Fresh Air Lounge – 9/25/1998

PowerChat: *** Entered Fresh Air Lounge on 9/25/98 at 05:58 PM ***
WBuch72218: what do you expect from an orc
B5 Merlen: Howdy Drowsy
BB5Alien: thanks Merlen
BB5Alien: Hello Drows
B5 Merlen: BB5… {S mailcall
WBuch72218: evening Drows
B5CL Drows: Greetings everyone
BB5Alien: got it Merlen, thanks
WBuch72218: can anyone tell me what episode was on today
BB5Alien: you hosting in here Drows?
OnlineHost: TARutter has entered the room.
B5CL Drows: TARutter, how are you today!
TARutter: Hey Drowzzzzzzzzzzzzz
BB5Alien: i saw it Will, dont remember the name
OnlineHost: Myroboy has left the room.
WBuch72218: Missed it was in the middle of Carlittos Way
TARutter: ~>
Stargaze97: should have been rising star
WBuch72218: I got axe for u
WBuch72218: Damnit wanted to watch that one
BB5Alien: i think it was
OnlineHost: Silver2259 has entered the room.
OnlineHost: TygerEyez1 has entered the room.
B5CL Drows: Ok, I’ll check on the name real quick.
Silver2259: hi all
WBuch72218: Thanks Drows
WBuch72218: hiya Silver
BB5Alien: Susans famous speech about how she should have Boffed him?
TygerEyez1: ::::tries to sneak in the back way::::
B5 Merlen: {S boffed
Silver2259: if i go i got kicked out and wont be back today ok
B5CL Drows: Hello Silver2259, TygerEyez1, glad you could join us today.
BB5Alien: hello Tyger
Stargaze97: thats the one
WBuch72218: okay Silver
TygerEyez1: :::snaps fingers::: Darnit….discovered.
BB5Alien: yep, that was on tonight
Silver2259: thanx
OnlineHost: DCSR35 has entered the room.
WBuch72218: :::::tyger:::::
TygerEyez1: Hiya Alien.
TygerEyez1: Howdy Will
WBuch72218: Now i’m upset that I missed it
OnlineHost: DCSR35 has left the room.
BB5Alien: i’ll be back in a few minutes guys
OnlineHost: Sassy4587 has entered the room.
OnlineHost: BB5Alien has left the room.
WBuch72218: Howdy back Tyger
Silver2259: for those who have it~~~~>{s b5them5
OnlineHost: TARutter has left the room.
B5CL Drows: Hey DCSR35, Sassy4587, nice to see you
B5CL Drows: today. tod
Sassy4587: aha!!
B5 Merlen: It should be on again in a few months
Sassy4587: there you all are…
B5CL Drows: Ok, today’s ep was “Rising Star”.
OnlineHost: LONDO69 has entered the room.
OnlineHost: Sassy4587 has left the room.
WBuch72218: thanks for looking for me Drows
OnlineHost: Killa1855 has entered the room.
TygerEyez1: Hiya Killa
B5CL Drows: The infamous Marcus Sacriface ep, if I remember correctly
Silver2259: last 2261 ep today
B5CL Drows: LONDO69, Killa1855, did you know that TNT has the opening credits for all 5
Stargaze97: yep
B5CL Drows: seasons available to download at their web site? Check in the Archives.
WBuch72218: Sorry sassy to violent next door
Killa1855: Hey tyg!
B5 Merlen: Greetings to fellow B5 addict Killa…{S adicted
Killa1855: {S amnot
B5 Merlen: Yes you are Killa. YOu know it.
LONDO69: B5CL… have channel 4 over here… all 5 what?
OnlineHost: NurEyvonGQ has entered the room.
Killa1855: Grrr, you are too fast!
NurEyvonGQ: hello all
B5 Merlen: Sometimes that’s a problem
OnlineHost: S1ovinsky has entered the room.
WBuch72218: {S aolholc
Silver2259: **nods a greeting**
OnlineHost: Stgz has entered the room.
B5CL Drows: LONDO69, opening credits for all 5 seasons of the show.
B5CL Drows: Hiya NurEyvonGQ, S1ovinsky, Stgz, the Iced Jhala is on the bar.
Silver2259: {s urzathrs
OnlineHost: Stgz has left the room.
S1ovinsky: Hello everyone. ๐Ÿ™‚
B5CL Drows: The also have images uploaded from the upcomming “River of Souls” movie.
Silver2259: hello
NurEyvonGQ: does it have alcohol?
Killa1855: So how many weeks until the beginning of season 3?
WBuch72218: bye for now everyone
B5 Merlen: a little alcohol, Nur
LONDO69: oh right… can I have a plate of Treel B5CL??
B5CL Drows: Little over 4, Killa. October 28th.
Silver2259: im on season 5
TygerEyez1: bye, Will
WBuch72218: bye Tyger see you in the morning if not sooner
OnlineHost: WBuch72218 has left the room.
TygerEyez1: ok
S1ovinsky: All the characters on B5 have changed so much!
Silver2259: i know
NurEyvonGQ: sorry can’t have it then.. I may be half human, but I’m also half minbari
Killa1855: Same day as new ep?
B5 Merlen: hmm….. I would think it’s 9 weeks from today
OnlineHost: MARTOK9 has entered the room.
Killa1855: Amazing! Marcus AND new stories?
B5CL Drows: S1ovinsky, just like in life, the character on Babylon 5 grow over time.
B5CL Drows: otherwise they might get a bit stale.
OnlineHost: MARTOK9 has left the room.
S1ovinsky: I miss Marcus. ๐Ÿ™
NurEyvonGQ: me too S1
LONDO69: yep… too true
Stargaze97: me too
B5 Merlen: one episode left to season 4… then 44 episodes to season 3
Silver2259: marcus was the best
OnlineHost: Lab2256 has entered the room.
B5CL Drows: Welcome to Fresh Air Lounge MARTOK9, the most bizarre room this side of
B5CL Drows: Earth Dome!
NurEyvonGQ: but hey look on the bright side, Ivanova is still alive
Silver2259: it shuld have ben stephen franklen
OnlineHost: Lab2256 has left the room.
LONDO69: but in a REAL bad mood though!!
B5 Merlen: But she didn’t {S boffed} Marcus
Silver2259: ivoniva kicks
Killa1855: Nur?
NurEyvonGQ: yes?
Killa1855: Merlen?
Killa1855: {S thwap
S1ovinsky: I know I like the changes…. Gkar ( I can’t spell) used to be so horribly mean and angry!
Killa1855: Merlen, {S thwap4}
TygerEyez1: :::giggles:::
LONDO69: G’Kar!!! fahh!!
S1ovinsky: Ok G’Kar!
B5CL Drows: G’Kar I think is the real heart of the show. He’s become a spiritual
B5CL Drows: leader, from the embittered rebel he was in the beginning.
Silver2259: dose IVYSPICY1 come in here?
OnlineHost: SHADOW5492 has left the room.
NurEyvonGQ: are you picking a fight killa?
Stargaze97: gkar has grown and gained resspect
B5 Merlen: Nah… Killa doesn’t pick fights
LONDO69: (I’m surrounded by narns I think)
TygerEyez1: Killa finishes fights.
OnlineHost: StefniLyn has entered the room.
OnlineHost: HoneyB87 has entered the room.
B5CL Drows: Londo has also done some serious growing, but I don’t know if there’s
B5CL Drows: enough time left for him to completely redeem himself.
B5 Merlen: <~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Technomage
NurEyvonGQ: nope I’m half minbari Londo
OnlineHost: Arijivan has entered the room.
Silver2259: lucky u londo
Killa1855: No, Nur, just reminding you I don’t think much of the potato chip
Killa1855: woman’s continued existance off camera in lieu of Marcus…
HoneyB87: hi guys
Stargaze97: i think he can
OnlineHost: HoneyB87 has left the room.
S1ovinsky: I love Lando & G’Kar’s relationship now… it’s like their married! he he!
Silver2259: ewww
B5CL Drows: Hey StefniLyn, HoneyB87, Arijivan, nice to
B5CL Drows: see you today.
S1ovinsky: Bicker Bicker.
B5 Merlen: Marcus gets an honorable mention in SiL
Arijivan: Hiya Stef & Drows
StefniLyn: :::sneaks in and squirts Drows::::
TygerEyez1: Hiya Stef
Killa1855: ::::looks at room banner::::: Drat you Drows!!!!!
Arijivan: A B5CL attacking another B5CL! cool
NurEyvonGQ: ::bows:: hello Ari
StefniLyn: Hi there Tyger how was the W word today?
TygerEyez1: terrible….I was bored, bored, bored.
Arijivan: :::returns bow::::
Killa1855: STEF!!!!! ::::pulls up chair:::: :::offers embroidered snertskin pillow::::
StefniLyn: oh well
B5CL Drows: Well, in someways they’ve become closer then married couples
B5CL Drows: S1ovinsky, they’re been through quite a lot together.
StefniLyn: thanks Killa!!!
Silver2259: Does IVYSPICY1 come in here ever??ยฟ
StefniLyn: ::::sits in the chair putting up feet:::
TygerEyez1: but it pays the bills…..I can’t complain there.
S1ovinsky: My Favorite is the elevator scene where they are trapped together!
StefniLyn: true Tyger
NurEyvonGQ: me too S!
S1ovinsky: What was the song G’Kar was singing?
Silver2259: guess not
B5 Merlen: {S we’llwin
Arijivan: I like the Episode where the Centauri attacked Narn homeworld with Mass Drivers!
Stargaze97: me to s
TygerEyez1: hehehe
NurEyvonGQ: I don’t remember
LONDO69: so many fishes left in the sea…
Silver2259: i do
LONDO69: so many fishes… just Londo and me…
B5CL Drows: Silver2259, there are too many people who wander in and out to keep
B5CL Drows: Silver2259, there are too many people who wander in and out to keep
B5CL Drows: track of, try doing a Member’s Directory search.
S1ovinsky: Ah that was it LOL!
StefniLyn: great…the baby woke up….::::cursing and whining:::
LONDO69: sang it in the 1st series…
NurEyvonGQ: baby?
OnlineHost: Arijivan has left the room.
LONDO69: the Thenta Ma’Kur episode…
Stargaze97: thats when londo finnaly relized his folly
Silver2259: I got to go all
B5 Merlen: your baby curses, Stef?
StefniLyn: ok….keep telling myself 5 more weeks…..almost done…home stretch…
NurEyvonGQ: bye silver
Silver2259: **nods and walks away**
OnlineHost: Silver2259 has left the room.
StefniLyn: no it keeps kicking me and I curse and whine
B5 Merlen: ah
TygerEyez1: LOL, Stef.
StefniLyn: especially since I have a cold right now
B5 Merlen: That bites
NurEyvonGQ: ooo u have it bad
S1ovinsky: I guess all the B5 characters are my favorite… that I think is what makes it so special…
Killa1855: Steffie, longest five weeks of your life… until he/she turns 13…
TygerEyez1: yuck….been there and done that…..
StefniLyn: yeah 35 weeks preggers AND a cold
OnlineHost: Dragoniize has entered the room.
S1ovinsky: you can hate and love them at the same time.
TygerEyez1: cold, I mean….
StefniLyn: LOL Killa
NurEyvonGQ: hey this will make you feel better Stef..
OnlineHost: HoneyB87 has entered the room.
Dragoniize: Hi Room
TygerEyez1: Hiya Dragon
OnlineHost: HoneyB87 has left the room.
StefniLyn: i dont know you going to come over and give me a full body massage?
B5CL Drows: Hey Dragoniize, HoneyB87, nice to see you
B5CL Drows: today.
Dragoniize: {{{{{Tyger}}}}}}}are you mad at me?
Dragoniize: Hi Drows!!!
Stargaze97: teenage dispute time bbr
TygerEyez1: No….should I be?????
Log Count: There were 10 member(s) in Fresh Air Lounge at 06:15 PM
NurEyvonGQ: I am in Hurricane Georges path
Dragoniize: No, don’t think so
NurEyvonGQ: its hitting my bay right at this moment
TygerEyez1: :::shrugs::: Just not in a huggy mood tonight, I guess.
OnlineHost: LONDO69 has left the room.
Dragoniize: Not that….
StefniLyn: Sorry Nur. that must bite
S1ovinsky: I wish Garabaldi wasn’t drinking again… that really killed me.
StefniLyn: then again some of my best friends bite….hehehe
NurEyvonGQ: it does
OnlineHost: SHADOW5492 has entered the room.
B5 Merlen: S1…. I get the impression Garabaldi will kick the habit before the series ends
TygerEyez1: Heck no…..I’m not mad at you over what we had talked about earlier
TygerEyez1: is that what you thought?
B5CL Drows: S1ovinsky, well, for a recovering alcoholic, he’s done pretty well over
B5CL Drows: the years, I keep hoping that he’ll put the bottle away, again.
S1ovinsky: Why do that have to screw it up for him…. I hope he does.
StefniLyn: Merlen I think Lisse will make him quit
Dragoniize: :::wipes brow:::: whew that is a relief
B5CL Drows: Hey SHADOW5492, welcome to the room!
TygerEyez1: I was relieved when you told me to forget about it.
SHADOW5492: yeah thanks
Dragoniize: Good
S1ovinsky: Bester needs a good kick in the but for that one.
B5 Merlen: I think Lise will kick him in the nuts to get him to quit if she has to… she might even
B5CL Drows: You can’t make an alcoholic quit, you can only try to help them do it.
B5 Merlen: enjoy it
NurEyvonGQ: gotta go bye
OnlineHost: NurEyvonGQ has left the room.
StefniLyn: Yeah I know. But I think she will give him an ultimatum
StefniLyn: sometimes that works
OnlineHost: SHADOW5492 has left the room.
B5CL Drows: Actually, I thought that was one of the smartest things Bester ever did,
B5CL Drows: kept him alive, after all.
B5 Merlen: sometimes it makes it worse
TygerEyez1: Dragon, have you checked the song lists yet?
StefniLyn: true
Dragoniize: Yes, She filled my request
B5CL Drows: Bester is nothing if not a highly intelligent villian, sometimes too smart for his own good.
StefniLyn: It took me leaving my ex to get him to quit drinking
TygerEyez1: she filled mine too.
TygerEyez1: I had two of them.
StefniLyn: true Drows.
Dragoniize: Which 2?
TygerEyez1: SlowRide and Stairway to Heaven.
S1ovinsky: I never realized at first that the actor was from Star Trek… he changed.
B5CL Drows: He tries to rationalize everything, that was his main problem dealing
B5CL Drows: with Byron and the rogues. He kept thinking that they “would see the
B5CL Drows: light” and come back to the Corps.
Dragoniize: Ahhh
StefniLyn: well I am going to go before I sneeze all over the monitor….
StefniLyn: Bye byes
OnlineHost: StefniLyn has left the room.
TygerEyez1: bye Stef
B5CL Drows: S1ovinsky, Andreas Katsulas has been in Star Trek: Next Generation, as well.
S1ovinsky: bye stefnilyn!
B5 Merlen: I had a thrill this evening. I actually had a mindquake occur in my area.. that’s rare since
B5 Merlen: I live in PA
B5 Merlen: Make that an earthquake
Killa1855: LOL Merlen!
TygerEyez1: Fortunately, we don’t have to worry about those too much where I am.
B5CL Drows: I don’t think I’ll touch that one, Merlen.
TygerEyez1: WE deal with tornadoes…..blechhh.
S1ovinsky: I forget what I was watching him in Recently… and all I want to do was shout watch out
S1ovinsky: he’s really a Si Cop!
Dragoniize: Merlen, do you know how big it was?
B5 Merlen: last report was 5.2
S1ovinsky: Man I can’t remeber what he was in!
Dragoniize: Cool…not a bad size
OnlineHost: Destroy227 has entered the room.
OnlineHost: MrCentuari has entered the room.
TygerEyez1: <—points at Dragon…..the voice of experience.
OnlineHost: Destroy227 has left the room.
OnlineHost: MrCentuari has left the room.
B5 Merlen: if it holds up, it will be the biggest ever for this area
Dragoniize: Yep
OnlineHost: Gooner6969 has entered the room.
TygerEyez1: heh
Dragoniize: Hi MrC
Dragoniize: too late
Gooner6969: <-==(`(` Icy Hot 2.0 For AOL 4.0 ‘)’)==->
Gooner6969: <-==(`(` Loaded By Gooner6969 ‘)’)==->
Gooner6969: <-==(`(` Loaded At 9:20:50 PM ‘)’)==->
B5CL Drows: Hi Gooner6969, Sierra’s making a computer game for Babylon 5 due out later
B5CL Drows: this year, watch for it in the fall.
Dragoniize: So Merlen, any damage?
Gooner6969: thanx
S1ovinsky: Have you seen the movie Roots… for the longest time I had never seen it and when I finally
S1ovinsky: did it had almost the hole cast of Star Trek in it!
B5 Merlen: Early reports have minor damage to some buildings
S1ovinsky: Well before Star Trek
B5CL Drows: Merlen, I take it you meant an earth quake?
Dragoniize: Merlen, I meant of yours
S1ovinsky: I like some of Sierra’s games.
OnlineHost: Spenscott has entered the room.
S1ovinsky: Mainly King’s Quest.
Killa1855: Merlen, earthquakes in Chicago now and again, too… never feel them though.
B5CL Drows: Hot and chilled Jhala is by the bar, Spenscott help yourself.
TygerEyez1: I would freak if I were ever in an earthquake.
B5 Merlen: nothing…. epicenter was far enough away to just shake the house a bit
Stargaze97: i’m back
Spenscott: ok
OnlineHost: MARTOK9 has entered the room.
Dragoniize: Tyger, it is really not that bad
Gooner6969: I am a human…and i hate kenn starr<-==(`(`v^v^v^v Attention Please v^v^v^v’)’)==->
Gooner6969: I am a human…and i hate kenn starr<-==(`(`v^v^v^v Attention Please v^v^v^v’)’)==->
Gooner6969: <-==(`(`v^v^v^v Attention Please v^v^v^v’)’)==->
B5CL Drows: Tyger, we had one here a couple of years ago, about 3 or so.
OnlineHost: MARTOK9 has left the room.
Killa1855: That will wake you up, if you live in PA!
Killa1855: If you live in LA, you probably wondered just what you ate for breakfast…
TygerEyez1: :::shudders::: I hope to never find out.
OnlineHost: Lavender7 has entered the room.
B5CL Drows: Hey MARTOK9, Lavender7, welcome to the room!
Dragoniize: Good Merlen, glad everything was ok
Gooner6969: hi lav
TygerEyez1: Hi Lav
Dragoniize: Killa, exactly
Lavender7: Hi all
Dragoniize: Hi Lavender
Gooner6969: .ย  ยธ . ยท ‘หœหœยจยจยฏยฏยจยจหœหœ ยท . ยธ
Gooner6969: . ‘ .ยทหœ
Gooner6969: . ย  .ยด ยธ,,.. โ€“ยทยทยทยทยทโ€“ ..,,ยธ `.
Gooner6969: . ,’ ‘/ / .ยทยดหœยจหœ ยท, ยท หœยจหœ`ยท. \ \ ‘, . ย  / .ยท/หœ . ยท หœยฏหœ ยท . หœ\ยท. \
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Gooner6969: . .ยทยดหœ ยท . / { . ยท หœ`ยท.
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Gooner6969: . (‘ ‘ยท-‘}…,,,ยธยธยธ__|__ยธยธยธ,,,..{‘-ยท’ )
Gooner6969: . `ยท – ยทยด ; ; `ยท – ยทยด
Gooner6969: . .-ยท’โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”’ยท-.
Gooner6969: . ย  ยฏยฏยฏยฏยฏยฏยฏยฏยฏยฏยฏยฏยฏยฏยฏยฏยฏ
B5CL Drows: Gooner6969, please do not scroll in this room, it’s considered a Disruption.
Lavender7: Kewl, Gooner
OnlineHost: LTAP911 has entered the room.
S1ovinsky: Well I’m gonna run and play Might and Magic VI see ya!
B5 Merlen: This is a snert. this is a snert on iggy. Any questions?
Gooner6969: thanx lav
B5CL Drows: S1ovinsky, have fun.
Dragoniize: LOL Merlen
OnlineHost: LTAP911 has left the room.
OnlineHost: LTAP911 has entered the room.
S1ovinsky: Miss ya guys!
OnlineHost: S1ovinsky has left the room.
Dragoniize: {S snertzap}
OnlineHost: LEPerky has entered the room.
B5CL Drows: Hello LTAP911, have you seen the new “River of Souls” images at the TNT
Dragoniize: {{{{{{{{{Perky}}}}}}}}}}
B5CL Drows: Bayblon 5 site?
TygerEyez1: {S snertzap
TygerEyez1: you beat me to it Dragon…..LOL
LEPerky: :::ducks:::: {{{{{{{{{{{Dragoniize}}}}}}}}}
B5CL Drows: LEPerky, did you know that TNT has the opening credits for all 5 seasons
B5CL Drows: available to download at their web site? Check in the Archives.
TygerEyez1: Hiya Perky
LEPerky: {{{{{{{{{{{{Tygerrrrrrrrrrr}}}}}}}}}}
Killa1855: ((((((Perk)))))))))
OnlineHost: LTAP911 has left the room.
LEPerky: {{{{{{{{{{{DROWS}}}}}}}}}}
Lavender7: ::leans back in chair::
B5 Merlen: Hi Perky…{S pixydust
LEPerky: {{{{{{[kILLA}}}}}}
OnlineHost: Spenscott has left the room.
LEPerky: hEY Merlen!!!
OnlineHost: HANSOLO112 has entered the room.
HANSOLO112: hi
OnlineHost: CmdrCool has entered the room.
OnlineHost: CmdrCool has left the room.
B5CL Drows: Hey, HANSOLO112, CmdrCool, have you
Lavender7: So, is there a topic?
B5CL Drows: seen the Babylon 5 CD-ROM reference guide yet? It’s not bad.
OnlineHost: CmdrCool has entered the room.
Lavender7: Hi again cool
B5CL Drows: Tonight’s Topic – General Discussion – Open chat for the Babylon 5 universe
Lavender7: ::bows::
Dragoniize: {S snertzap}
CmdrCool: Hello
OnlineHost: HANSOLO112 has left the room.
Lavender7: {S trapd
Dragoniize: Hi Cool
B5CL Drows: Hey CmdrCool, have you checked the
B5CL Drows: Lurker’s Guide lately?
TygerEyez1: why did you play it again????
CmdrCool: ::bows::
CmdrCool: nope
Dragoniize: hit the wrong key, oops
OnlineHost: Gmmas has entered the room.
OnlineHost: DscoLemur has entered the room.
LEPerky: {{{{{{{{{{{{GMMAS}}}}}}}}}}
Killa1855: ((((Gerry))))))
TygerEyez1: hehehe…..I’m actually being good tonight.
Gmmas: {{{{{Perky}}}}}}
CmdrCool: ::intercom goes on::
B5CL Drows: Gmmas, DscoLemur, welcome to Fresh Air Lounge, one of the Official AOL
DscoLemur: HI
B5CL Drows: Babylon 5 chat rooms.
Killa1855: Tyg?
Dragoniize: {{{{{Gmmas}}}}
Gmmas: {{{{{Killa}}}}}}}
Killa1855: You sick?
OnlineHost: LytaNerys has entered the room.
Lavender7: Hi Gmmas
TygerEyez1: Yeah, Killa??
Gmmas: Hi Drows
Dragoniize: {S yoursick}
CmdrCool: ::nevermind::
Gmmas: Hi Lavender
TygerEyez1: Nope. Not sick at all.
Log Count: There were 13 member(s) in Fresh Air Lounge at 06:30 PM
Lavender7: I’m sick
B5CL Drows: She’s just taking the night off, so to speak, Killa.
B5CL Drows: Wonderful to see you today, LytaNerys.
Dragoniize: Oh Lav, what’s wrong?
Gmmas: {{{{{{{Dragoniize}}}}}}
LytaNerys: Hi guys!
OnlineHost: Spenscott has entered the room.
Lavender7: I have allergies
DscoLemur: How is every1?
Lavender7: Sinuses
Dragoniize: Ugh
TygerEyez1: I can always revert to my former nature if I have to.
Dragoniize: Hi Lyta
B5CL Drows: Hey, Spenscott, Babylon 5 is back on Wednesdays at 10 pm Eastern and again
B5CL Drows: on Monday at 11 pm Eastern.o
LEPerky: ::hands Tygerrrrrrr a hankie:::
Dragoniize: oops, gotta go eat…….see y’all {S dragonfly
OnlineHost: Dragoniize has left the room.
Spenscott: good
OnlineHost: DscoLemur has left the room.
OnlineHost: DscoLemur has entered the room.
CmdrCool: brb
TygerEyez1: I’m not sick Perky…..just quiet.
B5CL Drows: “if one doesn’t behave occasionally, how can people appreciate it when you don’t?”
OnlineHost: CmdrCool has left the room.
Lavender7: Bye bye Dragon
OnlineHost: DscoLemur has left the room.
LEPerky: K, Tygerrrrr
Killa1855: Drows, I knew there was something I liked about you!
Lavender7: I haven’t seen today’s ep
TygerEyez1: just watching the action………
B5CL Drows: Killa, my sparkling wit? My complete innocence?
Lavender7: I have to go view it
Lavender7: BBL
Killa1855: complete what?
TygerEyez1: But?? ::raises hand:: what is one doesn’t know how to behave???
Killa1855: Drows?
B5 Merlen: Drows… you? innocent?…{S rofl
OnlineHost: Lavender7 has left the room.
LytaNerys: Todays was…End Game?
Killa1855: am I in an alternate universe again?
Gmmas: Perky: counting down to VOR?
LEPerky: Drows, Innocent??? Rolls eyes.
LEPerky: Gmmas, you bet I am!!!
Gmmas: Killa: gotta watch those alternate universes
B5CL Drows: Killa, Perky, Merlen, :-รž
TygerEyez1: :::fell out of chair at Drows’ proclomation of his innocence:::
LEPerky: Drows: {S razz
Gmmas: Perky: got your tickets now i hope
OnlineHost: Gooner6969 has left the room.
Stargaze97: “rising star”
TygerEyez1: :::coughs::: that one was a little hard to swallow.
Killa1855: You didn’t hurt yourself Tyg?
LEPerky: Gmmas, not yet, but they did send me an e-mail… should be here soon.
Killa1855: ::::hands Tyg glass of water::::
LytaNerys: Rising Star was today? Well, I’m behind…
TygerEyez1: Killa, it might have revived me, in fact.
Gmmas: Perky: good to know they are paying attention
Killa1855: ::::pats back::::
B5CL Drows: ::whistles innocently and refrains from comment::
LEPerky: If they aren’t here next week, I’m screaming!!!
B5 Merlen: You’re already screaming
TygerEyez1: Thanks, Killa….I’m fine.
OnlineHost: CmdrCool has entered the room.
OnlineHost: BRAIN 2479 has entered the room.
CmdrCool: hey all
B5CL Drows: Someone had to cheer up Tyger. LOL
TygerEyez1: I finally choked it down…..
CmdrCool: i’m back
BRAIN 2479: Hi
B5CL Drows: Hi CmdrCool, BRAIN 2479, Sierra’s making a computer game for Babylon 5 due
B5CL Drows: out later this year, watch for it in the fall.
LEPerky: Merlen, I am?
CmdrCool: ok
TygerEyez1: I never said I was depressed…..just quiet. Big difference.
B5 Merlen: you used three exclamation points
LytaNerys: <g>
BRAIN 2479: Um,bye?
CmdrCool: nobrain
OnlineHost: BRAIN 2479 has left the room.
LytaNerys: Nobrain? <g>
LEPerky: Oh, sorry Merlen.
B5 Merlen: I’m just ribbing you……
B5CL Drows: Lyta, hmm, what about TV executives?
CmdrCool: brb
OnlineHost: CmdrCool has left the room.
OnlineHost: CmdrCool has entered the room.
LEPerky: I’ll try (no comment out of you, Drows) to be a little bit more quiet!
CmdrCool: back
Killa1855: Merlen, no rubbing allowed!
Killa1855: Oh.
Killa1855: ribbing.
B5CL Drows: ::emials the Guiness book people::
TygerEyez1: why would you want to do that Perky????
LytaNerys: Heh….very no-brained…
Killa1855: what do you do with the ribs?
B5 Merlen: I don’t rub friends….
TygerEyez1: you mean…emails???
OnlineHost: B5Delenn1 has entered the room.
TygerEyez1: Hiya Delenn.
Killa1855: Hey Delenn!
Killa1855: Hey Delenn!
B5CL Drows: “Spelling is irrevelant”, Misspeller of Borg.
B5Delenn1: hi all
B5 Merlen: ribs…. they make a good barbque
TygerEyez1: Merlen…yummy…yes they do.
LEPerky: {{{{{{{Delenn}}}}}}}} {S flowers
B5CL Drows: Hello B5Delenn1, have you seen the new “River of Souls” images at the TNT
B5CL Drows: Bayblon 5 site?
Killa1855: Are we barbequeing people again?
Killa1855: :::shakes head::::
TygerEyez1: I don’t know…..are we????
OnlineHost: JPloettner has entered the room.
LytaNerys: RoS is November….9?
TygerEyez1: I can get the fire ready if I have to.
Gmmas: Nov 8
B5 Merlen: Nov. 8th
B5CL Drows: November 8th.
CmdrCool: brb again
OnlineHost: CmdrCool has left the room.
LytaNerys: Well, I was close… <g>
LEPerky: ::looks at echo::
Gmmas: November 8th, 1998
B5 Merlen: is there an echo…. echo…. echo……
B5CL Drows: Hiya JPloettner, the Iced Jhala is on the bar.
OnlineHost: Bladeorc has entered the room.
B5CL Drows: Close only counts in horse shoes and nuclear warfare. LOL
TygerEyez1: <—going back to being quiet.
OnlineHost: NoRa 16592 has entered the room.
LEPerky: lol, Drows.
LytaNerys: Ha, Drows….
JPloettner: What is the topic?
B5CL Drows: Good evening Bladeorc, NoRa 16592,
B5 Merlen: You’d have been upset if you tuned in on Nov. 8th and saw WCW/NWO
B5CL Drows: welcome to the Fresh Air
OnlineHost: NoRa 16592 has left the room.
Killa1855: Drows, and sometimes in love affairs…
B5CL Drows: Hey, if Tyger can be quiet, I cab be innocent.
B5 Merlen: Nov. 9th
Gmmas: Hey Perky: Annie says Hi!
LEPerky: Drows, I thought that was hand grenades too.
TygerEyez1: {S whip
LEPerky: Drows, NEVER.
Killa1855: Drows, tyg can tie her hands….
B5CL Drows: Merlen, I’d be upset anytime I saw WCW, period.
LEPerky: good one, Killa
LytaNerys: Well, I knew it was a sunday…I just didn’t have a calender here (um, it is a sunday, right
LytaNerys: ?)
Killa1855: Just what do you do?
OnlineHost: JPloettner has left the room.
B5 Merlen: Yes. it’s a sunday
Bladeorc: any 1 in here like b5
OnlineHost: VACA SEAN has entered the room.
Killa1855: Blade what is that?
B5 Merlen: B5? what’s that?
OnlineHost: NoRa 16592 has entered the room.
B5 Merlen: ๐Ÿ˜‰
Killa1855: Beatcha Merlen
VACA SEAN: how r u guys?
LEPerky: haven’t a clue, what is it?
OnlineHost: TAZZIE 2 has entered the room.
B5CL Drows: Bladeorc, it’s safe to say we all do, that’s why we’re in a Bablyon 5 Chat Room.
B5 Merlen: Don’t tease me…..
B5CL Drows: Hello VACA SEAN, NoRa 16592, TAZZIE 2, Babylon 5 is now showing Monday
B5CL Drows: thru Friday at 6 PM Eastern and Pacific time.
LEPerky: spoil sport, Drows.
NoRa 16592: hi
LytaNerys: B5? Hmm….lemme think… <j/k>
VACA SEAN: a new cl?
VACA SEAN: I hate CL’s
Gmmas: 7 pm was a much better time
LEPerky: Gmmas, yeppers.
OnlineHost: Ttogrehram has entered the room.
B5CL Drows: VACA SEAN, I’ve been a CL for over a year.
LytaNerys: Hey! Drows is cool!
Stargaze97: sure was
NoRa 16592: DROWS do yuo know when kosh will be here?
TAZZIE 2: Drows*********
Ttogrehram: Hi, all!
B5CL Drows: NoRa 16592, which Kosh?
TygerEyez1: Hiya Tazzie.
B5CL Drows: Tazzie******
Gmmas: Hi Tto
LEPerky: {S kosh
TAZZIE 2: Tyger, Howdy!
B5Delenn1: hi tto
B5CL Drows: Ttogrehram, did you know that TNT has the opening credits for all 5 seasons
B5CL Drows: available to download at their web site? Check in the Archives.
TygerEyez1: Dried up yet????
TAZZIE 2: <—thinks CL’s ROCK!
Ttogrehram: Delenn, how are you feeling?
B5Delenn1: i am ok, Tto
B5 Merlen: then LEAVE VACA SEAN
B5CL Drows: VACA SEAN, if you’re that upset, you could always try the Eclipse.
VACA SEAN: <—-thinks arrows like this are stupid
Bladeorc: were b5cl
TAZZIE 2: {S click
LEPerky: I love my PTs!!!
NoRa 16592: Drows do you know whenKOSH will show up?
VACA SEAN: I could but then i wouldn’t be able to bug any cl’s now would i?!?!?!?
Ttogrehram: That’s good, Delenn. I am praying for you.
Bladeorc: here they only have 4 they dont have th 5th season
B5Delenn1: thanks Tto
Gmmas: bye for now
OnlineHost: Gmmas has left the room.
LEPerky: Bladeorc, where are you?
LEPerky: Bladeorc, where are you?
OnlineHost: VACA SEAN has left the room.
B5CL Drows: NoRa 16592, there are quite a few Kosh’s online, which are you looking for?
LytaNerys: Blade, where are you?
TAZZIE 2: {S wbrocks
TAZZIE 2: Drows, How ya doin darlin?
Bladeorc: im right here
NoRa 16592: B5CL Kosh
OnlineHost: SWIX 2002 has entered the room.
B5CL Drows: I think CL’s are pretty nice, too, Tazzie, even those….R0 ones. ROFL
LytaNerys: No, I mean which country :o)
SWIX 2002: Hello
LEPerky: NORA… CL Kosh isn’t anymore.
TAZZIE 2: Grrrrrr
TAZZIE 2: Drows, {S frypan}
Bladeorc: nc
LytaNerys: He isn’t?
B5CL Drows: NoRa 16592, B5CL Kosh isn’t with the forum anymore.
OnlineHost: AndXst has entered the room.
LEPerky: Nope
LytaNerys: Do you have TNT, Blade?
B5CL Drows: Wonderful to see you today, SWIX 2002, AndXst.
OnlineHost: Spenscott has left the room.
Bladeorc: yea
SWIX 2002: I have to agree with Vaca Sean, CL’s suck……
TygerEyez1: Tazzie….that one scared me….was afs.
OnlineHost: CTDST has entered the room.
LEPerky: Then you should have Season 5, Blade.
Bladeorc: i watch b5 every day
TAZZIE 2: Tyger, LOL Sowee bout that darlin!
TygerEyez1: didn’t even know I had it.
NoRa 16592: o you know why? she/he was my favorite
OnlineHost: CTDST has left the room.
OnlineHost: CTDST has entered the room.
LytaNerys: Then it’s on wednesday nights at 10:00 :o)
SWIX 2002: yep
LytaNerys: S5, that is
CTDST: hi all
SWIX 2002: yep
Bladeorc: never mind yall took it the wrong way
LEPerky: NoRa.. He.. and he left for personal reasons, so we’ve been informed.
B5CL Drows: CTDST, welcome to Fresh Air Lounge, the strangest place in known space!
TygerEyez1: :::trying to clear head::::
NoRa 16592: :'(
SWIX 2002: were are not that strange CL
OnlineHost: NoRa 16592 has left the room.
LytaNerys: Except for B5 itself, Drows <g>

OnlineHost: NoRa 16592 has entered the room.
OnlineHost: NoRa 16592 has left the room.
OnlineHost: NoRa 16592 has entered the room.
OnlineHost: NoRa 16592 has left the room.
OnlineHost: NoRa 16592 has entered the room.
OnlineHost: NoRa 16592 has left the room.
OnlineHost: NoRa 16592 has entered the room.
LEPerky: Drows… DO SOMETHING!!!!
LytaNerys: ::Sigh::
SWIX 2002: he cant
OnlineHost: Sisamen has entered the room.
LytaNerys: Please…
TygerEyez1: ::::rolls eyes::::
B5CL Drows: Hello NoRa 16592, have you seen the new “River of Souls” images at the TNT
B5CL Drows: Bayblon 5 site?fi
NoRa 16592: *** You are in “Eclipse Cafe”. ***
B5CL Drows: You can always turn off the Entering and Exiting function in the Room
SWIX 2002: ::catches eyes and hands them back to tyger::
B5CL Drows: Preferences. That will stop the Online Host notificantions.
B5 Merlen: Um, I guess you haven’t heard about the gag programs then
Log Count: There were 16 member(s) in Fresh Air Lounge at 06:45 PM
SWIX 2002: u dropped, err rolled these…..
NoRa 16592: no
OnlineHost: SHADOW5492 has entered the room.
OnlineHost: AndXst has left the room.
OnlineHost: Sisamen has left the room.
SHADOW5492: {S b5them5
SWIX 2002: oh great another shadow, like we didn’t have neough….
SWIX 2002: {S typo
LEPerky: Thanks, Drows,… I keep forgetting about those.
B5CL Drows: Hey SHADOW5492, welcome to the room!
TygerEyez1: Sighs…..
SHADOW5492: where is fierpoint
B5 Merlen: {S shadow
OnlineHost: SWIX 2002 has left the room.
OnlineHost: SWIX 2002 has entered the room.
SWIX 2002: hmmm fix the door hinges
NoRa 16592: *** You are in “Eclipse Cafe”. ***
LEPerky: say again, Shadow5492?
SHADOW5492: wheres fp
TAZZIE 2: Gotta love dat power ignore…can come and go and they STAY on ignore!
LEPerky: FarPoint?…..
B5CL Drows: Hello SWIX 2002, glad you could join us today.
OnlineHost: CTDST has left the room.
SHADOW5492: forget it
LEPerky: In Baltimore this year.
B5CL Drows: Tazzie, yeah, and it’s a free download too. >:-)
SWIX 2002: *** You are in “Fresh Air Lounge”. ***
SWIX 2002: *** You are in “Fresh Air Lounge”. ***
SWIX 2002: *** You are in “Fresh Air Lounge”. ***
Stargaze97: yawns & streatchs………
NoRa 16592: *** You are in “Eclipse Cafe”. ***
NoRa 16592: *** You are in “Eclipse Cafe”. ***
NoRa 16592: *** You are in “Eclipse Cafe”. ***
B5CL Drows: To Ignore any unwanted chat, double click on the members name in the “People
B5 Merlen: Just have to goto KEYWORD: BPS
B5CL Drows: in Room” box and Click on Ignore.
LEPerky: yeech! Drows, do you get paid enough for this?
SHADOW5492: {S computer
LytaNerys: I’m outta here…I can’t deal with this…I’m to tired.
B5 Merlen: Doesn’t get paid period
Ttogrehram: Drows, you have the patience of god?
Killa1855: Later, Lyta
LEPerky: Merlen… I know.
OnlineHost: Sisamen has entered the room.
TygerEyez1: ::::tries to hide smile:::::
LytaNerys: ::::Most of room::::::
OnlineHost: GmanUp has entered the room.
B5CL Drows: Ttogrehram, that’s one thing I have never been accused of, no.
LEPerky: But we take care of our own.
TygerEyez1: Later, Lyta.
OnlineHost: SWIX 2002 has left the room.
OnlineHost: LytaNerys has left the room.
OnlineHost: SWIX 2002 has entered the room.
B5CL Drows: Have a nice evening Lyta.
TAZZIE 2: Hmmm, Drows? God?
LEPerky: Drows, you do too….. I’ve seen it, once.
OnlineHost: SHADOW5492 has left the room.
SWIX 2002: CL dont say it
TAZZIE 2: Nope, dont see a connection there!
B5CL Drows: Hello Sisamen, GmanUp, SWIX 2002, have you seen the new “River of Souls”
OnlineHost: R0sRoomies has entered the room.
B5CL Drows: images at the TNT Bayblon 5 site?
Ttogrehram: ]Drows, patience of a saint?
GmanUp: Hello everyone
TygerEyez1: :::turns around so Drows cannot see my full-fledged grin:::
LEPerky: ::smiles at Tygerrrr’s hiding :::
B5CL Drows: Ttogrehram, I’ve seldom been accused of patience at all, actually.
SWIX 2002: CL U SAID IT!!!!!!!
GmanUp: does anyone here know where I could find a pic of say….a battle ax?
B5CL Drows: R0sRoomies, did you know that TNT has the opening credits for all 5 seasons
B5CL Drows: available to download at their web site? Check in the Archives.
Ttogrehram: Drows……OK.
OnlineHost: SBApanther has entered the room.
R0sRoomies: Yes, I knew that! <g>
SBApanther: Knew What?
SBApanther: What did i miss?
SWIX 2002: who cares?
B5CL Drows: GmanUp, you could try doing a web search on “medieval weaponry”.
TygerEyez1: Shh…Perky. You’ll give me away.
SWIX 2002: a lot
OnlineHost: R0sRoomies has left the room.
B5CL Drows: Hey SBApanther, have you checked the
B5CL Drows: Lurker’s Guide lately?
OnlineHost: SHADOW5492 has entered the room.
Ttogrehram: I geuss you don’t want to hear about the Rat my Cat PLAYED with last night.
SBApanther: B5 umm nopers
SWIX 2002: or goto
OnlineHost: SBApanther has left the room.
GmanUp: tried, all I got was old stuff they’ve pulled out of the ground
LEPerky: ::wraps duct tape around moof::
LEPerky: sure thing, Tygerrrr
OnlineHost: SHADOW5492 has left the room.
TAZZIE 2: Drows, I’m gonna scoot! Catch ya later darlin! ๐Ÿ™‚
SWIX 2002: thank god one less shadow!
OnlineHost: Sisamen has left the room.
OnlineHost: Sisamen has entered the room.
OnlineHost: TAZZIE 2 has left the room.
OnlineHost: Sisamen has left the room.
OnlineHost: Sisamen has entered the room.
TygerEyez1: ::::turns back to conversation with a straight face::::
OnlineHost: Sisamen has left the room.
B5 Merlen: Did you try Dungeons & Dragons GmanUP?
GmanUp: I’m looking for something fictional, not real, and not “the archiological find of the decade
Ttogrehram: Perky, hear about the Idiot that hid his Identity with Duct tape?
SWIX 2002: ::wishes simming was aloud::
TygerEyez1: Later Tazzie.
GmanUp: no, Merlen
B5CL Drows: Try “fantasy art” then, GManUp.
GmanUp: just go keyword or what?
B5 Merlen: They might have a couple good pics
LEPerky: nope, Tt.
SWIX 2002: :::really wishes the demn cl wasn’t here so he could sim:::
B5 Merlen: {S iggyland
OnlineHost: R0sRoomies has entered the room.
Ttogrehram: He tried to rob a place, couldn’t get the words out, and forgot to leave a place to breathe.
SWIX 2002: ::grabs iggy cannon::
GmanUp: Merlen> should I just to “keyword” or do they have an exact address?
OnlineHost: Stargaze97 has left the room.
TygerEyez1: :::groans::: Oh brother!!!!!
OnlineHost: R0sRoomies has left the room.
SWIX 2002: ::aims at CL and merlen::
OnlineHost: MAD DOG512 has entered the room.
B5CL Drows: R0sRoomies, MAD DOG512, the air date
B5CL Drows: for the next new episode is October 28th, “The Fall of Centauri Prime”
B5CL Drows: Ttogrehram, that’s about par for course for the criminal mind.
LEPerky: Tt…. ::groans::
SWIX 2002: well if ya cant stand them y listen to ’em?
SWIX 2002: ::fires::
B5 Merlen: I’m not sure. I’ve never looked for it specificly… it just sounded like a good place to
B5 Merlen: start
MAD DOG512: these rooms be empty all day
SWIX 2002: Hey mad dog!
MAD DOG512: hi
SWIX 2002: do ya know MADDDOG015?
Ttogrehram: He then proceeded to faint, where his would be victims helped get the tape off his mouth.
MAD DOG512: no
Killa1855: Ttogre! Hi!
GmanUp: alright, thanx, I’ll be on me way then
OnlineHost: GmanUp has left the room.
Killa1855: Oh, btw, I almost forgot.
Ttogrehram: Hi, Killa.
Killa1855: Eagle sends his regards to the rooms
B5 Merlen: {S eagle
SWIX 2002: ::jumps on sofa::
LEPerky: which Eagle, Killa? The eagle?
TygerEyez1: Good Lord….I have sounds that I didn’t know I had…
B5CL Drows: Killa, you see Eagle lately?
SWIX 2002: ::gets comfy::
MAD DOG512: ::: runs into the wall laughing:::
SWIX 2002: ::is happy he cant here the CL::
OnlineHost: Bladeorc has left the room.
Killa1855: He hopped on and offline tonight
SWIX 2002: ::falls alseep::
Ttogrehram: Tyger, be a dear and please send a lot of wavs over here?
Killa1855: I pounced and demanded details of Canada… he says it’s been postponed
MAD DOG512: ::: takes another drink of wine and passes out:::
TygerEyez1: I have to go through them first…..
LEPerky: Dang, Killa!
SWIX 2002: ::snores too loudly to be real::
B5 Merlen: MAD DOG…… 2020?
Ttogrehram: Killa, why not just buy a map of Canada?
B5CL Drows: Say anything about the Disney project?
MAD DOG512: what?
MAD DOG512: 2020?
SWIX 2002: ::snores again::
Killa1855: Ttogre, he was going there to direct
B5 Merlen: MadDog 2020. What many consider a cheap kind of wine
Killa1855: Drows, that was the canada project
MAD DOG512: of no
Ttogrehram: Oh……….How big is canada, anyway?
B5 Merlen: Second largest country in the world
B5CL Drows: I’d forgotten that was filming in Canada. I guess we’ll just have to
B5CL Drows: hope for him to do some Voyager eps.
Ttogrehram: Merl, Thanks.
OnlineHost: SWIX 2002 has left the room.
LEPerky: Dang, that’s right Killa… it’s been postponed?
MAD DOG512: course not i had um um um well… hold on let me thinkj a sonthin j/k
Killa1855: :::shrugs::: that’s the most detail he told me.
MAD DOG512: does anyone have the font i am useing
Killa1855: Then we started talking about Matt the Painter’s saga on the craft boards
MAD DOG512: typo attack typo attack
B5CL Drows: Matt’s Saga?
OnlineHost: SHADOW5492 has entered the room.
Ttogrehram: Merl, can I ask you a question about something that’s been bothering me?
B5 Merlen: Matts got more text than JMS for his story
OnlineHost: SHADOW5492 has left the room.
B5 Merlen: Sure…. I might even have an answer…. it’s happened before
Killa1855: Drows, you don’t read the boards any more?
OnlineHost: Unmoor has entered the room.
LEPerky: LOL, Merlen.
MAD DOG512: :::runs into the wall::: bye everybody guess i go talk wit other people
Killa1855: ::::ggiggles:::: when, Merlen?
OnlineHost: MAD DOG512 has left the room.
B5 Merlen: In school
B5CL Drows: Killa, no, I’m not associated with the Message Boards, anymore.
TygerEyez1: brb afk
B5CL Drows: Hiya Unmoor, the Iced Jhala is on the bar.
Ttogrehram: Merl, do you think, we should try to buy a corridor of Canada to connect Alaska to the lower
OnlineHost: NoRa 16592 has left the room.
Ttogrehram: states?
B5CL Drows: I did notice that Matt’s on the boards a lot, right before I severed my
B5CL Drows: ties with board reading.
B5 Merlen: Not a corridor… I’d say a good size chunk would be better
Ttogrehram: A CHUNK?
LEPerky: Drows, any particular reason why you are no longer associated with the Boards?
Log Count: There were 8 member(s) in Fresh Air Lounge at 07:00 PM
LEPerky: that you can discuss?
Killa1855: Gonna jet for awhile.
B5CL Drows: Perky, too much time, and I prefer to host in the rooms. It’s really that
Killa1855: thanks for the fun1
B5CL Drows: simple. My choice.
Unmoor: thanks im new here
LEPerky: And we like having you back with us again, Drows {S smooch
OnlineHost: Killa1855 has left the room.
B5 Merlen: Sure. Do like a louisiana purchase….. we need more breathing room….
B5CL Drows: Newcomer’s are always welcome here, Unmoor, glad to see you.
OnlineHost: BiosynCorp has entered the room.
OnlineHost: BiosynCorp has left the room.
LEPerky: Welcome to our brand of insanity, Unmoor.
Unmoor: whats the topic this eve
Unmoor: ?
B5CL Drows: Tonight’s Topic – General Discussion – Open chat for the Babylon 5 universe
Ttogrehram: Merlen, People in Canada like being Canadians…….it’s not like they are Native American t
Ttogrehram: ribes with no voice.
B5CL Drows: Was anyone else as surprised (pleasantly) as I was to see Martin Sheen in the next B5 movie?
LEPerky: why can’t I remember what Martin Sheen looks like?
OnlineHost: EnsPaxASG has entered the room.
OnlineHost: EnsPaxASG has left the room.
B5CL Drows: And one of the new images at TNT is of him in make up.
OnlineHost: NoRa 16592 has entered the room.
Unmoor: there was one episode that Londo was playing cards and was cheating with a little help from
TygerEyez1: bak….I think
B5 Merlen: I’m just postulating….. You’re the one who asked about the corrodor
LEPerky: Drows, what has he played in, martin Sheen, that is?
Ttogrehram: Perky, Charlie Sheen 20 years from now.
Unmoor: something under the table . any one know any thing
LEPerky: Thanks, Tt.. that’s helpful.
B5CL Drows: Perky, Apocalypse Now, among many other movies.
B5 Merlen: ah, yes, the poker game….. quite hilarious
Ttogrehram: Merlen, I think the Manifest destiny is over.
OnlineHost: NoRa 16592 has left the room.
TygerEyez1: Perky, have you ever seen The American President with Michael Douglas??
B5CL Drows: Good evening NoRa 16592, welcome to the
B5CL Drows: Fresh Air Lounge.
OnlineHost: NoRa 16592 has entered the room.
LEPerky: Unmoor.. one of his ummm “appendages”
B5 Merlen: he was using one of his….. um, things
LEPerky: Tygerrr, yes.
TygerEyez1: Martin Sheen plays Douglas’ chief aide.
Unmoor: how many appendages ?
LEPerky: thanks, Tygerrrr
TygerEyez1: the one he plays pool with in one of the scenes.
LEPerky: Un.. 6
B5CL Drows: Well met, NoRa 16592 the foods fresh, the people are fresher. ๐Ÿ˜‰
B5CL Drows: Wasn’t he in Wall Street with Charlie Sheen as well?
TygerEyez1: Michael Douglas was, yes.
B5 Merlen: Ttogre….. I’m a radical…. I think the world should lose it’s hatred for itself and becom
NoRa 16592: i got to go bye
B5 Merlen: one nation
OnlineHost: NoRa 16592 has left the room.
Unmoor: thats pretty interesting.., how long each?
LEPerky: Merlen, you and John Lennon.
Ttogrehram: Perky, please answer this honestly…….were you being facetious, or were you really gratef
Ttogrehram: uil.
Unmoor: LOL
LEPerky: Tt.. a little bit of both….
B5 Merlen: and a couple others in the billions on the earth
LEPerky: Tt… I do seem to remember, slightly.
TygerEyez1: <—missed something as usual, but I don’t really care though.
Ttogrehram: Thank you for being honest, I just am not really keen on deciphering you yet.
LEPerky: ::smiles:: Tt.. I keep it that way.
LEPerky: Don’t I Drows?
TygerEyez1: Perky is well…..Perky.
LEPerky: <—— Perky, that be me!
OnlineHost: Unmoor has left the room.
TygerEyez1: useless to describe Perky.
OnlineHost: VAUlkesh has entered the room.
B5CL Drows: Perky, I’ve never found Perky to be dishonest in any way, personally.
B5 Merlen: I got a couple places I need to visit before I go offline… I might be back later but if I
OnlineHost: VAUlkesh has left the room.
LEPerky: {S pxyhehe
B5 Merlen: am not, have a good night….. {S valename
LEPerky: Thank you, Drows.
OnlineHost: B5 Merlen has left the room.
B5CL Drows: Nite Merlen.
OnlineHost: Lennierjp has entered the room.
OnlineHost: Lennierjp has left the room.
LEPerky: Silly and perky, yes. dishonest, no.
B5CL Drows: Silly goes without saying.
B5CL Drows: Wonderful to see you today, Lennierjp.
TygerEyez1: Definitely not dishonest…..brutal if anything.
LEPerky: LOL, of course, Drows.
OnlineHost: Beaver1024 has entered the room.
TygerEyez1: brutally honest that is.
LEPerky: ewwwww, Tygerrrrrr… is my head still attached?
OnlineHost: Beaver1024 has left the room.
LEPerky: ::grins::
TygerEyez1: hehehe
B5CL Drows: So, that would make her similar to G’kar, then?
TygerEyez1: ::nods::
LEPerky: Drows, why yes, it would.
Ttogrehram: Perky, that is good to know. I just don’t have much trust of people. I dunno why.
TygerEyez1: Ttog, that’s natural these days….that is sad, but true.
B5CL Drows: Well, you know what I say….”Hope for the best, expect the worst, and
B5CL Drows: plan for disaster, that way you’re pleasantly suprised the world is still
B5CL Drows: spining when you wake up.”
TygerEyez1: :::crosses fingers….1 more win:::
LEPerky: Drows…. so that’s where that page from my rules for life went to…
TygerEyez1: Drows, you read my mind…..that is my philosophy exactly.
LEPerky: You have it!
TygerEyez1: scary.
Ttogrehram: Drows………..what a horribly depressing and true statement.
B5CL Drows: Tyger, that one I learned in the service.
TygerEyez1: well, you picked it out of my mind though.
B5CL Drows: Ttogrehram, I prefer to think of it as just being prepared, not depressing. LOL
TygerEyez1: :::really frightened over that too:::
LEPerky: what, Tygerrrr, Drows rummaging through your mind?
B5CL Drows: ::pointedly not mentioning P30 rating:::
LEPerky: Gad, that is a SCARY thought!
TygerEyez1: must develop stronger shields.
B5CL Drows: Opps, was that outloud? ROFL
LEPerky: you and me both, Tygerrrr
LEPerky: LOL, Drows.
TygerEyez1: hehehe
LEPerky: Hmmmm I wonder, if I put duct tape around brain, would that help?
TygerEyez1: doubtful…..
Ttogrehram: Man, anybody rummaging my mind would likely find the shroud of Turin.
B5CL Drows: Maybe in keeping it in place…….
LEPerky: {S pxymuha
B5CL Drows: >:-)
LEPerky: LOL, Drows.
TygerEyez1: I would never want ANYONE to know what I was truly thinking….
TygerEyez1: I wouldn’t have any friends then.
LEPerky: yea.. pretty ugly sight having brain run amok
B5CL Drows: I have to admit, there have been several who wouldn’t want to have access to my thoughts.
TygerEyez1: blechhhh….mental picture alert.
LEPerky: LOL, Tygerrrr
TygerEyez1: thanks a lot Perky.
LEPerky: Drows.. we know your brain.. kinda.
LEPerky: welcome, Tygerrrrr
B5CL Drows: Ah, the new Vulcan book, for Star Trek, “Amok Minds”. Spock’s telepath goes out of control.
LEPerky: gad….
Log Count: There were 5 member(s) in Fresh Air Lounge at 07:15 PM
LEPerky: Raises telepathic shields….
TygerEyez1: ::::raises shields too::::
LEPerky: ::creak:: dang… rusted in place
Ttogrehram: Perky, want to know the reason for fuzzy dice?
B5CL Drows: ::hands Perky an oil can::
LEPerky: sure, Tt.. go for it.
TygerEyez1: ::::puts on shades so no one can see my eyes::::
LEPerky: thanks Drows…. ::oils locked shields::
Ttogrehram: Thomas Edison.
TygerEyez1: My eyes give everything away.
LEPerky: huh? Tt?
B5CL Drows: Hmm, it wasn’t virgin olive oil you wanted for that, was it?
LEPerky: see, brain’s rusted again.
LEPerky: nope, Drows.. WD40 will do just dandy!
Ttogrehram: Perky, the man had thousands of patents……….some of which were the precursors of the te
Ttogrehram: xtiles that make fuzzy dice.
LEPerky: <—- trying to figure out how to type the sound of an oil can being used….
B5CL Drows: Thomas Edison patented fuzzy dice?
TygerEyez1: ::::tries to hide smile again::::
OnlineHost: FireFly927 has entered the room.
FireFly927: {S tada
LEPerky: good grief, Tt.. now I’ve learned someting new today!
OnlineHost: OnlyKosh has entered the room.
Ttogrehram: No, Drows, but some of his patents helped make fuzzy dice possible.
FireFly927: {{{{{{{{{{{{{{Baby!}}}}}}}}}}}}}}
LEPerky: {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{Sweet-Ums}}}}}}}}}}}}}
B5CL Drows: FireFly, {S biteher}
OnlyKosh: $(%#^ –Greetings– ^%@!#)
FireFly927: heehee
TygerEyez1: Hiya Firefly
B5CL Drows: FireFly927, OnlyKosh, welcome to the
B5Delenn1: {{FireFLy}}
FireFly927: {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{Ladies}}}}}}}}}}}}
B5CL Drows: Fresh Air Lounge.
FireFly927: Hi Drows
FireFly927: {S dedodedo
OnlyKosh: $(%#^ –Thank You, Drows– ^%@!#)
OnlineHost: Susetchka has entered the room.
LEPerky: Fire. play it again?
Susetchka: {{{Perky}}}
B5CL Drows: Susetchka, welcome to the Fresh Air
B5CL Drows: Lounge.
Susetchka: {{{Tt}}}
LEPerky: {{{{{{{{{Suse}}}}}}}}}}
FireFly927: {S dedodedo
Susetchka: Hi Tyger!!
LEPerky: lol
TygerEyez1: Hiya Sus.
Susetchka: {{{Drows}}}}}}
FireFly927: {{{{{{{{{{{{{{Suse}}}}}}}}}}}
Susetchka: Hi Delenn
FireFly927: ::smiles::
OnlineHost: OnlyKosh has left the room.
B5CL Drows: Suse, nice to see you tonight.
Susetchka: {{{Firefly}}}} LTNS
FireFly927: Hi Tt
B5Delenn1: hi Suse
B5CL Drows: About time you show for one of my chats, Fire.
FireFly927: Yeah!…………::wiggles antennae::
LEPerky: suse.. how’s the cap city tonight?
Ttogrehram: Firefly!!!!!!!!
Ttogrehram: whre is the Tabasco?
LEPerky: Tt.. be nice.
FireFly927: {S hiss
Susetchka: Perky Nice and cool
B5CL Drows: I’ve only been hosting for a week now. ๐Ÿ™‚
LEPerky: Suse.. cool and drizzily here.
FireFly927: kewl Drows!
TygerEyez1: ::::attention wanders to window…….walks over to look out::::
Susetchka: <g> Glad I’m *here*.
Ttogrehram: Ok, ok! Hollandaise sauce.
LEPerky: gee, Drows, your a new CL and they let you come out and play by yourself?
Susetchka: Drowes Did you take a break?
B5CL Drows: ::puts whoopie cushion on Tyger’s chair while she’s distracted::
Susetchka: lol
FireFly927: Yeah, whats the world coming too eh?………::giggles::
LEPerky: ::yanks Tt’s shadow away from him and hides it in a locked box:::
B5CL Drows: I had to take some time off, for “offline concerns”, but I’m back now.
Ttogrehram: Perky!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
LEPerky: And we’re glad you’re back, Drows.
Susetchka: Welcome back Dorws
B5CL Drows: Ah, y’all are gonna turn my head with the profuse complements.
LEPerky: Well, Tt, if you insist on trying to munch on a certain bug…
FireFly927: Now that he has graduated, he get a fully automatic Staple gun!
TygerEyez1: :::notices little present in chair:::
B5CL Drows: Fire, I installed that right before my fist chat back.
Susetchka: see y’all. Going back to the Cafe
TygerEyez1: Drows, don’t worry about me….I won’t be any party to your swelled head.
FireFly927: Pneumatic too I bet
OnlineHost: Susetchka has left the room.
LEPerky: niters, Suse.
B5CL Drows: Ok, say Hi to Tap, Suse.
LEPerky: Tap’s got the Cafe tonight?
B5CL Drows: Oh, yeah, Tap’s holding court in the EC.
Ttogrehram: Perky, ok, I won’t eat Firfly.
LEPerky: I’m staying right here.
LEPerky: Thank you Tt.
B5CL Drows: Fire, yep, and activated by my brain waves, too. {S evilaugh}
B5CL Drows: Fire, yep, and activated by my brain waves, too. {S evilaugh}
TygerEyez1: Ditto that, Perk.
FireFly927: I thank you too Tt
FireFly927: Yikes
LEPerky: only someone else ca….. never mind.
LEPerky: {S pxymuha
Ttogrehram: Perky!
TygerEyez1: Fire if you need a tyger’s protection….just holler.
FireFly927: {S muhahaha
FireFly927: Okay! Tyger
TygerEyez1: ::smiles::
B5CL Drows: Tyger trained under the late, lamented Khenmu, he can take care of himself.
Ttogrehram: Tyger, let’s see If I share any salad with you next time I make some.
FireFly927: LOL
LEPerky: LOL, Drows.
LEPerky: ack.. brb, afk……..
TygerEyez1: Just trying to be nice…..sheesh.
TygerEyez1: :::glares at Drows:::
FireFly927: ::downs a shot in his honor::
FireFly927: {S burp
B5CL Drows: Tyger, it’s sort of an inside joke, refering to a previous SN I used.
Ttogrehram: ::::::::::Goes out of FAL with a bug Net to get some salad…….BRB, 5 Mins.::::::::::
OnlineHost: Bigdan717 has entered the room.
TygerEyez1: all right then……
B5CL Drows: And a certain time the EC was nicknamed, “The B5 Innuendo and Tech Help Room”. ROFL
Bigdan717: IL’vok all
FireFly927: pretty close Drows
B5CL Drows: Bigdan717, did you know that TNT has the opening credits for all 5 seasons
B5CL Drows: available to download at their web site? Check in the Archives.
OnlineHost: Ttogrehram has left the room.
FireFly927: Hi Dan
TygerEyez1: all right!!!! All right!!!! I give up!!!!!!!!
Bigdan717: Actually, firefly927, this isn’t Dan.
Bigdan717: But the match is close.
FireFly927: ::lands on Perky’s shoulder::
LEPerky: Back!!!
FireFly927: wb Hun
LEPerky: ::nuzzles Fire::
OnlineHost: B5CL Rangr has entered the room.
FireFly927: then its Big who?
B5CL Drows: Well met, B5CL Rangr the foods fresh, the people are fresher. ๐Ÿ˜‰
Bigdan717: IL’vok, Rangr
FireFly927: Hi Ranger
Bigdan717: Well, his name is Dan, but this isn’t him.
LEPerky: {{{{{{{{{{{{Rangr}}}}}}}}}}} {S smooch
TygerEyez1: Hiya Rangr.
B5CL Rangr: Howdy all
FireFly927: k
LEPerky: sheesh….:::puts splint on right wrist:::
B5CL Rangr: just doing my rounds
FireFly927: ::looks at Perk:: wheres mine? ::turns cheek::
LEPerky: Is that all we are to you Rangr? Rounds?
B5Delenn1: hi Rangr
B5CL Rangr: well, time for Red Dwarf
LEPerky: ::grins:: {S slobkiss} fire!
FireFly927: ::glows intensly::
B5CL Drows: Enjoy the show, B5CL Rangr.
B5CL Rangr: night all
LEPerky: I don’t feel round!
OnlineHost: B5CL Rangr has left the room.
Bigdan717: IL’zok, rangr
FireFly927: Oh Baby!……..{S smooch
FireFly927: ::smiles::
LEPerky: Fire, Drows is gonna yell at us if we keep that up.
OnlineHost: B5Delenn1 has left the room.
FireFly927: You think?
B5CL Drows: Oh, god, would you guys get a room? Sheesh. ROFL
FireFly927: heh heh
OnlineHost: CBax359253 has entered the room.
LEPerky: See? ROFL
Bigdan717: IL’vok, cbax
FireFly927: and he didnt even list the staple gun either
Log Count: There were 6 member(s) in Fresh Air Lounge at 07:30 PM
LEPerky: Drows, dear….. :::sneaks at {S smooch} to you::
FireFly927: lift even
LEPerky: LOL, Fire… YET!
B5CL Drows: Welcome to Fresh Air Lounge CBax359253, the most bizarre room this side of
B5CL Drows: Earth Dome!e
FireFly927: Hi CB
B5CL Drows: ::reprograms staple gun to automatically nail over-active hormone addicts::
TygerEyez1: Yuck…all of the sugar in this room is going to make my blood sugar go sky-high.
LEPerky: ::snorts::
B5CL Drows: Yeah, and I’m hypoglycemic, too, Tyger.
LEPerky: Tygerrrrr you want a {S pxygrrr} instead?
B5CL Drows: ::rolls eyes::::รฐยฟรฐ-^:::rolls eyes:::
FireFly927: lol
OnlineHost: CBax359253 has left the room.
FireFly927: {S razz
TygerEyez1: I like that better, yesssssssssssssss
B5CL Drows: Too much sugar makes me cranky.
LEPerky: {S tigger
LEPerky: Drows.. you cranky?
B5CL Drows: Only with TOSC’s, Perky. ๐Ÿ™‚
LEPerky: Hmmm… scratches head… yup! seen it.
LEPerky: oh.. okay.
TygerEyez1: and me…….usually.
B5CL Drows: I don’t get cranky with you, Tyger, I just tease a lot.
LEPerky: TOSC’s? chats? idiots? ?
TygerEyez1: ::grins::
B5CL Drows: TOSC=”Terms of Service Challenged”
TygerEyez1: another personal philosophy of mine: If I don’t pick on you..I don’t like you.
FireFly927: AH!
LEPerky: Ah… ::looks around:::
LEPerky: Well, then Tygerrr that explains why you were quiet earlier.
B5CL Drows: The term SNERT isn’t exacly TOS friendly, anymore.
FireFly927: Im sort of Pixie challenged myself
TygerEyez1: ???????
FireFly927: heehee
LEPerky: sheesh.. PiC
LEPerky: yes you are, dear.
FireFly927: ::smiles::
TygerEyez1: explain, Perky.
OnlineHost: Ttogrehram has entered the room.
LEPerky: Politically inCorrect
OnlineHost: BABnut6 has entered the room.
LEPerky: PiC
Bigdan717: IL’vok, ttogrehram
LEPerky: just made it up.
B5CL Drows: Welcome back, Ttogrehram.
TygerEyez1: not that…..about your earlier comment.
Bigdan717: IL’vok, BABnut6
FireFly927: Hi Bab………wb Tt
BABnut6: hello
Bigdan717: I’m in instant message land here, I’ll go.
OnlineHost: Bigdan717 has left the room.
LEPerky: Oh.. you were being quiet, cause there were lots of TOSC’s here.
LEPerky: right?
B5CL Drows: Hello BABnut6, have you seen the new “River of Souls” images at the TNT
B5CL Drows: Bayblon 5 site?
Ttogrehram: ::::::::::Comes in with His special salad, 30 insect species in every bite:::::::::
TygerEyez1: Nope….just being quiet for a change.
LEPerky: K
TygerEyez1: it doesn’t happen very often….enjoy it.
LEPerky: yeech, Tt.
OnlineHost: BRAIN 2479 has entered the room.
BABnut6: nope
OnlineHost: CmdrCool has entered the room.
B5CL Drows: She was being quite so we could more readily apreciate her “rowdy” times.
OnlineHost: CmdrCool has left the room.
Ttogrehram: :::::::Proceeds to eat salad:::::::::
BRAIN 2479: hi
B5CL Drows: Hiya BRAIN 2479, CmdrCool. let me know if
B5CL Drows: you need a link to one of the Babylon 5 sites with updated information about the
B5CL Drows: show.
LEPerky: Ah.. that must be it!!
TygerEyez1: :::narrows eyes:::
BRAIN 2479: oh shut up
OnlineHost: BRAIN 2479 has left the room.
LEPerky: I’m stayin outta this one!
Ttogrehram: Tiger, you aren’t even allowed to ask about my Salad.
B5CL Drows: Perky, smart move.
OnlineHost: BABnut6 has left the room.
TygerEyez1: Don’t worry, Ttog.
LEPerky: ::flits up to rafters:::
Ttogrehram: ::::::::Starts trying to climb up to rafters:::::::::::
LEPerky: Drows, what is your Friday night chat schedule?
LEPerky: don’t go there, Tt.
B5CL Drows: There are 5 “post cards” from “River of Soul’s” uploaded at the TNT web
B5CL Drows: site, one of them is Martin Sheen in make up.
OnlineHost: B5 Alien has entered the room.
B5CL Drows: I have about 20 minutes or so left, Perky.
LEPerky: huh? different B5 Alien?
FireFly927: Hi Alien
Ttogrehram: Perky, I just want my Shadow back.
LEPerky: Tt.. only if you behave.
B5CL Drows: Hello, B5 Alien, updated and printable
B5CL Drows: schedules of the show air times can be found at TNT’s web site.
TygerEyez1: Alien?
FireFly927: BB?
OnlineHost: B5 Alien has left the room.
LEPerky: Tygerrrrr, different Alien.
FireFly927: guess not!
TygerEyez1: has to be.
LEPerky: OUR Alien is BB5Alien.
OnlineHost: Killa1855 has entered the room.
TygerEyez1: that’s what I thought…..confused me for a second there.
B5CL Drows: Hey Killa1855, WB
FireFly927: ::wiggles antennae::
Killa1855: Drows, just stopped by to say hi
B5CL Drows: Hi back.
FireFly927: Hi Killa
Killa1855: …and nite… FIRE!!!!
LEPerky: Hmmmm… love those antennae.
Killa1855: Hi good lookin!
Ttogrehram: Firefly, wnat some of my Salad? :::::::”Smiles”::::::::
TygerEyez1: Hi Killa.
FireFly927: ::wiggles them harder::
Killa1855: Hey Tyg
TygerEyez1: I’m still being sort of quiet.
LEPerky: ::locks Tt’s shadow back in the tripled chained safty box::
OnlineHost: Bichonlori has entered the room.
FireFly927: Nope!….had 3 double cheeseburgers today
B5CL Drows: Quiet isn’t a bad thing, Tyger.
Bichonlori: hi all
Ttogrehram: Perky, what??????????? I was being nice!
LEPerky: Hello, Lori.
TygerEyez1: You hush up, Drows.
B5CL Drows: Bichonlori, how are you today!
FireFly927: Hi Lori
LEPerky: Oh, Okay, Tt….
LEPerky: ::flits down warily from rafters:::
B5CL Drows: Tyger, hey, now, I was being nice. Supportive too.
Killa1855: ACK! LEP, you almost tempted me into saying something TOSable!
Killa1855: LOL!
LEPerky: me,? I did what?
Bichonlori: me ok
TygerEyez1: :::arches eyebrow::: supportive, huh?
TygerEyez1: now why does that frighten me to the very core of my being???
B5CL Drows: I’ve been known to be quiet myself on occasion, I was saying it’s not
B5CL Drows: necessarily a bad thing, yes?
TygerEyez1: true. I’ll buy that.
Ttogrehram: I have never been able to keep quiet.
OnlineHost: Susetchka has entered the room.
FireFly927: thanks for the hot tip Tt
LEPerky: ::very carefully unlocks container and hands Tt back
LEPerky: his shadow:: Just remember, I can always snatch it
FireFly927: wb Suse
LEPerky: back again, Tt.
B5CL Drows: Re-hi Susetchka, we saved your place.
Susetchka: {S hidhidho
TygerEyez1: I usually am quiet IRL.
Susetchka: Thx
LEPerky: WB, Suse!
Ttogrehram: ::::::::Tries using his Shadow::::::
Susetchka: It’s warm too. Who’s been sitting in my place? ::glares around:: <g>
TygerEyez1: wb Sus.
FireFly927: lol
LEPerky: Tt… I don’t even get a thank you?
B5CL Drows: Well, I’m really not a brash, outspoken ego-maniac, I just play one online.
LEPerky: Sheesh!
TygerEyez1: ::::walks back to chair…removes whoopie cushion, and sits down:::
Killa1855: Drows?
LEPerky: Drows. … Hmmm can’t comment on that.
Susetchka: lol
B5CL Drows: Yes, Killa?
Ttogrehram: ::::::::::Pulls plug on electric butt warmer that he Installed in Suse’s seat:::::::
Killa1855: Are you guys plotting against me?
Killa1855: I gotta get outta here before I forget not to say it!!!!
LEPerky: Never, Killa.
TygerEyez1: Tell us another one, Drows.
Killa1855: Nighers!
B5CL Drows: I never plot against people, I leave that for others, I just help out.
Susetchka: Thx Tt. i coulda used it this morning. I hate cold bathrooms…
TygerEyez1: Nite Killa.
OnlineHost: Killa1855 has left the room.
B5CL Drows: Nite Killa.
Susetchka: {{{Killa}}}
FireFly927: later Killa
LEPerky: And you are ALWAYS so helpful, Drows!
Log Count: There were 7 member(s) in Fresh Air Lounge at 07:45 PM
B5CL Drows: But not always in a way people want, eh Perky?
LEPerky: Yeppers, Drows.
LEPerky: Kinda like me with words…..
TygerEyez1: Perky….Drows is the type to help someone off of a cliff. ::grins and ducks for cover::
OnlineHost: LORDZIBA has entered the room.
LEPerky: ::snickers::
FireFly927: ::points to staple holes in tognue::
Susetchka: bbl
OnlineHost: LORDZIBA has left the room.
OnlineHost: Susetchka has left the room.
B5CL Drows: Tyger, depends on teh person and how much they’re earned that bit of assistance.
TygerEyez1: ::giggles::
B5CL Drows: LORDZIBA, I hope you’ve had your shots,
B5CL Drows: there’s another outbreak of “Rerun Fever” expected to last until October 28th.
LEPerky: Drows, you have seen the Pic of FireFly without his
LEPerky: er, showing the results of that stapling incident,
LEPerky: haven’t you?
B5CL Drows: Are those the ones that got posted to the Web?
LEPerky: Hmmm Assim’s web site, Drows.
Ttogrehram: Drows, what do you dislike more? Rats………or the things Rats leave behind?
B5CL Drows: Rat’s in general, actually.
FireFly927: lol
TygerEyez1: ::wrinkles nose:: Rats??? blechhhh
B5CL Drows: Even the one’s that hang out in the White House Press room.
LEPerky: ick… nice subject.. NOT!!!
FireFly927: ::remembers Paul Lindes comment on thr Rat race::
Ttogrehram: My cat brought me a Live rat, let it go in the House, and I spent the night eliminating a ve
Ttogrehram: rmin in my house.
LEPerky: Oh oh.. Rusty’s online.. expect incoming wavs…
FireFly927: lol
B5CL Drows: You all heard about the reporter that ran into a real rat in the Press Room, right?
TygerEyez1: what, Drows?
LEPerky: Drows… nope! Do tell.
FireFly927: nope
Ttogrehram: Drows, yes.
LEPerky: And I life in the general area… sheesh!
LEPerky: live, even {S typosex
FireFly927: ::sees preminitions of doom and gloom::
B5CL Drows: The other day, a reporter saw a live rat around the White House Press
B5CL Drows: Room, on the way to a press conference. Mike McCurry turned it into a
B5CL Drows: joke at the presses expense.
TygerEyez1: cool….I like that.
LEPerky: So what’s the punch line, Drows?
Ttogrehram: They Caught him when It tried to mate with David Brinkley’s hair.
LEPerky: ICK!! :;wrinkles nose::
FireFly927: {S rofl
TygerEyez1: next subject, please!!!!!
LEPerky: {S lol
B5CL Drows: “We are working on exterimating all the “rat’s” in the White House
B5CL Drows: Press Room (add suitable evil grin to Mike’s face)”
FireFly927: Thank god it wasnt Walter Cronkites
OnlineHost: Onglashoc has entered the room.
LEPerky: Oh very good!
LEPerky: That would get rid of 95% of them, now, wouldn’t it?
OnlineHost: Bichonlori has left the room.
B5CL Drows: Hiya Onglashoc. let me know if you need a
FireFly927: Hi Ongla
B5CL Drows: link to one of the Babylon 5 sites with updated information about the show.
LEPerky: Uncle Walt has hair?
LEPerky: Is Uncle Walt still around?
Onglashoc: Thanks, not right now
B5CL Drows: The inference was, I suppose, to the press being some kind of vermin. I
B5CL Drows: thought it was hysterical.
LEPerky: So do I, Drows.
Onglashoc: Hi all
TygerEyez1: ditto.
Ttogrehram: Drows, what is a RAT doing in the white house?
LEPerky: Hello, Ongla
LEPerky: Tt.. just living.
B5CL Drows: Ttogrehram, reporting the news. {S rimshot}
Onglashoc: The white is infested with them
TygerEyez1: <—-am very mellow right now.
OnlineHost: Clan222 has entered the room.
FireFly927: Hi Clan!
Ttogrehram: AFK
Clan222: Hi all!!!
TygerEyez1: Hi Clan.
B5CL Drows: I appologize to any member’s of the Press the previous statement may have offended.
LEPerky: {{{{{{{{CLAN222}}}}}}}
OnlineHost: Bichonlori has entered the room.
B5CL Drows: Join us in chatting about our favorite show,
B5CL Drows: Clan222.
LEPerky: Yes, Drows.. always PC.
Bichonlori: hi drows
Clan222: Hi Drows
FireFly927: wb Lori
OnlineHost: B5Silver 1 has entered the room.
B5CL Drows: Perky, in Uniform, yes. >:-)
B5CL Drows: B5Silver 1, c’mon in and try the Spoo, it’s fresh.
LEPerky: It’s rough, isn’t it, Drows!
TygerEyez1: :::giggles:::
Clan222: Perk thanks for the Lome Bday note..I sent her a Belated greeting
LEPerky: Silver!!
B5CL Drows: Perky, eh, it has it’s perks.
FireFly927: Hi Silver!
LEPerky: lol, Drows.
OnlineHost: B5Silver 1 has left the room.
Clan222: Hey Ttog How are ya/
LEPerky: dang. that was quick.
B5CL Drows: Public Service Announcement and 5 Minute
B5CL Drows: Warning
B5CL Drows: ~*~ Heads up Folks ! Don’t be fooled ! Only *official* B5 chat hosts can use
B5CL Drows: “B5CL” in the beginning of their Screen Name. This is the only official Staff for
B5CL Drows: the Eclipse Cafe and Fresh Air Lounge.
LEPerky: oh pooh.. Drow’s leaving.
LEPerky: {S razz
OnlineHost: B5Silver 1 has entered the room.
B5CL Drows: In 5, yes.
TygerEyez1: ::sighs::
LEPerky: WB CW.
B5Silver 1: hello from texarkana tx
LEPerky: ack… Silver.
B5CL Drows: Re-hi B5Silver 1, we saved your place.
B5Silver 1: hey room hows it hangin
TygerEyez1: :::::perks up at the word Texas:::::
Clan222: Everyone havin a great Fri nite?
FireFly927: I see Texas is out in force tonight
LEPerky: Clan.. mostly!
TygerEyez1: ::::grins broadly::::
Clan222: Hey Silver (Tex)
OnlineHost: Susetchka has entered the room.
LEPerky: WB, Suse.
Susetchka: Thx.
Clan222: Hiya Suse
B5Silver 1: only here at the terminal…
TygerEyez1: wb Suse.
B5CL Drows: Well, some of the more “active” chatters are from the Lone Star State. ๐Ÿ™‚
FireFly927: Back for long Suse?
B5CL Drows: See, I told you guys Susetchka’d be back.
TygerEyez1: :::clears throat::: Ahem.
LEPerky: NGSI, Drows.
FireFly927: heehee
TygerEyez1: you’re obviously not talking about me, then.
Susetchka: Yep. No more Tap. Some whiners over there..
LEPerky: ::snickers::
OnlineHost: Bichonlori has left the room.
B5CL Drows: Tyger, why, of course not. ::whistles::
Clan222: Whose whinning?
Susetchka: “No one’s talking to me…”
LEPerky: Drows, Will CL Nost be on tonight?
FireFly927: Whiners?
Susetchka: {{{Clan}}}
B5Silver 1: texarkana is one of our truck terminals
Clan222: ๐Ÿ™‚
OnlineHost: Lavender7 has entered the room.
B5CL Drows: Not sure, Perky. I don’t have the current schedule memorized. Let me check.
FireFly927: Hi Lav
OnlineHost: EnsPaxASG has entered the room.
Clan222: Texarkana is a pretty town..been thru there
Lavender7: Hi Fire
LEPerky: thanks, Drows.
TygerEyez1: Drows, don’t make me have to wallop you.
FireFly927: Hi Pax
Lavender7: Beat you to it, Pax
OnlineHost: CmdrCool has entered the room.
Lavender7: ::smiles as she sits down::
EnsPaxASG: ::walks in with Cigar hang out of mouth:: You beat me to everything. ::winks::
B5Silver 1: want yall to say hello to one our other drivers,…her name is shirley
CmdrCool: hello all
PowerChat: *** Entered Fresh Air Lounge on 9/25/98 at 07:59 PM ***
EnsPaxASG: ::sits down across from Lav and takes a drag::
FireFly927: ::wiggles antennae::
LEPerky: and the answer is? drows?
B5Silver 1: hello how are all of you
CmdrCool: ::sits by pax::hey
CmdrCool: fine
Lavender7: Hi Clan
B5CL Drows: Wrong button. Schedule says she’s Scheduled for 11 PM in the EC, Perky.
EnsPaxASG: Que tal, Sir?
Lavender7: ::searches for a lighter::
LEPerky: thanks, Drows.
B5CL Drows: Well, time for me to leave, you’re all
B5CL Drows: welcome to stay and enjoy the Fresh Air Lounge. If you need assistance, please
B5CL Drows: feel free to use KEYWORD: I Need Help or KEYWORD: Notify AOL to report
B5CL Drows: violations. Bye for now!! ๐Ÿ˜‰
Clan222: Great Shirley hows by you???
LEPerky: Niters, Drows!

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