Fresh Air Lounge – 10/16/1998

PowerChat: *** Entered Fresh Air Lounge on 10/16/98 at 05:58 PM ***
OnlineHost: AngelMpath has entered the room.
OnlineHost: MARTOK9 has entered the room.
B5CL Drows: Good news MARTOK9, AngelMpath, only 12 days and counting till the new episodes.
OnlineHost: MARTOK9 has left the room.
OnlineHost: NurEyvonGQ has entered the room.
NurEyvonGQ: hello all
B5CL Drows: NurEyvonGQ, how are you today!
Log Count: There were 3 member(s) in Fresh Air Lounge at 06:00 PM
NurEyvonGQ: fine and u?
OnlineHost: PlkyDuckie has entered the room.
B5CL Drows: I’m pretty good.
B5CL Drows: Hey, PlkyDuckie have you tried the
B5CL Drows: Bagna Cauda? Garibaldi just made a fresh batch.
B5CL Drows: How ya doing Ducks?
OnlineHost: PBojorquez has entered the room.
AngelMpath: Drows, what the heck IS Bagna Cauda?
OnlineHost: PBojorquez has left the room.
OnlineHost: Raiden437 has entered the room.
OnlineHost: Raiden437 has left the room.
B5CL Drows: Angel, it’s an Italian dish.
B5CL Drows: Hello, PBojorquez, Raiden437, updated
B5CL Drows: and printable schedules of the show air times can be found at TNT’s web
B5CL Drows: site.Che
PlkyDuckie: Hey Drows, not bad and you?
OnlineHost: Raiden437 has entered the room.
OnlineHost: TygerEyez1 has entered the room.
B5CL Drows: Cheese, sardines, and a lot of very fattening stuff
OnlineHost: Raiden437 has left the room.
NurEyvonGQ: where is everyone?
B5CL Drows: We saved you a place, TygerEyez1.
TygerEyez1: {S tygrroar
OnlineHost: Roddin20 has entered the room.
OnlineHost: Roddin20 has left the room.
TygerEyez1: Howdy, ya’ll.
OnlineHost: Roddin20 has entered the room.
AngelMpath: [{{{{{{{{{{ TYGER }}}}}}}}}}}]
OnlineHost: PlkyDuckie has left the room.
B5CL Drows: We saved you a place, Roddin20.
OnlineHost: CCase3 has entered the room.
TygerEyez1: {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{Angel}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}
CCase3: hello all
B5CL Drows: NurEyvonGQ, I’m right here. 🙂
Roddin20: ::Walks over and sits in corner::
AngelMpath: Hey CC
B5CL Drows: Hey CCase3, have you checked the
B5CL Drows: Lurker’s Guide lately?
OnlineHost: Roddin20 has left the room.
OnlineHost: NurEyvonGQ has left the room.
CCase3: nope
TygerEyez1: Drows, I saw something today while driving to school which made me think of you.
B5CL Drows: Peter Woodward, Galen the technomage in “Crusade,” guest stars in the
AngelMpath: Uh oh Drows, now you’re in trouble <g>
B5CL Drows: series premiere of Fox’s “Brimstone” Friday, October 23 at 8PM.
AngelMpath: Brimstone looks good
CCase3: cool i love that guys voice!
B5CL Drows: Tyger, another Lewiski reference?
TygerEyez1: yes.
OnlineHost: StarTrekCC has entered the room.
B5CL Drows: That’s one of the reasons I push Lurker’s Guide, it’s announced there.
TygerEyez1: actually it was a billboard….a huge billboard.
B5CL Drows: What did you see, Tyger?
CCase3: well UPN cancled MERCY POINT
B5CL Drows: StarTrekCC, I hope you’ve had your shots, there’s another outbreak of
B5CL Drows: “Rerun Fever” expected to last until October 28th.
StarTrekCC: {{{{{{{{{{Angel}}}}}}}}}}}}
B5CL Drows: CC, already?
StarTrekCC: Drows!!!!!!!!!!
TygerEyez1: All it said was “I Have Cigars.” with a hand held out.
CCase3: yep
AngelMpath: [{{{{{{{{{{ !!!STCC!!! }}}}}}}}}}}]
StarTrekCC: {{{{{{{{{{{{{{Tygerrrrrrrr}}}}}}}}}}}}
CCase3: i just hope they dont cut seven days
TygerEyez1: {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{CC}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}
B5CL Drows: A picture of Lewinski with a “Got Cigars” caption would have been funnier.
StarTrekCC: CC!!!!!!, Mercy Point can’t be cancelled after twho episodes.
CCase3: well tell that to upn
B5CL Drows: ::play on the “Got Milk” campaign.
TygerEyez1: I still had to do a double-take because I wasn’t sure that was what I h ad seen…but it was
TygerEyez1: I laughed the rest of the way to school.
B5CL Drows: Gee, somehow that makes sense, they keep Voyager and drop Mercy Point.
AngelMpath: Mercy Point never even showed up in Colorado that I know of
StarTrekCC: Drows, I don’t if it is confirmed..I going to check it out.
CCase3: well the new “cat suit” should make its apperance in the next ep of Voyager?
B5CL Drows: Let me know what you find STCC.
TygerEyez1: oh, and my dad came through his surgery like a breeze.
StarTrekCC: CCase, where did you find that Mercy Point was cancelled, which site?
B5CL Drows: CC, “barbie-borg” getting a new costume?
CCase3: yes
TygerEyez1: ::laughs:: Barbie-Borg.
OnlineHost: FigSlayer has entered the room.
CCase3: and check out also
B5CL Drows: CC, imagine my surprise.. Let me guess, added some cutouts, huh? ROFL
OnlineHost: Shaianin has entered the room.
B5CL Drows: FigSlayer, welcome to the Fresh Air Lounge, the strangest place in known
B5CL Drows: space!
FigSlayer: figgie has arived
B5CL Drows: Shaianin, welcome to the latest installment of “As the Station Rotates” that
B5CL Drows: ongoing soap opera staring all of us, the B5 fans!!!! 🙂
FigSlayer: not even close
StarTrekCC: CCase, well they are a pretty reliable source, but still till I get official word from UPN,
CCase3: nope ITS BLUE!!
Shaianin: ::flops down in nearest chair:::
StarTrekCC: then I going to regard it as a rumor
CCase3: hold on I will be right back
OnlineHost: CCase3 has left the room.
FigSlayer: bye then
OnlineHost: FigSlayer has left the room.
B5CL Drows: STCC, I always take Ain’t it Cool with a grain of salt, until independently confirmed.
OnlineHost: Mmsgalaxy has entered the room.
Mmsgalaxy: hi CC
B5CL Drows: Welcome to Fresh Air Lounge Mmsgalaxy, the most bizarre room this side
B5CL Drows: of Earth Dome!
Mmsgalaxy: i bet Drowns
OnlineHost: Shaianin has left the room.
B5CL Drows: Well, with me hosting, what would you expect?
TygerEyez1: NGSI.
Mmsgalaxy: nothing more nothing less
OnlineHost: CCase3 has entered the room.
Mmsgalaxy: hello another CC
B5CL Drows: Peter Woodward, Galen the technomage in “Crusade,” guest stars in the
B5CL Drows: series premiere of Fox’s “Brimstone” Friday, October 23 at 8PM.
TygerEyez1: it would be entirely too easy.
B5CL Drows: Welcome back CCase.
CCase3: its conformed its on the Cinescape web site
B5CL Drows: CC, is there a UPN web site?
Mmsgalaxy: bye people that are in here
OnlineHost: Mmsgalaxy has left the room.
CCase3: I think so hold i will be RIGHT BACK!
OnlineHost: STARCMD464 has entered the room.
OnlineHost: CCase3 has left the room.
B5CL Drows: Oh, that reminds me, I have a couple of web sites I just found.
B5CL Drows: STARCMD464, welcome to the Fresh
B5CL Drows: Air Lounge.
STARCMD464: Hello
B5CL Drows: The Del Rey web site for books is located on the web at:
B5CL Drows:
StarTrekCC: Drows, The cinescope site, says that Mercy Point is going hiatus…
StarTrekCC: ]not being cancelled..
TygerEyez1: another term for cancelled.
B5CL Drows: Columbia House is offering video’s of “classic science fiction” shows at their
B5CL Drows: web site:
TygerEyez1: or they’re re-working it.
STARCMD464: so whats up folks
StarTrekCC: I don’t thiink is official…
OnlineHost: B5 Zak 1 has entered the room.
OnlineHost: B5 Zak 1 has left the room.
B5CL Drows: STCC, well, there’s hope then.
STARCMD464: I would stay away from Columbia House
STARCMD464: at all costs
B5CL Drows: Del Rey’s the company that’s doing the new B5 books.
B5CL Drows: Including the Season Guides.
TygerEyez1: Well, I’m getting my book tomorrow…and I’m pumped.
B5CL Drows: Tyger, which book?
TygerEyez1: The Vampire Armand.
OnlineHost: B5 Merlen has entered the room.
B5CL Drows: Tyger, oh, the new Anne Rice. I haven’t read any of those myself.
Log Count: There were 6 member(s) in Fresh Air Lounge at 06:15 PM
TygerEyez1: it’s ready for me to pick up.
B5CL Drows: Hey B5 Merlen, the web site for Voice of the Resistance is at :
B5CL Drows: if you’re interested.
TygerEyez1: Hey Merlen.
B5 Merlen: Hello fellow addicts….{S adicted
B5CL Drows: I just ordered the new Season Guide for No Surrender, No Retreat
B5CL Drows: today, so I’m using Lurker’s for tomorrow’s trivia
OnlineHost: Lespresto has entered the room.
OnlineHost: CCase3 has entered the room.
B5 Merlen: Hi CC, Les
B5CL Drows: Wheel of Fire isn’t listed yet at Del Rey’s.
B5CL Drows: Lespresto, CCase3, welcome to Fresh Air Lounge, one of the Official AOL
B5CL Drows: Babylon 5 chat rooms.
CCase3: well I can not get on the upn web site
Lespresto: Hi Merlen
Lespresto: Hi Drows
B5 Merlen: Lurker
OnlineHost: Minabari has entered the room.
Lespresto: Hi Everyone!
StarTrekCC: Drows, I think it confirmed that Mercy Point is canned…just checked out
OnlineHost: IdaFernan has entered the room.
OnlineHost: JuliaAlm has entered the room.
B5CL Drows: Welcome to Fresh Air Lounge Minabari, IdaFernan, JuliaAlm, the most
B5CL Drows: bizarre room this side of Earth Dome!
JuliaAlm: hi
OnlineHost: RPM2112 has entered the room.
JuliaAlm: hi drows
B5 Merlen: So, the trivia time is 4pm est tomorrow?
CCase3: Cinescape is also reporting it as well
B5CL Drows: CC, what’s the address?
STARCMD464: Good that show stinks
B5CL Drows: Merlen, yes, hopefully, I’ll manage to find the time to get them done tonight.
StarTrekCC: Drows, I guess not many people liked Mercy Point,
Minabari: ()()()Lomes Bar is open()()()Type “Buzz” For service()()()Only the best stuff here
B5CL Drows: Hey RPM2112, have you checked the
B5CL Drows: Lurker’s Guide lately?
OnlineHost: AngelMpath has left the room.
StarTrekCC: Merlen!!!!!!
STARCMD464: I hope it gets the cold boot off the air
B5 Merlen: Hi STCC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
OnlineHost: JuliaAlm has left the room.
B5CL Drows: STCC, I did, but it’s not exactly a hit from what I hear.
RPM2112: no i have not
OnlineHost: IdaFernan has left the room.
Lespresto: BUZZ!!1
CCase3: what mercy point
OnlineHost: AngelMpath has entered the room.
StarTrekCC: STAR, I liked Mercy Point….I wish UPN gave it moe time to try to get it’s niche
StarTrekCC: before being cancelled.
Minabari: Yes Les How can I help you
Lespresto: {{{{{Angel}}}}}
StarTrekCC: Julia!!!!!!!!!!
B5 Merlen: Too bad they didn’t remember how B5 was in the begining
B5CL Drows: STCC, well, the new policy seems to be “if a show isn’t a hit immediately, then cancel”.
B5 Merlen: see previous statement by me
OnlineHost: Gooner6969 has entered the room.
OnlineHost: Gooner6969 has left the room.
Lespresto: Min: A Bud Light!!!
OnlineHost: Gooner6969 has entered the room.
AngelMpath: [{{{{{{{{{{ Lespresto }}}}}}}}}}}]
OnlineHost: RAYW7676 has entered the room.
StarTrekCC: yeah, Drows, but I think that Mercy Point could have been a hit, but got axed too early.
TygerEyez1: but sometimes, some of these shows don’t even need to be aired in the first place.
B5CL Drows: Season 1 of Next Gen wasn’t exactly stellar, and Season 1 of B5 went
OnlineHost: IdaFernan has entered the room.
B5CL Drows: through major improvements as well.
B5CL Drows: Hi Gooner6969, RAYW7676, IdaFernan, have you seen the folder for
B5CL Drows: Crusades in the Message Boards?
B5 Merlen: The Goon Squad has arrived!
Minabari: ::: Hands Lespre a Bud Light::::: First drinks on the house all
Gooner6969: LOL
Gooner6969: goone squad
Minabari: ()()()Lomes Bar is open()()()Type “Buzz” For service()()()Only the best stuff here
Lespresto: Cool!!!!
OnlineHost: RAYW7676 has left the room.
STARCMD464: Buzz
CCase3: why are you agnozing over this show it was a pice, but does anyone remeber SEA QUEST DSV!!
Minabari: Yes StarCMD
Gooner6969: what race should i blow away today?
RPM2112: yes
STARCMD464: Minbari Tea please
B5CL Drows: CC, which incarnation, the original or the “new and improved” one?
CCase3: all of them
Lespresto: CC: I remeber SeaQuest!!!
TygerEyez1: I liked the original one.
Gooner6969: :::sees a drazi::: {S ppg
Minabari: ::: Hand Starcmd a Minabari tea
StarTrekCC: CCase, I liked Mercy Point, and the second episode showed some improvement
Gooner6969: number 1
TygerEyez1: the one with Bridger.
STARCMD464: I like the Roy Schider version better
B5CL Drows: Tyger, that was a decent show, I wasn’t fond of the update.
B5 Merlen: I kinda liked Dagwood though
Lespresto: The first season was the best!
OnlineHost: IdaFernan has left the room.
STARCMD464: thank you
OnlineHost: IdaFernan has entered the room.
TygerEyez1: Dagwood was cool.
StarTrekCC: I liked Seaquest, both the SeaQuest, and Seaquest 2032…
StarTrekCC: but the orginally Seaquest…
Minabari: My faveroit show is SEAQUEST
B5CL Drows: STCC, 2032 was ok, but it just wasn’t as good, I think.
Lespresto: the others were bad take offs from Star Trek
Minabari: Darwin is cool too
STARCMD464: the show was over shadowed by Lois and Clark
CCase3: no it sucked from the get go
IdaFernan: true
TygerEyez1: personally I liked Quantum Leap.
OnlineHost: Spenscott has entered the room.
CCase3: now that was a cool show
Minabari: that was cool too
B5CL Drows: Tyger, I actually miss Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea.
B5CL Drows: Spenscott have you seen the Conventions listing at TNT’s web site? Check
B5CL Drows: under Reports and scroll down.
CCase3: yikes
StarTrekCC: CCase, people like different shows…
TygerEyez1: way before my time there, Drows.
Minabari: ()()()Lomes Bar is open()()()Type “Buzz” For service()()()Only the best stuff here
STARCMD464: I wish Brooklyn South would have made it another season
IdaFernan: I think B5 is cool
B5CL Drows: Star, that was a pretty good show, wasn’t really given much of a chance.
Minabari: Due south was cool
STARCMD464: I heard that
B5 Merlen: hmm….. anyone going to Vorcon this weekend? I figure someone must live in the area of that
B5 Merlen: con
B5CL Drows: Minabari, that’s still on TNT, in reruns anyway.
IdaFernan: Me too
Minabari: it was and still is on TNT but reruns
OnlineHost: FlyHubble has entered the room.
B5CL Drows: Merlen, I hear Perky is.l
B5CL Drows: FlyHubble, welcome to Fresh Air Lounge, one of the Official AOL Babylon 5
B5CL Drows: chat rooms.
FlyHubble: quite a crowd today
Minabari: ()()()Lomes Bar is open()()()Type “Buzz” For service()()()Only the best stuff here
B5 Merlen: Perky lives in Virginia, I believe
STARCMD464: well laters folks
B5CL Drows: Due South wasn’t one of my faves.
StarTrekCC: Fly!!!! Hey, we are talking about Mercy Point, it seems to be canceled early…etc.
OnlineHost: IdaFernan has left the room.
OnlineHost: Sephrenia5 has entered the room.
B5CL Drows: I’d reather see Alien Nation brought back
FlyHubble: was Due South the Canada Mountie show?
Minabari: mine neather but it was cool
Sephrenia5: howdy yall!
OnlineHost: STARCMD464 has left the room.
B5 Merlen: Yep, Fly
B5CL Drows: Hi Sephrenia5, have you seen the folder for Crusades in the Message
Minabari: Yes
B5CL Drows: Boards?
CCase3: howydy are you from texas?
FlyHubble: don’t get UPN, havne’t heard much about Mercey Point other than it’s ariing
Sephrenia5: yes i have,, hi Drows, ltns
FlyHubble: boy that guy on Due South was cute
Minabari: LOL
Sephrenia5: CCase,, nope, inherited the talk though
CCase3: who the mountie or the cop?
StarTrekCC: I wished they gave Space:Above and Beyond another season, it could have been a great series.
B5 Merlen: I wouldn’t know about that, Fly
RPM2112: any body watch earths final conflict?
OnlineHost: TheBab5Kat has entered the room.
TygerEyez1: CCase, I am.
OnlineHost: JuliaAlm has entered the room.
CCase3: that show rocked
Sephrenia5: RPM,, i do
B5CL Drows: I, of course, wouldnt’ notice Fly.
B5CL Drows: Hello TheBab5Kat, JuliaAlm, have you seen the Crusades Announcement at
B5CL Drows: TNT’s web site?
StarTrekCC: I don’t think that Sliders deserved to get another season…
Minabari: ()()()Lomes Bar is open()()()Type “Buzz” For service()()()Only the best stuff here
RPM2112: sapace above and beyond was a great show
FlyHubble: of course, but boy did I notice
CCase3: Where from Tyger
Sephrenia5: CC,, its not the same without the Professor is it?
JuliaAlm: nope drows but does not apply to those in england
TygerEyez1: 30 miles from Dallas
TheBab5Kat: that is wild — being able to switch rooms so easily — I like that!!!
CCase3: no its not
Lespresto: Battlestar Galactica would have been a gret series!!!!
B5CL Drows: STCC, it was on the down swing, IMHO, I was losing interest when it
B5CL Drows: was cancelled, before the move to Sci Fi.
CCase3: I am from Longview
Sephrenia5: its on Sci Fi once in a while
StarTrekCC: Seph, I haven’t really liked Sliders…much with or without the professer, I never watched i
AngelMpath: <—- shall return shortly {S brb}.
RPM2112: what do you think af it earth
OnlineHost: AngelMpath has left the room.
OnlineHost: Raiden437 has entered the room.
TygerEyez1: cool….been through there plenty of times.
TheBab5Kat: Drows — long time no talk to…
StarTrekCC: just watched a couple of episodes…really losing it.
OnlineHost: Gooner6969 has left the room.
B5CL Drows: Hot and chilled Jhala is by the bar, Raiden437 help yourself.
OnlineHost: Raiden437 has left the room.
CCase3: {S bleep
B5 Merlen: Hi Babs
JuliaAlm: anyone seen dalek in tonight?
Minabari: Now death ray was really cool
B5CL Drows: Bab5, staying out of trouble?
TheBab5Kat: Melen!! how ya doin?
JuliaAlm: or minbarirob?
B5 Merlen: Doing good
OnlineHost: FlyHubble has left the room.
Sephrenia5: RPM, i like it, did they really kill,,oh forgot his name!
Minabari: ()()()Lomes Bar is open()()()Type “Buzz” For service()()()Only the best stuff here
TheBab5Kat: well, within the bounds of fun, yes, Drows… 🙂
StarTrekCC: I think that if Space:Above and Beyond got another season, they could do a great second
StarTrekCC: season.
Minabari: {S Virus
Lespresto: Night Everyone!
Sephrenia5: brain block! argh!
Minabari: {S Greatings
B5 Merlen: I’m hoping to hear a report from someone who is at Vorcon about whom is there and whom isn’t
OnlineHost: Lespresto has left the room.
B5CL Drows: STCC, that show did have lot’s of potential, and not just because it was
B5CL Drows: about Marines in space. LOL
RPM2112: the gaurgian?
OnlineHost: Nitegrl24 has entered the room.
RPM2112: the gardian?
Sephrenia5: yes,, i feel so blonde! i cant remeber his blasted name
Minabari: {S Error
OnlineHost: Nitegrl24 has left the room.
B5CL Drows: Hot and chilled Jhala is by the bar, Nitegrl24 help yourself.
OnlineHost: Nitegrl24 has entered the room.
Minabari: ()()()Lomes Bar is open()()()Type “Buzz” For service()()()Only the best stuff here
Sephrenia5: you know,, Da’ans protector
CCase3: hey can someone toss me a bottle of Shiner Brok
TygerEyez1: Boone?
B5CL Drows: Sephrenia5, you mean William Boone?
StarTrekCC: Drows, well it still could have protential, if Sci-Fi orders another season
Sephrenia5: Boone!! thats it! thanks Drows, your a sweetheart
OnlineHost: TheBab5Kat has left the room.
OnlineHost: Spenscott has left the room.
OnlineHost: JuliaAlm has left the room.
OnlineHost: TheBab5Kat has entered the room.
B5CL Drows: Sephrenia5, I still won’t be able to see it.
RPM2112: no i dion’t think so i missed the last show
Sephrenia5: did they really kill Boone?
Log Count: There were 10 member(s) in Fresh Air Lounge at 06:30 PM
B5CL Drows: Sephrenia5, yes, he’s dead and gone
TheBab5Kat: when did they add this feature of being able to switch rooms with just a click?
B5 Merlen: Watch the suction coming from that door, Babs, it keeps pulling people out
Minabari: ::: slides CCase a Bottle of ShinerBrok::::
OnlineHost: DarcDruid has entered the room.
CCase3: Thakns
Sephrenia5: i cant believe they killed Boone,, i liked him
B5CL Drows: Hey DarcDruid, the web site for Voice of the Resistance is at :
B5CL Drows: if you’re interested.
B5CL Drows: Bab5, it’s been there awhile.
OnlineHost: KypSkywalk has entered the room.
Minabari: yo welcome
TheBab5Kat: shows how long it’s been since I’ve been here I guess…
Minabari: {S Kosh
B5CL Drows: Sephrenia5, they’ve added Liam in his place, he’s not bad.
Minabari: {S Forgot
B5CL Drows: Greetings KypSkywalk, have you read
OnlineHost: Nitegrl24 has left the room.
B5CL Drows: the message boards lately?
CCase3: :::opens the bottle and starts drinking::::
KypSkywalk: nope
OnlineHost: DarcDruid has left the room.
Minabari: ()()()Lomes Bar is open()()()Type “Buzz” For service()()()Only the best stuff here
Sephrenia5: hes too much of a ‘pretty boy’ for me, i prefer rugged good looks
CCase3: like hairson ford
B5CL Drows: I like the fact he’s part Talon, part human and part that new race.
B5CL Drows: Should make it interesting.
Sephrenia5: no, hes not cute to me
Sephrenia5: is he?! i mised that part!
CCase3: well then who is cute to you ?
Sephrenia5: Mel Gibson
Minabari: ()()() Lomes bar is closed ()()() Sorry
Minabari: I gatta go all
Minabari: bye
OnlineHost: KypSkywalk has left the room.
B5CL Drows: Sephrenia5, yeah, a very mixed heritage.
Sephrenia5: exactly,,, dark and handsome
CCase3: you know he is going to direct the new Farinhient 451 remake
B5 Merlen: Half Talon, half human, and half the new race?
TygerEyez1: I liked how he grew from babyhood to manhood just like that.
Sephrenia5: gotta go watch it again,, i think its on tonight
B5CL Drows: Merlen, more of a third. Hard to be 3 halves.
TheBab5Kat: are you speaking about Earth Final Conflict?
Sephrenia5: yes
Minabari: if any1 sees B5 Lome tell em the bars runing great
OnlineHost: Minabari has left the room.
B5 Merlen: aw…. you’re no fun
B5CL Drows: Sephrenia5, well, the Talon’s absorbed the new villian race, remember?
B5CL Drows: And she was Beckett’s child.
CCase3: :::finishes bottle of Shiner Brok:::
B5CL Drows: Bab5, yep.
Sephrenia5: i missed a bunch,, gotta get caught up i see
TheBab5Kat: haven’t watch it in awhile — they have a new character I take it — can’t believe they
TheBab5Kat: killed off their star
B5CL Drows: Sephrenia5, seen the web site?
Sephrenia5: oh yes,, those thingys that tried to assassinate Da’an
CCase3: he left to presue a movie carire
B5CL Drows: Bab5, well, it’s a page from B5, in a way.
B5 Merlen: I heard, Babs, that it’s the Ivanova disease that got him
B5CL Drows: They removed Sinclair between S1 and S2.
TheBab5Kat: I see
OnlineHost: YEI SPIRIT has entered the room.
B5CL Drows: Sephrenia5, try checking at
Sephrenia5: oops,, brb
B5CL Drows: Greetings YEI SPIRIT, the TNT site has a B5 in Print review by Sandra
B5CL Drows: Bruckner available on it’s main screen.
TheBab5Kat: that’s true Drows
RPM2112: thats a bad disease to get
YEI SPIRIT: Hi everybody!
TheBab5Kat: I was pretty unhappy about that too but I did get used to sheridan
B5CL Drows: And Sheridan wasn’t exactly what he seemed at first. But his addition made the show better.
B5CL Drows: I’m thinking Liam will add some new twists, like Sheridan did to B5.
TygerEyez1: Sheridan’s cool.
TygerEyez1: I just couldn’t get into Season 1 of B5 for some reason.
TheBab5Kat: the irreplaceable ones on B5 are Londo and G’Kar anyway in my opinion but then it ‘s only my
TheBab5Kat: opinion
OnlineHost: BOMBA129 has entered the room.
TygerEyez1: Bab5, you are right about that.
B5CL Drows: Bab5, JMS tends to treat all the actor’s as “replacable”.
B5CL Drows: But, they are the heart and soul of the show.
B5CL Drows: Well met, BOMBA129 the foods fresh, the people are fresher. 😉
RPM2112: g’kar is the best
TheBab5Kat: perhaps he does but — well what you just said covered it
RPM2112: you cann’t lose him
Sephrenia5: im back,,,
OnlineHost: HotWrought has entered the room.
CCase3: yeah the ivoniva disease it has the potential to kill your career
TheBab5Kat: yeah, where is she now anyway?
Sephrenia5: my ex had that
B5CL Drows: Greetings HotWrought, the TNT site has a B5 in Print review by Sandra
B5CL Drows: Bruckner available on it’s main screen.
OnlineHost: BOMBA129 has left the room.
HotWrought: hello old friends, and especially you, Drows, you old troublemaker
OnlineHost: JenMor29 has entered the room.
TheBab5Kat: anyone know when our new eps start up again — I have forgotten…
OnlineHost: IDOUDIT has entered the room.
Sephrenia5: old friends? who might you be now?
B5CL Drows: Bab5, she did a pilot for the Highlander spin off, but it was given to some other actress.
B5CL Drows: JenMor29, IDOUDIT, welcome to the
B5CL Drows: Fresh Air Lounge.
B5 Merlen: Ah, so Drows has a record of troublemaking….. big surprise… not!
JenMor29: hi Drows….thanks
B5CL Drows: Bab5, 12 days, on the 28th
RPM2112: what was the movie that ivoniva left to do?
TheBab5Kat: oh — the Raven? I wasn’t real impressed by that
B5CL Drows: RPM2112, there’s a listing of her movies and such at her web site.
OnlineHost: JenMor29 has left the room.
B5CL Drows: HotWrought, I don’t recall this SN, you “lurking”?
CCase3: yeah she also ended up on the USA network
TheBab5Kat: I think Claudia would be better than the one they did cast
HotWrought: yes, Merlen, you should have seen him in the old days
Sephrenia5: i was wondering too
B5CL Drows: Bab5, I’m not a huge Amanda fan, so I havent’ even tried to catch it.
CCase3: movie
HotWrought: who me?
Sephrenia5: LOL
Sephrenia5: i am, but im not telling!
TheBab5Kat: I gave it a shot — for 2 episodes — but it bored me…
B5CL Drows: There is a Claudia Christian Web Web page with pics of her, information on
B5CL Drows: other roles, etc. It’s located at:
OnlineHost: IDOUDIT has left the room.
TheBab5Kat: just like all the other rot on tv aside from b5
HotWrought: Drows, you know the dwarves were the best smiths
TheBab5Kat: how can I have 80 channels and still find nothing worth watching on
B5CL Drows: But, the hobbit’s have the best pipeweed.
CCase3: hey it happens
HotWrought: ahhh, yes they do
B5 Merlen: odd…. I thought claudias site was
B5CL Drows: Merlen, that’s the last one I had for her.
HotWrought: SouthFarthing, ’08 was the best
Sephrenia5: ouch
HotWrought: gnight, CC
TheBab5Kat: enjoy CC
B5CL Drows: HotWrought, one of the best, yes. LOL
Sephrenia5: night CCase
CCase3: laters yall
OnlineHost: CCase3 has left the room.
OnlineHost: R2na has entered the room.
B5CL Drows: Isn’t that what Gandalf was smoking right before taking on the Balrog?
OnlineHost: R2na has left the room.
TheBab5Kat: anyone find any of the new shows worthwhile? looking for something new and different
B5CL Drows: Greetings R2na, the TNT site has a B5 in Print review by Sandra Bruckner
B5CL Drows: available on it’s main screen.
B5CL Drows: Bab5, Earth Final Conflict I like, but not many of the new ones.
HotWrought: seems to be, I recall that, Drows..getting to be a long time ago
TheBab5Kat: Fantasy Island showed some promise but that was a bit short lived
B5CL Drows: Bab5, well, I think it will go the way of Love Boat: Then Next Wave.
B5CL Drows: Or, “The Adventures of the Pacific Princess-D”
TheBab5Kat: Love Boat Next Wave may be the next Titanic and I don’t mean the movie
Sephrenia5: LOL
B5CL Drows: Bab5, it already died here, quite a while ago.
Log Count: There were 9 member(s) in Fresh Air Lounge at 06:45 PM
TheBab5Kat: ahh — well there you go
OnlineHost: LytaAlexy has entered the room.
B5 Merlen: Hola Lyta
TheBab5Kat: am curious about the New Addams Family — they all look very much like the originals
B5CL Drows: Re-hashed shows from the 70’s and 80’s don’t seem to last long, make
B5CL Drows: you wonder why they keep redoing them.
B5CL Drows: Hello, LytaAlexy, updated and printable
B5CL Drows: schedules of the show air times can be found at TNT’s web site.
LytaAlexy: hi merlen
TheBab5Kat: there is nothing new out there , I’m afraid
B5CL Drows: Except for Kung Fu: The Legend Continues, that lasted a couple of seasons.
LytaAlexy: anyone in here know Lennierjp?
OnlineHost: Zathras86 has entered the room.
B5CL Drows: Join us in chatting about our favorite
Zathras86: hi room
B5CL Drows: show, Zathras86.
TheBab5Kat: hey Drows, they brought back bell bottoms and platform shows didn’t they — why not the tv
TheBab5Kat: shows?
LytaAlexy: hi zatheras
Zathras86: hi lyta
B5CL Drows: Bab5, well, bell bottoms and platform shoes should die with Dicso, IMHO.
B5 Merlen: I’ve never seen the sho called Zathras86, Drows. Is it any good?
HotWrought: that was a good show, Drowsy
TheBab5Kat: I agree
LytaAlexy: zatras do you know lennierjp?
B5CL Drows: Merlen, there was a comma there, wise alec.
Zathras86: sorta
TygerEyez1: Bell bottoms and platform shoes…..BLECHHHHHH
Sephrenia5: ICK
LytaAlexy: is he on?
TheBab5Kat: I refused to wear them a second time around — once was bad enough…
TygerEyez1: Wrought, I do believe you are right about that being a good show.
Zathras86: no
Sephrenia5: :::DT’s:::
B5CL Drows: Bab5, I abstained from both during the heyday of disco.
Sephrenia5: me too
TheBab5Kat: I abstained from the disco part, at least
B5 Merlen: I was forced into bellbottoms in the Navy
Sephrenia5: except i still have a pair of wooden clogs
B5CL Drows: HotWrought, KF: TLC?
TheBab5Kat: used to have a tee shirt or 2 that said disco sucks
HotWrought: ::q1uizzically raised eyebrows::
HotWrought: ahhh, yes
B5 Merlen: I would have gone AWOL if they said I had to wear platform boondockers
TheBab5Kat: LOL
B5CL Drows: HotWrought, which show were you talking about, the new Kung Fu?
HotWrought: too much coal dust in the noggin tonight
B5CL Drows: Merlen, that’s why I joined the marines. No bellbottoms.
TheBab5Kat: what is this more chat button do? Gee have I been away this long?
OnlineHost: RPM2112 has left the room.
OnlineHost: RPM2112 has entered the room.
B5CL Drows: Bab5, People Connection button.
TheBab5Kat: ah — don’t wanna go there
B5CL Drows: I prefer my Power Tools room window, none of that on it.
HotWrought: brb, DL
OnlineHost: Zathras86 has left the room.
OnlineHost: YEI SPIRIT has left the room.
OnlineHost: LytaAlexy has left the room.
B5 Merlen: rut roh…. everyone’s starting to leave
TygerEyez1: Not me….I’m just coming back.
OnlineHost: MARTOK9 has entered the room.
OnlineHost: Narnb5z has entered the room.
B5CL Drows: WB Martok.
Narnb5z: hi room
B5CL Drows: Hiya Narnb5z. let me know if you need
B5CL Drows: a link to one of the Babylon 5 sites with updated information about the show.
OnlineHost: Zathras86 has entered the room.
B5CL Drows: Hi Zathras86, Sierra’s making a computer game for Babylon 5 due out later
B5 Merlen: WB Zathras
B5CL Drows: this year, watch for it in the fall.
Narnb5z: does any one play b5 rpg
MARTOK9: i do
OnlineHost: B5Silver 1 has entered the room.
Narnb5z: you do
B5CL Drows: Narnb5z, no, it’s not carried in this area, except by special order.
OnlineHost: B5Silver 1 has left the room.
MARTOK9: yep
B5CL Drows: Greetings B5Silver 1, tonight’s specialty, Flarn a la Sheridan.
Zathras86: ???
B5CL Drows: Gee, the Flarn’s scaring people off. ROFL
TygerEyez1: well then, quit offering it.
Zathras86: Zathras will try it
RPM2112: how much an ounce for flarn?
B5CL Drows: Tyger, Captain’s orders, we have to. LOL
TygerEyez1: LOL….
Zathras86: the one who will be….
B5CL Drows: Tyger, you know how vain Sheridan is about his cooking.
Zathras86: brb
OnlineHost: Zathras86 has left the room.
OnlineHost: Zathras86 has entered the room.
Zathras86: back
B5CL Drows: That was a quick trip, Zathras86, glad you didn’t get lost
TygerEyez1: ROFL…almost as vain as Riker is about his.
Zathras86: just checking eclipse
HotWrought: bbl, people; getting buried in ims and mail
B5CL Drows: Tyger, or Kirk about his toupee.
OnlineHost: MARTOK9 has left the room.
OnlineHost: HotWrought has left the room.
Zathras86: call me zathras
Sephrenia5: nighty night
OnlineHost: Sephrenia5 has left the room.
B5CL Drows: take care HW.
TygerEyez1: True, true.
StarTrekCC: I going to take off!
StarTrekCC: Bye!
B5CL Drows: STCC, catch you tomorrow.
TheBab5Kat: well, time for me to cut outta here
B5 Merlen: GO SUPPER STCC!!!!!!
StarTrekCC: Tygerrrr…{{{{{{Tygerrr}}}}}, Bye!
StarTrekCC: Bye Drows!!!!
TheBab5Kat: g’inte all
TygerEyez1: {{{{{{{CC}}}}}}}}}
StarTrekCC: Bye Merlen!!!
OnlineHost: StarTrekCC has left the room.
OnlineHost: TheBab5Kat has left the room.
B5CL Drows: “The 4 Muskrats”. God.
OnlineHost: SSSAGENT9 has entered the room.
B5CL Drows: Hello SSSAGENT9, glad you could join us today.
SSSAGENT9: Thank you Very much, IT’s been a while since i have last visited
B5CL Drows: TNT is moving the Monday night encore showing of Babylon 5 to the following:
B5CL Drows: Oct 12th and 19th it will be on at 2 am,
B5CL Drows: Oct 26th onward, it will be Midnight.
SSSAGENT9: i see, and your thoughts on IT’s Spin-off, Crusade
Log Count: There were 7 member(s) in Fresh Air Lounge at 07:00 PM
B5CL Drows: I’m looking forward to seeing Crusades, should be interesting.
SSSAGENT9: yes but they shouldn’t have changed the uniforms
Zathras86: it will have Zathras in it
OnlineHost: Nitegrl24 has entered the room.
Zathras86: and Zathras
B5 Merlen: 168 hours til the premiere of “Fall of Centauri Prime”… I think
OnlineHost: Nitegrl24 has left the room.
B5CL Drows: Well, every spinoff seems to change uniforms. And Trek’s went
B5CL Drows: through quite a few changes over time.
Zathras86: ur counting the hours?
TygerEyez1: I like their current uniforms now.
SSSAGENT9: YEs but i just happended to like the EA uniform as it was
B5CL Drows: 288 here, Merlen
B5CL Drows: I liked the Command Staff uniforms in season 5 better,.
SSSAGENT9: it took some time for me to get used to them
SSSAGENT9: but they are ok
B5CL Drows: Well, remember, the Excalibur isn’t precisely a EA ship, it’s under the command of a Ranger.
B5 Merlen: Well, let’s see……. yep…. your right…..
OnlineHost: FigSlayer has entered the room.
OnlineHost: Narnb5z has left the room.
B5CL Drows: WB FigSlayer
OnlineHost: VasquezUCM has entered the room.
OnlineHost: MARTOK9 has entered the room.
B5 Merlen: I missed a number in there somewhere
OnlineHost: Sayren FE has entered the room.
SSSAGENT9: yes but they should have better uniforms, the new ones look like a ST reject
FigSlayer: have no fear figgie’s here
B5CL Drows: Join us in chatting about our favorite
B5CL Drows: show, VasquezUCM, MARTOK9, Sayren FE.
MARTOK9: back
B5CL Drows: Merlen, I checked with the Windows Calculator.
MARTOK9: b5?
B5 Merlen: ah, I see….. I tried to do it in my head
VasquezUCM: yea-I finally found B5 chat!
B5 Merlen: silly me
B5CL Drows: Merlen, forgot to carry a few numbers?
OnlineHost: Starwhit has entered the room.
MARTOK9: do what in the head?
B5CL Drows: Greetings Starwhit, tonight’s specialty, Flarn a la Sheridan.
OnlineHost: MARTOK9 has left the room.
OnlineHost: Sayren FE has left the room.
OnlineHost: MARTOK9 has entered the room.
FigSlayer: you always serve that
Zathras86: not again!!!!!!
B5CL Drows: MARTOK9, calculate the number of hours until the new eps.
MARTOK9: nobody in the caf
B5 Merlen: I think I multiplied 12 days by 14 instead of 24…. hopeful thinking I guess
SSSAGENT9: oh well, if i got used to the Season 5 CS unifoirms i’ll get used to these ones, i guess
Starwhit: see my web page
B5CL Drows: Well, I image they will take some feed back, and make changes that
B5CL Drows: are better in the long run.
MARTOK9: <siys down>
SSSAGENT9: yes i guess so
MARTOK9: <sits down>
B5CL Drows: Remember the first season of ST: Next Gen, the pajama looking uniforms?
OnlineHost: MARTOK9 has left the room.
B5CL Drows: Or the constantly changing ones in the movies
B5CL Drows: ?
B5 Merlen: Did Martok take a seat outside?
SSSAGENT9: well they didn’t change much did they, just different colors
Starwhit: if you have some mid’s of Babylon thems send them
OnlineHost: FigSlayer has left the room.
B5CL Drows: Hmm, I have to get rid of that old “Bond movie Ejection seet”. It’s becoming a pain. ROFL
Zathras86: my friend bought an ST:TNG pajama uniform costum
TygerEyez1: Drows, hehehe
B5 Merlen: {S lol
OnlineHost: Starwhit has left the room.
SSSAGENT9: i had one when i was little and i lost it
OnlineHost: Kirantha has entered the room.
SSSAGENT9: oh well
Zathras86: i g/g alll
Zathras86: bye
Zathras86: adios
B5CL Drows: They actually put out a pattern for the uniforms.
TygerEyez1: {{{{{{{{{Kira}}}}}}}}}}}}
B5CL Drows: Join us in chatting about our favorite
B5CL Drows: show, Kirantha.
Zathras86: hasta luego
OnlineHost: Zathras86 has left the room.
Kirantha: {{{{{{{{{{{{Tyger}}}}}}}}}}}}
SSSAGENT9: yea so do i, see you all, it’s been a pleasure to talk to you all
B5 Merlen: Greetings Kira. How art thou this evening?
OnlineHost: SSSAGENT9 has left the room.
OnlineHost: Thee Kosh has entered the room.
B5CL Drows: Have a good one Merlen.
B5CL Drows: Thee Kosh, TNT has another movie due out this year, have you heard?
B5CL Drows: Keeping the scales shiney Kir?
Thee Kosh: yes
Kirantha: Greetings Merlen, thank thee for thy fine greeting. Things are well.
Kirantha: Drows, of course. Gotta keep them polished
B5 Merlen: Goodith
Kirantha: Merlen, how art thou this fine evening?
B5CL Drows: Anyone watching Stargate: SG1?
OnlineHost: Thee Kosh has left the room.
RPM2112: i do
Kirantha: Drows, no. Got Animal Planet on.
B5CL Drows: Opps, sorry that farewell was meant for SSAGENT9, Merlen.
TygerEyez1: no, listening to stereo.
B5CL Drows: I meant in general, not at this moment. Sheesh.
VasquezUCM: watching Aliens
B5 Merlen: Verily, I ith having a good day.
B5 Merlen: I kinda guessed it wasn’t meant for me, Drows
TygerEyez1: I watch at it at times…it’s a good show.
VasquezUCM: alas, I ith having an ale
B5CL Drows: Tyger, it’s better then I expected, but having McGyver as the star is still a bit odd.
Kirantha: Ale, pray tell, ist there any cider?
OnlineHost: RPM2112 has left the room.
TygerEyez1: I think he fits perfectly in the role….he fits a lot better than Kurt Russell ever did.
VasquezUCM: overith therith
B5CL Drows: Kir, there’s some G’Kar has been fermenting since the Gathering.
B5 Merlen: Aye, Kira, I hath saved you a special G’kar batch
B5CL Drows: Richard Dean Anderson is a nice surprise on it. But I’m still a Kurt Russell fan.
Kirantha: Ah, fine. Would thee care for some?
TygerEyez1: so am I. I’m a major Kurt Russell fan.
VasquezUCM: (sorry feeling a little silly tonite)
B5CL Drows: Tyger, the Escape from… movies were fun./
B5 Merlen: Aye, I thanketh you.
TygerEyez1: they were stupid….Snake, I thought you were dead…got really old.
B5CL Drows: Hmm, it would be interesting to catch Russell as a villian on Crusades.
Kirantha: ::::takes down mugs and begins pouring cider::::
TygerEyez1: Now I loved Tango and Cash, and Overboard….stuff like that.
VasquezUCM: what about the new flick “Soldier”?
TygerEyez1: he was great in Backdraft, too.
B5CL Drows: Tyger, T and C was one of the better ones, I didnt’ picture him and
B5CL Drows: Stalone together, but it worked.
Kirantha: (_)? [_]? (_)? <—-Cider all around
TygerEyez1: because they were friends in real life….I saw them on Oprah just before the movie came out
Log Count: There were 5 member(s) in Fresh Air Lounge at 07:15 PM
OnlineHost: Kayble2819 has entered the room.
TygerEyez1: they had a magic like Danny Glover and Mel Gibson have.
B5CL Drows: It was fun watching them fight over being the “top cop” and then over
B5CL Drows: Sly’s sister in the movie.
B5CL Drows: Hey Kayble2819, the web site for Voice of the Resistance is at :
B5CL Drows: if you’re interested.
OnlineHost: VasquezUCM has left the room.
B5CL Drows: Tyger, now, those two are hysterical together.
Kayble2819: Hello
TygerEyez1: uh-huh….LOL.
Kirantha: Greetings Kayble. How art thou this fine evening?
B5CL Drows: I loved the “he’s been de Kaffinated” line from LW1.
Kayble2819: I am fine. How about you?
Kirantha: I am well. Thank ye.
Kayble2819: Is there a topic?
B5 Merlen: I thought that was from Lethal Weapon 2 Drows
B5CL Drows: Movies in general so far, and sci fi when we get around to it.
TygerEyez1: they can finish each other’s thoughts….
Kayble2819: ok
B5CL Drows: Merlen, my erroe, you’re correct. sorry.
TygerEyez1: well, you have to see LW4….it’s the best yet.
B5 Merlen: Well, we’re even…. you corrected my math
Kirantha: :::sipping cider:::
B5CL Drows: error even. I lived the scene when the meet in LW1.
Kayble2819: I have seen LW4
B5CL Drows: I haven’t seen LW4 yet, but I hear it’s the best of the series.
TygerEyez1: really?
B5 Merlen: You got tackled by Danny Glover?
TygerEyez1: oh yes, Drows….it is. It really is.
TygerEyez1: Merlen, ROFL.
B5CL Drows: Too much going on to catch many movies, I missed Blade as well
Kayble2819: I missed it too.
TygerEyez1: I wanted to see that one too..but at the same time, I didn’t.
OnlineHost: R2na has entered the room.
B5 Merlen: There’s always video, Drows
R2na: ‘ello
Kayble2819: Hello R2na
Kirantha: Greetings and salutations R2na
B5CL Drows: That’s what I’m watching for, both astroid movies come out within a
B5CL Drows: few weeks of each other here.
B5CL Drows: Welcome back, R2na.
TygerEyez1: Armageddon was awesome.
Kayble2819: X-Files is on video now.
R2na: Who here watches Welcome to Paradox?
B5CL Drows: Tyger, so I hear, the theater that was playing it here has a problem
B5CL Drows: with the sound system. My ear’s were ringing after Mask of Zorro.
B5CL Drows: Kayble2819, we watched that on Wednesday there. It was great.
Kayble2819: I will have to watch it
Kayble2819: You can call me Kay.
B5CL Drows: The scene in the Antartic was fun, great effects.
R2na: gtg bye
Kirantha: I have never seen any of the movies you are all talking about. I’m movie deprived
B5 Merlen: So am I Kira
OnlineHost: TAZZIE 2 has entered the room.
OnlineHost: R2na has left the room.
B5CL Drows: Kir, that’s what Blockbuster is for. LOL
TAZZIE 2: Drows************ <g>
B5CL Drows: Quick, everyone hide, Tazzie’s here.
TAZZIE 2: Tyger********** Howdy darlin!
B5 Merlen: Let’s sip cider and dream of all the movies we’ve missed…. *Sigh*
B5CL Drows: Tazzie, hiya ya little devil.
TAZZIE 2: Merlen******
TAZZIE 2: Drows, now is that any way to greet a guest? Hmmppffffffff
B5CL Drows: BB even had some B5 movies, here.
B5 Merlen: Hi Tazzie….. how’s your better half…. Tazziealso
B5CL Drows: Tazzie, well, you’d do it to me, if you had the chance. ROFL
TAZZIE 2: Merlen, she is doing fine darlin! <g>
OnlineHost: Jeepathart has entered the room.
TAZZIE 2: Drows, LOL Well…yep, iffin you would ever show up!
B5CL Drows: Peter Woodward, Galen the technomage in “Crusade,” guest stars in the
B5CL Drows: series premiere of Fox’s “Brimstone” Friday, October 23 at 8PM.
B5CL Drows: Hi there Jeepathart. C’mon in and join us….
TAZZIE 2: Drows, you never did tell me when that movie was gonna come out!
Jeepathart: Hi everybody!
TAZZIE 2: Jeep, Howdy!
B5CL Drows: Tazzie, Right aftre Tazzie does Texas.
TAZZIE 2: Hey!
TAZZIE 2: No fair!
B5CL Drows: With a cast of thousands. RIGLMAO
TAZZIE 2: Ohhhh, you brat!
B5CL Drows: {S gotcha}
B5CL Drows: Tazzie, takes one to recognize one.
TygerEyez1: TAZZIE!!!!!!!! Didn’t see you stroll in.
TAZZIE 2: Gee, I come in here for a nice chat and get picked
TAZZIE 2: on…if I wanted that, I could go over there! LOL
B5CL Drows: Tyger, the “ritual exchange of insults” is kind of hard to miss. LOL
TAZZIE 2: Tyger, LOL Was beginning to think you took Drows’ advice and hid!
TygerEyez1: I wasn’t looking at the screen, Smarty.
B5CL Drows: Like I get picked on “over there”?
TAZZIE 2: But, then, I said…nawwwwwwww Tyger wouldnt do that!
TygerEyez1: {S snertzap
TAZZIE 2: Noooooo, I get it worse over there than you do!
B5CL Drows: Tazzie, this is true. ROFL
B5CL Drows: Especially when Wolfie’s around, eh?
TAZZIE 2: Been over there too long now…they think they know me to well!
TAZZIE 2: Drows, LOL Yep, Wolf …along with SEVERAL others!
OnlineHost: MECH1DWN has entered the room.
B5CL Drows: Tazzie, you’ve been there as long as I’ve been here, we ahve the same
B5CL Drows: problems, I think. 🙂
TAZZIE 2: MECH, Howdy!
B5CL Drows: Hello MECH1DWN, have you seen the Crusades Announcement at TNT’s
B5CL Drows: web site?
TAZZIE 2: Drows, LOL I mean going in the room darlin!
TygerEyez1: Hey Mech.
TAZZIE 2: I was round for a long time fore I started over there!
Kayble2819: Hi Mech
B5CL Drows: Tazzie, same here.
B5CL Drows: 2 years before I joined the Narn Bat Squad.
TAZZIE 2: I’ve been on AOL almost 3 years now…hard to believe..seems like just yestereay!
OnlineHost: LUMBERJCK4 has entered the room.
MECH1DWN: ::::::strolls in :::::::evnin all……..not yet drows
B5CL Drows: LUMBERJCK4, did you know that TNT has the opening credits for all 5
B5CL Drows: seasons available to download at their web site? Check in the Archives.
B5CL Drows: The Del Rey web site for books is located on the web at:
B5CL Drows:
OnlineHost: LUMBERJCK4 has left the room.
TAZZIE 2: Ohh, Drows Does Dallas is in print now?
Log Count: There were 8 member(s) in Fresh Air Lounge at 07:30 PM
Kayble2819: What is the address for the TNT site Drows?
TygerEyez1: :::raises hand::: I want the first copy!!!!!
B5CL Drows: Tazzie, yeah, but still more sales for Tazzie Does Texas.
B5 Merlen: Right next to Tazzie takes on Tennessee
B5CL Drows: The Turner Network Television (TNT) website for Babylon 5, the Television
B5CL Drows: show is on the web at:
TAZZIE 2: Merlen, LOL Never been to Tennessee!
TygerEyez1: me neither, Taz.
B5 Merlen: uh huh…. that’s what the yall say
Kayble2819: thanks Drows
TAZZIE 2: Merlen, LOL
B5 Merlen: they all say
B5 Merlen: stupid typodemon…. knows not whom he messes with
TAZZIE 2: Merlen, well..we say yall down here, so we knew what ya meant!
Kayble2819: brb
B5CL Drows: Merlen ^5
TygerEyez1: Yep….LOL. I always understand the ya’lls.
TAZZIE 2: Tyger, and the fixins? I get picked on for that one all da time!
B5CL Drows: Y’all’s the second most popular phrase in Texas isn’t it?
OnlineHost: Cs4Ga has entered the room.
MECH1DWN: as do i , tyger
Jeepathart: Drows – right next to “got any chew?”
B5CL Drows: How about Axing questins Tazzie?
B5CL Drows: Hey, Cs4Ga, Babylon 5 is back on Wednesdays at 10 pm Eastern and
B5CL Drows: again on Monday’s, time variable for now.
TAZZIE 2: I was in NYC in May…talking to da brat on my
TAZZIE 2: cell phone in an elevator…he asked what were
TAZZIE 2: were gonna do..told him we were fixin to go eat
TAZZIE 2: dinner…
TygerEyez1: Drows, {S shutup
TAZZIE 2: Some lady got on just as I said that…and
TAZZIE 2: Yelled…She is from Texas….she said Fixin
B5CL Drows: Tazzie, so, if your front porch collapsed, how many dogs would it kill?
Kayble2819: I’m back
MECH1DWN: no axing is something you do w/a big hatchet
TAZZIE 2: Drows, ROFL If my front porch fell…it would be
TAZZIE 2: a miracle…since it is part of the slab
Cs4Ga: Is there a topic
TAZZIE 2: Cs, yep…Pick on Drows Night Returns!
TAZZIE 2: <g>
B5CL Drows: Cs4Ga, obstensibly, yes, but it’s pretty scattered.
TygerEyez1: hehehehehehehehehe
B5CL Drows: It’s the Rerun Fever, making everone delirious.
Cs4Ga: That’s o.k.
B5CL Drows: 12 days to the cure, though.
TAZZIE 2: Drows, you need to send me yer schedule! <eg>
B5 Merlen: You might be a Babylon 5 redneck if your porch collapses and it kills more than 15 spoo
TAZZIE 2: Merlen, ROFL
B5CL Drows: Tazzie, your’s still posted over there?
TygerEyez1: {S sensuous
OnlineHost: WatcherAGM has entered the room.
TAZZIE 2: Drows, Yeppers, sure is darlin!
OnlineHost: WatcherAGM has left the room.
OnlineHost: WatcherAGM has entered the room.
Cs4Ga: Is there ever going to be a movie for B5
B5CL Drows: My new hosting schedule in the Fresh Air Lounge is:
TAZZIE 2: Not that you ever come in when I am over there! 🙁
B5CL Drows: Monday-Thursday 9 – 10 PM EDT,
B5CL Drows: Friday 9 – 11 PM and
B5CL Drows: Saturday 4 – 6 PM .
WatcherAGM: Drows have I missed Destroy and Teklord again?
B5CL Drows: Cs4Ga, you mean a wide screen?>
B5CL Drows: WatcherAGM, TNT has another movie due out this year, have you heard?
B5CL Drows: WatcherAGM, didn’t see either yet.
WatcherAGM: No I hadn’t what is it?
Cs4Ga: Yah! A real movie.
B5 Merlen: “River of Souls” scheduled for Nov. 8th
TAZZIE 2: Drows, LOL Mine is…
B5CL Drows: Cs4Ga, there’s a rumor about 2000, but it’s unconfirmed.
TAZZIE 2: Monday…1amE
TAZZIE 2: Tues, 10pmE and 12a E
TAZZIE 2: Wed 11p – 2aE
TAZZIE 2: And da Cab
WatcherAGM: If they turn up Tell em too IMS me…I need to check my Hotmail….I havn’t read it in
TygerEyez1: Tazzie, what do you host?
OnlineHost: PHAEDRE15 has entered the room.
TAZZIE 2: Wed 8pmE and Thurs 11pE
WatcherAGM: days
TAZZIE 2: Tyger over in Rosies
WatcherAGM: bye
OnlineHost: WatcherAGM has left the room.
B5CL Drows: Tyger, she’s an undercover R0.
PHAEDRE15: hi all
OnlineHost: WatcherAGM has entered the room.
TygerEyez1: what’s that??? and I’ll try to catch it.
B5CL Drows: PHAEDRE15, WatcherAGM, I hope you’ve had your shots, there’s another
B5CL Drows: outbreak of “Rerun Fever” expected to last until October 28th.
TAZZIE 2: Tyger, Rosie O’Donnell darlin!
Cs4Ga: If they do a wide screen movie will they use modles or more computer graphics
WatcherAGM: I’m UK bound anyway….
TAZZIE 2: Tyger, Keyword: ROSIE
TygerEyez1: gotcha….
WatcherAGM: ((I mean I live in the uk))
Cs4Ga: What part of the UK
TAZZIE 2: Tyger, LOL The room over there is a lot FASTER than this!
B5CL Drows: Cs4Ga, I’m betting they’ll stick with CGI, it’s faster and cheaper.
B5CL Drows: A lot faster.
TAZZIE 2: College Girls Incorporated?
TAZZIE 2: <g>
OnlineHost: WatcherAGM has left the room.
TygerEyez1: oh brother….I’ll go blind for sure.
OnlineHost: WatcherAGM has entered the room.
WatcherAGM: BYE
B5CL Drows: Computer Generated Imaging.
OnlineHost: WatcherAGM has left the room.
TAZZIE 2: Tyger, ROFL Was just warning you darlin! LOL
TygerEyez1: hehehehehe
Cs4Ga: That’s true about the cgi and it is there trademark special effect.
OnlineHost: WatcherAGM has entered the room.
B5CL Drows: Their area usually stays at around 26+ and it’s a lot of chatting.
TAZZIE 2: Tyger, you will be able to recognize me…I am the *goofy* one! <g>
OnlineHost: PHAEDRE15 has left the room.
B5CL Drows: yeah, and mind the Fleas, she’s friends with Da Mutt. ROFL
TAZZIE 2: Drows, Ohhh, I was online til 4:30 am today….
TygerEyez1: Gee, I wonder how I could miss you.
WatcherAGM: Sorry…Drows do you have Destroy, or Teks full ADDY?
TAZZIE 2: Had 2 groups decide to raid the place bout 2am
B5CL Drows: WatcherAGM, not off hand, no.
OnlineHost: Cs4Ga has left the room.
TAZZIE 2: Hey! I have no fleas…I am the cute flealess one!
TygerEyez1: LOL
WatcherAGM: DOH….Oh well, back to the drawing board…DL AH ha got an idea
OnlineHost: Cs4Ga has entered the room.
OnlineHost: Cs4Ga has left the room.
B5CL Drows: Tazzie, I said you hang out with DaMutt.
TAZZIE 2: Bye Cs
TAZZIE 2: Drows, Ok..just making sure you had the facts and just the facts! <g>
B5CL Drows: Tazzie, ouch, that’s not fun.
MECH1DWN: gotta go, freinds , bbl , tho
OnlineHost: Kirantha has left the room.
Kayble2819: bye Mech
TAZZIE 2: Drows, Nope, it sure wasnt! And I got flea bit too! Had da Mutt with me! <g>
MECH1DWN: {S jump1
B5CL Drows: We’ve been pretty raid free lately.
OnlineHost: MECH1DWN has left the room.
TAZZIE 2: Drows, ohhh, want me to get some of em for ya? <EG>
TygerEyez1: :::scratches arm:::
B5CL Drows: Tazzie, sure, you know I love target practice.
TAZZIE 2: Tyger, Hey! LOL
TAZZIE 2: Drows, ROFL Hopefully, their babysitter is on duty tonight! <g>
TygerEyez1: well all of this talk about fleas is making me itch. LOL.
OnlineHost: Lectarsh has entered the room.
B5CL Drows: Lectarsh, I hope you’ve had your shots, there’s another outbreak of “Rerun
B5CL Drows: Fever” expected to last until October 28th.
B5CL Drows: Tyger, funny, me too. LOL
Lectarsh: ahhh!!!here are all the people
TygerEyez1: psychological.
Lectarsh: lol
B5CL Drows: Like yawning, huh Tyger?
TygerEyez1: yep
TAZZIE 2: . º\_( ´0` )_/º Yaaaaaawn
TAZZIE 2: <g>
B5CL Drows: {S bugs}
TygerEyez1: and that is so much fun to watch.
TygerEyez1: Tazzie!!!! You just made me yawn.
TAZZIE 2: {S wbrocks
TAZZIE 2: Tyger, <giggle>
B5CL Drows: Tyger, it’s not supposed to work that way, but she usually gets me too.
TAZZIE 2: Drows, <eg>
TygerEyez1: darn it…yawned again.
TAZZIE 2: Hmmm, Merlen is quiet over there…he conjuring up anudder spell?
B5CL Drows: <–refuses to yawn
TAZZIE 2: Tyger, <eg>
TAZZIE 2: . º\_( ´0` )_/º Yaaaaaawn
B5CL Drows: Hmm, Merlen’s quiet, that’s not a good sign.
TygerEyez1: ::laughs::
OnlineHost: B5Sheridn1 has entered the room.
B5Sheridn1: {S greetings
Log Count: There were 9 member(s) in Fresh Air Lounge at 07:45 PM
TygerEyez1: dang it….I yawned again
Lectarsh: hey sheridan
Kayble2819: Hello B5Sheridn
TAZZIE 2: Sher, Howdy! Welcome to anudder Repeat of Pick on Drows night! <g>
TAZZIE 2: Tyger, LOL
B5CL Drows: º\_( ´0` )_/º Yaaaaaawn
B5CL Drows: Good news B5Sheridn1, November 8th “River of Souls” will be showing on
B5CL Drows: TNT at 8 pm Eastern and Pacific.
TygerEyez1: Stop it!!!!!
TAZZIE 2: LOL You yawned!
TygerEyez1: ya’ll are killing me here.
B5CL Drows: gee, all this yawning is giving me a complex.
TAZZIE 2: Hmmmmm, I could make up some *special* greets! <eg>
B5CL Drows: Ack, Eagle was just online.
TAZZIE 2: Drows, awwwwwwww, we arent tying to say you are is just we are tired!
TygerEyez1: again.
B5CL Drows: How’s it going Sheridn?
B5Sheridn1: bummed
TygerEyez1: Hey Sheridn.
B5Sheridn1: hey Tyg
Lectarsh: bye all
B5CL Drows: Have a good one, Lect.
B5Sheridn1: Niters Lect
B5CL Drows: Well, it is Friday, I guess that’s it.
TygerEyez1: Tazzie, you’ve started something that I can’t finish. LOL.
B5Sheridn1: No
Lectarsh: ttfn
OnlineHost: Cedarga has entered the room.
TAZZIE 2: Tyger, LOL
OnlineHost: Lectarsh has left the room.
B5CL Drows: Tyger, hmm, that’s a first. RIGL
B5 Merlen: Hi Ced!
B5CL Drows: Good news Cedarga, November 8th “River of Souls” will be showing on TNT
B5CL Drows: at 8 pm Eastern and Pacific.
TygerEyez1: {{{{{{{Ced}}}}}}}}}
Cedarga: Hey Merlen
TygerEyez1: Pipe down, Drows.
B5Sheridn1: {{{{{{{{{{CED}}}}}}}}}} {S snpydnce
Cedarga: ((((((tyg)))))))
TAZZIE 2: Tyger, now that WOULD be a first! <g>
B5Sheridn1: :::::dancing bummed happy dance:::::
Cedarga: (((((((Sheridn)))))))) (still not loaded….WEG)
B5CL Drows: ::checks ashtray:: My pipe is down.
B5 Merlen: I think you’re asking for the impossible, Tyger
TAZZIE 2: Nope, not gonna go there!
Cedarga: Drows, NGSI
TygerEyez1: well then, let me put it another way.
TygerEyez1: {S shutup!
TAZZIE 2: {S sitdown!}?
B5CL Drows: Tyger, {S shutup}?
B5 Merlen: Now, remember, this is a family room
B5CL Drows: I knew she’s day that!! ROFLMAO
TAZZIE 2: Merlen, what is a few shutups between family?
TygerEyez1: I didn’t use shutup….I used shutup!
B5 Merlen: I was thinking something more cruder
B5CL Drows: Merlen, but, not Addams Family Values. ROFL
TAZZIE 2: Tyger, you tell him!
B5 Merlen: I liked Reunion
Cedarga: Weird.
B5 Merlen: Wednesday was great
TygerEyez1: I could have used {S shutup!!
Cedarga: Watching previews of New Addams Family
TAZZIE 2: Tyger, LOL
B5CL Drows: Reunion was ok but I missed the other stars.
B5 Merlen: Family reunion
TygerEyez1: I have three shutup wavs, Tazzie. hehehe
OnlineHost: Destroy227 has entered the room.
OnlineHost: Destroy227 has left the room.
TAZZIE 2: Tyger, LOL The one I use most is {S sitdown!
B5 Merlen: I have 4 woohoo waves
B5CL Drows: Hmm, I’m not a bit surprised there, Merlen.
TAZZIE 2: Merlen, Just 4? I have close to 2000 now
TygerEyez1: will you send it to me?
TAZZIE 2: Tyger, sure, hold on
B5 Merlen: just woohoos?
B5CL Drows: 2000 woohoo wave
B5CL Drows: s?
TygerEyez1: that’s 2000 too many.
B5 Merlen: that’s 1996 too many
B5CL Drows: You have the B5 one Tazzie?
TygerEyez1: right now I have more wavs than I know what to do with.
Cedarga: LOL Merlen
TygerEyez1: I have The Simpsons’ Woohoo
B5CL Drows: Tyger, I thought I was bad with 580 wavs and 251 bitmaps.
Kayble2819: Which B5 wav is that Drows?
B5 Merlen: Let’s see…. I got homer {S woohoo}
TygerEyez1: I have over 1100 wavs on my hard drive alone….I have to thin them out…send them to zip.
TAZZIE 2: Tyger, you have mail darlin!
Kayble2819: I have that one Merlen.
B5CL Drows: Kay, it’s Lennier saying Woo Hoo to Sheridan
B5Sheridn1: lurking in the corner:::::
TAZZIE 2: Nope, I have 2000 all total
B5 Merlen: I got Lennier {S woohoo1}
Kayble2819: Do you have that one?
TAZZIE 2: Drows, Nope, dont have any B5 ones that I know of
B5CL Drows: Tazzie, the official WaveMeisteress.
B5 Merlen: I got some unknown one {S woohoo!}
TygerEyez1: Thanks, Tazzie, Darlin’
TAZZIE 2: Tyger, I got a zip drive…have 5 disks full of em!
TAZZIE 2: Tyger, YW darlin!
TAZZIE 2: I like {S frypan} too
B5 Merlen: and another woohoo unknown {S woohoo2
B5CL Drows: Tazzie, you use it often enough.
TAZZIE 2: Drows, Yep, and it gets used on me often too! LOL
OnlineHost: Destroy227 has entered the room.
OnlineHost: Destroy227 has left the room.
TAZZIE 2: But, that is ok..coz then I can yell for da Medic! <g>
B5CL Drows: You probably keep Medic pretty busy is my guess.
OnlineHost: Jeepathart has left the room.
B5Sheridn1: later all….this isn’t helping
TAZZIE 2: Drows, You could say that!
OnlineHost: B5Sheridn1 has left the room.
B5CL Drows: Reminds me, how’s the Pretty Kitty doing lately? I haven’t seen her in forever.
TAZZIE 2: She should be there shortly! If she isnt already!
Cedarga: Is that all Taz? Pretty soon you will keep them on there.
TAZZIE 2: Ced, That is just for back up…they are all on here too!

TAZZIE 2: Bye Kay!
OnlineHost: Kayble2819 has left the room.
Cedarga: Taz, I did that for awhile. Then they all stayed on the zips and I
Cedarga: don’t miss em much
B5CL Drows: Kay, have a good evening.
TAZZIE 2: Ohhh, I would miss em…get played too much!
B5CL Drows: Public Service Announcement and 5 Minute Warning
B5CL Drows: Heads up Folks ! Don’t be fooled ! Only *official* B5 chat hosts can use
B5CL Drows: “B5CL” in the beginning of their Screen Name. This is the only official Staff
B5CL Drows: for the Eclipse Cafe and Fresh Air Lounge.
TAZZIE 2: I even have macros to a few of em so I can sing!
B5CL Drows: Tazzie, you would. LOl
TygerEyez1: testing the wav….{S sitdown!
OnlineHost: MstrGrinch has entered the room.
TygerEyez1: LOL..I love it.
MstrGrinch: {P MrGrinch} Greetings and salutations.
B5CL Drows: Tazzie, say hi to Meow for me, I haven’t seen her in a while.
TAZZIE 2: Drows, you havent seen me and the Mutt do a duet?
OnlineHost: Kingpn 1 has entered the room.
B5CL Drows: MstrGrinch have you seen the Conventions listing at TNT’s web site? Check
B5CL Drows: under Reports and scroll down.
TygerEyez1: {{{{{{{Grinchie}}}}}}}}}}
TAZZIE 2: Drows, Will do darlin!
MstrGrinch: • ·· ···÷•¤···÷•¤|[B5CL Drows, B5 Merlen, Cedarga, TygerEyez]|¤•÷····¤•÷···· ··
B5CL Drows: Tazzie, I haven’t had that “pleasure” yet, no.
Cedarga: ((((((((Grinchy))))))) Whereya been dear?
B5 Merlen: Greetings Grinchy
B5CL Drows: {S wolfhowl}
TAZZIE 2: Drows, ROFL Drives the roomies nuts! <eg>
TAZZIE 2: But we like to sing for their entertainment pleasure! <g>
MstrGrinch: getting ready for halloween…it is Grinch night after all <G>
B5CL Drows: i have to re-downlaod taht one.
Kingpn 1: good evening room
TygerEyez1: Funny, I always thought that was Christmas.
TAZZIE 2: King, Howdy!
B5CL Drows: MrG, you been to Keyword: Halloween yet?
B5 Merlen: Well, it’s been fun, but I got a book to finish and some letters to type…
TAZZIE 2: Keyword: Halloween is Drows’ home! <g>
B5 Merlen: Y’all be good… or as good as possible….{S valename
B5CL Drows: Kingpn 1, welcome to the insanity, grab a straight jacket and join the fun.
TAZZIE 2: Bye Merlen, see you again soon! <g>
OnlineHost: B5 Merlen has left the room.
Kingpn 1: howdy tazzie2
MstrGrinch: not yet Drows,
B5CL Drows: They’ve got some All Hallow’s Eve screen savers there.
Kingpn 1: my jacket`s taylored is that ok
MstrGrinch: cool
OnlineHost: The13thDr has entered the room.
B5CL Drows: Hi The13thDr, did you know that Down Below has added season 5 wavs to
B5CL Drows: its web site?
B5CL Drows: Plus fonts and backgrounds.
Cedarga: ((((((Doc))))))
The13thDr: Good morning.
TAZZIE 2: . º\_( ´0` )_/º Yaaaaaawn
TAZZIE 2: <g>
The13thDr: {{{{{{{{{{Ced}}}}}}}}}}
Log Count: There were 8 member(s) in Fresh Air Lounge at 08:00 PM
TygerEyez1: Tazzie!!!!! ::glares::
TAZZIE 2: Tyger, <giggle>
B5CL Drows: Dat time once again. ::Sighs;:
MstrGrinch: that made me yawn!!!
B5CL Drows: Well, time for me to leave, you’re all
B5CL Drows: welcome to stay and enjoy the Fresh Air Lounge. If you need assistance,
B5CL Drows: please feel free to use KEYWORD: I Need Help or KEYWORD: Notify
TAZZIE 2: Drows, 🙁
B5CL Drows: AOL to report violations. Bye for now!! 😉
The13thDr: Drows
MstrGrinch: bye Drows,
B5CL Drows: MrG, she’s been doing that a while. LOL
TAZZIE 2: Bye Drows************ Have a good one…good what? Well….
TygerEyez1: Yawns!!!! AGAIN!!!!
OnlineHost: Kingpn 1 has left the room.
TygerEyez1: Nite Drows.
B5CL Drows: Catch you tomorrow for Trivia.
B5CL Drows: Tyger, just for you.
TygerEyez1: maybe
B5CL Drows: º\_( ´0` )_/º Yaaaaaawn
TAZZIE 2: Well…I’m gonna follow Drows out…see yall again soon! 🙂
The13thDr: Drows, please send me the link
OnlineHost: TAZZIE 2 has left the room.

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