PowerChat: *** Entered Fresh Air Lounge on 10/6/98 at 05:57 PM ***
B5CL Drows:
B5CL Drows:
B5CL Drows:
B5CL Drows:
OnlineHost: Sspants has entered the room.
OnlineHost: Sspants has left the room.
B5CL Drows: Hello Sspants, have you seen the Crusades Announcement at TNT’s web site?
OnlineHost: C14Engr has entered the room.
B5CL Drows: Welcome to Fresh Air Lounge C14Engr, the most bizarre room this side of Earth
B5CL Drows: Dome!
C14Engr: Hey Drows
B5CL Drows:
C14Engr: must suck bein in here alone
B5CL Drows: I’m a bit early today.
C14Engr: oh
OnlineHost: Destroy227 has entered the room.
OnlineHost: Mmsgalaxy has entered the room.
C14Engr: Hey D
Log Count: There were 4 member(s) in Fresh Air Lounge at 06:00 PM
OnlineHost: Sspants has entered the room.
OnlineHost: Mmsgalaxy has left the room.
Destroy227: hey C
B5CL Drows: Well met, Destroy227, Mmsgalaxy, Sspants the foods fresh, the people are
B5CL Drows: fresher. ๐
OnlineHost: Sspants has left the room.
OnlineHost: Sspants has entered the room.
OnlineHost: Mmsgalaxy has entered the room.
OnlineHost: Sspants has left the room.
OnlineHost: Sspants has entered the room.
Destroy227: brb
OnlineHost: Destroy227 has left the room.
OnlineHost: Sspants has left the room.
B5CL Drows: Mmsgalaxy, welcome to Fresh Air Lounge, one of the Official AOL Babylon 5
B5CL Drows: chat rooms.
C14Engr: Ss..please quit. Makin my screen scroll.
OnlineHost: AJAXRanger has entered the room.
Mmsgalaxy: i know that cl
OnlineHost: TekLord 00 has entered the room.
TekLord 00: HEY DROWS
OnlineHost: C14Engr has left the room.
B5CL Drows: AJAXRanger, TekLord 00, I hope you’ve had your shots, there’s another outbreak
OnlineHost: Sspants has entered the room.
B5CL Drows: of “Rerun Fever” expected to last until October 28th.
Mmsgalaxy: now i can say good bye
OnlineHost: Mmsgalaxy has left the room.
TekLord 00: Oct is when the new episodes staer right?
B5CL Drows: Hey TekLord
OnlineHost: AJAXRanger has left the room.
B5CL Drows: TekLord, yes, reruns until the 28th.
TekLord 00: heh
OnlineHost: WatcherAGM has entered the room.
B5CL Drows: But, that’s only 22 days and counting.
TekLord 00: permission granted watcher
B5CL Drows: WatcherAGM, c’mon in and try the Spoo, it’s fresh.
WatcherAGM: Tek think it’s not on here B5cl here try Casual again
OnlineHost: TekLord 00 has left the room.
sorry b5cl but we want too sim so will move on…
B5CL Drows: WatcherAGM, have fun, then.
OnlineHost: TekLord 00 has entered the room.
TekLord 00: watcher come on!
TekLord 00: i sent the link to ya!
TekLord 00: watcher!
OnlineHost: TekLord 00 has left the room.
B5CL Drows:
OnlineHost: TekLord 00 has entered the room.
TekLord 00: WATCHER!
TekLord 00: HELLO
OnlineHost: Destroy227 has entered the room.
B5CL Drows: Destroy227, I hope you’ve had your shots, there’s another outbreak of “Rerun
B5CL Drows: Fever” expected to last until October 28th.
OnlineHost: WatcherAGM has left the room.
OnlineHost: Destroy227 has left the room.
OnlineHost: Gkar7 has entered the room.
OnlineHost: TekLord 00 has left the room.
OnlineHost: Gkar7 has left the room.
B5CL Drows: Greetings Gkar7, pull up a chair…
OnlineHost: Gkar7 has entered the room.
OnlineHost: Gkar7 has left the room.
B5CL Drows: Sspants, you watch Babylon 5?
OnlineHost: Gkar7 has entered the room.
OnlineHost: Cedarga has entered the room.
B5CL Drows: Gkar7, Cedarga, c’mon in and try the Spoo, it’s fresh.
Gkar7: ::battlecruiser enters::
Cedarga: ((((((((Drowsy))))))))))
Gkar7: requesting permission to dock for repairs
B5CL Drows: How’s it going Ced?
Cedarga: Got your mail. I thought you knew how to count?
B5CL Drows: Ced, how’s that?
Cedarga: Not bad for a day I became unemployed. Again. Well, maybe.
Cedarga: It sounds like I may be able to work this out if I’m a masochist…
OnlineHost: Psicop22 has entered the room.
B5CL Drows: Ced, if you have a contention with the scoring, email me back and let
B5CL Drows: me know, I’ll double check it.
B5CL Drows: Hello Psicop22, glad you could join us today.
OnlineHost: Spires05 has entered the room.
Psicop22: Eveing all.
Spires05: Hi all
B5CL Drows: Hot and chilled Jhala is by the bar, Spires05 help yourself.
Cedarga: Drows, am pretty sure I didn’t get that many right!
Gkar7: I repeat this is the Kintaran battlecruiser toranik requesting permission todock for repairs
B5CL Drows: Ced, you did. Surprised?
Spires05: yum…. Jhala
Cedarga: Are you counting each right answer or the first right answer?
B5CL Drows: Ced, each.
Cedarga: Stunned might be the word, Drows
Cedarga: Oh. Okay, that makes more sense.
Gkar7: I repeat this is the Kintaran battlecruiser toranik requesting permission todock for repairs
B5CL Drows: That’s why the delay before entering the answers. So more then one
B5CL Drows: has a chance to get credit.
Spires05: G’kar, you ok?
B5CL Drows: Gkar7, we don’t do simming, here.
OnlineHost: StarTrekCC has entered the room.
Gkar7: my ship was damaged in the cafe
OnlineHost: AngelMpath has entered the room.
B5CL Drows: Hey StarTrekCC, AngelMpath, welcome to the room!
Spires05: Well, then get it repaired.
Cedarga: ((((((STCC))))))) (((((Psi))))))) (((((((Angel))))))) Hiya Spires!
Spires05: Hi Ced. (a little late)
Gkar7: i’m trying to get permission to dock
B5CL Drows: Angel, you got your scores, right?
Spires05: G’kar, you have permission to dock.
StarTrekCC: Angel, Congrats on winning the first trivia game…
Gkar7: thankyou
B5CL Drows: I know Ced and STCC got the scores.
AngelMpath: [{{{{{{{{{{ DROWS!CEDARGA!STCC! }}}}}}}}}}}]
OnlineHost: Lynne0623 has entered the room.
AngelMpath: You mean the ‘Angel needs to get a life’ scores? <g>
B5CL Drows: Methinks Angel’s happy to see us.
StarTrekCC: {{{{{{{{Angel}}}}}}}}}
Ah, now there is a girl who knows how to hug! *two* good lookin guys surrounding me!
B5CL Drows: Ced, a dream come true, eh?
OnlineHost: Lynne0623 has left the room.
StarTrekCC: {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{CEDARIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}
AngelMpath: glad you caught that Ced <weg>
Log Count: There were 8 member(s) in Fresh Air Lounge at 06:15 PM
B5CL Drows:
B5CL Drows: Hey, Lynne0623 have you tried the Bagna
B5CL Drows: Cauda? Garibaldi just made a fresh batch.
Cedarga: ::::giggles:::: well, sure!
Cedarga: Hiya Lynne
OnlineHost: FreesiaQI has entered the room.
AngelMpath: STCC, thanks for the heads up on DS9, great ep!
Psicop22: -=pops back from IM hell=-
OnlineHost: FreesiaQI has left the room.
Gkar7: face of some animal yummm
B5CL Drows: Angel, it’s on here at 11 PM my time. Does sound good.
OnlineHost: TygerEyez1 has entered the room.
Cedarga: (((((Tyg)))))
B5CL Drows: Hello TygerEyez1, have you seen the Crusades Announcement at TNT’s web
B5CL Drows: site?
AngelMpath: Hey Tyger!
StarTrekCC: {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{Tygerrrrrr}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}
TygerEyez1: {{{{{{{Ced}}}}}}}}
StarTrekCC: {S Tyger}
TygerEyez1: Hiya Angel.
TygerEyez1: {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{CC}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}
StarTrekCC: Angel, no problem I give you more previews next week
AngelMpath: cool, I love spoilers
Gkar7: ship repaired going home
B5CL Drows: Thank the Great Maker Fox has it on twice here.
OnlineHost: Gkar7 has left the room.
TygerEyez1: DS9?
AngelMpath: has anyone seen a listing for ‘Mercy Point’?
B5CL Drows: STCC, you becoming the local DS9 Spoiler Source?
StarTrekCC: Tygerrrrr…gotten DS9 tech manual yet?
TygerEyez1: no….I’m waiting for the movie.
StarTrekCC: I guess so, Drows…
AngelMpath: Drows, he sure is
B5CL Drows: Angel, not yet, but it looks a bit like B5, in some ways. Good news if
B5CL Drows: we’re getting copied, and available in Block Buster.
Psicop22: -=flops back into lounge chair=-
B5CL Drows: Tyger, yes, DS9’s on twice here. Saturday and Tuesday.
OnlineHost: B5Delenn1 has entered the room.
I knew that is what you were talking about. Big shock.
B5Delenn1: hi Drows
TygerEyez1: {{{{{{{{{{{Delenn}}}}}}}}}}
B5CL Drows: Tyger, and the Cowboy’s won. Wonder’s never cease. LOL
B5Delenn1: {{Tyger}}
B5CL Drows: B5Delenn1, c’mon in and try the Spoo, it’s fresh.
B5CL Drows:
TygerEyez1: oh, hush up.
AngelMpath: Drows, without Aikman?
TygerEyez1: yeppers, Angel….whupped on the DeadSkins…..
TygerEyez1: ….although that isn’t saying very much.
B5Delenn1: {S delenn
B5CL Drows: They managed to pull it off, Angel. Of course, since Moon’s “day by
OnlineHost: B5Delenn1 has left the room.
B5CL Drows: day”, I don’t hold much hope for the Seahawks.
Psicop22: <—is football illiterate
TygerEyez1: at least those darned Packers got their collective keisters handed to them last night.
OnlineHost: B5Sheridn1 has entered the room.
AngelMpath: cool, too bad Duky is a Phillies fan, Broncos kicked their butt
B5CL Drows: I see Tyger’s discovered the joys of BitMaps, as well.
TygerEyez1: Hiys SnertSheridn
B5CL Drows: Join us in chatting about our favorite show,
Cedarga: Hi Sheridn
B5CL Drows: B5Sheridn1.
OnlineHost: Sspants has left the room.
OnlineHost: Sspants has entered the room.
TygerEyez1: No, but I wish…I can’t run PT’s well right now.
B5Sheridn1: {S Greetings} to all, even you SnerTyger
StarTrekCC: Hi Sheridan1
TygerEyez1: {S snertzap
Hey I am SnertTrek!
B5Sheridn1: Howdy, Drows, STCC
AngelMpath: {S uhoh} Tyger, what did you do now?
TygerEyez1: Me?? Absolutely nada.
B5CL Drows: Tyger, I think the bit maps are with AOL 4. PT’s 8 just has a new
B5CL Drows: Remember Sspants, Babylon 5 is moving it’s Monday showing to Midnight
B5CL Drows: Eastern/Pacific, after the premier of Mortal Kombat: The Series.
B5CL Drows: BitMap manager, like the Wav Manager.
B5CL Drows: STCC, if thou insists, I’ll update the alias list.
TygerEyez1: huh? You got kind of split up there.
B5Sheridn1: Think about it SnerTyger, you’ve had to of done something
TygerEyez1: {S shutup!
B5Sheridn1: Thwppp!!!!!!
OnlineHost: Sspants has left the room.
TygerEyez1: Missed me.
B5CL Drows:
TygerEyez1: If anyone screws up in this room, it’s SnertSheridn.
B5Sheridn1: I prefer it that way…..less work
B5CL Drows: Gee, everyone’s getting a Snert name, now. I think I’ll stick with my old one.
StarTrekCC: Snertrows…
StarTrekCC: Hmmmm…SnertDrows…
B5CL Drows: Today’s the Jason Ironheart ep, looks like.
Cedarga: <~~~~Does not have snert name. ::::glares at room:::: and better not get one!
B5Sheridn1: ROFL
StarTrekCC: or how about ScrollDows…
Psicop22: Lol
StarTrekCC: ScrollDrows…
TygerEyez1: SnertDrows….I kind of like it.
TygerEyez1: it fits.
B5Sheridn1: Me too
StarTrekCC: Snertcedarie…
Cedarga: STCC {S thwap}
Spires05: SnertSpires.
B5CL Drows: hey now, I don’t scroll, but if you insist on calling me
B5Sheridn1: Ced!!!!!!!! {S snpydnce
B5CL Drows: that, I can dig up a few really long macros.
OnlineHost: B5pilot1 has entered the room.
Psicop22: -=dive out of harms way=-
AngelMpath: Sorry, STCC, he’ll always be DrowsDarlin’ to the ladies O;-)
B5Sheridn1: ::::dancing happy dance:::::
Cedarga: (not dancing to silly piano)
B5pilot1: hello all {Shlofrnd
AngelMpath: {S hidarlin
B5Sheridn1: Why not SnerDarga?
B5Sheridn1: ๐
TygerEyez1: Ced. hehehe
B5CL Drows: I have a couple of 30+ line one’s lying around somewhere.
StarTrekCC: yeah, SnertDarga, is good:-)
B5CL Drows: Hello B5pilot1, glad you could join us today.
AngelMpath: Ced, you aren’t going to let them get away with that, are you?
B5pilot1: whats this we have a new Cl here tonight
TygerEyez1: Angel, is that all the ladies that call him that?
Cedarga: Oh, shoot, I was afk…what did they do?
B5CL Drows: B5pilot1, who?
AngelMpath: your new name is Snertdarga
OnlineHost: Lespresto has entered the room.
Psicop22: They gave you a snert name Cedar..
TygerEyez1: :::holds hands up::: I had nothing to do with it.
Lespresto: Evening Everyone!
StarTrekCC: Hiya Snertdarga:-)
B5CL Drows: I’m completely innocent for ahange as well.
OnlineHost: Spires05 has left the room.
TygerEyez1: hi Les
B5pilot1: you, B5Cl Drows
StarTrekCC: Lespit!!!!!!!!!!!
Psicop22: evenin’ Les
AngelMpath: [{{{{{{{{{{ LES }}}}}}}}}}}]
Cedarga: Ah, Psi, musta been talking to some *other* member who has
Cedarga: been imitating me. Wasn’t me, I’m sure!
B5Sheridn1: you were the first one to pipe in with approval SnerTyger
B5CL Drows: Hey Lespresto, welcome to the room!
B5CL Drows: B5pilot1, I’m not a “new CL”, actually, I’ve been hosting here for over a y.
B5CL Drows: year, that is.
TygerEyez1: not with Ced
StarTrekCC: are you sure SnertSheridan?
Lespresto: Hi Tyger
B5Sheridn1: Yest SnerTrek
Lespresto: STCC!!!
B5Sheridn1: yes even
B5pilot1: ok, it just the first time i’ve seen you
B5CL Drows: 1 year, 2 months.
TygerEyez1: with Drows, yes….with Ced, no.
Cedarga: See that Sheridn? Tyg likes to live!
StarTrekCC: it SnertTrekCC actually, Snertsheridn
TygerEyez1: Ced can hurt me.
Lespresto: Hi Psicop
Lespresto: {{{{{{Angel}}}}}
Cedarga: ((((((Les))))))) Hey girl!
B5Sheridn1: but if SnerDarga isn’t your cup of tea, hows ’bout CedarSnert?
OnlineHost: Sheridnfan has entered the room.
B5CL Drows: Sheridan, hmm, a wooden snert?
B5Sheridn1: {{{{{{{{{{Sheri}}}}}}}}}}
Cedarga: Pam, run for your life, they have gone mad!
Sheridnfan: Hiya….
B5CL Drows: Wonderful to see you today, Sheridnfan.
TygerEyez1: Hey, Sheri.
Lespresto: Hi Drows
OnlineHost: SHADOW5492 has entered the room.
Sheridnfan: Oh really? What are they talking about???
AngelMpath: Drows, that was a groaner, even for you
Cedarga: I am *not* wooden!
TygerEyez1: hehehehehe
Cedarga: Out of practice, maybe, but not wooden!
B5CL Drows: Sheri, they’re giving each other “snert” handles.
Sheridnfan: All this talk of wood, I would expect you were talking about Sinclair.
OnlineHost: KMGray3 has entered the room.
B5Sheridn1: LOL
Cedarga: LOL Sheri
B5CL Drows: SHADOW5492, computer Virus?
B5CL Drows: Good evening SHADOW5492, KMGray3,
B5CL Drows: welcome to the Fresh Air Lounge.
Cedarga: Or Riker
B5Sheridn1: well don’t breath on me Shadow
TygerEyez1: {{{{{{Gray}}}}}}}}}}
KMGray3: Greetings all!
Log Count: There were 12 member(s) in Fresh Air Lounge at 06:30 PM
B5CL Drows: Ced, naw, just Al Gore.
KMGray3: {{{Drows}}}
TygerEyez1: Ced!!! I like Riker!!!!
Cedarga: ((((((Gray))))))
Lespresto: Hi KMG
KMGray3: {{{{Tyger}}}}{{{{Cedar}}}}}
B5Sheridn1: Greetings KMG
KMGray3: Hiya Les
Cedarga: Tyg, me, too, a *lot*, but his puppetmaster needs some practice
TygerEyez1: No Drows. Al Gore is the cardboard cutout remember?
KMGray3: Hiya Angel, pilot, Sheridn
B5pilot1: hi tyger how have you been?
Psicop22: evein’ KMG
B5CL Drows: Ced, NGSI
KMGray3: Hiya Psicop, STCC!!!
AngelMpath: Hey, KM, what’s up?
TygerEyez1: Just fine Pilot.
Cedarga: Aw, come on, Drows, what aren’t you going to say?
Cedarga: Oh!
Cedarga: Nevermind
TygerEyez1: He’s just an awful tease, Ced.
B5CL Drows: Ced, that one was tolo easy. ROFL
KMGray3: Not much Angel…just hanging here until my other chat starts up
OnlineHost: B5Delenn1 has entered the room.
B5CL Drows: Entendre’s are us, Double’s a speciality.
Cedarga: Tyg, tease can be fun…. for a finite time….
OnlineHost: B5Delenn1 has left the room.
OnlineHost: B5Delenn1 has entered the room.
B5Sheridn1: {S greetings} Delenn
B5CL Drows: Hi B5Delenn1, have you seen the folder for Crusades in the Message Boards?
KMGray3: Hey Delenn
B5Sheridn1: {S wb} Delenn
Cedarga: Need some superglue Delenn?
B5Delenn1: hello Sheridn
TygerEyez1: ::::waiting to see if Delenn is going to stay put before welcoming:::
B5Delenn1: Hey KM
B5CL Drows: Delenn, having problems entering?
B5Sheridn1: She’s on the port-a-punt, so you better get the velcro out.
B5Delenn1: Had to move to the port-a-punt
Lespresto: Hi Delenn
B5Delenn1: Sheridn……..shut up
B5Sheridn1: Thwppp!!!!!
B5Delenn1: hello Lep
B5Delenn1: {S thwap4}Sheridn
B5CL Drows: Gee, such love for lap tops. Makes me all warm and fuzzy.
B5Sheridn1: {S jawawhip} Delenn
StarTrekCC: {{{{{{{{{{{Delenn}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}} Snertelenn!
OnlineHost: P21Corps has entered the room.
B5Delenn1: i love my laptop
P21Corps: hello
StarTrekCC: {{{{{{KMG}}}}}}}}}
B5CL Drows: Hello P21Corps, have you seen the Crusades Announcement at TNT’s web site?
B5Delenn1: {{{{{{{{{STCC}}}}}}}}Snerttrek
KMGray3: heh
StarTrekCC: {{{{{{{{{{{P21}}}}}}}}}
KMGray3: {{{{{CC}}}}}
Cedarga: ::::shakes head:::: I won’t say that either…
Sheridnfan: If you are giving the prefix “snert” to everyone, I would be a “snertfan”?
KMGray3: Hey P21
Sheridnfan: ๐
B5Sheridn1: Sure
StarTrekCC: What, Snertdarga?
P21Corps: hi {{{stcc!}}}
TygerEyez1: Snertfan…good one.
Cedarga: STCC!!!
Cedarga: Behave!!!
B5CL Drows: Y’all up too long or what?
StarTrekCC: Snertfan!!!!
StarTrekCC: {{{{{SheridanFan}}}}}}}}
B5CL Drows: I know, it’s this dratted Rerun Fever, making you all nuts, right?
KMGray3: fortunately “snert” doesnt fit to well in my sn…..then again..
Sheridnfan: Snertfan…Snertfan…Snertfan…. :::to the tune of Batman T.V. Theme::::
Sheridnfan: brb phone
StarTrekCC: There a real snert….Shadow, please don’t scroll, and don’t be rude
P21Corps: shadow, STOP!
B5CL Drows: SHADOW5492, let’s keep it civil, ok? This is a friendly chat room.
B5Sheridn1: Shadow – {S aolcaps
SHADOW5492: ok
B5pilot1: well ya’ll have fun must go {S jumpgate
SHADOW5492: but they do
Cedarga: LOL Sheridn, where did I get that wav?
OnlineHost: B5pilot1 has left the room.
B5CL Drows: Ced, I’d forgotten about it myself.
B5Sheridn1: I don’t know, but its fun to play when needed
P21Corps: {S shatner
Psicop22: later…kids need attending to.
KMGray3: Bye Psicop
B5Sheridn1: Laters Psi
B5CL Drows: Psicop22, have a good one.
P21Corps: bye psi22
Cedarga: Later, Psi
SHADOW5492: die
Psicop22: -=waves to all friendly people=-
OnlineHost: Psicop22 has left the room.
Sheridnfan: Back….
B5Sheridn1: Didn’t know you were gone
P21Corps: {S p21~1
B5CL Drows: Sheridan, answering the phone, she was.
B5Sheridn1: ah
OnlineHost: Hndamike has entered the room.
B5Delenn1: {S gotmail}Tyger
B5CL Drows: Welcome to Fresh Air Lounge Hndamike, the most bizarre room this side of
B5CL Drows: Earth Dome!
Sheridnfan: I think I will log on under other name….ohsooo confusing with Sheridan’s everywhere.
OnlineHost: Sheridnfan has left the room.
Hndamike: 1st time here hello all
TygerEyez1: ok, Delenn.
P21Corps: Darn! I just remembered I was given saturday school
Cedarga: Hi Hndamike
B5CL Drows: Hndamike, welcome to the Chat Room then.
KMGray3: Hello Hndamike…welcome! ๐
OnlineHost: BDBANZAI has entered the room.
P21Corps: today
B5Sheridn1: LOL Delenn
BDBANZAI: Okie dokie….
Cedarga: (((((Banzai)))))))) wb
B5CL Drows: BDBANZAI, I hope you’ve had your shots, there’s another outbreak of “Rerun
B5CL Drows: Fever” expected to last until October 28th.
KMGray3: Hi BDB
B5Sheridn1: {{{{{BD}}}}}
SHADOW5492: ive fallen ill already
BDBANZAI: Already have the dreaded illness known as Rerun Fever….
B5CL Drows: Hndamike, you watch Babylon 5?
TygerEyez1: Delenn, ROFL.
SHADOW5492: hi im making up a sim group so if you want to join im me
Hndamike: whats with that?everytime i tape one ive seen it
P21Corps: i’ve gots it too
B5Delenn1: think i should send it out, Tyger?
BDBANZAI: I find myself watching reruns on video.
KMGray3: I think if your here you’ve got it
B5CL Drows: Hndamike, it’s in reruns, until the 28th, when they start showing the final 5.
Hndamike: Ive been watching since 1st season
StarTrekCC: Is anyone watching that Mercy Point thing on UPN…
SHADOW5492: ahhhhhhhhh im spasaming help me im dieng
KMGray3: CC-whens that on?
P21Corps: don’t have UPN
B5CL Drows: STCC, it’s already started?
Hndamike: the final 5?
TygerEyez1: Most definitely. LOL
BDBANZAI: That comes on at 9 here…I don’t know if I want to tape it.
AngelMpath: STCC, Duky was going to watch it, not on here yet
B5CL Drows: Hndamike, yes, there’s only 5 eps left in Season 5, then in January the
StarTrekCC: Angel, well it might be on different nights, it ER on Space it actually interesting…
B5CL Drows: spin off, Crusades starts.
KMGray3: hmm…rats…want to watch it but got another chat to be at…
Lespresto: STCC: We don’t have UPN here
StarTrekCC: Lespit, I know not all areas have it…
B5CL Drows: STCC, ER meets Babylon 5 sort of thing?
Hndamike: spin offs…the beginning of the end
Cedarga: STCC, have you read White’s hospital series? Is it like that?
Drows, yeah, and it not hyped up as the “Best show on TV”, which is refreshing.
StarTrekCC: Cedarie, I haven’t read it, I don’t read many novels…
B5Sheridn1: you read?
B5CL Drows: STCC, It should be “The best 2 shows on TV, combined.” LOL
Cedarga: Most of these are short stories. they are fun.
B5Sheridn1: ๐
KMGray3: heh
Cedarga: Um, Sheridan?
B5Sheridn1: yes Ced?
Cedarga: Kinda hard to chat if you don’t read?
StarTrekCC: SnertSheridn, I do read….just not novels…
B5CL Drows: Incoming Thwap, Sheridan, I suggest you duck.
B5Sheridn1: :::ducks:::::
KMGray3: lol
Cedarga: drows, too many people have learned to use that whip.
BDBANZAI: Oh I guess I am now SnertBanzai…
Cedarga: I’ve hung mine up.
OnlineHost: Hndamike has left the room.
StarTrekCC: ::gets out the auto thwapper and gives it to Cedarie::
TygerEyez1: May I then?
B5Sheridn1: no!!!!!
TygerEyez1: Darn.
Log Count: There were 12 member(s) in Fresh Air Lounge at 06:45 PM
B5CL Drows: It’s interesting that there’s a show out, similar to B5 about Doctors,
B5CL Drows: right after TNT adds ER to the lineup, after B5.
B5Sheridn1: you’d get too much pleasure from it Tyg
TygerEyez1: Who me?
B5Sheridn1: yes….you
TygerEyez1: not me.
B5Sheridn1: right
B5CL Drows: Of course, not, Tyger, you’d never enjoy thwapping someone.
B5CL Drows:
TygerEyez1: Nah…I’d rather {S punch} them.
Cedarga: LOL Tyg!
KMGray3: ROFL Tyger
TygerEyez1: works better.
B5Sheridn1: <—-gives self {S thwap} trying to beat Tyger to the “Punch”
Lespresto: LOL
OnlineHost: B5Fanatic9 has entered the room.
B5CL Drows: ::rolls eyes::::รฐยฟรฐ-^:::rolls eyes:::
OnlineHost: B5Fanatic9 has left the room.
TygerEyez1: Drows, {S punch
OnlineHost: SHADOW5492 rolled 1 100-sided die: 94
TygerEyez1: I’ll blacken one of those rolling eyes.
Cedarga: Okay, who has the restraints? And who will hold her down?
B5CL Drows: SHADOW5492, repeated dice rolling outside of gaming rooms is considered
B5CL Drows: disruptive behavior, please stop.
SHADOW5492: i did it once
Lespresto: Ced: Not me!
TygerEyez1: hehehehehehehe
B5CL Drows: Just a friendly warning.
OnlineHost: P21Corps has left the room.
BDBANZAI: All this aggressive behavior, I think it’s symptom of the Rerun Madness.
SHADOW5492: i thought you were nice
B5CL Drows: BD, more then likely.
KMGray3: yep, too little b5
SHADOW5492: hehehehehehhehehehehehhehehehehehhehehhehehehheheheheheheh m ok
SHADOW5492: im ok
B5Sheridn1: I agree BD…..Gives Tyger a {S jawawhip} just because she needs one
SHADOW5492: why do you all ask
SHADOW5492: leave me aone
StarTrekCC: SnertSheridn, be nice to a lady…{S thwap}
TygerEyez1: Ouch!!!!! ::glares::
B5Sheridn1: ::::ducks::::
Cedarga: Yeah, the network should have made the serum sooner, Banzai
TygerEyez1: {S elecwhp1
BDBANZAI: I mean, even now out of deperation I am watching the last of this first season episode.
StarTrekCC: {S jawawhip},Sheridn
SHADOW5492: hhehehehehehehehhehehehhehehehehehehhehehehhehehehehhehehehehehhehehehehehhehehehheheheheheh
B5Delenn1: can you two stop for a few minutes?
B5Sheridn1: sorry Tyg…don’t have that one
TygerEyez1: brb
B5CL Drows: Ced, well, not everyone’s that far sighted, unfortunately.
BDBANZAI: “desperation”….nice spelling, BD…. ๐
OnlineHost: WISHFULWON has entered the room.
OnlineHost: WISHFULWON has left the room.
BDBANZAI: ::::::sigh…remembering when Garibaldi had hair:::::::
SHADOW5492: hahhahahahhhahahhahahahhahahhahahahahahhahahhah im crazzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
SHADOW5492: yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
B5CL Drows: “Spelling is irrevelant”, Misspeller of Borg.
B5Sheridn1: <—remembers when he had a full head of hair
KMGray3: ah..tho good old early days…Fman witha head of hair….
B5CL Drows: Welcome to Fresh Air Lounge WISHFULWON, the most bizarre room this side
B5CL Drows: of Earth Dome!i
KMGray3: Gman that is
B5CL Drows: To Ignore any unwanted chat, double click on the members name in the “People
B5CL Drows: in Room” box and Click on Ignore.
SHADOW5492: some one send me somthing to do with b5 or ill kill every one
BDBANZAI: and Sinclair had catapillars for eyebrows….SSHEESSH…what bushy eyebrows….
B5CL Drows: KM, well, “full head” is a bit generous, isn’t it?
B5Sheridn1: caterpillars
KMGray3: dramatic liscense <sp?> Drowsy ๐
B5CL Drows: KM,
BDBANZAI: Yeah, it looks like he has caterpillars crawling across his forehead posing as eyebrows.
SHADOW5492: {s B5THEM5
B5Sheridn1: take off your caplock Shadow
B5CL Drows: Captain Kirk to alien ship “Why are you <dramatic pause> typing in <dramatic
KMGray3: ::giggles::: catepillars….neverthought of them that way before
B5CL Drows: pause> All Caps!!
KMGray3: hee hee Drows…not bad
B5CL Drows: KM, maybe he got the eyebrows the same place Shatner got the toupee?
Cedarga: Oh, no, Drows invoked the K**k!!!!
KMGray3: LOL
StarTrekCC: Uh, oh, Drows said something about Shat****
SHADOW5492: {s B5THEM5
StarTrekCC: Cedarie, calm down, it will be alright.
B5CL Drows: STCC, I like to tease about Shatner, but I did like the show. He was so
B5CL Drows: much larger then life.
B5Sheridn1: I won’t comment on that…It’d be too easy
Cedarga: ROFMAO, what a, um, tactful …yah, that’s the ticket… tactful way to put that!
StarTrekCC: Drows, nope, Cedarie doesn’t like Shat***, I think Shat*** is a ok actor
KMGray3: heh
BDBANZAI: I love teasing my finace’ about Shatner. He always says “Seperate the Actor from the
BDBANZAI: character.”
B5Sheridn1: {S iggy} time
B5CL Drows: BD, I’ve seen him on the Tek War series, he’s pretty much the same.
BDBANZAI: Kirk is one thing, and Shatner is a whole other animal….according to him anyway.
B5Sheridn1: ah! much quieter
B5CL Drows: Not to mention TJ Hooker. ROFL
Cedarga: Banzai, you got {S Myunivers}?
B5Delenn1: i think i am going to soak in the tub for awhile…..BBL
OnlineHost: B5Delenn1 has left the room.
KMGray3: LOL..oh boy not that series!
B5CL Drows: Delenn, enjoy.
Cedarga: Drows, no need to mention the hook!
Kirk is a great character, but Shat*** is a self absorbed actor.
BDBANZAI: Nope. I have ZERO wavs on this computer. It’s brand new.
B5CL Drows: KM, TJ? It was as good as “BJ and the Bear”, eh?
AngelMpath: bac
Cedarga: Banzai, do you stay up nights trying to find ways to make me jealous?
KMGray3: ROFLOL…yeah Drowsy
TygerEyez1: bak
Lespresto: wb Angel
OnlineHost: SHADOW5492 has left the room.
B5CL Drows: STCC, I’ve heard several other actor’s from ST have made the same allegations
KMGray3: wb Angel, Tyger
BDBANZAI: Oh no…the other computer was the family computer. Shared amongst 4 others.
B5Sheridn1: {S wb} Tyger
AngelMpath: thanks roomies
B5Sheridn1: {S wb} Angel
BDBANZAI: Now I have my very own “cow”. I had to take something with me when I get married. ๐
StarTrekCC: WB, Tygerrrr, Angel
Cedarga: Banzai, We’ve got it down to three and a half now. My son moved to TN
StarTrekCC: {{{{{{{Delenn}}}}}}}}
Cedarga: He
Cedarga: is sharing a puter with someone else now <G>
BDBANZAI: Soon, it will only be my dad who is using the former computer called MORDEN. My brother has
KMGray3: yes! MP isnt on until an hour from now…dont have to miss it!
B5Sheridn1: STCC…Delenn just went offline
StarTrekCC: Oh, Cedarie, Mikey is thinking of hosting a viewing party in his part of TN
BDBANZAI: joined the navy and other brother is about to leave for UCLA.
B5CL Drows: Delenn’s soaking in a hot bath, a very wonderful suggestion. I might try it myself.
B5CL Drows: Public Service Announcement and 5 Minute Warning
B5CL Drows: Heads up Folks ! Don’t be fooled ! Only *official* B5 chat hosts can use “B5CL”
B5CL Drows: in the beginning of their Screen Name. This is the only official Staff for the
Cedarga: ::::pouts:::: still no Chicago viewing parties at which they will allow me ๐
B5CL Drows: Eclipse Cafe and Fresh Air Lounge.
OnlineHost: B5CL Tap has entered the room.
B5Sheridn1: LOL
B5CL Drows: Everyone, join me in welcoming the next
StarTrekCC: {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{Tappie}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}
B5CL Tap: hello peoplez {S tap}
B5Sheridn1: {{{{{Tappie}}}}}
B5CL Drows: host for tonight, B5CL Tap. Treat them as well as you treat me. >:-)
TygerEyez1: {{{{Tap}}}}}}
B5Sheridn1: Then she’s in trouble
B5CL Tap: hiya CC ::waves::
AngelMpath: Ced, you can watch it with me in Colorado
KMGray3: {{{{{Tap}}}}}}
B5CL Tap: Hey Tyger… ๐
Cedarga: Thank you Angel!
B5CL Drows: Well, one would hope better then me, actually.
TygerEyez1: oh pardon me…..{{{{{Foofaraw}}}}
Lespresto: [[[[[TAP
Lespresto: ]]]
B5CL Drows: B5CL Tap, c’mon in and try the Spoo, it’s fresh.
B5CL Tap: Hiya KMGray welcome aboard Babylon5
KMGray3: Got to bail all….See ya!
B5CL Tap: hey Les
BDBANZAI: What are you all having a viewing party for? Which episode?
OnlineHost: KMGray3 has left the room.
Cedarga: Later Gray
B5CL Drows: KM, have a good one.
StarTrekCC: Bye {{{{KMG}}}}}}
B5CL Tap: ewwwwww Drows not that stuff!! :-X
B5CL Drows: God, she’s too quick to say good by to.
OnlineHost: DEFIANT64 has entered the room.
TygerEyez1: you’re just like her.
Cedarga: Yeppers, quick on the mouse, she is
B5CL Tap: when KM says she is going the girl goes! {S pixydust}
Log Count: There were 10 member(s) in Fresh Air Lounge at 07:00 PM
B5CL Tap: yeah Drows quick like bunny rabbit and you:tickles::
AngelMpath: [{{{{{{{{{{ TAPPIE!!! }}}}}}}}}}}]
B5Sheridn1: ooh
B5CL Drows: Well, I’ll leave you all in the very capable hands of B5CL Tap, and I’ll
B5CL Drows: see everyone tomorrow, same B5 Time, Same B5 Station.
B5CL Tap: Hiya Angel ๐
B5CL Drows: Greetings DEFIANT64, pull up a chair…
StarTrekCC: Bye Drows!!!!!!!!!!!!.
TygerEyez1: Later SnertDrows.
B5CL Tap: ::checks hands:: bye Drows ::hugs::
Cedarga: Nighters Drows
B5CL Drows: Later all, have a good chat, Tap.
DEFIANT64: Hi Yall
B5Sheridn1: Niters Drows
B5CL Tap: SnertDrows? Tyger!
OnlineHost: Gr8 1Gkar has entered the room.
TygerEyez1: long story, Tap. hehehehehe
B5CL Drows: Tap, and be careful, they’re taging everyone with Snert Names.
Cedarga: Don’t ask, Tap, they will tell you!