PowerChat: *** Entered Fresh Air Lounge on 10/5/98 at 06:00 PM ***
OnlineHost: AlanTek has entered the room.
Gkar7: what’s the topic tonight
Destroy227: did u give him control of my EF 2nd fleet
TekLord 00: DROWS???????
TekLord 00: DROWS!!!!!!
B5CL Drows: Tonight’s topic – Captain’s Table: Things of
B5CL Drows: interest in Season 5
WatcherAGM: Erm heavy..TEK When you picked up my Boarding Pods was Grent..My First Officer alive??
AlanTek: Hi Brain
Gkar7: cool
Gkar7: i love this font
TekLord 00: Yes he was infact watcher
Destroy227: hey alan, cant u spell my name right?
Gkar7: it’s called vorlon
AlanTek: I did
B5CL Drows: Garibaldi’s drinking? Self pity or an attempt to overcome the mental blocks?
TekLord 00: Drows its B5 Berk
WatcherAGM: NO I didn’t Destroy thought you had them still
Destroy227: brIEn
TekLord 00: REMEMBER ME?
AlanTek: LOL LOL
B5CL Drows: I remember Berk, yes.
Destroy227: i dont have that yet alan
Destroy227: lol
AlanTek: I know
AlanTek: : )
Destroy227: no they were behind the planet watcher
Destroy227: i only take the destiny
OnlineHost: AlanTek has left the room.
Gkar7: ::))))))) alien smiley
OnlineHost: TekLord 00 has left the room.
OnlineHost: BDBANZAI has entered the room.
OnlineHost: BDBANZAI has left the room.
B5CL Drows: Hello BDBANZAI, have you seen the new “River of Souls” images at the TNT
B5CL Drows: Bayblon 5 site?
Destroy227: drows, slow on those marcos
Destroy227: he left
B5CL Drows: Well, I sent the greeting at the same time they left.
Gkar7: anyone want the link to my babylon 5 web site
OnlineHost: TygerEyez1 has entered the room.
OnlineHost: TekLord 00 has entered the room.
TekLord 00: hey watcher!
OnlineHost: TekLord 00 has left the room.
OnlineHost: WatcherAGM has left the room.
OnlineHost: Spenscott has entered the room.
B5CL Drows: Hey TygerEyez1, TekLord 00, Spenscott,
B5CL Drows: have you checked the Lurker’s Guide lately?
OnlineHost: Destroy227 has left the room.
OnlineHost: AngelMpath has entered the room.
OnlineHost: Destroy227 has entered the room.
OnlineHost: Destroy227 has left the room.
Gkar7: anyone want the link to my babylon 5 web site
TygerEyez1: Howdy.
OnlineHost: Gr8 1Gkar has entered the room.
AngelMpath: Hey roomies, what’s up?
Spenscott: hi
Gr8 1Gkar: Hi ya Room
B5CL Drows: We saved you a place, AngelMpath, Destroy227, Gr8 1Gkar.
TygerEyez1: Hiya Angel
Gr8 1Gkar: Hi ya Drows
Gkar7: anyone want the link to my babylon 5 web site
AngelMpath: Hey Tyger
OnlineHost: WatcherAGM has entered the room.
B5CL Drows: WatcherAGM, did you know that TNT has the opening credits for all 5 seasons
B5CL Drows: available to download at their web site? Check in the Archives.
B5CL Drows: Hey GKar.
WatcherAGM: Thanks
WatcherAGM: Sorry brb
Gr8 1Gkar: Gkar shouldn’t that be Narn??
OnlineHost: WatcherAGM has left the room.
Gkar7: hey drows has the lurkers guide changed in the last 5 days
Gr8 1Gkar: Don’t you think??
B5CL Drows: Gkar7, Changed how?
Gr8 1Gkar: Not Vorlon
OnlineHost: Sheridnfan has entered the room.
Gkar7: yes
Gr8 1Gkar: Hi ya Sheri
B5CL Drows: I haven’t loaded Lurker’s since Saturday, if I remember right.
Sheridnfan: Hiya….just skating by seeing who all is here…
Gkar7: i am now using shadow
OnlineHost: Destroy227 has entered the room.
OnlineHost: Destroy227 has left the room.
Gr8 1Gkar: Not to many haning out yet
B5CL Drows: Hiya Sheridnfan, Destroy227, the Iced Jhala is on the bar.
OnlineHost: Cpsychic has entered the room.
OnlineHost: B5 Merlen has entered the room.
Cpsychic: Here is where they are!
B5CL Drows: Still a small crowd Sheri.
Gr8 1Gkar: Hi ya Merlen
Sheridnfan: Well it’s dinner time I guess for some.
Gkar7: anyone want the link to my babylon 5 web site
B5 Merlen: Hello odd friends
Cpsychic: Odd?
B5CL Drows: Cpsychic, B5 Merlen, welcome to Fresh Air Lounge, the strangest place in
Gr8 1Gkar: Odd?
B5CL Drows: known space!
TygerEyez1: Odd?
Cpsychic: Why are we in here tonite?
B5CL Drows: Merlen, pot calling the kettle black?
B5CL Drows: >:-)
Gr8 1Gkar: Cpsy, It’s a CHAT room
Gkar7: lol
Cpsychic: lol
B5CL Drows: Cpsychic, this is my scheduled hosting area, that’s why I’m here.
Cpsychic: O.
Cpsychic: Okay.
Gr8 1Gkar:
Cpsychic: :::blushes:::
OnlineHost: Roguexxx73 has entered the room.
Sheridnfan: Do you think fans of ER sit back and go “If they show another Babylon 5 commercial I am
Gr8 1Gkar: Sorry, I guess I was being a Smart a$$
Sheridnfan: going to scream?”
B5CL Drows: Roguexxx73, welcome to Fresh Air Lounge, one of the Official AOL Babylon 5
B5CL Drows: chat rooms.
OnlineHost: ERICL7 has entered the room.
Sheridnfan: Because if I see another ER commerical I am going to scream.
Gr8 1Gkar: You know they do Sheri
OnlineHost: Spenscott has left the room.
OnlineHost: Argsolo has entered the room.
B5CL Drows: Sheri, probably not. But then, I love my B5 commercials and I’m an ER fan.
Gkar7: me too
Roguexxx73: greetings all
B5CL Drows: Hey, ERICL7, Argsolo, have you seen the
B5CL Drows: Babylon 5 CD-ROM reference guide yet? It’s not bad.
B5 Merlen: Well, it doesn’t help that they have that “Best show on television” stuff in practically all
TygerEyez1: Hi Rogue.
B5 Merlen: the commercials
Gr8 1Gkar: Gkar 7, could you please use a FONT that I can read?????
Sheridnfan: I guess I just have to get into ER…I used to like show, but I am easily depressed
Gkar7: ok
OnlineHost: Destroy227 has entered the room.
Sheridnfan: especially if they do a show about a kid getting hurt.
B5CL Drows: Sheri, I only object to the “best show on television” spots for ER. It’s
B5CL Drows: quite obvious that B5 is the best show.
OnlineHost: Destroy227 has left the room.
OnlineHost: Argsolo has left the room.
Cpsychic: Drows… someone who’s not a die-hard fan could say to that, “And it’s not good either”
Gkar7: anyone want the link to my babylon 5 web site
OnlineHost: ERICL7 has left the room.
Gr8 1Gkar: Sheri I still watch Chicago Hope.
Roguexxx73: hello Tyger how are you tonight?
Cpsychic: But I wouldn’t say that about anything that involves B5!
Gr8 1Gkar: Fine then Gkar,
TygerEyez1: Great now that I am out of the downpour.
B5CL Drows: Remember Destroy227, Babylon 5 is moving it’s Monday showing to Midnight
B5CL Drows: Eastern/Pacific, after the premier of Mortal Kombat: The Series.ER;
OnlineHost: Gmmas has entered the room.
Gmmas: why is noone in the cafe?
B5CL Drows: ER’s a decent show, but my first loyalty is still B5.
Sheridnfan: I’m not exactly sure why I’m watching B5 right now….desperation I guess.
Gkar7: ok
B5CL Drows: Gmmas, perhaps because it’s not hosted right now?
Gr8 1Gkar: Drows I thought I just watched that yesterday “Mortal Combat”
B5CL Drows: Hi Gmmas, did you know that Down Below has added season 5 wavs to its web
B5CL Drows: site?
Gmmas: Hi Drows
Cpsychic: I’m outta here… obviously people don’t like my presents here anymore…
B5 Merlen: Sheridnfan…. maybe as a medication to lessen the withdrawl symptoms
Roguexxx73: hey ya drows how be?
B5CL Drows: Was the show any good, Gkar? I haven’t seen it.l
Gr8 1Gkar: Cpsy thats not it
Cpsychic: Goodbye.
Gkar7: anyone want the link to my babylon 5 web site
B5CL Drows: Cpsychic, what makes you say that?
OnlineHost: Cpsychic has left the room.
Gr8 1Gkar: It was OK Drows
Gkar7: anyone want the link to my babylon 5 web site
Gr8 1Gkar: My kids are the experts,
B5CL Drows: Gkar, well, if it’s just “ok”, I’ll stick to what I usually watch.
Gr8 1Gkar: And it didn’t hold there attention
Gmmas: Drows: why are you hosting in here?
OnlineHost: Roguexxx73 has left the room.
B5CL Drows: Gmmas, “senior staff” have the choice of hosting here or the Cafe, I prefer it here.
Sheridnfan: Ahhh…I need to lessen the withdrawl symptoms, I have to put in season 2 through 5 videos.
Gmmas: Drows: why?
TygerEyez1: Senior staff. My, my.
Gr8 1Gkar: Lol, Sher
Sheridnfan: All though this is a funny scene with Londo crawling across a table
Gr8 1Gkar: Enjoy
Gmmas: Senior staff get a lot more moolah I’m sure
Gr8 1Gkar: Yes it is funny
B5CL Drows: Gmmas, well, this has always been the room I wanted to host in, I was
Sheridnfan: Saying how “everyone is cute”.
B5CL Drows: here when it first opened, and I like spoilers.
Gkar7: hey Gkar how many of the fonts did you download
Gr8 1Gkar: Very cute
Gr8 1Gkar: He passed out
B5CL Drows: Gmmas, we get the same amount of cookies as the “newbies” LOL
Gr8 1Gkar: Very funny
Gmmas: Drows: I like spoilers too. Have you checked out the spoiler page?
Sheridnfan: Delenn is all looking at him with this “Why the HELL is this guy passed out in front of me
Gkar7: anyone want the link to my babylon 5 web site
Sheridnfan: and how can I still look dignified…?”
Gr8 1Gkar: Did every one hear about Dragoniiz?? Her system crashed
B5 Merlen: Ivanova was enjoying herself in that scene too
B5CL Drows: Gmmas, I prefer just to speculate, myself. Becky’s page has been fed
B5CL Drows: “misinformation” in the past, so I tend not to go to it.
Log Count: There were 8 member(s) in Fresh Air Lounge at 06:15 PM
Gmmas: Drows: check it out, I thinks she’s got the right stuff for the last shows
OnlineHost: StefniLyn has entered the room.
Gkar7: goodbye
OnlineHost: Gkar7 has left the room.
B5 Merlen: Hi Stef
TygerEyez1: Yes, G’kar….she told me yesterday.
StefniLyn: Hi Merlen
Gr8 1Gkar: Shesaid to tell every one she will be back ASAP
B5CL Drows: It’s a good page, and it has some decent plot synopsis, but I prefer being
B5CL Drows: somewhat surprised, too.
B5CL Drows: Hello StefniLyn, have you seen the new “River of Souls” images at the TNT
B5CL Drows: Bayblon 5 site?
OnlineHost: B5Delenn1 has entered the room.
B5CL Drows: Gkar, tell her I said “god’s speed” in the repairs. Those are a massive pain.
B5CL Drows: Hey, B5Delenn1 have you tried the Bagna
B5CL Drows: Cauda? Garibaldi just made a fresh batch.
StefniLyn: nope.
B5Delenn1: {{Drows}}
Gr8 1Gkar: Drows she doesn’t know if it is serious or not
B5CL Drows: Stef, they have one of Sheen in make up.
B5Delenn1: {{{{tyger}}}}
Gmmas: What is Bagna?
B5CL Drows: Gkar, Even minor one’s can be a major annoyance.
Gr8 1Gkar: I will give her Best Wishes
Gr8 1Gkar: Don’t I know it!!
B5CL Drows: Gmmas, it’s an Italian dish, there’s a recipie for it at Lurker’s I think.
Gr8 1Gkar: That other Gkar was anoying me with that Vorlon chatter
Gmmas: Thanks Drows> By the way, for those of you with any memory, I understand that VLeg is doing
Gmmas: relatively well
TygerEyez1: {{{{{{{Delenn}}}}}}}}}}}
B5CL Drows: Tyger, we may have lost Warren for a while, you hear?
Gr8 1Gkar: Gmms, did she have a Stroke or something??
OnlineHost: StefniLyn has left the room.
B5CL Drows: Gmmas, I remember VLeg. Glad to hear things are well.
Gr8 1Gkar: I wondered what happened to her Vlegner
TygerEyez1: No, I didn’t. How bad?
Gmmas: Gr8: I don’t know about that, but she had a leg amputated, and some serious other problems
B5CL Drows: Gmmas, send her our best wishes if you chat with her, ok?
Gr8 1Gkar: O’ is that what it was, I wosh she would get back on line
Gmmas: Leg problem came as a result of slipping on ice!!!
Gr8 1Gkar: Yes, Tell her I still think of her often and Fondly
B5CL Drows: It’s funny, in a way. Most of us never meet, but we form unique
B5CL Drows: friendships based on the rooms alone.
Sheridnfan: brb
OnlineHost: Sheridnfan has left the room.
Gr8 1Gkar: And the ones we meet up with are even tighter
B5CL Drows: Gkar, most of the time, exactly.
TygerEyez1: agreed.
B5CL Drows: Guess it’s like having an interactive pen pal?
TygerEyez1: you can tell online friends stuff you could NEVER tell a real-life friend.
OnlineHost: JM ICEMAN has entered the room.
B5CL Drows: I mean, how many of us would actually have met, even with online, without being fans of B5?
Gr8 1Gkar: I have had the opertunity to met up with 10 or more
OnlineHost: JM ICEMAN has left the room.
TygerEyez1: slim to none.
Gmmas: I think that there will be a lot of us at the Convention in CA in a couple of weeks
Gr8 1Gkar: I just watched a commerical for VOR con
AngelMpath: bac
Gr8 1Gkar: Gmms, maybe we can leave a message at the Info desk,
B5Delenn1: {S delenn
B5CL Drows: Tyger, not just that, but you get to talk with people from 1000’s of
B5CL Drows: miles away, everyday. It’s a very unique process.
Gr8 1Gkar: And coordinate a meeting on Sat
Gmmas: I’m not going but I know that Perky is
TygerEyez1: most definitely
Gr8 1Gkar: Perky and I think Dragon
B5CL Drows: I wonder if Perky will actually take Jason a pail?
AngelMpath: :::smacks Duky::: Behave yourself!
TygerEyez1: but it is pretty scary when an online friend knows you as well as you know yourself.
B5Delenn1: you said it, Tyger!!!
Gmmas: I’ll be in Long Beach for work at the beginning of November though
Gr8 1Gkar: Drows, Of what Teras??
B5CL Drows: Sentinel is on the Con Staff, Troy might be there, somewhere.
Gr8 1Gkar: Tears
Gr8 1Gkar: SENT will be there some where
B5CL Drows: Gkar, it’s a Boojie joke I’ve been trying to organize.
Gr8 1Gkar: O
AngelMpath: {S vorlgod}
B5CL Drows: Remember the line “I could put a pail on my head and say I’m the Vorlon god Boogie”?
Gr8 1Gkar: I will be there But only Saturday
Gr8 1Gkar: O
TygerEyez1: Delenn.
AngelMpath: Drows, would you like the wav?
B5CL Drows: Angel, sure, I thought I had it, but looks like I don’t. Alter ego, when you have time?
OnlineHost: TJenni7073 has entered the room.
B5 Merlen: {S frnch1s
B5CL Drows: Hi TJenni7073, have you seen the folder for Crusades in the Message Boards?
OnlineHost: OneKosh has entered the room.
Gmmas: Gkar: E-mail Perky to meet for a drink and a smoke. I think thoses cons should be
OnlineHost: OneKosh has left the room.
OnlineHost: OneKosh has entered the room.
Gr8 1Gkar: Hi ya Kosh {S Begins
Gmmas: approached under some kind of clould
B5CL Drows: Hey OneKosh, nice to see you today.
TJenni7073: Crusades folder? Ow ow..Better check this out!!
OnlineHost: StefniLyn has entered the room.
TygerEyez1: Delenn, is it raining your way?
B5CL Drows: Hey StefniLyn, WB
AngelMpath: sure Drows, no problem, if Duky leaves me alone long enough <g>. Anyone else?
Gr8 1Gkar: Hi ya Stef
OneKosh: crusade folder?
StefniLyn: Hi Gkar
Gmmas: Anyone here read anything by Ben Bova?
StefniLyn: thanks Drows
B5CL Drows: OneKosh, there’s a folder for the spin off Crusades, on the B5 Message Baords.
Gr8 1Gkar: Well Gmms, I don’t know where to met so…
B5Delenn1: not yet…sorry..listening to my wav<EG>
OnlineHost: TJenni7073 has left the room.
OnlineHost: OneKosh has left the room.
TygerEyez1: well, it was a pouring rain and lightning storm that I drove into tonight.
B5CL Drows: Gmmas, I’ve read some of his older stuff, names escape me right now,
B5CL Drows: though. I go through several books a week.
OnlineHost: Arijivan has entered the room.
OnlineHost: Arijivan has left the room.
Gmmas: Gkar: well perhaps you could arrange it via e-mail or the next time you see her
Gmmas: We saw the Perky one when we were in D.C. She’s not really THAT perky you know
Gr8 1Gkar: I haven’t met her yet, Will met at Con, I have met Assim, but don’t thunk she will make it
B5CL Drows: You know, those of you with lap tops, could check the hotels you’re
B5CL Drows: staying in for internet access. Local phone service is usually all you
B5CL Drows: need.
OnlineHost: Destroy227 has entered the room.
OnlineHost: Destroy227 has left the room.
Gr8 1Gkar: and to look up local #s
Gr8 1Gkar: We have LOTS of # out here
Gmmas: adios amigos!!!
B5CL Drows: Gkar, you can acually do that from home, if I remember. Just check
B5CL Drows: for the area code for Pomona, CA.
Gr8 1Gkar: I have at 9 #s to access out here
OnlineHost: Gmmas has left the room.
Gr8 1Gkar: Drows I live only 31 miles from Pomona Fair grounds
Gr8 1Gkar: at least 9 access #s
B5CL Drows: Con’s are a good place to meet other B5 fans from online. I think that
B5CL Drows: should be added to the convention somehow.
Log Count: There were 7 member(s) in Fresh Air Lounge at 06:30 PM
AngelMpath: later roomies, Duky has plans for me O;-), play nice
OnlineHost: AngelMpath has left the room.
B5CL Drows: Angel, have a nice evening.
Gr8 1Gkar: Well. At AgamemCon,they let us put a Note up on the Bulliten boards
B5 Merlen: Have an area called Eclipse Cafe and Fresh Air Lounge
OnlineHost: TekLord 00 has entered the room.
Gr8 1Gkar: To meet aaol buds
Gr8 1Gkar: Of course the room was busy, so we meet in the hall
StefniLyn: I just got back from the KC RenFest
B5CL Drows: I was thinking of somewhere you could get button’s made up, so you
Gr8 1Gkar: But it was still nice
B5CL Drows: TekLord 00, TNT has another movie due out this year, have you heard?could Identify yourselves by SN if you wanted.
B5CL Drows: Gkar, kind of like the tee shirts you and Assim did for that convention.
Gr8 1Gkar: I have a T-shirt and a Sweat Shirt, with my SN on it
OnlineHost: TekLord 00 has left the room.
B5CL Drows: And, you know, if you have the right printer at home, you could make up your own.
Gr8 1Gkar: I had mine made for me at a T-shirt shak
B5 Merlen: hmmm… at a booth set aside for the Babylon 5 Emporium and Fan Club…
Gr8 1Gkar: Or stencil
B5CL Drows: Mine does “heat transfers”.
OnlineHost: SeanKC6QHM has entered the room.
OnlineHost: SeanKC6QHM has left the room.
Gr8 1Gkar: Yeah , Mine too
B5CL Drows: SeanKC6QHM, welcome to Fresh Air Lounge, the strangest place in known
B5CL Drows: space!
Gr8 1Gkar: Never have tried that tho
StefniLyn: Hi sean
StefniLyn: ::sigh:::
TygerEyez1: Sean has trouble getting into this room at times.
Gr8 1Gkar: TAP didn’t stop by
B5CL Drows: Gkar, you know, checking with the Fan Club on doing it could be good
B5CL Drows: PR for them, a way of spreading the word on what they can do.
StefniLyn: I noticed that Tyger
B5CL Drows: I’ts all those kipper’s he eats, Tyger.
Gr8 1Gkar: Yes, I could take my Air canister and Bursh
TygerEyez1: He can get into the Cafe easily….just not here.
Gr8 1Gkar: And go to town
StefniLyn: oh well
B5CL Drows: Gkar, another way for the fans to meet, by having the t-shirts done. An interesting idea.
B5CL Drows: Tyger, someone try sending him a link to the room>?
Gr8 1Gkar: Thats true
TygerEyez1: I’ll give it a shot.
OnlineHost: StefniLyn has left the room.
Gr8 1Gkar: That would be funny to see Petter runnigng around in SN shirt
Gr8 1Gkar: opps
OnlineHost: Shadow9373 has entered the room.
Gr8 1Gkar: Peter-Running
OnlineHost: Shadow9373 has left the room.
OnlineHost: Shadow9373 has entered the room.
B5CL Drows: Gkar, you might check with the con organizers about being able to do that, onsite.
Shadow9373: Hello all
Gr8 1Gkar: Hi ya {S Shadow
B5CL Drows: Hi there Shadow9373. C’mon in and join us….
TygerEyez1: I did it….don’t know if it will work or not.
Shadow9373: im not allowed to advertize RPG/Sim’s am I?
B5Delenn1: Tyger…i am sorry…..it is raining
Gr8 1Gkar: drows I will see if I have time in my one day
B5Delenn1: i guess it has been since SHeridn came home
TygerEyez1: it’s thunder-booming here again.
B5CL Drows: Shadow9373, not in the room, no. You can ask anyone interested in sending you an IM.
OnlineHost: SeanKC6QHM has entered the room.
OnlineHost: SeanKC6QHM has left the room.
Shadow9373: thats what i meant
TygerEyez1: Didn’t work.
B5CL Drows: Gkar, who knows, I you suggest it, they might actually set something up themselves.
B5Delenn1: Bessie will proabaly be in bed with us tonight
TygerEyez1: LOL
B5CL Drows: Add it to the entrance fee or something.
Gr8 1Gkar: They could get a Small fortune for it
B5Delenn1: BBL
OnlineHost: B5Delenn1 has left the room.
B5CL Drows: Hello SeanKC6QHM, have you seen the new “River of Souls” images at the TNT
B5CL Drows: Bayblon 5 site?
Shadow9373: anyone want to join my RPG/Sim IM me
B5CL Drows: Gkar, I think that would be a great publicity set up, offer a SN printing
B5CL Drows: for those bringing a shirt.ha
B5CL Drows: or hat.
Gr8 1Gkar: Shadow , Vorlon1 already has one
Shadow9373: so i’ve had mine and im making another
Gr8 1Gkar: Excuse me, Nevermind
Shadow9373: its okay but there are many of them
Gr8 1Gkar: I thought you might get together.
B5CL Drows: Shadow9373, you could also add that to your Profile, a lot of people check those.
Shadow9373: how do u change it i forgot?
B5CL Drows: Shadow9373, Keyword: My Profile.
Shadow9373: thanx
B5CL Drows: Or just Profile, I believe.
Shadow9373: :^)
B5CL Drows: Shadow9373, part of my job around here. All in an hours work. ๐
Gr8 1Gkar: there are couple of ways to do it I think
Shadow9373: BRB
OnlineHost: Shadow9373 has left the room.
OnlineHost: Ttogrehram has entered the room.
B5CL Drows: Gkar, Plus, it would be good advertising for the AOL area, among fans
B5CL Drows: who may not know about this area.
Gr8 1Gkar: I think I went thru People. And members directory
OnlineHost: Shadow9373 has entered the room.
Ttogrehram: Drows, what do you do with your Gasoline Receipts?
B5CL Drows: Welcome to Fresh Air Lounge Ttogrehram, Shadow9373, the most bizarre room
B5CL Drows: this side of Earth Dome!
Shadow9373: sorry about the caps
Gr8 1Gkar: I wouldn’t want to do it My 1st time at a Con like this, It’s not very friendly
B5CL Drows: Ttogrehram, I don’t keep those, why?
Shadow9373: Con???
B5 Merlen: CONvention
Shadow9373: oh
Gr8 1Gkar: I would go to AgamemCon, they are nice people, and Start a little smaller
Shadow9373: i thought he meant CON asn in Controls
B5CL Drows: Shadow9373, there’s a B5 convention in CA coming up. That’s what
B5CL Drows: we’re talking about, and tossing around Ideas on how people can meet
B5CL Drows: at the con.
Shadow9373: oh okay
B5 Merlen: When is that, Drows
OnlineHost: Ttogrehram has left the room.
Gr8 1Gkar: The 16-18
Shadow9373: well i have to go anyways so BYE ALL
Shadow9373: :^)
B5CL Drows: I believe the 16th tru 18th, Pomona CA.
OnlineHost: Shadow9373 has left the room.
Gr8 1Gkar: He must be young
Gr8 1Gkar: acts young
B5CL Drows: Gkar, either that or maybe new to online, or just our area.
Gr8 1Gkar: 30miles down the road from me
OnlineHost: LdyCarla1 has entered the room.
Gr8 1Gkar: Sounds young
OnlineHost: Sisamen has entered the room.
B5 Merlen: hmmm…. I wonder if I convince someone going to VORcon to take a couple things there for me
B5CL Drows: A bit, yes.
B5 Merlen: hmmmmm
Gr8 1Gkar: Like what??
B5CL Drows: Merlen, ask, it happens.
OnlineHost: Sisamen has left the room.
OnlineHost: Sisamen has entered the room.
B5CL Drows: Hi LdyCarla1, Sisamen, did you know that Down Below has added season 5
B5CL Drows: wavs to its web site?
Sisamen: hey guys
TygerEyez1: gotta go ya’ll…..lightning here.
Gr8 1Gkar: Hi ya Sis
B5 Merlen: oh, some magazines and a couple cards…..maybe get some pictures too
Gr8 1Gkar: Bye Tyg
B5CL Drows: Sometimes you can convince someone you know to pick something up for you.
LdyCarla1: mmmmmmm…….Drows dahlin
TygerEyez1: BBL…..hopefully.
B5CL Drows: Tyger, keep dry and safe.
OnlineHost: TygerEyez1 has left the room.
Sisamen: so what the topic?
LdyCarla1: night Ms. tyger
B5CL Drows: Sisamen, VorCon, at present.
Gr8 1Gkar: Take them there or Pick them up?
Sisamen: oh, whats that?
Log Count: There were 5 member(s) in Fresh Air Lounge at 06:45 PM
B5CL Drows: Sisamen, It’s the Voice of the Resistance Convention in Pomona, CA.
Gr8 1Gkar: I will only be there 1 day, unless I hear from them (VOR)
OnlineHost: KNIGHTW5 has entered the room.
Sisamen: oh
Gr8 1Gkar: I I’m going Sat
B5CL Drows: I’ts a big one, promising lots of cast and some of the crew as well.
B5 Merlen: take them there for the magazines and cards… buy the pictures..
Sisamen: us brits never get to hear of these things!
B5CL Drows: Woice of the Resistance, in Pomona, CA, will feature the following guests:
B5CL Drows: Bruce Boxleitner, Claudia Christian, Jerry Doyle, Michael O’Hare, Mira Furlan,
B5CL Drows: Tracy Scoggins, Walter Koenig, Ed Wasser, Jeff Conaway, Tim Choate, Bill
B5CL Drows: Mumy, Jason Carter, Richard Biggs, Jeffrey Willerth, Wayne Alexander, Denise
B5CL Drows: Gentile, Pat Tallman, Johnny Sekka, Peter Jurasik, Stephen Furst, Wortham
B5CL Drows: Krimmer, Joshua Cox, Robin Atkin Downes, John Vulich, David Eagle, and many
B5CL Drows: others
KNIGHTW5: yay! a communtiy leader is here so there is no simming!
B5CL Drows: Hey, KNIGHTW5 have you tried the Bagna
B5CL Drows: Cauda? Garibaldi just made a fresh batch.n
B5CL Drows: I think Mira may be a no show, I have to check back at the site.
Gr8 1Gkar: Merlen, I think you might have better luck asking Leperky
KNIGHTW5: ooo..with bread and dessert?
Gr8 1Gkar: She will be there All week end
Sisamen: what goes on a VORCON then?
Gr8 1Gkar: Mer would you be mailing them Out here, Or are you in the area
B5CL Drows: Perky hit the lottery, or just independently wealthy? LOL
KNIGHTW5: i guess we are talking about “crusade”
B5 Merlen: I’ll try that…. I didn’t think of it til I got my package from the fan club…
B5 Merlen: I’d have to mail them to someone
B5CL Drows: Sisamen, you heard about he Con’s in England? Like Wolf 359?
Sisamen: nope dont know where to get the info
Gr8 1Gkar: ahhh.. did you know that you can send Walter’s Book to a PO Box
KNIGHTW5: bbl see ya
OnlineHost: KNIGHTW5 has left the room.
Gr8 1Gkar: and he will sing it for you??
Gr8 1Gkar: sign
B5CL Drows: Sisamen, well, if yo check at Lurker’s, there’s a section that deals with Conventions.
Sisamen: English ones as well?
B5 Merlen: Already got him….. the one’s I’m after are….well…. most of the others
Gr8 1Gkar: Sis, There are Expensive Big cons
B5CL Drows: Gkar, doesn’t surprise me, he’s a pretty decent guy, from what I can
B5CL Drows: tell. I believe so, Sisamen.
Gr8 1Gkar: And little ones Not so expensive
Sisamen: ok, thanks for that
Gr8 1Gkar: I hope to get him on the 17th
OnlineHost: Rubrduky1 has entered the room.
Sisamen: never been to a B5 con before
Gr8 1Gkar: His Book is SO funny, I jus loved it
B5CL Drows: Sisamen, if it’s not listed in the Con’s area, check in Other Resoures
B5CL Drows: and look for a B5 web site for Uk, there are a few of them.
Gr8 1Gkar: Hi ya Duky
B5 Merlen: You’ll like him, Gkar…. he funny
Rubrduky1: hello all gr8
Sisamen: I think I may
B5CL Drows: Wonderful to see you today, Rubrduky1.
Gr8 1Gkar: I heard from Assim, to say his Name Kanig
B5CL Drows: Sisamen, I’ve been to a couple of ST Cons, got to see DeForest Kelly a few years ago.
Rubrduky1: hello drows back in cl form good to c it
B5CL Drows: Sisamen, I’ve got one for you to try, it may still be current.
LdyCarla1: hello Rubrduky
Gr8 1Gkar: I have been to one ST con
Sisamen: cool
Gr8 1Gkar: And 3 cons
B5CL Drows: Babylon 5 UK Home Page has information on B5 in the UK and links to other
B5CL Drows: sites. It’s home page is:
B5CL Drows: http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/brain/b5.html
Rubrduky1: hi carla
Gr8 1Gkar: 3 B5 cons
Sisamen: thanks again
B5CL Drows: Sisamen, try that.
Gr8 1Gkar: I love em
Sisamen: will do
B5CL Drows: Sisamen, any time, it’s all part of the service.
Gr8 1Gkar: this will be 4th
Gr8 1Gkar: I’m just SO happy to live in So Calif
B5CL Drows: Gkar, have you ever tried going to the set?
B5 Merlen: Gkar…. :-รพ
Sisamen: does anybody know when B5 will conclude in England?
B5CL Drows: Sisamen, I think it’s been moved to match the American showing for the last 4 eps.
B5CL Drows: err, 5 eps, that is.
Gr8 1Gkar: No its mostly closed
Sisamen: nice, thats good to hear
Gr8 1Gkar: I will go to Netter and check it out some time this year
Rubrduky1: night all just came up for some air
B5CL Drows: Gkar, try checking for Crusades, they may offer tours at some point.
B5CL Drows: Have a good one, Duky.
LdyCarla1: nighty Duk
OnlineHost: ERICL7 has entered the room.
Gr8 1Gkar: Yes, That would be cool, I still wish they would have david E. back
Rubrduky1: night drows carla hope it stops raining so i can return to dallas
B5CL Drows: Gkar, well, he only confirmed that he wasn’t doing Crusades for Season
OnlineHost: Rubrduky1 has left the room.
B5CL Drows: 1. There’s still some small hope. ::crosses fingers::
LdyCarla1: hopefully it will
B5CL Drows: Hey, ERICL7, Babylon 5 is back on Wednesdays at 10 pm Eastern and again on
B5CL Drows: Monday at 11 pm Eastern.
Gr8 1Gkar: I know, He is still busy, and is working on Sliders, and for Disney
OnlineHost: LdyCarla1 has left the room.
B5CL Drows: Gkar, hopefully, that Disney project will get back on track soon, I heard it was delayed.
Gr8 1Gkar: And the thing he and Tony Dow are working on, whar ever tat is (I’m not sure)
Gr8 1Gkar: Ahhh..
Gr8 1Gkar: Bummer
B5CL Drows: Yes, but maybe he might get a shot at Voyager, they could use his
B5CL Drows: touch. And he did say he was doing some sliders as well.
B5CL Drows: Public Service Announcement and 5 Minute Warning~*~ Heads up Folks ! Don’t
B5CL Drows: be fooled ! Only *official* B5 chat hosts can use “B5CL” in the beginning of their
B5CL Drows: Screen Name. This is the only official Staff for the Eclipse Cafe and Fresh Air
B5CL Drows: Lounge.
Gr8 1Gkar: So Drows, does that mean you are leaving soon?
B5CL Drows: Gkar, yep, in about 5.
Gr8 1Gkar: Boy those CL’s sure get away with murder
B5CL Drows: They only let me out of the cage for an hour a day, and 2 on Fri and Sat.
Gr8 1Gkar: All the scrolling they get away with
B5 Merlen: as long as they dispose of the bodies, they can do what they want, Gkar
Gr8 1Gkar: tisk tisk
B5CL Drows: Gkar, dat was only 4 lines, just came at the end of another section.
Gr8 1Gkar: lol.. yes I do believe you are right
OnlineHost: JCohen9626 has entered the room.
Gr8 1Gkar: Sure it is Drows
OnlineHost: JCohen9626 has left the room.
OnlineHost: JCohen9626 has entered the room.
B5CL Drows: Merlen, that’s what the Narn Bat Squad is for. ROFL
B5CL Drows: Well met, JCohen9626 the foods fresh, the people are fresher. ๐
JCohen9626: i guess they need more cold showers then
B5CL Drows: Not sure even a cold shower would help some of us.
JCohen9626: ::shuddering:::
JCohen9626: poof
OnlineHost: JCohen9626 has left the room.
Gr8 1Gkar: Well who ever is using the Crew SN isn’t answering IMs any more
Gr8 1Gkar: Bummer
B5CL Drows: ;:Yawns:: been a long day, my friends. I’ll be back tomorrow, same B5
B5CL Drows: Time, same B5 Chat Room.
B5CL Drows: Well, time for me to leave, you’re all
B5CL Drows: welcome to stay and enjoy the Fresh Air Lounge. If you need assistance, please
B5CL Drows: feel free to use KEYWORD: I Need Help or KEYWORD: Notify AOL to report
B5CL Drows: violations. Bye for now!! ๐
Gr8 1Gkar: I IM to it just incase its Nancy.
Log Count: There were 5 member(s) in Fresh Air Lounge at 07:00 PM
Gr8 1Gkar: Bye DROWS
B5CL Drows: Have a nice evening, everyone.