what he said
Gmmas: Alex: ok, that sounds bad, but not surprising
CajunDancr: Damn straight, Alex…makes me glad I decided against going.
Lespresto: Hi Tyger
B5Delenn1: then why ask why??
OnlineHost: Destroy227 has entered the room.
CajunDancr: ’cause I woulda paid the $200
B5Delenn1: hello Lep
OnlineHost: MCRaybon has left the room.
OnlineHost: Roddin20 has entered the room.
KE2209: star, everything butt the polling rules
Lespresto: Hi STCC!!!!!1
B5CL Rangr: Hello Destroy227, Roddin20, you can get you new Babylon5 1999
Alex777A: I would have, too…If I’d had it and gone to the con.
B5CL Rangr: calendar @ calendar.html
KE2209: b5, never mind
Lespresto: Hi Delenn
B5CL Rangr: Lyta to Teeps: Wait Wait..before the end, Byron sent me his memories of……..
Alex777A: Ave, Destroy227 and Robbin20.
Lespresto: Hi Everyone!
Gmmas: A.oooohhhh, i’m not telling
CajunDancr: A. last month’s stag party and smoker.
TygerEyez1: A: a time when the macros were still new.
Destroy227: hey alex
Lespresto: Hi Rangr
OnlineHost: ERICL7 has entered the room.
StarTrekCC: KE2209, just stick with this room…and you won’t even notice the rules.
OnlineHost: Ttogrehram has entered the room.
CECJT: A the perfect s-x
Destroy227: A> how good the sex was
B5 Merlen: A. well, that night when we….. you know….
OnlineHost: Destroy227 has left the room.
Alex777A: Ave, ERICL7.
CajunDancr: WB, Tto
KE2209: star, do you watch dawson’s creek?
B5Delenn1: {{{{{{{{{{Tto}}}}}}}}}}}}
StarTrekCC: A:a time when Scrollangr hosted more than one night.
B5CL Rangr: Hey…ERICL7, Ttogrehram I cleared the room of all Shadows and it’s safe
B5CL Rangr: to come in now :)mo
B5CL Rangr: A: Disney Planet and the ride of Thunder…so I’m giving you all a momento
OnlineHost: Roddin20 has left the room.
Sharon262: STCC LOL!
Ttogrehram: Hi all, are the snerts gone?
OnlineHost: ERICL7 has left the room.
StarTrekCC: KE, nope I don’t, I just usually watch Sci Fi programs…like Trek, B5
Alex777A: Ave to anybody I missed. ๐Ÿ˜‰
KE2209: star, b5 reminds me every time
B5 Merlen: Wow…. I didn’t know Byrons memories went bakc that far, STCC
OnlineHost: MinbariRob has entered the room.
KE2209: then why r u on th ewb chatline
Alex777A: Ave, MinbariRob.
TygerEyez1: Hiya Rob.
OnlineHost: Ttogrehram has left the room.
B5CL Rangr: Welcome MinbariRob, Have a seat and join the chat
MinbariRob: Hi Tyger
Alex777A: Ah, there’s a snert I’m tracking online right now.
B5 Merlen: possibly cause this is a Babylon 5 chat room and STCC watches B5
StarTrekCC: ROFL, Merlen!
CajunDancr: Alex…if you snare it….{S snertcop}
CECJT: Tyger have you pick on Sin latle
B5CL Rangr: Londo to Vir: You see Vir, give someone a little authority and a…………
KE2209: i have no one to talk to
TygerEyez1: the other night for a little while.
CECJT: lately
StarTrekCC: Rob!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
MinbariRob: STCC
OnlineHost: TekLord 00 has entered the room.
StarTrekCC: A:aide like Scrollangr, then frightful things can happen
Alex777A: Why would someone I’ve never heard of IM me, just to be rude? I don’t understand it.::sigh:
B5CL Rangr: A: a website and they think the world will come to their door!
B5CL Rangr: Welcome TekLord 00, TNT has moved B5 to a new time, care to
B5CL Rangr: complain? Go to,
CECJT: I like it when he hides from us
KE2209: b5, how do you become a anouncer?
CajunDancr: Alex….they have NOTHING Better to do…and very little on the brain.
Alex777A: Ave, TekLord 00.
TekLord 00: what time Ranger???
TekLord 00: hey alex
Alex777A: But, how did they get MY name?
OnlineHost: RustySwan has entered the room.
CajunDancr: oh well that’s easy…Member Directory
Alex777A: I like to think I’m relatively inoffensive.
OnlineHost: TekLord 00 has left the room.
Gmmas: Hi Rusty
OnlineHost: TekLord 00 has entered the room.
Alex777A: Ave, RustykSwan.
MinbariRob: Evening Rusty
B5Delenn1: {{{{Tek}}}}
B5CL Rangr: KE2209, I’m just the Host here…and the Sub Forum Leader…no one really important
TygerEyez1: Hiya Rusty.
Alex777A: Wb, TekLord.
StarTrekCC: I hate those people who IM you, that I don’t know…
B5CL Rangr: Hello RustySwan, TekLord 00, you can get you new Babylon5 1999
B5CL Rangr: calendar @ calendar.html
Lespresto: Alex: I’ve had a lot of people IM me out of the blue!!!!
B5Delenn1: hola Rusty
TekLord 00: {{{{Delenn}}}}
RustySwan: Hi All
KE2209: can i be aaN ANOUNCER
CajunDancr: Alex…depends what search parameters they used.
TekLord 00: brb
OnlineHost: TekLord 00 has left the room.
B5CL Rangr: KE2209, sure…fill out an application
StarTrekCC: Scrollangr…so do you work on submarines…
TygerEyez1: me too, and some of them were idiots, too.
KE2209: how old
KE2209: do u have to be
B5CL Rangr: KE2209, depends
Lespresto: Hi Rusty
Alex777A: They mentioned something from my profile, all right
StarTrekCC: KE, I think the age is 18
RustySwan: Hi
StarTrekCC: {{{{{{{{{{{{{Rusty}}}}}}}}}}}}
KE2209: well then i can’t
Alex777A: I didn’t know a search would pull up something like that.
OnlineHost: Lyta 2000 has entered the room.
OnlineHost: RustySwan has left the room.
B5CL Rangr: Howdy Lyta 2000 Only those with B5CL in front of their name are *
CajunDancr: Alex….with an Advanced search…you can find just about anyone you want if they
CajunDancr: have a profile.
B5CL Rangr: KE2209, go to Kw: Babylon5 and look in the lower right hand corner for Join the team
StarTrekCC: KE, just stick by this place, you will find that will find some interesting friends here.
KE2209: =4=4=4=4=4==4=4=4==4=4=4=4=4==4=4=4=4=4=4=4=4=4==4=4=4=4==4=4=4=4==4=4=4=4===4=4=4=4=4=4=4=4
B5CL Rangr: KE2209, please not do that
KE2209: sorry
Duke Jon 1: IS BAK FRM IM LAND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Alex777A: People actually sit around searching out a profile to find a person to be inexplicably rude
Alex777A: to?
Alex777A: How strange.
B5 Merlen: Iggy is mother, iggy is father, you can know peace through the iggy.
OnlineHost: ERICL7 has entered the room.
StarTrekCC: KE2209, no problem, it nothing to worry about:-)
Alex777A: And I thought my life was boring.
OnlineHost: UnHolyNght has entered the room.
Gmmas: Alex: lots of crazy people out there
CajunDancr: yep….odd, isn’t it? kinda like sitting around pulling the wings off flies.
Lyta 2000: Hi STrek, Merlin
CajunDancr: Merlen…well put.
MinbariRob: It would appear that they do Alex
OnlineHost: KE2209 has left the room.
Alex777A: Ave, UnHolyNght.
B5CL Rangr: Hiya ERICL7, UnHolyNght Great news! This area is being updated!
UnHolyNght: Hiya. It is? Finally? After 2 years?
Alex777A: Ave, ERICL7.
Gmmas: Ranger: still waiting for those updates
Lyta 2000: Trek, what’s shaken
B5CL Rangr: Lennier to Delenn: You have a very busy day today,
B5CL Rangr: Ambassodor Kepti has asked to speak with you about…….
B5CL Rangr: Gmmas, then you haven’t been looking
Gmmas: A. that gift Sheridan gave you
Alex777A: The other day Stef and I were chatting and the chatting feature went out on us.
StarTrekCC: Hi Lyta!!!!!!
OnlineHost: TARutter has entered the room.
Gmmas: Ranger: there was that new rule listing…..
CECJT: A that night with Iviana
Gmmas: Hi Troy!
Alex777A: A martini?
StarTrekCC: TAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
TARutter: Hmmm.. what is that new “B5 Cast & Crew” on the main page?
Alex777A: Ave, TARutter.
B5CL Rangr: A: about the Victoria Secret package….he didn’t send it and doesn’t know anything about it
TygerEyez1: Hey Troy.
B5CL Rangr: {{{{{{{{{ TARutter }}}}}}} Glad to see ya! Don’t forget, you can buy the
B5CL Rangr: Earthforce Source
B5CL Rangr: book at Babylon5 Emporium!
StarTrekCC: TAR, Your doing a great job…::looks to the forum::
Lyta 2000: One more week!!!!!!
TARutter: You can also buy it at my site, Rangr.
B5Delenn1: {{{{{{{{{{TAR}}}}}}}}}
B5CL Rangr: Oh Troy! ::::Hides bodies:::::
StarTrekCC: TAR, did you get your old “job” back?
OnlineHost: FIameLions has entered the room.
Alex777A: Main page? I’d have to backtrack to get to it…I just jump straight into the room.
StarTrekCC: {{{{{{{{{{{Flamey!!!!}}}}}}}}}}
Lespresto: Hi TAR
MinbariRob: {{{Justine}}}
TARutter: CC… um… I dont know what you mean.
Alex777A: Ave, FIameLions…LTNS..
B5Delenn1: how is it going Troy??
OnlineHost: LORDZIBA has entered the room.
FIameLions: ::claws CC:: told you dont call me that
B5CL Rangr: Hi FIameLions, to find out who’s Hosting when, go the NEWLY REDONE
B5CL Rangr: Eclipse Schedule Screen!
FIameLions: hiya Alex
FIameLions: {{{{{{Rob}}}}}}}}}}}
OnlineHost: Willow1903 has entered the room.
Alex777A: Ave, LORDZIBA.
Alex777A: Ave, Willow1903.
FIameLions: hiya Troy
Vaylenn: weellll, i just came in for a quick hello. got to go and thought id say hi. besides, its get
B5CL Rangr: TARutter, yes…but you only offer the spiked collars
Willow1903: Hello
StarTrekCC: Flamey, Grrrr…{S lytagrrr}
B5CL Rangr: Welcome to the room Willow1903, Crusades will have new characters. Do
Vaylenn: too crowded in here
B5CL Rangr: you know who plays Dureena Nafeel?
Gmmas: Ranger: i’m going to check it out (front door route); brb
OnlineHost: Gmmas has left the room.
B5CL Rangr: Gmmas, good idea
TARutter: ::foof::
Alex777A: I’ll have to check later.
B5CL Rangr: Oh no! I have to report that to the * FOOF* police!
MinbariRob: Troy… are you foofing?
StarTrekCC: TAR, are you also going to update the Guide…::episode guide::
TARutter: Who me?
Duke Jon 1: <—is watching voyager as we speak…er type
B5 Merlen: Foof to the head…..
B5Delenn1: hey Troy….. i thought foofing was illegal in here except for Tap??
Vaylenn: ooooooooooooowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
CECJT: Ranger isnt Tyger Chief FOOF
TARutter: Delenn… When the TAP’s away…
TARutter: The mice foof
TARutter: ;>
B5CL Rangr: Sorry Troy, that’s a violation of FOL * Foofing On Line* please go to Key
B5CL Rangr: Word Tap for instruction!
TARutter: says keyword not found
B5Delenn1: LOL, Troy
CajunDancr: well folkses….I just dropped in for a refresher course on the EC…. ๐Ÿ˜› Time to
CajunDancr: skeedaddle…bye for now! {S life}
StarTrekCC: ROFL, TAR!!!!
B5 Merlen: I thought it was a Terms of Foofing violation
Alex777A: Lots of DS9 showing in my neck of the woods lately.
TARutter: keyword foof goes to the hair forum
OnlineHost: Gmmas has entered the room.
TARutter: J/K. ;>
StarTrekCC: {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{Cajun}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}} ::Gives Cajun some Cajun Creole::
Alex777A: Cya, CajunDancr.
UnHolyNght: Anyone get the offical B5 mag from England?
CajunDancr: bye, Ranger….. {{{{{{{{{{{:)}}}}}}}}}}}
StarTrekCC: Gmmas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Alex777A: Wb, Gmmas.
OnlineHost: LORDZIBA has left the room.
B5CL Rangr: CajunDancr, see ya sweetie!
B5CL Rangr: If not, goto
OnlineHost: FIameLions has left the room.
OnlineHost: CajunDancr has left the room.
Gmmas: Ranger: the new Cast & Crew part is nice; but its still time to change Franklin’s pic!
StarTrekCC: Scrollangr, are you in volation of the Terms of Scrolling? goto Keyword Rangr:-)
TARutter: Gmm… Franklin is just misunderstood
TARutter: LOL
Vaylenn: ooooooooooooooooooooowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
B5CL Rangr: Gmmas, please! I would if I could! I hate dusting dusting weekly!
Gmmas: Troy!!! That’s Bester , you know
Sharon262: Ranger, what is the new time for B5?
TARutter: Ah..
Alex777A: Um….what’s with Vaylenn?
Gmmas: Ranger: LOL
CECJT: Ranger next Joke
Vaylenn: i hurt my foot
B5CL Rangr: Sharon262, 10:00pm edt
B5 Merlen: Ranger IS the next joke
MinbariRob: I think he ate something that didn’t agree with him Alex
B5CL Rangr: Sheridan to Delenn: It’s strange to see him like this.
B5CL Rangr: He’s always so………
TygerEyez1: What do you mean next joke….this whole chat has been one great, big joke.
Alex777A: Ah, I see…
Log Count: There were 18 member(s) in Eclipse Cafe at 09:30 PM
Sharon262: M-F or just Wednesdays?
Alex777A: Ouch.
B5CL Rangr: B5 Merlen, {S jawawhip}
B5CL Rangr: Sharon262, wed
Vaylenn: i think im getting an in-grown toenail
Lyta 2000: See ya l8tr
B5 Merlen: A. solumn…. I’d never figured Lennier to be a lampshade type
UnHolyNght: No one gets the offical B5 mag from England? No one??
Sharon262: Thanks Ranger
B5CL Rangr: Vaylenn, how about a tattoo?
TygerEyez1: :::relieved that he didn’t see my comment:::
OnlineHost: Lyta 2000 has left the room.
MinbariRob: Tyger, that’s why I had my toenails removed…
B5CL Rangr: UnHolyNght, not me..sorry
CECJT: A Quiet for a Mimbar
Alex777A: Ugh, tattoos…I can’t think of anything I’d want put on my body permanently.
Vaylenn: what, rangr?
UnHolyNght: It’s so good.. that is, if you like B5..
TygerEyez1: Huh??? Rob, are you talking to me??? I’m not getting the in-grown toenail.
B5 Merlen: I have a few of the back issues but I started getting the american version
B5CL Rangr: Vaylenn, a tattoo? In fashion now
OnlineHost: MAD DOG512 has entered the room.
OnlineHost: KNIGHTW5 has entered the room.
MAD DOG512: hi
UnHolyNght: American verison of it? I got the England verison.. what messed up people over there
B5 Merlen: I can, Alex <VEG>
CECJT: Merlen didnt Tyger say she was buying drinks tonigh
Alex777A: Ingrown toenails? I get those all the times…my life would be a life if I didn’t always ha
B5CL Rangr: Welcome MAD DOG512, KNIGHTW5, Have a seat and join the chat
Alex777A: ve something infected.
Vaylenn: how would that help an in-grown toenail
MinbariRob: Well just in case you are ever tempted to get an ingrown toenail then <g>
KNIGHTW5: hey yo
B5CL Rangr: Lennier to Vir: Interesting….
B5CL Rangr: I’ve studied many Earth religions
B5CL Rangr: But I don’t think of heard of that
OnlineHost: Jamiec9999 has entered the room.
B5CL Rangr: particular…..
TygerEyez1: No, she didn’t. ::glares at CEC::
KNIGHTW5: hey jamie
Duke Jon 1: -<–is back again,what i miss
Alex777A: Ave, Jamiec9999.
OnlineHost: Spenscott has entered the room.
OnlineHost: Spenscott has left the room.
B5CL Rangr: Greetings! Jamiec9999, Spenscott Long time no see! Welcome back, I
B5CL Rangr: saved you’re table :)is
OnlineHost: Spenscott has entered the room.
OnlineHost: RacerX718 has entered the room.
B5 Merlen: A. Cult figure. B5CL Drows.
OnlineHost: FigSlayer has entered the room.
Alex777A: Wb, Spenscott.
CECJT: :: Glares back::
FigSlayer: Fig is here
Alex777A: Ave, FigSlayer.
KNIGHTW5: hey yo fig
Duke Jon 1: jim jones? merlin =)
B5CL Rangr: characters. Do you know who plays Dureena Nafeel?
OnlineHost: Spenscott has left the room.
MAD DOG512: hi everyone
Alex777A: Ave, Racerx718.
RacerX718: Hiya Alex
TygerEyez1: Merlen, good one.
MinbariRob: I think Drows qualifies more as cult of personality
MinbariRob: not a cult personality.
StarTrekCC: :;wonders if Scrollangr should have a Fan Club::
FigSlayer: ok fig propose subject k?
B5CL Rangr: A: website….so I really find out what Kosh was really saying?
OnlineHost: JMRoss8 has entered the room.
UnHolyNght: Drow? Vendui’
OnlineHost: JMRoss8 has left the room.
Alex777A: A cult of personality huh? Hmmmmmmmm.
TygerEyez1: He qualifies as something, but I’m not sure what.
B5 Merlen: Maybe a Culture Club
UnHolyNght: Oloth phynn dos
CECJT: A a religion kneeling to Ranger
Jamiec9999: ::comes in, uncloaks herself, revealing braided red hair, a crown, and a black dress
TygerEyez1: LOL
Jamiec9999: and sits down::
KNIGHTW5: lalalalalalalalalalaalallalalalalalalalala
MinbariRob: lol Tyger.
B5CL Rangr: Hail & Well met JMRoss8 ! Make sure you pay attention to the Zocalo
B5CL Rangr: scene in
B5CL Rangr: ** Sleeping in the Light ** it’s filled with lots of folks from Babylon5!
TygerEyez1: Rob, I haven’t quite figured it out yet.
FigSlayer: ((((((((((((Extends Pike)))))))))))))
B5 Merlen: OOOH…. you sound like you’re made up for a party, Jamie
FigSlayer: hey rob
Jamiec9999: ::sits next to fig::
KNIGHTW5: that episode is going to be on my birth day!!
MinbariRob: Hello Flg
MAD DOG512: well bye everybody talk to you later
Gmmas: Knight: neat!
OnlineHost: MAD DOG512 has left the room.
Vaylenn: the thing is, its bending in on the sides, so its cutting the inside of my toe wen i walk
KNIGHTW5: bye dogs
B5CL Rangr: Ok gang…bablibs is done…now it’s time for trivia
OnlineHost: RacerX718 has left the room.
Alex777A: Sleeping In light…isn’t that showing Nov.25?
OnlineHost: RacerX718 has entered the room.
Jamiec9999: ::looks at B5Merlen:: no, I dress like this all the time
StarTrekCC: Scrollangr,
TygerEyez1: oh crap….I hate trivia.
B5 Merlen: ah, cool
FigSlayer: who will fight fig this fine evening?
StarTrekCC: “Scrollangr, when the walls fell”
OnlineHost: RacerX718 has left the room.
B5CL Rangr: Hi RacerX718 glad to see ya! If you need one of the wav’s I play just send
B5CL Rangr: me an EMail with the name :)fi
Alex777A: Near enough to my birthday to consider it a present. ๐Ÿ˜‰
B5CL Rangr: ok..who’s my first victum?
KNIGHTW5: doesnt b5cl drows handle trivia?
OnlineHost: Jess123728 has entered the room.
B5 Merlen: I’ll volunteer…..
Jamiec9999: ::turns to fig:: hi fig. ::smiles::
MinbariRob: We
TygerEyez1: Yeah, he’ll send a wav 6 months after you ask for it.
CECJT: TYGER is ranger
B5CL Rangr: KNIGHTW5, well, he stole it from me
MinbariRob: oops
StarTrekCC: :)fi <—-scrollangr, a new cyber-thingie
Jess123728: hi sweets
KNIGHTW5: hmm…..
B5 Merlen: You need someone to fall on his sword for you, I’m your man
MinbariRob: We’ll be a month into crusades by my birthday.
TygerEyez1: ::steps back:: No, I’m not.
B5CL Rangr: Howdy Jess123728 Only those with B5CL in front of their name are *
Vaylenn: me ranger, im dying anyway
Jess123728: hi room
Alex777A: Ave, Jess123728
Duke Jon 1: <—wears his Gothic Platemail. wields a mace and strikes down Hanson.
Jamiec9999: ::turns to Knightw5::KNIGHT!!!!!
CECJT: Tyger I will by YOU a drink
KNIGHTW5: hey where did the footlocker go?
StarTrekCC: {S goodnews}
B5CL Rangr: B5 Merlen, ok what is the date of *Sic Transit Vir*?
KNIGHTW5: hey yo jamie?
KNIGHTW5: oops
Jess123728: cec, but not by or bi,
KNIGHTW5: ignore the ?
Gmmas: tough one
Jess123728: buy
Jess123728: not by
Jess123728: or bye
Jamiec9999: ok.
Jess123728: or bi
StarTrekCC: “I want good news, that a order” Cheoktay, Night {S goodnews}
OnlineHost: FigSlayer has left the room.
B5CL Rangr: KNIGHTW5, plus I maoderate the trivia board
TygerEyez1: okay….make it a Dr. Pepper and you have a deal.
OnlineHost: ERICL7 has left the room.
B5 Merlen: A. July 2260….. I think the 3rd but I’m not sure
MinbariRob: good God, its a spelling bee in here.
Gmmas: maoderate?
Alex777A: Sic transit gloria mundi.
B5CL Rangr: B5 Merlen, very good!
Jess123728: lol
Jess123728: sorry
CECJT: Dr Pepper>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
OnlineHost: TARutter has left the room.
KNIGHTW5: lalalalalalallalalalalalala
Jess123728: how bout Dr. Pecker,..thats good shit too
MinbariRob: ::subtle smile:: its ok, I miss spelling bees.
KNIGHTW5: er….
Jess123728: im looking 4 one
Jamiec9999: ::gets up, puts her green velvet cloak back on, and walks out::
CECJT: Knight is bored RANGER
StarTrekCC: Jess, watch your language!
B5CL Rangr: Jess123728, what your language!
OnlineHost: Jamiec9999 has left the room.
TygerEyez1: I’m good at spelling bees myself.
B5 Merlen: kinda makes sense….. the next day, Vir saw fireworks… <EG>
Jess123728: im sorry
Jess123728: what did i say?
OnlineHost: FigSlayer has entered the room.
Jess123728: darn
Alex777A: You TOS’d.
FigSlayer: Fig return
KNIGHTW5: dang jamie left =(
Alex777A: Wb, FigSlayer.
StarTrekCC: {S snertalt}
B5CL Rangr: Howdy FigSlayer! Crusades is coming! Gary Cole playes Capt Matthew
B5CL Rangr: Gideon, is that kewl or what?ri
Jess123728: i promise it wont happen again
KNIGHTW5: gary cole is a TARD!!
MinbariRob: figured Flg would return, he left his jacket on the coat tree.
FigSlayer: Jamie went with me but now I’m here so she’s in private room alone
TygerEyez1: Rob, ROFL.
Alex777A: What is a tard supposed to be?
StarTrekCC: {S snrthmn}
B5CL Rangr: B5 Merlen, In what EP did the Minbari give Vir the Ceremonial Coat of Welcome?
OnlineHost: MoLewunsky has entered the room.
KNIGHTW5: re tard
OnlineHost: Zaphod08 has entered the room.
MinbariRob: Leotard?
MinbariRob: Unitard?
B5CL Rangr: MoLewunsky, Zaphod08 Welcome to the chat….What’s the topic?….I
B5CL Rangr: have no clue either…<weg>lan
MinbariRob: or is that Leatard?
Vaylenn: ranger,my turn. quiz me.
B5CL Rangr: KNIGHTW5, please watch your uage
Zaphod08: Greetings from one who has just returned from the Voice of the Resistance!!!!
StarTrekCC: PopTart…::Give Alex a PopTart::
MinbariRob: ::shrugs::
Gmmas: Zap! how was it?
Alex777A: Ave, MoLewunsky and Zaphod08.
B5 Merlen: A. Dust to Dust?
B5CL Rangr: Vaylenn, when you win the right too
OnlineHost: UnHolyNght has left the room.
Alex777A: A pop tart?
Vaylenn: how
Zaphod08: in the 22 years that I’ve been going to con this was the absolute worst
KNIGHTW5: just drop it
MoLewunsky: hello peoples
Gmmas: Zap: oh no!
Zaphod08: the guests were great but the con sucked.
Alex777A: I heard there was a near riot.
B5 Merlen: When I miss one, you’ll get a chance…. It’s almost time for Ranger to nail me
Duke Jon 1: strawberry covered spoo?
OnlineHost: FigSlayer has left the room.
Sharon262: which con?
MinbariRob: Zaphod, that’s a lot of cons.
Alex777A: VORcon.
B5CL Rangr: B5 Merlen, sorry…room?
B5 Merlen: It wasn’t Dust to DUst
B5 Merlen: ?
MinbariRob: Carmel covered spoo…
B5CL Rangr: B5 Merlen, yes it was <weg>
Gmmas: Zap: too many people? or poor planning?
Zaphod08: $200.00 for tickets and they charged $5.00 for a program
KNIGHTW5: lalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalala
Vaylenn: spoo slurpy
Zaphod08: the actors charged for flipping autographs.
Alex777A: Seemed more like very poor planning.
KNIGHTW5: IT REEKS HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! j/k
Sharon262: $200 dollars!!!!!
B5 Merlen: That’s standard, Zap
OnlineHost: KNIGHTW5 has left the room.
Duke Jon 1: blue berry flaovred spoo
B5 Merlen: $200 dollars is a little steep for an autograph though
Vaylenn: chocolate spoo
Zaphod08: it was horrrible!! and no it’s not standard at all merlen
Jess123728: so,..what kind of room is this anyway?..I`m lost
B5CL Rangr: B5 Merlen, ready for the next question?
MinbariRob: Kentucky Fried Spoo.. Finger lickin’ good.
Gmmas: Jess: Babylon %
Gmmas: 5
OnlineHost: KNIGHTW5 has entered the room.
TygerEyez1: Rob, blechhh.
Alex777A: I wouldn’t pay for anyone’s name…if they can’t sign it for me without that…I don’t need
B5 Merlen: is that a trick question, Ranger
Alex777A: it.
Vaylenn: we all are jess
Zaphod08: they some time’s charge for pictures but not for a simple autograph
OnlineHost: KNIGHTW5 has left the room.
StarTrekCC: ROFL, Rob!
B5CL Rangr: Hiya KNIGHTW5 Great news! This area is being updated!
TygerEyez1: Rob, does it come with 11 herbs and spices??
Vaylenn: spoo on a stick
B5 Merlen: I’ve been to several cons, Zap, and In all except one, they charged for autographs
Gmmas: Zaphod: any good moments?
B5CL Rangr: B5 Merlen, ok name the person that appeared in StarGate and Babylon5 as a Teep?
MinbariRob: you know it does Tyger <g>
CECJT: Rob please i Just got done eatting
OnlineHost: Beast1238 has entered the room.
B5 Merlen: That one, I don’t know
Jess123728: who is rob?
OnlineHost: RacerX718 has entered the room.
MinbariRob: CEC, so did I
TygerEyez1: Good. I might have to try it then. ROFL.
B5 Merlen: See, told ya…. Ranger nailed me with one I don’t know
B5CL Rangr: Hiya Beast1238, RacerX718 Great news! This area is being updated!
Zaphod08: I’ve been to dozens through the yyears. and I’ve had some of these guests at our local cons
MinbariRob: good question Jess, who is Rob?
Zaphod08: they never charged
Jess123728: sorry , im blonde,.pleease no blonde jokes, dont get em anyways
RacerX718: Aha, heya Jess
B5CL Rangr: B5 Merlen, that’s ok room?
Duke Jon 1: spoo,fresh from the spoo
Log Count: There were 19 member(s) in Eclipse Cafe at 09:45 PM
Zaphod08: panels were interupted to hold auctions
Vaylenn: jessica sullivan
Jess123728: hiya sweetheart
Alex777A: I was born a blonde…but I changed thank goodness.
OnlineHost: Willow1903 has left the room.
Zaphod08: but teh guests were great
B5 Merlen: Fine, Zap, you have your opinion and I have mine…. I’ve found it fairly standard and you
B5 Merlen: haven’t
B5CL Rangr: Vaylenn, nope not the answer I’m looking for
Vaylenn: hahahahahahahahahhahahahahaha , i kno who u are
MinbariRob: All though, one of my fiance’s SNs is Spoo… so I better watch it.
Jess123728: how ya been?
Zaphod08: obviously merlen.
OnlineHost: Beast1238 has left the room.
RacerX718: Jess isn’t just a blonde, she’s a STRIKING blonde . . .lol
Jess123728: i missed you
CECJT: Ranger is it the movie or tv
Jess123728: aww, sweet
Sharon262: what guests where there Zap?
Gmmas: Ranger: can you repeat the question?
RacerX718: I missed you, too
CECJT: Stargate
TygerEyez1: Rob, that’s too cute.
B5CL Rangr: CECJT, movie
Alex777A: ::sigh::
Zaphod08: nearly everyone from the show.
MinbariRob: She’s Spoo42 ๐Ÿ™‚
OnlineHost: RacerX718 has left the room.
B5CL Rangr: Gmmas, nope..scroll back
Zaphod08: scoggens backed out at the last minute.
Gmmas: ok
Sharon262: Really? thats great
Alex777A: Ah, 42…in infamous number.
Jess123728: who the hell or er heck is Rob?
Sharon262: Gotta go, see ya
Zaphod08: but everyone else from both captains to zathras were there
Vaylenn: ranger, can u repeat my ?
B5CL Rangr: Sharon262, see ya
CECJT: OOOOOOOOOOH i can see face but no name RANGER
Jess123728: oic,..duhh,..i see now
Vaylenn: i didnt ce it
Gmmas: don’t know the answer
StarTrekCC: Alex, on StarTrek 47 is a infamious number
OnlineHost: Sharon262 has left the room.
OnlineHost: Jess123728 has left the room.
Alex777A: 47? From what?
MinbariRob: ::dusts Name tag off::
Zaphod08: why is 47 infamious?
B5CL Rangr: A: Gianin Loffler
Lespresto: Gmmas: Your IM ‘s are off
CECJT: brb
Duke Jon 1: …..singing Dirty deeds done dirt cheap.
Gmmas: Les: yes, hang on a min
B5CL Rangr: ok who’s next?
OnlineHost: MoLewunsky has left the room.
StarTrekCC: Alex, well in Star Trek instances 47 keeps popping up
Vaylenn: meeeeee
StarTrekCC: Scrollangr, me.
OnlineHost: R2na has entered the room.
Zaphod08: never noticed it trek
OnlineHost: R2na has left the room.
TygerEyez1: never saw the question (although I would have gotten it wrong)
Vaylenn: i didnt see the question
Alex777A: I hadn’t noticed…and I’ve seen nearly all of them…can you name a particular incident for
B5CL Rangr: Hi R2na glad to see ya! If you need one of the wav’s I play just send me
Alex777A: me?
B5CL Rangr: an EMail with the name
OnlineHost: RebHanSolo has entered the room.
B5CL Rangr: SnertTrek, Where is Sector 47 located?
Alex777A: Ave, RebHanSolo.
B5CL Rangr: Greetings! RebHanSolo Long time no see! Welcome back, I saved you’re
B5CL Rangr: table
Zaphod08: anyway i must head for dinner.
B5 Merlen: um, right next to sector 46 and 48
RebHanSolo: Waz up crew?
StarTrekCC: Centauri Prime?
B5CL Rangr: Zaphod08, see ya
MinbariRob: enjoy your meal Zaphod
Alex777A: I did notice that JMS seems to love the name David and he almost always uses odd numbers.
OnlineHost: Zaphod08 has left the room.
B5CL Rangr: SnertTrek, nope……room?
Vaylenn: me please
RebHanSolo: They didn’t show the new episodes yet did they?
TygerEyez1: I liked Merlen’s answer, myself.
Alex777A: Nope…Oct.28.
B5CL Rangr: Vaylenn, it’s an open question…just answer
RebHanSolo: I think not.
Vaylenn: oh
RebHanSolo: Yeah, had to wait all summa
B5 Merlen: really, it does start Oct. 28th
OnlineHost: B5Delenn1 has left the room.
B5CL Rangr: {S jeopardy}
Alex777A: Well, that’s nothing new…after all they had the gall to make us wait right after an episod
Vaylenn: where the shadows hearded for their big attack
OnlineHost: StefniLyn has entered the room.
TygerEyez1: Hey Stef.
B5CL Rangr: Vaylenn, nope
B5 Merlen: Welcome to the jungle, Stef
Alex777A: e entitled “Point of No Return”. I little irony there.
B5CL Rangr: Hey Stef
Vaylenn: doh
StefniLyn: Hello everyone…..
B5CL Rangr: Hey…StefniLyn I cleared the room of all Shadows and it’s safe to come in
MinbariRob: Hi Stef
StarTrekCC: Stefni!!!
B5CL Rangr: now
RebHanSolo: Things don’t look good for Centuri Prime- still can’t feel too sorry for them
Alex777A: Ave, StefniLyn.
Gmmas: Hi Stefni
StarTrekCC: Scrollangr, it is that Centauri Supply Depot
StefniLyn: I just got the PTs for 4.0….just fooling around with them
OnlineHost: Gr8 1Gkar has entered the room.
OnlineHost: DF2914 has entered the room.
MinbariRob: I feel bad for Londo, but then he has come a long way.
B5CL Rangr: Actually it’s from DeathWalker and the asnwer is Minbari space
Gmmas: Hi Gkar
B5 Merlen: Oh no!… Stefs got a new toy!
Alex777A: Ave, Gr8 1Gkar and DF2914.
StefniLyn: ::::grins:::YEP
DF2914: hi all
B5 Merlen: {S helogkar
B5CL Rangr: Hey Gr8 1Gkar, DF2914 pull up a chair and stay a while. {S comfychr}
StarTrekCC: Gkar!!!!!
Lespresto: {{{{{{Gkar}}}}}}}
B5CL Rangr: B5 Merlen, quick grab the squirtgun!
Gr8 1Gkar: Hi ya FolksCC!!!!!!
Gr8 1Gkar: Hi ya LES
RebHanSolo: Well, Londo has been chillin as of late, but he sowed the seeds of destruction long ago
DF2914: just popped in to say hi and see what you all were talking about
Lespresto: Gkar: How was VOR?
RebHanSolo: Kill the YELLOW
TygerEyez1: ::Puts on shades to see Gkar’s font::
Alex777A: I cannot read that type Gr8 1Gkar…what are you saying?
OnlineHost: Ed91777 has entered the room.
MinbariRob: can barely read the yello Gkar
Gr8 1Gkar: LES, I was only there 2 days and The Galaxy Ball. It was wonderful
Alex777A: I can’t read the yellow at all.
B5 Merlen: ah, mixed reviews already
B5CL Rangr: Hey Ed91777….Have you checked out the New Trivia Boards?
Duke Jon 1: <—has 3.0 can see da colors =)
Alex777A: Besides…I LOATHE yellow.
Vaylenn: muuuuuch better gr8
Gmmas: Merlen: to be expected
OnlineHost: ZARBAC has entered the room.
B5CL Rangr: Ok…who’s next?
Duke Jon 1: can=cant
DF2914: well anway, bye all
B5 Merlen: True, Gmmas
OnlineHost: DF2914 has left the room.
StefniLyn: Oh Boy This is going to be fun!!!!
Lespresto: Gkar: who was all there?
B5CL Rangr: DF2914, see ya
B5 Merlen: I suppose it all depends on what people expected from the con, too
B5CL Rangr: Welcome ZARBAC, Have a seat and join the chat
TygerEyez1: I won’t get it but I’ll try, Ranger.
RebHanSolo: Yellow- the color of the Vree Flag- pun
ZARBAC: Greetings
MinbariRob: I bet it is Stef
Alex777A: Just about everybody was there.
Gmmas: Merlen: think you’re right
Gr8 1Gkar: Everyone was at the con
StefniLyn: Hmmmm Kewl…A rainbow
StefniLyn: Weeeeeeee
MinbariRob: Yikes…
B5CL Rangr: TygerEyez1, ok…who played Del Varner?
Alex777A: I was held in Ca…they should all be able to get there.
Duke Jon 1: <–opens lawnchair and sits in said item.
OnlineHost: SkekSil has entered the room.
B5 Merlen: Did Bruce Box show up?
MinbariRob: ::getting dizzy from Stef’s rainbow::
Lespresto: Gkar: Define everyone!
Alex777A: Yep.
RebHanSolo: Age/Local/Sex Check NYC/21/M
TygerEyez1: Told you I wouldn’t get it…I haven’t the slightest idea.
OnlineHost: SkekSil has left the room.
OnlineHost: ZARBAC has left the room.
StefniLyn: oh this is fun
B5CL Rangr: Hey…SkekSil I cleared the room of all Shadows and it’s safe to come in
B5CL Rangr: now :)t i
RebHanSolo: ?
B5CL Rangr: RebHanSolo, sorry not in here
B5 Merlen: or, even more important…. did Melissa Gilbert and Andreas Katsulas go
Alex777A: Check profiles for that info…RedHanSolo.
StefniLyn: ::::sneaks up and squirts Rangr with
StefniLyn: Glitter:::::
Alex777A: d=b.
Gr8 1Gkar: Well I got Sinclair auttograph
RebHanSolo: Sorry
OnlineHost: Ed91777 has left the room.
B5CL Rangr: StefniLyn, do I have to remove that from you ….again?
RebHanSolo: Slipped
Alex777A: Andreas was there.
OnlineHost: Ed91777 has entered the room.
OnlineHost: Ed91777 has left the room.
Gr8 1Gkar: I got my pic with Jerry
B5 Merlen: Cool!
MinbariRob: let’s see… Old enough/not since my girlfriend went back to Saudi Arabia/ and in front of
MinbariRob: my computer.
RebHanSolo: Didn’t think the Q was a big D.
B5 Merlen: LOL
StefniLyn: :::smiles innocently::::I didnt squirt any LIQUID at you ๐Ÿ™‚
OnlineHost: VLyndistyV has entered the room.
Alex777A: Profiles will tell you who you’re talking to.
Alex777A: Ave, VLyndistyV.
Gr8 1Gkar: Lets see David Eagle bought me lunch
Alex777A: How cool!
RebHanSolo: Yeah Alex- Duhha!
Gr8 1Gkar: ayup
B5 Merlen: boy, you made out like a bandit, Gkar
StefniLyn: I need Bmps!
B5CL Rangr: Hey VLyndistyV pull up a chair and stay a while. {S comfychr}
Gr8 1Gkar: Ayup. BAS
VLyndistyV: good eve all.
Alex777A: A Saudia Arabian girlfriend…how exotic.
Gr8 1Gkar: Good eve VL
B5CL Rangr: RebHanSolo, did you know you don’t have a profile…either?
Lespresto: Gkar: Did Tracy Scoggins show up?
B5 Merlen: No wonder you liked the convention
MinbariRob: Alex, she’s not Saudi Arabian, she just works there.
OnlineHost: FigSlayer has entered the room.
FigSlayer: Have no fear fig is here
B5CL Rangr: Hi FigSlayer, to find out who’s Hosting when, go the NEWLY REDONE
B5CL Rangr: Eclipse Schedule Screen!
StefniLyn: Wonder what all the pretty buttons do….
Alex777A: I should travel somewhere where I could be exotica.
RebHanSolo: B5, It took me two months to finally get the RebHS, I just went online with it three hours a
RebHanSolo: go.
B5CL Rangr: Ummmmm Tyger? and answer?
Gr8 1Gkar: Do you all know BDBANZI?? SHe got to set next to Buuce for at least an 1hour
B5 Merlen: :::::watches Stef push button with mushroom on it::::::{S nuke
Alex777A: Watch out for that bright red one, Stef.
Gr8 1Gkar: Taking money for pics and Autos
B5CL Rangr: RebHanSolo, uh huh
TygerEyez1: I already told you that I have absolutely no idea….scrol up ScrollRanger.
StefniLyn: LOL Merlen
TygerEyez1: scroll, even.
Gmmas: Gkar: So BD must be happy
RebHanSolo: Needless to say it required some effort since the name was taken.
StefniLyn: I dont see a mushroom button though
B5CL Rangr: TygerEyez1, sorry I missed it….ok room?
OnlineHost: MinbariRob has left the room.
Alex777A: I rather sit by someone who isn’t so hogtied into marriage.
VLyndistyV: -=mutters=- Ak nat gra-akak……
TygerEyez1: ::grins:: is okay.
Gr8 1Gkar: “O GOD” She bought his Coat at Auction
B5 Merlen: Good!
StefniLyn: :::looks for the big red button::::
StefniLyn: I suppose I am going to have to take another class now
Gr8 1Gkar: HAPPY, beyond beliefe
Gr8 1Gkar: Believe
OnlineHost: Rob H 1974 has entered the room.
Duke Jon 1: <–pushes red button
OnlineHost: TARA WIND has entered the room.
B5 Merlen: {S missles
TygerEyez1: hey Rob.
Log Count: There were 17 member(s) in Eclipse Cafe at 10:00 PM
Rob H 1974: ooh a red button.
B5CL Rangr: Answer is: John Fleck
Rob H 1974: Hi Tyger ::smile::
Alex777A: I think you meant belief.
B5CL Rangr: Hail and Well met Rob H 1974, TARA WIND…Welcome to the Cafe,
B5CL Rangr: B5CL Staff is supplying free J’hala tonightt
FigSlayer: Duke better not start sing barney
B5CL Rangr: who’s next?
OnlineHost: VIR FAN has entered the room.
Duke Jon 1: who moi? =)
OnlineHost: BOMBA129 has entered the room.
FigSlayer: yeah you
VIR FAN: HI Everybody
Vaylenn: me
B5CL Rangr: Hi VIR FAN, BOMBA129, welcome to room! Have you joined the
B5CL Rangr: Babylon5 Fan Club?
B5CL Rangr: If not, goto
Duke Jon 1: =)
FigSlayer: sup
RebHanSolo: B5, its like trying to get G’Kar as a screen name- only far harder.
B5CL Rangr: VIR FAN, did you get my Email?
OnlineHost: BOMBA129 has left the room.
Alex777A: {S B5mix
OnlineHost: BOMBA129 has entered the room.
VIR FAN: Rangr yes thanks
StefniLyn: Wow it even tells you how long you have been on….like I really wanted to know that.
B5CL Rangr: VIR FAN, did it help?
B5CL Rangr: Hi ya BOMBA129 I’m just as tired of Rerun Hell as you! <weg>
RebHanSolo: Still, G’Kar wouldn’t be hard, or even B5 if you play it right.
Rob H 1974: Now you’re just pink Stef?
Duke Jon 1: i shoot you you shoot me my PPh will burn your spleen.
Rob H 1974: what happened to the rainbow?
B5CL Rangr: StefniLyn, you using PT’s?
Duke Jon 1: err ppg
VIR FAN: YEs i think i placed my message in fan anoncments i think
OnlineHost: BOMBA129 has left the room.
Alex777A: Ah, but then…you don’t really need a spleen.
B5CL Rangr: VIR FAN, ok kewl

Rob H 1974: I miss PTs
StefniLyn: yep
Duke Jon 1: hehe
B5CL Rangr: StefniLyn, nice huh?
StefniLyn: teehee
RebHanSolo: Vir Fan, you’ve been drinking with Londo!
Alex777A: {s requeim

Alex777A: {S requiem.
VIR FAN: Anyone interested in attending a group viewing of sleep in light
Alex777A: Always misspell that.
Alex777A: {S requeim
Gmmas: Gkar: how many people were there?
B5CL Rangr: StefniLyn, any question splease ask you’re local rangr
Alex777A: {s Pres_as
FigSlayer: fig leaving bye
StefniLyn: Sure thing Ranger…..
VLyndistyV: Mmmmmmmmmmmm……………………………I hear Star Wars theme……
TygerEyez1: What if I want a picnic basket, Ranger?
B5 Merlen: Would that be a Power Ranger, Ranger?
VIR FAN: Reb i do not drink it leads to may bad things
OnlineHost: FigSlayer has left the room.
OnlineHost: Sayren FE has entered the room.
StefniLyn: ::::snickers::::
B5CL Rangr: Hey Sayren FE! Can you beleive that someone on Excalibur will be
B5CL Rangr: working for Interplanetary Expeditions?
OnlineHost: VLyndistyV has left the room.
RebHanSolo: JMS ever visit your posts?
OnlineHost: TARA WIND has left the room.
Vaylenn: hi sayren
OnlineHost: TARA WIND has entered the room.
Alex777A: {S requiem
Rob H 1974: welcome back Tara
Sayren FE: Hi there!
Alex777A: I wish the ISN mov had been complete.
VIR FAN: Dose anyone want to go to my group viewing
B5CL Rangr: Ok open question: In what EP did the name White Star first appear?
B5CL Rangr: Hey TARA WIND….Have you checked out the New Trivia Boards?
B5 Merlen: The first episode of Season 3
Alex777A: {S hair
B5 Merlen: “Matters of Honor”
B5CL Rangr: B5 Merlen, nope
Gmmas: Vir: there’s a place for listing your party; a web site; see Lurker’s Guide for link
B5CL Rangr: in fact it was on just the other night
VIR FAN: YEs i am listed but i am inviting you people if you live in California
StefniLyn: Point of no return?
B5CL Rangr: StefniLyn, nope
B5 Merlen: oh…. my bad…. I misread the question…..
RebHanSolo: Q:B5 Merlin, Walter K’s real life wife first appeared in which episode?
Vaylenn: a ray of light
Gmmas: Vir: thanks, but i’m far away from CA
B5CL Rangr: RebHanSolo, please I ask the questions here
Duke Jon 1: shall return……
VIR FAN: Gmmas the invite is to all B5 fans
Rob H 1974: I used to be much closer to California
Alex777A: {S flickering
Gmmas: Vir: understood
B5 Merlen: “TKO”
B5CL Rangr: B5 Merlen, correct
Vaylenn: a ray of hope
RebHanSolo: B5- Fine. I didn’t know you guys were playing a game.
VIR FAN: Someone plase say yes i need 20 people
OnlineHost: Duke Jon 1 has left the room.
B5 Merlen: I was supplying the answer for someone else….. I’d already flunked the question
Alex777A: Sorry…I’m close to Ca…but not that close.
StefniLyn: Vir If I was close to CA maybe…but I will be a little occupied at that time
TygerEyez1: <—perpetually in Texas, by choice.
B5CL Rangr: B5 Merlen, not for an open question
B5 Merlen: ah…. well, okay
Rob H 1974: <–momentarily in Illinois
Gmmas: bye all; have fun
OnlineHost: Sheridnfan has entered the room.
Rob H 1974: <–wishes he was back in Washington.
StefniLyn: Ranger I thought it might have been Matters of Honor
B5CL Rangr: open question: Name David Warner’s charactor
OnlineHost: Sisamen has entered the room.
Lespresto: Bye Gmmas
Alex777A: Ave, Sheridnfan.
VIR FAN: DO any of you live in California?
Alex777A: Ave, Sisamen.
Alex777A: Not I.
Sheridnfan: Yes, I live in CA.
B5CL Rangr: Good evening Sheridnfan, Sisamen, glad to see ya…..where ya been?
B5CL Rangr: 10/18/98 10:09 PM est
Sisamen: hey guys
RebHanSolo: Grail episode- one of the worst
StefniLyn: I miss WA :::sniffles::::
RebHanSolo: Forgot his name
Gmmas: hang on
Sisamen: whats the topic?
Sayren FE: Vir, I’m about as far from CA as you can get before leaving the contintent…
Gmmas: Hi Sheridnfan!
Sheridnfan: David Warner’s character in Grail? Gajic
Alex777A: {S men
B5CL Rangr: RebHanSolo, that’s the EP..what was his name?
Rob H 1974: ::hugs Stef:: I know the feeling Stef
B5 Merlen: Correct, Sheri
B5CL Rangr: Sheridnfan, full name
Gmmas: Sher: heard you had a good time at con, yes?
B5 Merlen: oops….
VIR FAN: Sheridn want to go to a group viewing of last episode
Sheridnfan: Aldous Gajic.
StefniLyn: :::hugs Rob::::Yeah….
RebHanSolo: I know thats the EP, I didn’t know his name. I don’t have them all on tape.
Alex777A: {S candle
Sheridnfan: Well I was going to either have a party for the SiL or go.
B5 Merlen: full name…. oiy!
Sheridnfan: Where at VIR
StefniLyn: I am working on taping them
Gr8 1Gkar: Hi ya SHER
B5CL Rangr: Sheridnfan, correct! care for a new question?
Gr8 1Gkar: How was your Eve??
Rob H 1974: I get to Show Mia around there ::happy smile::
VIR FAN: Downey California
Sheridnfan: yes, give us a new question
RebHanSolo: Even JMS said he wished he never made the episode.
StefniLyn: Yeah it will be a while before I can show Rob around.
OnlineHost: Sayren FE has left the room.
B5 Merlen: And that’s saying quite a bit since he’s been plesantly surprised with how most of them came
B5 Merlen: out
Sheridnfan: I had a good time at VOR yes…Who ever asked that question, sorry so slow to respond
Alex777A: By the way…how’s it going, StefniLyn?
Sheridnfan: I have eight million things going on…
VIR FAN: Sheridan got to go if questions e-mail me at
Sheridnfan: Ok VIR I will thanks
StefniLyn: Its going pretty well. I am bored solid here. Rob is at work :sigh::
Gr8 1Gkar: SHER, How was your time with Bruce??
OnlineHost: VIR FAN has left the room.
StefniLyn: but only 18 more days to go!!!!!!!!
Sheridnfan: My time with Bruce was a well spent 4 hours.
Alex777A: Ah, bummer.
StefniLyn: ::::Happy dance:::::
OnlineHost: TARA WIND has left the room.
Sheridnfan: Now if only FANS were not such jerks…it would have gone better.
Gr8 1Gkar: 4 Hours Alec was happy for you??
Lespresto: Sher: What else happened at the con?
Sheridnfan: Alec said he would not begrude me the opportunity.
OnlineHost: RebHanSolo has left the room.
Gr8 1Gkar: Les wants DETAILS
Rob H 1974: 61 days left until Mia returns <g>
StefniLyn: ::sigh::::Oh to go to a con…
Sheridnfan: What else happened at the con…OHBOY…alot.
B5 Merlen: Sounds like many people were ticked that they actually had to pay for autographs
Gr8 1Gkar: Alot
B5CL Rangr: Sheridnfan, Who said: Respect? From whom? and who was it said to?
Sisamen: thats easy
Sheridnfan: Vonnie, did something happen horrible today too?
Alex777A: I’d pay them to autograph my body…but not just a piece of paper. ๐Ÿ˜‰
Gr8 1Gkar: I don’t know, I wasn’t there
B5 Merlen: remember, Ranger likes full names
OnlineHost: Sayren FE has entered the room.
Gr8 1Gkar: I will have to ask JamEt777
StefniLyn: pay for an autograph? You NUTS?
Sheridnfan: Something happened
Gr8 1Gkar: When she gets home
Sheridnfan: But don’t know what.
B5CL Rangr: B5 Merlen, yes..makes it easier to track <wink>
B5CL Rangr: Welcome Sayren FE, TNT has moved B5 to a new time, care to
B5CL Rangr: complain? Go to,
OnlineHost: LPo5365457 has entered the room.
OnlineHost: Sisamen has left the room.
Sheridnfan: I’m stumped Rangr…open the question to the floor please
Vaylenn: gakar, to londo molari
Gr8 1Gkar: Huummm, I don’t know, When I left at 11 last night, Jerry was still in the hotell Bar
B5CL Rangr: LPo5365457 Welcome to the chat….What’s the topic?….I have no clue
B5CL Rangr: either…<weg>
B5CL Rangr: Vaylenn, nope
Lespresto: Stef: You always have to pay for autographs
B5 Merlen: Kosh Ulnareck to Lyta Marie Alexander
B5CL Rangr: Lespresto, I didn’t
LPo5365457: Hi, there
B5 Merlen: ๐Ÿ˜‰
StefniLyn: I have never had to pay for one
Alex777A: Not always…it depends who you’re asking.
Log Count: There were 15 member(s) in Eclipse Cafe at 10:15 PM
Vaylenn: kosh to sheriden
B5CL Rangr: B5 Merlen, sorry {S typo
StefniLyn: And anyone who tries to make money from their signature is greedy
B5 Merlen: I was just pulling names out of my hat
Lespresto: Rangr: Who’s autograph were you getting?
Rob H 1974: I pay for the photo tht the autograph is on.
B5 Merlen: I have no Idear what Lyta’s middle name is
Gr8 1Gkar: Steif Not after paying 200$ for a ticket??
Sheridnfan: Well there was alot of negative things going on at VOR. I only handled the autographs for
StefniLyn: Well photo is understandable
B5CL Rangr: Lespresto, Richard Biggs
Sheridnfan: Bruce.
LPo5365457: I was sorry to see Babylon 5 go t o cable. I don’t have it. Have not seen an episode since
LPo5365457: (sob)
StefniLyn: If I have to pay a fortune just to see the star they should give me an autograph!
Sheridnfan: I know alot of the actors were charging for it.
Rob H 1974: a lot of people who charge for their autographs at cons, give proceeds to charity.
Lespresto: Stef: THEY ARE ALL GREEDY!!!111
StefniLyn: Well they better Rob!
B5CL Rangr: Lespresto, If some one told me they wanted cash for an autogragh, I’d demand a reciept
OnlineHost: The13thDr has entered the room.
B5 Merlen: Les…. read Rob Hs statement
Gmmas: Sher: i did. that’s good!
Gr8 1Gkar: SHER, Anderas was charging 30$ for a signed Color pic
StefniLyn: Really
Alex777A: Ave, The13thDr.
Gr8 1Gkar: But he was giving 1 free
Sheridnfan: Ok…let me just say this really quick then in defense of Bruce at least and I can only
StefniLyn: Hi Doc
B5CL Rangr: Hey The13thDr ! Glad to see ya! Come on in and join me for a Jovian
B5CL Rangr: Sunspot
The13thDr: Hullo all
Sheridnfan: speak for Bruce in this matter, but he didn’t charge for his autograph just his
Sheridnfan: pics and he didn’t have that many of those anyway.
Lespresto: Rangr: You havn’t been to many cons have you?
The13thDr: Andreas charges for autographs now?
StefniLyn: bummer.
LPo5365457: brb
B5CL Rangr: Lespresto, nope, been to the IRS though!
OnlineHost: LPo5365457 has left the room.
OnlineHost: Alecorrock has entered the room.
Alex777A: Ave, Alexorrock.
Gr8 1Gkar: Hi ya Alec
OnlineHost: The13thDr has left the room.
Alecorrock: hi.
B5CL Rangr: Alecorrock Welcome to the chat….What’s the topic?….I have no clue
B5CL Rangr: either…<weg>
Alex777A: Oops…pretend I spelled that right.
CECJT: Les is there a schedule on when and where the cons are
Gr8 1Gkar: 13th, he charges BIG time
Sheridnfan: What you got for your 200 bucks is you did get something signed for that 200 bucks
StefniLyn: this new buddy list thing is really weird
OnlineHost: Gmmas has left the room.
OnlineHost: Gmmas has entered the room.
Rob H 1974: Alex, I pretend you spell everything right ::smile::
Lespresto: Rangr: 99% of the actors charge for autographs now and they don’t keep records!!!
Sheridnfan: However, and I’m sure this applied to Andreas…if you wanted something else signed or your
Sheridnfan: 100 fraggin action figures signed, you paid extra.
StefniLyn: I ignore spelling errors
Alex777A: Oh, ouch! ๐Ÿ˜‰
OnlineHost: Gmmas has left the room.
B5CL Rangr: Good evening Gmmas, glad to see ya…..where ya been? 10/18/98 10:19
B5CL Rangr: PM estery
B5CL Rangr: Lespresto, I do…I get a reciept for every thing
StefniLyn: estery?
Alex777A: Cut to the quick.
Sheridnfan: I mean, come on! It’s not fair to go through the line and then say “I have 10 things I want
OnlineHost: RebHanSolo has entered the room.
OnlineHost: STARCMD464 has entered the room.
Sheridnfan: you to sign1
StarTrekCC: SheridanFan!!!!
OnlineHost: StarTrekCC has left the room.
StefniLyn: No. I think if you have something to sign its just one thing.
StefniLyn: That is only fair.
B5CL Rangr: Howdy RebHanSolo, STARCMD464 Only those with B5CL in front of their
B5CL Rangr: name are * OFFICIAL HOSTS *
Sheridnfan: You have 500 people standing in line! What about that guy who just has one little 8X10 to
Sheridnfan: sign?
CECJT: Ranger is there someplace i can get a schedule on cons
B5 Merlen: It’s bad enough when you get dealers going through with all their stuff to get signed
Sheridnfan: While some jerk has 10 things?
OnlineHost: TAPESTRY6 has entered the room.
STARCMD464: hello
Lespresto: CEC: there’s lots of places to get con schedules
Alex777A: Ave, TAPESTRY6.
RebHanSolo: I’m back- had to take care of the dogs.
TAPESTRY6: Hello peoplez
Rob H 1974: Hi Tap
B5CL Rangr: Hello TAPESTRY6, Find out what great stuff is for sale @
Sheridnfan: Exactly it’s the dealers that frag the things up for the little fan who wants her hockey
B5CL Rangr: www.thestation.commo
TAPESTRY6: hiya Alex how you be?
Sheridnfan: helmet signed.
TygerEyez1: {{{{{{{Tappie}}}}}}}}}
TAPESTRY6: hiya Rob
B5CL Rangr: Sheridnfan, I feel you can stand in line and get a free autographed pix of
Alex777A: Ugh…dogs…I’m a cat person myself. {S meow
B5CL Rangr: the star. Asking to have him sign a more than that is too much
TAPESTRY6: Hello Ranger ::tickles:: having fun?
Lespresto: what are you looking for b5 only? star trek?
StefniLyn: Merlen I think that those dealer should pay….cause they charge the people who buys it
TAPESTRY6: hey Tyger {S panther
Alex777A: That’s not a good question to ask me TAP…but thanx for the thought.
Sheridnfan: NO! It’s not too much, it’s when they have 10 things and it’s obviously not for you!
StefniLyn: Hey there Tappie
RebHanSolo: Good luck with the cats ALEX.
B5CL Rangr: Chatting Con here
TygerEyez1: {S tygrroar
Gr8 1Gkar: Ranger even if you are paying for the extra??
TAPESTRY6: well gee whiz Alex, someday your gonna say Fine!
B5 Merlen: How do you know a dealer from a fan….. it’s easy enough to pay someone to go through with
B5 Merlen: a ton of stuff
TAPESTRY6: hiya Stef.. you up late ::grins::
STARCMD464: so whats up folks
StefniLyn: Yeah bored solid
Lespresto: CEC:
B5 Merlen: offer them a free picture or something
Sheridnfan: I know Merlen, that’s why there should be a policy in advance.
Alex777A: Don’t count on it…I haven’t been able to answer for the last 16 years…and things just ar
Alex777A: en’t changing for the better.
StefniLyn: I prolly should get off. My mum was supposed to call
Gr8 1Gkar: All my stuff is for me, I ask them to sign MY name on it
B5CL Rangr: Gr8 1Gkar, even! It takes time away from others
TAPESTRY6: Bored? no good TV tonight, STef?
Lespresto: cec:
Sheridnfan: They got the “free” pic and then they would possibly charge for extras.
OnlineHost: StarTrekCC has entered the room.
B5 Merlen: I do too, Gkar, but many people don’
B5 Merlen: t
Vaylenn: ranger, did u ask a ? lately? i looked away for minuet, now im lost
OnlineHost: RZua has entered the room.
TAPESTRY6: oh gee whiz Alex ;-(
STARCMD464: A bad day bowling is better than a good day at work
B5CL Rangr: Tap, just some dumb base ball game on <wink>
Rob H 1974: good.. and TV… that is nearly an oxymoron anymore Tap
Alex777A: Well, I’m still alive…I guess that is something. ๐Ÿ˜‰
B5CL Rangr: Hiya StarTrekCC, RZua Great news! This area is being updated!
StefniLyn: I have no idea. No TV guide. and the TV prevue station is all
StefniLyn: messed up. And have to be up til 11pm to see EFC
Sheridnfan: Did I mention that not ALL the actor were there just for the green backs?
StefniLyn: Yes Sheri
TAPESTRY6: Ranger !!!!!!! {S thunder
RZua: updatded?
Sheridnfan: Ok then.
B5CL Rangr: Vaylenn, nope…chatting greed here at cons
Vaylenn: oh
OnlineHost: STARCMD464 has left the room.
Alex777A: are you, TAP?
RebHanSolo: Where are you Steff?
TAPESTRY6: well sometimes its good Rob, I saw this kewl show on Lighthouses last week.
B5 Merlen: Yes, you did Sheri and it’s nice to hear someone who sees my side of it
StarTrekCC: {{{{{{{{{{{{{TAPPIE!!!!!!}}}}}}}}}}}
Sheridnfan: Ya know where the GREED was? Charging 200 bucks to go to a con in the first place!
B5CL Rangr: RZua, ok so don’t fall down, but ye
StefniLyn: Me? where am I? In my living room in front of my puter
B5 Merlen: BINGO Sheri
StefniLyn: {{{{{SnertTrek}}}}}}}}
Gr8 1Gkar: David was amazed at all the people standing in line and NOT listening to the panels
TAPESTRY6: I wonder where the 200 goes for room rental?
Sheridnfan: Almost everyone at the con paid 200 bucks
B5CL Rangr: Sheridnfan, I agree
Rob H 1974: Stef.. you’re in the same place I am… so why can’t I see you?
Sheridnfan: I speak from some sort of experience here and not all 200 bucks went to the rental of the
Sheridnfan: room
TygerEyez1: Rob, LOL.
OnlineHost: RebHanSolo has left the room.
Sheridnfan: OHmygod they are beating up the goalie on the Kings.
StefniLyn: Dunno Rob. Prolly one of those room deviders
OnlineHost: RZua has left the room.
Rob H 1974: ooh yeah.. My living room is different than your “my” living room
Gr8 1Gkar: Tap I don’t think they evn embursed David for gas and Lunch
Sheridnfan: Sorry…distracted.
Alex777A: That’s $200 bucks apiece from how many people?
Lespresto: Sher: Fantasticon charges that every year for a gold circle seat but 97 scifi actors show up
B5CL Rangr: Sheridnfan, yes you have speaker fees
TAPESTRY6: Well the stars get some sort of free, they aren’t non-profit organizations
StefniLyn: True Rob
B5 Merlen: If I read the report correctly, Tap, 10 dollars to the room 10 dollars to the guests… rest
TAPESTRY6: er fee
Sheridnfan: What report is this Merlen?
StefniLyn: I know that sometimes the Stars have to pay for their rooms
Rob H 1974: ::slaps forehead:: I coulda had a V6
TAPESTRY6: Geesh, Gkar that sounds messed.
Rob H 1974: 8 eve
StarTrekCC: Conventions, there not that big of deal, unless your a collector of autographs
B5 Merlen: THe one one of the people from the con posted to a board. “We never claimed to be a non prof
TygerEyez1: Rob, I like that. You could have had a V-6, huh?
B5 Merlen: it organization”
TAPESTRY6: I never saw the deal with autographs.
StefniLyn: I have enjoyed going to cons to see how wierd people look
Gr8 1Gkar: He wasn’t happy, He said he didn’t think he would do cons any more.
Rob H 1974: I like conventions to see what they have in the dealer rooms.
TAPESTRY6: poor guy
Gr8 1Gkar: I asked him Even AgamemCon???
B5CL Rangr: I simply refruse to go to any Con, all it does is generate money for the
B5CL Rangr: stars and people who want to sell you junk
Rob H 1974: that too Stef
StefniLyn: Those costumes are a hoot
Alex777A: I’ve been to 4 cons, I think it is…and I haven’t picked up even 1 autograph.
TAPESTRY6: I went to a con once, it was only 10 bucks to get in
Gr8 1Gkar: He said well they were different, He might do they they were very nice
StefniLyn: Last one I went to was $40
TAPESTRY6: saw Morden, Callisto and Na’toth
StarTrekCC: conventions are I think just a selling point….
Sheridnfan: Because AgamemCon is a fan run convention and not held in some barn in Pomona
TygerEyez1: Callisto?
TAPESTRY6: and Erin Gray, and the kid from Lassie
TAPESTRY6: yeah that chick in Xena the blond one
StarTrekCC: I went to a convention once, and there was a big dealer table, and I am not into autographs
StarTrekCC: from the stars…
TygerEyez1: that’s who I thought you meant, Tap.
Sheridnfan: It’s these bad convnetions that cause havoc for the smaller cons.
StefniLyn: We dont really have cons here in KC
Gr8 1Gkar: Sher, I didn’t mind the barn so much, because it was down the street
Vaylenn: lucy lawless
B5 Merlen: ahem…. there are two blonds in Xena
Sheridnfan: Well that’s ok then, but still it was soooo big I could have played hockey in the middle of
Sheridnfan: rooml
TygerEyez1: No, Hudson Leick.
TAPESTRY6: its was interesting I found out Morden aint’ that tall
B5 Merlen: Gabrielle and Callisto
Vaylenn: gabriel or xena
Alex777A: I’ve only been to the smaller ones…the largest con I attended was NorWesCon.
TAPESTRY6: No..Hudson Liek yeah here
Gr8 1Gkar: It was to BIG, and the didn’t need both buildings
TAPESTRY6: ack her
StefniLyn: Tap I figured him about 5’6″
Rob H 1974: well for the moment Gabriel is dead…
TAPESTRY6: Gabrielle is more a redhead
Gr8 1Gkar: I did have a GRAET time at the all
Vaylenn: doh im dum
Gr8 1Gkar: Ball
TygerEyez1: actually Rob……
Sheridnfan: There is going to be an awful lot of fall out from VOR.
B5CL Rangr: Can I ask any of you what it really means? You stand in lines for hours
B5CL Rangr: to pay for some ink…so this make sense?
StefniLyn: Gabby is strawberry blonde
B5 Merlen: No, she’s alive somewhere according to the last episode
TAPESTRY6: Fall out Sheridan? why was it bad, or just too much money?
Gr8 1Gkar: GREAT
Sheridnfan: Well I agree completely Merlen and this convention was the worse for that ever.
Rob H 1974: alive in etenity.
TygerEyez1: :::buttons lips::: Won’t give out spoilers.
Rob H 1974: at least from the last one I have seen.
B5 Merlen: which means Hope is probably alive somewhere also
TAPESTRY6: I don’t like ink Ranger it messes up my hands..ewwwww!
Sheridnfan: It was alot of money for almost no payback.
Rob H 1974: since it’s in syndication, you could have seen the one that is on tonight for me.
StefniLyn: Who Gabby?
StefniLyn: Gabby is alive
TygerEyez1: I saw the latest ep tonight
TAPESTRY6: I will have to tell Luv..he said it would be a cattle call.
Gr8 1Gkar: There were people saying it was GREAT, I asked them WHY??? Because it was a good con, or
TygerEyez1: You tell ’em Stef.
Sheridnfan: People literally stood in line for 4 hours for Bruce’s autograph.
TAPESTRY6: Too bad Sheridnfan
Vaylenn: me to
Gr8 1Gkar: because of the stars, They said STARS
Alex777A: 4 hours…I wouldn’t have made it.
Rob H 1974: the last one I saw was last week.
StefniLyn: I saw it Tuesday Tyger
Sheridnfan: And these are people who paid 200 bucks for that privildge.
Vaylenn: poor rob
Sheridnfan: Ohhh nice spelling, Pam…
Log Count: There were 15 member(s) in Eclipse Cafe at 10:30 PM
TygerEyez1: I saw it tonight.
TAPESTRY6: I had some gal in my chat said she stood in line for 4 hours but she was flat thrilled.
StefniLyn: That hope is a pain in the tushie
TAPESTRY6: Different strokes for different folks, I guess
TygerEyez1: can you believe her gall?
B5CL Rangr: Sheridnfan, no way would I stand in line for 4 hours for anything
TygerEyez1: Ranger, ditto that.
Lespresto: Sher: Yeah! And what’s new about that?
B5 Merlen: I can’t picture paying $200 dollars just for myself…. I like conventions but that is A LOT
Vaylenn: takes all kinds, tape
B5 Merlen: of money
StarTrekCC: Scrollangr, who is B5CL Zath, and why haven’t I ever heard of him?
Gr8 1Gkar: I got to get my Pic taken at the Ball, BAS, It was Great
TAPESTRY6: 4 hours is a bit long…but how many peoplez were there?
Alex777A: Eek! I don’t have that much energy to spare for anybody.
StefniLyn: I know Tyger……but she got what she deserved
B5CL Rangr: SnertTrek, yes you have
OnlineHost: STARCMD464 has entered the room.
TygerEyez1: yep, she sure did.
TAPESTRY6: ::laughing::
STARCMD464: im back
Alex777A: Do we get to see the pic, Gr8 1?
Sheridnfan: It’s all a matter of what do you want out of your convention I guess.
StarTrekCC: Scrollangr, well, was he a B5CL under a different name..::Starts 20 questions again::
B5CL Rangr: Welcome STARCMD464, TNT has moved B5 to a new time, care to
B5CL Rangr: complain? Go to,
Vaylenn: nnnnnnnnnooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
TAPESTRY6: yeppers Sheridnfan and as long as some people are willing to do it.
OnlineHost: B5Delenn1 has entered the room.
Alex777A: Wb, STARCMD464.
Gr8 1Gkar: When I get it back, Its with Jerry Doyle
Vaylenn: oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
StefniLyn: Who would complain?
StarTrekCC: Tappie, did you ever post a “chat with Rangr” thingie?
TAPESTRY6: now CC…you cross examining our Ranger?
Vaylenn: oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
B5CL Rangr: Vaylenn, please don’t do that
Sheridnfan: Vaylenn…are you drinking or what?
B5CL Rangr: Hi B5Delenn1 glad to see ya! If you need one of the wav’s I play just send
B5CL Rangr: me an EMail with the name
TAPESTRY6: ::engages iggy button::: {S iggy
B5 Merlen: I think Vaylenn has become a ghost
TAPESTRY6: {S ignore
StefniLyn: Ignore works for me
StarTrekCC: Scrollangr, so was this a B5CL that we know already?
B5CL Rangr: SnertTrek, no she didn’t
Vaylenn: sorry & nobut i wish i was
Gr8 1Gkar: {S InMyUniv
STARCMD464: Nice one Tap
Rob H 1974: bbl
OnlineHost: Rob H 1974 has left the room.
STARCMD464: so who is on the list
B5 Merlen: You wish you were a ghost, Vaylenn?
TAPESTRY6: Yes CC we know and love, but Ranger ain’t telling :-X
Alex777A: List?
Vaylenn: merlen is right
TAPESTRY6: bye Rob
B5CL Rangr: SnertTrek, someone who you chatted with tonight
B5 Merlen: ah, I know!
Vaylenn: got to go for a minuite
TygerEyez1: Hiya Delenn!!!!!!!
TAPESTRY6: tsk tsk Ranger..::foofs:: dont’ give out any hints
StarTrekCC: ::Scratches head about B5CL Zaths::Oh, I know who it is…::does blurt it out yet::
STARCMD464: Vaylenn this is for you {s bobbit3
B5 Merlen: And I ain’t telling….. :-รพ
B5Delenn1: hiya Tyger
OnlineHost: Alecorrock has left the room.
TygerEyez1: did you read the log I sent?
B5CL Rangr: Tap, MOI? I said nothing
StarTrekCC: I know who he is….thanks Scrollangr….
B5Delenn1: ROFLMAO, Tyger
TygerEyez1: wasn’t that great????
B5CL Rangr: Tap, Snert spoke to many people tonight
StefniLyn: I wonder if I can put my logs auto

StarTrekCC: Scrollangr, but I have a “clue” on who it is….the only person it can be.
TygerEyez1: sure, Foofaraw, sure.
Gr8 1Gkar: SHER, did Alec just stop by to LuRK??
StefniLyn: wonder wehre that is….
StarTrekCC: {S foof}
OnlineHost: Psicop22 has entered the room.
B5 Merlen: Keep in mind, STCC, that Ranger said SHE not HE
Gr8 1Gkar: Hi ya 22
StefniLyn: :::pushes the big red button::::
Sheridnfan: Well kinda…he wants to know what the feeling is about VOR so he doesn’t do the
B5CL Rangr: Tap, oh BTW…Troy foofed to night and I’m making a report to the Foof Police
Sheridnfan: wrong things for his con.
B5CL Rangr: Hiya Psicop22 Great news! This area is being updated!
TAPESTRY6: Stef never hit red buttons!!!!!!!
StarTrekCC: Merlen, I thought that was refering to has Tap posted a bio on Rangr yet.
STARCMD464: I aint got hair to foof – I need Rogain
Gr8 1Gkar: We know he wont, David likes him anyway
TAPESTRY6: Naw CC he won’t let me interview him ::pouts::
TAPESTRY6: I told Troy time and time again, foofing is NOT for amateurs!
Alex777A: My hair is down to my waist…but I’m considering cutting it all off.
Psicop22: Hello lurkers
StarTrekCC: Ok, NoIMsangr, let Tappie interview you, Scrollangr.
StefniLyn: Well you are going to have to catch him Tap
Gr8 1Gkar: I liked woring for you guys, at least you let me know what was going on, so I could help
Sheridnfan: I’m glad Mr. Eagle likes Alec and AgamemCon. He is a good guest
Gr8 1Gkar: They didn’t do hat
Sheridnfan: No, everyone seemed to be running around alot at VOR.
OnlineHost: B5Sheridn1 has entered the room.
TAPESTRY6: Not me, Stef..Ranger is quick like bunny rabbit and as silent as the sphnix
B5CL Rangr: SnertTrek, {S thwap}
Sheridnfan: Trying to put out the fires.
B5Sheridn1: {S greetings} everybody
Vaylenn: still here ::in spirite :: be back in a minute
Gr8 1Gkar: that, They left us to sit ther like idiots
StefniLyn: I can get Troy
B5Sheridn1: {{{{{Sheri}}}}}
B5CL Rangr: Hi B5Sheridn1 glad to see ya! If you need one of the wav’s I play just
Alex777A: Agh! That’s bad for my nerves, B5CL Rangr.
B5CL Rangr: send me an EMail with the name
B5Delenn1: hello Sheridn
StarTrekCC: Scrollangr,{S jawawhip}
STARCMD464: {s moronsys
StefniLyn: ::::grins::::
Sheridnfan: You should have seen me trying to direct traffic for Bruce’s line.
Gr8 1Gkar: SHER, you got that right
STARCMD464: I like that one
TygerEyez1: Hiya Sheridn.
Gr8 1Gkar: SHER, ask TOM about him and Luther
Sheridnfan: I had to turn into the Gestapo just to keep everyone under control.
B5CL Rangr: Alex777A, turn down the sound then <weg>
OnlineHost: Fantaczar has entered the room.
Sheridnfan: I heard all about the Luther incident.
B5Delenn1: {{{{{{FAN}}}}}} love
StarTrekCC: ::wonders if Scrollangr will ever post a picture in the “member’s” libaray
StarTrekCC: ::
Alex777A: It is down…but some wavs are louder than others…and my nerves are shot.
B5CL Rangr: 7th Yanks 9 to 1
Sheridnfan: Hiya B5Delenn.
TAPESTRY6: Lex Luther..Superman’s nemesis?
B5CL Rangr: Hey Fantaczar ! Glad to see ya! Come on in and join me for a Jovian
B5CL Rangr: Sunspot
Fantaczar: ((((Delenn)))))))
Alex777A: Ave. Fantaczar.
Sheridnfan: Hiya B5Sheridn with no A. ๐Ÿ™‚
B5Delenn1: {{{{{{{SHERI}}}}}}
StefniLyn: HI there Delenn
B5Sheridn1: LOL Sheri
B5CL Rangr: SnertTrek, keep wondering
Fantaczar: Thanks Rangr
B5Delenn1: Hey Stef……baby kicking??
OnlineHost: STARCMD464 has left the room.
Gr8 1Gkar: {S Timewarp} Is loud
B5CL Rangr: Fantaczar, {S smooch}
StefniLyn: Yeah giving me heartburn
Alex777A: {S timewarp
Sheridnfan: All the A’s have been stolen by AOL….
B5CL Rangr: Gr8 1Gkar, yes it is
B5Sheridn1: Nah, {S jawawhip} is loud
B5Delenn1: i remember those days
StarTrekCC: Scrollangr, I expect you to have {S goodnews} next week…
Gr8 1Gkar: ; )
Alex777A: How about {S wakeup
StarTrekCC: Sheridn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
B5Sheridn1: STCC!!!!!!!!!!!
TygerEyez1: Ouch………….that hurt, Sheridn. {S snertzap
StefniLyn: yipes!!!! what was that shouting.
StarTrekCC: {{{{{{{{{Delenn}}}}}}}}}}}}}
B5Delenn1: got busy today Rangr???
OnlineHost: Ed91777 has entered the room.
B5Delenn1: {{{{{{STCC}}}}}}
StefniLyn: I just keep telling myself 18 more days
StarTrekCC: {S wakeup1}
B5Sheridn1: wasn’t even in your direction Tyger….however, I could be persuaded to
TAPESTRY6: ::sniff :: 9 to 1
B5CL Rangr: Hello Ed91777, you can get you new Babylon5 1999 calendar @
B5CL Rangr: calendar.html
Gr8 1Gkar: I wonder if JamEt will get on line tonight
Alex777A: Why so precise, Stef?
StarTrekCC: {S upshaft}
B5CL Rangr: {S 22clicks}
Sheridnfan: ::::watching hockey…the goalies are dropping like flys on the Kings::::
TygerEyez1: I don’t care….it still hurt.
Gr8 1Gkar: I hope so, I wantt o know what happenedd to day
B5Delenn1: 18 more days and your life will never be the same, Stef
StefniLyn: Alex……Planned c-section. November 5th
StefniLyn: My life changed the day i found out I was preggers
B5CL Rangr: Mom, she’s already married!
B5Delenn1: is daddy going to be in there with you, Stef??
Alex777A: Ah…I was a month overdue, myself.
StefniLyn: Yep he is. He has that day off thank god
Sheridnfan: Hey you know who did look good at VOR. Mira Furlan. I hope that I look that good
Sheridnfan: when I am 7 months pregnant.
Alex777A: Well, if it’s planned I should HOPE so.
B5Sheridn1: I was there for all three
B5 Merlen: Mira was there! COOL!
OnlineHost: Caspersfnd has entered the room.
Sheridnfan: Yeah she was at the con.
OnlineHost: SILNTSTRID has entered the room.
Gr8 1Gkar: Sher are you gonna have a Baby some day??
StefniLyn: Alex he is military and well cant get time off.
B5CL Rangr: Hiya Caspersfnd Great news! This area is being updated!
B5Delenn1: i know Sheridn…… tales on what you saw please
Gr8 1Gkar: She is So Cute
Sheridnfan: Yes, eventually….don’t rush it though.
OnlineHost: SILNTSTRID has left the room.
Caspersfnd: good, updated to what?
Alex777A: Ah, well that might make a difference…but not always.
StarTrekCC: {S upshaft}
B5Sheridn1: what…..nothing about the uterus?
Sheridnfan: I want a puppy first. ;-P
B5CL Rangr: SnertTrek, ok send me that one
Gr8 1Gkar: No Rushing here, I’m done with that,2 was all I could stand
StefniLyn: They just sent 27 people from his squardron to Kuwait so they are short
OnlineHost: FigSlayer has entered the room.
TAPESTRY6: puppy?
Gr8 1Gkar: Hi ya Figgy
Fantaczar: I wanted a puppy first, didn’t happen though
Sheridnfan: Well a puppy before having a child. ๐Ÿ™‚
StarTrekCC: Harb!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
B5 Merlen: WB Fig
Alex777A: Ugh! My brother got a dog as a baby substitute and now we are stuck with it.
FigSlayer: Have no fear fig is here
B5Delenn1: {S thwap4} SHERIDN
FigSlayer: again
StefniLyn: Hi there Bro
B5Sheridn1: :::ducks::::
B5CL Rangr: Hello FigSlayer, you can get you new Babylon5 1999 calendar @
B5CL Rangr: calendar.html
FigSlayer: sup all what fig miss
TAPESTRY6: woof?
StarTrekCC: Ok, Scrollangr…do you ever check your {S Ranger1} name?
B5CL Rangr: Mom, can send you other wavs for that
B5 Merlen: {S howl
FigSlayer: already got it
Alex777A: Big woof…anybody want a bassett hound?
TAPESTRY6: Harb poofed all ready
B5CL Rangr: SnertTrek, oh yes
Gr8 1Gkar: Fig, some Con talk, and some Baby talk
B5Delenn1: iother wavs foir what??
OnlineHost: Ed91777 has left the room.
B5 Merlen: goo goo ga ga
Gr8 1Gkar: FIG, how did you like it
B5CL Rangr: Mom, <weg>
FigSlayer: Baby talk good any violence
B5Delenn1: LOL
B5Sheridn1: that’s a real hard font to read
Psicop22: Alex…no thanks, I have 3 Siberian Husky’s
OnlineHost: Caspersfnd has left the room.
B5Sheridn1: Delenn
StefniLyn: :::sigh::::I better poof
Sheridnfan: I’m not getting a bassett hound. A Newfoundland instead.
StefniLyn: I can sense my mother trying to call
B5Delenn1: too bad
B5Sheridn1: Those are big Sheri
Gr8 1Gkar: SHER, are you NUTS??
Alex777A: You should put some headphones on your tummy and play the baby some Mozart.
TAPESTRY6: Bassett Hounds, don’t woof they howl! {S wolfhowl}
B5Sheridn1: Get a Shiba Inu
B5Delenn1: better????????
Lespresto: Night Everyone!
Sheridnfan: Yup…a big black slobbering dog.
StarTrekCC: Ok, Scrollangr, I can also send it to email address
FigSlayer: Who having baby fig forget
Gr8 1Gkar: SHER you guys have a House??
StarTrekCC: ๐Ÿ™‚
B5Sheridn1: not much D
Alex777A: This one whines….interminably.
Sayren FE: Sheri, that is one BIG dog. Do you have somewhere for him to swim?
StefniLyn: Well I do have my wolf CD
B5CL Rangr: {S bassett}
TygerEyez1: Ranger, you send her wavs, you have to send them to me too.
Sheridnfan: Yes, we are buying a house at the end of the year.
FigSlayer: oh it’s stef huh?
StefniLyn: Fig I am having the baby
TAPESTRY6: Scrollhanger?
Fantaczar: Mozart-Naw, Try some Paganini
FigSlayer: yeah I remember now
OnlineHost: Lespresto has left the room.
StarTrekCC: Scrollangr, I want on your wav list too.
TAPESTRY6: some how CC I dont’ think there is a name like that
FigSlayer: didn’t see SN
Gr8 1Gkar: We have a Golden retriver, I recomed them
Sheridnfan: I like Goldens too.
Vaylenn: ::::::: the ghost of vaylenn apeirs be for Merlen. ::::::::::::
FigSlayer: I have a pit bull Lab
StefniLyn: I miss my wolf
TAPESTRY6: I got kitty cats {S cat
Gr8 1Gkar: Recomend
StarTrekCC: Tappie, I just joking, remember that Thirdspace party email Scrollangr sent us
B5Delenn1: wav list, My son????
Alex777A: People who listen to Mozart before tests usualy test better…not that way with any other co
B5CL Rangr: TygerEyez1, I have over 2100 wav’s please tell me which one you want
Alex777A: mposer that they have found.
TAPESTRY6: nope CC…if I remember today I am ona roll::foofs:
Gr8 1Gkar: some thing like that, But I do like cats, I put up with dogs
Vaylenn: vaylenns ghost had cats
StefniLyn: :::waves::::Well everyone I might be back later. But better go for now.
B5Delenn1: Rangr…did i ever send you this wav {S puckerup
OnlineHost: StefniLyn has left the room.
CECJT: hey tapeestry
FigSlayer: I have all wavs I see
TygerEyez1: holy moly….about as many as I do, hon.
B5CL Rangr: Mom, nope
B5Sheridn1: Please put me on your wav list too, Rangr
FigSlayer: 17 zip drives full
OnlineHost: Kirantha has entered the room.
Log Count: There were 17 member(s) in Eclipse Cafe at 10:45 PM
B5Delenn1: ok..i9 will
B5CL Rangr: TygerEyez1, <weg>
TAPESTRY6: :::::;waves to Ranger:::::::
TygerEyez1: me too Delenn.
FigSlayer: bye stef
Fantaczar: But Paginini has a better soul in his music
Kirantha: Hey!!!!!! {S kirantha
B5Delenn1: ok Tyger
TygerEyez1: Ranger, I’m a wav junkie.
B5CL Rangr: Hey Kirantha….Have you checked out the New Trivia Boards?
TAPESTRY6: ::::waves to Kira::::::::
B5CL Rangr: Tap, seeya sweetie
OnlineHost: Psicop22 has left the room.
Alex777A: Not from where I’m listening.
StarTrekCC: {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{S kirantha}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}
Kirantha: Tyger, oh no. Need a fix?
TygerEyez1: {{{{{{{{{{{{Kira}}}}}}}}}}}
StarTrekCC: Bye, Tappie!!!!!!!!!!!
CECJT: popping back and forth with im
TAPESTRY6: byebye ..poof! {S pixydust}
B5CL Rangr: TygerEyez1, we both are
TygerEyez1: Nope, I get a fix everyday.
OnlineHost: TAPESTRY6 has left the room.
FigSlayer: :::::::Extends Pike::::::::::::: who will fight the figSlayer
Alex777A: Bye, TAP.
Kirantha: {{{{{{{{{STCC}}}}}}}}}}}}}{S red_red_
Sheridnfan: :::::::::the Kings trainer looks exactly like Rance Howard. How strange.:::
Kirantha: {{{{Tyger}}}}}
Alex777A: Shoot…not quite fast enough.
B5CL Rangr: TygerEyez1, not me…just some times
TygerEyez1: I’m on a daily wav list, Ranger.
FigSlayer: Fig must eat in 3 minutes
Alex777A: I have a cousin who plays professional hockey.
FigSlayer: Me too
Kirantha: Geez, Tap left before I had a chance to wave to her
Sheridnfan: Really Alex? What team?
B5Sheridn1: ::::Draws ppg::: :::fires::: :::Fig drops like a fly:::
Alex777A: Er…I’m not sure…he was playing for the Rangers when they won the Stanley Cup.
B5Delenn1: {S beauty
Alex777A: Every player gets to keep the cup for a week to party with it.
FigSlayer: :::::Fig Rolls::::Avoids burn and telapathically makes B5 think fig fell:::::::::
Kirantha: Merlen, dost tho have anymore of that wonderful cider left for a thirsty dragon?
Vaylenn: well , got to go roommate’s getting crabby. saying the computer’s keepping her awake. Gnite
FigSlayer: ::::::::::Smacks b5 across spine breaking neck:::::::
Gr8 1Gkar: OK, I have to sign off, I am still worn out from my week end, What a Blast it was beeing ba
B5 Merlen: please, fighting is not to be done in chat rooms…. please go to the Mutai Fighting room
Alex777A: I think he’s playing and coaching for TeamCanada lately.
B5CL Rangr: Vaylenn, see ya
Gr8 1Gkar: back stage when they were all back there
Sheridnfan: That’s really cool, Alex. The Avalanche have just tied things up with the Kings
FigSlayer: Gladly where?
Gr8 1Gkar: TTFN all
Vaylenn: every body, and ggooood bllleeeeessse
Sheridnfan: I’m glad you had a good time Vonnie.
StarTrekCC: {S joyworld}
Alex777A: Cya, Gr8 a.
TygerEyez1: CEC, blechhhh….GO STARS!!!!
Alex777A: 1.
B5 Merlen: Aye, I have many barrels of that exellent cider
Gr8 1Gkar: Thanks Pam
Sheridnfan: On the whole, so did I. Obviously. ๐Ÿ˜‰
Gr8 1Gkar: TTFN
Fantaczar: Alex, what’s his name???
OnlineHost: Gr8 1Gkar has left the room.
StarTrekCC: ::Gives Scrollangr some Rehashed Babylon 5::
B5CL Rangr: FigSlayer, there are many B5’s here..are you speaking to me?
Alex777A: Doug Lidster…used to play for the Vancouver Canucks.
FigSlayer: Whoever shot at me
OnlineHost: Vaylenn has left the room.
Alex777A: Great defenseman.
FigSlayer: :::::::Sips some Taquilla:::::::::::
TygerEyez1: they got lucky.
FigSlayer: Sheridan I think
OnlineHost: Attazar has entered the room.
B5Sheridn1: Nope ranger….he just broke my holograph’s neck….right before i shoved a knife into his
B5Sheridn1: heart
OnlineHost: Tux17 has entered the room.
B5Delenn1: Tyger,,,,,,,,you got mail
Alex777A: Ave, Attazar and Tux17.
B5CL Rangr: FigSlayer, I don’t shoot and that activity isn’t condoned in the Cafe
OnlineHost: CReed52759 has entered the room.
StarTrekCC: {{{{{{{{{{{{{{Tux}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}
B5CL Rangr: {{{{{{{{{ Attazar, CReed52759 }}}}}}} Glad to see ya! Don’t forget, you can
B5CL Rangr: buy the Earthforce Source
B5Delenn1: {S gotmsil}Tyger
B5CL Rangr: book at Babylon5 Emporium!
Sheridnfan: I know the name. Good player. I follow the careers of the goalies.
Alex777A: Ave, CReed52759.
FigSlayer: Fig not have heart fig vorlon use pike telekenetically
StarTrekCC: ::Gives Tux a box of Crayons::
B5Delenn1: {S gotmail
B5Sheridn1: Sorry ranger….i be good
Tux17: Hi Tyger, Kira, Delenn, Sheridan, etc.
B5CL Rangr: B5Sheridn1, please stop…before I put an end to it
CReed52759: Hello again… had to step out for a while.
Alex777A: Cool…he’s an old man in the sport now,though. ๐Ÿ˜‰
Tux17: ((((((STCC)))))
B5Delenn1: {{{{{{{{{{{{{TUX}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}
B5 Merlen: Sheridn1…. better practice that some more…. you shouldn’t smile so big when you say taht
Tux17: Hi Merlen
FigSlayer: ((((((((((Jump gate opens))))))))))))))))::::::::6 Vorlon Planet killers Come into vie::::::
B5 Merlen: Hi Tux
FigSlayer: Who Fight fig Now?
Tux17: ((((((((((Delenn)))))))))))
StarTrekCC: {S we3kings}
B5CL Rangr: FigSlayer, please stop simming
B5Sheridn1: huh Merlen?
FigSlayer: Fig kill sheridan
Alex777A: Still has all his teeth, though…although he does have a metal plate in his face.
Kirantha: Hey Atta, Tux, CR
Sheridnfan: The Kings have just lost their first goalie and now their second goalie has an injury too.
Tux17: ::eats crayons:: Boy was I starved
B5 Merlen: You said you will be good….
B5CL Rangr: FigSlayer, last time….please don’t sim
CReed52759: Hi Kira
B5Sheridn1: and since i said that, i have been
Attazar: {{{{{{{{Room}}}}}}}}}
Alex777A: Tough sport…I’d hate to watch it in prison…must be tough seeing a person get a two minut
Tux17: Oh, I hafta go, my father is screaming at me
Sheridnfan: I play goalie and I never seem to get a “groin injury”… in an important game.
B5Delenn1: {{{{{{{ATTA}}}}}}}}
B5 Merlen: a new record, Sheridn?
B5Sheridn1: Atta!!!!
Alex777A: e penalty for something they jailed you for.
OnlineHost: FigSlayer has left the room.
Kirantha: Nite Tux!!
Tux17: Bye all!!!!
Alex777A: ๐Ÿ˜‰
OnlineHost: HotWrought has entered the room.
OnlineHost: Tux17 has left the room.
TygerEyez1: {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{Atta}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}
B5Sheridn1: I’m usually very good Merlen
Attazar: Sorry, brain was momentarily diengaged!
Attazar: {{{{{{{{{{{{{{Tyger}}}}}}}}}}}}}}
B5 Merlen: I know…. I’m just kidding with you….
B5CL Rangr: Hey HotWrought, welcome! Have you been to the Babylon 5 Emporium?
OnlineHost: HotWrought has left the room.
B5CL Rangr: B5Sheridn1, I ain’t touching that one!
OnlineHost: Stargaze97 has entered the room.
OnlineHost: FigSlayer has entered the room.
Attazar: {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{Delenn}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}
TygerEyez1: {S beauty
FigSlayer: Sheridan Back down
B5CL Rangr: Hail and Well met Stargaze97, FigSlayer…Welcome to the Cafe, B5CL
B5CL Rangr: Staff is supplying free J’hala tonight
Kirantha: Geez, cat is meowing, dogs are pacing…..I guess I’d
Kirantha: better let them out and feed them all. Nite everyone!!!!
Alex777A: Atta gets the stuffing hugged out of him.
B5 Merlen: Nite Kira
StarTrekCC: {S holland}
FigSlayer: Gotta go eat
OnlineHost: Kirantha has left the room.
B5Sheridn1: You’d hafta get the dirty from Delenn on that one Ranger
StarTrekCC: {S holland}
B5CL Rangr: FigSlayer, see ya
OnlineHost: FigSlayer has left the room.
Stargaze97: ::walks in :: good evening all
B5Delenn1: {S gotmail} Tyger
Stargaze97: man brb
Attazar: {{{{{Alex}}}}}} Whoo,Whoo!!!
Alex777A: {{{{{{{{{Atta}}}}}}}}}}
B5CL Rangr: B5Sheridn1, I might…but still…I go by what’s in here…not out there
B5Delenn1: the dirty on what, Sheridn??
Alex777A: ::warm and fuzzy::
B5Sheridn1: scroll up D
Stargaze97: back
OnlineHost: MCRaybon has entered the room.
Alex777A: Wb, Stargaze97.
Alex777A: Ave, C+MRaybon.
Alex777A: Oops.
Stargaze97: thanks alex
B5Delenn1: Sheridn…….GROW UP!!!!
B5CL Rangr: Hi ya MCRaybon Glad you made it! {S eclipse}
B5Sheridn1: Thwpppp
B5Sheridn1: !!!!!
Alex777A: {S woohoo
Alex777A: {S woohoo2
Stargaze97: hi mc
MCRaybon: hi star
B5CL Rangr: Mom, B5Sheridn1, please keep this civil!
CECJT: Sheridan is a boob
B5Delenn1: Rangr, {S puckerup} is oin your other mail box, hon
Attazar: {{{{CC}}}} happnin?
B5CL Rangr: Mom, thanks
B5Sheridn1: CEC…you need to watch it
Stargaze97: mc loking for desaray?
B5Delenn1: you are most welcome
OnlineHost: Starwhit has entered the room.
Alex777A: I must have missed something here.
Stargaze97: looking even
Alex777A: Ave, Starwhit.
TygerEyez1: {S puckerup
B5CL Rangr: CECJT, please watch it
TygerEyez1: LOL….love it.
MCRaybon: I’m not expecting her till later?
Attazar: Just stopped in to say Hi!
B5CL Rangr: Starwhit Welcome to the chat….What’s the topic?….I have no clue
B5CL Rangr: either…<weg>
B5Delenn1: dontcha love that, Tyger??
Alex777A: Well, hi.
Stargaze97: ok but she is right here.
OnlineHost: Dragoniize has entered the room.
TygerEyez1: I sure do.
Attazar: Gotta an early day tomorrow. Typical Monday!
CECJT: Sorry B5s
TygerEyez1: {{{{{{{{{{{Dragon}}}}}}}}}}}}
Starwhit: come and see my web page White Star Fleet (Keyword to:
B5Delenn1: {{{{{{{{{Dragon}}}}}}
Attazar: {{{{{{{{{{{{Dragoniize}}}}}}}}}}}
Dragoniize: Hello All
MCRaybon: I don’t want to interupt anything
B5Sheridn1: Later all….{{{{{Dragon}}}}}
B5CL Rangr: Hail & Well met Dragoniize ! Make sure you pay attention to the Zocalo
OnlineHost: B5Sheridn1 has left the room.
B5CL Rangr: scene in
B5CL Rangr: ** Sleeping in the Light ** it’s filled with lots of folks from Babylon5!
Stargaze97: hi mc baby sorry moms messin w/ ypo
Dragoniize: {{{{{Tyger, Delenn, Atta, Sheridn}}}}}}}
TygerEyez1: brb
MCRaybon: kewl
B5CL Rangr: Starwhit, please no advertising
Dragoniize: Evening Rangr
OnlineHost: DirtyDragn has entered the room.
B5CL Rangr: Dragoniize, evening
B5 Merlen: Well, it’s been fun but I got to run…. Try to be good, especially you, Ranger ๐Ÿ˜‰
Alex777A: Ave, Dragoniize and DirtyDragn.
Stargaze97: brb
B5 Merlen: {S valename
MCRaybon: K
Dragoniize: hi Alex
DirtyDragn: Hello everyone
B5CL Rangr: Hey DirtyDragn pull up a chair and stay a while. {S comfychr}
OnlineHost: B5 Merlen has left the room.
B5CL Rangr: B5 Merlen, see ya
Alex777A: Well, I’m afraid I must flee now…for a time.
DirtyDragn: Ave Alex
Sheridnfan: See ya
CReed52759: Goodnight Alex
Dragoniize: Bye Alex
Sheridnfan: See ya Alex and Merlen.
Attazar: Well, my good and dear friends, this was short and sweet.
Alex777A: It’s been fun…don’t everybody go missing me at once.
Sheridnfan: I think I am going to skate as well.
DirtyDragn: Niters Sheridnfn
Sheridnfan: Talk with you all tommorrow.
Alex777A: Ave and vale. ::waves::poof::{S jump
OnlineHost: Sheridnfan has left the room.
Attazar: Good to see you all. Take care…
OnlineHost: Alex777A has left the room.
CECJT: Ranger can i call Sheridan a sissy????
Dragoniize: {S attazar
OnlineHost: Sayren FE has left the room.
Dragoniize: BBL, all
B5CL Rangr: CECJT, no
OnlineHost: Fantaczar has left the room.
OnlineHost: Dragoniize has left the room.
Attazar: {{{{{{{{{Room}}}}}}}}}
B5CL Rangr: Sheridnfan, see ya
Attazar: {S Outta
CECJT: ok i wont then
Attazar: {s Jump1
Log Count: There were 11 member(s) in Eclipse Cafe at 11:00 PM
OnlineHost: Attazar has left the room.
B5CL Rangr: Attazar, see ya
B5CL Rangr: {S ahellofa}
B5CL Rangr: Hey gang my time is up!
B5CL Rangr: I’ve had a splendid time with you all.
B5CL Rangr: There won’t be a Host here, but
B5CL Rangr: you too can report any problems to AOL.
B5CL Rangr: Just click on * Notify AOL *
B5CL Rangr: and fill out the report. Remember no one
B5CL Rangr: from the B5 Staff or AOL will ever ask for your
B5CL Rangr: password! Only those with B5CL in front of their
B5CL Rangr: names are Official Staff.
OnlineHost: DirtyDragn has left the room.
CReed52759: Nite Rangr
B5CL Rangr: Good night everyone
CECJT: by Ranger hope youre not mad at me
B5Delenn1: {{{{{{{rangr}}}}}}night my son
B5CL Rangr: CECJT, no I’m not….LOL
B5CL Rangr: Mom, nighters
B5CL Rangr: hey Snert? {S jawawhip}

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