Fresh Air Lounge – 10/10/1998

PowerChat: *** Entered Fresh Air Lounge on 10/10/98 at 12:57 PM ***
Cedarga: Been hiding, hon
StarTrekCC: ::takes out auto-thwapper and thwaps Cedarie two times::{S thwap}
Cedarga: ((((((((Drowsy))))))))
SOrtiz8490: sounds familiar….how you been ? keeping busy I hope
B5CL Drows: Now, now, kids, play nice.
StarTrekCC: Drows!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Cedarga: LOL STCC, gotta be faster than that to thwap Ced…
SOrtiz8490: greetings Drows
Cedarga: Drows, do we have to?
B5CL Drows: Ced, do you ever?
StarTrekCC: Grrrrrrr….{S jawawhip}
Cedarga: ;::::grins::::::
StarTrekCC: Drows, you seen by pales moonlight right?
SOrtiz8490: oy…and I thought that the Cafe was turning into a Snertville…lol
B5CL Drows: ok, I lightened up a bit on the questions today.
B5CL Drows: STCC, I’m not sure.
Cedarga: SO, you callin Ced a snert?
OnlineHost: PetePiMan has entered the room.
SOrtiz8490: NEVER!!!!
Cedarga: ::::looks over eyeglasses at SO:::::
Cedarga: Oh, okay.
PetePiMan: is everybody waiting for the test?
B5CL Drows: PetePiMan have you seen the Conventions listing at TNT’s web site? Check
B5CL Drows: under Reports and scroll down.
StarTrekCC: Drows, the DS9 episode where Cpt. Sisko brings the romulans against the dominion
PetePiMan: what conventions?
SOrtiz8490: Lynn would have me in a sling..if I did that
Cedarga: LOL
Cedarga: Lynn sounds like a woman of taste and sensibility…
SOrtiz8490: you know her…CEEAAATEe
B5CL Drows: STCC, Yes, I’ve seen it.
PetePiMan: hi again everyone
OnlineHost: AJAXRanger has entered the room.
PetePiMan: hello again
AJAXRanger: bonjour all
PetePiMan: bonsoir
B5CL Drows: Welcome to the Fresh Air Lounge for Babylon 5 Season 3 Trivia. If you want
B5CL Drows: to know how to play, just ask.
SOrtiz8490: guten taag
PetePiMan: getting ready for the test or whatever?
AJAXRanger: i`m playing drows and i`m gonna win
PetePiMan: starts in 2 minutes
OnlineHost: Gooner6969 has entered the room.
PetePiMan: hello
Gooner6969: hi all
OnlineHost: WBuch72218 has entered the room.
Cedarga: Hey! Nobody told me there was gonna be a quiz!
SOrtiz8490: think I will hold out on this one..Drows
PetePiMan: it seems every one is getting ready for the test
Gooner6969: THANK YOU
WBuch72218: A quz cool
B5CL Drows: Good Afternoon Gooner6969, WBuch72218, welcome to the Fresh Air
B5CL Drows: Lounge for Babylon 5 Season 3 Trivia. If you want to know how to play, just
B5CL Drows: ask.
SOrtiz8490: no need to yell Gooner
WBuch72218: thanks Drows
PetePiMan: i will be your bartender
StarTrekCC: Cedarie, you have 60 minutes on the multple choice section, good luck
PetePiMan: what is your order?
WBuch72218: A glass of tea please
PetePiMan: coming up!
SOrtiz8490: gots to scat..and go bug others…..see you guys later…
WBuch72218: bye ortiz
B5CL Drows: Like I said, I lightened up a bit on the questions, but I tossed in 2
B5CL Drows: bonus that are not exactly easy. >:-)
PetePiMan: here you go! green tea
StarTrekCC: Bye SOrt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Nice talking to you:-)
SOrtiz8490: {{{{{{{CED}}}}}}}}}}}}}
OnlineHost: BB5Alien has entered the room.
Cedarga: (((((SO)))))
B5CL Drows: Good Afternoon BB5Alien, welcome to the Fresh Air Lounge for Babylon 5
Cedarga: (((((BB))))))) Hey girl!
B5CL Drows: Season 3 Trivia. If you want to know how to play, just ask.
OnlineHost: SOrtiz8490 has left the room.
WBuch72218: GREEN TEA eewwwww
PetePiMan: hello
AJAXRanger: are they as hard as last time drows?
PetePiMan: sorry
WBuch72218: {{{{BB}}}}
BB5Alien: {{{{{ Drows }}}}}}
StarTrekCC: {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{BB5}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}
BB5Alien: {{{{{ Will!!!}}}}}
Cedarga: WB, green tea is good for you. Lotsa antioxydeants
PetePiMan: here is regular
B5CL Drows: The questions should be a little easier. But the Bonus one’s are a challenge.
BB5Alien: {{{{{{{{{{{{{{ STCC! }}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}
OnlineHost: Kayble2819 has entered the room.
AJAXRanger: do we get double points for the bonus ones?
WBuch72218: if you say so Cedarga
PetePiMan: it should’ve started
B5CL Drows: Good Afternoon Kayble2819, welcome to the Fresh Air Lounge for Babylon 5
B5CL Drows: Season 3 Trivia. If you want to know how to play, just ask.
B5CL Drows: I’m thinking 3 points, actually.
WBuch72218: how do you play
PetePiMan: when do we start?
StarTrekCC: {{{{{{{{{{{{Cedarie}}}}}}}}}}}}}, good luck on trivia
Cedarga: Thank you STCC
B5CL Drows: Today is Babylon 5 Trivia, for Season 2. I will send a question to the room,
B5CL Drows: then give everyone who wants to answer 30 seconds to type in their
StarTrekCC: Drows, give me 3 or 4 minutes.
B5CL Drows: response. When the time is up, I will say Go, you will have 15 seconds to
B5CL Drows: send your answer to the room.
B5CL Drows: Good luck and I hope you enjoy the game.
Cedarga: ((((((STCC)))))
B5CL Drows: That’s for season 3, actually.
OnlineHost: Kayble2819 has left the room.
Cedarga: Ah, we are waiting for you to say go?
AJAXRanger: 15? it was 30 last time
PetePiMan: what room?
B5CL Drows: It’s 30 to type the answer, but 15 to send it to the room.
OnlineHost: PetePiMan has left the room.
OnlineHost: PetePiMan has entered the room.
AJAXRanger: oh i see drows
PetePiMan: what room?
PetePiMan: this room?
PetePiMan: eclipse?
B5CL Drows: You type out the answer to the question, then when I say go, you have 15 to send the answer.
OnlineHost: SammiePooh has entered the room.
WBuch72218: of course
OnlineHost: SammiePooh has left the room.
PetePiMan: okay
OnlineHost: KNIGHTW5 has entered the room.
B5CL Drows: This room.
PetePiMan: hello
StarTrekCC: How about 15 15 Drows?
PetePiMan: welcome to the game
B5CL Drows: Good Afternoon KNIGHTW5, welcome to the Fresh Air Lounge for Babylon 5
B5CL Drows: Season 3 Trivia. If you want to know how to play, just ask.
StarTrekCC: {S ds9theme}
Cedarga: STCC, stop changing the rules!
StarTrekCC: Cedarie, okkie, Cedarie?
StarTrekCC: ack!
Gooner6969: when are the questions gonna start
B5CL Drows: STCC, now, now, I want to make sure everyone has a chance, not just fast typers.
KNIGHTW5: ello
Cedarga: Drows is in charge, silly!
AJAXRanger: so we can`t send the answer until you say go drows?
OnlineHost: Telepath84 has entered the room.
Cedarga: Hi teep!
Telepath84: hi
Gooner6969: anytime now….
PetePiMan: hello
StarTrekCC: ::thinks of Cedarie being in charge, having 2 minutes to type in the answer, and then one
B5CL Drows: AJAXRanger, Right, that way you have to know the answers yourselves.
StarTrekCC: minute to send in the answer::
BB5Alien: hello Teep!
StarTrekCC: {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{Teep}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}
B5CL Drows: Good Afternoon Telepath84, welcome to the Fresh Air Lounge for Babylon 5
B5CL Drows: Season 3 Trivia. If you want to know how to play, just ask.
Gooner6969: (((sleepin waitin for game to start)))
Telepath84: {{{{{{BB}}}}}}}} {{{{{{{{{{{Drows}}}}}}}}}}} {{{{{{{{{{{{STCC}}}}}}}}}}}}}
WBuch72218: Are we gonna start today or tomorrow
Gooner6969: LOL WBuch
OnlineHost: Raiden437 has entered the room.
BB5Alien: patience Will
Raiden437: hi
B5CL Drows: I limited the number of Episode title questions, there should only be a
B5CL Drows: couple, and most are easy.
KNIGHTW5: what was the 1st apperance of the whitestar fleet?
AJAXRanger: your very keen to be beaten gooner
B5CL Drows: Just waiting a few minutes to make sure everyone shows up who wants to play.
B5CL Drows: Good Afternoon Raiden437, welcome to the Fresh Air Lounge for Babylon 5
B5CL Drows: Season 3 Trivia. If you want to know how to play, just ask.
OnlineHost: B5SENTINEL has entered the room.
B5CL Drows: I usually start off at 15 after the hour.
PetePiMan: do we have to say the episode?
B5CL Drows: Good Afternoon B5SENTINEL, welcome to the Fresh Air Lounge for Babylon
StarTrekCC: SENT!!!!!!!
B5CL Drows: 5 Season 3 Trivia. If you want to know how to play, just ask.
Raiden437: ok how do i play??
B5CL Drows: Afternoon, Sentinel.
KNIGHTW5: brb getting episode guise(i like to cheat)
B5CL Drows: Raiden437, I’ll send the rules again, in about 5 minutes, ok?
KNIGHTW5: guise=guide
B5SENTINEL: I’ll play
Raiden437: ok
BB5Alien: Knight? {S thwap
PetePiMan: okay
KNIGHTW5: ack!
Cedarga: (((((Tom)))))) hi!
Gooner6969: :::puts ppg to head:::
Gooner6969: {S ppg
B5CL Drows: It’s really pretty easy, to play. And some questions are very easy as well.
Gooner6969: (dead)
BB5Alien: <— needs easy questions
Cedarga: Yeah, right, drows…that’s what you said last week!
PetePiMan: bartender here!
Gooner6969: we can start anytime now
BB5Alien: REALLY easy questions lol
B5CL Drows: Ced, those were easier then the week before, weren’t they?
PetePiMan: does anyone need a drink before we start?
OnlineHost: PetePiMan has left the room.
KNIGHTW5: i’ll take a jovian sunspot
OnlineHost: Bratt8686 has entered the room.
Cedarga: Well, anything would be easier that first season questions. I
Cedarga: didn’t watch the first season <G>
OnlineHost: Bratt8686 has left the room.
B5CL Drows: Keep picking on me, and Nest week will be ‘obscure guest host” questions, Ced.
OnlineHost: PetePiMan has entered the room.
BB5Alien: hi Bratt
Gooner6969: :::takes 2 energy caps from pocket(one is empty,one full) juggles them:::
B5CL Drows: Good Afternoon Bratt8686, PetePiMan, welcome to the Fresh Air Lounge for
B5CL Drows: Babylon 5 Season 3 Trivia. If you want to know how to play, just ask.
Gooner6969: :::pulls one from air:::
Gooner6969: :::slaps it in:::
OnlineHost: PetePiMan has left the room.
Cedarga: Drows, if I didn’t pick on you, you would send the cops to find out
Cedarga: who was impersonating me.
B5CL Drows: Ok, everyone about ready to start.
B5CL Drows: ?
BB5Alien: yes
KNIGHTW5: ::shoots gooner in the back::
Gooner6969: :::puts ppg to head:::(i wonder if this one is that full one?)
B5CL Drows: SIMMING – SIMming using “Babylon 5” characters or trademarks is strictly
B5CL Drows: prohibited in our chat rooms. Likewise, solicitation for outside simulations
B5CL Drows: using these trademarks is also prohibited.
Gooner6969: {Sppg
Cedarga: :::::searches for Killick::::
Gooner6969: {S ppg
Cedarga: Where did she go?
OnlineHost: Sassy4587 has entered the room.
OnlineHost: Sassy4587 has left the room.
OnlineHost: Sassy4587 has entered the room.
B5CL Drows: KNIGHTW5, Gooner6969, please take simming to a private room, since
B5CL Drows: it’s considered a Disruption in the Public Rooms.
B5CL Drows: Good Afternoon Sassy4587, welcome to the Fresh Air Lounge for Babylon 5
B5CL Drows: Season 3 Trivia. If you want to know how to play, just ask.
KNIGHTW5: sorry i’ll stop
Sassy4587: Hey room…
B5CL Drows: Today is Babylon 5 Trivia, for Season 3. I will send a question to the room,
B5CL Drows: then give everyone who wants to answer 30 seconds to type in their
B5CL Drows: response. When the time is up, I will say Go, you will have 15 seconds to
KNIGHTW5: hey yo
B5CL Drows: send your answer to the room.
B5CL Drows: Good luck and I hope you enjoy the game.
OnlineHost: PetePiMan has entered the room.
BB5Alien: hi Sassy
Gooner6969: B5CL fine i’ll stop but loosen up
B5CL Drows: Any questions?
WBuch72218: Hi sassy how’s pete
BB5Alien: yes… when do we start?
OnlineHost: PetePiMan has left the room.
Log Count: There were 12 member(s) in Fresh Air Lounge at 01:15 PM
B5CL Drows: ok, here we go.
B5CL Drows: Season 3 Trivia. If you want to know how to play, just ask.
B5CL Drows: ****************************Question Incoming*********************************
B5CL Drows: Question 1: What was the overall name for 3? (Season 1 was called
B5CL Drows: “Signs and Portents”)
BB5Alien: ah Hah! so thats where Pete is!
Cedarga: Point of No r
KNIGHTW5: point of no return
Cedarga: ACK!
B5CL Drows: go
OnlineHost: PetePiMan has entered the room.
Cedarga: Typonese!…sorry, was reaching for the backspace!
Sassy4587: great…just great…..
Cedarga: Point of No return!
StarTrekCC: Point of No Return!
B5CL Drows: Answer 1: “Point of No Return”
Gooner6969: we got killed
OnlineHost: B5SENTINEL has left the room.
KNIGHTW5: yes!
PetePiMan: did it start?
Gooner6969: yeah
OnlineHost: Sassy4587 has left the room.
OnlineHost: Sassy4587 has entered the room.
B5CL Drows: Good Afternoon PetePiMan, welcome to the Fresh Air Lounge for Babylon 5
B5CL Drows: Season 3 Trivia. If you want to know how to play, just ask. you
StarTrekCC: ::Gets out the Xerox::
PetePiMan: oy
KNIGHTW5: yes!where’s my sunspot?
B5CL Drows: Please wait until I say “go” to send your answers.
B5CL Drows: ****************************Question Incoming*********************************
B5CL Drows: Question 2: Which Ranger is seen fleeing from Zargos 7 in the opening
StarTrekCC: thanks Cedarie:-)
B5CL Drows: scene of “Matter of Honor”?
Raiden437: oops what did i miss??
Cedarga: :::pouts:::: I’m sorry…
B5CL Drows: Just reminding you, Ced, relax.
WBuch72218: marcus cole
B5CL Drows: go
KNIGHTW5: marcus cole
StarTrekCC: Anla’Shok Marcus Cole
PetePiMan: marcus
AJAXRanger: Marcus cole
B5CL Drows: Answer 2: Marcus Cole, played by Jason Carter.
Sassy4587: :: clomps over to a corner ::
B5CL Drows: ****************************Question Incoming*********************************
B5CL Drows: Question 3: How does Sheridan destroy the pursuing Shadow ship in
B5CL Drows: “Matters of Honor”?
Raiden437: bye
OnlineHost: Raiden437 has left the room.
Cedarga: ACK! I thought that was a trick question!
B5CL Drows: go
WBuch72218: opening a jumpgate inside of a jumpgate
Sassy4587: :: turns into a black jaguar ::
KNIGHTW5: opens a jumpgate inside jupiters atmoshpere
AJAXRanger: the bonehead manoeveur
Cedarga: Opening a jump point in a jump point
StarTrekCC: By engaging jump engines inside of the Jump Gate in the dead system
PetePiMan: sacrifice of jumpgate
Sassy4587: :: lashes her tail around ::
B5CL Drows: Answer 3: By opening a jump point within a jump gate with a White Star.
OnlineHost: VorlonFLT has entered the room.
WBuch72218: hey watch it sassy
StarTrekCC: The dead system being the Marcabs(am I close Drows)
B5CL Drows: KNIGHTW5, that was a bit later in the series.
VorlonFLT: Greetings All
PetePiMan: knew it
BB5Alien: {{{{ Vorlon }}}}
B5CL Drows: STCC, yes, very good.
KNIGHTW5: hmm….
PetePiMan: you are late
Sassy4587: :: lashes harder ::
VorlonFLT: ::Nods hello::
B5CL Drows: Good Afternoon VorlonFLT, welcome to the Fresh Air Lounge for Babylon 5
B5CL Drows: Season 3 Trivia. If you want to know how to play, just ask.
B5CL Drows: ****************************Question Incoming*********************************
B5CL Drows: Question 4: Who pushes Londo out of danger when an bomb goes off in
B5CL Drows: the custom’s area during “Convictions”?
WBuch72218: :::bows to vorlon:::
VorlonFLT: Thank You
Sassy4587: in no mood…
VorlonFLT: Lennier
WBuch72218: vorlon you have to wait for drows to say go
VorlonFLT: How are we today?
B5CL Drows: VorlonFLT, please wait until I say go to send your answer, gives everyone a chance that way.
B5CL Drows: 🙂
B5CL Drows: go
KNIGHTW5: leneir
StarTrekCC: Lennier of the 5th house of jurdono
AJAXRanger: lennier
Cedarga: Lennier
VorlonFLT: I am a VORLON
WBuch72218: Lennier
Cedarga: STCC, show off!
PetePiMan: yes youn are
B5CL Drows: Answer 4: Lennier.
OnlineHost: B5SENTINEL has entered the room.
VorlonFLT: Do Not tell Me what to do……….
AJAXRanger: it`s the 3rd fein actually CC
KNIGHTW5: you are falwed
StarTrekCC: WB, SENT!!!!!!
StarTrekCC: opps..
OnlineHost: Pearl14256 has entered the room.
KNIGHTW5: flawed
StarTrekCC: Ranger,your right
Sassy4587: :; lies down on floor, green eyes glowing ::
VorlonFLT: Its Lennier of the Third Fane of Chudomo
B5CL Drows: ****************************Question Incoming*********************************
B5CL Drows: Question 5: A director of photography gets to be very Obnoxious during
B5CL Drows: “Convictions”, who is it?
Pearl14256: Hey what’s up?
PetePiMan: a game
OnlineHost: BOMBA129 has entered the room.
PetePiMan: a trivia game
OnlineHost: PetePiMan has left the room.
OnlineHost: PetePiMan has entered the room.
B5CL Drows: Today is Babylon 5 Trivia, for Season 3. I will send a question to the room,
B5CL Drows: then give everyone who wants to answer 30 seconds to type in their
B5CL Drows: response. When the time is up, I will say Go, you will have 15 seconds to
B5CL Drows: send your answer to the room.
B5CL Drows: Good luck and I hope you enjoy the game.
B5CL Drows: Good Afternoon Pearl14256, BOMBA129, PetePiMan, welcome to the Fresh
B5CL Drows: Air Lounge for Babylon 5 Season 3 Trivia. If you want to know how to play,
B5CL Drows: just ask.
B5CL Drows: go
Cedarga: John flinn
StarTrekCC: Tim Earls
B5SENTINEL: Drows, that wuold be John C Flinn
OnlineHost: Gooner6969 has left the room.
OnlineHost: BOMBA129 has left the room.
KNIGHTW5: i dunno know!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
StarTrekCC: Grrrrrrrrr…Cedarie…::gets out the Xerox::
B5CL Drows: Answer 5: John C. Flinn, III.
Pearl14256: ????????????????
KNIGHTW5: get the hell out of our galaxy!
AJAXRanger: john c flinn
StarTrekCC: Drows, you should make a rule on that a player can send one answer per
PetePiMan: seen that
Sassy4587: :: wonders if she could get away with infesting the room with the black plague ::
StarTrekCC: question
B5CL Drows: ****************************Question Incoming*********************************
B5CL Drows: Question 6: Why does Garibaldi invite Dr Franklin to dinner in “A Day in the
B5CL Drows: Strife”?
VorlonFLT: Won’t kill me
OnlineHost: BOMBA129 has entered the room.
OnlineHost: PetePiMan has left the room.
B5CL Drows: STCC, the actual reason here, ok?
OnlineHost: PetePiMan has entered the room.
B5CL Drows: go
KNIGHTW5: to help franklin with his “problem”
Cedarga: Only way he could get off his diet <G>
VorlonFLT: Garabaldi’s birthday
OnlineHost: Pearl14256 has left the room.
BB5Alien: ummm…he was hungry?
StarTrekCC: Dr. Franklin has been taking stims and Garbaldi wants to go over it with Franklin
B5CL Drows: Answer 6: To talk about Dr. Franklin’s stim addiction.
B5CL Drows: Very good.
PetePiMan: are you hungry? i am the bartender
Sassy4587: :: hides in the shadows, un-noticed ::
AJAXRanger: i`m not staying with these idiots chatting away and slowing everything up
VorlonFLT: Very Good for humans
B5CL Drows: ****************************Question Incoming*********************************
B5CL Drows: Question 7: In “Passing Through Gethsemane”, who returns from the Vorlon homeworld?
KNIGHTW5: grrr…
StarTrekCC: Dr. Franklin also did some tests himself, and found out himself it was too high
OnlineHost: AJAXRanger has left the room.
Sassy4587: :: creeps toward the bar ::
Telepath84: lyta
KNIGHTW5: lyta(duh!)
KNIGHTW5: sorry
B5CL Drows: go
OnlineHost: BOMBA129 has left the room.
PetePiMan: the telepath named lyta
VorlonFLT: Lyta
Cedarga: STCC, did you raid Drows’ puter and get a list of questions?
StarTrekCC: Lyta Alexander, who was altered by the Vorlons, and was drawn there, by Kosh’s experience
PetePiMan: or was it the other telepath?
VorlonFLT: Well Well
B5CL Drows: Answer 7: Lyta Alexander, played by Pat Tallman.
StarTrekCC: No Cedarie!
StarTrekCC: Curiously, IPX knew about this fact…
B5CL Drows: STCC, gee, looking for extra credit with the detailed answers?
KNIGHTW5: 3rd space sucked
StarTrekCC: and I am not using a cheat book.
OnlineHost: PetePiMan has left the room.
OnlineHost: Sbtier has entered the room.
OnlineHost: PetePiMan has entered the room.
VorlonFLT: ::grumbles::
StarTrekCC: Sb!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Cedarga: (((((SB))))))))
OnlineHost: Cpt Dan has entered the room.
B5CL Drows: Good Afternoon Sbtier, welcome to the Fresh Air Lounge for Babylon 5
B5CL Drows: Season 3 Trivia. If you want to know how to play, just ask.
OnlineHost: B5Schatten has entered the room.
BB5Alien: {{{{ Dan }}}}
B5CL Drows: Good Afternoon B5Schatten, welcome to the Fresh Air Lounge for Babylon 5
B5CL Drows: Season 3 Trivia. If you want to know how to play, just ask.
Cedarga: {S Shadow
StarTrekCC: ::let Cedarie look at my desktop::Cedarie, do you see a cheat book?
Sbtier: hey STCC, CED
VorlonFLT: So BB…how are you?
StarTrekCC: Schatten!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
B5CL Drows: ****************************Question Incoming*********************************
B5CL Drows: Question 8: What is the title of the Nightwatch officer who arrives on
B5CL Drows: Babylon 5 to become Sheridan’s new assistant?
B5Schatten: Hello everyone {{{{{{Ced}}}}}
OnlineHost: Raiden437 has entered the room.
Cedarga: Grrrr, got no idea, Drows…
Raiden437: hi
OnlineHost: B5SENTINEL has left the room.
PetePiMan: unknown
BB5Alien: fine Vorlon, how are you?
Cedarga: (thinks, 30 seconds is not enough to look it up)
B5CL Drows: somethingn carried over from the Soviet Navy, it seems…..
VorlonFLT: ::Vorlon Battle crusier exits hyperspace::
VorlonFLT: good
B5CL Drows: go
StarTrekCC: I don’t know the name, but it was a female political officer, who went
KNIGHTW5: oversight commitie
B5CL Drows: STCC, the title is what I wanted.
B5CL Drows: Season 3 Trivia. If you want to know how to play, just ask.a
StarTrekCC: off at the end of the episode, to help deal with Sheridan
B5CL Drows: Answer 8: Political Officer (Julie Musante, played by Shari Shattuck)
OnlineHost: Sbtier has left the room.
KNIGHTW5: crap!
OnlineHost: PetePiMan has left the room.
OnlineHost: PetePiMan has entered the room.
B5CL Drows: ****************************Question Incoming*********************************
B5CL Drows: Question 9: In “Dust to Dust”, what does ‘dust’ refer to?
StarTrekCC: spreading the tape of President Clark killing President Santiago
PetePiMan: noone in the eclipse
OnlineHost: Amanda2781 has entered the room.
OnlineHost: Amanda2781 has left the room.
Raiden437: ::thinks to himslef::
B5CL Drows: go
KNIGHTW5: telepathy addictive drug
VorlonFLT: a teep drug
PetePiMan: the telepathic drugs
Cedarga: Drug which induces limited telepathy
StarTrekCC: dust, is a telepathic drug, made by the Psi Corps, which induce telepathic abilities into
B5CL Drows: Answer 9: A drug that gives mundane’s telepathic powers.
StarTrekCC: a person for a short period of time.
VorlonFLT: thats the one
Cedarga: STCC, how darn fast DO you type?
StarTrekCC: I don’t know, Cedarie
VorlonFLT: ::Activates targeting systems::
B5CL Drows: ****************************Question Incoming*********************************
B5CL Drows: Question 10: During “Exogenesis”, where does Corwin celebrate his
B5CL Drows: promotion to Lieutenant?
KNIGHTW5: i’m using andy rathbones “the babylon file”the unauthorized guide to b5(best guide out there
B5Schatten: promotion
B5CL Drows: go
VorlonFLT: Earhearts lounge
BB5Alien: the eclipse cafe?
Cedarga: Earhart’s
StarTrekCC: Fresh Air Lounge
B5Schatten: earheart’s
KNIGHTW5: sheridans quaters?
B5CL Drows: Answer 10: Earhart’s
VorlonFLT: HA
KNIGHTW5: darn
StarTrekCC: Grrrrr…
OnlineHost: Jenb5931 has entered the room.
Cedarga: LOL good thing spelling doesn’t count!
B5CL Drows: Ced, feel a bit better now?
PetePiMan: @!$^%&(*)%#%
StarTrekCC: {S thwap}s himself
B5CL Drows: Good Afternoon Jenb5931, welcome to the Fresh Air Lounge for Babylon 5
B5CL Drows: Season 3 Trivia. If you want to know how to play, just ask.
VorlonFLT: {S koshmixx
Raiden437: is thire anny other b5 chat other than this and eclips??
Cedarga: Drows, I always feel fan….um, looks at clock…. nevermind
Log Count: There were 14 member(s) in Fresh Air Lounge at 01:30 PM
PetePiMan: no
VorlonFLT: fresh air
B5CL Drows: Raiden437, there are on the web, but not on AOL, that I know of.
Raiden437: o
B5CL Drows: ****************************Question Incoming*********************************
B5CL Drows: Question 11: In “Messages from Earth”, Marcus is protecting Dr Kirkish
B5CL Drows: from assassins because she found something on Ganymede while working
B5CL Drows: with Interstellar Explorations, what did she find?
OnlineHost: BOMBA129 has entered the room.
OnlineHost: BOMBA129 has left the room.
OnlineHost: Sassy4587 has left the room.
B5Schatten: a shadow vessel
B5CL Drows: go
KNIGHTW5: a shadow wessel,i mean vessel,on mars.
BB5Alien: shadow cruisers
VorlonFLT: Shadow ship
StarTrekCC: A:She found a shadow vessel
Cedarga: shadows
Jenb5931: shadows
OnlineHost: Lennierjp has entered the room.
PetePiMan: shadow
B5CL Drows: Answer 11: A crashed Shadow vessel.
StarTrekCC: Cedarie, your doing good:-)
OnlineHost: AngelMpath has entered the room.
B5Schatten: Drows, it was burried by the shadows for later use
StarTrekCC: {{{{{{{{{{{{{{Angel}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}
Cedarga: STCC, it looks like I really have no life, after all!
B5CL Drows: and that’s not a “wessel” as Koenig would say it. LOL
Cedarga: ::::giggles:::: now, Drows…
B5CL Drows: Ced, I told you I lowered the bar a bit.
StarTrekCC: Shadow Wessel
B5CL Drows: Babylon 5 Season 3 Trivia. If you want to know how to play, just ask.
B5CL Drows: ****************************Question Incoming*********************************
B5CL Drows: Question 12: Which Star Trek veteran makes an appearance during “Point
B5CL Drows: of No Return” as the Minbari prophetess?
StarTrekCC: Well, what would Shat*** call the shadows, Cedarie.
Raiden437: bye
OnlineHost: Raiden437 has left the room.
VorlonFLT: Walter Koeing
B5CL Drows: STCC, drinking buddies?
Jenb5931: Troi
PetePiMan: tom hanks
B5Schatten: majel Barret
VorlonFLT: opps
Jenb5931: Barrett
Cedarga: LOL Drows!
B5CL Drows: go
KNIGHTW5: majel barret
StarTrekCC: Majel Roddenberry, she
B5CL Drows: Answer 12: Majel Barret Roddenbery, as Lady Morella.
KNIGHTW5: shatten wait until drows say go
AngelMpath: Mrs. Gene Roddenberry
B5Schatten: ok
StarTrekCC: was praising B5, in the news so she came on to have the Trek
B5CL Drows: B5Schatten, that way everyone has a chance to get it right or wrong on their own.
StarTrekCC: fans give B5 another chance.
B5Schatten: ok
B5CL Drows: STCC, well, she’s been on our show and got a look at it from the inside.
B5CL Drows: Makes sense she’d like it.
StarTrekCC: ::Gives Cedarie a Bab-elon-5 bear::
Cedarga: but, but, dorws…
B5CL Drows: ****************************Question Incoming*********************************
B5CL Drows: Question 13: What award did “Severed Dreams”, one of my favorite
B5CL Drows: episodes of all, win?
Cedarga: Um, make that Drows…
B5CL Drows: Easy one.
VorlonFLT: dooby-dooby-doo!
B5CL Drows: go
Cedarga: Hugo
AngelMpath: Hugo
StarTrekCC: Hugo Award for Best Dramatic Epsiode, and I was in the EC while it was announced
VorlonFLT: Hugo
AngelMpath: Ced, {S neener
PetePiMan: :::dum:dim:dum:dim:dum:dim:::
B5CL Drows: a13
StarTrekCC: also that the night Princess Diana died.
B5CL Drows: Answer 13: The Hugo Award for Best Dramatic Presentation.
KNIGHTW5: nicklodean kids choice award=)
VorlonFLT: lol
B5CL Drows: Told ya it was easy.
PetePiMan: #^$@!&*()(_()
Cedarga: STCC, wish I had one in Madison… Peter David’s wiffe was there…
B5CL Drows: ****************************Question Incoming*********************************
B5CL Drows: Bonus Question 1: Which episode did Jerry Doyle break his arm in?
PetePiMan: who is he?
B5CL Drows: >:-)
AngelMpath: Grey 17 is missing
VorlonFLT: no
B5CL Drows: PetePiMan, the actor who plays Garibaldi, he actualy broke his arm in an ep.
Jenb5931: Micheal
B5CL Drows: go
KNIGHTW5: “severed dreams”
StarTrekCC: Severed Dreams
B5Schatten: Severed Dreams
VorlonFLT: Jerry Doyle
B5CL Drows: My, my….
Jenb5931: i thought it was his elbow
OnlineHost: Telepath84 has left the room.
KNIGHTW5: how can you break your elbow?
VorlonFLT: youd be suprised
B5CL Drows: Bonus Answer 1: Severed Dreams.
Jenb5931: there was a vidclip about that
B5Schatten: ooooorah
PetePiMan: you shove it in a trash compacter
AngelMpath: KNIGHT, usually several different places when it happens
VorlonFLT: yup
OnlineHost: Arijivan has entered the room.
OnlineHost: Arijivan has left the room.
B5CL Drows: It was during the fight when EarthForce boarded the station if I remember right.
VorlonFLT: yes
KNIGHTW5: you asked what episode
B5CL Drows: Just like CC cracked her toe doing an ep.
B5CL Drows: KNIGHTW5, just commenting on the question, that’s all.
VorlonFLT: the rock cryd out no hiding place
Cedarga: Drows, actually, that was before the ep, while she was exercising at home.
OnlineHost: Lennierjp has left the room.
KNIGHTW5: i wasnt trying to be a jerkoff
B5CL Drows: ****************************Question Incoming*********************************
B5CL Drows: Question 14: During “Severed Dreams”, which planet is bombed by
B5CL Drows: EarthForce for refusing to accept Clakr’s Martial Law declaration?
PetePiMan: mars
Jenb5931: mars
VorlonFLT: Well I must go
Cpt Dan: Mars
B5CL Drows: Clark’s, sheesh
PetePiMan: sorry
OnlineHost: Dhypnotist has entered the room.
WBuch72218: bye vorlon
BB5Alien: bye Vorlon
VorlonFLT: I’ll Be Seeing You
OnlineHost: JLL9987 has entered the room.
B5CL Drows: go
WBuch72218: proxima 3
KNIGHTW5: mars(double duh!)
StarTrekCC: Mars Colony, they hit it, and the colony personell said, “Don’t do it, we got Women and
PetePiMan: mars
KNIGHTW5: see ya beyond the rimm vorlon
B5CL Drows: Answer 14: Mars
OnlineHost: Dhypnotist has left the room.
StarTrekCC: Children in here, Don’t do it.” “Omega One your cleared for drop”
B5CL Drows: Good Afternoon Dhypnotist, JLL9987, welcome to the Fresh Air Lounge for
B5CL Drows: Babylon 5 Season 3 Trivia. If you want to know how to play, just ask.
VorlonFLT: ::Turns and Leaves::
Cedarga: WB, that was NSNR
OnlineHost: VorlonFLT has left the room.
Cedarga: I think
Cedarga: It’s what I thought of, too
B5CL Drows: Ced, NSNR?
StarTrekCC: No Surrender No Retreat, Drows
Cedarga: No Surrender No Retreat
B5CL Drows: ****************************Question Incoming*********************************
B5CL Drows: Question 15: During “Ceremonies of Light and Dark”, who does Londo black
B5CL Drows: mail by telling him he’s been poisoned?
Cedarga: Egads, I’m talking in STCCese!
B5CL Drows: Oh, the ep name.
OnlineHost: JLL9987 has left the room.
OnlineHost: PetePiMan has left the room.
B5CL Drows: go
OnlineHost: PetePiMan has entered the room.
KNIGHTW5: lord refa(a jerk off imho)
WBuch72218: Lord Refa
Cedarga: Refa
Jenb5931: refa
PetePiMan: refa
B5CL Drows: Answer 15: Lord Refa, played by William Forward.
StarTrekCC: A:Lord Refa who died in the
StarTrekCC: episode of “No Hiding Place” I want to say 4 season
B5CL Drows: Ok, that’s half down, only 15 to go.
KNIGHTW5: great…
PetePiMan: hurry
B5CL Drows: ****************************Question Incoming*********************************
B5CL Drows: Question 16: In “Sic Transit Vir”, what is the name of Vir’s future wife?
Jenb5931: Lyndisty
PetePiMan: i wish i knew
Cedarga: ::::pouts:::: Just learned Adira’s name!
OnlineHost: Raiden437 has entered the room.
AngelMpath: Lyndisty
B5CL Drows: go
KNIGHTW5: Lindistry
StarTrekCC: A:Lyndisty
B5CL Drows: a16
KNIGHTW5: wait untill drows says “go” please
B5CL Drows: Answer 16: Lyndisty, played by Carmen Thomas.
PetePiMan: Garibaldi?
B5CL Drows: Today is Babylon 5 Trivia, for Season 3. I will send a question to the room,
B5CL Drows: then give everyone who wants to answer 30 seconds to type in their
B5CL Drows: response. When the time is up, I will say Go, you will have 15 seconds to
B5CL Drows: send your answer to the room.
B5CL Drows: Good luck and I hope you enjoy the game.
AngelMpath: played by Carmen Thomas
Jenb5931: she was rather disturbing
B5CL Drows: Good Afternoon Raiden437, welcome to the Fresh Air Lounge for Babylon 5
B5CL Drows: Season 3 Trivia. If you want to know how to play, just ask.
Cedarga: Drows, GreySage says howdy
B5CL Drows: ****************************Question Incoming*********************************
B5CL Drows: Question 17: In “Sic Transit Vir”, what is Vir found doing with Narn refugees?
B5CL Drows: Tell him Hi back, Ced. Or Hiya Gandalf.
Jenb5931: killed or saved
AngelMpath: Saving them
B5CL Drows: go
KNIGHTW5: smuggling narns under the name abrhamo lincolni
WBuch72218: helping them escape the centauri
Cedarga: Saving them
AngelMpath: hiding their identity so they won’t be killed
StarTrekCC: A:Taking them to get medical treatment, and off Narn, Vir’s invented person to help him
OnlineHost: Raiden437 has left the room.
B5CL Drows: Answer 17: Helping them to escape by faking their deaths.
Jenb5931: susan thought that they were all dead at first
StarTrekCC: is Abrhamo Lincolni, which is like our ah, 15th president Albraham Lincoln
KNIGHTW5: drows how do you know all of this?
B5CL Drows: Good to see you all are catching details along the way.
Jenb5931: he has a photographic memory?
StarTrekCC: Did you know that Sheridan mentioned Abraham Lincoln in his good
KNIGHTW5: yeah
StarTrekCC: luck speech in the first episode of the second season
Cedarga: Knight, Drows has JMS at his elbow coaching him
B5CL Drows: KNIGHTW5, I’ve been watching the show for 5 years, and I use the
B5CL Drows: Jane Killick Season Guides, Lurker’s Guide, and sometimes TNT’s site
B5CL Drows: for ideas.
PetePiMan: duh
Log Count: There were 11 member(s) in Fresh Air Lounge at 01:45 PM
BB5Alien: he also has a book lol
B5CL Drows: ****************************Question Incoming*********************************
B5CL Drows: Question 18: In “Ship of Tears”, when Mr Bester leads the Babylon 5 crew
B5CL Drows: on a raid of a Shadow convey, who is discovered as part of the “weapon’s
B5CL Drows: systems” they recover?
StarTrekCC: Drows, I do have the season guides too, but I don’t use them during triva.
Jenb5931: teeps
B5CL Drows: JMS has more inportant things to do then couch little ole me.
B5CL Drows: go
WBuch72218: bester’s lover
KNIGHTW5: telepaths(pretty freaky huh?)
StarTrekCC: Telepaths, including his mistriss(don’t know the name)
PetePiMan: some telepaths including his love (p11/12)
KNIGHTW5: jen wait untill he says go please
B5CL Drows: Answer 18: King Arthur, played by Michael York.
KNIGHTW5: huh?
KNIGHTW5: ooookkk…
Jenb5931: go?
PetePiMan: oh, him
B5CL Drows: What? Let me check it. hang on.
Jenb5931: oh
StarTrekCC: Ummmm…Drows, ok, your right…I guess?
B5CL Drows: It’s Carolyn, his ex-lover.
AngelMpath: Drows, wrong big time
OnlineHost: LORDZIBA has entered the room.
OnlineHost: LORDZIBA has left the room.
Cedarga: Drows…reread that disclaimer… I certainly hope Jms wouldn’t be couching you! LOL
B5CL Drows: That’s left over from last week.
KNIGHTW5: michael york as bester lover
Cedarga: I’m sure you meant coach…
OnlineHost: GreySage has entered the room.
B5CL Drows: Answer 19: Carolyn, played by Joan McMurtrey.
OnlineHost: Delenn6159 has entered the room.
StarTrekCC: You know Bester almost killed Sheridan, if he used Carylon during the “EndGame”
PetePiMan: garibaldi as bester’s lover
B5CL Drows: Ok, I got it out of sequence.
StarTrekCC: this was during the 4 season episode of “Rising Star”
B5CL Drows: Good Afternoon LORDZIBA, GreySage, Delenn6159, welcome to the Fresh
B5CL Drows: Air Lounge for Babylon 5 Season 3 Trivia. If you want to know how to play,20
B5CL Drows: just ask.
B5CL Drows: ****************************Question Incoming*********************************
B5CL Drows: Question 20: During “Interludes and Examinations”, who does Sheridan
B5CL Drows: seek out for help in order to give the other races hope for eventual victory?
GreySage: ::snort::
B5CL Drows: and, no, it wasn’t Gandalf, Sage. LOL
GreySage: howdy Drows, the rest of y’all
B5CL Drows: go
StarTrekCC: A:Vorlons, Kosh gave him the victory, but it cost him his life, but kosh reached out to
Cedarga: ::::pouts:::: that’s the one I haven’t seen. Kosh…
PetePiMan: the first ones
Jenb5931: kosh
Cedarga: ((((((((Grey))))))))
KNIGHTW5: Kosh,voiceed by arwright chamberlain
StarTrekCC: Sheridan, before he died, to say goodbye.
B5CL Drows: Answer 20: Ambassador Kosh, played by Jeffery Willreth.
StarTrekCC: Grey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
B5CL Drows: KNIGHTW5, nice detail.
GreySage: hehehehe, I…he might’ve done a great job
B5CL Drows: KNIGHTW5, yes, they are two different people.
StarTrekCC: ::looks to Drow::
Jenb5931: that’s the guy that plays Kosh! oh i learned something today
KNIGHTW5: i was confused there fer a sec”whew”
GreySage: hey dah, STCC
GreySage: {{{{{{{{{{Ced}}}}}}}}}}}
PetePiMan: lyta and bester sitten in a tree, k-i-s-s-i-n-g; ah, never mind
B5CL Drows: Jeffery’s in the suit, Ardright does the voice.
StarTrekCC: what have I been doing the past hour spouting out details.
Delenn6159: Drows, if I might point out, the credits always say Ardwight plays Kosh.
KNIGHTW5: he’s not in the suit
Cedarga: LOL STCC, but you are expected to!
B5CL Drows: STCC, hey, one of the points is to make everyone think about the show,
B5CL Drows: so I like the detail. I was joking with you earier.
StarTrekCC: Cedarie….yep I am
Jenb5931: i know…i just wanted to know who was doing the strutting
AngelMpath: nice try Drows, don’t mess with me on the Avalon ep
KNIGHTW5: stutting.LOL
B5CL Drows: Delenn6159, he get’s the Oncreen credit for the voice, I’m accepting
B5CL Drows: both in cases like that.
OnlineHost: Sayren FE has entered the room.
KNIGHTW5: i hate typos
PetePiMan: byron and bester, sitten in a tree, k-i-s-s-i-n-g; never mind
B5CL Drows: ****************************Question Incoming*********************************
B5CL Drows: Question 21: Which season 3 episode has the return of Ambassador Jeffery
B5CL Drows: Sinclair, with an amazing request of the Babylon 5 crew?
GreySage: just stopped in to say ello…will be back later tonight
B5CL Drows: This is an easy ep question.
B5CL Drows: Good Afternoon Sayren FE, welcome to the Fresh Air Lounge for Babylon 5
B5CL Drows: Season 3 Trivia. If you want to know how to play, just ask.
B5CL Drows: Sage, have a good one.
Delenn6159: War Without End.
Cedarga: :::waves to Grey::::
Delenn6159: Bother Parts.
Jenb5931: time rift thing
BB5Alien: war without end
B5CL Drows: go
KNIGHTW5: trick question.2 episodes,war with out end parts one and two
PetePiMan: never ending world
StarTrekCC: War Without End Part 1 and 2, Sheridan had a interesting
Cedarga: Drows, can picture it, but can’t figure out which one.
PetePiMan: oh yea
B5CL Drows: Answer 21: “War Without End, part I”
OnlineHost: GreySage has left the room.
AngelMpath: wwepart I
B5CL Drows: ****************************Question Incoming*********************************
B5CL Drows: Question 22: During “War Without End, part I” where does Sheridan end up
B5CL Drows: when his time stabilizer malfunctions?
Jenb5931: Centauri Prime
StarTrekCC: Sinclair had a interesting life as ambassador covered in “Book Nine, Dream of something”
Jenb5931: oopss
B5CL Drows: go
KNIGHTW5: centari prime 20 years in the future
Delenn6159: To Dream in the City of Sorrows
PetePiMan: approaching B4
AngelMpath: Babylon4
B5CL Drows: Answer 22: The Imperial Palace on Centauri Prime.
StarTrekCC: 20 years in the future, about to be executed for crimes against
StarTrekCC: the Centauri people
BB5Alien: Centauri Prime
B5CL Drows: STCC, it was also written by Kathryn Drennan, JMS’s wife.
StarTrekCC: Yep, and he claims it “100 percent%” canon, book nine I mean
PetePiMan: i knew it was that but i thought it waswhen it happened
B5CL Drows: STCC, it should be, she had him for a reference.
B5CL Drows: 🙂
B5CL Drows: ****************************Question Incoming*********************************
B5CL Drows: Question 23: In “War Without End, part II” Zathrus tells a space suited
B5CL Drows: figure “Zathrus knew you would not leave him. Zathrus trusts the one” Who
B5CL Drows: is shown when the helmet is removed?
Delenn6159: Delenn
StarTrekCC: Drows, well JMS has counterdicted sources before.
Delenn6159: ::Looks in a mirror and takes off her helmet:: Just like that.
OnlineHost: Jenb5931 has left the room.
B5CL Drows: go
PetePiMan: sheriden
WBuch72218: Delenn
BB5Alien: Sinclair
KNIGHTW5: delenn(pretty freaky huh?)
Delenn6159: ME!
StarTrekCC: Delenn, which I still think doesn’t match up with Babylon Squared
KNIGHTW5: delenn:wait untill he says go
B5CL Drows: Answer 23: Delenn.
StarTrekCC: episode during the 1st season.
PetePiMan: drat
B5CL Drows: ****************************Question Incoming*********************************
B5CL Drows: Bonus Question 2: Which season 3 episode had the command staff change
B5CL Drows: from the EarthForce uniforms to the black one’s supplied by Delenn?
B5CL Drows: go
KNIGHTW5: ceremonies of light and dark(excellent episode)
Sayren FE: Cerimonies of Dark and Light
StarTrekCC: “Cermonies of Darkness and Light”, and this is the episode where Lord Refa gets poisoned,
Delenn6159: Ceremonies of Light and Dark (?)
B5CL Drows: Bonus Answer 2: “Ceremonies of Light and Dark”
StarTrekCC: and we see the Nightwatch arc resolved.
B5CL Drows: ****************************Question Incoming*********************************
B5CL Drows: Question 24: Who does Dr. Franklin fall in love with during “Walkabout”?
StarTrekCC: Drows, you won’t count off if I have them switched will you?
B5CL Drows: STCC, which one swithced?
StarTrekCC: I said Cermoines of Darkness and the last question
OnlineHost: STARCMD464 has entered the room.
B5CL Drows: No, that’s fine.
B5CL Drows: go
WBuch72218: a lounge singer
KNIGHTW5: cailyn played by erica gimpel
AngelMpath: Cailyn played by Erica Gimpel now of Profiler fame
BB5Alien: well, i know it was a girl….
PetePiMan: a sick singer
Cedarga: that singer. Hmmmmm….don’t know her name….
STARCMD464: Shaving cream fight
StarTrekCC: Cailyn
B5CL Drows: Answer 24: Cailyn, played by Erica Gimpel.
Cedarga: LOL Alien!
BB5Alien: ::::grins:::: go figure!
B5CL Drows: ****************************Question Incoming*********************************
B5CL Drows: Question 25: When Lyta tells the new Kosh “…it may be that someone
B5CL Drows: else…” has a piece of Kosh in them, who does she mean?
AngelMpath: Drows, do I get extra credit for that answer? <g>
B5CL Drows: Good Afternoon STARCMD464, welcome to the Fresh Air Lounge for
B5CL Drows: Babylon 5 Season 3 Trivia. If you want to know how to play, just ask.
Delenn6159: Sheridan.
AngelMpath: Sheridan
AngelMpath: oops, say go
B5CL Drows: go
KNIGHTW5: sheridan played by bruce boxleintener
Cedarga: Sheridan
AngelMpath: Sheridan
PetePiMan: sherida
OnlineHost: Sky3827 has entered the room.
OnlineHost: MinbariRob has entered the room.
StarTrekCC: Sheridan, Played by Bruce Boxinelter
B5CL Drows: Answer 25: Captain John Sheridan, played by Bruce Boxleitner.
StarTrekCC: John Jefferson Sheridan, Drows
AngelMpath: [[[[ {{{{ ROB }}}}} ]]]]] <——— Passionate Grope
Cedarga: ((((((Rob))))))) How many minutes, dear?
B5CL Drows: Today is Babylon 5 Trivia, for Season 3. I will send a question to the room,
B5CL Drows: then give everyone who wants to answer 30 seconds to type in their
B5CL Drows: response. When the time is up, I will say Go, you will have 15 seconds to
B5CL Drows: send your answer to the room.
B5CL Drows: Good luck and I hope you enjoy the game.
PetePiMan: you are late
MinbariRob: Ali.. ummmmm 69
BB5Alien: {{{{{ Rob }}}}}}
StarTrekCC: Rob!!!!!!!!!!
MinbariRob: ::blushes at Angel’s grope::
B5CL Drows: ****************************Question Incoming*********************************
B5CL Drows: Question 26: During “Grey 17 is Missing”, Delenn is examining who’s
B5CL Drows: possessions left behind on Minbar
MinbariRob: {{{Bb}}}
B5CL Drows: Answer 1: “Point of No Return”
AngelMpath: Rob, I know you miss Mia
Delenn6159: Jeffery Sinclairs
B5CL Drows: oops, ignore that.
MinbariRob: yes I do Angel.
B5CL Drows: go
Sayren FE: Sinclair’s
PetePiMan: gotta go. sorry
OnlineHost: PetePiMan has left the room.
StarTrekCC: Jeffery Sinclair, or Valen{S iamvalen}
B5CL Drows: Answer 26: Ambassador Jeffery Sinclair’s.
Cedarga: Don’t remember Grey17… and I’m one of the few who liked it.
KNIGHTW5: delenn was not on minbar in that episode
MinbariRob: STCC!!
B5CL Drows: STCC, I love that wav. 🙂
Delenn6159: At the beginning, Kight.
B5CL Drows: ****************************Question Incoming*********************************
B5CL Drows: Question 27: During “Grey 17 is Missing”, horror movie fans will spot a
B5CL Drows: familiar face, who is it?
Log Count: There were 14 member(s) in Fresh Air Lounge at 02:00 PM
Delenn6159: Robert Euglund, who played Freddy Kreuger
MinbariRob: Robert Englund
Sayren FE: The guy who plays Freddy
B5CL Drows: go
KNIGHTW5: Robert Englund
WBuch72218: robert englund
AngelMpath: Robert Englund
StarTrekCC: A:Robert Englund
B5CL Drows: Answer 27: Robert Englund, playing Jeremiah
AngelMpath: as Jeremia
KNIGHTW5: dammit people! wait untill he says go!
AngelMpath: h
MinbariRob: Knight.. no need for profanity.
B5CL Drows: Please wait until I say “GO” to send you answers to the room, ok?
MinbariRob: Don’t want to TOS you.
AngelMpath: yeah, Delenn
KNIGHTW5: just trying to blow of steam
KNIGHTW5: *yeesh*
OnlineHost: CmdrCool has entered the room.
OnlineHost: DF2914 has entered the room.
B5CL Drows: Robby, let me worry about the language, ok? It’s my job.
OnlineHost: CmdrCool has left the room.
B5CL Drows: ****************************Question Incoming*********************************
B5CL Drows: Question 28: In “And the Rock Cried Out ‘No Hiding Place’”, who does
B5CL Drows: Londo conspire with to kill Lord Refa, thinking he killed his former lover Adira
B5CL Drows: Tyree?
MinbariRob: Well Drows take care of the job then.
OnlineHost: B5BRIAN has entered the room.
B5CL Drows: Trick question, here.
B5CL Drows: go
WBuch72218: Mr. Morden
Delenn6159: Ambassador G’Kar
Sayren FE: G’Kar
Cedarga: G’Kar
B5CL Drows: Good Afternoon CmdrCool, DF2914, B5BRIAN, welcome to the Fresh Air
B5CL Drows: Lounge for Babylon 5 Season 3 Trivia. If you want to know how to play, just/
B5CL Drows: ask.a2
BB5Alien: {{{{{{{{{{{{ Brian!!! }}}}}}}}}}}}
B5BRIAN: {{{{{{{BB}}}}}}}}}
B5CL Drows: Answer 28: Citizen G’Kar, played by Andreas Katsulas.
StarTrekCC: A:Citizen G’kar
OnlineHost: RMKWK has entered the room.
KNIGHTW5: citizen?arghhh!!
Cedarga: Hi Brian
STARCMD464: Rob step off a cliff – Drow is trying to the job
B5CL Drows: KNIGHTW5, End of season 2, Narns no longer had an Ambassador.
B5BRIAN: Hello all
MinbariRob: Star, I don’t believe I spoke to you… did I???
KNIGHTW5: thats right…..aweful season 2….
WBuch72218: {S thunder
B5CL Drows: Robby, if someone does violate TOS, I will take care of it, ok?
B5CL Drows: Good Afternoon RMKWK, welcome to the Fresh Air Lounge for Babylon 5
B5CL Drows: Season 3 Trivia. If you want to know how to play, just ask.
StarTrekCC: Rob, what do you need to speak to me about?
B5BRIAN: BB, What is that postal.exe you sent me suppose to do?
OnlineHost: DF2914 has left the room.
KNIGHTW5: ask now before i get mad
B5CL Drows: Until then, if you have a problem with someone’s chat, feel free to use Ignore.
MinbariRob: STCC, not you sorry.
B5CL Drows: ****************************Question Incoming*********************************
B5CL Drows: Question 29: After being near fatally wounded in “Shadow Dancing”, who
B5CL Drows: does Dr Franklin have a conversation with while bleeding in Brown Sector?
BB5Alien: did you download it?
B5CL Drows: Another trick question, pay close attention to it.
RMKWK: himself
STARCMD464: it a hard job so take a nice long walk off a short pier
B5BRIAN: I’ve downloaded it but not executed.
B5CL Drows: go
Delenn6159: Dr. Stephen Franklin
KNIGHTW5: himself(darn stimms)
WBuch72218: Dr Franklin
Sayren FE: Himself
Cedarga: Dr. Franklin
StarTrekCC: A:His soul, himself I don’t know what you call it, he almost died
Cpt Dan: Himself
AngelMpath: himself
KNIGHTW5: rmwkk:wait untill he says go
B5CL Drows: Answer 29: Himself.
StarTrekCC: the same thing happen with Ambassador Londo in the 5th season if I remember
BB5Alien: its a joke Brian.. you’ll love it!
B5CL Drows: STCC, about the same thing. 🙂
B5CL Drows: Ok, last of the day….
OnlineHost: MinbariRob has left the room.
StarTrekCC: I remember Vir saying “Either you learn from it, or you die”
B5CL Drows: ****************************Question Incoming*********************************
B5CL Drows: Question 30: In “Z’ha’dum”, who returns to invite Sheridan to meet with the
B5CL Drows: Shadows on their home planet?
KNIGHTW5: drum roll please
Cedarga: LOL STCV
B5BRIAN: Cool, I’ll try it later. I just wasn’t sure if it was save to use.
Cedarga: Um STCC
B5CL Drows: go
Delenn6159: Anna Sheridan, played by Melissa Gilbert
KNIGHTW5: hi waife, anna played by melissa gilbert
Sayren FE: Anna Sheridan
StarTrekCC: Anna Sheridan, who is a Shadow Agent, Shadows believe that to promote
RMKWK: anna sheridan
AngelMpath: Anna
OnlineHost: STARCMD464 has left the room.
Cpt Dan: Anna Sheridan
StarTrekCC: evolution via Conflicts.
B5CL Drows: Answer 30: Anna Sheridan, played by Melissa Gilbert his actual wife.
BB5Alien: i wouldnt send anything not safe..
OnlineHost: Sky3827 has left the room.
B5BRIAN: That’s even better
Delenn6159: It’s safe, Brian.
OnlineHost: RMKWK has left the room.
OnlineHost: B5Schatten has left the room.
StarTrekCC: {S iamvalen}
B5CL Drows: Ok, great job all. Anyone having a question on the scroing, let me
B5CL Drows: know by EMail, I will have that out sometime this week, hopefully no
B5CL Drows: later then Tuesday.
OnlineHost: Delenn6159 has left the room.
KNIGHTW5: okdoekay
AngelMpath: thanks Drows
StarTrekCC: Drows great game!
B5CL Drows: Open chat, any subjects of a B5 nature?
KNIGHTW5: when is the next trivia chat?
Cedarga: Good job Dorws.
OnlineHost: B5Schatten has entered the room.
Cedarga: Um, Drows
AngelMpath: Drows, who is MarkMimi77?
Cedarga: {S Shadow}
B5CL Drows: KNIGHTW5, Nest Saturday, 1 PM PT/4 PM ET.
B5Schatten: {S allsouls
B5CL Drows: Angel, why do you ask?
B5Schatten: Hi Ced
KNIGHTW5: sametime as today?
WBuch72218: {S shadows
B5Schatten: {S allsouls
B5CL Drows: KNIGHTW5, yes, same as today.
StarTrekCC: Drows, I think you should really extend the trivia after you get through all the seasons
StarTrekCC: 🙂
B5BRIAN: {S kosh
Cedarga: Drows, you do this right after lunch?
B5CL Drows: Good Afternoon B5Schatten, welcome to the Fresh Air Lounge for Babylon 5
B5CL Drows: Season 3 Trivia. If you want to know how to play, just ask. thin
KNIGHTW5: thanks for the great game drows!nice chatting with you all!
AngelMpath: He was in the Cafe the other night, said he was in the cast of B5 and now Crusade
Cedarga: Never thought about that!
OnlineHost: KNIGHTW5 has left the room.
B5CL Drows: STCC, I’m still thinking about that.
StarTrekCC: Drows, everyone would enjoy it if you did so.
B5CL Drows: Angel, he has been with Babylonian Productions, yes.
OnlineHost: Palin600 has entered the room.
Palin600: Hey all
StarTrekCC: {S koshhere}
WBuch72218: {S koshmixx
BB5Alien: brb afk
AngelMpath: from what he said sounds like Crusade is doing ok
B5CL Drows: MarkMIMI77 is legit, if you see him talking about B5.
Cedarga: Never met him Drows
B5CL Drows: Good Afternoon Palin600, welcome to the Fresh Air Lounge for Babylon 5
B5CL Drows: Season 3 Trivia. If you want to know how to play, just ask.
StarTrekCC: who is MarkMIMI77?
AngelMpath: cool, had him on my bud list ages ago, haven’t seen him since late last winter
OnlineHost: Bratt8686 has entered the room.
Cedarga: Well, I gotta git…. Thanks for the fun, Drows
Cedarga: ((((((room))))))
WBuch72218: bye ced
OnlineHost: Cedarga has left the room.
B5BRIAN: Bye Ced
StarTrekCC: Cedarie is {S allkosh}:-)
B5CL Drows: STCC, I forget exactly who it is, but he has been associated with
B5CL Drows: Babylon 5 in the past, I’m not sure about now.
AngelMpath: STCC, don’t know exactly, he hasn’t been around for ages, suddenly
AngelMpath: showed up this week
Palin600: I missed alot…does Centauri Prime get destroyed in the last few episodes?
B5CL Drows: Good Afternoon Bratt8686, welcome to the Fresh Air Lounge for Babylon 5
B5CL Drows: Season 3 Trivia. If you want to know how to play, just
OnlineHost: Bratt8686 has left the room.
OnlineHost: Sayren FE has left the room.
B5CL Drows: I’ll check at Lurker’s for exactly waht he does.
OnlineHost: C14Engr has entered the room.
B5CL Drows: Dat’s better, computer didn’t want to go out of Trivia mode.
B5CL Drows: Good evening C14Engr, welcome to the
B5CL Drows: Fresh Air Lounge.
C14Engr: Hows i goin
C14Engr: it
AngelMpath: lol Drows
B5CL Drows: Palin600, on the 28th, “The Fall of Centauri Prime” is the first new ep,
B5CL Drows: so we’ll probably see then.
Palin600: But are there any rumors?
C14Engr: 28th?! Woohoo!
B5CL Drows: I suspect that the damage we saw in War Without End, parts I and II,
B5CL Drows: is something that happened later, though.
C14Engr: fall of C Prime? that doesnt sound good for new emperor Mulari
B5Schatten: it is Drowa
B5Schatten: Drows
Palin600: I’ll be pretty angry if the Centauri get wiped out by some fairies…(Drazi)
B5CL Drows: C14Engr, he survives as Emperor for at least 17 years, but I’m sure
B5CL Drows: he’s not exactly happy about things.
StarTrekCC: Drows, I don’t think the actual bombardment would have done it, but maybe
C14Engr: lol Palin
StarTrekCC: the resulting riots, they should have had the fires out by now
C14Engr: oh yea, forgot about the movie when he has the flashbacks
B5CL Drows: B5Schatten, I’m thinking sometime in Crusades we’ll see that happen.
StarTrekCC: if it was just a bombardment.
Palin600: Oh….Drows…..I’ve looked in alot of places for a video of In the Beginning…no success
Palin600: Is there some place I can order it from?
Palin600: Some web site?
B5CL Drows: Palin600, Try BlockBuster, I saw a copy there the other day.
C14Engr: try TNT’s site
B5BRIAN: 17 yrs and the city were still standing on Centauri Prime, even though they were burning
C14Engr: maybe you can order it from them
Palin600: Tried blockbusters, suncoast videos, plenty of stuff…nothing there
C14Engr: Hastings maybe
Log Count: There were 10 member(s) in Fresh Air Lounge at 02:15 PM
B5CL Drows: Palin600, try the Emporium at, or Columbia House’s web site.
Palin600: Thanks
B5Schatten: {S babyele
C14Engr: does B5 come on on the weekends?
B5CL Drows: C14Engr, our local Hastings is slow on B5 stuff.
C14Engr: i havent really checked ours
C14Engr: Does B5 play on the weekends?
B5CL Drows: C14Engr, you can print out a schedule of the show times and days at
B5CL Drows: TNT’s site, but no weekend showings as of yet.
C14Engr: ok
B5CL Drows: The Turner Network Television (TNT) website for Babylon 5, the Television
B5CL Drows: show is on the web at:
OnlineHost: B5Schatten has left the room.
B5CL Drows: You get about a Month’s worth of the times at TNT.
C14Engr: how do you do the multiple line thing?
B5CL Drows: Power Tools, C14Engr, from Keyword: BPS.
C14Engr: oh
C14Engr: is it possible for anyone to get it?
B5CL Drows: Yes, it’s downloadable for everyone, but you do have to register it after 20 days.
C14Engr: ok
B5CL Drows: I’ts a pretty good program, I’ve been using it for almost 3 years now.
Palin600: I missed In the Beginning when it aired…..was it good?
Palin600: It looks pretty cool
B5CL Drows: They even have a chat room in where you can get help and advice with using it.
B5CL Drows: Palin600, it was, the tape for that is out, too.
C14Engr: yea..i never watched B5 until that aired
B5CL Drows: I found both In The Begining and The Gathering at BlockBuster Video for rent, surprisingly.
B5CL Drows: I think ThirdSpace should be out very soon, also.
OnlineHost: Sbtier has entered the room.
OnlineHost: Sbtier has left the room.
B5CL Drows: I’ve watched B5 since the pilot, The Gathering first aired, back in 92, I believe.
OnlineHost: Dragon6535 has entered the room.
Palin600: I didn’t like The Gathering much….you like the 1st season as a whole, Drows?
C14Engr: I’m just now seeing the first eps. I started watching halfway through the reruns
B5CL Drows: It took nearly a year for JMS to find a network that would run the
B5CL Drows: series, so there were actually two showing of the pilot.
C14Engr: who was the other?
C14Engr: Fox?
B5CL Drows: Hey Dragon6535, nice to see you
B5CL Drows: today..
B5CL Drows: Palin, mostly, yes. I’m also a Michael O’Hare fan.
OnlineHost: Dragon6535 has left the room.
B5CL Drows: C14Engr, I think it might have been, I don’t remember what channel.
Palin600: How good have B5’s ratings been over the years?
B5CL Drows: Well, it’s always been considered a “cult” show, since it’s never racked
B5CL Drows: in really huge ratings, but it’s doing well on TNT, well enough they
B5CL Drows: wanted the sequel.
C14Engr: you know if that B5 spin off is going to be in the same “universe”?
C14Engr: will it still have minbari, humans, etc..
B5CL Drows: C14Engr, ok, it’s set several years after the end of the original series,
B5CL Drows: there’s a change of where it takes place, but it’s the same universe.
OnlineHost: Lance556 has entered the room.
B5CL Drows: Like the various Trek series.
Palin600: Warner Home Video site doesn’t have In the Beginning
OnlineHost: Lance556 has left the room.
Palin600: Hmmm…maybe the tnt site…what’s its addy?
B5CL Drows: C14Engr, I know it has human’s, and more then likely it has the
B5CL Drows: various other aliens as well.
C14Engr: oh, you mean it wont be on the station..i figured that
B5CL Drows: Lance556, I hope you’ve had your shots, there’s another outbreak of “Rerun
B5CL Drows: Fever” expected to last until October 28th.
B5CL Drows: The Turner Network Television (TNT) website for Babylon 5, the Television
B5CL Drows: show is on the web at:
B5CL Drows: You could try doing a web search for Columbia House, Palin.
B5CL Drows: I believe they’re releasing the videos.
Palin600: What the hell?! Season 5 episodes are being moved because of MORTAL KOMBAT?!
B5CL Drows: Only teh Monday night re-broadcast.
C14Engr: Mortal Combat SUX! With a capital X
Palin600: Oh, that’s ok then
B5CL Drows: I saw it today, and I wasn’t immensely impressed, but I’m not really into that kind of show.
C14Engr: me either
OnlineHost: Raiden437 has entered the room.
C14Engr: too weird. i dont like fantasy much
OnlineHost: Raiden437 has left the room.
C14Engr: Zelda, Willow, all that stuff is too much for me
Palin600: Hey, they have a Java game on this site
C14Engr: Anyone watching the new DS9’s?
B5CL Drows: Yes, they do, along with reviews of the books, convention announcements, and more.
Log Count: There were 9 member(s) in Fresh Air Lounge at 02:30 PM
B5CL Drows: C14Engr, that’s in about 3 1/2 hours here, but I will be watching.
C14Engr: same here
Palin600: you have any idea what columbia house’s URL is?
C14Engr: couldnt believe the Defiant would just up and leave the invasion fleet like that
B5CL Drows: DS9’s come along way since season 1.
C14Engr: sure has
B5CL Drows: Not offhand, Palin. Try checking at Lurker’s Guide, under Other Resources.
Palin600: My biggest problem with DS9 is Brooks’ acting
B5CL Drows: There’s a long list of web sites there, including some cast ones.
C14Engr: anyone know what happened to the invasion fleet? they dont talk about it anymore
C14Engr: Brooks is a good actor IMHO
B5CL Drows: I was upset by Sisco’s leaving the station in the middle of a war myself.
B5CL Drows: Especially since he’s supposed to be directing it.
C14Engr: in DS9 and Spencer for Hire
Palin600: lurker’s guide addy?
B5CL Drows: Lurker’s Guide to Babylon 5 is on the Web at
B5CL Drows:
C14Engr: really..he planned the invasion now he is taking leave
B5CL Drows: Have you check out the Star Trek Continum. C14?
C14Engr: yep
B5CL Drows: Stumbled onto that one day, it’s a pretty good site.
C14Engr: used to go to the star trek forum, but trek barely gets spoken there anymore
C14Engr: its nothin but sims and peoples lives
B5CL Drows: Well, I first joined AOL for the TSR site they had here, it’s for a role playing game.
Palin600: I tried a trek sim before….not too fun
AngelMpath: Drows, the death of his closest friend isn’t reason enough?
Palin600: I’m in a B5 RPG that’s alot of fun right now
C14Engr: I was in a few sims, but they suck compared to the RPG’s i am in now
B5CL Drows: Angel, I agree, it was a blow to him, and I’m beginning to see there was
B5CL Drows: more behind it. I’m willing to wait and see if it all makes more sense,
B5CL Drows: later.
WBuch72218: is that shadow9373’s palin
B5CL Drows: Palin600, have you seen the web site for the B5 RPG?
C14Engr: Angel..sure the death hurt him. But he is directing the invasion to end the war
C14Engr: he shouldnt just leave
AngelMpath: He didn’t, he left Kira in charge
Palin600: Yes I have, Drows
Palin600: Is it JustKosh’s?
B5CL Drows: C14Engr, apparently, there was more involved then just Dax’s death.
B5CL Drows: He may find something that will help them actually win the war, that’s
B5CL Drows: why Im’ withholding judgement for now.
Palin600: The online RPG, I mean
B5CL Drows: Palin600, there’s a web site for the published RPG game, The Babylon Project.
Palin600: By the way, I thought Dukat’s red eyes and all that was a desperate plot trick
C14Engr: well they are winning right now..or at least turning the tide
AngelMpath: He also had to find out why the prophets disappeared and he couldn’t do that
AngelMpath: on DS9, too many distractions and no answers
C14Engr: her death was sad..not boo-hoo, but bad sad
AngelMpath: his first answer came when he found out he didn’t know his real mother
C14Engr: he is gonna find out what happened to the prphets on Earth?
B5CL Drows: That was a point of contention for me, as well, I didn’t like Jadzia’s
B5CL Drows: death, reminded me of Tasha’s on Next Gen.
AngelMpath: C14, have you seen the season premier yet?
C14Engr: hers too
Palin600: Yeah, I agree….bad death
C14Engr: cant they kill people with some class?
C14Engr: yes Angel
C14Engr: for a death its like, ” Scotty watch out!” then a tree touches him or something..
AngelMpath: C14, not when they want to leave to do other things <g>
C14Engr: and boom, down he goes
WBuch72218: bye everyone
AngelMpath: later Will
B5CL Drows: Angel, I finally caught that Wednesday night, that’s why I’m waiting to
B5CL Drows: see how they handle Cisco’s leaving and the rest.
B5CL Drows: WBuch72218, have a good weekend.
C14Engr: caught what Drows?
B5CL Drows: The season premier of DS9.
AngelMpath: Drows, that was one of the best DS9 eps yet and I’ve been a fan since day 1
WBuch72218: that I will see you next sat for trivia Drows
WBuch72218: bye angel
B5CL Drows: :-),
WBuch72218: Will I see you for breakfast angel
B5CL Drows: Next week’s season 4, based on Lurker’s and TNT.
C14Engr: The best ep i have seen was the retaking of DS9
C14Engr: Sacrifice of Angels
StarTrekCC: Angel, another good one is “By Pale Moonlight” with sisko talking about
AngelMpath: if I crawl out of bed in time <g>
StarTrekCC: him getting the romulans into the war against the
StarTrekCC: dominion
WBuch72218: okay see you then angel
B5CL Drows: I think it’s safe to say, DS9’s really picking up, lately. The eps are
B5CL Drows: better, and it’s actually trying to run an arc, like B5 does.
OnlineHost: WBuch72218 has left the room.
C14Engr: that was a good ep, i liked the point of view for that one
C14Engr: arc?
Palin600: I’m not sure I like DS9 after they took back the station
C14Engr: storyline you mean?
StarTrekCC: Voyager has some work to do, but it is also picking up
Palin600: They’re trying to keep the plot as intense as before, with some faker stuff
B5CL Drows: Personally, I enjoyed Trials and Tribbleations, since I’m a Tribbles fan
B5CL Drows: from the first show.
C14Engr: TNG didnt have any day they are rescuing someone the next day it is fixing a
Palin600: I don’t know….I think Voyager’s a lost cause….I am pessimistic, though
C14Engr: malfunction
AngelMpath: I like the symbolism they’ve used with Sisko’s baseball
C14Engr: Voyager sucks
C14Engr: Me too Angel
Palin600: Janeway is the worst
AngelMpath: oh Drows, don’t make me barf
AngelMpath: <g>
Palin600: The crew could not be phonier…..
StarTrekCC: Voyager is good, not as good as DS9 but it is getting there.
AngelMpath: agreed STCC
B5CL Drows: STCC, I hope it “get’s there soon”, then.
C14Engr: lol
AngelMpath: lol Drows
OnlineHost: Alex777A has entered the room.
Alex777A: Ave all.
B5CL Drows: I’ve more or less given up on Voyager, but if it picks up, I’ll give it a chance.
StarTrekCC: Alex!!!!!!!!!
C14Engr: How long can one ships survive alone? they took on the Kazons alone and survived
AngelMpath: sorry guys, I like the strong female leads in that show, no matter how bad the
B5CL Drows: Welcome to Fresh Air Lounge Alex777A, the most bizarre room this side of
B5CL Drows: Earth Dome!
AngelMpath: scripts may be
Alex777A: Hiya, StarTrekCC.
C14Engr: they’ve been destroyed about three times but each time something brings them back
StarTrekCC: Voyager is a tough little ship one day, and can’t handle any ship another day
C14Engr: a time anomely or something
B5CL Drows: Angel, Hey, I’m all for strong female leads, I’m a huge fan of Beckett
B5CL Drows: from Earth: Final Conflict.
Alex777A: What I can’t figure out on Voyager is where they’re getting all those shuttle craft.
C14Engr: lol!!
B5CL Drows: Alex777A, I was just about to mention that. ROFL
C14Engr: good point Alex
Alex777A: 😉
AngelMpath: the replicator? <g>
Alex777A: They’ve destroyed how many by now…6 or 7 at least.
C14Engr: That is a scout class ship too!! come on..i mean they’ve fought tons of time
B5CL Drows: For such a small ship, Voyager certainly has a star bases supply of shuttles.
C14Engr: their bound to get destroyed
StarTrekCC: also voyager seems to have boundless supply of torpedos
Alex777A: Yeah…and they were originally worried about running out of photon torpedoes.
C14Engr: and where do they get all thosemajor hull repairs at?
StarTrekCC: “Unfortanetly they are all dead now…”-Garak
B5CL Drows: Angel, they’re limited on the replicator, remember? Or is that because
B5CL Drows: they have to constantly replace parts and suttles?
B5CL Drows: C14Engr, GMTA
C14Engr: that one ep their hull was peeling off..
Palin600: Voyager’s ratings are pretty bad…and they should be
Log Count: There were 9 member(s) in Fresh Air Lounge at 02:45 PM
C14Engr: how did they fix that?
Palin600: Is Trek going to end on this note?
C14Engr: GMTA?
B5CL Drows: C14Engr, by increasing the quality.
StarTrekCC: Voyager, is hanging on, it is mediore trek, but it still trek…
Alex777A: Well, they have run into a few civilizations that could help them out with major repairs.
B5CL Drows: GMTA=”Great Minds Think Alike”
AngelMpath: Drows, it was a joke
B5CL Drows: Angel, I was following along, ok? 🙂
StarTrekCC: Mediore Trek is better than no trek at all.
C14Engr: ohh
OnlineHost: Raiden437 has entered the room.
Palin600: I think mediocre is worse than none….it makes the whole thing look bad
OnlineHost: Raiden437 has left the room.
Palin600: I feel disgusted whenever I look at Voyager
B5CL Drows: What I would liek to see, is the Calhoun series of books, done in a series.
Alex777A: Well…they have their background to consider…I just wish they would remember the story li
B5BRIAN: Jeri Ryan is holding up Voyager now.
Alex777A: nes and stop changing things.
Palin600: Like somebody’s shoving rank food down my throat
B5CL Drows: Join us in chatting about our favorite
B5CL Drows: show, Raiden437.
AngelMpath: Palin, are you old enough to have seen the original eps when they first aired?
B5CL Drows: B5BRIAN, well, I still believe she was a contrived plot point, to draw in
B5CL Drows: young male viewers.
B5CL Drows: Angel, ::raises hand:: I was.
Palin600: The original eps? Or the first Voyagers? Because, yeah, I am over 5 years old
Alex777A: The second half of menagerie originally aired on my 5th birthday which also happened to be t
Alex777A: hanksgiving.
AngelMpath: Drows, just barely, I have 8 years on you
StarTrekCC: Hey Seven of Nine is a great character…she was great the first season onboard
C14Engr: I am a young male viewer and think that they ruined the show when jewri came on
B5CL Drows: I’ve even met Nichole and George, at a con back in the 70’s
OnlineHost: CTDST has entered the room.
B5BRIAN: Not only that Drows, but I like the strong character the show needed.
Alex777A: But I was a bit too young for Star Trek at that point.
OnlineHost: CTDST has left the room.
OnlineHost: CTDST has entered the room.
Alex777A: I’ve met James Doohan and George Takei.
CTDST: hi all
StarTrekCC: I am watching ST:TOS on the Sci-Fi Channel…
B5CL Drows: CTDST, I hope you’ve had your shots, there’s another outbreak of “Rerun
B5CL Drows: Fever” expected to last until October 28th.hem
Alex777A: Even rode up in an elevator with Takei…a captive audience.
B5CL Drows: Well, I may have been a bit young during the original run, but I used
B5CL Drows: to be able to name any ep within 15 seconds, I watched them so much.
AngelMpath: Palin, my point is, try to imagine a universe with NO trek for over 10 years
OnlineHost: CTDST has left the room.
Palin600: Done.
Alex777A: Drows…my brother was into that.
B5CL Drows: Alex777A, De Kelly was at a convention in Seatle in the middle 80’s, he’s a nice guy.
Palin600: Voyager makes it easy.
StarTrekCC: I am particulary amuse how Leonard Nimory, says “Vulcanian
Alex777A: And challenging me to name the episode in the least amount of time.
StarTrekCC: ”
Palin600: Voyager makes me feel guilty….I feel some pull to watch it because it’s Trek…but I know
Palin600: it’s crap
C14Engr: lol
Palin600: I’ve managed to throw out the consumer obsessive need, finally.
StarTrekCC: Voyager is not crap, I like it, it might not be DS9, but I still like it.
B5CL Drows: Well, it’s almost always been on where I’ve been living, except for a few
B5CL Drows: times when I was in the service and counldn’t watch.
AngelMpath: Drows, just giving you a hard time, you’re the same age as my kid brother, we
AngelMpath: used to watch it together
C14Engr: Trek as a whole is ok, but there isnt that continuation like B5 has
Alex777A: How about the way Kirk mispronounces Mischievous.
B5CL Drows: Let’s remember, everyone, we all have our own tastes, and opinions on shows.
C14Engr: no ep has anything in common with any other
C14Engr: unless it is a 2 parter
B5BRIAN: Well B5 bets them all, huh guys?
Palin600: B5 (minus season 1) is way above Trek, I think
Palin600: The acting done by some B5 people is unmatched in Trek, for one
B5CL Drows: B5BRIAN, absofragginglutely.
C14Engr: Season 1 is one of the best there is
C14Engr: Sinclair was awesome
Palin600: Well, that’s opinion….I thought Sinclair was awful
Alex777A: Actually, ST:TNG was following a continuous plotline for the most part and the even matched
StarTrekCC: I think by “By Pale Moonlight” is a great episode, by any standard.
C14Engr: lol Drows. thats a good one
Alex777A: to DS9 when they were both on.
B5CL Drows: C14Engr, I’m glad to see some more Michael O’Hare fans. 🙂
AngelMpath: {S fragging}
B5CL Drows: Alex777A, yes, but not quite a tight arc, it wandered around quite a bit.
OnlineHost: HoneyB87 has entered the room.
Palin600: But, other than Sinclair….Furlan is great, Jurasic and Katsulas are wonderful
OnlineHost: HoneyB87 has left the room.
Alex777A: True…but that’s the nature of a star trek, isn’t it?
B5CL Drows: Even TNG did make attempts at arcs at times.
C14Engr: Sinclair had some kind of ties to the Minbari didnt he? when he went back in time
AngelMpath: geez, just remembered, has anyone seen the previews for the new Trek movie?
Palin600: Sinclair is Valen….that’s a pretty big tie
B5CL Drows: It is more “open ended” then B5 was meant to be, yes.
Alex777A: Hmmm….I heard Telepath84 hates her sister (who was just in and out of here).
B5CL Drows: HoneyB87, did you know that TNT has the opening credits for all 5 seasons
B5CL Drows: available to download at their web site? Check in the Archives., w
Palin600: I heard the new Trek movie is more about humor and romance
C14Engr: Whoa! I didnt know he was Valen!
B5CL Drows: Angel, no, what’s it about?
Palin600: Oops….I just dropped a huge spoiler for you, Engr….:((
C14Engr: Why the hell did he fight in the war then?
Palin600: My bad
AngelMpath: Palin, not from the previews Duky and I saw
OnlineHost: BB5Alien has left the room.
Palin600: What were the previews like?
C14Engr: thats ok Palin
Alex777A: He didn’t know he was Valen at that time.
B5CL Drows: C14Engr, yes, during War Without End, season 3, he took back B4 to
B5CL Drows: become a base for the Minbari during the last Shadow war, becoming
C14Engr: glad i know
B5CL Drows: Valen in the process.
OnlineHost: B5BRIAN has left the room.
C14Engr: Why did he fight in the War then?
B5CL Drows: Palin600, dis is the spoiler room, that’s why I host here.
StarTrekCC: Actually, “in the pale moonlight”
Palin600: He wasn’t Valen during the War
StarTrekCC: 🙂
Alex777A: Because he didn’t know he was Valen then.
AngelMpath: Drows, Picard is going to do a Kirk and get his butt in a sling defying the
AngelMpath: Federation
OnlineHost: Cpt Dan has left the room.
Alex777A: And neither did the Minbari…that’s when they found out that Sinclair was Valen and stopped
C14Engr: But the War was AFTER the B4 deal happened
Alex777A: the war.
Palin600: Picard is going to defy the Federation in the next movie?
B5CL Drows: C14Engr, He didn’t find out he was valen until he became the Minbari
B5CL Drows: Ambassador, check out “To Dream in the City of Shaows” by Kathryn
B5CL Drows: Drennan.
StarTrekCC: {S iamvalen}
C14Engr: He didnt KNOW he was Valen?
AngelMpath: Palin, yep
Palin600: Hmmm.
Alex777A: Ah, JMS’s significant other.
B5CL Drows: C14Engr, it’s a bit complicated.
Palin600: I thought First Contact was great….it made Voyager’s crew seem so lame after
C14Engr: Tell me about it
B5CL Drows: Alex777A, yep, she’s JMS’s wife.
Palin600: Stewart’
Alex777A: No, he didn’t know he was Valen until he read his note to himself.
C14Engr: lol
B5CL Drows: Palin600, FC was ok, I liked Generations, as well.
Palin600: Stewart’s a rare quality actor….Janeway….ech
C14Engr: Back to the Future thin
C14Engr: thing
Palin600: Generations was good. McDowell is nasty.
Alex777A: McDowell is usually nasty now, isn’t he.
Palin600: Well, DS9’s on over here in Boston….I think I’ll watch it
Alex777A: A Clockwork Orange.
Palin600: See you guys later, ‘k?
AngelMpath: Palin, I hear McD is on LoveBoat now, I think
C14Engr: bye Palin
Alex777A: Cya, Palin…enjoy.
AngelMpath: can’t imagine
B5CL Drows: C14Engr, ok, he’s born on Earth, fights in the Earth/Minbari war,
Alex777A: No, Fantasy Island.
B5CL Drows: becomes the Minbari Ambassador, then goes back in time to become
B5CL Drows: Valen and leaves himself a letter, to read in the future so he knows to
B5CL Drows: go back in time. That help?
Alex777A: He’s the new Mr.Roarke.
Palin600: Will try not to let the witch get in the way…(Janeway)…
AngelMpath: Thanks, Alex, I knew it was one or the other
B5CL Drows: “Temporal mechanics always give me a headache”
C14Engr: yes Drows
OnlineHost: Palin600 has left the room.
AngelMpath: still can’t imagine
C14Engr: So it is a time loop?
B5CL Drows: C14Engr, in a way, yes.
B5CL Drows: But, not a closed loop.
C14Engr: ok
AngelMpath: McD was so evil in Clockwork Orange it took me a decade to watch anything else he did

C14Engr: no, b/c he will wend himself another letter
C14Engr: send
B5CL Drows: Alex777A, but the loop continued, when he went back, I mean it’s not a
B5CL Drows: repeating one, over and over, without going forward.
OnlineHost: CCase3 has entered the room.
Alex777A: It is a repeating one.
B5CL Drows: Time stream looped, and continued, in a way. It’s hard to explain.
StarTrekCC: CCase!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
CCase3: hello all
C14Engr: Hi
B5CL Drows: Public Service Announcement and 5 Minute Warning
B5CL Drows: Heads up Folks ! Don’t be fooled ! Only *official* B5 chat hosts can use
OnlineHost: Raiden437 has entered the room.
B5CL Drows: “B5CL” in the beginning of their Screen Name. This is the only official Staff
B5CL Drows: for the Eclipse Cafe and Fresh Air Lounge.
OnlineHost: Attazar has entered the room.
B5CL Drows: Greetings CCase3, Raiden437, have
Alex777A: What I want to know is what happened to Sheridan’s other body when he was doubled on himself
B5CL Drows: you read the message boards lately?
Alex777A: in the future.
Attazar: {{{CC}}}
Raiden437: bye
OnlineHost: Raiden437 has left the room.
B5CL Drows: Alex, I’d like an explanation of that myself.
OnlineHost: Raiden437 has entered the room.
OnlineHost: Raiden437 has left the room.
B5CL Drows: Hey, Raiden437 have you tried the
B5CL Drows: Bagna Cauda? Garibaldi just made a fresh batch.
Alex777A: I guess we aren’t supposed to ask.
Alex777A: Ah, there’s a recipe for that in the new tv guide.
B5CL Drows: Or, we’ll find out, later in B5, or sometime in Crusades./
Attazar: Was I anywhere close on the Clapton song?
Log Count: There were 7 member(s) in Fresh Air Lounge at 03:00 PM
B5CL Drows: There is still 5 eps left.
B5CL Drows: Well, time for me to leave, you’re all
B5CL Drows: welcome to stay and enjoy the Fresh Air Lounge. If you need assistance,
B5CL Drows: please feel free to use KEYWORD: I Need Help or KEYWORD: Notify
B5CL Drows: AOL to report violations. Bye for now!! 😉
AngelMpath: Cya later Drows, hug the 12 year old for me
OnlineHost: Oceana2628 has entered the room.
B5CL Drows: Thanks for dropping by, all, see you on Monday.
OnlineHost: Attazar has left the room.
OnlineHost: C14Engr has left the room.

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